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"You have pleaded guilty to a series of most despicable thefts from your employers and from fellow workmen," said Mr H. W. Bundle, S.M., admonishing a 24-year-old motor mechanic, Thomas Robert George Cox, of Herbert, who appeared on several charges of the theft of a car radio, motor-car accessories, and tools, heard at a sitting of the Magistrate's Court at Oamaru on Tuesday afternoon. Cox who was represented by Mr H. J. S. Grater, elected to be dealt with summarily.

The charges against Cox were of stealing from the garage of Dewar and McKenzie a car radio and stand valued at £2B 10s, and a set of die nuts valued at £2 6s 6d, of a total value of £3O 16s 6d; the theft of a set of valve lifter spanners and two files of a total value of 335, the property of Horace Gilbert Kirby, and stealing a set of magneto spanners valued at 355, the property of James White. He was further charged with stealing from the garage of George Corney Dennison, between January: 12 and March 1, motor-car accessories valued at £lO 9s, a battery charger valued at £2, and a motor-car battery valued at £4 15s. Accused obtained the key to Dewar and McKenzie's garage, which was kept at an hotel, and stole the radio and the car accessories, said Senior--Sergeant T. I. McGregor, outlining the charges against Cox. While employed by Dennison, ho stole tools belonging to his fellow employees. Constable J. L. Patterson had interviewed accused, and had found that he had keys which fitted Dennison's garage. He had first denied the thefts, but had later frankly admitted them, and had shown the police where the proceeds were buried in kerosene tins in a plantation at Kakanui. In this hiding place a number of other articles, including several coloured electric light bulbs had been found, and Cox claimed that he had found these, and that other articles belonged to him. The property had been recovered. Accused had never been in trouble before.

Cox was a clever mechanic, and seemed to have taken the tools under a sudden impulse, said Mr Grater. There was no motive, and the only reason that could be given for the theft was sudden weakness. The Magistrate added- that it had : been stated that the thefts were done : through weakness, but the secretive manner in which the articles had been i stolen and his action in burying the proceeds of the thefts showed that he was frightened to use them. Accused had no doubt thought that he was very ■ clever in doing - so, and intended to use the goods later. He had very grave hesitation in not sentencing him to a long term of imprisonment. On the charge of stealing the radio and accessories -from Dewar and McKenzie Cox was convicted and admitted to probation for three years, and ordered to make restitution of £2 10s, the value of the radio stand not recovered. He was fined £5, and ordered to pay expenses, in default one month's imprisonment on the charge of stealing motor-car accessories from Dennison, and was convicted and discharged on all other charges. The Magistrate ordered that the property be returned to the owners, and that the other articles found be held by the police as unidentified stolen property. , DRUNKENNESS I Charged with being found drunk in a'railway carriage at the Oamaru railway station, Archibald John Kirk was fined ss. "William Albert Johns was. fined 20s, in default 24 hours' imprisonment, on a similar charge TRAFFIC OFFENCES Donald McVean Copland (Mr H. J. S. Grater), who pleaded not guilty to a charge of driving a motor-truck without due care and attention, was fined 10s 6d and ordered to pay costs. On a charge of failing to give way to a vehicle approaching from the right, Francis Peter Simmons was fined 12s 6d and ordered to pay costs. The charges arose from a collision between vehicles driven by the two men, the Magistrate holding that it was caused by the carelessness of both. CIVIL CASES Judgment for plaintiff by default was given in favour of the North Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association, Ltd., in a claim against J. Paulson for the sum of £4 4s 4d. Paulson was ordered to pay costs. . M. Henry was ordered on a judgment summons to pay Rose Arscott the sum of £2 6s 6d and costs forthwith, in default three days' imprisonment, warrant not to be issued for 14 days. WARDEN'S COURT At a sitting of the Warden's Court, the Maerewhenua Goldflelds Development Company, Ltd. (Mr C. Zimmermann), was granted a mining licence for a water-race of six heads terminating in Golden Gully. The licence was granted for the term ending February 8, 1959.


OAMARU, December 21. Departure: Kaimai (1435 tons), Gaskin, at 10.30 p.m. yesterday, for Bluff. The New Zealand Shjping Company announces that s.s. Tongariro has been allotted to load at Oamaru about January 19 refrigerated and general cargo for London. , . . , The Waipiata is expected to leave Auckland about January 13 for southern ports, including Oamaru. She is due here on January 21 to load for Wellington and Auckland, via intermediate ports.




