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Fine weather on Saturday assisted to make the annual show of the Methv*n Agricultural and Pastoral Association one of the most successful In its experience. Heavy rain overnight and threatening clouds in the morning created the tear that the long period of good fortune enjoyed by the association in ttie matter of weather would be interrupted, but early in the forenoon the clouds cleared off and a warm sunny day was enjoyed, me unfavourable morning probably kept a few visitors from a distance away, but they could not have been many, as the "gate” was only a few pounds bikrw that of last year-£125 as

against £129. The entries in the aggregate were a fiew less than last year, but this was not unexpected on account of the wet Mason. The sheep sections were thinly represented in some of the more Important breeds, and on -the whole thin important section of the show was scarcely up to the standard of last yyar Competition was weaker than it generally is at Methven.

Sheep Awards

Two of the most attractive classes on Saturday were the Romneys and Border Leicester. A. F. Marr showed * number of particularly good Romneys, and took all the major awards. Including the two championships and the two reserve tickets. The chainpion ram was a particularly good sheep. In the Border Leicester section R. J. Low and S. J. Lemon exhibited some good sheep, the former taking the two champion ribbons. Ther® were three competitors in tn® •English Leicester section, but the six classes comprised only 18 entries. The

championships were divided between R. J. Low and McDonald Brothers,'the former taking the ribbon for ram and the latter for ewe. There were 10 Southdowns forward, and R. J. Low was again the main prize-taker. The ram championship v/as annexed by his exhibit and the ewe by A. C. Campion. Ryeland attracted two breeders —L. and S. Galletly and H. C. B. Withell. The former took both championships and the latter the reserves. Gordon Johnston was the main exhibitor In a small display of Corriedales, taking the ram championship,

and J. H. Patterson the ewe. In halfbreds Bavfields estate and S. E. and L, L. Richards were the only exhibitors and in merinos R. C. Todhunter made a good display. There was better competition in flock sheep, the awards being well distributed. Fat sheep were fair, J. D. Galpin showing •ome good sorts, and though there was strong competition in fat lambs the quality was scarcely up to the high standard generally seen at Methven. Here again the awards were well dis-

tributed. . Cattle- were forward in limited j.umbers. although them were some nice cowis forward, in the dairy sections. < The Horses Draught horses naturally always Tuake a good display in a district •where so much cropping is in vogue, and on Saturday there was a good

showing of quality, if numbers were small in lhe older classes. The champion stallion was D. and W. E. Hampton’s yearling coll Canny Scot, a promising youngster. A, M. Leask’s three-year-old filly. Allandale Ann, took the ribbon lor marc and A. G. Holmes for gelding. The yearling ally class drew nine youngsters Into the ring, and they were a particu-

larly promising lot. The award went ioC.C. Holmes’s filly by Flash Print, 'fhe harvest has been very late this and there has been a good «j»«i more of if on account of. the jfnmmt of stacking, and It is natural that the classes for working draughts puffemd in the matter of entries. were no three or four-horse Peanog forward. Hackneys, as usual, made a great lUaptay, all the rings in the saddle ■Mfflnrm being well tilled. L. J. Fech-

yny hud a good run of successes with Sffa. two horses, winning the championSdp with Acena, and also the maiden Ca pod the 14-stone hack, whilst fcijwwvi award in the maiden hack and Mb U-stone hack and first in the Kiy*t hack went to his other entry, .KiMßlnl* These two . horses should ■Mute, prominently In future show i mm wUjtay are both good types. A |BMHipß|fl|eoad went to A. N. Grlgg’s each to Godfrey

Hall, J. S. LUley. and Misses A. and J. Irwin. The judge, Mr W. Hayward, wag very favourably impressed with the class of hackney brought before him. A good display of jumping was given, til© cup for best hunter being awarded to L. Jf Fechney with Lord Ranald. The other three events in the class were won by W. R. Leman's Armistice, who gave a good display. Ponies, as usual, were a very strong section, numerically as Well as in quality. Champion saddle pony was Miss Jeniffer Grigg’s Sixpence, and

the ribbon for best harness pony was taken by J. S. Lilley with Firearm. In the subsidiary sections there was a great display of working collies, vegetables, and field roots. Turnips drew keen competition. The weight of the lamb in the weight-estimating competition, for which there was a prize of £5, was 10411b. Five estimated the correct

weight—l. A. Hart, J. Ross. T. Middleton, T. Masefield, and A. C. Gadd. The following is the prize list, the figures within parenthesis Indicating the number of entries in the classes: SHEEP English Leicester (judge, Mr W. J. Jenkins)—Ram. two-shear or over (2): Mc-

Donald Bros. 1 and reserve champion, R. J. Low 2. Ram, one-shear (4); R. J. Low 1 arid champion, H. C. Barton 2. Ram lamb (2): MoDon*ld Bros. J and 2. Ewe, two-ahear or over (2): McpopaW Brop, X, 2, and champion. Ewe, one-shear (4): R. J. Low 1. 2. and reserve champion. McDonald Bros, vh c. Ewe lamb (3): McDonald Bros. 1 and 2. . Border Leicester (judge, Mr D. Little)— Ram, two-ahear or over (3): R. J. Low i and champion, S. G. Lemon 2. Ram, oneshear (3): R. J. Low 1 and reserve champion, S. O. Lemon 2. Ram lamb (5): R. J. Low 1, S. O. Lemon 2. Ewe, twotooth or over (2); S. G. Lemon 1, 2, and reserve champion. Ewe, one-shear (4): R, J. Low 1 and champion, S. G. Lemon 2. Ewe lamb (4): B. J. Low 1. S. O,

Lemon 2. „ Romneys (Judge, Mr A. Grant) —Ram, two-shear or over (4): A. F. Marr 1, 2, and champion, R. Oakley v hj c. Ram, oneshear (8); A. F. Marr I, 2, 3, and reserve champion. Ram lamb (5): A. F. Marr I, 2, and vh c. Ewe, two-shear or over (3): A. F. Marr 1. 2. and vh c. Ewe. one-shear (6): A. F. Marr 1. 2, v ire, and champion. Ewe lamb (6): A. F. Marr 1, v hj c, and reserve champion, R. Oakley 2. Shropshire* (Judge, Mr A. W. Adams)— Bam, two-shear or over (2): J. H. Muirhead 1 and 2. Southdowns (Judge, Mr A. W, Adams) — Ram. two-shear or over (2): R, J. Low 1 and champion, W. J- Early 2 and reserve champion. . Ram, one-shear (2): R. J. Low 1. Ram lamb (4): C. A. Campion 1, W.

