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ACCIDENT NEAR RANGIORA A motor-car, owned and driven by William Maunder, a fruit and cordial vendor, of - Rangiora, and another, owned and driven by Kenneth Wilson, a mail contractor, of Christchurch, were damaged in a collision at Horrelville yesterday morning. Maunder’s car. a touring model, was damaged at the rear, a wheel being splintered and the bodywork badly dented., - Wilson’s car, a sedan, was buckled In front and a head lamp broken. No one was injured. Personal Messrs A. Buckingham (engineersecretary to the North Canterbury Electric Power Board), and H. H. Matthews (Rangiora" borough engineer) will leave on Saturday to attend the annual Dominion conference of power supply authority engineers which’ will begin in Wellington on Monday. With Mr L. B. Evans (chairman). Mr Buckingham will represent the power board at the annual conference of supply authorities which will begin in Wellington on Thursday. Mr Matthews will represent the Rangiora Borough Council. .’. : f Presentation Mr S. G. Lamport, who will end seven years’ association with the Rangiora Borough .School as a teacher when the school breaks up to-morrow, was entertained by members of the staff bn Tuesday and presented with cabinet-makers’ tools by 3V‘- C. H. Hargreaves for them. The headmaster (Mr C. D. Gfiling) thanked Mr Lamport for his services to the school, and wished him every success in the future. Idr Lamport has been appointed to the Cashmere School. Christchurch. Golf Club Committee As a bunkering scheme is . proposed, the committee of the Rangiora Golf Club decided at a meeting on Tuesday evening not to lease its greens for grazing' after the expiry of the present lease on September 1. The president (Mr P. G. Ellis) presided at the meeting. Four new members were elected, and it was decided to increase the greenkeeper's wages. Blanket Society The resignation of Mrs C. J. Roseveare, representative of the Sefton sub-branch on the committee, was received at a meeting of the Rangiora branch of the Plunket Society on Tuesday afternoon. The president (Mrs L. M. King) presided. An invitation to attend a “bring-and-buy” sale to be held by the Ohoka sub-branch on September-? was accepted. Final arrangements were made for the Plunket fair on September 15. The nurse, in her report, said that 341 visits had been made to' her Rangiora office during the month, and she had visited ,81 homes in the town. At, out-stations, 137 visits had been paid to her offices and she had visited 88 homes. Her car had travelled 574 miles.. Regent Theatre A good plot, plenty of action and comedy, make “Vagabond Lady” . one of the brightest screen entertainments for some time. Robert Young and Evelyn Veiiable are the stars in this sparkling comedy which will be presented tiiis evening at the Regent Theatre, Rangiora. Seats may be reserved at Watson’s, telephone 202. WEST EYRETON TENNIS .’ r ■■/'■ CLUB-;- -‘C ANNUAL MEETING HELD The annual meeting of the West Eyreton Tennis Club was held recently. with the president, Mrs C. McIntosh, presiding. . . The balance-sheet, which showed a credit balance, was adopted. , It was reported that the opening day would be held on September 26. . The election of officers resulted as follows: —Patron, Mr J, Smith;- president. Mr R. Bennett; vice-presidents, Mrs C. Mclntcsh, Mr D. Chapman, Mr J. Bums, and Mr J. Frizzell; secretary, Mrs A. Chambers; captain. Mrs R. W. Bradley; vice-captain. Miss M. Mclntosh; auditor, Mr C. Mclntosh; domain board representative, Mr Bennett; delegates to North Canterbury Suh-As-sociation, Mr R. Bennett and Mr A. Chambers; committee. Misses, J. Paterson. M. Mclntosh, and Messrs E. Bradley and H. Pester; social committee, Mi® R. Bradley. Miss A. Dixon, and Messrs G. Thomas, D. Sisson, H. Pester, and J. Wolfit was decided to enter one team in the North Canterbury Sub-Associa-tion's competitions. Workers' Educational Association The, fortnightly meeting of the Workers’ Educational Association was held, with Mr A. Chambers as leader. Three one-act plays were read and discussed. It was decided to produce two one-act plays, the parts being distributed among the members. t —; — STYX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The twelfth anniversary of the Styx Presbyterian Church was held recently. The services were well attended. The morning service was conducted by the Rev. John Millar, and the evening by the Rev, James Tennent, a former minister. Special singing by the choir included two anthems and a solo by Mr Denis Daniel. Celebrations were continued on the fallowing Tuesday, with a tea meeting, followed by a concert and the distribution of Sunday School prizes. WOMEN’S INSTITUTES BIRTHDAY PARTY AT LEESTON A successful party was held to celebrate the fifth birthday of the Leeston Women’s: Institute. There were visitors from Southbridge and Brook-, side institutes, Leeston Night Circle, and Dunsandel Farmers’ Union. Women’s Division* who extended greetings. Two bouquets were presented to the president, one from the .committee and the other from the members. A programme of musical and other items was given. The birthday cake, made and' given by the president; was. cut by Miss Jamieson, and the candles were lit by Mrs T. J. Gilbert.:- ■ _______ ' , BROOKSIDE The monthly meeting of the Brookside Women’s Institute was held with Mrs J. Brookes presiding. Arrangements foe the institute’s birthday party were completed. A demonstration on Italian quilting was given by Mrs W. S M» T - ait g H!tin i who displayed some fine examples of her work. Competitions were won as follows;; — Six pasties: Mrs J. Boag 1, Mrs A. Cridgb 2, Mrs A- Croy ’S. Best anemone or calendula: Mrs Cridge 1, Mrs Taylor second for anemone* and Mrs J. and. Mrs Saunters, second for ..aiandnia- During: the social halfhour, ‘ Sheaf, won ,a competition. Miss N. Heslop ■ judged the -competition*. Articles made by disabled soldiers were sold. The hostesses were ffMrfamwi Boag and Stevens and Miss j.Broqk* '. t ' .• •* , : t,. *


