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CHAIRMAN RESIGNS FROM HOSPITAL COMMITTEE WORK PLACED ON RECORD BY j WAIMATE BOARD Mr John I. Hayman has resigned from the chairmanship of the Waimate Hospital Committee, 'after 10 years of service, including lour as chairman. He tendered his resignation at the last meeting of the committee, and received a letter yesterday from the secretary, Mr W. G. Paul, saying that the resignation had been accepted with sincere regret, and that Mr Hayman’s services on that body would be placed on record. The letter expressed the thanks of members lor his services. Mr Hayman said yesterday that he was forced to resign because of business reasons. He wished to thank the members of the committee tor their loyal support. The resignation from the body will necessitate the appointment of another representative by the council, whicli must be done within two months. The committee will eiect its own chairman. but m the meantime Mr A. Grant is acting chairman. BUILDING IN WAIMATE COMPLAINTS DISCOUNTED LAND CONSIDERED CHEAP Complaints that building in Walmate was being hindered by the unreasonable price of land, were discounted by two Waimate builders, who were interviewed yesterday. Both were emphatic that the present price asked bjf holders of land in and around the borough vas perfectly reasonable, one man declaring that land was cheaper to-day than 20 years ago. This builder gave many examples of quarter-acre sections yorth £BO 10 years ago, but which could now be bought for £4O. “I think the price of land in Waimate is very reasonable now,” he said, "and it was simply the slump which has hindered building. Builders are now being kept busy making up the shortage.”



Waimate hockey enthusiasts were Bot treated to a very good display of the game last Saturday in Waimate, when the A team defeated the B’s hy 8 goals to o. ' The A’s turned out, at full strength and had the B team on the defence from the initial bully. Ball, Wilson, and Taylor maSe most of the play in the forwards anp were responsible for the eight goalE regis-. tered. These players could do still better by playing in closer co-opera-tion tlian they do. Bennington at »xntre-half played a sterling game and kept his forwards well supplied with the ball Hearne at full-back showed he knows the game, and played a sound defensive game. For the E’s, wnj were a player short, McLeod, Leonard, and Taylor played better then usual, while Hewson and Stevens were outstanding in the back division. This team requires practice if M can get it, but for a :«?w team it is playing quite well. The ladies’ team was closer to a win than it has yet been, but its backs let it down badly. Miss Foley and Mrs Purvis in the forwards, and Miss Weir, cei. ire-half, were the mainstays. If there is any way of strengthening up the back division in this team, it may yet win matches. The men’s draw for the second round is as fo'lows:— June 13—Totura v. Waimate A, at Oamaru; Waimate B v Rovers, at Waimate. June 23—Oamaru y. Waimate B, at Oamaru; Municipal v. Waimate A, at Oamaru. June 27—Waimate B v. Municipal, at Waimate; Waimate A v. Rovers, at Oamaru. July 4—Waimate B v. Totara, at Oamaru; Waimate B v. Oamaru,\at Waimate.

W AIM ATE BADMINTON CLUB LADDER AND TOURNAMENT DISCUSSED A ladder has been drawn up by the Waimate Badminton Club, and matches Will begin immediately. Mr M. C. Robinson was elected ladder-secretary at the last meeting of the club. Thursday night has been adopted as club night, and the club captain, Mr £. R. Chapman, will arrange competitions. The secretary, Mr N. Bryant, is arranging for a return match against a Timaru team, and will also try to arrange outside games for the women’s team. A tournament will almost certainly be held on the King’s birthday. June 23. Members have shown great enthusiasm so far. large numbers of players attending cn every night of the yveek. While many members are having only their first season at the game, and are in need of coaching and practice, there are several very good players in the club, as was proved in the recent match against the Timaru team. E. R. Chapman seems to be the pick of the men. although the newcomer, A. H. Partridge, seemed a likely player. Chapman, however, accounted for Partridge by 21 to 2 recently. R, Murchison. L. C. Hobbs, and J. K. Clarke are ail formidable. Clarke especially making full use of his reach and being most consistent. He was beaten by Partridge by 21-14 recently, after an even game. Among the women, Mrs Chapman and Miss S. Baikie are probably the most experienced players,- but many of the others are showing definite promise, particularly Mis s D. Grylls, Mrs Partridge, and Miss M, Chalmers. PERSONAL ITEMS FROM "VAIMATE Mr John Wilson, secretary of the Bishop of Melanesia, a son of a former Bphop of Melanesia, and a grandson of Anehhhhop Julius, will visit Waimate oat June 20 and 21. During his visit he will lecture on the Islands, and wench tn hte Anglican churches at jEahnnte, Nukuroe. and Morven.


