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i A free library service for a district consisting of the Rangiora borough and county, the Kaiapoi borough, and the Ashley, Eyre, and Kowai counties is considered by Mr W. C. Prosser to be a possible development of the free library scheme which is now working satisfactorily in Rangiora. It was at his suggestion that local bodies from these areas have been invited to send delegates to a conference to discuss a scheme which the Rangiora Borough Council's library committee hopes to prepare soon. Greater buying power and practically a full-time staff would be possible with other local bodies contributing to the cost of the library. Selections of books could be sent to district centres periodically and subscribers in the country would enjoy as good a service as the residents of the town. Sales of Game Licences For the duck shooting season beginning to-day, nearly 70 licences havfe been sold in Rangiora. One firm has sold more than 50. Last year, this firm's total was 39, more than twice its previous average. Forty-nine licences were sold in the town last year. Coronation Illuminations A start has been made by the electrical staff of the Rangiora Borough Council to erect speciaj lighting for use during the Coronation celebrations. The cenotaph and memorial square in High street will be lit with strings of white lights from the cenotaph to each corner of the square. The cenotaph itself has been outlined with red, white, and blue lights. A more elaborate scheme will be employed on the Town Hall, where the work is proceeding. Ambulance Sub-Centre It was reported to a meeting of the Rangiora sub-centre of the St. John Ambulance Association that 14 men were on public duty in the district on Easter Monday. Twelve were at the motor-cycle race at Cust and two at the sports meeting at Sefton. The recent appeal to sports clubs for donations has realised £6 6s. Rangiora Bank Premises A recent suggestion from the Rangiora Berough Council that banks with branches in the town should consider rebuilding their premises has brought an assurance from the Union Bank of Australia,. Ltd., that the rebuilding in Rangiora will be considered when its present extensive building programme in New Zealand is finished. The Bank of New Zealand has replied that, although its Rangiora building is a fairly old one, it is in fair condition, and meets with the requirements of the bank's Rangiora business. Meat for Relief Workers Inquiries into the possibility of issuing meat at a low price to relief workers this winter are being made by the Government Employment Bureau, Rangiora. Many men wish to participate in any Uistributibn arranged and the bureau hopes to have a scheme ready soon. Personal Mr N. E. A. Breach, who has been transferred to the High street Post Office, Christchurch, will finish his duties at the Rangiora Post Office today. A motion of sympathy with Superintendent J. D. A. Blake in the death of his wife was passed by the Rangiora sub-centre of the St. John Ambulance Association. Unemployment Following is the unemployment allocation for the Rangiora district next week, this week's totals being given ! in parenthesis: Sustenance, 86 (70); No. 5 scheme, 29 (29). Registrations of unemployed at the Government Employment Bureau this week totalled four, compared with six last week. Casual work was obtained for two men under the placement scheme this week. Football Team Following is the senior team which will represent the North Canterbury. Rugby Football Club in a match against Oxford at Rangiora this afternoon:— N. Aitken, A. Brown, G.. Moran, K. Rapatini, A. Miles. F. Jones, C. Tul-. ley, S. Dench, F. Harlow, F. Bury, W. Stephens, P. Power, J. Smith, P. Brown, \and A. Hamilton. Emergency, P. Jackson. , KAIAPOI SUNSHINE CLUB A substantial sum was realised by members of the Girls' Sunshine Club for their stall at the coming St. ! Paul's Presbyterian sale of work by the holding of a sock social on Tuesday evening. Members of the congregation each received an amusing appeal accompanied by a small sock in which subscriptions were forwarded. A pleasant time was spent in games and competitions. Musical items were given by Misses Yates, J. Batie, J. Wylie, E. Watkins, B. Eustace, D. Stark, Messrs G. and A. Hirst. Parishioners' Meeting: The annual meeting of parishioners of St. Bartholomew's Church, Kaiapoi, was held on Tuesday evening. The parochial association advised that it had been decided to present three electric heaters for heating the church during the winter. The Rev. T. M. Curnow presided over an attendance of about 50. The church warden's report said that the financial statement showed a debit balance of £ll 13s lOd on the year's working after paying off some of the previous year's liabilites. Offertories and subscriptions showed a substantial increase, and the weekly freewill offering system of contributions had been introduced with very satisfactory results. The parochial account showed a credit of £9 10s; the cemetery account showed a credit of £ 12, and the church painting fund also showed a credit of £lB 10s. Officers were elected as follows: Vicar's warden, Mr L. R. Oram; people's warden, Mr J. H. Thomson; vestry, Messrs G. Witte. H. W. Childs, L. C. B. Fuldseth, L. Giles, F. H. Griffiths, J. Jowers, L. Burgess, A. W. Allison; secretary, Miss N. Worthington.


