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FARMERS DEATH CLOTHES CAUGHT IN POWER DRIVE OF DIGGER A verdict that death was due to in juries accidentally received was give: by the Ashburton Coroner (Mr E. C Bathurst) at the inquest yesterday oi William Alexander McPhail, aged 41 married farmer of Mitcham, who dice 9n June 14 after being seriously injured by the power drive of his po tato-digging plant on the farm of Mi W. E. S. Cain, at Highbank. , Euan A. Haslett said that he stepped on to the tractor to relieve McPhail Who passed behind him. The engine stalled, so witness looked round. He saw McPhail caught up on the driving shaft between the tractor and the dig§er, his overcoat, coat, and trouser; eing torn off, • Dr. P. J. Brown said that JVJcPhar was admitted to the Ashburton Public Hospital and died without regaining consciousness. The cause of death wa; fracture of the skull, spine, and lefl arm. PLUNKET SOCIETY ASHBURTON BRANCH MEETS A credit balance of £272, compared with £333. in the previous year, wa: shown in the financial statement placed i before the Ashburton branch of the Plunket Society, at its annual meeting yesterday. There was also a credit balance of £169 in the motor-car account. The» report said that £l9 had beer: collected for the memorial to Sit Truby King. There were 274 new babies for the year, compared with 278 the year before. In the towr 709 . visits had been made to homes during the year by Plunket nurses and tnere were 8135 visits to the Plunket rooms. In the country there were 1026 visits to homes and 3475 visits tc rooms. Officers elected were:—President Mrs P. W. Seldon; vice-presidents Mesdames H. L. Barker, E. H. Orr, J H. Grigg, E. Ruddock, J. T. Thomas and Miss E. Gates; honorary secretary Mrs P. S. Bomfant; honorary treasurer Miss E. W. Pilbrow; committee, Mesdames A. Amos, J. Bathgate, D. A Bird. A. Brown, A. Bushell, L. E. Carter, L- W- Christmas, J. Connor, P. A, Cornish. D- Fitzgerald, G. A. Gilchrist J. H, Grigg, C. Jennings, C. M. Inqes, W. R. Lane, R. C. Major, G. I. Miller, A. A. McDonald, A. Mcßean, E. B. Newton, E. H. Orr, H. E. Parsons, E. Ruddock, W. R. Ryburn, J. T. Thomas W. Tinker, R. J- Tucker, R. S. Watson J. R. Wells, W. H. Woods, Sister Mildred and Misses C. Cameron and E C. Gates; country delegates, Mesdames H. White and C. W. Anderson (Eiffelton), D. Mcßae and A. Bond (Coldstream), R. H. Butterick and J- McQuillan (Hinds), J. W. McKergow and Miss J- McCormick (Mayfield), Mesdames D. G. Pritchett and R. G. M Dart (Methven). E. W. Roberts and D. Stevens (Mount Somers), A. C. Nlcoll and E. Moon (Rakaia); honorary solicitor. Mr L. A. Charles; honorary auditor. Mr W. B. Thomas; advisory board, Messrs W. H. Woods, J. T, Thomas. E. F. Nicoll, A. Bushell, L. A Charles, Dr. J. R. Wells, and Dr. G I. Miller; car committee. Messrs J. T Thomas and E. F. Nicoll. Mrs A. N. Grigg spoke on Margaret Morris exercises. _ ■ _ The Mayor (Dr. G. I. Miller) presided. n - CULTIVATION OF LINEfr FLAX APPEAL TO MID-CANTERBURY FARMERS An appeal for the growing of linei flax in the Mid -Canterbury distnc was made by Mr R. McGillivray Superintendent of the Fields Divisior of the Department of Agriculture