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Projected Increase of £5,549,619


Last Year’s Authorisations Underspent

[From Our Parliamentary Reporter.] WELLINGTON, July 26. Expenditure on public works and main highways in the 1938-39 financial year is estimated by the Government to require £5,549,619 more than in 1937-38. The Public Works Estimates tabled in the House of Representatives to-day seek votes of £11,675,030 under the Public Works Fund, compared with £7,130,883 spent last year, and of £5,037,200 under the Main Highways Account, compared with £4,031,728 spent last year. The estimates revealed that the 1937-38 votes under both headings were considerably underspent. Last year the total vote for services chargeable on the Public Works Fund was £10,076,902, and the amount actually spent was £7,130,883. Of the total vote of £4,165,200 under the Main Highways Account all but £133,472 was spent.

The biggest increases in the Public Works estimates for the financial year are in railway improvements and additions to open lines, main highways public buildings, education buildings, telegraph extension, reading, electric power supply, railway construction and' native land settlement. This increases in each case (estimates for 1938-39 compared with amounts expended in 1937-38) are as follows;

Railway improvements .. 1,546,000 Main highways • • L 006.000 Public buildings .. 813,000 Electric power supply .. 549,000 Telegraph extension •. 438,000 Roads, etc. . • 284,000 Education buildings .. 274,000 Railway construction .. 220,000 Native land settlement .. 121,000 The following is a summary of the estimated amounts required to be voted under the Public Works Fund, electric supply account, and main highways account. _,. . . Estimated amount required Exto be pended, voted. 1937-38. £ £ Public Works, departmental .. .. 198,000 ■ 188,934 Railways— . Railway construction 1,440,000 1,120,218 Railways Improvements and additions to open lines .. 2,844,000 1,298,790 Public buildings .. 1,500,000 687,703 Education buildings .. 820,000 546,846 Lighthouses and harbour works .. 46,000 11,677 Development of Tourist resorts .. 50,000 23,139 Roads, etc. .. 1,410,000 1,128,757 Telegraph extension .. 730,000 312.260 •Lands Improvement 187,000 *152,001 Irrigation, water supply, and drainage .. 140,000 71,659 Swamp land drainage 19,000 19,402 Settlement of unem- . ■ ployed workers .. ■ 340,000 310,665 Native land settlement .. .. 375,000 254,827 Electric Supply Account .. .. 1,556,030 1,007,965 Main. Highways Account .. .. 3,037,200 4,031.728 •Includes "dairy industry loans." vote previously shown separately.


•GRANT OF £20,000 SOUGHT COMPLETION OP SOUTH WESTLAND WHARF i [From Our Parliamentary Reporter.] WELLINGTON. July 26. , An expenditure of £15,250 is pro- , i posed on the wharf facilities at Jacki .son’s Bay, South Westland. The estiII imate is that this amount will comIplete the building of the wharf to the Settlement now occupied by public rWi [works employees, and expected to be l^||Jan v outlet when the district Is opened •mi l * vote appears in’ that for ‘lightwiMfcouses and harbour works. The sum w:«|BlH''£ 20.000 is asked for the installation |Mfln|adio direction-finding beacons, the IHHKtion of which is not explained in nSjWßeatlmates. ''wHShe vote for these harbour and 1 1 ; :WKKarI v/orks is £46.000, the total i V KKTmpunt required lor the year being wySKfiMiSlO. Allocations for Canterbury, rgMittym. Marlborough, and Westland •• ted to be voted. 1937-38. £ £ Bruce Bay landing (shed additions) . . . 85 1C Collingwood (wharf extension, £2 for £1) 250 French Pass (waitingroom and convenience) .. 150 Havelock Harbour .. 1,000 Jackson’s Bay (wharf, etc.) .. 15,250 157 Sound County jetties (Tennyson Inlet, Fairy Bay, Ship Cove,- Kumutoto) .. 850 SCHOOL BUILDINGS


LARGER EXPENDITURE ON UNIVERSITIES [From Our Parliamentary Reporter.! ' WELLINGTON, July 26. Greatly increased amounts for buildings for education purposes are proposed in the estimates, which include a further sum of £7OOO for the School for this Deaf, Sumner. The largest increase ia made for secondary school buildings, The allocations sought are:— . Estimated amounts esquired Spent to In be voted. 1937-38. £ £ schools L. 827,000 321,960 Segwdary scheoli L. 373,000 ■, 37,241 Tjtbnical schools it, 209,000 . 96,296 88,500 1,964 , , - .1. 158.000 39.086 «wlve schools A 72.300 32,688 Instttul i-u '****-*- infh? ’*; 35p000 351 ww «“ Blind 10,000 ■ : ’ . A ■■ ,




From Our Parliamentary. Reporter.]


