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WANTED TO SELL. ILCO 6-tube Mantel; going perfectly; take reasonable offer. 107 kley's road. X 3457 Twelve Words, One Shilling per Twelve Words. One Shilling per Insertion. Three Insertions 2s 6d. Insertion. Three Insertions 2s 6d. TNDALEEN," the new damp-proof, t> I J untearable Felt for under carpets, - lino., or roofing, 24 yards 15s. Ander- i son's, 534 Colombo street. X 3432 'INGER 66" Machines, guaranteed xi m 0 I —' £9 10s. George Anderson and Market X3SC gain. £ll 10s. George Ander- Kenz i e an d Willis. X 345 I son and_Son ! _s34 Colombo street. X 3432 :^-s ~^ Ql^~^m^r^NUINE Woven Persian designed X fi ne French Polished Cabinet! I KA Rugs, beautiful patterns, from Easy terms. Cordery, Wells. Xl7l 10s" 6d. Anderson's, 534 Colombo st. RADIOS FOR SALE. Market. _. ; X 3503 L'A 15S—4-VALVE Lekmek Mantel Superheterodyne; a real snip. McKenzie and Willis. X 3457 1 7GNS, Aeolian, World-Wave Genu- -■- • ine French Polished Cabinets. Easy terms. Cordery, Wells. Xl7ll COLOMBO STREET, "George per fect order. McKenzie and Willis. *j*j-x. Anderson and Son," New ad- X 3457 dress, cr. Dundas street. X 3432 'TT^TT-mr/.. _ stjartTw 6-V^hJe }END it to George Anderson and &**/ xvr/ Mantel Radio. SplenSon, Auctioneers. 534 Colombo did performance. The N.Z. Express street (cr. Dundas street). X 3432 q 0 luj_ X 3413 ]»JEW Shipment Persian designed £7—STEWART Warner 6-tube ManRugs, 10s 6d, 12s 6d. 22s 6d, 32s *» • tel, very good performer. McOd. Anderson's, 534 Colombo street. Kenzie and Willis. X 3457 ____ _X3432 ~j=g- "tne^Alnazlng^N^ew^lue^irrof NUINE Woven Persian designed O Q] ass Spartons at the N.Z. ExVJ Rugs from 10s 6d. Geo. Anderson press Co Ltd X 3413 N EI 2„„! hi fl? e £j I ?.TH°V i M g CT-S-WLVEMTS-terManteiri-inch Kugs, 10s 6d, 12s 6d, bd. 6Zs 6d. Anderson's, 534 Colombo zie JFmmL* ™* § 33457 .■„TMr.-«T™,v„-„- ■-:-:-- --»-■-"■ ISJO extra for terms this month on v-' untearable felt for under carpets, , , wmte X 3457 lino., or roofing. 24 yards 15s. Ander- ae ana_WUlis. f^' .son's. 534 Colombo street. X 3432 Terms and Lowest Prices withQQQq "SPRING Wallpaper Sale": ~ ° u j ext ™ charge this month with J&JJ Latest designs from Is Roll, trade-in radios. McKenzie and Willis. Hunter Sign Co., 594 Colombo street. *"dzL' X 2973 /COURIER 5-Valve Console. Thor••~TTT"vF^'^wl^'Mßl^ri^mT^rfT i rram oughly overhauled; guaranteed in S 7^ R ws? and White Paint, 17/6 gal., 5-gal. -i V jiij s X 3457 miu vviiiue raiui, xi/ki 6m., o-goi. Willie TCI&V7 16/- gal. Hunter Sign Co., 594 Colombo WUIIS - £?*" ] street. X 2973 ('1 Q/1 ft/ pET~Your Racket from , XW . C °nsole ßadio^ P PeeS e w e SI* Recce's. New season's stacks just condition splendid tone. The N.Z. opened. X 3438 Exprees_Co.. Ltd. X 3413 '."itir'ft P~n ~" "Vr S7~ /"CONSOLE 9-Valve Airline: cost over A NVILS, Forges, Vyecs Drilling Ma- Kj £7O; well cared {or . Reduced Price v chines, Belting, Pulleys, ShaiUng. £lO . McKenzie and Willis. X 34.57 Lathe-Hardware Co., St. Asaph st / r>ATTEßY"Setrmodim ecSnWci?' „,v,™,.-„- ,-.••-; ™ ™- ■ A> cuit, 7-tube mantel; only twelve, fiAKPEIb, Rugs, Linoleums, Blankets, mont hs old; complete, £2O 10s. McV Settee Suites Fireside Chairs. Kenzie and Willis. X 3457 D ,f oC f VSf'\ W !' ia ;"i t BrOS " w«mi fi : TUBE" ■ RSdio-Gramophon^riooa place, on Manchester street. W 8914 i) floor cab inei : an unusual bargain 'ALE. Wallpaper Remnants, early in- at £lO 10s. McKenzie and Willis. X 3457 i J soection advised. Ashby Bergh jf, hind Co 199 Cashrl st- 8235 1 with f)Ur trade . jn bargainb , Mc , £2/10/ SEVERAL Good Re- Kenzie and Willis. X 3457 I r 4-9 in r- COn f^ ionC 9 d o 4 i C^/r C i eS AEH lAL ft ! m Gamages ' 39 - 41 M /V capped, guys, 15s and £1; erected cncstei street. 8237 and installed reasonably; also 30ftand TUST Arrived... New Season's Tennis 40ft Oregon. Fulton, 106 Kilmore *' Rackets at Reece's. A great dis- street. 