Christchurch, at a meeting of the MidCanterbury executive of the New Zealand Farmers’ Union at Ashburton yes tsrdsv The'need for linen production wai discussed by Mr McGillivray, who saic that a minimum payment of £5 ar acre would be made to growers, ever if their crops failed. A ton of deseeded straw —30 inches long—woulc he worth £45 a ton, and bonuses o. 5s a ton would be paid for good quality straw, free of weeds. Pure seec from the crops would be worth ■df ton. In the Ashburton County trial! Had shown that crops sown in tm middle of October could be harvester by the middle of February. The lengtl Of straw depended upon the qualm of the land, provided that a reasonable rainfall was obtained. At the conclusion of the talk, tm president (Mr T. V. Wilkinson), whe presided, and Messrs G. Gerard and H Jj. Qhisnall (vice-presidents) were ap pointed a committee to elect a dele gate for the electoral college of tht Meat Board. After discussion of tht temporary nature of such appoint ments, and a need for continuity o: service, it was decided to recomment the committee to consider the appoint ment of a suitable person to repre sent Mid-Canterbury, for whateve’ period it considered necessary, and t( instruct the delegates to suggest t< the Meat Board that Mid-Canterbur; be made a separate area for the elec t|ori of delegates to the conference. Messrs R; Dunkley, L. L. Aitken, an< G. Gerard were elected to a remit committee. After discussion of a circular fron the Methven Union urging a mora torium for mortgages overdue, or fall ihg due on farms where owners ha< kept up payments as well as produc tibn, it was decided to refer the mat ter to the agenda of the next Pomin ion conference. Another remit for the Domlnioi conference was passed as follows: "That special licences for farmers transport vehicles be made available a a nominal fee, farmers being charge( the price of E plates only.” The meeting decided to send to th< Dominion conference a remit drawinj the Government's attention to th< way in which it had fixed the price o potatoes after appealing for increase! production. It was claimed that man) farmers could not receive more thai £J a ton for their crop, which wai rhiicn below the present-day cost nearly all labour involved in growinf potatoes being at the rate of 16s a day It was considered -that the Government had broken faith with the growers and it seemed inevitable that nex season there would be a big drop Ir production. Mr R. Oakley said that growinj potatoes was not considered to be hj the same category as growing food stuffs lor England, RED CROSS AT PORIE ' An enjoyable dance organised b) the Doric sub-branch of the Red Cros: Society was held recently to raist funds for the Sick, Wounded, and Dis tress Fund. Mr Taylor’s band supplied the musk and extras were played by Mr Suthe fan and Mp <3. Alexander, Noveltj dances were won py Mr and Mrs H Curfey. Sever a! competitions werf held apd sweets were sold by children The net proceeds amounted to £2l 7$ 9d- With this and money collected with a house-to-house canvass aboui £52 was banded in to the fund.

