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more investment business

government loans firm to


Stock Exchange business in Christchurch showed some recovery this week, the turnover, at £15,829, being almost double last week’s. This is about the level which has come to represent an average week’s trading: the occasions in the last ' . year on which turnover has exceeded £20,000 have been few indeed. Heavier trading in Government loans and industrials was the cause of the expansion, and among the industrials New Zealand issues were more keenly sought at generally firmer ' prices. Australians were firmly held, and several had no sales. ■ Government loans were, on the whole, firm to better, and frozen meats and breweries were more active than they have been recently. Several other shares, however —insurance, shipping, and woollen —had little business.

■ Business in banks was notable chiefly lor a rise of 13s to £8 in Unions. National of New Zealand and New Zealand held round 44s 3d and 40s 9d, but 33;, S., and A. dropped 5s to £4 15s. Commercial were fractionally firmer. Except South British, which recovered to 47s fid, insurances were firm at last week’s levels, Dalgetys had stronger demand in loan and agencies, ;with Goldsbrough, Mort and New Zealand Guarantee Corporation steady. '.The only Shipping business was in' Huddart. Parkers, which were Is easier at 62s 6d. In the frozen meat group, New ZeanWnd Refrigerating at IBs 3d showed a x|seof 2s 3d on last business in the middle of September. They are now at their highest point of the year, and -close to last year’s record, 19s 9d. The ilOs paid were steady at 9s, and Southland, in their first business since toward the end of August, were Is 9d (Up, at 29s fid. .Coal and gas shares were quiet but firm, and breweries were better. New Zealand, cum dividend, moving up to 36s 3d and 375, and Tooths to 58s. Miscellaneous ■’ .Among the miscellaneous shares Electrolytic Zinc, ordinary, appeared weaker at 62s to 645, but the preference alter losing ground closed firm af 645. Colonial Sugar, at £54 15s, scored a rise of £5 on last local busiifess in the middle of. October, and Howard Smith over the same period ■ advanced 3s 9d to 265. National Electric, whie?h have been off the sales list since August 25, were fid down at 13s 9id. (New Zealand Paper Mills were firm at 255. • Woolworths- recovered to 26s 4d. The New Zealand company eased to 17s 3d.

The following transactions were recorded in other centres (price movements in patenthesls):— •iUp—British Tobacco, ,63s 0d ■ (Is); Broken Hils Proprietary. 82s ;9d to 84s m (Is 3d) Ei’Ccgjsolldated Bri<?k,>9s to t2d >178) fid d); 6. J' Coles, 80s fid to 81 fid (fid); acduffs, 4s (6dl; New. Zealand Drugs. 72s (Is 9d); Gordon-and Gotch, 54s (3s)- • - - Consolidated Industries, • 41s (fid); Farmers’ Trading, *‘B”'pfef.’ 18s 'fid (3d); McKenzies, Ltd., 41s 6d (0d); Northern’Roller Flour, 19s (Od). - , -- (iSteSdy-rrDominion. Fertiliser, 25s fid; Dunlop Rubber, 225; Electrolytic Zinc (pref.) fi3s to 84s; Farmers’ Trading, 17s: Wilsons Cement,’.lßs 7id to 18s 6a. Business in mining shares was small. Grey River rose to 17s 7d, and Ngahete to 26s fid. Mount Morgans were , firm at 10s Id and 10s, and North Broken Hill at 51s.



• There was an increased turnover on call yesterday in a wider range of Price levels were well maintained, with- slight recovery in some industrials. • ’ A late sale of New Zealand Government 4 per cent, stock, due 1955, on Thursday was reported at £99. The 1954-58 changed hands at £9B 10s. Union Bank of Australia remained unaltered at £B, Buyers of United Building moved up to 20s 4d, sellers at 21s 9d. Canterbury Frozen Meat were-stronger on buyers’ biters £9 Bs. , Now; Zealand Refrigerating fully paid jshdresf changed hands at 19s, and the [los 'bald were firm with buyers and (dealings at 9s. Buyers of Felt and 1 Textiles moved up to 39s Id, sellers at ■4ls 3d. Westport-Stockton Coal" were ■fractionally weaker at 3s 7d, market closing Id either way. Broken Hill -Proprietary were stronger on buyers' oilers 8' i 4d, There was a close market for British Tobacco, .which were quoted 53s buyers, 53s 3d sellers.,; Electrolytic Zinc recovered to 62s'4d and 62s 3d, and-the preference .moved up to 63s 9d and 645. .Howard Smith were firm with buyers and business ’at 255.

