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(pazaa association telboeam.) WELLINGTON, January 2. The - Minister for Defence (the Hon. P. Jones) announced to-night that the Governor-General (Lord Galway) had been pleased to approve the following appointments to the Ist Echelon of the 2nd New Zealand Expeditionary Force in the ranks stated, with seniority in the units as shown. These are to take effect as from January 5, except where , otherwise stated." The list is: ■ HEADQUARTERS DIVISION ' Commander: Major-General B. C. Freyberg, V.G., G. 8., C.M.G., D.5.0., LLiD* ■ j General Staff Officer, First Grade; Lieutenant-Colonel K. L. Stewart, O 8.E., New Zealand Staff Corps. . General Staff Offlcet,. Second Grade: Major W. G. Gentry, New Zealand.Stan °General Staff Officer., Third Grade; Lieutenant R. M. Bell, 2nd New + Zealand Divisional Cavalry Regiment. ' Assistant Adjutant and Quartermas-ter-General: Lieutenant-Colonel W. G. Stevens, Royal New Zealand Artillery, Deputy . Assistant. QuartermasterGeneral: Major A. W. Greville, New Zealand Staff Corps. Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General. Major D. T. Maxwell, New Zealand St Camp Command anti Captain D. F. Duigan, M.C., 18th (Auckland) BatAssistant Director of Medical Services: Colonel K. ■ MacCormick, • D.5.0., New Zealand Medical Corps. . Deputy-Assistant Director of Ordnance Services: Lieutenant-Colonel T, J. King, New Zealand Army Ordnance Corns ■ 5 - Ordnance Mechanical Engines: Captain A, H. Andrews, New Zealand .Army Ordnance Corps. - . . ’■ Deputy-Assistant Provost Marshal. Captain C. F. McAllum, 19th (Wellington) Battalion. - „ • Acting Senior Chaplain: The Rev. E. B. Moore; C.F. (third class): Chaplain: The Rev’ J, M. Stewart, C.F. (third class), ' :

Headquarters Divisional Artillery ' Commander: .Brigadier R- Mile?, D.5.0., M.C., Royal New Zealand ArtiJlery/ * - Br/gade Major; Major C. S. J. Duff, Royal New Zealand Artillery. ■ _ ’ Artillery Intelligence Duties: Lieutenant R, D; Sellers, 4th Field, Regimont.' * Headquarters, Divisional Engliieprs Commander: Lieutenant-Colonel F. P, Heath, Now Zealand Engineers. > Adjutant; Captain G. P. Sanders, New Zealand Staff Carps; Captain M. S. Carrie; Second-Lieutenant J. F. Peacocke. Headquarters, Divisional Signals - Commander: Lieutenant-Colonel SF‘ Allen,’ Now Zealand Staff Corps, ■ Second-in-Command: Major G. W. Agar, 2nd New Zealand Divisional Sig-. Captain J; yinconti D-C.M., M.M,. New Zealand Corps.. Quartermaster: Captain E. L, J.,Marshall. , • Headquarters;- Divisional Army Ser- , vice Corps • Gdmrnanderr Lieutenant-Colonel EL H. Crump', 0.8. E., New Zealand Staff Sicnior Supply Officer: Major K. N.. - Todd. New' Zealand Stair Corps. • • ! Adjutant: Captain R. St. J, A, Hill. New Zealand Staff Corps; Captain E, . p. Davis, New Zealand Army Service • Corps; Captain S. G, Forbes, Nqw Ze|-> land Army service.Corps; Captain A, G, Hood, Hew Zealand Array Service Corps. ■ • r 2nd New Zealand Division Provost Company Officer Commanding; Captain W W. Hay ton,' lOth Battalion,: 2nd Now Zealand Division, Iritelll- . ge>iWo Section ' Intelligent Officer, Captain A, D. W, ' wofllcqtt, iQtli (Wellington) Battehw, / Cipher Duties; Lieutenant A- E. B, Burgs. 