J. Early 3. Ewe, two-shear or over (5): C. A. Campion 1 and champion, A. J. Low 2, w. J. Early 3. Ewe. one-shear (2): R. J. Low J, 2. and reserve champion, Ewe lamb (3): W. J. Early 1. C. A. Campion 2. Ryelanda (judge, Mr A. W. Adama) — Bam (2): L. and S. Galletjy 1 and champion. Ram, one-shear (I): H. C. B. wlthell 1 and reserve champion. Ram lamb (2): L. and S. Oalletly 1, H. C. B. Wlthell 2. Ewe, two-shear or over (2); L. and 8. Oalletly 1 and champion, H. C. B. Wlthell 2 and reserve champion. Ewe, one-shear (3); L. and S, Oalletly 1. Ewe lamb (3): L. and 8. Oalletly 1 and 2, H. C. B. Wlthell 3.

Corriedales (Judge, Mr James Little)— Ram. two-shear or over (1): Gordon Johnston 1 and champion. Ram, c,.eshear (2): Gordon Johnston 1, J. H. Muirhead 2. Ram lamb (4): Gordon Johnston 1 and vhc.J. H. Patterson 2. Ewe. oneshear (3); J. H. Patterson 1 and champion. Ewe iamb (4): J. H. Patterson 1, Gordon Johnston 2 and v hj c. Halfbreds (Judge, Mr D. O. Wright)— Ram, one-ahear or over (1): Bayflelds Estate 1. Ram iamb (1): Bayflelds Estate i. Ewe two-shear or over (I): Bayliclds Estate 1. Ewe. one-shear (3): S. E. and L. L. Richards 1 and 2. Ewe lamb (2); Bayflelds Estate 1 and 2.

Merinos (Judge, Mr D, G. Wright)— Ram, two-shear or over (2): R. C. Todhunter 1 and 2. Ram, one-shear (2): R. C. Todhunter 1 and 2. Ham iamb (2): R. C. Todhunter I and 2. Ewe, two-shear or over (2); R. C. Todhunter 1 and 2. Ewe, one-ahear (2): R. C. Todhunter 1 and 2 Ewe lamb (2): R. C. Todhunter 1 and 2

Flock Ewes (judge, Mr L. H. Ruddock)— Three cros s sbred breeding ewes, fourtooth or over (4): J. H. Muirhead 1 and 2. Crossbred ewes, two-tqpth (2); D. and W. E. Hampton 1. Three-quarterbred ewes, four-tooth or over (4): R. J. Low I, D. and W. E, Hampton 2. Three-quar-terbred ewes, two-tooth (6): J. W. Wright 1 and 2. Three-quarterbred ewe lambs (6) ; Bayflelds Estate 1 and 2. Halfbred or Corrigdale ewes, four-tooth or cur (7>; J. H? Muirhead J and a, B. Wataon 3. Halfbred or Coxrledale ewes, two-tootu (SJ; Gordon Johnston I, J. W. Wright 8. Halfbred or Corriedale ewe lambs (5); Gordon Johnston 1, J. W. Marr 3. Merino breeding ewes, four-tooth or over (1); R, C. Todhunter 1. Two»tooth merino ewes

(1): R. C. Todhunter 1. Ewe lambs (0): R. C. Todhunter 1, Fat Sheep (judge, Mr F. H. Steel)— Three halfbred or Corriedale wethers, for export (1): J, H. Gaipln 1. Crossbred wethers, for export (1J: J, D. Galpin J, Halfbred or Corriedale wethers, for export (I): Gordon Johnston 1. wethers, of most money value (2): J. D. Galpin 1, Jamea Campbell 2. Butchers’ wether* (3): J. H, Muirhead L Ewes, of most money value (3): J. D. Galpin 1. J . s Campbell 3., Butchers’ ewes (0): J, D. Galpin i, George Kelly 3, James Camp'- I 3. Halfbred or Corriedale ewes, fullmouthed (4): B. Watson 1, J. H. Muirhead

2, James Campbell 3. Halfbred or Corriedale ewes, two to four-tooth (1) : K. J. Low 1. Crossbred or threc-quarterbred ewes, two to four-tooth (1): W. S. Marshall 1. Pet sheep (I):’ w vJ h S n P r s 1 ° n „ 1 ; Fat Lambs (Judge, Mr M. McMillan)— Pet lamb (11): Muriel Oakley 1. T. H. Lemon 2, Ethel Galpin 3, Helen Lock v hj c Longwool lambs, to 101b live weight (5): H. C. Barton 1, A. F. Marr 2. C. Goodwin vh c. Three Down cross lambs, to 801b live weight (5): A. F. Marr 1, R. E. Llmbrlck 2. G. J. Stephens 3. Heaviest Down cross (4); C. Goodwin l. J. D. Galpin 2, D. and W. E. Hampton v hj c. White-faced crossbred lambs, to 851b live weight (6): H. C. Barton 1, C. Goodwin 2. A. F. Marr vh c. Lambs, any breed, to 751b live weight (18); H. E. A. Lock 1 and 3, S. Campbell 2. T. E. Kneale vh c. Heaviest white-faced lambs (2): C. Goodwin 1, A. F. Marr 2.

