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LESS SERIOUS IN RANGIORA DISTRICT Loss of lambs, a problem which has caused farmers throughout Canterbury much concern in recent months, has been less serious in the Rangiora district with the advent of frosts. Continued frosts or a period of northwesterly weather would be beneficial, one farmer told a representative of “The Press” yesterday. He gave it as his opinion that the heavy mortality was due to there being too much feed about this season, the value of which has been affected by excessive moisture and a lack of sunshine. In the districts west of Rangiora some severe losses have been experienced. One farmer lost more than 20 of a lot of 45 stud ram lambs. Others have lost from 50 to 60 in flocks of just a few hundred. Sunday School Anniversary A feature of a service held at the John Knox Church on Sunday morning to celebrate the anniversary of the Rangiora Presbyterian Sunday School was the singing of the junior choir and of children trained by Miss G. Rogers. The service was conducted by the Rev, J. A. F. Watson. Elderly Bowlers* Trophy The McKay trophy for elderly bowlers in Rangiora has been won by C. I. Jennings. He beat W. A. Banks in the final. Basketball Competition Further results in the opening matches of the North Canterbury Basketball Association’s competition on Saturday are:—-Rangiora A 0, Balcairn 5; Ashley 20, Rangiora B 0. AMURI A. AND P. ASSOCIATION A committee of Culverden members under the control of Mr W. B. McMillan, president of the association, arranged an enjoyable social and dance for the purpose of the presentation jot cups and trophies won at the recent show, in the Culverden Hall recently. There was a large attendance of visitors from the surrounding districts, including Mr' Geoffrey Ferguson (senior vice-president), Mr M. McDonald (junior vice-president), Mr A. H. Baker (treasurer), and other members of the committee. ■ Mr W. B. McMillan welcomed those present, and for the association. He regretted the absence of the secretary, Mr H. T. Knight, because of illness, and wished him a speedy recovery. Mrs W. Brice McMillan, who presented the trophies, was given a posy of hot-houSe flowers by Isabelle Addis. Mr Q. Ferguson, for the Waiau visitors, thanked Mr McMillan and the Culverden committee and performers for an enjoyable evening, and hoped to see the Culverden people attend next year’s social at Waiau Items were contributed by the following:—Songs, Mrs E. R, Wright; pianoforte solos, Mr E. R. Wright; sword dance. Miss C. Black; tap dance and hornpipe, Miss R. B. Gray; song. Mrs W. B. McMillan; elocution, Miss P. Mockett; songs, Mr M. Rogers. Accompaniments were played by Mr E. Wright and Mr Forrester. Messrs W. V. Mockett and A. Lambie were masters of ceremonies. The Waiau Band played the music for the dancing, and extras were played by Miss Nora White and Mr E. Beaven. Personal Mr Dennis Anderson, Culverden, left for Darfleld last Saturday, where he will be relieving' for six months. N.Z. FARMERS’ UNION CUST-WEST EYRETON BRANCH The success of a membership campaign and the turning of a debit balance into a credit were reported to the annual meeting of the Cust-West Eyreton branch of the New Zealand Farmers’ Union held at Cust. Mr M. Spencer-Bower presided. • The secretary’s report said that four resignations had reduced the roll to 52 members. Expenses totalled £45 11s Id and income £SO 3s 6d; there was a credit of £4 3s 4d, compared with a debit of £l4 2s 7d the previous year. The president announced that a membership drive had been most successful, and the roll would be increased by about 20. The following officers were elected:— President, Mr M. Spencer-Bower; senior vice-president, Mr R. L. Anderson; junior vice-president, Mr A. Gartery; secretary and treasurer, Mr John Wolff; auditor, Mr T. B. Lock; committee, re-elected; delegates to provincial conference, Messrs Spencer-Bower and Anderson; supper committee, Messrs H. Heinisch, N. Barrie, A. Gartery, and L. Watson. Basketball' Playing in Cust Domain on Saturday, Cust Old Girls’ basketball team, in their first match, beat Tuahiwi by 6 goals to 0. Mrs Judson was referee. CORONATION CELEBRATIONS AT KAIAPOI A meeting of the special committee set up to arrange Coronation celebrations for school children was held at the Borough Council Chambers, Kaiapoi, yesterday. It was decided that the funds in hand together with public subscriptions be accumulated for establishing a Coronation children’s refsrence library at the school. Arrangements for tree planting to commemorate the occasion were discussed, and it was decided to apply to the Kaiapoi Borough Council for permission to plant a row of silver birch trees on the roadside fronting the school in Hilton street. It was decided that the school children assemble dt the school at 9.30 a.m. on May 12, together with the general public, when the Education Board’s Coronation souvenirs will be distributed, and that arrangements be made for a suitable address to be given. A start was made yesterday in wiring the Kaiapoi main bridge which will be illuminated by the Borough Council as part of the Coronation decorations. The main streets will be decorated with flags and it is expected that the shopkeepers will also illuminate and decorate their shops during Coronation week. , PRESENTATION AT KAIAPOI After the evening service at St Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Kaiapoi, on Sunday, members of the choir assembled In the Sunday School Hall to say good-bye to Miss Joyce Wylie, who is taking up nursing at the Christchurch Hospital. A presentation of a fountain pen was made by the choirmaster, Mr G. Hirst, who referred to the valuable assistance given to the choir by the departing guest and wished her every future success. The Rev. G. W. Hercus also spoke, extending good wishes for the members ' of the church. -.1