18th CWellington) .Battalion, ; 2nd New Zealand Division Festal Vnlt , Subaltern: Second-Lieutenant J, H. Sheiker, New Zealand Engineers, , expeditionary force OVERSEAS BASE ■ Deputy Assistant Adjutant General: Lieutenant-Colonel P'H' ‘ W-'H. Donaldson, New Zealand Staff-Corns, .. ■ Deputy Judge-Advocate-General. Major q. A.L- Treadwell, 19th (Wellington) Battalion-Deputy-AdJutant-Generai's Office ftt , '.v ' -'V; ' - -V. Base . ■ - L; 1 ■- Offlcer-in-charge, Captain W. HAlexander, New Zealand Staff Corps, records- - section offlaerdnffiharge, Lieutenant T. H. Agmen-Smitll. WtH VAuWnd> Battalion;' administration and discipline, camp commandant, Lieutenant' M-' Douglas, 2nd New Zealand Divisional Cavalry Regiment. New Zealand Rase Depot : ’ Adjutant and Quartermaster: Lieutenant T, J- Gfoidu, New Zealand Pa?* m Xttaohedi medical officer, Lleutgnant Dental gerviees. Gsptgm : rJ, F, r uner, New 1 Zealand Cental Corps, Dental Offlcer; aaptSn e! b. Reilly, Hew Zealand Dental, Corps. New Zealand Ba§e PfflaS , ~ Paymaster; Major F. PrldeaUH, New Zealand Army Pay Cores- .■ C. Morris; I ' Corps. " ' ■ Ndw Zealand Hasp Pest Office 1 Offiegr Gnminandins? vT,, P-:LamW,-Hew Zealand'Bngmears, DIVISIONAL CAVASRY REGIMENT LieutenapLColoneli C, _ ,T, Pierpe. m.c„ commanding effieeri MajpL H- & CaFruth, second in cemmand, Major L f. Potter, squadron cenunandeFi Major J. T.' Ruspell, iguadron ocunfiwndpr, ! H. B§n t New Zealand #taff ; cgrpg,' adjutant; Captain W, ant. A, V, Meal. Lieutenant .^lVAnant W. G- Headley, lieutenant ft % , cauamagian,-Lffiytenant Q> Mi. ■ Expeditionary Force, Overseas. -Base. Second-Lieutenant'P,- §, 'C r i|p, Be|* ond-Lieutenarit Q, L- Wood, |eptmg« Lieutenant c. l. gomeiwiltaj fsfioniL ! Lieutenant J; Q. WynyOPd, 3seond= gsw l fi. , ;loSf t At|n?a a 4ajo;

Attached: Major P. V, Graves. New,' Zealand' Medical Corps, Medical Qfficer; Second-Lieutenant J. C. Keisey, New Zealand Ordnance ment. ' • * ■

4TH FIELD REGIMENT Lieutenant-Colonel G. B. Parkinson, Royal Ndw - Zealand Artillery, commanding officer; Major R. W. Fenton, second in command; Major A. Ain she. battery commander; Major K. W. R. Glasgow, battery commander; Captain Jatoes R. Page* R_oyal New Zealand ArtiUery, adjutant; Captain. A, V. Jenkins, quartermaster;; CajVam H. M. Lewis, Captain G. J. O. Stewart,.captain L. P. Turner, Captain J F K. Sprosen, Captain L. H. Veaj.e, Captain J. R. Stevens-Jordon; Captain A._ L. Hogg, Lieutenant 'J- SJ Findlay, Lieutenant T.