CATTLE Shorthorns, Beef (judges, Messrs J. and W. Peach)— Bull, any age (I): B. J. Steffens 1 and champion. Cow (1): B. J. Steffens 1. Heifer (2): H. Black 1 and champion. B. J. Steffens 2 and reserve champion. Shorthorns, Milking Strain —Bull, any age (1): J. R. Dalton 1. Bull, calved since July 1, 1933 (1): Jno. Small 1 and champion. Bull calf (2): R. J. Biddlck 1 and reserve champion. Cow in milk or in calf (1): J. Small 1 and reserve champion. Heifer, calved since July 1, 1933 (1): Jno. Small 1 and champion. Heifer, calved since July 1, 1954 (2): R. J. Biddlck 1 and 2. Heifer, calved since July 1, 1035 (2):

Jno. Small 1 and 2. » , , Friesians (Judge. Mr R. Peach)— Bull, calved since July 1. 1034 (1); M. Holland 1. Bull, calved since July I, 1935 (1) M. Holland 2. Cow, In milk or In calf (3): M. Holland 1, 2, v hj c, and champion. Heifer, calved since July 1, 1933 (2) M. Holland 1 and 2. Heifer, calved since July 1, 1934 (2): M. Holland 1 and 2. Heifer, calved since July 1, 1935 (2): M. Holland 1 and 2. , „ Jerseys (judge. Mr F. Martin)— Bull, calved since July 1, 1033 (1): A. O. Silcock 1 and champion. Bull, calved since July 1, 1034 (2): A. O. Silcock 1. T. Findlay 2.

Cow, In milk or In calf (1): A. O. Silcock 1 and champion. Heifer, calved since July 1, 1933 (2): A. O. Silcock 1. Heifer, calved since July 1, 1934 (2): A. P- Silcock 1 and 2. Heifer, calved since July 1, 1935 (2): A. O. Silcock 1 and 2, Dairy Cows—Grade heifer, calved since July 1, 1033 (1): M. Holland 1. Heifer, calved since July 1, 1934 (1): T. Finlay 1. Cottar’s cow (2): Mrs G. R. Cleeve 1, E. Newman 2.

DRAUGHT HORSES (Judge: Mr Jno. Tlsdall)

Aged stallion (1): S. H. Anderson 1. Entire, three years (1): S. H. Anderson 1 and reserve champion. Two-year colt (2): B. D. Steffens 1, H. Black 2. Yearling colt or gelding (4); D. and W. E. Hampton 1 and champion, A. Oakley 2. Colt or filly foal (9): C. Hale 1 and 2, B. D. Steffens 3, Brood mare (2): B. D. Steffens 1, D. and W. E. Hampton 2. Dry mare, four years or over: A. M. Leask 1 and reserve champion, R. Mulloy 2. Filly, three years (5): A. M. Leask 1 and champion, Miss A. E. Boag 2. Filly, two years (6): G. McLaughlin 1. D. and W. E. Hampton 2. Filly, one year (9): C. C. Holmes i, McDonald Bros. 2. A. 3. Brood mare with two of her progeny (2): A.

Oakley 1. Pair of mares, two years or over (3): A. M. Leask 1. Gelding, four years or over (4): R. Mulloy 1, J. F. Langley 2. Gelding, two years (2): A. G. Holmes f and champion. Mare or gelding, up to 35cwt (5); R. Mulloy 1, J. F. Langley 2. Best walking draught (4): A, M. Leask 1, J, F, Langley

2 ' Specials—C. 11. Watson’s silver cim for best yearling colt (2): D, and W. E. ton’s Canny Scot, H. E. Jessep s SUvci cup tor best draught foal (3): C. Ilale, New Zealand Clydesdale Horse Society s sliver medal for the best yearling or two-year-old registered Clydesdale colt (3): D. and W. E. Hampton’s Canny Scot, H. Peach’s special for two best animals by any one sire (5): C. Hale. Arch. Wilson s special for best colt foal by Romeo (1):

D. and W. E. Hampton. Arch. Wilson s special for best filly foal by Romeo (2). D and W. E. Hamoton. B. J. Steffens s special for best mare, four years or over (1); B. D. Steffens. D. and W. E. Hampton’s silver oup for best two-year-old Clydesdale fillv, to be won three times at intervals (5); G. McLaughlin 1. TROTTERS AND PACERS (Judge: Mr W. Hayward.)

Brood mare (4): S. Anderson 1, Reese Smith 2 and v hj c. Mare or gelding (3): O. Digby L F. Brown 2. Colt, filly, or gelding, two years (2): Reese Smith 1. S.

G. Lemon v hj c. Colt, filly, or gelding, one year (2); S. G. Lemon 1, J. H. McKencfry v hj c. Entire, any age (2): A. Hendrlksen 1. Reese Smith v hj c. HARNESS HORSES (Judge: Mr W. Hayward) G\g hovae (Up, J. S, LUley IT Butterlck and P. Li Donald 2, H. Addis 3, O, Digby v hj c. Dogcart mare or gelding, over 15.3 (2); O, Digby's Red. Indian 1 and champion, W, R. Lemon v hj c. Maiden harness horse (8): Miss T. L. Jackson 1. F. M. Brown 2, Butterick and P. L. Donald 3, A- M. and J. Irwin v hj c. HACKNEYS (judge: Mr W. Hayward)

Maiden hack, any weight (8); L. J. Fechney's Acena 1 and champion und 2. Miss Helen G. Rich 3. Hack, up to U stone (7): Godfrey Hall 1, L. J. Fechney 2, Miss A. T. Williams 3, Hack, up to 14 stone (8): L. J. Fechney 1. A. N. Grigg 2, Misses E. and L. Richards 3, Lady s hack (10): L. J. Fechney 1, Godfrey Hall 2, Misses E. and L- Richards 3. A. N. Kg v hj c. Cob, 14 to 15 hands (8):. J. nicy 1. Miss L. Lemon 2. G. H. Nicoll 3, Mrs J. R. Thomson v hj c. Troop horse

*(7): Misses A. M. and J. Irwin 1, G. H. Nicoll 2. J. Stoddart 3. Best-mannered back (7): A. N. Grlgg 1. Miss A. T. Williams 2, L. J. Fechney 3.