One hundred and twelve new members were enrolled last month by the Automobile Association (North Otago) and these were elected at the monthly meeting of the association's executive committee on Tuesday evening. Most of this total —which is a record number for the association—were enrolled by the newly-appointed canvasser (Mr R. B. Meek), as part of the association's membership campaign. The president (Mr W. Gillie) presided. Mr Meek reported that since the last meeting he had enrolled 108 members. He added that the people of the district were meeting his efforts very well indeed and that most car owners [ had only to be approached to signify their willingness to join. Mr Meek's report was received. A letter from the North Otago Children's Welfare Association asked the association to provide free transport from the railway station to the health camp at Kurow next month. On the motion of Mr D. H. Thomson it was decided to grant £2 2s. • Reports on the recent quarterly meeting of the South Island Motor Union ! at Greymouth vere given by the association's delegates, Messrs D. H. Thomson, W. Gillies, and J. W. Petrie. It was agreed to write to the Greymouth Association thanking it for its hospitality. The meeting decided that a deputation should wait on the Oamaru Borough Council to emphasise the need of cutting down the bank at the corner of. Wye street and the Main South road, or alternatively that Wye street be declared open only for one-way traffic. Messrs Gillies, J. Gerrie, and H. J. Jenkins were appointed the members of the deputation.



Seasonal greetings were exchanged by Mr H. W. Bundle, S.M., and representatives of the Bar, Court officials, and the police at the last sitting for the year of the Magistrate's Court at Oamaru, yesterday morning.

Best wishes for Christmas were extended for the solicitors by Mr R. D. H. Swindley, who said that it had always been a pleasure to appear before Mr Bundle as Magistrate sitting at Oamaru. It was with a feeting of some regret that the year's work had ended. He thanked the Court officials, Messrs F. Stoop (Clerk of Court), R. C. H. Kent, and J. H. Duncan (Maintenance Officer), the police, and the press for their co-operation and assistance during the year. Referring to the Court officials, Mr Swindley said that a more obliging staff had never before worked in the Court building. Mr Bundle returned thanks for the good wishes, which he said he wished heartily to reciprocate. He also thanked members of the Bar, police, and the press. Best wishes were also offered by Senior-Sergeant T. I. McGregor, who expressed the hope that the Bar and the police "would be abl? to fight in peace for another 12 months."

The vast amount of additional work that had fallen to Mr Stoop (the Registrar) and the Court staff through the Court of Review, was mentioned by Mr J. H. Main, who thanked officials for their assistance. Presentations were later made by Mr Main for the legal profession, to Messrs Stoop, Kent, and Duncan in appreciation of their services during the year.



A large number of visitors is expected this year at the Oamaru motor camp in the Gardens, according to advice given members of the Automobile Association (North Otago) at the monthly meeting of the association's executive committee on Tuesday evening. The meeting heard reports on the improvements being made at the campers' building in readiness for the holiday season. Further proposed improvements to. the building were discussed, these including the addition of a veranda. "From all appearances we are going to have a big crowd at the camp," said the chairman (Mr W. Gillies). "It is almost booked up now."



Mr Lyndsoy S. Clark, of Maheno, has been appointed editor of the "Spectator," published at Hamilton, Victoria. Mr Clark received his early journalistic experience on the "North Otago Times," Oamaru.




The North Otago Lawn Tennis Association's annual championship tournament will start on Saturday morning at the Awamoa courts, where this year all matches will be played. The entries are about the same as last year, but it is expected that a few late entries will be received and provision for these has been made in the draw. The finals in all sections will be played on Tuesday.

The draw is as follows: — Men's Singles—L. S. Green v. J. C. Clarke, J. W. Hinton v. J. A. Hendy, C. Maude v. J. Shea, J. Fisher v. A. Feathers, J. McKenzie v. J. D. Collins, v. S. L. Henry, R. J. Henry v. A. Mac Donald. W. A. Liddell v. W. J. Giffin. Men's Doubles—First round: McDougall and Feathers v. , Maude and Fisher v. Westphal and Collins. Second round: Clarke and Liddell v. , Shea and McKenzie a bye, Giffin. and Green a bye, Hendy brothers v. Shea and McKenzie. Women's Singles—First round: Miss L. McKenzie v. Miss L. Diver, Miss J. Fraser v. . Second round: Miss A. Blyth v. Miss M. Newson, Miss J. Corrigal a bye, Mrs J. C. Clarke a bye. Miss R. Brown V. ATiss I. Gunn.