-W. Straker Lieutenant S.W Nicholson, Lieutenant J. L. K. J. tan, Lieutenant D. J. Sweetzer Lieutenant H C Bliss. Lieutenant .J. Richardson, Lieutenant R. D. Sellers, Headouarters, 2nd New Zealand Divisional. Artillery, Lieutenant. G. _A. Nicholls. Lieutenant L. M. Kissel, Lieutenant S. T Nolan, Second-Lieutenant C. D. Bell, SecondLieutenant L. :A. • Radford, ■■ 2nd New Zealand -Divisional Ammunition Company, New- Zealand Army ..Service Corps; Second-Lieutenant F, J- Nf e «J ham. Second Lieutenant T. Atchley, Second-Lieutenant E. P. Ombler, Sec-ond-Lieutenant D, ,D. Twigg, SecondLieutenant J. M. D. McCredle, SecondLieutenant G. P. Hanna, Second-Lieu-tenant F. M. Fisher, Second-Lieutenant j. S. Clark, Second-Lieutenant J. P. Dill, Second-Lieutenant N. M. Louisson, Second-Lieutenant R. JL Dyson. JSec-; orid-Lieutenant N. J. Nathan, SecondLieutenant G. McLean, _ Attached: Major G. H. Thomson. New Zealand Medical Corps, medical officer, Second-Lieutenant G. Langslow (New Zealand’s Ordnance Corps). Officer Commanding-the 9th Light Aid Detacmment; -

NEW ZEALAND ENGINEERS Lieutenant-Colonel F. P. Heath, C.R.E., 2nd New Zealand- Division; Major L. F. Rudd, Officer Commandmg flth Field Company, Zealand. Engineers: Captain G. P. ® a ' lde / s, w s^i v Zealand Staff Corps, Adjutant, Headquarters 2nd New Zealand Divisional Engineers; Captain T. O. Lambie. Offleer in Charge, New Zealand OfflcerCaptain’ W. G. Morrison, Officer Commanding sth Field Park Cpmpany, New Zealahd Erigiheers; Captain M. b. Carrie, Headquarters. : 2nd New Zealand Divisional Engineers; Captain H.S. C. Woolcott, 6th Field Company, New Zealand Engineers; Lieutenant D, V. C. Kelsall. 6th Field Company, New Zealand Engineers; Lieutenant R. «- Pemberton, sth Field- Park Company, New Zealand Engineers; HecondLieutenant. G. W. Bucknell,. 6th Field Company, New Second-Lieutenant J- F. B..Peacocke, Headauarters. 2nd New Zealand Divisional Engineers; Second-Lmutenant H, G. ■A. Claridge,- sth • Field Park Company. New Zealand Engineers; Second-Lieutenant I, S. Nell, 6th Field Company, New. Zealand Engineers; Second-Lieutenant G. WV Chapman, 6th Field Company, New Zealand Engineers; Second-Lieutenant J- T a. Sholkcr, officer commanding 2nd New Zealand Divisional Postal Unit. .. Attached; Lieutenant M.. Williams, New Zealand Medical Corps, medical officer; 'Second-Lieutenant G. D. Pol" look, New ’ Zealand Ordnance Corps, officer commanding the 10th Light Aid Detachment; > DIVISIONAL signals Lieutenant-Colonel S, F. 