Development expenditure on land is one of the chief items in the Public Works Estimates under the heading of Settlement of Unemployed Workers. This will account for £125,000 (of a total vote of £340,000), compared with £67,000 spent in the 1937-38 financial year. Wages, however, will take the major part of the vole—£lß3,ooo. Chief items in the estimates under this heading are:— • Est. Exp. 1938-39 1937-38 £ * £ Wages ~ ~ 183,000 174,383 Development expenditure on land .. 125,000 108,244 Livestock. etc., for blocks being de- - veloped • • 78,500 69,142 Advances to smallfarm occupiers .. 70,000 67,886 Purchase and lease of land .. 34,000 34.19 C Employment for Maoris In the native land settlement account sums of £220,000 are provided for the promotion of employment among Maoris on native land development schemes, and of £130,000 for promotion of employment among Mi oris on other land. Last year the amounts spent under these headings totalled £275,000. Rendering fit for settlement lands included in the native land schemes is estimated to require £458,375, compared with £436,311 last year. The locations of these schemes and the individual estimates follow: — * £ Tokerau (North Auckland) .. 66.000 Waikato-Maniapoto (South Auckland) • • •• 64,000 Aotea (Taranaki and Wanganui) ... .. 35,000 Waiariki (Rotorua and Bay of Plenty) .■ •• 223,375 Tairawhitl (Poverty , Bay-East Coast-Wairoa) eoxioo Ikaroa (Manawatu-Wairarapa- • Hawke’s Bay) and South Island .. • • 10,000


BIGGER VOTE THIS YEAR [From Our Parliamentary Reporter.] WELLINGTON. July 20. The development of hydro-electric power in New Zealand in the preson* financial year is expected to cos* £1.556.000. compared with £1.007,03." spent in 1037-38. The estimates tabled in the House of Representatives today provide for votes of £1.018.510 for North Island schemes, and £538,790 for the South Island. Of this sum expenditure of £1,216,470 on new works and the purchase of materials for stock i$ projected. Working expenses and maintenance are expected to absorb £363,530. The detailed estimates are as follows: North Island Estimate. Spent. 1938-39. 1937-38. £ £ New work and purchases of materials for stock — Arapuni-Horahora works :. 363,970 212,451 Wtongahao-Waikare-moana works .. 450,000 85,817 Working expenses and maintenance— Arapuni - Horohora Vforks , .. 87.450 72,216 King’s wharf station, Auckland (half additional . net cost of operating and half capital charges) 37,590 38,120 Mangahao-Walkare-moana works .. 79,500 96,380 Total .. 1,018,510 504,984 South Island New works and 'purchases of materials for stock— Lake ColeridgeWaitakf works .. 230,000 339,220 Southland works .. 150,000 72,407 Working expenses and maintenance— Lake ColeridgeWaitakl works .. 101,315 67,558 Southland works .. 57,473 52,501 Total .. 558,790 531,686 A sum of £2500 is provided for surveys and investigations of other schemes.


COMPLETION OF WAIHO INVESTIGATION DEVELOPMENT OF TOURIST _____ RESORTS [From Our Parliamentary Reporter.] WELLINGTON, July 2G. If the Government’s intentions are carried out. the 'surveys for the aerial ropeway at Waiho Springs will bo completed this year. A sum of £l5O to cover the completion of the survey appears oh the estimates. No provision is made for the cost of surveys for ropeways at Mount Cook or Ruapehu National Park. The total vote sought for the development of the tourist resorts of the Dominion is £50,000, leaving £272,240 yet to be found for the projected works. Provision of £IOOO for general improvements at Mount Cook, and £2OO for the erection of a telephone wire to the Ball Hut is again made. The amounts were not expended in the last financial year. A further vote of £75 is proposed for the Mount Cook track improvements, on which £l7B was expended last year. An expenditure of £IOOO for huts and buildings in the Eglinton Valley is proposed. A grant of £2OOO last year was not spent, and an additional £6750 is required to complete the work. The sum of £IOO is to be voted to the erection oi a new wharf at Lake Brunner, the Government subsidy being £2 for £l. An additional £l5O is estimated to be required before the work will be finished. 1 . The sum of £3l was expended without any vote being made last year on reading at the Maruia Springs hostel, and the additional grant of ,£250 is exnected to finish the work. Other West Coast tourist developmental votes are: —Okarito trig track (£1 for £1), £170; Punakaiki scenic reserve tracks, £100: Toaroha Springs track, £I2OO.


Irrigation and Flood Control CANTERBURY AND WEST COAST VOTES ASHBURTON IRRIGATION SCHEME [From Our Parliamentary Reporter.! WELLINGTON, July 26. Provision for important land improvement work in the Canterbury and West Coast districts is made in the Public Works Estimates tabled in the House of Representatives to-day It is proposed to spend large sums on irrigation and water-supply schemes in Mid-Canterbury and on flood-con-trol and protective works in both Canterbury and Westland. The largest vote involved is one of £160,000 for the Ashburton irrigation scheme, and the estimates provide for votes of £65.000 for the MayfieldHinds irrigation scheme, and £55,000 for the Downs Water-supply scheme. Flood-control works in the Ashburton and Hinds rivers are expected to require £30,000, and similar works on the Ashley river £26,000 (part of which will be recoverable from the Employment Promotion Fund). Sums of £IO,OOO each are' provided for outlets to Lakes Ellesmere and Forsyth. Local bodies will contribute to the majority of these works. Individual estimates are as follows: LAND IMPROVEMENTS Nelson District Est. Exp. 1938-39 1937-38