POULTRY SHOW AT ASHBURTON ► EXHIBITS OF HIGH QUALITY The high quality of exhibits and the ( jj keenness of competition in all classes , were features of , the Ashburton Fanciers -j Society’s winter show, which opened at Ashburton yesterday. Entries compared ). favourably with those of last year, both ir in number and merit. In many cases those of local breeders set a high stan_i dard comparable to the exhibits of visit- , ing exhibitors. . , , _ L At the show to-day the cat and dog 0 sections, which are a record for Ashbure ton, will be judged. s Championships and awards of cups der. cided yesterday were; —South Island l c championship fpr blue, cobalt, or mauve 51 budgerigar: L. A. Cockerlll (Balclutha). .. South Island championship for Black Orv it pington. female, open: B. Kelly (Ashburc ton). Murdoch Bruce Cup for best light g breed in poultry section: W. Cummings. A. L. Jones Cup for best bird in show: ‘t D. McKic (Christchurch). Davis Memorial Cup for best cock or pullet in show; D. McKio. Collet Cup for best utility Black Minorca, cock or pullet: ft. 11. Loy (Ashburton). Peter Donald Memorial Cup for best BTaek Orpington: Q. B. Kelly. Robilliard trophy for best bird opposite in sex to winner of A. L. Jones Cup: W. Cummings. Ancona Cup for best Ancona in ; show: A. J. Tate. ’ Winners of special prizes tvere:—W. Cummings; best light breed; D. McKie. best heavy breed; G. H. Nicoll, Orpmg- , ton: A. J. Tate, Anconas; L. Skilling, a Hamburgs: Mrs G. Nicoll, bantams; K. F. is Smith, utility Leghorns: T. Findlay, utility d Orpingtons; R. H. Loy. utility Minorcas. e PRIZE LIST g it, Poultry Section OPEN CLASSES (Judges: Messrs J. F. Hayhurst, W. TulD loch, and J. Gobbe.) r Modern Game—Any other variety, cock (1): J. Meikle 1. Hen (1): J. Meikle 1 Z, and special. Cockerel U): J. Meikle 1. n Pullet (1): J. Meikle 1. n Old English Game—Black red. hen (4). IS j. M. Rigby 1,2, and 3; Any other colour, :s cockerel (1): J. M. Digby 1. i- Leghorns—White single comb, cockerel e (1): w. Cummings 1. Pullet (1); W. Cum. n mings 1. Black single comb, hen (1): R. Pearce I. Cockerel (2): R. Pearce 1, G. , D. Gobbe 2. Pullet (3): R. Pearce X and L special, G. D. Gobbe 2. 3, Andalusians —Cockerel (1): D. A. CrawI. ford 1, , 3, Minorcas—Cockerel (1): W. Cummings’ f 1. Pullet (1): W. Cummings 1. Anconas —Cock (1): A. J. Tate 1. Hen ■ (2): A. J. Tate 1, R. Pearce 2. Cockerel '■ (3); A. J. Tate 1 and 3, R. Pearce 2, L - Pullet (5): A. J. Tate 1,2, 3, and special. Hamburgs—Golden pencilled, cock (3); u R. F. Smith 1 and 2, L. Skilling 3, t. Cockerel (4): XX. F. Smith X and , special, T. Findlav 2. L, Skilling 3. Pullet (10); T. Findlay 1, T. Spicer ;• 2. R. F. Smith 3. Silver spangled, cock (3) L. Skilling 1 and special, N. Nordic strom 2. E. J. Tucker 3. Hen (3): E. J. s. Tucker X and special, N. Nordstrom 2. l. Cockerel (2): L. Skilling I. N. Nordstrom I- 2. Pullet (3): N. Nordstrom X and 3, ? L. Skilling 2. Black, cock (X): R. F. ,4 Smith X. Hen (X): R. F. Smith X. Langshans—Hen (1): C. L. Burt 1. ' Cockerel (X): C. L. Burt 1. Pullet (X): i- C. L. Burt X. i- Orpingtons—Black cock (2); B. Kelly 1. d T. Findlay 2. Hen (6): B. Kelly 1 and i- special, G, H. Nicoll 2 and 3. Cockerel r (5): G. 11, Nicoll I. 2, and special, E. J C. Baker 