HON. J. BITCHENER TO BE HONOURED GATHERING IN JULY It is now certain that the presentation of an illuminated address to the Hon. John Bitchener, Minister for Public Works in the last Government, will be made at a complimentary social in the first week in July. It is expected that the function will be political in aspect, and many members of the Opposition in Parliament, including the leader, the Right Hon. G. W. Forbes, will probably be present. Mr G. Dash, the Mayor of Waimate, will be the chairman, and the presentation will probably be made by Mr H. B. S. Johnstone, the last chairman of the Waimate County Council, and a member of the recently abolished Transport Licensing Board. According to Mr S. Grut, secretary in charge, it is expected that about 200 will be invited to attend the gathering. The illuminated address is being drawn up by a Christchurch firm. j BASKETBALL j PLAYERS SHOW FURTHER IMPROVEMENT WAIMATE LEADING IN SECOND GRADE Further improvement is being shown by players and teams in the Waimate Basketball Sub-Association’s competitions, many of the weaker clubs giving more promise. The Konini senior team has every chance of being well up in the competition, but needs to concentrate more on team work than on individual play. E. Baikie is playing well, but depends too much on her ‘height. J. Meredith and J. Bruce lack in speed, but otherwise play a sound game. The goalies should speed up their basework, and make their passes shorter. Among the Hunter forwards, T. Neal is shooting well, but should do more basework. M. Morrison could improve her positional play, also pass more t.o her other centres. A. Cooper is playing well. St. Patrick’s has improved, but still throw passes too high. A better combination throughout the team would help considerably. A. Crowe would be a sounder player if she abandoned underarm passing altogether. Waimate’s centres are combining well, with M. Chalmers improving in every match. W. Harrison is shooting better, but the goalies are not combining as well as they might. High School also has an improved team, and with more practice should aive the leaders in the competition a hard game. The centre passing would improve if made shorter and quicker. Second Grade In the second grade, Waimate, Much is now leading, will have a jjlrd job to maintain their position, jlfcprovement should be shown in ‘combination and positional play. The goalies are shooting well, but lack speed an their base play.St. Patrick’s has not been playing its usual game lately, and solid practising is necessary. K. Breen, in goal, should not depend on her height too much. S. O’Malley' should combine with the other centres and make her i passes shorter. Konini have improved considerably, but more strength is needed in passing. More speed is also needed throughout the team. Hunter is putting up a splendid performance. The passing should be shorter and quicker. The goalies do not seem to have practised enough lately. Hook is still improving, but most of the team lack speed. The team needs to practice its goal-shooting, and to keep its passes lower and shorter. K. Lyne is the mainstay of the team, and has a style that her team-mates should copy. More jumping is needed in the High School team, and more speed in the centre base. However, with practice, they should be well up in the competitions. The President’s Shield, which is competed for annually by the provincial basketball association’s secondgrade teams, for which South Canterbury tied with. Southland last year, has arrived in Waimate, and is on view in a window in the town. Southland held the shield for six months and since then it has been touring South Canterbury. It will be in Waimate for about one month. The Waimate members of the team were Misses Nancy Price and Anna Malthus. BALL AT PAREORA The twenty-ninth annual ball given by pifbHr S1 Han tS of , Pareora was held in the 1 ab “ c H a H. and proved most successlui. ivluiti-eoioured streamers and special lighting effects lent a gay appearance to uie nail, where visitors were present irom imiaru, Waimate, and Ashburton, and were cordially welcomed by the chairman. the giand march, in which 80 couples to P a P’ was led by the chairman, Mr •( Mclntyre, and Mrs Mclntyre Music was played by a Timaru orchestra. and extras by Miss Mina Coote and Mr N. Elmes. Mr F. Evans, assisted by Messrs L. G. Howard and F. Collins, was master of ceremonies. Supper was served by the committee.