PONIES (Judge: Mr T. Masefield)

Pony stallion. 14 hands or under (3): C. G. Craw 1, R. E. Upton 2, J. S. Lllley 3. Brood mare, to 13 hands (1): W. R. Drummond 1. Pony mare or gelding, 14 to 14.2 (5): J. 8. Lillev 1, Donald and Hopwood 2. Miss Helen Thomson 3. Malden pony mare or gelding, 14 to 14.2 (5): Donald and Hopwood 1. F. W. Jarman 2, Campbell Henderson 3. Pony, 13 to 14 hands (6): J. S. Lllley 1. Miss Irvine Svme 2, W, Watson 3. Pony, 13 to 14 hands, maiden (10): P. L. Donald and Miss I. Syme 1. J. S. Lilley t Pony. 12 to 13 hands (8): Miss Jeniffe Origg s Sixpence 1, D. A. Campion 2, Miss I. Syme 3. "Ponv, 12 hands or under (8): O. Moore

1, O. Digby 2, Giles Grigg 3. Pony. 11 hands or under (5); Miss Mane Mangin l. O. Digby 2, G. Forman 3. Jumping pony, 14.2 or under (5): J. S. Lilley i, O. Digby 2, G. Forman 3. Harness—Pony mare or gelding, 14 to 14 2 (6): O. Digby 1. F. W. Jarman J. J. c Lillev 3. Pony, 14 hands or under, maiden *(5): P. L Ronald ll and 2 Miss E. Jones 3. Pony. 13 to 14 hands (4) , J. S. Lilley 1 and champion, P. L. Donald 2, Miss Joyce Craw 3. Pony, 13 hands or under (5): Misses E. and J. Erickson 1. L. Davidson’s Monty 2. Pony Competitions—Boy rider, undei 10 vears - P Christie 1, G. Grigg 2. Boy rider 10 to 14 years: Cliff Moore 1, Girl rider! under 10: J. Erickson 1. Girl rider, 10 to 14 years: Mary Digby.

(Judge: Mr W. Hayward.) Hunter maiden, 11 stone or over (9): W. R H i!emon 1 R. D. Hofford 3. Miss Helen G Rich S. Hunter, to 11 stone (8). L. Fechney’s Lord Ranald 1 and champion. M. Farrell 2, R- D. Hefford 3. Hunter, up to 14 stone (3): W. R. Lemon 1, A N. Grigg 2. Hunter, ridden by lady (4): W. R. Lemon 1, Miss Helen G. Rich 2.

MILITARY EVENTS ‘ (Judge: Colonel Findlay.) Lloyd-Llndsay competition (2): Corp. Totty’s teams 1.

SHEEP DOGS (Judge; Mr D. Robertson)

Smooth-haired working Collie, dog or slut (15): M. Holland 1, T. O’Connor 2, C. Wlghtman 3. Long-haired working dog or slut (16): Les Clarke 1. G. Leggett 2. J. C. Irwin 3. Bearded working dog or slut (8): H. Rapley 1. E. D. McGuigan 2, J. R. Thomson 3.

PIGS (Judge; Mr W. J. Moses)

Porker, not over 1301b live weight (3): J. Simpson 1 and 2. Baconor, to 1351b (1): J. Simpson I. Baconer, to 2251b, Tamworth cross (1): J. Simpson 1. Baconer, to 1751b, Tamworth cross (1): J. Simpson Berkshire sow (5): J. D. Galpln 1, J. Simpson 2. Berkshire boar, any age (1): J, D. Galpin 1. Berkshire boar, under 12 months (1): J. D. Galpin 1. Large white sow, any age, in pig or with litter (1): E. A. Bland 1. Large white boar, 12 months or under (1): J. D. Galpin 1. Tamworth sow, any age, in pig or with Utter (3): J. Simpson 1 and 2. Tamworth sow, 12 months or under (2): J. Simpson 1, M. Holland 2. Tamworth boar, any age (1): J. D. Galpin 1, Tamworth boar, under 12 months (4): M. Holland 1. E. A. Bland 2.

POULTRY (Judge: Mr J. G. Gobbc)

White Leghorn, cock (2): Reese Smith 1. T. Findlay 2. White Leghorn, cockerel (3): J. and A. Dixon 1, T. Findlay 2, Reese Smith v hj c. White Leghorn, hen (3): Reese Smith 1, T. Findlay 2. White Leghorn pullet (4): Reese Smith 1, Mrs H. W. Dixon 2. T. Findlay vh c. Hen, a«y variety Leghorn not specified (1): T. Findlay 1. Cock,. Leghorn not specified (I): T. Findlay 1. Black Orpington cock (1): T. Findlay 1. Black Orpington, cockerel (3): T. Findlay 1, Reese Smith 2, Black Orpington, hen (2): T. Findlay L Reese Smith 2 and v hj c. Black Orpingtoiv pullet (3): T. Findlay X, Reese Smith 2 and vhj c. Orpington cock (2): T.

