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COUNTY PLANTATIONS RANGIORA COUNCIL’S NURSERY Eight thousand five hundred young 4 rees «rown in the Rangiora County Council’s nursery have been picked out. but few will be ready for planting until next season. The growing of its own trees is a new venture by the council, and the initial results are considered very satisfactory. Stocks at the nursery consist Of 7500 pmus msignis trees, 500 macrocarpa trees, and 500 hardwood gum trees. About 15 acres of trees are planted bv the council each year, and it has more than 70 acres of plantations. Most of the trees are young, but there is one block of 500 mature trees at Fern side and another stand 16 years old Beyond replacements, no plant' m? will be done this season. The council's Staff has still a full schedule «f flood damage repair work ahead cf it. Absence of Scarlet Fever N'u cases of scarlet fever have been reported m Rangiora recently. Mr C. D. Gilling 'headmaster of the Rangiora Borough School) said that the attendance of the school was not seriously affected by illness. Rugby Football A closely-contested match between senior teams from the Kowai and North Canterbury football clubs at Rangiora on Saturday resulted in a win for the former by 13 points to 9. The play was inclined to be ragged in the first half, and no points were scored untu a few minutes before time, when F. Devlin secured a try for North Canterbury, but failed to convert it In the second spell better football wc.s seen, and the issue was in doubt until the end. For the visitors. C. Binnie scored a try, which was converted by G. Hales, and D. Ford one. which was converted by W. Jamieson. Jamieson also kicked a penalty goal. Unconverted tries for North Canterbury were scored by L. Douglas and G. Moran. Mr F. Quigley was referee. Junior Labour Party As good support has been promised, the Rangiora branch of the New Zealand Labour party has decided to proceed with the formation of a junior branch for members 15 to 25 years of age. Members 19 years and over . are entitled to vote on policy matters. Basketball Tournament Scoring generally was not high in the North Canterbury Basketball Association’s annual tournament held at Dudley Park. Rangiora, on Saturday afternoon. There were good entries in both grades, and spectators witnessed many interesting matches. Rangiora won the first section of the senior grade with 8 points, Horrelville being runner-up with 6 points. In the second section, Ashley gained 7 points, and Ohoka 6 points. Rangiora beat Ashley by three goals to one in the final of the grade, M. Beck <2) and D. Lowe shooting for the winning team, and E. Timms scoring for Ashiey. Oxford won the junior section with 6 points, Ohoka and Seften each securing 3 points. Details of the matches are as follows: . _ * Senior Grade—First section: Rangiora 3. Oxford 1; Horrelville 3, Fernside 1; Rangiora 4, Loburn 0; Fernside 4. Oxford 3; Horrelville 2. Loburn 0; Rangiora 5. Fernside 3; Horrelville 6. Oxford 5; Fernside 6. Loburn 2; Rangiora 4, Horrelville 0; Oxford 7, Loburn 3. Second section: Ashley 2, Clarkville 2; Ohoka 4. Okuku 1; Ashley 2. Cust 0; Clarkville 4, Waikuku 0; Ohoka 4, Cust 0; Ashley 2. WaiJ.uku 1: Ohoka 5. Clarkville 1; Cust 0, Waikuku 0; Ashley 2, Ohoka 0; Cust 2, Clarkville 1. The winning Rangiora team comprised M. Beck, N. Criglineton, A. Lowe, D. Vette, G.. Lowe. N. Feary. J. Rowney, J. Devlin, and M. Smith. Junior Grade —Ohoka 2, Rangiora 0; Oxford 5, Sefton 2; Oxford 2. Rangiora 0; Ohoka 1. Sefton 1; Oxford 3. Ohoka 2; Sefton 5. Rangiora 0. The winning Oxford team comprised R. Horgan. P. Higginson, G. Gilchrist, M. McGrath, D. Mehrtens, E. Stubbs, P. Palmer. E. O'Connell, and J. McCahon. Referees were Mrs F. Reynolds. Misses M. Baxter. L. Crawford. T. Peach. M. McGrath, and V. Bradley. Competition matches set down for Saturday will not be played until the end of the season. Points obtained in the competition so far are as follows: —Clarkville 10. Rangiora A 9. Ohoka A 8, Horrelville 8. Ashley 8. Oxford A 7. Waikuku 4, Loburn 4. Cust 4, Fernside 2. Rangiora B 2. Sefton 2, Ohoka B 0. Oxford B 0. The result of one match played on May 2 will not be included until the rest of the series is played at the end cf the season.

Presentations Mr C. I. Jennings, of Rangiora, who has been a member of the John Knox Presbyterian Church choir for 54 years, was congratulated by the choir on the occasion of his golden wedding, and received a presentation. Before their departure for Christchurch. where they will reside, Mr and Mrs T. McGrath. Church Bush, were presented with two fireside chairs bv the Rev. Father D. Leen on behalf of their Rangiora friends. Scven-a-Side Football Tournament Delegates to the special meeting of the North Canterbury Rugby _ Football Sub-Union this evening will be asked to make tentative entries for the seven-a-side tournament to be conducted by the North Canterbury Club on behalf of the sub-union on June 23. Entries will be finalised later. This decision was come to at a meeting of the committee of the club held on Friday evening to prepare for the tournament.

