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The December meeting of the Mount Pleasant Women's Institute took the form of a Christmas party, which was held at "Stonycroft," the home of Mrs A. Morten. Two musical numbers by Mr Davis and folk, dances by the Misses M. Lloyd, D. Kincaid, W. Short, G. de Thier, J. Edgar, and M. Skey were much appreciated. Various competitions and games were enjoyed by all. An "abbreviations" competition was won by Miss Shepheard, with Miss Morten second. Mrs Morten was accorded a vote of thanks for her hospitality. Among those present were Mrs A. Morten, Mr and Mrs D. McHarg, Mr and Mrs Turland, Mr and Mrs Buxton, Mr and Mrs Davis, Mr and Mrs Woodford, Mr and Mrs G. A. K. Williams, Mesdames J. Mander, Edmonds, Gale, Chirnside, Keenlyside, W. Roche, F. A. Roche, Edgar, Saunders, Ross, Congreve, Riley. Macdonald, Weir, Shepheard, Lloyd, Misses Duncan, E. Cook, B. Williams, Hood-Williams, Shepheard, and Hughes.


At the December meeting of the Barrhill Women's Institute, Mrs E. [ Hurst presided. It was agreed to give a donation to the Ashburton Hospital for Christmas oheer. Competitions resulted as follows:—Sponge sandwich. Miss Hay ward and Mrs Maw (equal) | 1; Christmas present costing no? more ■ than 2s, Mrs T. Maw 1, Miss R. Drew I 2; gooseberries, Mrs Tizzard 1. Miss ■ Fairey and Mrs: Maw (equal) 2; pre- ; mier bloom. Miss Hayward 1. Mrs Maw 2; vase of flowers, Mrs Maw 1, > Miss Tizzard 2; floating bowl of flow- ' ers. Miss Hayward and Miss Stephens (equal) 1. A treasure hunt was won [ by Mrs E. Hurst. Miss G. Smith was , hostess.


Mrs L. E. Williams presided over ■ the December meeting held in the ; hall. i Greetings were sent to Miss Vance i and Mrs Wooding, who were both re- [ ported ill. > Mrs Williams referred to the success ' of the opening of the library, and a : suggestion brought forward that ' photographs of the opening be bought , to hang in the new building was 5 agreed upon. . Mrs M. S. Barker gave a short talk r on drama, and advice on the staging 1 and producing of plays. An invitation J from Mrs Stopford to hold the garden : party at Orari Gorge this year was r accepted. Impromptu speeches were given by some members. Miss Davis i was the winner of the quilt designed by Mrs Broadbent. Miss Davis also

won a box of strawberries given- by Mrs Keen. A feature of the day's programme was the flower show. Mrs Hislop, of Geraldine, was the judge. The hostesses for the afternoon were Mesdames J. McDonald, Baxter, and Keen, and the Misses Thornley and Fergusson.


The monthly meeting of the Highbank Women's Institute was presided over by Mrs A. H. Sandrey. It was decided to hold a Christmas tree gathering for the children in the Highbank schoolroom this evening. Arrangements were completed for the group picnic at the Christchurch rose gardens. „ ~ Mrs A. S. Kennedy, Methven, gave a demonstration on tinfoil work. Mrs Frank Shearer, Methven, sang two solos. The hostesses for the afternoon were Mesdames Smith, C. J. Stewart, M. Stewart, J. W. Thomas, and Misses Smith and Sandrey. The entries for the monthly competions were judged by Mesdames A. S. Kennedy, Frank Shearer, and Cooper, the results being:—Novelty, value not more than Is, senior: Miss Haskett 1, Miss Carr 2, Mrs Watson 3; junior: Miss Watson 1, Miss M. Paul 2, Miss Cretney 3; small cakes, three varieties: senior, Miss Haskett 1, Mrs F. Woods and Mrs T Gilpin (equal) 2, Mrs Watson 3; junior, Miss Watson 1, Miss M Paul 2; prettiest cup and saucer, senior: Miss Carr 1, Mrs Currie 2 Mrs Gilpin 3; junior: Miss Cretney 1, Miss Findlay 2, Miss Sandrey 3.