The excellent arrangements were a credit to the chairman (Mr J. Mclntyre), the secretary (Mr E. W. Longman), and Mr and Mrs Longman, Mr and Mrs R. W. Muriro, Mr and Mrs Guthrie, Mr and Mrs Cornelius, Mr and Mrs McGregor, Mesdames Weenink, McLennan, Messrs P. A. Coote, J. A. Mitchell, G. E. Smith. C. Beck, J. Topp, sen., N. Elmes, E. Lange, H. Hoff, W. Hoff, L. G. Howard. Cards were played by non-dancers in the supper room.

Among those present were Mr and Mrs R. W. Munro, Mr and Mrs J. A. Mitchell, Mr and Mrs P. A. Coote, Mr and Mrs T. Guthrie, Mr and Mrs A. McGregor, Mr and Mrs G. E. Smith, Mr and Mrs J. Topp, sen., Mr and Mrs F. Collins, Mr and Mrs E. W. Longman, Mr and Mrs F. D. Gillespie, Mr and Mrs A. Craig, Mr and Mrs R. Davison, Mr and Mrs J. McIntyre, Mr and Mrs A. Hastie. Mr and Mrs M. Quigley, Mr and Mrs B. Brien, Mr and Mrs H. Cornelius, Mr and Mrs S. Davison, Mr and Mrs J. R. Mills, Mr and Mrs H. Wright, Mr ard Mrs E. Lange, Mr and Mrs F. Hanson, Mr and Mrs L. G. Howard. Mr and Mrs P. O’Connor, Mr and Mrs J. Thoms, Mr and Mrs J. N. Ward. Mi' and Mrs G. S. Whiting, Mr and Mrs S. Creasy. Mr and Mrs J. F. Topp, Mr and Mrs D. Brien, Mr and Mrs R. Barr, Mr and Mrs M. Brien, Mr and Mrs W. Emery, Mr and Mrs W. Hoff, Mr and Mrs T. Vincent, Mr and Mrs H. Hoff, Mr and Mrs G. Burling, Mr and Mrs D. Hunt, Mr and Mrs J. Bennison, Mr and Mrs L. Lynes, Mr and Mrs F. Emmerson, Mr and Mrs C. H. Beck, Mr and Mrs L. Bennetts. Mr and Mrs S. Vincent, Mesdames Weenink, Creasey. sen., H. Underhill, Misses Jean Munro, Jean Cook, Betty Cook, Evelyn Driver, Agnes Foley, Charlene Carter, Mary Longman, Roma Baker, Mina Cootg, Eva Dash, Marlon Hutton, Marjorie Alison Coote, Mona Chapman, Alma Preston, Hazel Lange, Ivy Mattingly, Grace Cox, G. Venning, Moni"* Goughian, Joyce Hoff, D. Bennett, Trlx Skudder, Agnes Scannell, Alma Thompson, Betty Gregory, Nancy Thompson, Hannah Skudder, Margaret Sewell, Joan Pratt. M. Cotterell. Jessie Munro,


RUGBY FOOTBALL ENTRIES FOR SEVEN-A-SIDE TOURNAMENT A decision to enter a senior, two fourth grade, and a third grade team In the South Canterbury Rugby Union’s tournament on the King’s Birthday was made at a meeting of the Geraldine Football Club’s committee. Mr W. H. Jackson (president") presided. Mr J. D. McKechnie was elected a member of the committee. The bank balance disclosed a credit of £.7 6s 6d. The president referred to the interesting blackboard lecture on tactics by Mr S. H. Sullivan, of Timaru, which had attracted a good attendance. The subsequent practice, in which Messrs G. Adkin, G. King, and the club’s coach, Mr A. Provan, had taken part, had also been most profitable. A splendid practice, under Mr Provan, had also been held last Saturday afternoon. It was decided that the club apply to the South Canterbury Rugby Union for a' date for the annual Geraldine seven-a-side tournament. Mr D. McKay suggested that all the members of the club should meet to have a thorough discussion on the rules of Rugby, and it was decided to hold a lecture next Thursday. Teams for Saturday are as follows:

Senior v. Celtic, at Fraser Park No. 2—R. Worner. P. McShane, C. Vial. A. Morris. E. Wood, H. Ford, Alan Morris. F. Bennett. J. Barnett. A. Vincent, W. Angland, P. Cunneen, H. Worner, A. N. Loach, G. Metcali. Reserves: R. O. Grant, G. Fyfe, and F. Stack. Third grade v. High School B, at Geraldine No. 1, at 1.30 p.m.—G. Pratt, C. Eathorne, J. Eathorne, A. Martin, H. Knibb, H. Chapman, R. Brenton, W. Hessey, C. Leary, C. Grkidell, P. Lyons, H. South, J. South, W. Gale, G. Cowie, and J. Hendry. Fourth grade a bye.