RENOVATIONS TO READING BOOM The Kaiapoi Borough CounciT met on Tuesday. Present: The Mayor, the Rev. W. H. A. Vickery, Cra. A. E. Brown, G. Wnght, J. *Hrsv F. Thorne,; H. Rinaldi, L W. Karaitiana, and A/ Linklater, The Medical Officer of Health, Christchurch, advised that it Tjoged that the council’s contribution towards the Borough Health Inspector s services be raised to £6O a year from the beginning of July, the present amount - paid (£2O 16s) -being considered inadequate, and he asked the council’s approval of the proposed revised charge. It was decided to reply that in the opinion of the council an increase of 200 per cent, in the contribution was excessive, if other local bodies were ’to be asked to pay a |ro rata increase; , .. Mr P. -R. Climle, organiser of the Canterbury Progress League, and Liaison Officer for the Employment Division of the labour Department, wrote advising that it was hoped to enlist the council’s support and cooperation in planning additional public works, and he intended to call local bodies to discuss the local situation and would be pleased if the council could suggest a suitable tune for the visit. It was that the council meet Mr Climie at a time to be The secretary of the Workers’ Educational Association, Christchurch, wrote asking if the' council would make a grant to assist the work of the association in Kaiapoi.. The letter was received and the town_ clerk said that £5 had been provided in the estimates. The director of the Kaiapoi Technical Classes wrote applying for the council’s annual grant towards the class funds. The annual grant was made. ' The organiser of the Canterbury Progress League, Christchurch, wrote applying to the council for its annual contribution towards the league funds and advised that in view of the present circumstances 7 the league executive hoped that all constituent bodies would make a special endeavour to restore their contributions to the pre-depression level. The annual contribution at pre-depression level was agreed to. The financial statement showed receipts since last meeting totalled £376 4s 4d with a debit bank balance of £ll4l 12s 7<L The books committee reported having Inspected the public reading room and advised that it had been decided completely tp renovate the room and to erect notices against smoking in. the room and loitering in the doorway. The report was adopted. A motion of sympathy was passed With Mr G. H. Forrest, a former councillor, and his family in their bereavement. Arrangements for the council employees to work on a 40-hour week basis- were left in the hands of the works committee with power to act. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE ANNUAL INSPECTION AT KAIAPOI The annual inspection of the North Canterbury Sub-Division, of St. John Ambulance Brigade was conducted fay Senior District Superintendent F. Rudd in the Gray Raven Hall, Kaiapoi, on Tuesday . evening; District Superintendent E. Gray was in charge of the parade, which included 14 members of the Kaiapoi ladies’ division under Lady Superintendent Miss I. Elder and First Officer Mrs W. H. A. Vickery, 10 members, of the Rangiora Men’s Division, .under Superintendent D. Blake and First Officer W, Chambers, and 11 members of the Kaiapoi Men’s Division, under First Officer R; Begg. General tests and stretcher drills were carried out in view of the competitions to be held in Dunedin in October. : Personal Constable M. Conway, who has been on an extended holiday trip to the United States and Ireland, returned to Kaiapoi on Tuesday, and will -resume


