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Bishop Brodie addressed the pupils of the Sacred Heart Girls' College in the assembly hall at the end of the school year on Friday. He congratulated the girls on their good behaviour and on the high standard of the work they had done. The following is the list of prizes and certificates gained by the pupils:— Dux—Kitty O'Donoghue. Good conduct—Resident pupils: Dorothy Butler. Day pupils: Kitty O'Donoghue. Christian Doctrine—Form VI., Frances Costello; Form V.A, Kathleen Rivers; Form V. Remove, Joan Hobday; Form IV.A, Lorraine Lagan and Patricia McLuskie lequal); Form IV.B, Nora Stephens; Form lII.A, June Wright; Form 111.8, Pauline Walsh; Form 11., Clare Kortegast; Form 1., Joan Forde; Standard IV., Shirley Clements; Standard 111., Alice McDonough. First in Class—Form VI., Frances Costello; Form V.A (dux), Kitty O'Donoghue; Form V.B, commercial, Sybil Hunter; Form IV.A. Dorothy Shah; Form IV.B, Norma Walsh; Form lII.A, Joan Nolan; Form 111.8, Hilda McKay; Form 11., Paul Ardagh; Form 1., Pamela Gee; Standard IV., Norma Kennedy; Standard 111.. Fay Woodham. "Eileen Duggan" special prize for literature, Maureen Ramsay; "Phyllis Gale" special prize for sports, Josephine Ardagh; special essay prize: Form V„ Ruth Finnerty; Form IV., Edith McDonough; Form 111.. Anne Ramsay; Form 11., Olga Walker; Form 1.. Ngaire Field; gold medal for French, Josephine Ardagh and Kathleen Rivers (equal); gold medal for music, Marie O'Neil; music and theory, Romola Griffiths, Eileen Manion, and Norma Kennedy; oil painting, Marjery Powell (1), Gertruae Ardagh <2); water colours and design, Mary McDonough. Dressmaking: Form IV., Philippa Neill and Gladys Foster; Form 111., Eileen Manion and Marjery Powell. Special prizes for typewriting, Sybil Hunter and Gabrielle Tasker; cookery, Lily Chapman and Eunice Williams; Fancy needlework and painting: Form V., Colleen Judd; Form IV., Mary McDonough; Form 111., Mary Sarich; Form 11., Florence Crampton; Form 1., Noreen Cotter, Standard IV., Frances Batten; Standard 111., Audrey Stephens and Yvonne Lyons;. Tennis prize: Resident pupils, Frances Costello; day pupils, Pat Gilmore. Highest on Conduct Board—F. Costello, K. O'Donoghue, K. Rivers, M. Ryan, P. Gilmore, J. Cummings, C. Murphy, K. Gilmore, J. Hobday. D. Butler, S. Hunter, C. Judd, G. Tasker, D. Shah, M. Gough, P. McLuskie. N. Hickey, E. McDonough, G. Ardagh. J. Terry, H. O'Malley, L. Lagan, P. Neill, K. Sheehan, M. O'Connell, A. Doody. M. McDonough, P. Stribling, I. Peoples, P. Donnelly, P. Nee, J. Nolan, P. Walsh, E. Manion, E. Robinson, M. Tully, J. Wright. M. Sarich, A. Ramsay. H. McKay, R. Noonan. M. Powell, N. Coates, F. Crampton, O. Walker, R. McNamara, N. Cotter, M. Lucock. The houses in which the school is divided scored for the year as follows:—St. Patrick's (green), captain, K. O'Donoghue, 1; St. Anne's (blue), captain, Frances Costello, 2; St. Therese (gold), captain, Pat Gilmore, 3; St. Joseph's (red), captain, Moya Ryan, 4. Certificates of Merit Form Vl.—Frances Costello (honours in Christian Doctrine, English, credit in French, Geography, History, Mathematics, Drawing. Form V.A—Kitty O'Donoghue, dux (honours in Christian Do*trine. Bible History, English. Literature, History, Home Science, French, Latin, credit in Arithmetic); Kathleen Rivers (honours in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Essay, French, Home Science, credit in Literature, History, Geography, Arithmetic); Maureen Ramsay (honours in Christian Doctrine, English, Essay, Literature, French, credit in Bible History, History, Geography, Arithmetic, Science); Josephine Ardagh (honours in Christian Doctrine, English, Latin, French, Music and Theory, credit in Bible History, Essay, Literature, Home Science, Arithmetic); Moya Ryan (honours in French, Music, credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Essay, Literature, Bible History, Home Science, Arithmetic); Patricia Gilmore (honours in French, credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Essay, Literature, Latin); Kathleen Gilmore (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, Essay, History, Home Science, Geography, French, honours in Elocution); Joan Cummings (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Essay, Literature, History, Arithmetic, French); Cecilia Murphy (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Music, Essay. Literature, History, Arithmetic, French, Geography); Joan Nelson (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Essay, Literature,' French). Form V. Remove—Joan Hobday (Honours in Christian Doctrine, English, French, Credit in Literature, Essay, Bible History. Arithmetic, Geography); Ruth Finnerty (honours in Christian Doctrine. English, Essay, Literature, credit in Bible History, French, Home Science, History, Arithmetic); Oonah Murray (Honours in Christian Doctrine. English, Credit in Bible History, Essay, Literature, Arithmetic, Geography, French); Philomena Poff

(credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Essay, Literature, History, Home Science, Geography, Arithmetic, honours in French); Anastasia O'Donnell (credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Literature, Bible History, French, Arithmetic, Honours in Painting, Music (violin) );■ Joan Traynor, credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Essay, Literature, French); Joan Coffey (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Essay, Literature, History). Form V., Commercial—Sybil Hunter (honours in English, French, Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Essay, Music (piano), credit in Literature); Colleen Judd (honours in Christian Doctrine, English, Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Credit in French, Essay, Literature); Dorothy Butler (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Essay, Literature, honours in Shorthand, Tyepwriting Bookkeeping, French, Music); Gabrielle Tasker (credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Essay, Shorthand, honours in Bookkeeping, Typewriting); Phyllis Hallins (credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Essay, Literature, Shorthand, Bookkeeping, honours in Typewriting); Margaret Brand (credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Essay, Literature, Shorthand, Bookkeeping, honours in Typewriting); Theda O'Brien (credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Essay, Shorthand, Typewriting); Joyce Bowles (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, Essay, Literature, Shorthand, Typewriting, English). Form IV.A—Dorothy Shah (honours in Christian Doctrine, English, Essay, Literature, Elocution, Music (piano), credit in Bible History, Home Science, French, Latin, History, Dressmaking, Art Appreciation); Lorraine Lagan (honours in Christian Doctrine, English, Literature, History, credit in Bible History, Essay, Science, French, Latin, Mathematics, Art Appreciation); Gertrude Ardagh (honours in French, Music (piano), Oil Painting, credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Literature, History, Science, Latin, Art Appreciation, Arithmetic, Dressmaking); Honor O'Malley (honours in French, Mathematics, credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Essay, Literature, Science, Art Appreciation, Latin, Dressmaking); Patricia McLuskie (honours in Christian Doctrine, English, Literature, History, French, Music (piano), credit in Bible History, Essay, Science, Latin, Mathematics, Drawing, Painting, Art Appreciation. Dressmaking); Marie Gough (honours in Christian Doctrine, English, Essay, Literature. History, credit in Science, Latin, Arithmetic, Dressmaking); Helena Hickey (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English. Essay, Science, Arithmetic, Drawing, Painting, Art Appreciation, Dressmaking, honours in Literature, History); Edith McDonough, (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Literature, Science, Mathematics, Dressmaking, honours in Latin, Essay); Philippa Neill (credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Essay, Literature, Arithmetic, History, honours in Music (piano). Drawing, Painting, Art Appreciation, Dressmaking); Kathleen Sheehan (credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Essay. Literature, History, Science, Geography, French, Arithmetic. Drawing. Painting, Dressmaking, Art Appreciation, honours in Music (piano)); Patricia Conway (credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Essay. Literature. History, Science, French, Latin, Dressmaking, Art Appreciation, honours in Mathematics); Mary O'Connell (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History. English, Essay. Literature, History. Arithmetic, Drawing, Painting, Art Appreciation, Dressmaking, honours in Music (piano)); Joan Terry (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Essay. Literature, History. Arithmetic. Dressmaking); Maureen Gilmore (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Essay, History. Science, French, Latin, Arithmetic, Dressmaking); Gladys Foster (credit in English, Essay. Literature, History, Mathematics, Drawing, Painting, Art Appreciation, Dressmaking, honours in Music (violin)); Alma Doody (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English. Essay, Literature, French, History, Arithmetic, Drawing, Painting. Dressmaking); Moira Candy (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History. English. Essay, Literature, Science, French, Geography, History, Arithmetic, Dressmaking); Nola Carmichael (credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Essay, Literature, History, Science, Latin, Arithmetic, Dressmaking); Joan Barwick (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History. English, Essay, Literature, Science, Arithmetic); Edna McGee (credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Essay, Literature. Dressmaking); Mavis Barrett (honours in Music (violin), credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Essay, Literature, History). Form IV., Commercial—Norma Walsh (honours in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Shorthand. Typewriting, Bookkeeping, credit in Essay, Literature, Painting); Mary McDonough (honours in Christian Doctrine English, Drawing, Design and Water-colour, Art appreciation, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, credit in Bible History, Essay, Literature, French, Shorthand); Nora Stephens (honours in Christian Doctrine, English, Literature, Typewriting, credit in Bible History. Essay, Painting, Art appreciation. Shorthand, Bookkeeping): Imelda Peoples (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Essay, Literature, French, honours in Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping); Patricia Stribling (credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Essay, Literature. French, honours in Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping); Patricia Nee (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Essay, Literature, French, Shorthand, Bookkeeping, honours Typewriting); Joan Conway (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Essay, Literature, Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, French, Painting); Patricia Donnelly l (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Literature, Shorthand, Book- | keeping, honours in Typewriting, Music (piano)); Patricia Withers (credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Shorthand, Bookkeeping, honours in Typewriting). Form lll.A—Joan Nolan (honours in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, History, Science, French, Latin, Music (piano), credit in Essay, Literature, Mathematics, Painting, Cooking); Eileen Manion (honours in Christian Doctrine, English, Essay, History, Science, French, Latin, Drawing, Painting, Art appreciation, Music (piano), credit in Bible History, Literature, Cooking, Dressmaking); Norma Ball (honours in Christian Doctrine, English, History, French, Latin, Mathematics, credit in Bible History, Essay, Literature, Science, Drawing, Painting); Anne Ramsay (honours in Christian Doctrine. English. Essay, Literature, credit in Bible History, Reading and Elocution, History, Science, French, Latin, Mathematics, Cooking); June Wright (honours in Christian Doctrine, English, Mathematics, credit in Bible History, Essay, Reading, History, Science, French, Drawing, Cooking); Nancy Coates (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Essay, Literature, History, Science, Latin, Arithmetic, Drawing, Painting, honours in French); Lily Chapman (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, History, French, Latin, Mathematics, Cooking, honours in Music, (piano) ): Eunice Willnams (credit in English, Essay, Literature, Reading, and Elocutioh, History, Painting, Drawing. Art appreciation, Cooking); Rose Noonan (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English. Literature, Reading and Elocution, History, Arithmetic, Drawing, Painting, Cooking); Margery Powell (credit in English, Literature, History, Science, Arithmetic. Cooking, Dressmaking, honours in Music (piano), Drawing, Oil Painting and Watercolours, Art appreciation); Ellie Robinson (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, History, Arithmetic, Cooking. Dressmaking, honours in Painting, Art appreciation); Mary Dowiing (credit in Christian Doctrine, English, History, Arithmetic, Cooking); Ngaire McCarthy (credit in English, Essay, Literature, Arithmetic, Drawing, Painting, Cooking, Dressmaking); Betty Dennis (credit in English. Essay, Literature, Reading, History, Cooking, honours in Music, piano and violin); Mary Evans (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, History, Drawing, Painting, Arithmetic); Margaret Newell (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, History, Drawing, Painting). Form 111, Commercial—Hilda McKay (honours in Christian Doctrine, English, Bible History, Reading and Elocution, Shorthand. Typewriting, Bookkeeping, credit in Essay, History, Drawing): Pauline Walsh (honours in Christian Doctrine, I Bible History, English, French, credit in ' Essay, Literature. History, Drawing, PaintI ing, Bookkeening); Justine Thompson ' (honours in Christian Doctrine, English, Essay, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, credit in Bible History, Literature, Drawing, Painting, Shorthand); Marjorie Nicholson (credit in English, Essay, Literature, Reading and Elocution, Mathematics, Drawing, Painting, Shorthand, Art appreciation, honours in Typewriting and Bookkeeping); Patricia O'Neil (credit in Christian Doctrine. Bible History. English. Drawing, Painting, honours in Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping); Joan Kelly (credit in Christian Doctrine. English, Essay, Drawing, Honours in Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Painting); Mary Sarich (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Essay, Literature, honours in Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Music (piano), Needlework. Shorthand); Noeline O'Brien (credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Essay, Painting. Shorthand, Typewriting, honours in Bookkeeping); Neroli McGrath (credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Essay, honours in Bookkeeping, Typewriting); Ola Quieg (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Essay, Drawing, Painting, Shorthand, honours in bookkeeping. Music (piano); Margaret Stuart, credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English. Essav. Shorthand, honours in Typewriting, Bookkeeping; Mary Mustchin, credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Essay, honours In typewriting; Sheila Brophy, credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Painting, Cooking, Dressmaking, honours in Type-

writing, Music (piano); Margaret Tully, credit in Christian Doctrine. English. Drawing. Painting. Shorthand, honours in Typewriting, Bookkeeping; Gwen Fitzgibbon, credit in Christian Doctrine. English. Bookkeeping, Music, honours in Typewriting; Margaret Harrington, credit in Christian Doctrine. English, Drawing, Cooking, Painting, Bookkeeping, honours in Typewriting; Peggy Traynor, credit in Christian Doctrine. Bible History. English, Cooking, honours in Typewriting; Margery Stephens, credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Shorthand, Bookkeeping, honours in Typewriting; Pearle Leemlng. credit in Christian Doctrine. Bible History, English, Essay, honours in Shorthand, Typewriting. Form ll.—Pauline Ardagh. honours in Christian Doctrine, English, Arithmetic, French, Reading and Elocution, Writing. Fancy Needlework. Music, credit in Bible History, Essay, History, Geography, Science, Drawing, Painting, Art Appreciation, Cooking; Clare Kortegast, honours in Christian Doctrine, English, Arithmetic, Reading, Elocution, Music (violin), credit in Bible History. Essay, History, Geography, Science, Writing. Drawing, Painting, Art, Fancy Needlework; Thecla Cullen, honours in Christian Doctrine, English, Reading, Elocution, Writing, Painting Fancy Needlework, Music (piano), credit in Bible History, Essay, History, Geography, Arithmetic, Drawing, Art, Cooking; Marie Lucock, honours in English, Essay, History, credit in Bible Historv, Reading, Elocution, Science, Geography, French, Arithmetic, Drawing. Painting, Art, Cooking, Plain and Fancy Needlework; Maureen Alexandre, honours in Reading and Elocution, Science, Writing, Painting, credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Essay, History, Geography, French, Arithmetic, Drawing, Art, Cooking, Fancy Needlework; Florence