HEAVY EXPENDITURE PLANNED £241,910 FOR WEST COAST [From Our Parliamentary Reporter.! WELLINGTON. July 26. A long list of constructional and improvement works to roads and bridges is included in the Public Works Estimates. Trie total estimates for works in the Nelson, Greymouth, and Christchurch road districts, compared with the amounts spent last year, are:— 1938-39. 1937-38. ,£ £ Nelson .. 55,215 38.629 Greymouth .. 241,910 180,007 Christchurch 76,210 90,860 Among the larger amounts included in the estimates are £12,000 for the Paturau road deviation, Nelson, £6750 for the Grey Valley-Maruia road, £17,000 for the Springs Junction-Hot Springs road, Inangahua, £IO,OOO for the Lewis Pass road, £12,000 for the Summit road between Dyer’s Pass and Gebbic’s Pass, and the following large amounts for the Main South road, Westland: Weheka to Bruce Bay, £75,000; Haast to Jackson’s Bay. £55,000; and Bruce Bay to Haast, £20,000. Detailed estimates are as follows, an asterisk denoting that local bodies or settlers are to contribute: — NELSON ROAD DISTRICT Awatere County Estimated amount Exrequired to pended, be voted. 1937-38. £ £

for £1) .. .. 50 Price’s Valley road bridges (£1 for £1) 125


A sum of £400,000 is included in the main highways estimates ■ for the elimination of level railway crossings. In the total vote of sums of £175,000 are set aside for administra-

{ion and general expenses, £150,000 for purchase of plant, £210,000 on loans recouped to the Consolidated Fund, and £150,600 for loan redemption. The detailed figures for the districts are as follows: —


Greatly Increased Expenditure ROLLING-STOCK £841,200 Big Vote for Southern Trunk Line [From Our Parliamentary Reporter.! WELLINGTON, July 26. The cost of railway construction, and improvements and additions to open lines accounts for £4.284,000, (after deducting credits-in-aid) of the total estimated expenditure from the Public Works Fund in 1938-39. Last year £2,418,988 was spent. Of construction ’ works, the largest vote is required for the South Island Main Trunk line, for • which £617,000 is set aside, compared with £469,703 spent in the last year. * Roughly £300,000 more than was spent last year is required for construction work throughout New Zealand. and the vote for improvements and additions is more than double the ! sum of £1,298,770 spent last year. At March 31 this year the South Is- -. land Main Trunk had cost £1,251,183, . and the estimated cost of its completion (including the present vote) is £1,620,597. Approaching it in present cost is the Gisborne-Waikokopu line, on which £417,367 was spent last year, and for which £445,000 is set aside this year. The line has. in fact, cost more to date than the South Island line, the total expended being £1,345,189. Considerably more than £1.000,000 will have been spent by the Government on railway rolling-stock— loco- - motives, cars, and waggons—if the estimate this year is expended in the .- same proportion as last year. The sum : voted, £841,200, is by far - the largest item on the whole of the railways estimates. Last year £714,000 was voted and £473,313 was spent. The last figure is given as the total amount spent, the work of replacement and renewal hav-' ing begun only with the last financial year. The sum voted this year is esti- 1 mated to be adequate to complete th|. programme. -

The Westport-Inangahua line is another major construction work. £150,000 is provided for it this ; roughly £2OOO less than was spent MW, year. The total amount spent on tfi»|; line to date is £798,353, and -for JjUft completion £519.344 (including present vote) will be required. . : The amounts set aside for the principal works are: — ' Railway Construction , l|‘ Estimated % ij amount . . required -J* < to Spent«' . be voted. 1937■* Dargavme branch .. “ - Paeroa-Pokenq -• 143 - 0W Eafti Coast Mam Trunk ,„4.L, (Gisborne-Napier)— Automatic signalling - nnnft Ji*".. installation . - f njtT - ’ Gisborne-Waikokopu 445.000 4l£*J Walkokopu - Wairoa 23.420 mjSI Wairoa-Putonno .. si.nw Westport-Inangahua— . ‘ Te Kuha -In angahua 150,000 South Island Main Trunk (Picton-Wai- , Wharanui - Parnassus 617,000* Improvements and Additions to . Open Lines _ - £ •

£ £ Awatere (water supply) (contribution) 6,000 — Wai-ti river (protective works). (£1 for £1) 300 172 Wairoa river. Brightwater (protective works), (survey) 335 66 Picton ■ foreshore (re578 clamation) — Christchurch District Ashburton and Hinds rivers (flood-control survey) 60 861 Ashburton and Hinds rivers (flood-control ! works) 30,000 — Ashley River Trust (flood-control works) 2(1,000 60.513 Dog Kennel and. Broad , Gully creeks (flood6,900 ' control) , •— Halswell river (deviation). (£1 for £1) 800 •— KaVvaxhara river (.protective works) 75 — /Lake Ellesmere (outlet), (on account) .. 10,000 — Lake Forsyth (outlet) 10,000 — Little Rakala (cul-' ; verts) 2,100 1,693 Little River township (flood-control survey) 100 — McKenzie Estate, iTnVm’rtlW.i 1 drainage) 145 tlon) .. -w V -’ ; 03»Avon river, Bexley (protective works), _ 125 Opihi river (flood control) — 243 Greymouth District Arahura river (protective works) 5,000* 103 Coal creek (protective works) 7,993* 5 Hector river (erosion) 3.725 Hokitika river (erosion) (Ritchie's) (£1 for £1) 250 . Inangahua river (eroslon) (Douglas's) 50 . Karamea (flood-con-trol works) 25,000 22.405 Kokatahi river (erosion) (Moynlhan’s) .. 26ST Kokatahi river (erosion) (Smith’s) 230 _ Little Wanganui river (erosion) 'Douglas’s) (£1 for £1) 100 ■ Little Wanganui river (erosion) (Hill’s) (£1 for £1) 60 Mawhera-iti river (erosion) (Hannah’s) .. 150 . ■ Oparara river (protecfive wdrks) 7.000 Infi Porarari river (erosion) (protective works) (Punakalkl Domain) 500 Taramakau river (erosion) (Neame's) (£1 for £1) 300 . Hokitika river (stopbanking) 4aa Kongahu Swamp (drainage) — 191 IRRIGATION’. WATER SUPPLY. AND DRAINAGE Canterbury Ashburton (Irrigation scheme) 160.000 83,461 Canterbury District (investigation) 6.800 5.377 Canterbury ■ District (sugar-beet Investiga- , tion) 155 Downs (water supply scheme) (on account) (£1 for £1) 95.000 lin Downs (water supply scheme) (aerial survey) (£1 for £1) .. 615 Levels Plains (irngation scheme) 3,200 20,345 Mayfleld-Hlnds (Irrigation scheme) 65,000 3,565 North Otago (irrigation survey). i, ,, 500