ANNUAL ELECTION OF OFFICERS The ' annual meeting of the Cust Tennis and Croquet. Club was held, with Mr G. Overend (president) presiding. The report and balance-sheet, which were read and adopted, showed a credit balance of £8 16s 9d. Motions of sympathy were passed with the relatives of Mr C. E. Lindsay and Mrs Wood; The election of officers resulted as follows:—Patron, the Rt Hon. G. W. Forbes; president, Mr D. Maindonald; vice-presidents, Mesdames Judson and Byde; secretary, Miss H. Tallott; assistant secretary, Mrs Judson; treasurer, Mrs Ryde; captain, Mr 1 Jackson; vice-captain. Miss Richardson: committee, Mesdames Overend. E. Wayland, A. Forbes, C. Briggs, Miss Whitham, Messrs C. Lindsay, I. Jackson, and G. Wood; trustees, Mrs Judson and Mr J. Gilbert; auditor, Mr T. B. Lock; delegate to North Canterbury Sub-Association, Mr 1. Jackson. The opening day was arranged for September 26.


his police duties at the end of the month. ' Social Evening The members of the girls club-of St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Kaiapoi, held an enjoyable ‘cobweb social in the Sunday schoolroom on Tuesday evening. A happy tune was spent in games, competitions, and musical items, several songs given a party of Maori girls from Tuahiwx being greatly appreciated. . The unravelling of the •‘cobweb’V caused much amusement . , .. During the evening opportunity was to say .good-bye to Mr and Mrs D. G. Wilson, who are leaving the district. The Bev. G. W. Kerens, for the congregation, in making a presentation of an attache case and a rending lamp, spoke of the excellent work done for the church by the 'departing guests,.and .wished them every prosperity -in--the future. • , Margaret McKinley, a teacher of the Sunday school for, many years, who'has been obliged temporanly_ to give up the work, was also presented by Mr Hercus witha .bronze firescreen, ,in appreciation of her long and faithful service to the school.

The leading men in the Ellesmere Miniature Rifle Association’s A grade aggregate at the end of the fourth round are as follows:—W. A. Carter 477, Noel Alexander 477, Norman Alexander 474, F. W. McEvedy 474, H. Hill 472, A. Greenwood 471, R. McLaughlin 471, L. Lambie 470, A. E. Brown 469, D. Paterson 469, M. Moorhead 469, L. R. Maw 469, J. Howatson 468. KIRWEE MOTHERS* UNION The monthly meeting of the Kir wee Mothers’ Union was held recently, with Mrs G. Turner presiding. ■- A letter from the recently-formed link. Wood Green, London, was read. The Rev. Mr Hine addressed the meeting. Flag Five Huhdrcd A successful flag 500 party was held in the Orange Hail in aid of the Halkett Anglican Church building fund. The prize-winners were Miss Lucy Thompson and Messrs A. and J. Thompsoni A dance followed, the music being played by Mesdames R. Henderson, A. Stewart, and Miss P. Roper. Mr L, Davis was master of ceremonies. MARSHLAND WOMEN’S DIVISION The monthly meeting of the Marshland branch of the Women’s Division of the Farmers’ Union, was held, with Mrs Marks presiding. A welcome was extended to Miss Ross, president of the North Otago branch of the Women s Division of the Farmers’ Union. Miss Marjory Sharlick was welcomed as a new member. ' ■ , Misses M. Sharlick and Peggy Blackburn were elected to attend the country girls’ educational course in September. ' , Members stood in silence as a mark of sympathy with Mrs Harris, president of the Belfast branch of the Women’s Division of the Farmers* Union in her bereavement. It was decided that members would attend a combined meeting in Christchurch early in September, when Miss McMillan and Miss Apple, of the Otago University home science department, ; would address the meeting. The competition for a knitted teacosy was won bj* Mrs Ching, Miss Rhqna Wilson being second. Mrs Wilson’s prize for the best cotton crocheted tea-cosy was won by Miss P. Kiesanowski. Mrs Henry (Christchurch) and Mrs S. Wheatley were the judges. The best bloom was brought by Mrs Dick (hyacinth), while Mrs Gibbs (pansy) and Mrs Sydney Watson (winter rose) were equal second. The competition for the best nut loaf was won by Mrs A. McFaddeh, Miss M. Hutcheoh and Mrs G. Watson being equal second. An amusement competition was won by Miss R. Wilson. Personal The Hon. P. Fraser, accompanied by Mrs Fraser, and Mr N. T. Lamboume, Director of Education, visited the Marshland School on Monday. Miss McNeil. c 3 the Marshland School staff, is absent on sick leave