Methodist Mission Services Services at the Rangiora Methodist Church yesterday began a weeks mission, and special meetings will be held each night this week.' The preacher yesterday was the Rev. W. Neal (Woodendl, and other speakers during the week will be the Rev. H. Benny (Ohoka), the Rev. L. C. Horwood (Kaiapci), the Rev. T. Coatswerth. and Mr J. E. Horrell. Permanent Survey Marks Permanent survey marks have been placed in High and Victoria streets by the Lands and Survey Department. There will now be no need to break holes in the paved streets in the centre of Rangiora each time surveys are made. Regent Theatre Dancing, singing, and fooling with the whole-heartedness that so endeared them to the public in their two previous pictures together, Nancy Carroll and George Murphy, the famous romantic team, will provide a feast of entertainment to-morrow afternoon and evening, in the Columbia picture, “After the’ Dance,” at the Regent Theatre, Rangiora. The -film gives them abundant opportunity to display their musical talents. Nancy Carroll, *who came to pictures from the musical comedy stage, has from time to time sung or danced on the screen; but George Murphy, singing and dancing star of such Broadway successes as “Hold Everything.” "Of Thee I Sing.” and “Roberta,” has been kept under wrap* by Hollywood until this time, although this is really only his fourth picture. There are some brand new popular tunes In the fljm, and a troupe of beautiful dancing girls. Thelma TmtSTfatk La Rue. Arthur HohL and many Others support MUss Carroll and Murphy in "After the Dance.” Seats miy be reserved at Watson’s. telephone fQz.


RIFLE SHOOTING Aggregate shooting was earned out by the Kalkoura Miniature Rifle Club at their Friday night shoot. The scores were:—Women —Miss N. Pluck 69. Mesdames J. Turner 69, R. Clark 67. G. McKenzie 68, D. Roberts 67, R. Reardon 67. A. Storer 66. L. Shannon 65, J. Kennedy 65. T. Reardon 64, R. Mahoney 63, D. Low 62, S. Cormack 61, Miss P. Starkey 80. Men—H. Miller 70, J. Roberts 89, E. Morris 69, G. Burrows 69, L. Shannorl 68. D. Roberts 68. B. Norrie 68, E. Nankivell 67. V. Nicholson 67, K Osmond 67, C. Pacey 67, M. Perrin 67, J. aT Joimston 67, K. Walker 67, M. Starkey 67. H. Hayward 68, A. Hansen 68, B, Knight 60. G. Roberts 65. G. McKenzie 65, R. Reardon 65, A. Gibson 65, T. G. Drabble 64, R. Mahoney 64, M. Reardon 64. S. Ellis 64, P. Reardon 61, A. Roberts 56. The leaders in the season's aggregates to date are:—Women —Mesdames A. Storer 1, R. Reardon 2, G. McKenzie 3. Men—J. Roberts 1, L. S. Shannon 2, M, Walker 3. Missionary Union The fortnightly meeting of the Presbyterian Women’s Missionary Union was held, with Mrs F. Robertson (president) presiding. Correspondence was read from Mrs Fitzgerald about the coming visit next week of Mrs Waddell, travelling secretary of the Presbyterian Women’s Missionary Union. It was decided to hold a street stall at West End on June 27 to assist the Seneral funds. The hostesses were lisses L. Thompson and D, Darroch.

SOUTHBRIDGE DENTAL CLINIC At a meeting of the Southbridge Dental Clinic Committee, Mr A. McPherson presided. A statement on the finances was presented by Mr T. H. Bennett, showing that fees outstanding amounted to £l3. When levies from schools were paid there would still be a deficit of £2B 9s 3d. The chairman commented that the smaller clinics paid the same levy (£3O) as the larger ones, yet they received the services of the nurse for only part of the year. The work at Southbridge, it was stated, was six months behind. Mothers’ Union

Before the monthly meeting of the Mothers’ Union a service was held in St. James’ Church by the Rev. C. L. Wilson, and two children were baptised. Mrs Wilson presided, and an address on “The influence of home training on children” was given by Deaconess Park. LEESTON TOWN BOARD Commissioner W. Johnston presided over the monthly meeting of the Leeston Town Board. Particulars of any work the board proposed to do on highways this year were sought by the Main Highways Board for its estimates. It was decided to defer until next year the honing of the tar sealing in the business section of High street. Trap Shooting A clay bird trophy shoot held by the Ellesmere Gun Club resulted in a win for G. M. Doyle. Three competitors, G. M. Doyle, W. J. Patterson, and W. L. Donald, secured possibles of Iz birds, and the shoot-off resulted in favour of Dovle, with Patterson second and Donald third. Ten competed in a three-bird pigeon sweep, w. J. Patterson and E. A. Washbourne dividing In a nine-bird clay sweep W. L. Donald gained first place money, with all on, while D. C. McGregor, G. M. Doyle, W. J. Patterson, and S. Lowe, each one down, shared second and third money. , ' At a committee meeting it was decided to hold a £SO clay bird handicap on August 1. A trophy given by Mr David Jones, patron of the club, was accepted with ■thanks, members expressing appreciation of Mr J ones s continued interest in the club. miniature rifles ELLESMERE ASSOCIATION