3. Pullet (5); G. H. Nicoll X , and 2. B. Kelly 3. Buff or cinnamon, " cock (1); A. M. Bruce 1. Hen (2); A. y M. Bruce 1,2. and special. Cockerel Y (X); R. F. Smith X. Pullet (2): A. M. y Bruce X and 2. „ Wvandottes—Silver, hen (X): F. H. i. Lovell X. Cockerel (X): F. H. Lovell 1. < Any other colour, lien (1): T. Findlay X. V Sussex—Light, cock (X): Mrs J. D. Murdoch X and special. Hen (X); Mrs J. D. . Murdoch X. Cockerel (2): J. D. Murdoch it X and 2. Pullet (2): J. D. Murdoch X ;- an ßho"de Island Reds —Hen (X): T. King 1. Cockerel (1): D. A. McKie 1. Open Selling. Heavy Breeds —Hen (2). A. A. Cox X, G. H. Nicoll 2. Bantams—Modern game, black red or brown red, cockerel (1): W. Turvey X. Pullet (1): W. Turvey 1. Any other variety, cockerel (1): W. Cummings X. Pullet (1): W. Cummings 1. Black rosecomb, cockerel (X): W. Turvey X. Pullet (X): W. Turvey 1. Buff or cin- / namon Pekin, cock (3): Bruce Suttie X 1 and special, Miss J. Skilling 2, A. J. Bennison 3. Hen (3): Miss J. Skilling 1, Miss J. Nicoll 2, T. Nicoll 3. Cockerel (4) Miss J. Nicoll 1, Bruce Suttie 2 and 3. Pullet (4): Miss J. Nicoll 1 and special, , n Bruce Suttie 2, A. J. Bennison 3. Black n Pekin, cock (X): Bruce Suttie X and special. Pullet (X): W. Cummings 1. ~ Juvenile Class—Pekin, any variety,, in >• pairs (2): R. Smith 1. T. Nicoll 2. n r . . UTILITY CLASSES Leghorns—White, single comb, cock (2): l ~ E. Tilley 1. R. F. Smith 2. Hen (4): W. l- A. Strachan X and special, E. Tilley 2, R. 3- F. Smith 3. Cockerel (4): E. TUley 1 and special, R. F, Smith 2 and 3. Pullet (9). ~ R. F. Smith 1. 2. and 3. Brown, single ‘if comb, cockerel (2): O. C. Morriss X. Pul- « let (X): Mrs G. M.-Xatimer X. n Anconas—Cock (2): R. Pearce 1 and n special, A. J. Tate 2. Hen (4): A. J. Tate X and special, L. W. Cox 2 and 3. H Cockerel (4): R. Pearce X, A. J. Tate 2, f- D. R. Crawford 3. Puiiet (7): A. J. Tate 31 X W. F. Smitheram 2. D. R. Crawford 3. i- ’Minorcas—Hen (2): R. H. Loy X, T. d Findlay 2. Cockerel (3): R. H. Loy X, !5 specials, and 2, T. Findlay 3. Pullet (4): IS R. H. Loy X and special, T. Findlay 2. „ Wvandottes —Silver, cock (X): T. Find’S lay 1. Hen (2): F. H. Lovell 1, T. Find- , lav 2. Cockerel (1): F. H. Lovell 1. n Orpingtons—Black, cock (2); G. Dy Gobbe 1. Hen (4): B. Kelly X and i- special, G. H. Nicoll 2. J. D. Gfobbe . 3. Cockerel (5): G. H. Nicoll 1 and special, E. C. Bqker 2; B. Kelly 3. Pullet (6); G. 1 ■ L. Burt X, E. C. Baker 2, F. G. Herridge ■° 3. Buff or cinnamon, cock (4): M. Bruce L 1, T. Findlay 2, R. F. Smith 3. Hen (6); )- T. Findlay 1 and special, R. F. Smith 2. j. m. Bruce 3. Cockerel (4): Mrs F. G. Herridge X, R. F. Smith 2, M. Brupe 3. £ Pullet (8): T. Findlay 1, R. F. Smith 2, J. ! • M. Casey 3. A „ t“ Australorps—Cock (2): A. J. Bennison Xf 1. Hen (11): D. A. McKie 1, F. G. Herid ridge 2, G. H. Nicoll 3. Cockerel (13); t- A. J. Bennison I and special/ C. Pritchard 2 and 3. Pullet (12): W. T. Lowe 1 and “ 3. G. H. Nicoll 2. , Sussex —Light, hen (X): J. D. Murdoch X. t 0 Cockerel (2): J. D. Murdoch 1 and 2. PuXto jet (2): J. D. Murdoch 1 and 2. •y Rhode Island Reds—Hen (1): D. A. McKie 1. Cockerel (1): T. King 1. Selling—Heavy breeds, cockerel (3): T. j Nicoll 