'AHen, Now Zealand ' Staff . Corps, .commanding officer; Major Agar, second in command; Captain J. Vincent, D.G.M., M. .New 'Zealand ; Steff^«rao.. ffd‘jutnnt;. Captain H..L- C.VGrant, comP»ny- cqxntnandoy.; Captain A. .E» Sinithi Captain J- Feeney, Captain JR. g. j. Marshall, Quartermaster Lieutenant D. M, Bums, Lieutenant ,R. tenant N, Q- FJetehor, H. W, Wilkinson, Lieutenant D, M, MaFgrlano. Lieutenant’ G. A._Borraan, Lieutenant C. R. Ambury, Second-Lleuten-dnt A- G, y Attached: Second-Lieutenant R, H. England, New. ’ Zealand 1 Ordnance Corps, Officer, Commanding 1 tho 14th Light Aid Detachment- ' , . , H.Q.i 4TH NEW;’ ZEALAND INFANTRY BRIGADE * Brigadier E, Futtipk', D.S.Q.,’ A.D,P<. New Zealand Staff Corps. Com= mender; - Major f, ' Hunt, N®w Zealand Staff Corps. Brigade Majer; captain A, R. CQcKqreli-. D.8.0., New - Zealand Staff Corps, staff-cap-tain;- Lleutenant H,; S. r (Canterbury-Otago) Battalion, * 13. gence officer; Lieutenant A. J- Crisp, iQth (Wellington) B&ttfilion, trpnspo?t Captain 6- Bracegirdle, Now Zealand .Army Service Corps, .array service- corps- duties, _ „ ’ ■a/r rlTl /ipr Attached! Captain J. H> Mander, New Zealand, Crdnsnee Corps. ■ officer •commanding the utii Light Aid P| taphraent; Chaplains, the - Rov. c. a. Hyde.'C-H.j.4th ela?g, the : Rey- G, A., gpen'ce, q.t„ Affl. Glass, the Rev. V. R, j .jgmieshn, G.F., ,4th piass. i TWENTY-SEVENTH (SVIAOHINkGjJN) Lieutenant-Golenei L M, M Q-, popimanding offlppr; Major 8, fl- V- W. f §«gden„ New Zealand gtaff Corps, sgpbnd in command;. Major A, w< White, company commsndor: Major v. W*‘ ' Wriglit, pompany commander; Major F. J. Gwiiiiam, company com-. mander; - Major R, • L>, MeGaffin .pany. gommanderi New Eg a ia n d Rcrmanent §t&ff>_ad3Ht-; S captain J- B- Luxtord,-.Captain jfL Grant. Captain id- H./lhenff, Captain J. K, Rshfeie. Cspje’n C, D-Bry_r son, quartermaster; qaptam A,. J, Neil, company.. commander. . .Liem. tenant .A- W; Brown, M.C-. P-C-M,, N.Z, Staff-.Carpaj Lieutenant H,; A. PurcellLieutenant H. H. Paratp, Lieutenant A, W. : Cooper, Lieutenant C. Q, Johansen. Lieutenant E- S- McLean, Lieutenant B. J. R. Tong, Lieutenant A- T, B, Grefen. Lieutenant S., J. Crafts, Liouteharit H. J--Mason; facphd-LleutCT»Pt r, hj. HowoU,■ Second-Lieutenant D, L Sepqnd-Lieutenani R-. L ; ?9-2f! r Lieuieiignfc D, (J. Steeje, -tehafft A. »R- - Djekjnspn, §aoond-lUßU-tetianf S'. A, gneddon, ioctind z Lieutem= anf K- T, Seoutid-Lieutei|ant B. H ll K|rr, Peopnd-Lievffenant W. , F-LJleyfHpeond-Lieutgnant o. gpmersstCaptain J- R- FultfiU CNewAealandTftm'dicol Corns) medical offlppr; GRptmn N. p. Manning. New nafdnaWg pores, o« MWmandihg i2th Light Am Detashmeptiev- Springfc-J., 4ffi class ehapr lain, t ■ .. ■ - - NORTHERN battalions Offleers dswn te the rank of major in •tb§ Neltß iSand-hsttaliosg ” IPtx (Auckland) Battfiiiqn . Lieutepaht-Coionol. L. R;, firay, . I.P« commanding, officer; Major L M, AllCUi append in eommandi Mamr M- de Petrie, eorapany eemmanderj. Mam A N, peart,; company commander, Major yf, H, Evans; company: pqmmander4Bt|i (Walßneten) Battalion . Lieutenant-Qolpnel F, ’ 3. Varnham. Judge-Advocate-Qeneral; Major C-, A-. D*A- Blackburn, second' in eommantli Major C; M willidmsbh, company company GummanuPFiMajor g. f. Nertpeu,