DEBT ON DOANS REDUCED The financial report presented at the s annual meeting of parishioners of the Waikari Parochial District noted the v successful effort i made to reduce the 3 parish loans. Mainly from subsorip- - tions to the special loan fund and the . proceeds from the flower show, £232 . 6s 8d was paid off during the year, rei ducing the amount of loans owing to £7l, and it was estimated that a f further £lB would be raised by the s sale of wool given to the fund f The vicar (the Rev. H. M. Cocks) j was in the chair, and there was an attendance of about 20 parishioners. 1 In his annual report the vicar especi--2 ally thanked the people’s warden (Mr C. H. Bethejl) for hia work for the ; special loan fund. The various Sun- . day schools, the Mothers’ Union, and t the other parish activities had coni tinned, steadily through the year. The r vicar and Mrs Cocks would be leaving in July on a trip to England and expected to return in December. During their absence the Rev. G. W. > Digby Wilson would be in charge of - the parish. Mr Wilson had served as • a missionary in Nigeria and Western 1 Australia before coming to Hawke’s 1 Bay. The balance-sheet, which showed a . credit of £24 13s 4d, was adopted. Officers elected were: —Bishop’s warden, Mr R. S. Johnson; people's warden, Mr C. H. Bethell; vestry, Wair kari: Mrs B. L. Blunden, Messrs F. C. r Lukey, G. W. Soal, and A. Phipps; ; Horsley Downs: Messrs R. E. Foster, W. P. Neeve, J. A. Westenra, and M. E. Philpott; Scargill: Messrs B A. Coe and H. V. Murray; auditor, Mr G. , Seaton Kellaway; missions organiser : Miss F. E. Fleming, i Rifle Shooting The third competition shoot was fired on the Waikari Miniature Rifle Club’s range last week. The following were the best scores:—L. P. Honeybone 70, D. Anderson 70, J. W. Earl 69, L. Smith 68. M. Codyre 68, J. McCreanor 67, W. McAdam 67, J. Trounce 66, F. C. Trounce 66. C. Smith 65, J. Ross 65, G, Davies 64, W. Traill 64, J. Hall 63, H. Palmer 63, J. Forsey 63. W. Atkinson 62, R. Caton 62, Fred Trounce 62, R. Turpin 61, R. Hodgen 61. Sports Association Mr H. Saundercock presided at a meeting of the general committee of the Waikari Sports Association. A deputation was received from the United Football Club asking for assistance towards the provision of a water supply at the pavilion. Messrs A. J. Blakely and R. Norton spoke for the deputation, urging that it would be to the benefit of both clubs to erect a tank to provide a permanent water supply at the sports grounds. An interim balance-sheet showed a small loss on the recent annual sports meeting. It was decided to share the president’s prize for creating most fun on sports day between Mr T. Emerson (clown) and Messrs Smith and Turpin (wheelbarrow team). A report/ on the sports meeting said that M. R. Spillane, the New Zealand champion hammer-thrower. had thrown the hammer 160 ft OJin, which was 6ft better than his own previous best performance. Competition results not previously published were: —Ham-stabbing competition, L. D. Smith; live weight guessing, M. B. Forrester and R. H. Manning tied, each guessing 971b (actual weight 96ilb); wheat guessing, M. B. Forrester and C. Trounce tied, each guessing 2251b (actual weight 22831b); sheaf-tossing handicap, J. Gardner 1; wheelbarrow derby, J. and H. Gardner 1. RIFLE SHOOTING ELLESMERE ASSOCIATION Mr J. G. Millar (president) presided at the annual meeting of the Ellesmere Miniature Rifle Association, held at Leeston, which was attended by delegates from the Southbridge, Killinchy, Sedgemere-Lakeside, and Leeston Clubs. A- credit of £7 19s Id was shown in the balance-sheet. Officers elected we r e:—Patrons, the Hon. Sir R. Heaton Rhodes and Messrs D. Jones, H. E. Herring, M.P., F. V. Gwatkin, W. J. McEvedy, and F. Alexander: president, Mr A. E. Brown; vice-presidents, Messrs Arnold Brown, J. G. Millar, and A. A. Greenwood; secretary, Mr E. C. Maindonald; checkers, Messrs A. E. Amyes, L. R. Maw, A. Brown, and W. Tweedy. May 25 was chosen as opening night for the competitions. It was decided to reduce the number of shooters in the team matches from 10 to eight to assist the weaker clubs. The affiliation fee was fixed at Is a member, and it was decided to use the Roberts target SEDGEMERE-LAKESIDE The annual meeting of the Sedge-mere-Lakeside Miniature Rifle Club was held with Mr •E. A. Alexander presiding. The report said that the club had been successful in the association competitions last season. The balance-sheet showed a credit of £ls 4s 6d. Officers elected were:—Patrons. Messrs F. Alexander and H. E. Herring, M.P.; president. Mr Arnold Brown; vice-presidents, Messrs Noel Alexander, w. Ludemann, A. J. Inwood. H. R. McLaughlin, A. A. C. McPherson, G. Nairn, J. Anderson, W. Winchester, W. Ludemann, sen., E. Alexander, J. T. Donkin, L. Chambers, H. Winchester, B. R. Howson, and F. L. Graham; secretary and treasurer, Mr N. Alexander; assistant. Mr R. McLaughlin; auditor, Mr J. H. McMillan; executive, the president, captain, secretaries, and Mr H. R. McLaughlin; handicappers, the president and Mess’-s H. R. McLaughlin and W. Ludemann; club captain, Mr H. - R. McLaughlin; Selectors, the handicappers; delegates to Ellesmere Association, the president and Messrs W. Ludemann and H. R. McLaughlin; armourers, Messrs W. Marsh, M. Pohio, and F. McCormick. The secretary was instructed to write Sir R, Heaton Rhodes thanking him for his interest in the club since its inception.