The twelfth annual meeting of the Culverdeh sub-branch of the Plunket Society was held recently. Mrs L. R. C Macfarlane presided, and the secretary, Mrs H. S., Ingram, presented the annual report and bal-ance-sheet. The report said that the year had been an uneventful one. The financial statement was considered very satisfactory. During the year a grant of £lO had been sent to the Lady King Karitane Hospital and the usual collection of produce made to assist the Plunket day appeal. The president in her report gave a brief resume of the year's activities. The election of officers resulted as follows:—President. Mrs L. R. C. Macfarlane; vice-presidents, Mesdames D. Rutherford. M. Bethell, W. J. Gudsell, W. V. Mockett, and J. W. Black; committee. Mesdames W. Norrie, J. W. Creighton. G. Johns, Miss Brougham, and Dr. W. G. Todd, in addition to last year's committee; hon. secretary and treasurer, Mrs H. •S. Ingram (reelected); hon. auditor, Mr H. M. Searle. The president was presented for members of the committee with a beautiful posy of flowers. Golf Club The president, Mr W. V. Mockett, presided' at a committee meeting of the Culverden Golf Club, held recently. The Hawarden and Scargill Clubs wrote suggesting suitable dates for inter-club matches. The secretary of the New Zealand Golf Council wrote that Mr Guy would be able to coach on the Culverden links from May 12 to 18. It was agreed to hold a match on the links on Coronation Day between teams chosen by the president and club captain. It was decided that the Ladies' Golf Club affiliate with the Ladies' Golf Union. Football Team The following players are requested to represent Culverden against Lewis Pass at Culverden next Saturday, at 3 p.m.:—J. Crothall, A. McMillan, D. O'Laughlin, J. Denton, L. E. Taylor, J. Bisphan, S. Britton, L. Denton, C. Burrows. M. Dynes, G. Aldridge, J. Berry, R. Snelling, J. Sharp, R. Hyde, E. Arthur, and N. McClelland.


A further meeting of the Coronation Celebrations Committee was held, with Mr S. R. Oldridge presiding. It was decided to write to the Railway Department asking that station and floodlights be left on during Coronation week. Arrangements were made for a procession of decorated motorvehicles, children's bicycles, dolls' prams, children's fancy dress (boy and girl), and any other decorated vehicle. Prizes are to be awarded for each class. It was decided to spend £25 on children's entertainment, the entertainment to take the form of a sports meeting and refreshments. A sports committee was. elected. The committee decided to supply Coronation souvenirs to all children. The lighting committee was authorised to expend on amount not exceeding £27 for decorative lighting on the street and inside and outside the Memorial Hall. It was decided to hold a plain and fancy dress ball in the evening.