Addison’s Flat had business at Is. arid there, were further unsupported sellers at Is Id. Grey River rose, sharply to 17s 7d, market closing 17s 6d buyers, 17s 7Jd sellers. Among the unlisted stocks Associated Gold Dr ridges (7s paid> were fitmer at 7s 6d and 7s 9d and further buyers at 7s fld.





Addisons —Addisons Gold Mining Company return for the period ended November 18 for 39 shifts was 104 oz lOdwt. Moonlight Goldfields—The Moonlight Goldfields Company. Ltd., reports that the wash-up at the company's claim on November 23 was 1224 ounces for 370 hours sluicing, ■ , 4,, . , White's Electric—The White’s Electric return for the week ended November 23 was 43 ounces from 7200 yards In 107 hours.

Robertson (J, M.) and Sons, Ltd, Registered as a private company November 8. Office, 276 Palmerston street, Westport. Capital: £l5O in shares of £1 each. Subscribers —Westport: C. Met. Robertson 100 and S. C. Robertson 50. Objects; Bakers, pastrycooks, tea room proprietors, and incidental.

Messrs Ford- and Hadfleld, Ltd., Auc tioneers and Estate Agents, 131-133 Worcester street, have to Report having sold .on behalf of the' trustees in the Estate of E. Munro, a 5-room residence situated 117 Stanmore road, Linwood, to Mr EUrlck. ALSO A Block of 3 Flats situated Hereford street, to Miss Shields, ALSO On behalf of Mrs Jarrett, a Bungalow of 5 rooms, situated Severn street, St, Albans, to Mr Robertson, ALSO A Shop property and Dwelling, situated Papanui road, close Bealey avenue,. to Mr Cook. —6





Dealings In the different sections Hrere: —•, Value. £ Government .. 4,890 4,677 Debentures ,. 200 202 Shares No. Banks .. .360 728 Loan and Agency 345 486 Frozen meat .. 1,916 963 Coal .. 100 18 Gas 150 120 Bteweries /. 800 1,683 Miscellaneous . . 2,460 . 5,319 Min in g .. 2,250 1,629 Turnover day by day was — This week. Last week. £ £ Monday 3,856 2,312 Tuesday 3,630 1,283 Wednesday 1,931 2,270 Thursday Friday . 2.443 3,969 1,727 1,324 £15,820 8,916

' LISTED STOCKS Sales on ’Change £ S. d. £1000 N.Z. Govt. 4 p.c. Ins., ‘ • 1954-58 ’ ... 88 10 0 V, 100 N.Z. Refrlg. (£1 pd.) 0 19 0 < 316 N.Z. Refrig. (10s pd.) 100 Westport » Stockton I :.)■ *•.*• Coal lord.) .. 0 3 7 , ■ 100 Howard Smith 1000 Addison's Flat . 1 5 0 0 1 0 ,\100 Grey River .. . 0 17 0 ■ 1 v . Sales Reported ;; - ' I N.Z. Govt. 4 p.c. Ins., 1 1956 (late Thurs.) .. 99 0 0 750 N.Z. Govt. 4 p.c. Ins.. ■ . 1054-58 98 10 0 j m;.20 Union Bank of Aust. 8 0 0 , r; j , 150 .Electro. Zinc - (ord.) 3 2 4 3 2 3 ' .v&’J-150 Electro. Zinc (pref.) 3 3 9 3 4 0 ‘ UNLISTED STOCKS ' . i «r • Sale on ’Change , s '200 Associated Gold > v Dredges C7s paid) i , - 41 7 6 -ViVi ■ : ; • 0 7 9 PRICE OP GOLD '.Xtv'il-M-'-l ■ •Vf • LONDON, November 23. ' • remains at £8 8s a fine ounce.