'Phone 30-138. 7610 play—finest quality and value. X 3438 '"RADIO" -- 'PROUGHS for Scalding Pigs and COLD WHOLESALE direct to' you ,7: - Cu ri, n g Bacon; Foot-rot Troughs, O without salesman's commissions Water Troughs. Fly-proof Pickling and middleman's profit. Sets from £4 T -n bs ' 19s (Jd - Radi « Warehouse, 223 Man- " The Best. John Sutherland and Son, c h es i er street onn Civic Thpatre 70 Tuam street. 'Phone ___ cnesi( - r sireet., opp. Civic ineatre i'U /I *> /ii— LADIES' Dependable r~_ Gamage Cycles. ULTIMATE. Gents* £3 19s 6d. Terms. Gamage's, For the Country Listener. 41 Manchester street. _ 6328 "POR Economical, High Perfoi 1> ALL-BEARING Paragon" Lawn- without costly dry battery re-I »> mowers, 5-blade, 12-inch. 555: 14- placements, you cannot buy better than inch. 57s 6d. Ewart Smith. 149 High : j street ...... .... SB7B i?j nOW Manure (no straw), 12 Bags 10s. j Six ss. delivered anywhere. 86a j Madras street Sydenham. 3174 '•1 ii'/l'ti /- RALEIGH Sports ,±\J/ XtJ/ Models. Ladies' and j Gents'. Easy terms. Gamage's. 41 Manchester street. 8237 ULTIMATE. Call In and Hear One. Prices and Models to Suit All. McKENZIE and WILLIS, 120 Hereford street. GENUINE "Le Roy" Coats, first ciualT itv. 70s. Peerless Rubber Co., Ltd.. 105 Cashel street. * . 7683 es' and A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT OF ;e's. 41 QUALITY. 8237 "fiULBRANSEN RADIO." •t nml ULBRANSEN RADIO." ; l a T td EASY TERMS. " ir.P'i Pianos Accepted as Part Payment. • """ ROBT. FRANCIS, LTD., 'Phone 34-906. 146 High street. BICYCLES AND ACCESSORIES. 7 T ADY'S Enr.lish B.S.A Regal Cycle, PROFESSIONAL NOTICES. iJ freewheel and back brake, as new, £3. 143 High street. X 3212 TJEERLesS Cycle Covers, VI months' PROFESSIONAL. A guarantee. 4s 3d. Peerless Rubber Co., 105 Cashel street. 7683 « O"Ti 71 "q" /if- GENT'S "Dependable « ._„_, _ t „, _ w _ .„_ „„ , 3JO/ ±&/ U Gamage Cycles. Buxton Hewer (Nerve Specialist). Ladies* £6 12s Cd; terms. Gamages Hours 2t04.0r by appointment. 41 Manchester street. 8237 95 GLOUCESTER ST. mmh "INTRODUCING the latest, most upx to-date Sports Cycle made by Eng- _.._„„_ land's largest cycle factory; 50 years' L E X E M A TREATMENT written guarantee. Price £9 15s. British Motor-cycles, 209 Manchester st. FOR SKIN AND SCALP AILMENTS _ 3415 Sufferers from: CELL," Gent's" (Cashmere) Bicycle, ECZEMA SEBORRHOEA Lrsrfissasr S lASI L„ „^^h»» PROFESSIONAL. 95 GLOUCESTER ST. Stand any inspection, avenue. T 5279 BABY ECZEMA ±Z — Successfully treated, instantly relieved. {•(* II*) lit —LADIES' Dependable Consultations Free. Write for Booklet. Gamage Cycles, Gents' KLEXEMA ROOMS. £5 19s 6d. Terms. Gamage's, 41 Man- TRIANGLE CHAMBERS. 281 HIGH rhester street 8237 „ ~ STREET. ch i!i l £_ r ,! l I e .„ °~, Open Friday Evenings. Thone 34-566. PEERLESS Cycle Covers, 12 months* guarantee, 4s 3d. Peerless Rubber r " ■ -__ Co., 105 Cashel street. JOB 3 (i/j /1 9 /ft—LADIES' Dependable EDUCATIONAL. SjO/ ±&/ O Gamage Cycles. Gents* £5 19s 6d. Terms. Gamage's r^UE SELWYN HOUSE SCHOOL, 105 41 Manchester W OMEN'S Waterproof Cycling Leg- nat9am on WEDNES DAY, 15th gings, Zip fasteners lis 6d pair. SeptembGr 1937> South Island BoardPeerless Rubber Co, Ltd., Cashel st erg must fee . n residence by 7 on 4*l ft 71 NEW Hudson Sports Is]and Boarders must arrive not later * xv/ X - ,J/ Models. £lO 15s, cash than Tuesday evening's Steamer Exor terms. Gamage's, 41 Manchester St press from Wellington. - --tTr--v"-^r^? — The Principal, Miss Holderness, will pjYCLING Capes Waterproof 15s be at Home gchool inte^view Kj Oilskin Capes 7s6d. Peerless parents o( intended ils on Tugg. j SPORTING GOODS. ~~AUNCH~26 x 7ft , ' cabin, engine roorr.. Colombo street. X 2974 CHIROPRACTORS. 'ta»Ss _ ~m7~and~mrs a .?* AlG ' J MEMBERS N.Z. AND AUST. CHIROPRACTORS' ASSOCIATION. Palmer School Graduates. REGENT THEATRE BLDGS. (next G.P.0.). „ A irovea meuiuus iu» v-ww*.w».w.. Spinal, Nervous, and General Disorders. 