Lieutehaht-Coionel H. K Kip'penbepger,' commanding .officer; -Major F. B. Dornwell, seqond in command. Major P ; W, ! G. : Spiers, M.8.E., M.C., V.a. R. D B. Paterson, -company cowman der; Captain C. Wilson; Captain R- S. Orr' quartermaster; Captain M. C. Rice, Captain T- H; .MitcheH, Captam H. O. a 4th New Zealand Infantry ■ Brigade; Lieutenant D. B. Canieron, Lieutenant A. . Garricck, Lieutenant M. g. JJmt brother Lieutenant K. £. ,irf Lieutenant K. G. ■ ant J P. Quilter, Lieutenant ay "fi Lieutenant H. J. Scoltock, L ieut |? a j' J. H. Kampthorne, Lieutenant L J. Fountaine, .Lieutenant vG. W. Wa bourne. Lieutenant G. A. Murray, Lieutenant L. Wood. Second-Lieuten-ant G. A. T. Rhodes Second-Ligutenan. t• yt Second-Lieutenant J - • Phillips. iL K Dawson, Second-Lieutenant R. U D Powrte, Second-Lieutenant M. J. ° Callaghan, Second-Lieutenant G. A. Brown, bee ond-Lieutenant J. R- Coote, Second Lieutenant V. C. Poole. SecondLieutenant -J. D. Aitkan,. Second Lieutenant F. J. Bain, Second-Lieuten-ant J. H. .Beale, Second-Lieutenant P. Zealand Medical Corps. Medical; Officer. ARMY SERVICE CORPS ' Lieutenant-Colonel S. H. Grump, QBENew Zealand Staff Corps, C.R., A.S.C.: Major K. N- Todd, New Zealand staff Corps, senior supply officer, headquarters 2nd N e W Zealand Divisional Army Service Ciorps; Major W: A; T. McGuire; officer- commanding 2nd New Zealand Divisional Ammunition Company; Captain R. ; . St. J.. A. Hill, New Zealand Staff .Corps, ant. Headquarters, 2nd Zealand -Divisional Army Service Corps, .LOPtaln A. C. Dicksop, officer cpmmfmdißg 2nd New - Zealand Divisicmal Petrol Company; Captain G. H. Whyte, officer commanding 4th . Reserve -Mechanical Transport Company;,:ft. v* Army Service Corps; Captain O.Braecgir™le,Headquarters. 4th New Zealand Trifantrv Rritfflds!. Qsptdin Ind^wZealand^DivisionaLSupply Column: Captain -B. A, N. Reserve Mechanical. transport Gob?' pany; Captain K. Ramsden, 2nd New Zealand Divisional; Pe hol Company, Captain I. E. Stock,' 2nd New Zealand Divisional Supply J, A. McAlpine, 4th Reserve Mechanical Transport • Confipanyf Captain■ Lj* Forbes, Headquarters, • 2nd: New, Zealand Divisional Army Service Corps; Captain A. G. Hood, Headquarters. 2nd New Zealand -Divisional Army Service Corps; Lieutenant C. . W. Butter-, field, 2nd New Zealand Supply Column; Lieutenant N. C, Moon, 2nd New Zealand Divisional Ammunition Company;, Lieutenant. »»• Hunter, 2nd New -Zealand Divisional Petrol Company; Lieutenant. W.-. U. MoDpnagh, 2nd -New Zealand Divisional Petrol Company;', Lieutenant, G. G. Good, 4th Reserve Mephamoal Transport Company; Lieutenant J; H. Morris, " 4lh , ‘llegerva Meohanleat iTransport' Company; .’Lieutenant R, WBroberg, • f 4th .Reserve-- ;v;MeohMU»al; Transport Company; - Lieutenant -WMcM; Davis, attached 4th' j Fleld Ambulance, New-Zealand Lieutenant H. M, j?cobs, 2nd New Zealand Divisional Ammunition Company; Lieutenant P. H. Muller, 4th Reserve Mechanical (Transport -Cfißk pany; iapwtenant,^-.