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“DANGEROUS SITUATION AT BRIDGE” OPINION OF MAGISTRATE AT GREYMOUTH “I aih concerned with the dangerous situation that does obtain at the Arahura bridge,” said Mr Raymond Feruer, S.M., in the Magistrate’s Court at Greymouth yesterday, when ordering John Herbert Williamson, who pleaded guilty, to pay 10s costs for driving a buck over a bridge at the railway crossing when the line was not clear. “I do not know," said Mr Ferner, “what volume is now being emitted by the rail-car horn. The Railway Department says it has been improved, but 1 have had no opportunity of judging that. I do not know what can be done to remedy the situation at the bridge. It is a matter, perhaps, which may be looked into by the Automobile Association, Canterbury, to see whether any sensible recommendations can be inade. In my view the situation at the bridge is definitely dangerous.” On May 20, at 4.45 p.m., said Senior Sergeant E. Quayle, who prosecuted, the rail-car and defendant’s truck collided. Defendant had been driving along the Arahura Valley road, which ran parallel for a short distance with the railway line, Williamson had driven on to the line and the railcar hit the end of his truck at a low speed. The rail-car horn was sounded twice. Apparently some scrub alongside the road prevented Williamson Seeing the rail-car coming from Hokitika.


COMMENT OF CORONER AT INQUEST VI think it fair to observe that the evidence indicates that Heissenbuttel was not travelling at an excessive speed, and that driving conditions at' the time were difficult The evidence also shows that his lights and brakes were in good order. That is all the comment I propose to make,” said Mr Raymond Fetner, S.M., as Coroner yesterday at Greymouth, at the conclusion of the inquest into the circumstances surrounding the death of Francis Frederick Boustridge, aged 75, of •Brunner.

Boustridge, said Mr Ferner, died from injuries suffered on June 18, near Kaiata, when he was struck and knocked down by a car driven ,by Alfred Heissenbuttel, of Totara FlatMr W. J. Hannan appeared for Heissenbuttel, Mr A. J. Quill for the Public Trustee, the administrator of the Boustridge estate, and Senior Sergeant Quayle represented the police.

ONE MONTH’S IMPRISONMENT FOR DRUNKENNESS “You just take a running jump at yourself and pull yourself together.” This was the advice of Mr Raymond Ferner, S.M., in the Magistrate’s Court at Greymouth on Saturday, to George Deckle, alias Scott, aged 48, who appeared on a charge of drunkenness. Leckle, who had three previous convictions for similar offences in the last six months, was, sentenced to one month’s gaol with hard labour.

RUGBY FOOTBALL UNITED AND KIWIS DRAW AT GREYMOUTH Only a few persons braved the teeming rain and the cold to see the Rugby matches at Greymouth on Saturday when the competitions of the West Coast Rugby Union were continued. Under the conditions, some surprisingly good football was played, though back play was at a discount. At Victoria Park, after a closely contested game, United and Kiwi (Hokitika) drew 3-3. For United, P. Sinclair scored an unconverted try right on the call of time, and M. Davidson put over a penalty kick for Kiwi, in the second half. Mr C. Cockburn was referee. In the other senior game at Victoria Park, Cobden had to fight* all the way to beat the youthful Celtic team by 10 points to 3. Celtic had the services of G, Leahy, a" Wellington representative forward who made his first appearance in football on the West Coast. For Cobden, E. Collins scored a field goal, J. Watkins scored an unconverted try and A. Lindbom added a penalty f;oal. J. Lynch scored a penalty goal or Celtic. Mr W. Rapley was referee.

At Rugby Park, after a gapie which was mainly confined to forward play, Star beat Blaketown by 5 points to 0. A. Bowes scored a try which was converted by L.'Martin. Mr R. Longstafl was referee. Lower Grade Games

Other results were:—Junior grade: Kumara 11 beat Star 3, at Kumara; Te Kinga 14 beat Kotuku 6, at Kotuku; Cobden beat Celtic, by default; Blaketown beat Magpies by default.

TEAM TO PLAY SOUTH WESTLAND The following West Coast team has been chosen by Mr Steel, sole selector, to play South Westland, at Harihari, on Sunday next:—Full-back, Lynch (Celtic); three-quarters, Vaughan (Cobden), Mann (Star), Wilson (Star); five-eighths, Eggleton (Cobden), Ellis 'United); half, Williams (Cobden); forwards, Bowes (Star), Olsen (Blaketown), Kirkwood (Cobden), Glen (United), Pascoe (Blaketown), Dowling (Star), Dudley (Celtic), Connolly (Star). Emergencies—Back: Costello (United); forward: O’Connell (Celtic).