'Phone 31-610 for Free Consultation. ■ AMES YOUNG, CHIROPRACTOR « (Graduated, Palmer School). _ Most modern appliances and memoes, as used by foremost members ot the profession in U.S. America, for treatment of nervous and functional disorders. Colonic (bowel) Irrigation. X-Ray Facilities. CATHEDRAL CHAMBERS (Above Beresford, Square). Consultation Free. Nurse in Attendance. 'Phone (Rooms). 30-177. Y 8578 BUSINESS NOTICES. TURN YOUR OUTSTANDING ACCOUNTS INTO CASH. OVERDUE ACCOUNTS Promptly and Tactfully Handled by Experts. OUR RATES ARE 10 PER CENT. AND POSTAGE. We do not charge a yearly subscription for collecting. WE RELY ENTIRELY ON RESULTS. Write or 'Phone for Particulars, CCA. ' CANTERBURY* COLLECTING AGENCY (Established 1923). 133 HEREFORD STREET. Next Bank of N.Z. 'Phone 31-413. EXPERT TAILOR. NO OVERHEAD EXPENSES. "AKES Men's Suits, Overcoats, ■"-*- Ladies' Costumes, to measure with try on, 59s 6d, 79s 6d. Usually £5 10s. Best Worsteds £5 15s, usually £9 9s. Your own material made up, 455. Will call, show patterns, take your measure. Self-measure charts For appointments, write, call— CLARK. 'Phone 41-397. 91 Riccarton road. C 3279 7683 P arer its of intended pupils on TUES- : DAY, 14th September, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., or by appointment. ",' Mrs Blackler, the Matron, will be in - -__. attendance at the Hdstel at the same C 2974 nours ' at 127 road. ===== Telephones 23-299 or 23-977. 8782 Coaching for MATRICULATION, School Certificate, 6 St. Pioficiency, etc. INDIVIDUAL Instruction by an eminent and successful tutor. Special fee will cover course of instruction for the year. Coaching in selected subjects only, if desired. DIGBY'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, 69 Worcester street W. (next to "Harley"). Day. and Evening Commercial Sessions and Saturday morning classes are now in progress. Term commences with first attendance. Tel. 32-510. Principal: MISS M. D. DIGBY, P.C.T., I.P.S. —a PITMAN'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE •■■ Top Floor, Warden's Buildings. Strictly individual Tuition in Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, etc. Shorthand also taught by Correspondence. Students are prepared for Public Service Examinations. Office appointments for all qualified students. Apply now for free prospectus. Telephone 41-027. C 3352 GILBY'S COLLEGE. THOROUGH Preparation for Business or Professional Career, Accountancy or Secretarial, by highly-skilled Expert Instructors, Strictly Individual and Exclusive Lessons. Day and Evening Classes. Term commences with first lesson. Write, 'Phone or Call for free Prospectus. Address, 93 Worcester street, Christchurch, C.l (near Cathedral square). P.O. Box 652, or 'phone 41-766. C. H. Gilby F.P.A. (N.Z.), F.I.P.S. (Hons.), Director; Mrs G. Hilda Gilby. E.A., I.P.S. (Hons.), Lady Principal. G 4167 "JITISS NAARE HOOPER, L.T.C.L., ITJL Specialises in ELOCUTION and DRAMATIC ART at the TANZ-GRETCHEN STUDIO. 112 A Lichfield street (Triangle). Appointments 12-5 p.m. Daily. _• 8481 RANGI-RURU, MERIVALE. SCHOOL WILL REOPEN ON W~~-, ' NESDAY. SEPTEMBER 15th. ] oarders are expected before 8 p.i Tuesday. Miss Gibson will be at homo I from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesday. X 3025 TIC~ * ENTRANCE EXAMINATION, etc.. , ANN Treatment has cured hundreds. Mr N. M. Bell, M.A., 8.D., 134 FitzJ Send ninepence stamps for gen- gerald street, St. Albans. Interviews, erous trial sample. Zann Pty., Box 6.30 pjn. Prospectus on application. 952, G.H., Wellington. _ —IOJ , 83000, l

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Press, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22195, 11 September 1937, Page 25

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Page 25 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22195, 11 September 1937, Page 25