Findlay 1, Reese Smith 2. Orpington hen (2): Reese Smith 1. Orpington pullet (3): Reese Smith 1. Orpington pullet (3): Reese Smith X. Orpington cockerel (2): T. Findlay X. Australorp cockerel (2): B. Cotterlll 1. Australorp pullet (3): A. W. Low 1. Cock, heavy breed not specified (1): T. Findlay 1. Hen. not specified (1): T. Findlay X. Hen, light breed, not specified (5); Reese Smith 1. Cock, light breed not specified (2): Reese Smith X. Pair table birds (X): T. Findlay X. Pair table ducks (5): T. Findlay X. Juveniles —Pair bantams (2); Colin Wil-

son 1. PRODUCE (Judge; Official Department of Agriculture) Dessert apples (5): L. Griffin J and 3, Audrey Griffin 2, Heaviest dessert apples (3): Mrs R. Middlemass X. Cookery apples (3): Mrs C. L. Griffiths 1, A. W. Low 2, Heaviest cooking apples (2): McDonald Bros. X. Dessert pears (X): W. Cook X. Quinces (3); Mrs A. C- Watson

Vegetables—Collection vegetables, potatoes excluded (5): J. J. Heeseby 1, Miss F. M. Burrows 2. Potatoes, any, early variety (5): H. E. A. Lock X, R. G. M. Dart 2, J. J. Reeseby 3. Potatoes, white variety (3): Reese Smith X, G. Currie 2. Dakota Rods (6): W. K. Wilson X, R. G. M, Dart 3, O. Currie 3, Potatoes, any

variety (X): J. J. Reeseby 1. Cabbage (4): W- Cook X, R. O, Graham 2, F. South 3. Table pumpkin, to 101b (fl); J. W. Wright X, G, Currie 3, W. Cook 3. Heaviest pumpkin (3): W. J. Moses 1. %Vable marrow to 101b (14); Trevor Lilley • ; 4'

I, S. Thompson 2. W. J. Moses 3. G. Currie v hj c. Heaviest marrow (5): W. J. Moses 1. Parsnips (9): C. H. Houston I. Mrs H. Ellis 2, J. J. Reeseby 3. Long red beet (5): W. J. Moses 1 and 2. Round beet (12): H. Ellis 1, J. J. Reeseby 2, W. J. Moses 3, W. Cook v hj c. Carrots. Shorthorn (11): R. G. M. Dart 1 and v hj c. H. Ellis 2, W. J. Moses 3. Carrots, intermediate (JO)* S. Campbell 1, W. J. Moses 2 and 3. Lettuce (1): Miss D. Haskett 1. Silver beet (2); H. Ellis 1, Miss F. M. Burrows 2. Spanish Brown onions (3): W- J. Moses I and 2. Onions, any variety (6): G. Currie i, W. J. Moses

2 and 3. FIELD ROOTS Mangolds, long red (1): F, South 1, Mangolds, yellow (2); F. South 1, G. Currie 2. Heaviest mangold, untrimmed (2): F. South 1, G. Currie 2. Carrots, white or yellow (2): F. South 1, C. Winn 2. Carrots, long red <1 j: F. South 1. Turnips—Green top yellow Aberdeen (3); R. C. Todhunter 1, F. South 2. Purple top yellow Aberdeen (3): R. C. Todhunter 1 and 2. Yellow fleshed, any other

variety (0); W. K. Wilson I, R. C. Todhunter 2, F. South 3. Green globe (8): F. South 1. W. K. Wilson 2. M. Holland 3. White fleshed, any other variety (1): F. South 1. Heaviest turnip (2); F. South 1, R. C. Todhuntor 2. Swedes (7): F. South 1, W. K. Wilson 2. C. Winn 3. Heaviest swede (3): F. South 1. Collection turnips and swedes (2): F. £outh 1. R. C. Todhunter 2. FARM PRODUCE

Cross 7 wheat (2): Ruddenklau Estate 1, G. Ruddenklau 2. Hunters wheat (1): F. South 1. Solid straw Tuscan (4): R. C. TodhunterH, Elsie Anderson 2, G. H, Nlcoll v hj c. Tuscan, any variety (2): S. Thompson 1. C. Winn 2. Any other variety (1): S. Thompson 1. Oats, Gartens (3): M. Macale 1. W. K. Wilson 2. Duns (3): F. W. McGuigan 1 and 2. Algerian (3): J. H. Mulrhead 1. F. South 2, M. Holland 3. Oats, any variety (I): F. South 1. Cocksfoot (1): F. South 1. Ryegrass (9): A. W. Low 1, W. K. Wilson 2, F, South 3. Western Wolths (6): Elsie Anderson 1. F. South 2. W. K. Wilson v hj c. Partridge Peas (4): F. South 1. Blue lupins (1): Trevor Lilley 1. Bale of hay (8): R. J. Low 1. F. G. Mangin 2, Ruddenklau Estate 3.

, FLOWERS (Judge: Mr G. A. Clark)

Sweet peas (2): Mrs J. McCormick 1 and 2. Ostrich plume asters (4): Miss J. Fleming X, W. K. Wilson 2. Single asters (1); Mrs A. H. Guthrie 1. French marigolds (1): Mrs G. Kelly 1. Double dahlias (3): W. K. Wilson 1, Reece Smith 2. Three roses (3): Mrs J. McCormick 1, Mrs W. E. Hampton 2. Gladioli (1): W. K. Wilson 1. Geranium (2): Mrs W. E. Hampton 1. Hydrangea (5): Mrs Holland 1 and v hj c, Miss K. Middleton 2, Collection dahlias (I); W. K, Wilson 1. Pot plant, foliage (1): Miss Marie Fleming 1. Decorative Classes —Marigolds (2): Mrs G. Kelly 1, Miss J. Fleming 2, Bowl of mixed flowers (4); Miss J. Fleming 1. Mrs J. McCormick 2. Bowl of sweet peas (3): Mrs J. McCormick J and 2. Bowl of asters (2): Mrs A. H. Guthrie 1, Miss J. Fleming 2. Bowl of nasturtiums (1): Mrs J. McCormick 1. Best arranged vase of Iceland poppies (1): Mrs J. McCormick 1, Best arranged vase of any flowers (2); Mrs K. Aitken 1. Best arranged vase of flowers, for girls under 15 (1): Noeline Kelly 1. Victorian posy (3): Mrs J. McCormick 1, Miss B. Murdoch 2. Lady’s spray (3): Miss B. Murdoch 1. Mrs J. McCormick 2.