Atkinson’s road (£2 6G5 for £1) — Blind river beach 135 road (£3 for £1) Burlergil road (£2 for 25 £1) •— Clarence river road (access to Todhun5,000* ter and Chaifey) .. — Clarence Valley road 100 231 Kckcrangu river road (bridge) (£3 for £1), \ (on account) 1,000 — Tochall’s creek bridge 535 (Ward) (£2 for £1) Urc river road (Pal5,242 mer’s access) 2,200 Grey Valley road — 74 Colllngwood County Aorere Valley road 150 (Upper) (£3 for £1) — Fifteen Mile creek bridge (Aorere Val-1,5-15 ley road) 1,350 Limestone road (access to Ferguson’s) 900 (£3 for £1) — • Pakawau to Mangara19,307 kau road 8,000 Pakawau Bush to Limestone (Ferguson’s) read via Kaihoka lakes 450 —- Pakawau to Puponga 100 road (£3 for El) .. — Parkeston road (access to Addison) (£3 for £1) 250 — Paturau road deviation 12,003 — Pomeroy’s road (£3 for 375 £1) — Marlborough County Access to Hun 107, Glazebrook (£1 for £1) 50 — - Avon Valley road (£2 265 104 for £1) Lcatham Valley road 135 104 (£2 for £1) Long Valley bridge (Kaituna Valley road) 1,650 (£1 for £1) — • Mahau road (£1 for 153 £1) 75 North Bank road. Wairau river (Bartlett’s creek to Pine Valley 1,723 stream) (£2 for £1) — Opouri road deviation 1,500 (£3 for £1) —- Opouri Valley road at 100 Carluke f£l for £1) Pukaka Valley road (£2 for £1) (on ac'230 count) • — Tinline road (£1 for CO 48 £1) Waihopal river road (Spray Point) (£1 75 for £1) —~ Waikakaho Valley road 445 (£2 for £1) — Top Valley road (£1 ! 53 for £1) — Tunakino Valley road 245 (£3 for £1) — Waihopai river bridge (Maori ford) (Waihopai Valley road) (£1 467 for £2) .. .. Murchison County Black water road (£3 300 150 for £1) Glengarry road (access to Kelling and Poin690 660 ton) Glenroy road (£3 for 300 £1) Johnstone's creek bridge (access to Irvine’s) 100 (£3 for £1) — Longford to Halt’s road (access to Thurlow) 390 (£3 for £1) — Longford to Rail’s road - (access to Win) (£3 230 270 for £1) Maruia river road (west bank) (access to Gor135 don) (£3 for £1) .. — Matiri river road (east 300 bank) (£3 for £1) — Matiri river road (west bank) (access to H. 190 253 Sager) (£3 for £1) Matiri river bridge (access to Miller’s) (on 500 account) —■ Owen river road (Brewery creek to Sewells) 75 (£3 for £1) , , .. ■— Rappahannock road (£3 for £1) 560 193 Rifleman’s creek bridge. glenroy road (£3 for 375. — Te PatitI Valiev road (access to McAuliffe) Tc Peita Valley road 300 (£3 for £1 ) — Whales road (£3 for £1) 170 —- Buller river road (right 178 hank) (access to Burt) — Hutching’s bridge (Maruia river road, 514 east bank) — Nuggety creek road (access to Robinson) 148 (£3 for £1) — Pea Soup creek bridge (Maruia river road, 770 east bank) — Shenandoah road •. — 1,114 Tutaki road (£3 for £1) — 225 Sounds County Catherine’s Cove track 100 (D’Urville Island) .. Graham river bridge (Whatamonga - Port 340 Underwood track) .. — Portage to Torea road 100 (£4 for £1) *— Tc Mahia to Onahau 100 road (£4 for £1) .. — To Mahia road 450 — Hnkana Bay to Jerdan’s Bay (access to D5k250 cn) —• Takaka County Go-ahead Creek bridge (old Colllngwood inland road) (£2 for £1) Haile's Bank- Culvert 600 50 (Upper Takaka road), (£3 for £1) 150 — Longford road culvert (Lindsays to Longford road), (£3 for £1) 90 — Page’s crossing culvert (access to J. D. c Page), (£3 for £1) 150 Simpson’s road (Pura--mahoi), (£2 for £1) 45 — Te Kakau river bridge (£2 for £1) .. 435 — Walnui to Totaranui road 500 _ Waitui road (access to Cobb hydro works). (£3 for £1) 150 85 Walnui river bridge (Walnui to Totaranui road), (£3 for £1) — 622 Walmea County Beatson’s creek culvert (Orinoco Valley road) (£1 for £1) 400 — Big Pokororo river road (£3 for £1) .. 495 — Carlyon’s road (£1 for £1) 50 ' — Chapman’s creek No. 2 bridge (Motucka river road, left bank), (£2 for £1) 530 —~ Clarke Valley road (£5 for £1) .. 375 148