LONDON, November 23. The Bank of England return for the week ended November 22 is os follows:— ISSUE DEPARTMENT £ £ Notes issued:— Govt. In elrcudebt 11,000,000 latlon 527,000,000 Other Govt. In securlihg dept. 53,200,000 ties 665,500,000 Other seci - rltles 3,000,000 Silver coin 500,000 ♦580.000.000 Gold coin and bullion 200.000 £580,200,000 £580,200,000 .♦Amount of fiduciary Issue. BANKING DEPARTMENT £ £ Capital 14,500,000 Govt, seRest 3,300,000 curities 103,900,000 Deposits— Discs. & Public 36,400,000 advances 5,300,000 Bankers 92,900,000 Other s$Other curities 22,900,000 a/cs. 39,300,000 Notes & coin 54,300,000 £186,400,000 £188,400.000 Proportion of reserve to liabilities, 32.21 per cent., compared with 32.35 per cent. last week. The principal Items of the above return compare as follows with those of last week: — v Nov. 15. Nov. 22. 1 £ £ Deposits--Public 17,900.000 30.400,000 Bankers 107,100.000 92.900.000 Other accounts. .. 40,800,000 39,300.000 165,600,000 108,600,000 Securities— Government 103,200,000 103,900,000 Dlscts., advances 5,200,000 5,300,000 Other securities .. 21,300.000 22,900,000 Reserve 63.600.000 54.300.000 Note circulation ,. 527,600,000 527.000,000 Gold coin and bullion 200,000 200,000 The Bank of England discount rate remains at two per cent. - i CONSOLS AND STOCKS LONDON, November 23. The following are the latest quotations for Government securities compared with quotations during last week: — * Nov. IS. Nov. 22. £ s. d. £ 8. d British— Consols, 2i p.c. .. 68 2 6 68 5 0 Funding Loan, 4 P.C.. 1860-89 •> 105 10 0 105 10 0 War Loan. 3} p.c. 1952 93 10 0 92 5 0 . Con. Loan, 3}' p.c. 1961 93 0 0 92 IS 0 Victory Bonds,’ 4 p.c. 105 11 3 105 10 0 Commonwealth— . • 5 p.c., 1945-75 104 0 0 104 5 0 4 p.c., 1943-48 100 2 6 100 0 0 .32 p.c., 1948-53 .. ♦94 12 8 89 0 0 31 p.c., 1956-61. .. 82 0 0 83 15 0 3 p.c,, 1955-58 .. 83 7 6 83 12 6 New South Wales— 3J p.c., 1930-50 . . 93 7 6 93 17 6 Victoria— 3 p.c., 1929-49 91 5 0 02 7 a 42 p.c., 1940-60 . . 102 10 0 102 .0 0 5 P.C.. 1945-7S 103 10 0 103 5 0 Queensland — p.c., 1922-47 .. 92 7 6 93 10 0 5 p.c., 1940-60 .. 100 15 0 100 17 6 South Australia— 5 p.c., ■ 1945-75 . 103 10 0 103 15 0 3 p.c., 1918 (opt; 09 0 0 69 5 0 Western Australia— 4 p.c,, 1942-62 97 0 0 97 7 6 Tasmania— 3i p.c., 1920-40 . 101 0 0 101 0 0 4 p.c., 1940-50 . > 89 0 0 99 O 0 New Zealand— 4i p.c., 1948-58 . 97 10 ‘ 0 97 17 6 3i p.c., 1940 ' . 101 8 0 101 7 6 .3 p.c., 1945 90 12 6 02 10 0 ♦Ex Interest.