HOME INDUSTRIES, (Judge: Mr F. P. Cookson)

Separator butter (10): Mrs E. Hyland I, Miss K. Middleton 2, Mrs G. Kelly 3. Mrs O. M. Syme v hj c. Hen eggs (4): S. Cox (two), and Mrs G. Kelly (equal) Duck eggs (3); Mrs A. W. Kelman 1, Mrs R. C. Smith 2, Mrs L. Maginness 3. Honey, liquid (1): J. T. McAlister 1. Honey, Granulated (1): J. T. McAlister 1. Honey, clear (1): J. T. McAlister 2. Home-made soap (2): Mrs A, J, Penny 1.

COOKERY (Judge: Mrs C. Mackintosh)

Bread, white (5): Mrs H- W. Dixon 1, Mrs L. Maginness 2. Mrs G. Kelly v hj c. Bread, brown (2): Mrs G- Kelly X, Mrs A. McKay, sen., 2. Scone loaf (5): Mrs J. Fleming 1, Miss I. E. Bland 2, Mrs G. R. Cleeve v hj c. Currant loaf (4): Mrs G. Kelly 1, Miss I. E. Bland 2. Scones (10): Mrs L. Maginness 1 and 2. Mrs H. E. Page 3. Scones, cream or butter (15); Mrs L. Maginness 1 and 2, Mrs M. McDonald 3. Miss Hazel McGulgan v hj c. Wheatmeal scones (5): Miss I. E. Bland 1, Mrs H. E. Page 2, Mrs G. Ruddenklau v b c. Girdle scones (2): Mrs A. W. Kelman 1, Mrs H. E. Page 2. Pikelets (3): Mrs H. E. Page 1, Mrs A. H. Guthrie 2. Miss I. E. Bland v b c.' Gems (3): Mrs A. W. Kelman 1, Mrs H. W. Dixon 2. Oat cakes (3): Mrs A. W.

Kelman 1, Mrs L. Maginness 2, Shortbread (8); Mrs A. Fleming 1, Mrs W. C. Lowery 2, Mrs G. Kelly 3. Miss D. Rowe v hj c. Collection of biscuits (1): Mrs H. E. Pago 1. Sausage ypUs (!)'■ Mrs A- WKelraan X. Jam tarts i2): Mrs A. ,W. Kelman X, Mrs L. Maginness 2, Cremn puffs (1); Mrs W, C, Lowery 1. Sponge cake (4): Mrs L. Maginness X. Mrs E. Bebbingtpn 2, Mrs G. Kelly v hj c. Sponge sandwich (9): Mrs A. W. Kelman X, Mrs S. K. Weily 2, Mrs R. Bebbington 3 and v hj c. Sponge roll (10): Miss K. Middleton •!, Mrs S, K. Weily 2, Miss Rita Simpson 3, Mrs

W. C. Lowery v hj c. Sponge gingerbread (6): Mrs Gordon Johnston X, Mrs George Kelly 2, Mrs W. C. Lowery v hj c. Seed cake (6): Mrs W. C. Lowers' X. Mrs L. Maginness 2, Miss K. Middleton v hj c. Madeira cake (10): Mrs G. Kelly 1, Mrs L. Maginness 2, Miss K. Middleton 3, Mrs S. K, Weily v hj c, Sultana cake (9): Miss K. Middleton X, Miss J. C. McCormick 2 and 3, Mrs G. Kelly v hj o. Rich fruit cake (4); Miss K. Middleton 1, Mrs G. Kelly 2. Mrs A. W. Kelman v hj c. Rich dark fruit cake, cooked by electricty (3):

Mrs G. Kelly 1. Ploughman’s lunch (2) Miss C. Chalmers 1, Mrs A. J. Penny 2.

PRESERVES (Judge: Mrs H. E. Page.)

Apricot jam (2): Mrs Gordon Johnston 1. Mrs A. W. Kolman v hj c. Black currant jam (2): Mrs R. Middleton 1, Mrs A. W. Kelman v hj c. Raspberry jam (4): Mrs A. W. Kelman 1, Mrs E. Hyland 2, Miss E. A. Stone v hj c. Collection jams (2): Mrs A. W. Kelman 1. Marmalade (1); Mr* A. W. Kelman 1. Apple Jelly (0): Mrs A. W. Kelman 1, Mrs R. Middleton 2, Mrs A. H. Guthrie 3. Two varieties jellies (3): Mrs R. Middleton 1, Mrs A. W. Kelman 2. Bottled apricots (1); Mrs A. W. Kelman 1. Bottled gooseberries (1): Mrs A. W. Kelman 1. Bottled pears (1): Mrs A. W. Kelman 1. Collection bottled fruits, screw-top bottle (t): Mrs A. W. Kelman 1. Collection bottled fruits, vacuum sealed (1): Mrs A. W. Kelman 1. Pickles in while vinegar (1); Mrs A. W. Kelman 1. Pickles in brown vinegar (I): Mrs A. W. Kelman 1. Two varieties same (3); Mrs A. W. Kelman 1, Mrs A. C. Watson 2. Two varieties chutney (1): Mrs A. W. Kelman 1.

