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BULLER RUGBY UNION INSTRUCTIONS TO BE SENT TO CLUBS - PLAYERS NOT ELIGIBLE UNDER CODE At the weekly meeting of the management committee of the Buller Rugby Union on Saturday evening, it was decided to circularise all clubs with the instructions that they were liable for the playing of players not eligible to take part in football under the Rugby code, also, that no clubs could play a player from another district unless supported by a clearance from the club or union he had previously played under. Mr J. McEnaney (chairman) presided. Reference was made by the chairman to the election of the secretary. Mr Craddock, as a vice-president of the' New Zealand Rugby Union. On his motion, Mr Craddock was congratulated. Members spoke of the honours conferred both on Mr Craddock and the union he represented. It was decided that a letter of appreciation be sent to Mr J. F. Potter, of Granity, for services to the union as a referee and supporter of Rugby in the district. Mr Potter will leave the district shortly on promotion to another district. Fixtures for Saturday Fixtures were made as follows for next Saturday;— Senior Grade —Rover v. Westport, at Victoria square, at 2.45 p.m. (referee, Mr W. Kelly); Star v. United, at Waimangaroa, at 2.45 p.m. (referee, Mr E. Smith): Old Boys, a bye. Junior Grade —Star v. Pirates, at Denniston, at 2.45 p.m. (Mr D. Motley); Tiroroa v. Ngakawau. at Ngakawau, at 2.45 p.m. (Mr H. E. Gear); Westport and Old Boys, a bye. _ , . , Third Grade —Star v. Technical School, at Victoria square, at 1.45 p.m. (Mr V. Anderson); Granity High School, a bye. PERSONAL NOTES greymouth Miss S. Killip left yesterday on her return to New Plymouth. Mr R. Woodfield left yesterday for Wellington. . . _.. . Mr J. Duffy is on a visit to Christchurch. . Mrs W. Hill is visiting Auckland. Miss P. Carroll left yesterday for Christchurch. Mr and Mrs A. Turner left yesterday for Christchurch. Miss A. Daly is visiting Dunedin. Mr and Mrs T. Ogilvie have returned after a visit to Rarotonga. Mr and Mrs A. Turnbull, of Ashburton, are on a visit to Mrs P. Ryder, Inchbonnie. Miss C. Phillips, of Wellington, is on a visit to her father, Mr M. Phillips. Mr T. Mark, Public Service Commissioner, and members of the executive council of the New Zealand Public Service Association, will arrive in Greymouth from Wellington on May 27 to attend the annual smoke concert of the West Coast section of the association. Constable Peter Swan, who will leave to-day on transfer to Milton, Otago, after five and a half years’ service as officer in charge at Runanga, was bidden farewell at the Greymouth police station yesterday. For the force. Inspector Donald McLean presented Constable Swan with a fireside log box, and spoke in appreciation of his many fine qualities. Other speakers who expressed regret at Constable Swan’s departure were Senior-Sergeant A. Barnes. Constables G. Murray, L. P. Ricketts, and A. A. Baynes. WESTPORT Miss Shanks, of the staff of the Technical College, Nelson, is spending term holidays with her parents in Westport. Misses L. Daily and G. Hansby will leave shortly on a six weeks’ tour of Mr J. Hewitson, of the Tadmore School staff, will spend term holidays at Denniston. Mr A. Thurlow, who has been visiting relatives at Westport, has returned to Christchurch. Miss Ngaire Gadd, of St. Margaret’s College, Christchurch, is spending term holidays with her parents in Westport. Mr W. J. Jeffries, of Granity, has left on a holiday visit to Nfelson. Mr W. A. Craddock, who has been visiting Wellington, has returned to Westport. Miss M. Lovell, of Westport, is visiting Wellington. HOKITIKA Mr E. B. C. Murray (Weld street) has left for a holiday in Dunedin. Misses S. Dalziel, L. Park, H. Perry, and J. Armstrong (Christchurch) arrived in Hokitika on Saturday evening on a visit to their parents. Mr and Mrs M. Robinson (Wakefield) and Mr and Mrs L. P. Haycock (Poko-

DISMISSAL OF CHARGES THEFT OF SHEEP ALLEGED COMMENT BY MAGISTRATE AT GREYMOUTH Charges against Frank Charles Munden, a married millworker, of Haupiri, of unlawfully altering the brands of four ewes belonging to George Lyes, of Haupiri, on January 1, this year, and on the same day at the same place attempting to steal four ewes and three lambs belonging to Lyes, were dismissed by Mr J. G. L. Hewitt, S.M., at the Magistrate’s Court yesterday at Greymouth. Munden was represented by Mr W. Douglas Taylor. He elected to be tried by a jury. Detective-Sergeant H. E. Knight prosecuted. He did not think, the Magistrate said, that on the evidence any jury would convict, and he would be putting the country to unnecessary expense if he sent the case to a jury.