The December meeting of the Ladbrooks Women's Institute was held with Mrs R. A. Hight, vice-president, presiding.

After the business of the afternoon, the pupils of the Ladbrooks School were entertained at a Christmas party. Each child was presented with ice cream, gay paper hats, and a bag of sweets. Afternoon tea was served outside, after which games and competitions were held in the school grounds. The institute competitions, which were judged by Misses I. M. McKenzie and R. Lancaster, were won by Miss J. Burt, Mrs H. Meyer, Mrs E. Milne, and Mrs P. Pickering.

The committee members were the hostesses for the afternoon tea.

It was decided to award two prizes for the girl and boy gaining most points in writing. These will be presented at the prize distribution after the school holidays.


Mr W. Gimson presided over the December meeting of the Lauriston branch of the Women's Institute. Health stamps were sold in an effort to. assist the Methven Health Camp Committee. Many articles made by disabled Ghristchurch soldiers met with a ready sale also. Competitions held during the afternoon resulted:— Summer pudding, Miss E. Lemon 1, Mrs R. Bebbington 2, Mrs H. J. Crothers 3; Christmas gift to cost not more than 2s, Misses M. Letham and A. Hampton (equal) 1, Mrs J. A. Mackie and Miss L. Letham (equal) 3, Mrs C. A. Fyfe and Miss E. Maidens (equal) 5; best bloom, Mrs H. T.Crothers 1, Mrs C. A. Fyfe and Miss A. Hampton (equal) 2, Miss L. Letham 4; jumbled word competition, Mrs C. A. Fyfe 1. The hostesses were Misses Isobel Letham and Dorothy Maidens.


The monthly meeting of. the Hampstead Women's Institute was held on Thursday, with the president (Mrs H. J. Constable) presiding. A motion of sympathy was passed with Mrs Lay in her recent bereavement. It was decided to hold a Women's Institute picnic at Peel Forest in February. Carol items preceded an interesting demonstration in floral work given by Mrs Flatman, who presented the president and Mesdames K. S. McEachen, G. Chapman, and J. Green with posies. The results of the competitions were:—Chocolate cake: Mrs F. Rose 1, Mrs Church 2, Mrs Wakeham 3. Premier bloom: Mrs Pike 1, Mrs Hunt, jun., 2, Mrs M. Constable and Mrs J. Smith 3 (equal). Christmas novelty: Mrs Pike 1, Mrs W. Thompson, Mrs Hunt, jun., 2 (equal), Miss Fussell 3. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mesdames W. Thompson, S. Thompson, H. Thompson, M. Thompson, and B. Thompson.


The December meeting of the Mount Nessing Women's Institute was held at "Brownhill," the home of the presi-

dent A vote of sympathy was passed with Mrs Hanmer in the death of her husband. Mrs Irving welcomed Mrs Williams, of Geraldine, who had been instrumental in forming the institute five years previously. Mrs Williams was presented with a bouquet of roses by Miss P. Brown. Occasion was taken to say farewell to Miss Ferguson, who is leaving to take up a position at the Anama school. Mrs Irving spoke of the many good qualities of the departing member, and wished her every happiness in the future. Members took part in a treasure hunt, which was won by Mrs A. B. Irving, with Miss Ferguson second. Afternoon tea was served by Mrs R. W. Irving and Miss C. Irving, after which the members wandered round the beautiful garden. Competitions resulted:—Egg-shell mosaic, Miss K. Fraser 1, Miss P. Brown 2, Mrs and Miss Waters equal 3; lettuce, Miss P. Brown 1, Miss Irving 2, Miss W .Waters 3; roses, Mrs Fisher 1, Mrs Glass 2, Miss E. Kidd 3; kisses, Mrs W. Simpson 1, Mrs Simpson, sen., 2, Mrs Waters 3.


MRS MARY HAMILTON (PRESS ASSOCIATION TELEGRAM.) INVERCARGILL, December 21. The death occurred on Sunday of Mrs Mary Hamilton, aged 91. For 72 years she was a resident of Southland, having arrived at luff in 1864. She was the mother oi the Hon. Adam Hamilton, leader of the Opposition, and also of Mr J.'R. Hamilton, former member of Parliament lor Awarua.