Ain't. paid. a Companies. sh’e. Buyers. Sellers. Approx. market price. Approx market price a year ■ ago. Div. p.c. or am’t. a share. Dividend' payable. Return on . Investment at approx, market price. £ £ S. a. £ 8. d. I £ s. d. 1 £ s. d. | 1 £ s. d. N.Z. I curr. Banks— Australasia 5 8 13 6 — 8 17 6 9 19 0 8 Feb.-Aug. 4 10 1 Comm, of Aust. 10s 0 18 9 0 18 6 0 16 2 7 1-12 Oct.-Mch. 4 5 10 Comm, of Aust, (pref.) 10 — — 9 0 0 9 12 8 4 Oet.-Mch. 4 8 11 Comm, of Syd. 121 — — 20 10 0 20 15 0 7 Jan.-July 4 5 4 E„ S„ and A. 3 4 17 6 5 9 0 7 Nov.-May 4 6 1 Natl, of A’asia (con.) 5 — 6 12 6 6 15 0 6 Nov.-May 4 10 6 Natl, of N.Z. .. 21 2 4 3 2 s 3 2 4 3 2 9 0 4* Jan.-July 5 18 N.Sff. 20 30 0 0 30 10 0 31) 12 0 6 Jan.-July 3 18 8 New Zealand .. 1 2 0 6 2 n 9 2 n 9 2 0 9 10 Jan.-July 4 18 1 Union .. 5 7 18 0 .8 2 ,6 8 0 0 8 10 0 •’7 Jan.-July 4 7- 6 Insurance— National 7s , n 17 f) 0 16 0 10 5-7 May-Nov. 4 4 6 New Zealand .. 1 — 2 IB 6 2 12 6 10 Feb.-Aug. 3 8 11 South British .. 103 * — 2 7 8 2 4 0 14 1-8 Apl.-Oet. 2 19 g Standard 1 — — 2 16 8 2 12 0 12i Mch.-Scp. 4 8 5 Loan and Agency— Dalgety and Co. 5 6 14 0 7 7 8 6 17 6 7 12 6 ,6 May-Nov, 4 7 3 Goldsbrough. M. 1 1 12 3 1 12 0 1 8 3 4J Dec.-June I 2 18 3 United Building 1 1 0 4 1 0 9 1 0 4 1 0 0 5 Oct.-Apl. 4 18 4 Frozen Meat— Gear . .. 103 . ■ • 0 12 0 0 14 0 5 5-6 July-Oct. 4 17 3 N.Z. Hefrig. 1 0 18 11 0 19 3 0 19 0 0 17 4 51 Feb. 5 15 9 N.Z. Hefrig (con.) 10s 0 9 0 0 9 2 0 0 0 0 8 0 51 Feb. 6 2 3 Gas— Auckland 1 0 IB 0 0 17 9 0 18 9 0 18 0 5 July-Feb. 5 19 4 15s 0 10 9 0 13 3 5 July-Feb. 6 10 7 Christchurch .. 1 1 5 6 1 6 0 1 5 6 1 6 6 7 Aug.-Feb. 5 9 9 Ch.Ch. (con.) .. 10s 0 12 0 — 7 Aug.-Feb. 5 18 8 Wellington 1 — 1 8 0 1 14 0 8 Aug.