JUVENILE COOKERY CJudge: Mrs G. B. Murdoch.)

Assorted toffee (3); R. Wlghtman 1, Ivy Watson 2. T. Tltheridge 3. Coconut ice (11): Ruby Penny 1, M. Grigg and V. Richards 2, H. Guthrie 4, D. Guthrie v hj c. Sultana cake (8): Hazel Grigg 1, Tui Titheridae 2, Joyce Ayres 3. Ginger cake (8): Betty Stone 1, N. Stone 2, J. Ayres 3. Madeira cake (5): B. Stone 1, J. Ayres 2. Sponge sandwich (11): I. McKay 1. D. Stewart 2, B. Stone 3. Scones (17): C. Fltzglbbon 1. R. Morgan 2, B. Stone 3. Pikelets (8): D. Stewart 1, J. Campion 2, T. Titherldge 3. Girls under 18—Scones (5): J. Cleeve 1, J. Stewart 2. Sponge sandwich (3): C. Chalmers 1. J. Campbell 2. Pikelets (4): B. Findlay 1, J. Stewart 2. Sultana cake, electrically cooked (4): J. Campbell 1, B. Findlay 2. Scotch shortbread (2): J. Cleeve 1. ARTS AND CRAFTS (Judge; Miss D. Bridgeman.) Collection home-made toys, knitted (2): Mrs C. H, Watson I and v hj c. Collection home-ade cloth toys (3): Mrs A. C. Shaw 1 and v hj c'. Raffia scone tray (2): Miss J. Fleming 1, Miss W. Limbrick v hj c. Seagrass stool (1): Miss Laura Watson 1. Collection art work (3); Mrs P. J. Andrew 1, Miss J. Fleming 2, Miss G. Cook v hj c. Novelty (6): Miss K. Dickie 1, Mrs P. J. Andrew 2, Miss* J. Fleming v hj e. Rag hearth mat (3): Mrs H. E. Page 1, Mrs P. J. Andrew 2

and v hj c. NEEDLEWORK (Judges: Needlework, Mrs M. E. Lyons and Miss D- Bridgeman; knitting and crochet, Miss R. van Dongan.) Men’s knitted socks, wheeling wool (4); Mrs W. Stephens 1, Mrs M. C. Archer 2 and v hj c. Men’s socks, fingering wool (6): Mrs W. Stephens 1, Mrs M, C. Archer 2 and v hj o. Lady’s hand-knitted gloves, wool (4): Mrs P. J. Andrew 1, Miss M. Willers 2. Miss Laura Watson v hj c. Hand-knitted garment (9): Miss D. Pannett 1, Miss R. Wallace 2, Mrs M. C. Archer 3, Mrs J. T, Goodwin, jun., v hj c. Pullover (5): Miss R. Wallace 1, Miss M. Willers 2, Miss Winnie Campbell v hj c. Woollen bed jacket (7): Mrs E. M'cDonald 1, Miss D. Compton 2, Miss Stringfellow 3. Knitted tea cosy (12): Mrs Gordon Johnston 1, Miss I. Ede 2, Miss D. Murdoch 3. Collection baby garments (10); Miss J. Juden 1, Miss D. Pannett 2, Mrs Allred 3. Baby’s knitted frock (7): Miss J. Juden 1, Miss D. Compton 2, Mrs M. C. Archer 3, Mrs T. Rule v hj c. Baby’s knitted garment, in silk (1): Miss D. Pannett 1. Knitted woollen shawl (3); Mrs M. Lawlor 1. Miss J. Dixon 2 and v hj c.

Crochet d’oyley (4): Mrs Reg Smith 1, Miss I. O. McCutchan 2, Mrs C. H. Watson v hj c. Tray cloth, crochet (2); Miss I. O. McCutchan 1. Mrs C. H. Watson v hj c. Embroidered d'oyley (3): Miss G. Rhode 1 and 2. Coloured d'oyley (2): Miss G. Rhode 1 and 2, Miss A. M. Stone v hj c. Tea cosy, embroidered (5): Miss G. Rhode 1 and 2, Mrs S. Allan v hj c. Richelieu embroidery piece (3): Miss M. Llmbrick 1, Mrs M, C., Archer 2, Mrs O, Steven v hj c. Richelieu embroidery, coarse (2); Miss G. Rhode I. Table centre (6): Miss G. Rhode 1, Mrs Hugh Calderwood and Miss Elaine Chbbprn 2. Supper cloth, white (4): Miss G. Rhode 1 and 2, Mrs R. Smith v h' c. Supper cloth, coloured (11): Miss G. Rhode 1, Miss N. Simpson 2, Miss R. Wallace 3. Mrs D. Ede v hj c. Plain hand-sewn nightdress or petticoat (7): Miss G. Rhode 1,