1, special, and 2, B. Kelly 3. Id Novice Classes—Light breeds, cockerel ts (i); g. Glenie X. Ducks—Pekin, duck (1): F. G. Herridge rn X. Pekin, drake (X): F. G. Herridge X. Pekin, duck, under 12 months (4); G. Suti tie I, 2,3, and special. Pekin, drake, under 12 months (2): G. Suttie 1, F. G. Herridge 2. Khaki Campbell, duck, > uhdei i ’12 months (X): D. A. Crawford 1. t- Khaki Campbell, duck (1): A. J. Bennii- son 1. Khaki Campbell, drake (2): D. A. Crawford X, A. J. Bennison 2. Khaki Campbell, drake, under 12 months (1); D n A. Crawford 1. "T Geese —Gander (2): F. G. Herridge 1, S V. Digby 2. Goose (2): F. G. Herridge It 1. V. Rigby 2. id PIGEONS Pigmy Pouters—Cock or hen (1): C. Ie a. Gallop 1. ig FantaiXs —Cock or hen (1): C. A. Galie lop 1. Hinged cock or hen (1): C, A. if Gallop 1. a Modena —Cock or hen (1): C. A. Gal•t lop X. y Tumblers —Red, clean-legged, Tumbler n (X); q. A. Gallop 1. White Tumbler (X): IS C. A. Gallop 1. White, ringed. Tumbler t. (1): C. A- Gallop 1. a. Homers—Flying Homer (1): H. Holland 1. |r Flying Homer (most likely flyer), cock “• (1); H. Holland 1. Flying Homer (most l " likely flyer), hen (1): H. Holland 1. r ~ Juvenile Class —Plying Homer, cock or ct hen (2): Master N. Hanson 1, Master T. n Nicoll 2. Any other variety, cock or hen {\)\ T, Nicoll I. ig CAGE BIRDS in (Judge: Mr R. J. Thompson.) J- Yorkshire Canaries —Yellow, clear or invisible ticked, flighted, cock (3): G. Cartwright 1 and 2, W. Anderson 3. Hen (1): W. Anderson 1- Unfligbted, cock d): W. Anderson 1. Yellow, heavily variegated, flighted, cock (1): G. Cartwright I, Flighted, hen (2): J. Welsh 1, Buff, clear or invisible ticked, flighted, cock (2): J. Welsh 1, T. Anderson 2. Flighted, hen iv (2): W. Anderson I, G. Cartwright 2. Un,s flighted, cock (1): G, Lintott I. Buff, visible ticked, lightly variegated, flighted, se cock (2): J. Welsh 1 and 2, Flighted; 3. hen (2). J. Welsh 1. Q- Cartwright 2. Un. flighted, cock (1) : W. Anderson 1. Cinnamon. yellow, variegated, flighted, cock ic (X): G. Lintott 1. plighted, hen (2): <3. i- Lintott X, G. Cartwright 2. Unflighted, y cock (X): G. Cartwright 1. Unflighted, 1 Men (1) :W. Anderson 1. Cinnamon, huff. , G ‘ self, flighted, hen (1): F. G. Herridge 1. * Cinnamon, buff, variegated, flighted, hen L (-2); G Cartwright 1. G. Lintott 2. Uq■X flighted, copk (2): J. Welsh 1. cj Norwich Canaries —Yellow, clear or inlt visible ticked, flighted, epek (3): D. Ede 1, G. Cartwright 2 and 3. Yellow, visible

Fe ticked or lightly variegated, flighted, cock (1): Mrs G. Hobbs 1. Unflighted, cock (1): Mrs G. Hobbs 1. Yellow, heavily 2 variegated, flighted, hen (1): G. Cartwright r' 1. Unflighted, cock (1): G Cartwright ?• cock (1): G. Cartwright 1. Unflighted, hen (2): G. Lintott I, G- Cartwright 2. Buff, visible ticked or lightly variegated, P" flighted, cock (2); G. Cartwright 1, F. ». G. Herridge 2. Flighted, hen (1): Mrs G. i-j Hobbs 1. Unflighted, cock (J): G. Lintott 1. Unflighted, hen (2); G. Lintott 1, n Mrs G. Hobbs 2. Buff, heavily variegated, i flighted, cock (3): Mrs G. Hobbs 1, G. Cartwright 2 and 3. Cinnamon, yellow, variegated, unflighted, hen (1): Mrs G. Hobbs 1. Cinnamon, buff, self, flighted, ■ hen (1): G. Cartwright l. Unflighted, rp cock (1); G. Lintott 1. Cinnamon, buff. ■*" variegated, unflighted, hen (1): G. Lintott 1, Green, self, yejlow. or buff, flighted, fel cock (3) : G. Cartwright .1. Mrs G- Hobbs „ e 2. Unflighted, cock (1); G. Cartwright 1. 