-Feb. 5 14 3 Shipping— Huddart-Parker 1 3 2 8 2 10 0 T4 May-Dec. |4 7 P. and O. Def. 1 1 10 0 1 6 0 1 6 0 8 May-Dec. 4 12 3 Union (pref.) .. 1 — — 1 5 6 1 5 6 51 May-Dec. 4 8 3 Coal— Tauplri 1 0 18 0 0 15 0 71 May-Nov. 8 8 8 Westport 10s 1 2 0 — 1 2 0 •1 2 0 10 May-Nov. 4 10 10 Breweries— Carlton 1 3 10 0 3 6 6 15 Oct.-Mch. 4 5 8 New Zealand .. 1 1 16 9 1 17 2 1 17 0 1 19 6 81 Jan.-July 4 11 11 Tooheys 15s 1 0 0 1 11 3 9 Mch.-Sep. 4 13 1 Tooths 1 2 17 6 2 17 10 2 17 9 2 14 9 12 May-Nov. 4 3 1 Miscellaneous— Aust. Consolid. Industries 1 2 1 0 — 2 1 6 4 ID 3 6.86 Dec.-June 3 6 3 Beafh and Co. 1 _ 0 IB 0 0 18 0 5 Mch.-Sep. 6 13 4 British Tobacco 1 2 13 0 2 13 3 2 13 0 2 7 10 10 March 3 IS 5 Broken HillPty. 1 4 4 4 4 4 9 4 4 R 2 16 6 121 Nov.-May 2 19" 2 Burns. Phllp .. 1 — 2 17 0 2 12 3 10 Nov.-May 3 10 2 Coles 1 4 1 0 3 19 0 18J Jan.-July 4 12 7 Colonial Sugar 20 — — 54 15 0 48 0 0 71 Nov.-May 2 14 9 Dorn. Fertiliser 1 1 5 3 — 1 5 fi 1 3 0 6 June 4 14 1 Dunlop Rubber 1 1 1 6 1 2 I 1 2 0 1 0 5 7 Apl.-Oct. 6 7 3 Elec. Zinc (ord.) 1 3 2 4 3 3 0 3 2 3 2 8 0 '15 Mch.-Sep. 4 16 5 Elec. Zinc (pf.) 1 3 3 9 3 4 3 3 3 9 2 8 9 15 Mch.-Sep, 4 14 I Henry Jones .. 1 — — 2 16 0 2 9 9 113 June-Dee. 4 0 5 Kauri Timber .. 25S 1 1 7 i 4 0 . 1 2 0 1 2 , 3 6 June-Dee. 6 10 4 N.Z. Drug Co. 2 3 11 0 — 3 12 0 3 7* 0 8 Sept.-Apl. 4 8 10 Mount Lyell ., i — i 11 9 i 11 6 i 9 0 71 June-Dee. 4 15 2 Farm. Fertiliser i 0 16 6 0 19 5 0 17 0 6 August 7 1 2 N.Z. Newspapers 16/8 — 1 10 0 1 10 n i 12 6 8 Nov.-May 4 8 10 -Whit. & Tombs 21 — 2 19 6 2 18 3 — 6 Mch.-Oct. 5 3 0 Wilson’s Cement 10s — —. 0 18 6 0 16 3 71 Nov.-June 4 10 Woolworths 5s 1 e 1 1 5 4 1 5 3 1 O 10 171 Oct.-Apl. 3 0 3 Woolworlhs. N.Z. Bs — 0 16 11 0 16 0 0 17 6 16 July-Jan. 4 IS 0 Where no approximate price s given return is worked on mid-market price. unless only one quote is given.