Warner's Hotel: Mr and Mrs I. Treleaven (Christchurch), Mrs G. Meikle (Te Arona), Mrs R. M. Morris (Wellington). . Clarendon Hotel: Mr and Mrs Irwin Hunter (Dunedln). Miss W. Talbot (TemNew'City Hotel: Mrs M. Langford and Miss A. Langford (Invercargill). Hotel Federal: Mr and Mrs Douglas Johns (Culverden), Mr and Mrs J. McArthur (Westport), Mrs and Miss Wright (Wellington), Mr and Mrs Jas. Logan (Nelson), Mr and Mrs D. R. Cunningham, Miss Cunningham (Sydney), Mrs Slyfield (Sumner), Miss Fairweather (Blenheim), Mrs Skinner (New Plymouth).,, Mrs E. H. Eccles (Claverly).


Miss Myra Tulley was hostess at an enjoyable "handkerchief" tea party, given at the Sign of the Takahe, Cashmere Hills, in honour of Miss Edna Macartney, Tai Tapu, vhose marriage to Mr John Pawsey, Ha warden. wjII take place early in the New *ear. Those present were Mesdames Tulley. Macartney. Misses Edna Macartney May Steer, Joyce Streeter, Ruby Williams, Ann Welch, Maude Steer, Runa Streeter, Rene Dulicu, and M Tulley.

Mrs lan Cloudesloy was hostess at an enjoyable bridge evening party given in honour of Miss Janet Fleming who is soon to be married. Mrs Clo'udesley presented Miss Fleming with a work basket, md the guests each brought a gift with which to fit it. , „ Those preseut were Mesdames lan Cloudesley, R. Fleming, Coard, I. Pattrick, C. Collins, H. E. "arnwn, C. Csrr, M. Lake, Misses Janet Fleming, Longton, Dorothy Aubrey, Marjorie Watt, Nettie Greer, Nancy Jarman, Alison Greer, and Betty Jarman.

At her home, Shakespere road, Mrs Palmer was hostess at a pleasant variety afternoon party, given in honour of Miss Rona Beveridge, who is to be married early next month. Among those present were Mesdames A. Beveridge, J, Stewart, W. Elvines,

F. Lavery, H. Palmer, D. Maddon, F. Smith, B. Rodgers, W. Cain, W. Kennedy, E. James, R. Beveridge, K. Whitlow, T. Kennedy, Misses R. Beveridge. J. Searle, L. Palmer, M. Murphy, G. Palmer. Competitions were won by Mrs Kennedy, sen., and Mrs Lavery.

Mesdames A. Keep and B. Croft were joint hostesses at a variety evening party held at Mrs Croft's home in honour of Miss J. Miles, who received many gifts for her future home. Winners of the competitions were Mrs Johnstone and Mr H. Gillon, Miss M. Miles and Mr J. McLauchlan. Music for the dancing was played by Messrs H. Miles, T. Reid, and R. Elliott. Among those present were Mr and Mrs H. Miles, Mr and Mrs Jack, Mr and Mrs G. Barker, Mr and Mrs T. Reid, Mr and Mrs B. Croft, Mr and Mrs A. Keep, Mr and Mrs V. Frizzell, Mesdames Johnstone, McKenzie (Christchurch), Misses J. Miles, B. Wood, A. Jack, R. Barker., Joyce Miles, M. Miles, K. Rowe, E. Rowe, H. Miles, Betty Frizzell, Messrs R. Horler, A. Smith, W. Smith, D. McKenzie, G. Wood, K. Rowe, L. Davidson, R. Davidson, J. Qyigley, H. Gillon, N., J., and T. McLauchlan, D. and J. Campbell, Jack, Frizzell; Thomas, Reid, and R. Elliott.

Miss Molly Sim, whose .marriage to Mr R. H. Butterick will take place this month, was the guest of honour at a "bathroom" evening party, held at the

home of Mr and Mrs E. R. Barker, "Stoneylea," Hinds. Miss Sim received many useful gifts for her future home. Games, dancing, and competitions were enjoyed. The winners of the sealed parcel competition were Miss J. Lowe and Mr Max Rickard.