Estimated Examount ' required to pended, be voted. 1937-30. £ £ Coleman's road (£2 for £1) . 100 — Dart river bridge (£1 60 tor £1) . • • Herring stream bridge (Motueka river road. left bank), (£1 f° r £1) .," Maitai river bridge 475 113 (Maitai Valley road). 25 662 (£3 for £1) •• Orchard creek culvert (Tadmore to Bush End road), (£1 for £1) . • • 335 — Rees creek bridge (Tadmore to Tapawera road), (£1 for £1) •• 260 — Rocky river bridge (Motueka river road. left bank), (£2 for £1) 800 — Roscdale creek bridge 630 (£1 for £1) •• Tadmore to Glenlkope road (£2 for £1), 210 (on account) Upper Stanley E^rook road bridge (£3 for 1,435 £i) ■ Wairoa Gorge bridge 1,000* (access to Andrews) Lillie Pokororo river • bridge (Motueka river road, left bank), 415 (£1 for' £1) — Moutcre Clay road (£1 S3 for £1) Riwaka to Sandy 3.930 Bay road -— Riwaka-Sandy Bay to 91 Marahau road — Riwaka Forks bridge (Riwaka Valley road, 92 (£3 for £1) —— Tadmore to Glenhope road HKaka to Glenhope section) ( £2 for 44 £1) — GREVMOUXII ROAD DISTRICT Duller County Baker’s creek road 450 — Cain’s road (£2 for £1) 215 Coalbrookdale road Colligan's road 300 450 Four Mile river road 100 (on account) Giles creek road (£3 375 for £1) Hargrcave's road (£3 75 for £1) •• Karainca to Collingwood road (Oparara 1,255 344 to Kohaibai) Little Totara river bridge (Warnc’s rd.), 500 Martin’s), (on acc’nt) “— Little Wanganui erosion 500* and road deviation — Millerton roads 450 — Mokihinui bridge to Beach road (£465, 1,515 £2 for £1) — Mossyburn creek bridge 550 — Pakihi lands access rd. (Sergeant’s Hill and ’ 1,210 2,266 Caroline terrace rds.) Pcnsini road bridge .. 500* — Scddonvillo' to Charming creek track (on 100 account) — Soapworks road 200 — South terrace road (£3 600 for £ 1) ■— Stafford road (on ac’t) 100 — Stockton roads (on ac100 count) — Tauranga Bay to Charleston road (on 175 account) — Wangapeka to Little Wanganui road (£4 720 for £ 1) — Cascade road (£1550, 1,749 £1 for £1) — Waroatca road (contri75 bution) — Grey County Crooked river valley 2,500 310 road (£2 for £1) .. Ford's creek bridge D00 (Grey Valley road) — Grey valley-Maruia rd. (Brown Grey river bridge), (2nd crossing) 1.200 270 Grey Valley to Maruia 6,750 road — Kainta road extension 200 (£2 for £1) — Killeen Is! rad road 1C3 (£2 for £1) — Kumukau creek bridge 270 (£2 for £1) — Mitchell’s to Hattpiri Junction road (£2 for 234 £1) 350 MitehcU's to Haupiri Junction road (Evan’s creek bridge), (£2 for 390 £1) — Waipuna road (£2 for 150 V £1) 146 Brown Grey river b’dge (Grey valley to Maruia road), (1st cross187 ing) — Craig road (£2 for £1) 240 Craigieburn crock b’dge (Big river to Rough 935 river road) — Grey Valley road (Brunner to Blackball rd.) — 1,329 Lavcry creek bridge (Dig river road), (£2 for £1) — *3 Moore creek bridge (Big river, to Rough 532 river road) —— Ngahere terrace road 200 (£2 for £1) —— Rapahoe township sis. Tube creek bridge — 299 , (Crooked river val404 ley rd.), (£3 for £1) — Waterfall creek bridge (Knramea to Inchbonnie road), (£2 for 390 £1) — Inangahua County Alexander Mine road 3,500 16,345 Big River to Rough river road 3,300 5,001 Blair’s road (£2' for £1) 400 504 Boatman's Creek bridge SO (£1 for £1) •• Maruia River bridge 1,500 5,854 at WUlisorofts Maruia River west 5,080 319 bunk road Matakitaki to Spring S 3,780 271 Junction (culverts) .. Mirfin’s road (bridge protection (£2 for £1) •• •• 100 — Murray Creek road (£2 for £1) •• Palmer’s road • • 200 1,030 370 Prohibition road (£1 for £1) •• / 280 149 Reefton to Big River 115 100 road (£2 for £1), .. Snowy river to Huka200 wai road (£2 for £1) — Springs Junction to Hot Springs road .. Station Creek bridge .. Burke’s Creek bridge 17,000 2,700 . 7,273 (Gannon road) (£2 for £1) .. • • 464 Coal Creek road (£2 135 13,552 for £1) Lewis Pass road — Westland County Avahura to Miltown 630 538 road (£2 for .£1) •• Arawhata to Cascade 150 road (£2 to £1) •• —“ Awatuna bridge (£2 265 for £ 1) •• Collyer’s Creek bridge (Turnbull road) (£2 135 for £1) •• ■ Diedrich’s Creek bridge 775 (£2 for £1) •• 1 Drv Creek bridge (Poe30 37 rau Settlement road) Ferguson road (£3 for £1) 2,120 ’ Gillespie’s Beach road 1,165 13,604 Gunn road (Wataroa) 105 95 (£2 for £1) Happy Valley road (£50, £1 for £1: 1,250 £1200. £3 for £1) .. 07 Hunt's Beach road .. 65 Main South road— 20,000 Bruce Bay to Haast — Cook river bridge .. 3,000 4,003 Fox river bridge 4,000 , 6,473 Haast to Jackson’s 12,218 Bay 55,000 Mahitahi river bridge 5,605 230 Weheka to Bruce Bay 75,000 77,178 Mananui to Mahina1,775 140 pua road (£2 for £1) Rotokino road (£2 for 500 426 £1) Turnbull road (upper) 135 308 (£2 for £1) Upper Okuru road .. 50 12 Walho to glacier 3,000 — Waitangi river bridge 2,480 1.657 Weheka to Cook river 525 75 ford (£3 for £1) .. Five Mile track (£2 for . 79 £1) .. •• — Haast to Okuru road 172 (£2'for £1) — La Fontaine road (con108 tribution) — Petersen road extension — 532 CHRISTCHURCH ROAD DISTRICT Akaroa County Lands End road (£1 490 for £1) — Little Akaloa to Decanter Bay road (£1 for 600 £1) —- Menzies Bay to Little Akaloa road (£1 for • £1) , . 380 — Pigeon Bay to > Little Pigeon Bay road (£1 235 for £1) — Pigeon Bay to Port Levy road (£1 for 225 £1) — Amur! County Achray road (£1 for £1) 50 — Balmoral Station road (£1 for £1) 120 •— Gardner’s road (£1 for £1) 50 — Iverach's road (£1 for £1) 60 •— John’s road (£1 for £1) 60 —