jvn A grade match in the Ellesmere Miniature Rifle Association’s competition resulted as follows: Southbridge: J. Howatson 79, M. Moorhead 77, W. Carter 77, A. Greenwood 78, J. McEvedy 79, L. Maw 79, D. Paterson 78, H. Hill 79: total. 626 Sedgemere-Lakeside; H. R. -McLaughlin 76, J. Stretz 76 R. Nairn 75, Norman Alexander 79, R. McLaughlin 78, L. Lambie 80 G Alexander 77, N. Alexander 78; total, 619 A B grade match, Lees ton v. Killinchy. was postponed. In the A grade, the competition points are as follows: Southbridge 4. Sedgemere-Lakeside 2, Lesston 0. Leading men in the A grade aggregate are: H. Hill 159, L. Lambie 157, Noel 'Alexander 157, W. Carter 157, A. Greenwood 157, A. E. Brown 156, P: W. Gwatkin 156, D. Paterson 156, Norman Alexander 155, R. McLaughlin 155, L. Maw 155, F. W. McEvedy 155, J. Howatson 155. SCHOOL GAMES MATCHES IN ELLESMERE Following are the results of games in the Ellesmere Schools competitions; Football: Southbridge 22, Dunsan-del-Killinchy 0. Basketball: Southbridge 14, Dunsandel 0; Southbridge 9, Killinchy-Lees-ton Convent 1. KIRWEE MOTHERS’ UNION The monthly meeting of the Mothers’ Union was held with Mrs Geo. Turner presiding. The Rev. Mr Hine and Mrs Hine, who have lately come to the Courtenay parish, were welcomed on their first visit to the Kirwee branch of the Mothers’ Union. Mr Hine delivered an interesting address. Articles of clothing were brought in by members, to be forwarded to St. Saviour’s Orphanage. Rugby Football

Playing in the Malvern football competitions at Kirwee on Saturday, Glentunnel was beaten by 14 points to nil. For Kirwee, W. Walker, A. Francis, and W. Crofts scored tries, A. Aitken converting one. B. Pascoe kicked a penalty goal. Mr R. McMeekan controlled the game. Women’s Hockey

Playing in the Malvern Ladies’ Hockey competitions at Kirwee on Saturday, Darfield beat Kirwee by 2 goals to nil. Mary Phillips shot both goals. Mr J. Wilson was the referee. SOUTHBROOK The Coronation Hall, Southbrook, was crowded on Saturday evening, when the Rangiora branch of the St. John Ambulatice held the first of a •erics of socials. The music was played by Fred Whitelaw’k orchestra, with extras by Miss J. Petrie. Mr F. E. Martvn was master of ceremonies. A Monte Carlo waltz was won by Miss Hilsdon and Mr D. Prestney. The prizes for the euchre tournament were won by Vf C, M. Archer and

Jarden. and Messrs J. Watson and R. J. Parkin (Southbridge). The aggregate for the series of euchre tournaments held in aid of the Southbrook Hall funds was won by Mrs W Davison, with Mesdames V. Pulley and E. Ellis (equal) second, and by Mr B. Dench, with Messrs T. Kennedy and H. Brown (equal) second. SEFTON A banquet Was held by the SeftonKowai Women’s Institute. The tables were decorated with vases of marigolds, the institute flower. A toast list was honoured. Musical items were given by Miss B. Douds (solo), Mrs J. Cameron (solo), Mrs G. Hay and Miss M. Johnston (vocal duet), Mesdames Cory and Joblin (pianoforte duet). Mrs Cory was accompanist. ■ The monthly meeting of the SertonKowai 'Women’s Institute was held, and Mrs Ashworth presided. Community aiaging was lead by Mr W. McNair, who also entertained the company with a sdlo. Miss Alien, of Hay’atxtd., gave an interesting demonstration Oh dresßcutting. The compe* tition Waa a garment ter a baby. The articles were to he handed to the Plunket Society. The result was: Mrs A. Ashworth 1, Mrs Joblin 2, Mrs F. McGowan 3. The hostesses were Mesdames T. and R. Hanna, J. and W. Haigh, and Misses Eldridge and B. Ford.

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Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21809, 15 June 1936, Page 4

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NORTH CANTERBURY NEWS Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21809, 15 June 1936, Page 4

NORTH CANTERBURY NEWS Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21809, 15 June 1936, Page 4