and her position is being filled by Mrs Stevens (Christchurch). , Mr and Mrs W. I. Deavbll. (Wellington), who have been the guests of , Mrs H. R. Marks, have returned home. Miss Margaret Stackwood, who has been the guest of . Miss Butcher, at Puaha, for some weeks, has returned to Marshland. -Mrs H. R. Marks has returned from a short visit to Hororata, where she was he guest of Miss Nelson, “Ngairedale” ' CONCERT AT TEMPLETON A successful concert was given by the pupils of the Templeton. School in the Oddfellows’ Hall Much credit is due to the headmaster, Mr Schroeder, assisted by Miss Baxter, infant mistress, and Miss Turner, intermediate mistress.. Mr G. Barnes, secretary of the school committee, explained the financial position of the school He said that the concert had shown a profit of £lO towards, the radio fund.

ARBOR DAY AT AKAROA TREES PLANTED IN VARIOUS PARTS OF TOWNSHIP . Arbor Day was celebrated at Akaroa on Monday afternoon, when the members of the Women’s Institute planted four rose trees, three Marechal Neil and one La France rose, on the War Memorial i ground. The Mayor, Mr F. R. E.- Davis, said that it was a great pleasure to see the Women’s Institute taking so great an interest in Arbor Day. It was a kindly thought of the institute to give and plant the roses. Miss E. le Lievre, president of the Akaroa Women’s Institute, said that the planting of trees was part of the institute’s creed. She referred to the great peace garden planted with trees from all over the world,- between Canada and the United States, The New Zealand Women’s Institute had taken an acre to plant in native trees. - The rose trees were planted by Miss E. le Lievre, president, Mrs G. AHammond, a former president, Mrs C. A. Young (honorary secretary), and Mrs S. C. Naismith (honorary treasurer). Cr. E. Longden, chairman of the reserves committee of the council, thanked the institute for its interest in Arbor Day, and hoped that next year it would plant a greater number of trees. The Mayor, councillors, arid all the schoolchildren, teachers, and ratepayers interested then went to Selwyn avenue, where a number of trees were planted. The Mayor planted, a line of trees, and Cr. Longden followed by planting a mountain ash. The schoolchildren- planted various trees, \ including prunes, maples, golden ashes. Oriental planes, flowering apples, and cherries. The Mayor said that this planting would help to beautify the . Narbey sub-division, and when the trees grew the street would be worthy of the name of Selwyn avenue. An adjournment was made to the Britomart reserve, and the reserve in front of “Oinako,” Beach road. Trees were planted by Councillors R. fireure (chairman of the works committee), B. E. Baughan, G. E. Whelch, E. G, McNabb. A. G, Shuttleworth, Mr P. G. Riches (town clerk), - Mr C. A. Young (headmaster), Mrs Young, and Miss Jacobson. Personal - - J- - The Mayor- of Akaroa, Mr F. ; : R. E. Davis, accompanied by- the Mayoress, Mrs Davis, left on Tuesday, to attend the Dominion centennial conference in Wellington., . Schoolboys’ Harriets’ Baee - Excellent weather prevailed for the Second, annual harriers’ face of "the i Akaroa schoolboys (District High School) from the Kaik to Akaroa, finishing at the post offlfce. A Very handsome silver cup was given this year by Mr E. X. le Lievre for first place, «r>H was won by Kenneth Mackay. The following were the results;Kenneth Mackay <3|mln), winner of Mr E. X. le Lievre’s silver cup, to be held for brie year, arid winner of a miniature silver cup, given by Mr, A M- Helps, Zimin 30sec, 1; Leigh Langrope (4min), winner of the Rev. H. Nelson Wright’s trophy, ZZmin 2 l*ssec, * Fastest times:. Neil Preridergast (scr). winner of Mr. C. A. Young's trophy, 19min Isec. 1; James Barrett <4min), jWhmin 48 4-ssec, 2; Keith 'Stanaan aia). 23nti& ZOssc, %