Estimated Examount required to pended, be voted. 1937-38. £ £ Jollie’s Pass to Clarence river road (£1 120 10,000 for £1) Lewis Pass -road 62,933 Mandamus river bridge (Island Hills), (£3 1,500 lor £1) Te Koa road (£1 for 90 £1) . •• ’ Cloudy Range access 140 road Ashburton County Access road Mount Potts and Ercwhon 300 Stations ' Ashburton river bridge (Bland’s), (£2 for £1) 600 - — Bell’s road (£1 for 160 £1) — Double Hill Runs 300 road 2 Ealing to Coldstream 160 road (£1 for £1) •• S Grahams road (Waterton), (£1 for £1) .. 100 — Grahams road (Ashton), 80 (£1 for £1) — Hackthorne road (£1 i35 for £1) Hepburn's road (£1 for £1) 140 — Johnston’s road (£1 for 120 £1) Potts river bridge (Mount Potts and , Ercwhon Stations 3,200* road) — Pyes road (£1 for 160 £1) •— Stanley road (£1 for £1) 210 — Strange's road (£1 for 100 £1) *■“ Surveyor's road (£1 for 80 £1) Watts road (£1 for £1) 160 Winchmore to Dromore road (£1 for £1) 140 — Boundary road (£1 for 80 £1) — Perrins road — 304 Price’s road (£1 for 141 £1) Trevor’s road (£1 for 109 £1) — Winterslow road (£1 76 for £1) — Ashley County Beard’s and Mountain roads (£1 for £1) .. 65 — Dobson’s road (£1 for 100 £1) 150 Reserve road (£1 for £1) 40 — Upper Bullock Creek bridge (Beard’s road), 164 (£1 for £1) 115 Longburn to Kowai and Sinclair's roads (£1 for £1) * — 135 Cheviot County Hurunui Valley to Blythe Valley road 685 5.817 (£375, £1 for £1) .. Leamington river bridge (Eggleston road) (£1 775 for £1) • •• r — Leamington river bridge (Leamington road), 515 (£1 for £1) — Lower Kaiwara river bridge (Cat Hill road) 750 (£1 for £1) ■— Mount Sanford stream bridge (Kaiwara road) 300 (£1 for £1) , — Port road (£1 for £1) 750 —* Royal stream bridge (Mendip road) (£1 155 for £1) — Silvery creek bridge (Conway Coast road) 155 (£1 for £1) —- Upper Kaiwara river bridge (Limestone road) (£1 for £1) 800 — Crystal Brock bridge (Brophy’s road) (£1 38 for £1) — Waiau East road bridge 1S6 (£1 for £1) — Ellesmere County Cooper’s road (£1 for • , 225 £1) .. , Domain road (£1 for 170 £1) •• •: —- King’s road (£1 for £1) 290 — Maw's and Sheasby’s 175 roads (£1 for £1) .. North Rakaia road 250 (£1 for £1) ~~~ Raplev’s road (£1 for £1) 305 37 Taumutu and Bridges road (£1 for £1) 310 _ Timber-vard road (£1 170 for £1) Millar’s road (£1 for — # 64 £1) — Eyre County Cast Main Drain 950 bridge (£1 for £1) .. Geraldine County Connell’s creek bridge (River road) (£1 for 150 £1) •• •: •— Fox creek culvert (Pearce’s road) (£1 150 for £1) •• Galbraith’s road culvert 110 (£1 for £1) ... *— Hilton School bridge (Hilton to Twomey’s : 500 road) (£1 for £1) .. Kapunatlki creek culvert (Rangitata Mouth 100 road) (£1 for £1) .. McKay’s creek bridge (Te Moana road) (£1 200 for £1> .. -• ”” Maori creek bridge (Te Moana road) (£1 200 for £1) Mount Peel Station to ■ Forest creek road (£3 1,000 for £1) •• •• •— Bryan’s creek brloge (Gresham’s) (Slack’s Valley road) (£25. 40 £1 for £1) Halswell County Cashmere stream bridge (Hoon Hay road) (£X 347 for £1) Halswell, Heathcote, Mount Herbert, and Wairewa Counties Summit road (Dyers Pass to Gebbie s Pass) 12,500 8.138 Kaikoura County 17 Blunt’s road (£2 for £1) 50 Charwell river bridge (Stag and Spey road) 2,250 (£3 for £1) - Dairy Farm and Greys 55 road (£1 for £1) .. McGregor’s road (£1 SO for £1) •; *T Puhi Puhi road (£X 250 400 for £1) •...*• Puhi Puhi road bridge 5,370 Puhi Puhi road extension • • . • • 2,200* — Upper Hapuku river 340 bridge (£3 for £1) Bav Paddock road (£1 66 for £D Kowai County Beach road (£1 for £1) 50 - Dalbeg road (£1 for £1) 100 - Doud’s and George s 50 roads (£1 foV £1) •• Mound road (£1 for 300 £1) , , •• Purchase’s road (£1 for 50 . £1) ‘ Ramsay’s road (£1 for 40 £1) Levels County Brockley road (£1 for £D „ ;• 140 — Carthwright’s road Cul100 vert (£1 for £1) Claremont Settlement 190 road (£1 for £1) — German Creek bridge (Point to Tycho road), 200 (£1 for £1) Rockwood road (£1 for £1) , •• 40 214 Stewart’s bridge (Inner Totara road), (£1 for 150 £1) •• — Tengawai Flat road deviation (£ 1 for 225 £1) — Vincent’s creek culvert (Limestone Valley