MINIATURE RIFLES WESTPORT CLUB’S SHOOT Excellent shooting was seen at the second meeting of the Westport Miniature Rifle Club on Saturday evening. Thirty riflemen competed, and top-scor-ers, gaining 69 out of a possible 70, were L. Hutchison, N. Perkins, and J. R. Keoghan. The following were the leading scores:—L. Hutchison 69, J. R. Keoghan 69, N. Perkins 69, R. Cunningham 68, J. Kilkenny 66, W. Murry 65, R. Marshall 64, A. Green 64, W. Duncan 64, D. Christian 64,- W. J. Barton 64, H. Palmer 63, D. J. Cunningham 63, R. Lineham 60. L. Williams 60, G. Lineham 59, N. Keoghan 57, K. Taylor 57, W. Kissell 57, J. Butterworth 52, T. McDonald 51, E. Palmer 49. _ roro), who have been on a motor tour of Westland, left on Thursday for Christchurch by the Otira Gorge. Mr W. Dove (Christchurch) arrived on Saturday on a visit to his parents at Kaihinu. Miss L. Chesterman (Granity) arrived on Saturday on a visit to her parents, Mr and Mrs F. Chesterman (Hampden street). Miss Betty McCarthy (Park street) left on Saturday for Wellington on a visit to her parents. Mr John Bell (Koiterangi) left on Saturday for a holiday in Christchurch. Mr and Mrs C. L. Harper left by motor on Saturday for Christchurch on a visit to Mr and Mr» T. Harper (Fendalton). Mr J. G. Johnston, headmaster of the Hokitika District High School, left on Saturday for Wellington to attend the annual conference of the New Zealand Educational Institute. ’

MAGISTRATE’S COURT SITTING AT GREYMOUTH Charges of opening, exposing, and selling liquor during prohibited hours, brought by the police against Laun Hall Wilson (Mr J. W. Hannan), licensee of the Commercial Hotel, Greymouth, who pleaded not guilty, were dismissed by Mr J. G. L. Hewitt, S.M., yesterday in the Magistrate’s Court, Greymouth. Douglas Foster and Robert Keay, labourers living at Otira, who did not appear, were fined 30s each and ordered to pay a • half share each of the damage, for having broken four panes of glass, valued at I7s, in a building at Otira belonging to Jane Scott, and, on the same day at Otira, having wilfully damaged a rail valued at 10s, on the Goat creek bridge. William George Duggan (Mr J. W. Hannan), for having assaulted George Edwin English on April 1, at Runanga, was fined £5 and ordered to pay costs. Albert Neil Mathieson (Mr E. B. E. Taylor) was fined 30s and ordered to pay costs for having driven a car in Bright street, Cobden, without due care. For having sold liquor during prohibited hours on March 18, Patrick Mervyn Collins (Mr J. W. Hannan), licensee of the Commercial Hotel .at Nelson Creek, who pleaded guilty, was fined £2 and ordered to pay costs. Charges of having opened the premises and having exposed liquor for sale were withdrawn by the police.

For having sold liquor during prohibited hours, Murty O’Donnell (Mr J. W. Hannan), licensee of the Paparoa Hotel at Roa, who pleaded guilty, was fined £2 and ordered to pay costs. Charges of opening the premises and exposing liquor for sale were withdrawn by the police. William Dean, for cycling at night without a light, was fined 10s and ordered to pay costs. For failing to carry warrants of fitness in cars, Leslie Groom, who pleaded not guilty, was fined 20s and ordered to pay costs, and Walter Burr was fined 10s and ordered to pay costs. John Rae, for failing in a car to give way to traffic on the right, was fined 20s and ordered to pay costs. For having attempted in a car to pass over the Herbert street railway crossing when it was not clear, Russel Satchell Poole was fined 20s and ordered to pay costs. Dunn’s Transport, Ltd. (Mr W. Douglas Taylor) was fined 10s and ordered to pay costs for having carried on a goods service in a controlled area otherwise than in conformity with them terms of a licence. On a similiar charge, Fahey’s Transport, Ltd., was fined a similiar amount and ordered to pay costs. Mr Taylor said that, in both cases, the offence was that a lorry driver failed to produce a service licence when stopped by an inspector. John Howard Robinson, for having committed mischief at Motueka by destroying with an axe bedding and crockery valued at £1 6s belonging to Allan Ernest Holdaway, was fined 30s and ordered to make good the damage. Robert Pullar, who pleaded not guilty, was fined 10s for having been in possession of a lucifer match and a cigarette end at the Dobson coal mine, in which safety lamps are required by law. The Magistrate, after inspecting the cigarette end, said that obviously Pullar had not intended to smoke it and that it was a pure oversight that, when searching himself before he could enter the mine, he had overlooked the offending articles which were found by the underviewer before Pullar went down the mine. Having such articles was contrary to a very wise provision of the law. A first offender for drunkenness was fined 10s. Twelve first offenders for having been unlawfully on licensed premises were all fined 5s and ordered to pay costs. A second offender was fined 20s and ordered to pay_ costs. SITTING HELD AT HOKITIKA A sitting of the Magistrate’s Court was held at Hokitika before Mr J. Hewitt, S.M. Licensing Cases Two offenders who were found after hours on the licensed premises of the Railway Hotel, Hokitika, were each fined 10s and ordered to pay costs. On similar charges, three offenders at the Red Lion Hotel and one each at the Southland and Dunedin Hotels, Hokitika, were fined 10s and ordered to pay costs. Traffic Cases Havelock Arthur Williams was charged with failing to carry a warrant of fitness in a motor-car in Hokitika. He was fined 10s and ordered to pay costs. For parking his car within six feet of a fire plug in Revell street, Williams was also fined 10s and ordered to pay costs. Wandering Stock Patrick Martin Coyle was fined 15s and ordered to pay costs for permitting a cow to wander in Hall street, Hokitika. Alexandria Toohey, for allowing a cow to wander in Weld street, Hoki-