Crampton, honours in Arithmetic, Science, Fancy Needlework, Music (piano), credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Essay, Reading, Elocution, History, Geography, French, Writing, Drawing, Painting, Art, Cooking; Maureen Berry, honours in Arithmetic, Science. Plain and Fancy Needlework, credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Essay, Reading and Elocution, History, Geography, Writing, Drawing, Painting. Art, Cooking; Marie Lenihan, honours in English, Music (piano), credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, Essay. Arithmetic, History, Science, Drawing, Painting, Reading and Elocution, Cooking; Olga Walker, honours in Music (piano), Plain and Fancy Needlework, credit in English, Essay, Reading and Elocution, History, Geography, Science, French, Arithmetic, Writing, Drawing, Painting, Art, Cooking; Joy McNabb, honours in Elocution. Arithmetic, Plain and Fancy Needlework, credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Essay, Reading, History, Geography, Science, French, Writing, Drawing, Painting; Peggy Gallagher, honours in Bible History, Plain and Fancy Needlework, credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Essay, Reading and Elocution, History, Science, French, Writing, Drawing, Painting, Art, Cooking; Gladys McMullan. honours in Elocution, Music (piano), Writing, credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Essay, Reading, History, Science, Arithmetic, Drawing, Painting, Art, Cooking, Plain and Fancy Needlework; Joan Smith, honours in French. Writing, credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Reading and Elocution, History, Science, Arithmetic, Art, Drawing, Painting, Cooking. Plain and Fancy Needlework; Rita McNamara, honours in Elocution, Plain and Fancy Needlework, credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History. Science, French, History, Writing, Art, Drawing, Painting. Form I.—Pamela Gee. honours in Christian Doctrine, English, Drawing, Painting, Science, Cooking, Needlework, Music (piano), credit in Bible History, Essay, Reading and Elocution, History, GeoI graphy, French, Arithmetic, Writing, Art; Joan O'Brien, honours in Christian Doctrine, English, Reading and Elocution, Arithmetic, credit in Bible History, Essay, History, Geography, Science, Art, French, Writing, Drawing, Painting, Cooking, Fancy Needlework; Joan Forde, honours in Christian Doctrine. English, Science, Cooking, Plain and Fancy Needlework, Music (piano), credit in Bible History, Essay, Reading and Elocution, History, Geography, Arithmetic. Writing, Drawing, Art; Noreen Cotter, honours in English, Elocution, Writing, Painting, Fancy Needlework, Music (piano), credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, Essay, History, Geography. Science, French, Arithmetic. Drawing, Art, Cooking; Isobel Watson (honours in Reading and Elocution, Plain and Fancy Needlework. Music (Piano), credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Essay, History, Science, Geography, French, Arithmetic. Writing. Drawing, Painting. Art Cooking); Ngaire Field (honours in Arithmetic, Fancy Needlework, credit in Chris-, tian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Essay, Reading, Elocution, History, Science, Geography, Writing, Drawing, Painting, Art, Cooking, Dressmaking); Melva Gates (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Reading and Elocution, History, Geography, Science, French, Arithmetic, Writing, Drawing, Art, Cooking, Fancy Needlework, Music, Piano); Frances White (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, Essay, English, Arithmetic, Writing, French. History, Geography, Science, Painting, Plain and Fancy Needlework, i

Reading and Elocution); Ethne McDonough (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible His- I tory. English. Essay. Reading and Elocution. History, Geography, Writing, Painting, Art. Cooking, Plain and Fancy Needlework); Margaret Geaney (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Essay, Reading and Elocution, History, Writing, Painting, Art, Cooking. Fancy Needlework, Science, Music, Piano); Bertelle Lenihan (honours in Arithmetic, Music (Piano), credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Essay. Writing. Geography, Drawing, Reading and Elocution, Fancy Needlework, Cooking); June Williams (credit in Christian Doctrine, Bible History, English, Essay, Reading and Elocution, Science, Drawing, Art, Cooking, Fancy Needlework); Rona Stewart (credit in Christian Doctrine. Bible History, English, Reading and Elocution, French. Writing, Painting, Art, Plain and Fancy Needlework); Jean Nicholson (credit in English, Reading and Elocution, History, Science, Arithmetic, Writing, Drawing, Painting, Art, Cooking, Fancy Needlework); June Guilford (credit in English, Essay, Reading and Elocution, History, Writing, Drawing. Art); Noeline Wakefield (credit in Elocution, Science, Writing. Art, Cooking. Fancy Needlework). Standard IV.