The closing day of the Amberley Croquet Club was held recently. During the afternoon two competitions were won by Mrs W. Briggs and MissMarie Busch. A shopping bag was presented to Mrs Dixon, who had acted as coach during the season. Mrs P. E. Starr, the club captain, thanked Mr- Dixon for her work, and congratulated the members on a successful season. CONCERT AT OMIHI A* successful concert and dance in aid of the Waipara, Omihi, ScargiU group institutes was held in the Omihi Hall. The concert comprised the three prize-winning plays in the drama festival, held recently. The first play, "Women at War," was given by members of the Omihi Women's Institute, end the others were "Anti Clock Wise," by members of the Scargill Women's Institute, and "The Poiscned Party," by members of the Waipara Women's Institute. Music for the dance was played by Mrs McKenzie and Miss Brady, Rangiora. Mr J. Laredo master of ceremonies, .. '


Mr Leonard Jones ■ and Mr B. Robinson were the guests of honour at an evening held at the home of Mf and Mrs L. D. Adams, "Porenga (Sheffield), by members of the Sheffield Men's Hockey Club. Mr A. W. Adams, patron of the club, and Mr A. Petrie, president, spoke of the excellent play and fine sportsmanship of Mr Jones and Mr Robinson. Mr Petrie congratulated Mr Jones on his recent marriage, and asked him to accept two ornamental figures. Mr Adams spoke of the regret which was felt at losing Mr Robinson as a member. He wished him every in the future, and presented him with a fountain pen from the, club members. Games were played, and several Interesting competitions were held. Personal Mr and Mrs L. D. Adams,. "Porenga.'?are sending a holiday in the North Island. Fanners' Union The annual meeting of the Sheffield branch of the New Zealand Farmers Union was held recently, with the president (Mr D. J. Hawke) presiding. The balance-sheet, which was adopted, showod a satisfactory credit balance. Mr D. J, Hawke gave an interesting address on the work of the Union and also made a strong appeal for every farmer to join. The following officers were elected: President, Mr D. J. Hawke; vice-pre-sidents, Mr H. Amyes and Mr Q. A. Wright: committee, Messrs W. Williams, W. Austin, J. L. Pritchett. R, S. Gunn, S. Searle. A. T. Hawkins. H. C. Townshend, B. S. Morrison, W, J. Jenkins, J. E. Skurr, H. O. Judd, L. D. Adams, W. Watson, and F. J. Jenkins; secretary and treasurer, Mr C. C. Innes; delegates to provincial conference, Messrs D. J. Hawke and H. C. Amyea FAREWELL SOCIAL FOR POSTMASTER GATHERING OP RESIDENTS At HORORATA A complimentary social was tendered Mr W. Bell, postmaster, by residents of Hororata and surrounding districts in the Hororata Public Hall on Friday evening, on the eve of his departure, on transfer, to Otautau. Mr W. Gilmour, chairman of the | Selwyn County Council, presented Mr Bell with a leather suitcase and a well-filled wallet of notes from residents. Other speakers were Mr A. D. Oliver, for the Hororata Tennis Club, and Mr T. E. Pearson, for the golf club. Mr Bell acknowledged the gifts. Mr A. J. Harris welcomed Mr Bell's successor, Mr C. R. Porter. Songs were given by Mr R. W. Felton and Mr P. Isherwood. Music for the dancing was played by Miss H. Maffey (piano) and Mr R. W. Felton (drums), and Miss Charles, of Coalgat<\ played the extras. Messrs A. J. Harris and A. D. Oliver were masters of ceremonies. Mr Bell received a presentation from members of the postal staff on Saturday. He will leave to-day. School Committee ' A meeting of the Hororata School Committee was presided over by Mr A. J. Harris. The headmaster (Mr E. Mauger) reported that the roll number was 64. The school had been visited by an inspector and agricultural instructor. It was decided that the pupils should parade at 9 o'clock on Coronation Day to hear an address, for presentation of medals, and the planting of a tree.