tika, was fined 10s and ordered to pay costs. Butcher Fined On a charge, preferred by the Health Department, of selling mince meat containing more than three and five-tenths grains of sulphur-dioxide to the pound, Windsor H. Howson, butcher, of Hokitika, was fined 10s and ordered to pay costs. Transfer of Rifle For* delivering possession of a .22 calibre rifle to W. Mills, a person not being the holder of a permit to obtain same, Leonard Gordon P. Flower was fined lOg'and ordered to pay costs. Civil Cases Judgment for plaintiff by default, with costs, was given in the following civil actions: —Addisons v. C. E. Hibbs, £2 7s; Westland Hospital Board v. A. E. Pragnall, £7 12s; J. Shannon v. J. Phelan, £1 10s. An order for the payment of £46 17s 6d forthwith to the Westland Hospital Board was made against Alexander Spence, jun., in default 30 days’ imprisonment, warrant to be suspended so long as payment of £1 is made off the amount monthly. The Magistrate made a request, which was accepted by counsel, that legal argument be submitted to him in writing on a point arising from a claim for damages brought by Mrs K. Murphy (Mr Park), dairy farmer, of Ruatapu, against Thomas Pipson (Mr James). The claim arise out of the action of the defendant in castrating a bull owned by the plaintiff oh instructions from the plaintiff’s husband. Before the operation had been performed, plaintiff and her husband had discussed the matter and sent her son to tell Pipson not to interfere with the animal. “The point to be decided,” said the Magistrate, “was whether defendant was justified in ignoring the boy and proceeding on his first instructions, or whether he should ascertain if the person purporting to -be an agent was a

genuine agent with authority from th« owner of the animal.” Judgment for plaintiff, with costs, was given in the case in which Thomas Ecclesfield proceeded against J. W. Walton for payment of damages done to his car through defendant colliding into the rear of plaintiff’s car on Lake lanthe Hill on Labour Day. Maintenance Case An order for 7s 6d a week, to be paid to the State Welfare Department for the maintenance of his 14-year-old daughter was made against Henry J. Dunn. Mr James appeared for the defendant, who opposed the application on the ground that he could properly maintain the child at his home. SHIPPING PORT OF GREYMOUTH ' GREYMOUTH, May 8. The Tees arrived yesterday morning from Wellington, and is loading -timber for Wellington and Miramar. She is expected to sail on Wednesday night. The Korowai arrived yesterday afternoon from Auckland. She is loading for Wellington and is expected to sail tomorrow for Westport to complete. The Rata is expected to sail to-day for Dargaville and Wanganui. She will return on Saturday to load for New Plymouth and Nelson. The Kartigi is expected to sail at noon to-morrow for Auckland and Portland, via Westport. PORT OF WESTPORT WESTPORT. May 8. The Kaimai was due to sail this evening for Auckland. , The Te Aroha. loading for Little Wanganui and Wellington, is due to sail to-morrow morning. The Kartigi is due in Westport on Thursday from Greymouth, and will complete foi- Wellington. The Kakapo arrived yesterday fr««n Napier. . The Korowai ijs due, on Thursdai' |Eoi* Greymouth to complete for Wellington,

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Press, Volume LXXV, Issue 22705, 9 May 1939, Page 3

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WEST COAST NEWS Press, Volume LXXV, Issue 22705, 9 May 1939, Page 3

WEST COAST NEWS Press, Volume LXXV, Issue 22705, 9 May 1939, Page 3