—Norma Kennedy (honours in Christian Doctrine, English, Essay. Reading and Elocution, Arithmetic, History, Geography, French, Music (Piano), credit in Needlework, Drawing, Painting); Shirley Clements (honours in Christian Doctrine, English, Reading and Elocution, Arithmetic, Geography, French, Needlework, credit in History. Essay); Suzanne Kennett (honours in Christian Doctrine, English, Arithmetic, Essay, Fancy Needlework, credit in Reading and Elocution, History, Geography, Drawing, Painting); Margaret Wilson (credit in Christian Doctrine. Reading and Elocution. Arithmetic, English, History, Geography, French, Fancy Needlework, honours in Essay, Drawing, Painting); Joyce Newsome (credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Reading and Elocution, Arithmetic, History, Geography, Essay. French, Needlework, Drawing, Painting); June McKay (credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Reading and Elocution, Essay, Needlework, Drawing, Painting, Honours in Music, Piano); Phyllis Cassin (credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Essay, Needlework, Drawing, Painting); Lexie Nelson (credit in Reading and Elocution, Essay, Needlework, Drawing, Painting); Frances Batten (credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Reading and Elocution, Essay, Plain and Fancy Needlework, Drawing, Painting); June Ritchie (credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Reading, Fancy Needlework, Drawing, Painting). Standard lll.— Fay Woodham (honours in Christian Doctrine, English, Arithmetic. Essay, French, credit in Reading and Elocution, History, Geography, Needlework, Drawing, and Painting); Alice McDonough (honours in Christian Doctrine, English. Arithmetic, Reading and Elocution, credit in Essay, History, Geography, Latin, Drawing, Painting); Yvonne Lyons (honours in Christian Doctrine, English, Arithmetic, Music, Reading and Elocution, credit in History, Geography, Essay, Needlework, Drawing, Painting, French, Latin); Patricia Quinn (honours in Christian Doctrine, English, Arithmetic, Music (Piano), credit in Reading and Elocution, History, Geography, Essay, French, Latin, Needlework, Drawing, Painting); Joyce Burns (credit in Christian Doctrine, English. Reading and Elocution, Essay, Needlework, honours in Arithmetic); Audrey Stephens (credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Reading and Elocution, Fancy Needlework); Maria Talamona (credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Reading and Elocution, Arithmetic, Essay, Needlework, Drawing, Painting); Pauline Williams (credit in Christian Doctrine, English, Reading and Elocution. History. Geography, Essay, Needlework, Drawing, Painting, honours in Arithmetic); Maureen Shelley (credit in Christian Doctrine. English, Reading, Writing, Plain and Fancy Needlework, Drawing, Painting).


The Marist Brothers' School held its annual breaking-up ceremony yesterday morning. The prizes, which were presented by the Rev. Father Timoney, were awarded as follows: — Standard ll.—Good conduct: Raymond Thompson, John Breen, Barrie Waddell. Aggregate: Kevin Goodman, Patrick Thackwell, Desmond Collins. Religion: Peter Twomey, Kevin Goodman, Francis Courtney. Composition: Patrick Thackwell, Kevin Goodman, Antony Mullins. Arithmetic: Maurice Davidson, Patrick Thackwell, Kevin Goodman. Reading: Desmond Collins, Kevin Goodman. John Wildermoth: History: Francis Courtney, Kevin Goodman, John Breen. Geography: Antony Mullins, Peter Twomey, Kevin Goodman. Nature study: John Lagan, Antony Mullins, Curtis Wright. Drawing: Curtis Wright. Desmond Collins, Kevin Burns. Handwork: Lewis Bowman, Raymond Thompson, Barrie Waddell. Singing: Francis Kennedy, Noel Robinson, James Ryan. Attendance certificates: Patrick Thackwell, Clifford Jennings, Colin McDonald, John Breen, James Ryan.