AUCKLAND Sales on ’Change £ S. d. 3} p.c. Ins. Stock, 1953-87 93 0 0 4 p.c. Ins. Stock, 1948 101 0 0 4 p.c. Ins. Stock, 1940-43 99 3 0 4 p.c. Ins. Stock, 1946-49 (3) 9U 10 0 Comm. Bank of Aust. 0 16 6 E,, S„ and A. Bank 4 16 0 Bank of New Zealand 2 0 n South British 2 7 6 N.Z. Insurance (odd lot) 2 19 0 Renown (pref.) (late sale) 0 2 4 Huddart Parker 3 2 7(1 Northern Steam (paid) 0 3 6 Kaiapol Wool (17s' paid) 0 12 9 Dominion Breweries .. ■ X 13 3 N.Z. Breweries 1 17 0 Alloy Steel (Aust.) 0 5 0 Broken Hill Pty, (2) 4 4 6 4 4 3 British Tobacco 2 13 9 Burns, Philp (South Sea) Colonial Sugar 1 54 8 10 6 0 Con. Brick .. 0 9 2 Grey and Menzles 0 12 3 Mauri Bros. 3 15 6 N.Z. Refrig, (con.) .. 0 9 0 Woolworths (Sydney) .. 1 5 1 Wilson’s Cement 0 18 7i Walhl Investments .. 0 6 3 WELLINGTON ' Sales on ’Change £ 8. d. 4 p.c. Ins. Stock, 195S 99 0 0 N.Z. Guarantee Corpn. (2) 0 3 10 Bonds Hosiery Mills .. 1 0 8 Dominion Breweries .. , , 1 13 44 Broken Hill Pty. 4 4 6 (All the above late Thursday., 4 p.c. Ins. Stock, 1943 (3) 99 5 0 Bank of N.Z. 2 0 74 N.Z. Guarantee Corpn. 0 3 10 Bonds Hosiery Mills • 1 0 6 Tooths- .. u 2 17 6 Broken Hill Pty, 4 4 6 (2) 4 4 3 Electrolytic Zinc (pref.) 3 3 9 Consolidated Brick .. u 0 9 3 Gordon and Gotch . 2 14 0 Woolworths Properties (2) 1 5 0 4 p.c. Ins, Stock, 1846 . 99 2 6 David Jones . > u 2 0 0 Mount Morgan •• 0 10 0 DUNEDIN Sales on ’Change d. £ s. 4 p.c. Ins. Stock, 1943-46 tt 99 2 6 4 p.c. Ins. Stock, 1946-49 98 10 0 Auckland Gas II 0 16 8 Sales Reported d. £ S. 4 p.c. Ins. Stock, 1940-43 90 s 0 Comm. Bank 0 16 6 Union Bank .. , B 0 0 N.Z. Refrig, (con,) (2) 0 9 0 * SYDNEY Leading Industrial shares were mostly unchanged yesterday. Gilt-edged prices remained firm. Morning Sales £ B. d. Tooheys * 1 7 6 Tooths 2 10 6 Broken Hill Pty. 3 14 6 Electrolytic Zinc (pref.) 2 18 0 Pelt Textiles 1 15 9 Afternoon Sales £ s. d. Bank of New South Wales 26 16 0 Bank of Australasia .. 8 0 0 Tooths 2 10 6 1 6 6 Dunlop Perdriau (pref.) 1 14 10 Anthony Hordern 0 14 I Australian Gas A .. 6 17 8 Henry Jones .. 2 17 6 Howard Smith 1 3 0 Sargents .. 1 8 6 Mount Lyell . < 1 8 3 Nestles (pref.) .. 1 12 10 MELBOURNE Sales Bank of New South Wales 26 15 0 G. J. Coles , 3 10 6 Herald and Weekly Times, • 2 16 6 Electrolytic Zinc . •. 2 17 6 Commercial Bank of Australia 0 14 9 Emperor 0 10 4