The annual general meeting of the Waihora Rod and Gun Club was held, with Mr C. D. Wheeler presiding. The following officers were elected: President, Mr C. D. Wheeler; vicepresidents, Messrs I. B. Johnson and K. Campion; managing committee, Messrs J. Blanche, F. Brittliff, R. G. Manson, G. W. Thompson, F. Radford, and T. M. Wheeler; honorary auditor, Mr V. G. Spiller; honorary secretary, Mr W. C. Miller. Rain Affecting; Peas and Clover Farmers are having a very trying period in trying to harvest peas and clover. The frequent rains will have an adverse effect v on peas, and new grass is rapidly growing through the cut clover, and a quantity will be lost. AMURI A. AND P. ASSOCIATION A meeting of the committee of the Amuri Agricultural and Pastoral Association was held, with Mr W. B. McMillan (president) presiding. The- meeting passed a vote of sympathy with the secretary, Mr H. T. Knight, in his illness. Mr W. L. Martin was appointed auditor in place of Mr L. A. Whitham, who has left the district. The secretary handed in a report and interim balance-sheet of the recent show, which, showed a small deficiency on the actual running of the show, which he hoped would adjust itself by the end of the financial year, when all amounts due t 6 the association had been received. He hoped to be able to show a credit balance in the bal-ance-sheet in July at the annual general meeting. ■ - Four new members were elected and two resignations were accepted. Accounts amounting to £59 3s were passed for payment. Messrs T. Harland and D. McLean were appointed judges for the field roots competitions to be judged in May. The secretary regretted that because of ill-health he had to give notice of his resignation, to take effect from the end of the financial year, when he hoped to hand over the affairs of the association in a satisfactory condition. FOOTBALL AT AKAROA A. well-contested game was played at Akaroa between the Akaroa and United Bays Clubs, which resulted in a win for Akaroa by 16 points to 11. Scorers for Akaroa were W. Armstrong, D. Woodill, and K. Mcßride (tries). O. Eves converted two tries and kicked a penalty goal. For United Bays, E. Weir (2) and K. Stewart scored tries, E. Weir converting one try. Mr W. R. Moore was referee. Presentation to Priest There was a large attendance of St. Patrick's Church members, including visitors from the bays and Little River, at a social in honour of the Rev. Father .O'Doherty, which was held in the Convent schoolroom. Members of other churches were also present, and the Mayor of Akaroa, Mr F. R. E. Davis, presided. Among the large gathering to honour Father O'Doherty, who will leave this week on the first stage of a trip to Ireland, were the Rev. Fathers Gallagher (Fairlie), Lordan (Sumner), Creed (Leeston), T. Hanrahan (Riccarton),J. Hanrahan (Papanui), McKay (Rangiora), and Father Browne, who will be in charge of the parish during the absence of Father O'Doherty. During the evening Mr F. Brocherie, for the congregation, members, made a presentation of a wallet of notes to Father O'Doherty, wishing him a pleasant trip and a safe return. Messrs E. Kotlowski and J. Prendergast also extended good wishes to the priest of honour, for a happy trip. is--.-.-s Father ,o'DoherJy thanks for the "handsome gift and asked all Vto extend a. welcome to Father Browne.


The eleventh annual meeting of the Cheviot branch of the Plunket Society was held, with Mrs Cracroft-Wil-son, president of the Christchurch branch, presiding. The report on the year's work was read by the" secretary (Mrs G. Struthers), and the balance-sheet, showing a credit balance of £l4, was adopted. The election of officers resulted as follows:—Patroness, Mrs G. W. Forbes; president, Mrs G. R. McDonald; vicepresidents, Mesdames A. Stocker, D. McLaren, J. T. Reid; secretary and treasurer, Mrs G. Struthers; assistant secretary, Mrs J. T. Reid; committee, Mesdames C. Powis, R. McKnight, E. Powis, D. G. McDonald, A. Hyde,- G. Cooper, D. Bush, T. Edridge, A. C. Barnes, C. Mowat, C. England, Miss M. Sloss. . Mrs Cracroft-Wilson gave an interesting talk on the work done by the matron and staff of the Karitane Hospital. Mrs Reid presented Mesdames Cra-croft-Wilson, McDonald, and Struthers with posies.