Women's Doubles— Misses It. Brown and R. Corrigal -v. , Mrs J. C. Clarke and Miss J. Corrigall v. , Misses A. Blyth and I. Gunn v. Misses J. Fraser and J. Hollamby, Misses E. Miller and J. Thomson v. Misses L. McKeflzie and M. Newson.

Boys' Singles—R. G. Crisp v. W. G. Anderson, W. A. Liddell v. J. A. Hazlett, Hunt v. R. O. Davies, M. Hendy v. .

Men's Singles Handicap—First round: W. J. Giffin (owe 40) v. . R. J. Henry (owe 15) v. Hunt, R. Crisp (scr) v. C. Maude, M. Hendy (owe 15 1-6) v. J. Fisher. Second "round: J. C. Clarke (owe 30) v. J. A. Hazlett (rec. 3-6), C. Barsdell (rec. 3-6) v. A. Mac Donald (scr), L. S. Green (owe 30 5-6) v. H. Crossan (scr), W. R. Westphal (owe 15 4-6) v. J. W. Hinton (owe-3-6), J. D. Collins (owe 15 3-6) v. J. A. Hendy (owe 15 2-6). S. L. Henry (owe 15 1-6) v. P. Martin (owe 15).

Men's Doubles Handicap—First round: Henry brothers (owe 15 ?-6) v. Hunt and partner, Clarke and Green (owe 40) v. J. Shea and Martin (owe 15 4-6). MacDonald and Hinton (scr) v. Maude and Fisher. Second round: Barsdell and Crossan (rec. 3-6) v. Hendy brothers (owe 15 2-6), Anderson and Crisp (owe 5-6) a bye. Giffin and partner v. W. Westphal and Collins (owe 15 3-6).

Women's Singles Handicap—First round: 1 Miss M.'-Newson (owe 15) v. Mrs McDougall (scr),. Miss L. McKenzie (owe 4-6) v. , Miss E. Miller (scr) v. Miss A. Blyth (owe 15 1-6), Miss I. Gunn (owe 40) v. .Mrs J. C. Clarke (owe 30) v. , Miss J. Thomson (owe 3-6) v. Miss R.-Brown (owe 30). Second round: Miss D. Hunt (owe 3-6) a bye, Miss J. Fraser (owe 30 2-6) a bye. Women's Doubles Handicap—Misses L.. McKenzie and M. Newson (owe 15) V. Misses E. Miller and J. Thomson (scr), Mrs J. C. Clarke and Miss J. Corrigal (owe 40) v. r, ; Misses R. Brown and R. Corrigal (owe 15 3-6) v. Miss A. Blyth and Mrs McDougall (owe 2-6), Misses I. Gunn and J. Fraser (owe 30 3-6) v. . Mixed Doubles Handicap—First round: Collins and Miss J. Fraser (owe 15 4-6) v. Hunt and partner. Giffin and Miss I. Gunn (owe 40) v. Green and Miss R. Brown (owe 30.4-6), Fisher and partner v. Clarke and Mrs Clarke (owe 30 2-6), Kinder and, Miss A. Blyth (owe 2-6) v. Maude and partner. Second round: and Miss L. McKenzie v. McKay and Miss J. Corrigal (owe 15 2-6), Mac Donald and partner v.- Hinton and Miss M. Newson (scr). The following players will be required at.8.30 on Saturday morning for the fiist matches of the tournament:—Crisp v. Anderson, Liddell v. Hazlett, Hunt v. Davies, Green v. Crossan, Westphal v. Hinton, Barsdell v. .Mac Donald.


The annual break-up of junior members of the Hororata Girls' Friendly Society was held at the vicarage, many friends and parents being present. A competition was won by Nancy McKenzie. Nancy Fleming presented the leader (Miss Edith Thorne) with a Christmas present and Jean McKenzie presented her with a bouquet. June Oliver presented Mrs Fleming with a Christmas gift.

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Press, Volume LXXIV, Issue 22591, 22 December 1938, Page 3

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NORTH OTAGO NEWS Press, Volume LXXIV, Issue 22591, 22 December 1938, Page 3

NORTH OTAGO NEWS Press, Volume LXXIV, Issue 22591, 22 December 1938, Page 3