’ TWO TEAJJIS TO MEET ON SATURDAY Arrangements for Saturday’s basket- , ball were made at a meeung of the ; Geraldine Basketball Club on Tuesday nignt. Mr D. C. McKechnie presided. It was reported that the cost of erecting a light and maintaining it at the courts would be about £5 15s. After discussion, it was decided to have the lignt erected, if the permission of the other clubs could be obtained. It was decided to ascertain the number of players who would be available to travel to Timaru for the tournament on June 23, and to select the two teams at the next meeting. The teams for this week were' selected as follows: Second grade v. Seadown, at Geraldine, at 2.45 p.m.—J. Murray, M. Willis, R. Glover; J. Cowie, M. Gaby, N. McCullough; M. Gresham, K. Mackay, J. Gresham. Reserve; M. Charles. Third grade No. 1 v. third grade No. 2. at Geraldine, at 2 p.m.—M. Barrett, J. Hewson, M. Wood; B. Dean J. Lapthorn, I. Evans; N. Callanan, I. Collins, E. Water* Reserves: Ella Cairns and O. JorfeS.' Third grade No. 2, v. third grade No. 1, at Geraldine —Mary Downes, Jill Lapthorn. Dora Maister; Ella Murray, Peggy Sutherland, Ivy Willoughby; Helen Worner. Mona McGuigan, and Evelyn Callanan. Reserves: Eileen King Margaret Muff, and Elsie Hewson. j .. “THE LAST OUTPOST” DRAMA OF EMPIRE “The Last Outpost,” featuring such well known stars as Gary Grant, Claud Rains. Gertrude Michael, Kathleen Eurke, and the New Zealand born actor, Colin Tapley, will be screened at Mayfield to-night and at Geraldine on Friday and Saturday nights. The picture is the drama of two men, fighting together for their country and united by a common danger, yet enemies because of the love of the same woman. It is an exciting story set on the last outposts of the frontiers of Empire. SOCIAL EVENING SUCCESSFUL GATHERING IN TRiPP SCHOOLROOM To aid the funds of the school, a very successful social evening was held in the Tripp schoolroom recently. A competition was won by Miss G. Baker, the Monte Carlo waltz by Miss G. Barker and partner, and the lucky spot waltz by Miss Burrows and partner. During the evening, songs were contributed by Miss Hanafin. Mr A. J. Kennedy was master of ceremonies. Music for dancing was played by Miss D. McEvey and Mrs J. Paterson, while extras were played by Miss D. Gillespie and Messrs H. Scott and J. Robinson. HOCKEY TEAMS " GERALDINE TO TRAVEL The following will represent the Geraldine Hotkey Club in matches against the Cambridge Club, at Timaru,. next Saturday:— Senior—W. Rule, G Vial, M Broad, E. Broad, J. Pugh, J. Buckley, C. C. Knight, V. Fronting, A. G. Bryant, W. Mclnnes, J. Weaver, G. Webb. Junior—G. Allan, W. Vial F Brown, H. Davis. W. Hopping, W. Leary, J. Stevenson, W. Vial, W. Toomey, A. Bennington, D. Davis, P. Bryant. Bus leaves at 1.45 p.m. sharp.