ARRANGEMENTS FOR COACHING BULLER REPRESENTATIVE TEAM Arrangements for coaching the Bailer representative team to meet challenges this season for the Seddon shield were considered by the management committee of the Buller Rugby Union on Saturday evening. The importance of holding the trophy at Westport was fully emphasised, and Messrs A. Colvin (chairman), H. Casey, V. Goodall, P. Ryan, and W. Craddock (secretary) were appointed a committee to report on the matter.

G. Mason was nominated for selection in the Maori team to tour Fiji, but it was said that he was not available for the final match to be played at Oamaru on July 9. Westport seniors were awarded the Albion Cup match with White Star, the latter team having defaulted. An explanation from the While Star Club is requested before the committee imposes the usual fine of 5s for late forfeit.

The Old Boys senior and junior teams were declared winners of their respective championship competitions, and Granity High School winner of the third-grade championship (Phillips Cup).

Fixtures for July 9 Fixtures for July 9 are:— Albion Cup (senior)— White Star v. Old Boys, at trotting track at 2.45 p.m. (referee, Mr W. Kelly); Westport v. Hovers, at-trotting track, at 2.45 p.m. (Mr A. Pain). Prince Memorial Cup (junior)— Westport v. Granity High School, at Gramty, at 2.45 p.m. (Mr C. Nelson); White Star v. Tiroroa, at trotting track, at 1.15 p.m. (Mr V. Anderson); Old Boys, a bye.

Foote Shield (third grade)— Old Boys v. Denniston, at Denniston, at 2.30 p.m. (Mr T. Motley); White Star v. Granity, at trotting track, at 1.15 p.m. (Mr F. Woodward). -

Fourth Grade—Denniston v. Granity, at Waimangaroa, at 10 a.m. (Mr A. V. Hawes).

The Technical School v. Westport fourth grade match will be played on the school grounds on Friday at 3 p.m. Mr A, Pain will referee.


REVIEW OF PROPOSALS BY GOVERNMENT WORK ON AERODROME Work will be started on developing the new aerodrome on the south side of the Buller river shortly, said the Minister for Mines (the Hon. P. C. Webb) at the Westport air pageant on Saturday. The most up-to-date machinery would be used, and the aerodrome would be made one of the largest and finest in New Zealand. Mr Webb said that it was the Government’s aim to complete the railway from Bluff to Westport, and to develop the Westport harbour on a large scale. Next year the Carter’s Beach Domain would be completed. The Westport Borough Council’s town beautifying scheme wnuld be advanced considerably.

Westport, said Mr Webb, was better off now than it had been for years, and with the help of the people it would continue to prosper. Speaking at the Westport Bowling Club’s social on Saturday night, Mr Webb spoke on the benefits from the machine age. One machine to be used on the new aerodrome work would do more work in a day than 100 men would do in a week. Mr Webb said that he had twice asked for a review of the proposal to establish the steel works at Onekaka, but the Government advisers would not consider Westport as a possible site, and he had had to bow to their ruling. Where the works could serve New Zealand best was where he wanted them to be, whether it were at Auckland or Westport. Westport would benefit more than any other part of New Zeaapart from the districts near Onekaka. When the steel and iron works were started, 170,000 more tons of coal would be produced annually from mines in the Duller district.

PERSONAL NOTES GREYMOUTH Miss J. Gorman, of Ashburton, is visiting Grey mouth. Mrs L. Nicholson left on Saturday on her return to New Plymouth. Mr W. A. Morris has returned to Wellington. Mrs H. A. Harper has left for Invercargill. Mr L. McPherson is on a visit to New Plymouth. Mr A. Baldwin, of Lyttelton, arrived on Saturday on a brief visit. Mr and Mrs C. W. Stevens are on a holiday visit to Christchurch and Wellington. Mr W. McKechnie, who has been the guest of Mr and Mrs J. McKechnie, Cowper street, has returned to Christchurch.

Mr R. Charles, who has been on a visit to his parents. Mr and Mrs Charles Alexander street, has returned to Rotorua.