1. BUDGERIGARS it- (Judge: Mr G. Duggan.) r’ Novice Section-'-Llght green, cock, open .j,' (1): T. R. Childs 1. Hen. open (2): T. R. 1 Childs 1. Hen, novice (1): J. Glenie 1. .j ’ Dark green, cock, open (2): R. E. Mahan A 1 and special, G. O. Hamilton 2. Hen, .Vi open (1): G. O. Hamilton 1. Cock, novice D (2): J. Glenie 1. Olive green, cock, open (1); Mrs D. G. Overend 1. Cock, novice i (2): C. W. Worters 1. Light yellow, cock, open (5): R. E. Mahan 1 and special, ■ H. J. Conway 2, Mrs P. Cairns 3. Cock, novice (1): C. W. Worters 1. Hen, open (5): R. E. Mahan 1, D. N. Mahan 2, H. J. C. Conway 3. Dark yellow, hen, open (1): R. E. Mahan 1. Cock, novice (1): A. G. ll- Rudd 1. Olive yellow, cock, open (2): A. D. G. Overend 1, W. W. Ginn 2. Hen. open: W. W. Ginn 1. Sky-blue, codk, il- open (4): L. A. Cockerill 1 and special, P. Cairns 2, H. J. Conway 3. Hen, open er (3): P. Cairns 1, R. D, Overend 2. Cobalt 1): blue, cock,' open (7): R. E, Mahan 1. T. er R. Childs 2. G. O. Hamilton 3. Hen, open (1): G. O. Hamilton 1. Cock, novice (1): 1. J. F. McCormick 1. Mauve, cock, open ck (2): R. D. Overend 1. Hen, open (1): O. ist Hamilton 1. White, sky-blue suffusion, • open (2): D. G. Overend 1. Hen, open or (1): T. R. Childs 1. Cock, novice (1): T. C. W. Worters 1. Hen, novice (2): A. gn Mathieson 1 and special. White, cobalt suffusion, cock, open (2): R. E. Mahan 1. Hen. open (1). T. R. Childs 1. Hen, novice (1): A. G. Rudd 1. White, mauve suffusion, copk, open (3): D. N. Mahan 1, *}■ T. R. Childs 2. Hen, open (1): T. E. ■t- Childs 1. Greywing, light green, cock. open (4): T. R. Childs 1, R. D. Overend "• 2, P. E. Cairns 3. Cock, novice (1): A. Mathieson 1. Greywing, dark green, L cock, novice (1): J. F. McCormick I. Greys' vying, olive green, cock, novice (11; A- G. Rudd 1. Grey wing, sky-blue, cock, open en (2): T. R. Childs 1 and special. Hen, open (11: T. R. Childs 1. Cock, novice tti (}): A. G. Rudd 1. Grey wing, cobalt blue, ! ®i cock, open (1): T. R, Childs 1. Hen. open ; d> (1): T. R. Childs J. Cock, novice (X): J. h-’ F. McCormick I. Greywing,'mauve, cock, a ~ hpvice (1): A. Mathieson 1. Clearwings, or any other colour, cock, open (4): H. J. Conway 1, T.. R. Childs 2, R. D. Overend *}> ;j'. Hen, open (2): R. D. Overend I, Cock, S' novice (2): C. W. Worters X. Hen, novice *?■ (1): C. W. Worters 1. Talking budgeri- „ gars, cock, ooen (1): T. R. Childs 1." “H. Pair and Team' Glasses —Pair yellow or H 7 preen, cock and hen (3): W. W. Ginn 1, T. R. Childs 2. Pair greywings or silh* vers, cock and hen (1): T.. R, Childs 1. }' Parakeets —Cock and hen (2): T. R. Childs * e (equal) I.

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Press, Volume LXXVI, Issue 23053, 22 June 1940, Page 7

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MID-CANTERBURY NEWS Press, Volume LXXVI, Issue 23053, 22 June 1940, Page 7

MID-CANTERBURY NEWS Press, Volume LXXVI, Issue 23053, 22 June 1940, Page 7