Standard lll.—Aggregate: F. Newton 1. P. Kyne 2, R. Courtney 3. Conduct: D. Mannix 1, L. Lowe 2, R. Lindsay 3. Religion: P. McLaughlin 1, J. Sinclair 2, D. Kane 3. Composition: P. Kyne 1, H. Jones 2, A. McCarthy 3. Arithmetic: Brian Daley 1, A. Cunnard 2, J. Sinclair 3. Reading: P. Thompson 1, S. Mangan 2, B. Murphy 3. History: A. Kirk 1. F. Newton 2, R. Hart 3. Geography: A. Cunnard 1, L. Sinclair 2, J. Perham 3. Nature study: D. Butler 1, J. Foord 2, J. Edwards 3. Drawing: G. Lindstrom 1, D. Morgan 2, P. Tranter 3. Handwork: D. Garty 1, R. Rothel 2. D. Sinclair 3. Attendance certificates: H. Brosnahan, A. Cunnard, P. Foord, B. Foley, P. McLaughlin, K. Kernick, P. Kortegast, P* Thompson, D. Sinclair, T. Howard. Singing: C. Gallagher 1, B. Columbus 2, R. Lindsay 3. Standard IV.—Conduct: Edwin Falgar, Thomas Butler. Reade Cassin. Aggregate: John Mullins 1, John Plato 2, Ronald Hilton 3. Religion: Thomas Butler, John Mullins, Patrick Gunn. Composition: Malachy O'Byrne, Patrick Gunn, Allan Forrester. Arithmetic: lan King, Hugh Downes, John Mullins. Reading: John Plato, Malachy O'Byrne, Daniel Gorman. History: Peter Barkle, Donald Willis, Desmond Paulsen. Geography: Stanley Hahn, John Mullins, Malachy O'Byrne. Nature study: Ronald Hilton, Edwin Falgar, John Mullins. Drawing: Collins Buckley, Ronald Hilton, lan King. Handwork: George Mustchin, Brian O'Sullivan, Gordon David-

son. Attendance certificates: Bernard Commons, Desmond Columubs, James Gallagher, Trevor Bentley, Frederick Davidson, Edwin Falgar, Mattrtce Paulsen, George Mustchin, Ronald Hilton, Leo Daly. Form I.—Conduct: William Mannix, James McCormack, Bernard Preston. Religion: John O'Grady, William Henderson, George Dawson. Aggregate: Donald Blyth and Robert Poff (equal) 1, John O'Grady 3. Composition: William Henderson, Bernard Kearns, Bernard Fox. Reading: Bernard Kearns, William Henderson, Vincent Doherty. Arithmetic: Frederick Rogers, Donald Blyth, Robert Poff. History: Peter Cadigan, Desmond Empson, Joseph Manning. Geography: Baden Blyth, Robert Poff, Hugh Dawson. Nature study: Peter Gilmore, Baden Blyth. William Henderson. Drawing: Denis' Buckley, Peter Cadigan, Adrian Adlam. Woodwork: Adrian Adlam, Peter Cadigan, John Coffey. Attendance certificates: Peter Cadigan, Gordon Bradley, Donald Blyth, Baden Blyth, Peter Barker, Robert Cowell, John Coffey, Robert Courtney, Vincent Doherty, Desmond Empson, Leonard Hopping, Raynor Kelly, Francis McLaughlin, John O'Grady, Frederick Rogers, lan Watson, Vincent Walker, Robert Poff. Robert O'Donnell. Special prize: Bernard Preston. Singing: Brian McKendry, Raynor Kelly, Bernard Kearns. Bernard Fox (equal). Form ll.—Aggregate: Donald Fraser 1. K. Tellott 2, R. Gregory 3. Christian doc-

trine: D. Bohan 1, P. Kennedy Z, A. Fogarty 3. English: L. Marcantelli 1. J. Harris 2, D. Scully 3. Beading: J. Hawke 1, K. O’Connell 2, K. Tallott 3. Arithmetic: R. Mcßae 1, G. Le Nedelic 2. J. Coffey 3. History: B. Wilkins 1, R. Tinnelly 2, B. Stafford 3. Geography: B. Glubb 1, N. Hart 2. A. McKenzie 3. Science: K. O’Connell 1. P. O'Sullivan 2. M. Foley X Drawing: P. Hurley 1, J. Mullins 2. J. Haughey 3. Woodwork: J. Adi am 1. E. Lindstrom 2. P. Hurley X Singing: P. Kennedy 1, R. Stafford 2. J. Hawke X Attendance certificates; John Adlam. Desmond Bohan, Frederick Cawthom. Newberry Hart. Joseph Haughey, Eugene Horan, Patrick Hurley, Thomas Kane. Peter Kennedy, Kevin Loader. Leo Marcantelli. Joseph Mullins. Roderick McRae, Peter O'Sullivan, Ralph Stafford. Denis Scully, Raymond Tinnelly, Kevin Tallott, Ronald Telford. Special Prizes—Christian doctrine (gold medal presented by Bishop Brodie. and holder of Clifford Shield): Gustave Le Nedelic. Dux (gold medal presented by school committee); Denis Scully. Good conduct (trophy presented by Marist Brothers): James Harris. Athletics (trophy presented by Mrs Cahill and holder of Hugh Cahill memorial cup): Patrick Thoms. Winner of Cassidy scholarship: Bede Payton. Tennis (trophy presented by Cathedral Tennis Club): Ronald Telford.

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Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21967, 16 December 1936, Page 5

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SCHOOL PRIZES Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21967, 16 December 1936, Page 5

SCHOOL PRIZES Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21967, 16 December 1936, Page 5