BASKETBALL BULLER COMPETITION FIXTURES Buller Basketball Association fixtures for July 7 are as follows; Kawatiri A v. St. Mary’s College A, at 6.15 p.m. (referee, Mr J. Watson); Technical Old Girls B v. Athletic A, at 7 p.m. (Mr C. Walker); Athletic B v. Kawatiri B, at 7.45 p.m. (Miss L. Daily). Country . Fixtures Denniston v. Granity High School A, at Denniston, at 3 p.m. (Mr Scanlon); Ramblers v. Granity High School B, at Burnett’s Face, at 3 p.m. (Miss C, Strachan). Denniston High School will play Tiki at Denniston on Saturday, at 3 p.m, Mrs J. Lockhart will referee.

WESTPORT AIR PAGEANT Visiting pilots at the Westport Aero Club’s pageant on Saturday were Captain Rawnley (pilot instructor to the Wellington Aero Club, who conveyed the Hon. P. C. Webb to Westport), Mr J. C. Mercer and Mr C. G. Lewis (Air

Travel, N.Z., Ltd.), Flight Lieutenant W. Park, Messrs M. Spiers and H. Drummond (Greymouth Aero Club), and Messrs J. A. Bradshaw and E. Clarke (Southland Airways). Joy-riding was carried out with various machines, and Mr Drummond did some stunt flying. The Mayor (Mr J. Kilkenny), who opened the club’s new hangar, congratulated the club on its progress, and said that he considered Westport to be an important link with the main air services of New Zealand. Mr J. H. Greenwood (president) spoke for the club, and Captain Mercer for the visiting aviators.

GOLF WESTPORT CLUB’S MATCHES The following were the best scores in the second round of the Arthur Cup match, played on the Kawatiri (Westport) golf course:—J. Caldwell, 74, 8— 66; J. Bird, 87. 18—69; N. Nottle, 81, 12—69; R. Holdgate, 91, 22—69; R. HayMcKenzie, 73, 3—70; J. Wilson, 78, 8— 70; C. Jones. 80. 10—70; E. Thibbs. 91, 20—71. The medal handicap match was also won by J. Caldwell. A fotir-ball bogey match was won by N. Nottle and E. Thibbs with a card of 6 up.

SHIPPING PORT OF GREYMOUTH [THE PRESS Special Service.] GREYMOUTH. July 4 The Titoki arrived on Saturday night from Tarakohe. She will sail to-night fo: Westport and Plcton. The Walmea arrived yesterday from Onehunga and Nelson, and is expected to sail to-morrow afternoon for Port Waikato.

The Poolta arrived yesterday from Wellington and Is loading for Napier and Gisborne. She is expected to sail at noon to-morrow for Westport to complete. The Karu, loading for Petone and Miramar, Is expected to sail at midnight tonight. She Is expected to return on July 13 to load for Petone, Miramar, and Wellington.

The Kalingo is loading for Sydney and Newcastle.

The Omana is loading for Wellington. The Karepo, delayed at New Plymouth by rain, is expected to leave at noon today. She is due here to-morrow afternoon load for Melbourne and Adelaide.

The Kartigi is due on Friday *■* Westport to complete loading for Abs>" land and Portland. j . The Totara is due on July 12 to W* coal for Miramar. ! . The Gael, delayed at HokitiSca by**; is expected to leave there at noon for Bruce Bay. » The Okuru 'is expected to return Greymouth on Thursday to lo«d for «*" son’s Bay. The Huanui is due on Thu rsday Foxton to load coal for return.? The Kiwitea will leave Kforeroa • Thursday night for Greymou th- Shea due on July 12 to load coal smd dm#® for WeUington. y

PORT OF WESTPO&T— j WESTPORT. mM *. The Kakapo will sail to Auckfpwd Wellington when condition* ar«* saM**'" The Wlngatui will comMrte day. sailing for Wellington When j permits. ; i , „ The Totara arrived at the loatfefcead night and will load for Stem '|K® W\ when the bar permits her entfj. t The Poolta is expected to havT# G *jLi mouth to-morrow to complete JMK* w Napier and Gisborne. t The Kartigi will leave Welte ;g? Lll S morrow with general cargo lor She will load here for Auckland, ' oomP*Ing at Greymouth for Auckl affld •• Portland. . The Kaimai is expected to ieav- ? TEE**; to-morrow to load here for MirmmW Wellington. 7 ‘ *5 High tide at Westport to-moi*TO**T a.m. and 4.25 p.m. (New Zealand ard time).

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Press, Volume LXXIV, Issue 22445, 5 July 1938, Page 4

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WEST COAST NEWS Press, Volume LXXIV, Issue 22445, 5 July 1938, Page 4

WEST COAST NEWS Press, Volume LXXIV, Issue 22445, 5 July 1938, Page 4