The final matches of the Little River Easter tennis tournament were played at the Okuti courts during the weekend. Because of bad weather, some matches were postponed. Results:—Women s championship singles, (final): Mrs C. Londrigan, (Star) beat Miss D. Allen (Okuti), 6-5. Men's handicap singles (final): J. Allen (Okuti) (owe i) beat E. White (Okuti) (scr), 6-4. Tennis . The Star Tennis Club concluded its tournaments on Saturday. The Dutton handicap cup was won by Mrs C. Londrigan .(scr), who beat Miss Melva Webster (scr), 10-8. The Burns handi- [ cap cup was won by J. Reed, who beat L. Humphries, 9-8. Gala Evening The Banks Peninsula Agricultural and Pastoral Association held a successful gala evening in the Town Hall, Little River. The stalls were well patronised by the large crowd. During the evening a concert and dance were held. CONCERT AND DANCE AT KIRWEE The annual concert and dance of the Kirwee branch of the Plunket Society were held in the Kirwee Hall recently. There was a large attendance, and an entertaining programme was enjoyed. The first part of the programme was contributed by a party of members of the Liederkranzchen Choir, Christchurch, organised by Mrs H. J. Quarrell. In view of the approaching Coronation, Parry's "England" was sung for the opening chorus being preceded by a descriptive talk by Mrs J. W. Palk. Vocal solos and duets were given by Mesdames J, W. Palk, C. Good. S. L. Wright, F. Reeve, J. E. Mason, H. J. Quarrell, Misses M. Garland and N. Quarrell, and violin solos by Miss Lily Robertson. A one-act play produced by Mrs F. Cridge (Darfield) was then presented. The cast of the play, "Wurzle Flummery," was Mrs Margaret Crawshaw (Miss J. Redfern), Miss Viola Crawshaw (Miss K. Edbrooke), Mr Robert Crawshaw (Mr V. Smith), Mr Denis Clifton (Mr R. S. Williams), Mr Richard Merton (Mr F. Cridge). A dance followed. Rugby Football Playing in the Malvern senior football competitions fin Saturday, at Kirwee, Sheffield was beaten by 0 points to 0. Rainfall for April During the month of April rain fell on nine days, with a maximum fall of 48 points on April 22 The total fall for the month was 2.10 inches, compared with 2,27" inches for 1936 and 1.68 inches for 1935. DARFIELD CROQUET CLUB The Darfield Croquet Club held a social afternoon in the lounge of the Memorial Hall on Saturday, when the cups and trophies won during the season were presented. An enjoyable time was spent with games and competitions. Mrs W. Hutcheon was the winner of the flower competition and Mrs Kettle the quoits competition. Miss M. Hutcheon, hat competition, and Mrs A. Bringans, scallywag competition. Mrs H. Barker, the club president, presented the club trophies. The cup presented by Miss F. Collinson, . of Christchurch, for country club competition, was won by the Darfield No. I team, comprising Mrs D. McMillan, Mrs C Evison, Mrs A. Norton, and Mrs W. G. Clarke. The M. E. Cullen Memorial Cup was won by Mrs A. Norton, and Mrs D. McMillan was the winner of the runner-up cup presented by Mrs H. Barker. Mrs RhodesWilliams's trophy for hooping was won by Mrs W. G. Clarke. Mrs Barker con- j gratulated all the prize-winners, , _,!