Ivy Kinross, Ella Kinross. Bunty Guthrie Ngarle Allan. Gladys Wilkes,, Vera Topp,’ Katie Topp, Patricia Rosevear, Molly Rosevear, Mary Burling, M. Bennetts, Norma Bennetts, Minnie Rouse, Gwen Rouse, Ora Munro, Maureen Emery, Marie Schmelz, Messrs R. Coup, R., Russell,, J. Hargraves, R. Chapman, H. Depree, D. Munro, P. Gillespie, W. S. Longman, J. Day, A. G. Pratt, L. Rooney, V. Coughlan, S. Guthrie, P. Shannahan, P. Coughlan, R. Thompson, J. Sawer, P. Preston, R. Topp, D. Howe, G. Topp, D. Edwards, T. O’Loughlln, E. Bennison, Douglas, L. Allan, G. Longman, L. Munro, H. Clarkson, D. Henderson, N. Elmes, A. Thoreau, C. Thoreau, E. Longman, C. Morris, P. O’Loughlin, F. Evans, R. Smith, W. Westoby, E. Anderson, A. Craig, G. Underhill, P. Rooney, S. Patterson, A. Craven, J. Ward, W. Hartnett. D. 1 Hurst, W. Guthrie, H, Finn, W. rchmelz, W. Rouse, T. Boyle, M. Dash, J. Scannell, K. McPhaii, H. Brien, R. Koens, I. Skudder, R. Cruickshank, H. Woods, P. Lyons, B. Ryan, Ray Depree, W. Smallrldge, G. Scott. J. Allan, L. Cosgrove, L. Allan, G. Nlcholls, H. Emery, C. Cummings, George Scott, I. Mclvor, J. Keenan, F. Sauer, G. Wills, L. Quigley, J. Scott, C. Bennison, A. Boyle, L. Ryan. Robt. Baker, C. Scannell, P. Scannell, N. Guthrie, A. Hadler, E. Burling, J. Calder, E. Barr, W. Midgely, E. Tobin. G. O’Hara, F. Cosgrove.


COUNCIL HOLDS MEETING foreman to Control works A mooting cl the Geraldine Borough .Council w.:- held last evening. Present;— The Deputy-Mayor, Mr J, R. Lack, and Councillors H. Russell, A. J. Bell, P. H. Davis, Z. O. Sherratt, and E. D. B. Logan. A motion of sympathy with the Mayer, Mi B. R. Macdonald, who was unable to attend the meeting, because of illness, was passed. Votes of condolence were passed with the relatives of Mr T. W. Satterthwaite, late Mayor of Timcru, and the relatives of Mrs C. J. Talbot, of Fairlie. For the works committee, the chairman, Cr. E. D. B. Logan reported that the committee approved of the foreman having freedom of action about maintenance work in the borough, and recommended that this course be adopted and that previous resolutions to the contrary be rescinded, and that the committee recommended that 15inch concrete pipes be used to cover the culvert on the road near the traffic bridge at the northern entrance to the town.

Mr L. O. Tyrrell, telegraph engineer in Timaru, wrote about the proposal to paint the telegraph poles at the street corners. The request had been for the fainting of 40 poles, and the department’s policy was to have painted only those poles situated in positions likely to be-of danger. The matter had been represented to his head office for directions. The report of the works committee was adopted. The Geraldine county clerk (Mr A. A. Readdle) notified that the engineer had been instructed to complete the drain through the Small Park as speedily as possible. Because no building permit had been issued, and as the building did not comply with the by-laws, it was decided to instruct Mr F. Tiplady to remove, within 14 days, a garage which had been built on his section in. Talbot street. The librarian (Mrs K. E. Pierce) reported that library receipts had amounted to £4 14s 3d for the month. Eight hundred and twenty-four booi*. had been issued during the month, and two new subscribers had joined. Mrs H. Bennett had presented a book to the library. The health inspector (Mr J. Menzies) said that one case of scarlet fever had been reported in the borough during May. It was decided to put all the unemp.oyed within the borough back on relief works, without subsidy, as provided by the new regulations of the Unemployment Board.

GERALDINE PERSONAL Madame Ross-Brodis has returned to Rangitata Island from Australia, where she has been continuing her vocal studies under the eminent conductor and teacher. Maestro Ezio Kost, of Rome. Madame Ross-Brodie will be returning to Melbourne next month to fulfil engagements and continue her studies. PAREORA EAST RIFLE CLUB The' seventh official weekly shoot was held by the Pareora East Miniature Rifle Club in the Public Hall. The highest scores off the rifle are as follows;—L. Howard 78, L. Munro 77, E. Brehaut 76, Robt. Baker 75, R. Hansen 74, A. Hastie 74. H. Hoff 71, F. Barr 70, G. Maslin 70, R. Cruickshank 70.

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Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21806, 11 June 1936, Page 10

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WAIMATE AND GERALDINE NEWS Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21806, 11 June 1936, Page 10

WAIMATE AND GERALDINE NEWS Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21806, 11 June 1936, Page 10