-^.••••BPhMds, New - Zealand Divisional : Am*«hhihqn ; Company: Second-Lieutenant R. HRoiye, 2nd. New- -Divisional Supply Column; Second Lieutenant w. G, Quirk, 2nd Zealand Divisional Supply Column; Second -Lieutenant J, G. NeaV 4th Transport Company; Second Lieutenant R. C, ARken. 2nd New .Zealand Divisional' Ammunition Company; Second IJejj. tenant A. f. McCook. 2nd New Zealand Divisional Petrftl, Company; gets-' ond Lieutenant: J. T. Wallace, 4th Reserve Mechanical - Transport. . ComESrailSlw z=&Biv|c«l K munition Company; Second Lieutenant: J. L, Mclndoe; 2nd New |ealand flmi fS Ettsgt 1“!%, -jf?4 Zealand Supply,. Cgiumn- . N.Z. ARMY Lieutenant-Colonel T- J- King. New Zealand. Arms' Ordnance Corps, deputy assistant-director, 'y'Qrdhenco.sßpyjces.: ’Captain VW H- Apare>vs,'N|w Arinv Ordnance Corps,; ordnance. mer chanlcgl engineer.-. - ■


Captain N, Pi ••Manning, Ne\y Zealand Ordnance Corps, officer commandinn the,'l2th Bjght Aid Detachment! Captain J,' P, Mender, New . Zealand Ordnance Corps, 'rofficer commanding the nth Light Aid SepartmenL 2nd t ilntinant g. D. Wllooln New Zealand Ordnance Corps, officer commanding th§ ipth Light Aid Petaehment; ind Lieutenant' «■ B, BarpOL . land- Ordnance corps, ordnance, offleer. New Zealand overseas base; 2nd Lieutenant J. 0. iWnvNew Z§9iahdQrdnanes Cppbs, : v6pmmand}na ,|b® ifth Light’Aid yetachmeni;> n* tenant It- ft England, - New Zealand Ordnance Corps, - Officer the ftth Light Aid lieutenant G, Lang|?w, -New Zealand Ordnance Corps, .the Bth Lisht A»d Betachm°ntN.Z. .MEDICAL CORPS Colonel K, MacCormiPh, #*- Ristajit 'director of medical sei.vipca, J-'S, Wfii.-office* commanding the- 4th Field Ambulance, Zealand ATtillpryi; JPeth nent, pacond. m cpmmand Ambulances GsPtamcomnany commander, 4th AfflWlafioe, NewOantam - J. B■■Efc#ultpni-B?W} Zealand <M,G.) Battalion) Cap* New -Zealand .Medic&l G. : Peak, quartermaster,. 4th Field-,Am ManCe NeW’Zealhhd Medicgl Corps LieSten/ml &.' (Canterbury-Otasp).‘ Battahom Lieutenant g. K- Elliott, im ( Auckland) Battalion!, Jceptenant -M, Wiiiima; •HepQgvgPtors. 2nd .jJow . ZaaUnd„ BWMi Inginicrsj . Lieptennnt B; A, 4th^Field^JAmhulahcen' 9 4th j|i^ M.O; 1 Overseas Baser Liantenant in hj 4th., Field Ambulance, New Zemann Medical Corps! Qemnley. M;@,i and Base H. rtth (Wellington) Bat^l ,O Pi TTiSUtenant A. U. Lohias, B-M.©.-, .Begdr duar{ei?s, gnd New” Zealand ' u iY 4 si pl Ts Army Bervi oo Corps) .Lientenant B- M; ddpk 4h Field Ambulance, New Zepr Igna Madioal Corps,

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Press, Volume LXXVI, Issue 22908, 3 January 1940, Page 6

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EXPEDITIONARY FORCE Press, Volume LXXVI, Issue 22908, 3 January 1940, Page 6

EXPEDITIONARY FORCE Press, Volume LXXVI, Issue 22908, 3 January 1940, Page 6