Estimated • Examount • • reauired to pended. be voted. 19o7-3o. £ road), (£1 for £1) .. 100 v Levels .Valley to Tycho School road (£1 for , £1) • — 236 Mackenzie County * 70 Ball Hutt road .. 3,000 Ben Ohau Station road 115 (£2 for £1) Braemar road {£2 for 335 £1) Godley Peaks road (£1. 200 for £1) Gorge road (Wins135 combe), (£1 for £1) Hakataramea Pass 500 road ( £2 for £1) Irishman Station, road 100 (£2 for £1) Irishman Station road 335 bridge (£2 for £1) .. — Melkleburn to Orari 500 road (£2 for £1) — Mobray Downs road 115 (£2 for £1) Opawa stream bridge (Macaulay road), (£1 150 for £1) Opihi river road (£2 135 for £1) Richmond road (£2 for 1,265 £!) , •• Rocky Gully to Mona Vale road (£1 for 330 £1) Rocky Gully bridge (Rocky Gully road), 475 (£1 for £1) Stoney creek road (£2 270 for £1) •• “T Whyte’s road (Ashwick to Stonelelgh), (£1 . 75 for £1) * Askin’s road (£1 for 40 £1) Jollie bridge (Mount Cook Station road). 232 (£2 for £1) Lake Ohau road (£2 247 for £1) ■“* Malvern County Lamb’s road (£1 for 80 £1) McHugh’s road (£1 for 100 £1) Pitts road (£1 for £1) 145 Wai-a-niwa-niwa river 692 bridge (£1 for £1) ~ Mount Herbert County Purau to Port Levy 160 road (£1 for £1) Oxford County Carleton road (£1 for £1) 115 — Eyre river bridge, south branch (Washpen 350 road) (£1 for £1) . Steffan’s road (£1 for £1) •• 195 4 —: Steffan’s road bridge 130 (£1 for £1) •• Thongcaster road (£ 1 0B for £1) •• . Woodstock to Waimakarlri Gorge road (£ 1 so for £1) Paparua County Halswell river bridge •(Drain road) (£1 for £1) 125 - Selwyn County Like Coleridge to Lake 900 2,904 Lyndon road ■ • West Boundary road 390 81 (£1 for £1) v • • Johnston’s (T.P.) road 37 (£1 for £1) , • • Two Chain road (£1 166 for £1) Tawera County Cass to Craigieburn 58 road (£1 for £1) .. Wgimairi County Bottle Lake road (£1 for £1) •• •• 95 — Hawthorn road exten125’ sion (£1 for £1) .. ““ Waimate County Back Line road (£1 for £1) • • •; 200 — Connington Cliffs road 100 (£1 for £1) , • • Dalgety Pass, road (£2 for £1) •• •• Fraser’s road bridge 400 — 125 (£1 for £1) Hamilton’s road (£1 for £1) •• •- 110 — Hook river road (Adamson’s) (Rattray’s road) (£1 for £1) •• , •• 90 — -Kohika road bridge 150 (White’s) (£1 for £1) McGimpsey’s bridge (Farm road) (£1 for £1) 200 — Middle' road (£1 for 75 £1) .. „ •• Otaio river bridge (Patterson’s crossing) (£1 400 for £1) . .•• ' Pareora river bridge .40° (Cliffs) (£1 for £1) Parker’s Bush road (£1 , ; — 100 for £1) .. •• Skelton’s road (£1 for 75 £1) •• , . Cunningham’s bridge (Hunter’s road) (£1 141 for £1) — Waipara County Home Creek bridge No. 5 (GIsnmark 150 voad) (£1 for £1) — Hurunui Bluff road (£ 1 200 for £1) .. , • • — Hurunui river bridge (Lake Sumner Runs 2,500 road) Inche’s Creek bridge . (Waitohi Settlement 100 road) (£2 for £1) .. — Lake Sumner Runs road (£400, £2 fc.5.400t 30 £1) Reece’s road (£1 for 250 £1) •• •• — Seaward river bridge (Lake Sumner Runs 500 649 road) Shimmin’s road (£1 for 150 £1) — Stonyhurst to Happy Valley road (£1 for 250 £1) — Waitohi Peaks road 155 243 (£2 for £1) ... Waitohi river bridge (Hurunui) (Medbury 1,135 road) (£2 for £1) .. . — Washpen Creek bridge (Bentley’s road) (£1 100. for £1) —— Washpen Creek bridge (Hoban’s road) (£1. 125 for <£1) •— Home Creek bridge No. 4 (Lake road) (£1 for 76 £1) •Peaks Settlement road — 27 (£1 for £1) — Wairewa County Bossu road (£2 for £1) 225 — Bossu road extension (£2 for £1) Breitmeyer’s road (£2 185