SHEFFIELD The N.G., Bro. C. King, presided over the fortnightly meeting of the Loyal. Malvern Lodge, which was held in the Oddfellows’ Chambers, Sheffield, on Monday evening. Visitors were present from the Loyal Coleridge arid Loyal Oxford Lodges. One member was initiated, Bros. Angus, Mackay and, D. acting as conductors. One ballot for ■a now member was taken. The following were elected, a committee to make arrangements for the coming Official visit to the lodge: Bros. E. W. Rodgers. P.G.; L. L. Gibbs, P.G.; j; McLay, P.G.; C. Glassey,. G. V. Bergh, P.G.: G. Fraser, P.G.; and A. T. Wilson, P.G. ■ Bros. C. J. Henderson, P.G., and G. V. Bergh, P.G., reported having attended Past Grands Lodge No. 1 and gave an account of an address given by Dr. F. Birkinshaw on “The National Health Scheme.” .urangements for the lodge church parade were left in tiie hands of Bro. A. T. Wilson, P.G. TUAHIWI A very enjoyable evening was spent at the school house, Tuahiwi, on Tuesday, the occasion being an opportunity for the parents and residents of the district to meet the newly-appointed headmaster and family, Mr arid Mrs Harrison and Miss June Harrison. A happy lime was spent, in dancing, games and community singing. A feature of the programme was. the Maori action songs by the newly organised Nga Tu Ahuriri young people’s concert party, which were greatly appreciated by all. Supper was served and MfJ. T. Piki, chairman of the school. committee, and master of ceremonies for the evening, extended greetings of welcome, and for those present asked Mr Harrison to accept a piece of greenstone as a mark of future 'friendship. Mr Harrison suitably acknowledged the gift. WAIAU An enjoyable dance organised by the junior branch of the Women’s Division of the New Zealand Farmers’ Union was held in the Public Hall recently. The ball had been tastefully decorated for the occasion with greenery and artificial flowers. Music was played by the Waiau: Orchestra, extras % being played by Mrs White,-and Misses B. White, P. Forbes, arid ' E. - Powis. Messrs H. Belton and S. Pettigrew officiated as masters of ceremonies. Novelty -dances were -won by Miss P. Forbes and Mr B. Hales,, arid Miss J. Fitzgerald and Mr A. Barclay. PRESENTATION AT TAI TAPU : The parents arid friends Of the school children met in the Tai Tapu Hall on Tuesday -afternoon to say good-bye to Miss Margaret Newlands, who has been mistress ’of the Tai Tapu. School and .who is leaving to be married soon. The children provided an interesting programme of songs and recitations. ■ Mr F; Ck Morgan, chairman of the -Tai- Tapu School Committee, presided, and spoke of the good work Miss Newlands had done. for the school. He asked Miss Newlands to accept a hand-moulded crystal bowl as a .mark: of appreciation man the parents -arid friends. Mr A- G. Williams,, schoolmaster, and Mr- Lorimer, assistant master, *ris» qpak* «£ Mas* NwElands* rifc

■ ■ Personal , Kr D. Watson, of the local post office staff, has retained from Jus annual leave,' and Mr L Cameron is at present relieving Miss Dean, who has left ~on her annual, holidays. ,

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Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21866, 20 August 1936, Page 3

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NORM CANTERBURY NEWS Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21866, 20 August 1936, Page 3

NORM CANTERBURY NEWS Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21866, 20 August 1936, Page 3