AKAROA GOLF CLUB MATCHES ARRANGED Mr W. E. M. Jacobson, olub captain, presided at a meeting of the Akaroa~ Golf. Club'. Committee. . It was decided, m reply to a letter from the New Zealand Golf Council, to hold a King George V memorial bogey match for the week ending May 16. , . . Eight new members were elected. The following were the dates arranged for inter-club matches;— May 30, v. Tai Tapu, at Tai Tapu; June 27. v. Port Levy, at Port Levy; July 18, v. Lyttelton, at Charterls Bay; July 25, v. Port Levy, at Akaroa; August 15, v. Kaituna, at Akaroa; September 5, Peninsula championships at Kaituna; September 12, v. Tai Tapu, at Akaroa. Croquet Club In the final of the junior handicap singles competition, Miss Maisie Kingston beat Mrs G. A. Hammond. Personal Mr W. E. M. Jacobson, Akaroa, has been on a holiday visit to Invercargill Mr R. T. Morcom, of Akaroa, will leave for Ashburton this week, where he has accepted a position.


Weather records taken by Mr Jewell, Terrace Station, Hororata, show that rain fell on 11 days in April, the maximum fall being on April 3, when 70 points were registered. The rainfall for April was 2.77 inches, compared with 2.91 inches for April 1936. The rainfall for the year to the* end of April was 13.50 inches, compared with 22.04 inches for the same period in 1936. Twelve frosts were registered last month, the most severe being 11 degrees on April 29. Women's Hockey j In a friendly women's hockey match at Hororata on Saturday between Greendale and Hororata,, the visitors won by 4 goals to 1. Mrs K. G. Com-1 ley was the referee. Personal Mr H. A. Thorne left by motor-car yesterday morning to visit Dunedin and Invercargill. Mrs S. R. Wright, who has been a guest of Mr and Mrs R. G. Keith, of Glenroy, returned to Christchurch yesterday morning.


WOODEND-WAIKUKU SUB-BRANCH Mrs L. M. King, president of the Rangiora branch of the Plunket Society, presided over the annual meeting of the Woodend-Waikuku subbranch. The annual report showed that the financial position had improved. The election of resulted:— President, Mrs A. Smith; vice-presi-dents, Mesdames J. Henshaw and P. Morris; secretary and treasurer, Miss Archer; committee, • Mesdames A. Quinn, J. Durle. C. Payne, A. Amor, F. Stokes, W. Dench, W. Sills, J. Mathers, E. S. Taylor S. Wright, H. Petrie, and Miss Stackwood. Mrs J. Little, who has resigned from the committee because of illhealth, was presented with a bouquet by Mrs Durle and with a jug and a vase by the president. Songs were given by Mrs J. Jelfs and Mrs D. Robinson. After afternoon tea. Miss Shepherd, nurse in charge of Plunket work in the Rangiora district, gave a demonstration of suitable feeding for children from the age of, t nine months to three years, .

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Press, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22083, 4 May 1937, Page 6

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NORTH CANTERBURY NEWS Press, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22083, 4 May 1937, Page 6

NORTH CANTERBURY NEWS Press, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22083, 4 May 1937, Page 6