On Tuesday evening an anniversary tea followed by a musical programme was held in the Methodist Sunday Schoolroom and Church. The programme was contributed by a party from the Addington Methodist choir under the direction of Mr E. Fehsenfeld. Vocal solos were given by Miss Joyce Chilles, Miss Betty Thomas, and Miss Kathleen Wood, while Mr Fehsenfeld accompanied the soloists on the organ. After the programme the Rev. Moses Ayr ton passed a vote of thanks to the party and also to Mr James for motoring the party to and«from Tai Tapu. Rugby Football The Waihora Football Club's senior team, playing at Rhodes Park on Saturday, beat Leeston by 22 points to 6. ' Personal Mrs Michael, sen., is staying gvith Mrs Jas. Michael. Mr lan Cameron (Christchurch) is relieving Miss Dean, postmistress, Tai Tapu, who is away on her annual holidays. • ' Mr Doug. Watson has been transferred from the Tai Tapu Post Office to Culverden, his place being taken by Mr Musson, of Karamea, West Coast. J CORONATION CELEBRATIONS AT DARFIELD Delegates from various parts of _ the Malvern County attended a meeting held in the Memorial Hall. In the absence of Mr D. Gillanders, the chairman, Mr S. R. Oldridge presided. The several delegates reported on the functions being held in their respective districts. Tree planting, children's parades, sports meetings, and other functions are being arranged. In some parts of the district decorated lighting, processions of decorated motor vehicles and cycles are-being organised to make the day a gala one throughout the Malvern district. Farmers' Union The annual general meeting of the Darfleld branch of the Farmers* Union was held with Mr M. E. Jenkins (president) presiding. Several new members were elected. The report and balance-sheet disclosed that the branch was in a very satisfactory position. The election of officers resulted as follows:—Patron, Mr D. Mulholland; president, Mr M. E. Jenkins; vicepresidents, Messrs J. W. Green and J. H. Syme; committee, Messrs Groves Reveley, G. C. Jowers, J. H. Syme, J. D. Gallagher, G. S. Donald, M. Houston H. Bedford, W. W. Mulholland, I E. Stewart, G. J. E:;;tle, G. C. Warren, F. W. Jarnian, J. Gunn, J. W. Green, H. Gillanders, C. O. Redfern, F. W. Compton. W. Stott, S. W. Syme, and J. S. Hutton; emergency committee, Messrs M. E. Jenkins, J. W. Green, J. H. Syme, J. Gunn, G. C. Warren, and W. W. Mulholland; auditor, Mr C. G. Jarman. „ ~ _ A letter was received from the Darfleld Coronation Celebrations Committee, and Messrs J. H. Syme and M. E. Jenkins were appointed delegates to act for the Farmers' Union. The results obtained by the organiser in the district were discusjsed, and it was arranged that the secretary obtain a report. Messrs M. E. Jenkins. J. Gunn, and J. H.Syme were appointed delegates to the provincial conference, and Mr Syme was appointed the representative at executive meetings. Mr W. W. Mulholland explained the wheat marketing system. It was decided to send a letter pi thanks to the Hon. D. G. Sullivan in appreciation of the work he had done for the wheatgrowers. It was arranged that the emergency committee meet and draw up the programme for the year, and that Mr Macpherson be asked to address the next meeting.



A public meeting to decide what form the Coronation celebrations should take in Little River, was held with Mr F. Coop, chairman of the Wairewa County Council, presiding. • He explained that the council had voted £SO for the necessary expenses, and it was for the meeting to decide how the money would best be spent. A number of proposals were made, one for a new room to be added to the library, another for a lichrgate for an entrance to the library, and for planting of a Coronation oak with a brass memorial plate. After a discussion, it was decided that a procession should be arranged from the station to the domain, and that an oak should be planted with a memorial stone at its base. A children's sports meeting was decided upon, to be held in the afternoon, and in the evening fireworks and a bonfire would be arranged. The county council has provided Coronation medals for all children "in Little River, which would be presented at their schools. A number of sub-committees were formed to carry out these arrangements. Personal Miss A. Mould, who has been the guest of Mr and Mrs H. Mould, Western Valley, Little' River, has returned to her home at Robinson's Bay. Mrs S. Pepper (Chrlstchurch), who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs S. Le Compte, has returned home. Presentation There was a good attendance at St. John's Church, Little River, when members of the congregation met to say good-bye to the Rev. Father O'Doherty, who will leave this week for Ireland, where he intends to spend 12 months. Mr E. J. Keenan presided over the meeting, and for the members presented the Rev. Father O'Doherty with a wallet of notes, and wished him a pleasant trip and a safe return. The Rev. Father O'Doherty suitably responded. The Rev. Father Browne will be stationed at Little River during

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Press, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22081, 1 May 1937, Page 4

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NORTH CANTERBURY NEWS Press, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22081, 1 May 1937, Page 4

NORTH CANTERBURY NEWS Press, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22081, 1 May 1937, Page 4