Mr Adams, on behalf of all present, wished Miss Sim happiness in her married life, and Miss Daphne Adams presented her with a Victorian posy. Amongst those present were Mr and Mrs T. Sim, Mr and Mrs Adams (Methven), Mr and Mrs E. Barker, Mrs B. Dell, Misses Molly Sim, June Sim, B. Sutton (Ashburton), D. Adams (Methven), M. McKeague, J. Lowe, A. Lowe, M. Mclnnes, N. Mclnnes, N. Grayburn, M. Grayburn, Q. Rickard, S. Rickard, Messrs R. Butterick, A. Sim, S. Sim, M. Rickard, F. Jewell, R. McKeague, D. Mclnnes, and S. Bennett.

A pleasant party was held at the Beckenham Bowling Club's pavilion, where Miss Veronica Jones and Miss Cecilia Taylor were joint hostesses at a variety evening party in honour of Miss Norma Collett, who is to be married after Christmas.

• Competitions were won by Miss P. Cairns, Miss M. Maxwell, and Miss R. Adkins, and items were given by Miss M. Maxwell and Messrs H. Grenfell and A. Anderson. Music for the dancing was played by Mrs K. Wilson. The guests included Mr and Mrs W. Grenfell, Mr and Mrs N. Neill, Mr and

Mrs A. McNeill, Mr and Mrs W. Taylor, Mr and Mrs G. Taylor, Mr and Mrs C. Rogers, Mesdames E. Collett, F. Taylor, H. Keenan, Misses Norma Collett, Constance Collett, Patricia Cairns, Romola Atkins, Daphne Brown, Yvonne Caldow, Wyn Parkes. Molly B. Maxwell, Kay Palmer, Nettie Ashton, Ivy Waters, Grace Fletcher, Edna Macdonald, Jean Maddren, Alice Comer, Dorothy Hall. Messrs R. Taylor, T. Collett, H. and M. Dacre, D. Huckle, C. Kay, J. Maddren, H. Fletcher, E. Hay, B. Fellowes. R. Grimmer, V. Page, H. Stapleton, H. Grenfell, and A. Anderson. Mr W. Grenfell was master of ceremonies.

Mrs J. D. Mathieson was hostess at a very enjoyable pantry gift party given in honour of Miss Janet Fleming, whose marriage will take place at the end of this month. A competition was won by Mrs P. L. Smith. Those present were Mesdames J. D. Mathieson, R. Fleming, E. W. Cockroft, Whethy, B. Grant, Croydon Lee, G. Ray, P. L. Smith, and William Brown, Misses Janet Fleming, A. Aubrey, E. Aubrey, and Dorothy Aubrey.

An enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr and Mrs Cock, Tomes road, in honour of the approaching marriage of Miss Sylvia Sellick, to Mr Allan Pratt. Miss Sellick received many useful gifts for her pantry. Those present were Mesdames R. Sandford, Sellick, W. Cock, B. Sout-

hey. Misses Dorothy Carter. Rona HillEthel Neave, Dorothy Cock, Mary Cock. Edith Parsons, Rita Pilkington, Dorothy Pratt, Ina Stewart, Shirley Sandford, Doreen Warren. Rona Yates, Mesgrs L. Butler, E. Cock, W. Cock, J. Donald. B. Southey. R. Sandford. T. Yates.

A Royal mother who helped doctors to save her son from an apparently incurable disease recently arrived in London, almost wornout by her sick-room ordeal. She is former Queen Ena of Spain, who has nursed her eldest son, Count Covadonga. to a miracle recovery from haemophilia —uncheckable bleeding—a disease that has beset the Bourbon Royal Family for generations. The New York doctors who, as a last resort, injected the Count with deadly snake venom, are technically responsible for the Count's cure. But they consider that just as valuable was the devotion and encouragement of former Queen Ena, who sat lonfi hours at the sick-bed.

One of the queerest private museums in the world belongs to Mr E. Bordoli. of Northampton. In it are the oddest forms of footwear. One of his most treasured relics is a pair of shoes mada in the year 390,

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Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21972, 22 December 1936, Page 3

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WOMEN'S INSTITUTES Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21972, 22 December 1936, Page 3

WOMEN'S INSTITUTES Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21972, 22 December 1936, Page 3