Construction, Improvement, Etc. Est. Exp. 1938-39. 1937-38. £ £ Auckland North 175,000 121,869 Auckland South 487,000 388,465 Tauranga 185,000 141,835 Gisborne 85,000 36,254 Hawke’s Bay 118,000 89,370 King Country 93,000 53,412 Taranaki 125,000 84,907 Wanganui 140,000 108,811 Wellington West 155,000 128,591 Wellington East . .. 60,000. 40,300 Nelson 205,000 151,110 West Coast 180,000 159,429 Canterbury North . 55,000 • 16,601 Canterbury Central .. 135,000 112,974 Canterbury South 155.000 68,730 Otago Central 170,000 135,117 Otago South 185,000 96,297 Southland Elimination of level 220,000 165,284 railway crossings 400,000 288,594 Total 3,310,000 2,388,016 Maintenance, Repair, Etc Auckland North ' 100,000 105,597 Auckland South 170,000 147,952 Tauranga 100,000 97.305 Gisborne 95,000 80,025 Hawke’s Bay 150,000 67,881 King Country 65,000 59,779 Taranaki ’ 48,000 45,206 Wanganui 75,000 89,104 Wellington West 52,000 50,586 Wellington .East 48,000 38,523 Nelson 70,000 65,084 West Coast 78,000 76,112 Canterbury North 27.000 26,407 Canterbury Central 43,000 41,544 Canterbury South 47,000 35,940 Otago Central 45,000 40,993 Otago South 40,000 36,126 Southland 60.000 58.183 Total 1,318,000 1,162,333

Christchurch: New station and rearrangement of yard _ and terminal facilities 103,000 ISO* Grade ‘easements and improvements, etc. — Greatford - Kakariki. Picton curve. Hen- ■ ■■■ derson - Waitakere, and miscellaneous 141.000 azM grade easements .. Palmerston North deviation 80,000 m Papakura - Horotiu duplication 160,000 iouw Plimmertori -Paekakariki duplication .. 77,880 30.411 Scroggy Hill deviation 18,000 11.40 St. Leonards-Sawyer s 35,500 16.01; Bay duplication .. Turakina-Okoia deviation 158,200 130.9*5 Hoad motor services— T‘-%r i-i '■ Dunedin: Garage and 35.000 2j»l> terminal facilities .. Wellington: Garage, 12,000 239,000 etc. Motor vehicles, etc. Wellington; New station and yard . • • 65.830 223.781, Wellington: Tawa Flat 5,000 7.0*1 . deviation Wellington - Paekaka20.530 riki electrification .. General— Dwellings . Blectric locomotives 122.000 97,000 120* ' mo; Multiple-unit coaches (Wellington - Johnsonville) Overbridges Rail-cars Rail-car sheds 77.000 50.000 39.000 10.000 23^2** ss.ej 35.07; 5430 Rolling stock (loco>|.V motives. cars, and waggons) 841.200 473.31* : - Safety appliances (Stratford - Okahu25,000 ia*o kura-Taumarunui) Station rearrangements and siding 229,500 24*g' Iff alterations Turntables 9,700 Workshops buildings and plant, locomotive and car 'and waggon depot plant 370,200 590*. ■ (imorovements) .. Miscellaneous services and works not speMl cified • 16.000 Oamaru foreshore pro15.0* «■ tection 10,000

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Press, Volume LXXIV, Issue 22464, 27 July 1938, Page 14

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PUBLIC WORKS ESTIMATES Press, Volume LXXIV, Issue 22464, 27 July 1938, Page 14

PUBLIC WORKS ESTIMATES Press, Volume LXXIV, Issue 22464, 27 July 1938, Page 14