Miss W. Limbrick 2, Miss Edna Sparrow 3, Miss O. Steven v hj c. Smock garment (5): Miss W. Llmbrick 1, Mrs H. E. Page 2, Miss E. Arden v hj c. Guest towel (3): Miss A. M. Stone 1, Miss G. Rhode 2, Miss Laura Watson v hj c. Embroidered handkerchiefs (7):. Miss G. Rhode 1. Miss W. Limbrick 2, Mrs M. C. Archer 3 and v hj c. Tray cloth, any variety (8): Miss A, M- Stone I, Mrs Hugh Calderwood 2, Mrs D. Ede 3, Miss R. Wallace v hj c. Table centre, coloured (13) : Miss G. Rhode 1 and 2, Mrs I>. Ede 3, Miss A, M. stone V hj c. Specimen quilting (4): Mrs P, J, Andrew I and 2, Mrs A. Lawrence v hj c. Embroidered dqchesse set (16); Miss G. Rhode 1, Miss Hazel Galletly 2 Mid 3. MJss A. M, Stone v ,hj c. Embroidered apron, colours (9): Miss O. Rhode 1, Mrs D, Ede 2, Mrs G. Pike 3, Miss M, WHlers v hj c. Most artistic

hand-embroidered organdl article (10): Miss G, Rhode I, Miss D, Drummond 2, Miss K. Dickie 3, Miss F. R. Bell v hj c. Fancy handkerchief sachet (6); Miss G. Pike 1, Miss G. Rhode 2. Miss D. Ede v hj c. Cushion (4): Miss G. Rhode 1. Miss M. Taylor 2, Mrs D. Ede v hj o. Dinner waggon mats (3): Miss V. Simpson 1. Miss G, Macall 2. Child's embroidered dress (2): Miss 0. Rhode 1 and 2. Cross stitching, specimen (3): Mrs H. C, Watson l and 2, Mrs S, Allan v hj o. Specimen tatting (6): Miss Mi Nell 1, Miss J. Copland 2, Mrs C. H|[ Watson

v hj c. Wool tapestry (3): Miss W. Limbrick 1, Miss M. Wlliers 2, Mrs P, J. Andrew vhc, Hand-worked picture, silk or cotton (10): Miss J. Copland I, Mrs R. Smith 2, Mrs P. J. Andrew 3, Mrs G. Rhode v b c. Any article wool embroidery (5); Mrs R, Smith 1, Miss W. Llmbrick 2, Miss J. M. Bratley vhc. Bedspread (2): Mrs G. Pike 1, Mrs J. F, Stone v hj c. Dyed sugar bag article (2): Mrs A. C. Shaw 1, Miss K. Dickie vhc. Article made from flour-bag (3): Miss M. Willers 1. Garment made from secondhand material (3): Mrs O. Steven I,' Mrs A. C. Shaw 2, Mrs E. A. Mangin vhc. Cotton patch (3): Miss W. Llmbrick i, Mrs O. Steven 2, Miss E. A, Stone vhc. Flannel patch (3): Miss W. Llmbrick 1, Mrs Reese Smith 2, Mrs O. Steven vhc. Darning sock (3): Miss E. A. Stone 1, Miss A. M. Stephen 2,


Idain Sewing—Standard I. (5): R. Steven 1, R. Wilson 2. Standard 11. (3): J. Thompson 1, M, Lochhead 2, R. Kennedy hj cStandard HI. (2); B. Glasson 2, Standard IV. (8): M. Wightman 1. I. Richards 2. R. Penny 3. Standards V. and VI. (4): MGoodwin J, P. Gilpin 2, J. Newman V hj c. Stocking darn, under 15 (12): E. Burrows 1, M. Goodwin 2. F. Burrows 3. N. Kelly vhj c. Cotton patching, under 15 (10): N. Johns 1. M. Wightman 2, M. Goodwill 3, P. Gilpin v hj c. Worked d’oyley. unoer 13 (8): D. Stewart 1, D. Hendry 2, I. McKay 3, F. Burrows vhj c, P. Gilpin hj c. Coloured embroidery (3); E. Burrows 1, J. Campbell 2, M. Kermode v hj c. Knitted article, under 9 (3): B. Lament 1. Under H (I): I- Watson 1. Under 14 (4); M. Goodwin I, D. Carleton 2, P. Manning v hj e. Secondary pupils (4): M. Morgan 1, N. Johns 2 and V hj c. J. Campbell v hj c. JUVENILE SECTION (Judges—School work, Mr H. Colquhoun; woodwork, Mr F. Shearer.) Specimen print scrip. Standard I. (15): T. Maugher 1, M. Thompson 2, P. Allred 3, Betty Wilson v hj c. Writing, Standard II(21): B. Currie 1, N. Gemmell 2, N. Lochhead 3, C. Shearer v hj c- Under 11 (19): H. Lock 1, T. Hooper 2, N. McLean 3. B. Hooper v hj c. Under 13 (33): M. Loohhead 1, M, Owen 8, J, Lumsden 3. L-

Greenslade vhc. Under IB (14): J. Lumsden i, J. Williams 2. F, Hands 3. J. Newman v hj c. Drawing, model pot, under 13 (19): M. Wiehtman J, A, Kennish 2, B. Foreman 3, P. Tuflftn vhc. Drawing, model candlestick, under 13 17); F. Hands I. B, Wightman 2, Colour Saetlon-rTwa turnips (&>'■ ' g, Cotterell i, A, McKenzie 8. M- Thompson vhc. coloured shopping bags, Standards J. and n. (80); N. Dewe I, P. Hart 8, V, McLeod 3, B. Aitken vhc, New Zealand flag, under 18 (34): G. Llmbrick 1. M. Owen 2, H. Lock 3. I. Wilson vhc. Bowl of flowers, under 15 (16): R. Wightman 1. E. Burrows 2, F, Hands 3, A. Kennish vhc. Design for cover association’s catalogue’(4) i®. Burrows 1, E. Wightman 3Local scene in colour, under 18 (4): R. Wightman 1, E. Haydon 2. Any object drawn in ink (8): B. Burrows 1, R. Wighlmgn 8. E. Haydon vhc. Woodwork, juniors (7): N. Titht ridge 1. Seniors. (3): R, Wightman 1. S. Holmes v hj Q.

Science —Best agricultural notebook for work done by primary school pupils: Trevor Buckett 1.

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Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21745, 30 March 1936, Page 6

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METHVEN SHOW Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21745, 30 March 1936, Page 6

METHVEN SHOW Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21745, 30 March 1936, Page 6