N.Z. Govt. Debentures Buyers. Sellers. £ s. d. £ s. d. 31 p.c. Ins,, 1853-57 .. 92 10 0 — 4 p.c. Ins'., 1946 — 09 10 0 4 p.c. Ins., 1940-43 99 5 0 — 4 p.c. Ins., 1949-52 .. 97 0 0 — 4 p.c. Ins., 1954-58 — 08 15 0 4 p.c. Bonds, 1946 99 2 6 — 4 p.c. Bonds, 1055 98 10 0 — Rural Bonds, 5 p.c.. 15/9/47 .. 97 0 0 — Other Debentures Tolaga Bay, 41 p.c., 97 10 10/9/60 — 0 Dorn. Pert., 6 p.c.. 1/2/41 100 7 6 — Gisborne Sheep, 61 p.c., 31/8/41 — 90 0 0 N.Z. Rcfrig., 41 p.c.. 100 0 1/8/40-45 $0 0 0 0 Loan and Agency f- > Ch.Ch, Building (£10) ■*— 15 10 0 N.Z. Guar. Corpn, (3s) 0 3 10 South Island Finance 0 8 (10s paid) 0 Shipping Adelaide (£1) .. 1 14 0 Frozen Meat Cantby. (£7 10s paid) 9 6 0 10 0 0 Cantby, (pref., £5) .. S B 0 — Southland (£1) 1 9 0 —■ Waltakl (£5) 4 12 0 Woollens Felt and Textiles (£1) 1 19 1 2 1 3 Kaiapoi (17s paid) .. 0 12 8 0 13 .0 Kaiapoi (7s 1 paid) 0 4 4 0 4 '5 Kalapol (pref., 17s) .. 0 15 3 O IB li Oamaru (cum dlv., £1) 0 17 3 U lo a Coal Westport-Stockton (10s) 0 3 6 0 3 8 Westport-Stockton (pf., 10s) 0 7 9 0 8 6 Gas 6 Wellington (pf.. £1) •• — X 1 Nupler (£5 paid) ’— 4 16 0 Breweries Balllns (15s paid) 0 10 3 0 13 0 Swan (5s) 1 11 6 10 ■ a Tlmatu (In llqdn,) .. — 0 0 Wards (In llqdn.) .. — 1 0 I % Melbourne Co-op. (10s) 2 16 0 — Miscellaneous Andersons <pf.,’ £1) •• 0 16 0 — Aust. Consolid. Indust. 0 IS (4s paid) •• 3 Consolid. .Brick (cum dlv., £1) •• 0 9 0 0 0 3 Donaghy Rope (£1) •• D.I.C. (10a paid) 2 7 0 12 9 1 0 14 2 Hay's, Ltd. (£1) •• Hay’s, Ltd. (eont., IBs 1, 0 0 ' 0 15 0 17 Gem industries (12/6) 0 6 — Howard Smith (£1) .. 1 5 0 — Hume Pipe (Aust.) 0 18 9 (cum dlv., £1) Morris Hedstrom (cum 1 6 0 3 dlv, £1) • • ,. •• Macduffs (ord„ £1) .. 0 10 0 *4 3 Macdufls (pref., £1) 0 10 0 . McKenzies, Ltd. (£1) 2 1 0 2 2 0 National Electric (£1) 0 13 8 N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. (£2 1,0s paid) u w 1U N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. A A 1 (10s paid) .. U U N.Z- Farmers* Co-op. 2 15 (1st pref., £5} 0 N.Z, Farmers’ Co-op. (4J p.c. Stock, 1950, N.Z. 10 Paper Mills (£1) 78 0 1 6 0 0 Quill Morris (1936) (£1) Standard Cement (£1) 0 17 1 3 0 0 1 0 1 4 0 6 Taranaki Oil. (24/7 paid) • , „;; United Provisions (£1) 0 5 0 9 6 0 0 6 0 9 0 6 6 Wilcox, .Mofflin (11s) .. Woolworths Properties (£1) W. R. Carpenter (£V ■—, 0 7 1 4 10 2 8 0 Overseas Listing 0 15 9 Woolworths (S.A.) (5s) — Australian Minins Broken Hill Sth. - (exdiv., 5s) 1 9 3 1 11 9 Mount Morgan (2s 6d) 0 9 10 0 10 2 Mt. Morgan (pf., £1) HaWang Tin (IPs) I 1 0 10 O 0 oil 3 New Zealand Mining Addison’s Flat (Is) .. — 0 1 1 Alexander (ex dlv.. 0 10 £1) 0 4 0 0 Alexander (15s paid, ■ 6 ex dlv.) ' • .’J; 0 3 0 0 7 Arahura (£1) •• 1 10 0 — Austral-N.Z. (£1) .. X 6 0 ■ Big River , (cum dlv., (Is) 0 0 0 0 11 Golden Sands (cum 6 div.. Is) >. 0 0 10 0 1 Grey River- (10s) ■ ., 0 17 6 0 17 7i Kanieri (£1) •. — 1 16 6 Maori Gully (Is) ... 0 0 7 0 0 lUi Mossy Creek (Is) .. 0 0 10 Nemona (Is) •• 0 0 b — New River (Is) , 1 6 0 U 114 Ngahere (£1) 0 1 7 0 Ngahere (deferred) .. 0 16 6 1 1 0 Worksop Extend. (Is) —■ 0 0 7 UNLISTED STOCKS All transactions In stocks quoted In this section are subject to special brokerage and are - not quoted on the official list:Buyers. Sellers. £ 6. 6 £ s. d. Assoc. Gold Dredges 6 (7s paid) .. .. 0 7 -rAssoc. Motorists Pet1 4 8 rol (pref.) .. Aust. Mot. Petrol .. 0 11 6 Blackball Creek 0 I 0 0 .1 1 Dominion Compressed , 1 16 Yeast, 8 p.c. (pref.) Lange’s Mobile Gas .. ■—*- 0 0 15 0 Paparoa Coal —* 0 6 9 Westland Breweries 0 18 6 (17s ed.pald) «.

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Press, Volume LXXV, Issue 22877, 25 November 1939, Page 11

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FINANCE AND COMMERCE Press, Volume LXXV, Issue 22877, 25 November 1939, Page 11

FINANCE AND COMMERCE Press, Volume LXXV, Issue 22877, 25 November 1939, Page 11