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borough council BATES

Rates owing to the Rangiora Borough Council for. the current year when the office closed yesterday afternoon amounted to £IIWMJs Id The total rate struck was £5491 18s sd, anrf payments so far total £438110s 4d. To-day is the last day for payment and dues owing after to-day will incur a penalty of 10 per cent. It is expected that the staff will have a busy day dealing with late accounts. Salvation Army Home League Officers appointed for the year at the opening meeting of the Rangiora Salvation Army Home League yesterday afternoon were: —Secretary, Mrs Captain IX Houghton; birthday sergeant, Mrs G. Stockley; welcome sergeant, Mrs C. Sutherland: visiting sergeant, Mrs L. Walls; flower sergeant, Mrs A. Watson; mothers’ aid, Miss D. Dench. Mrs Houghton presided. Cop for Solo Competition A silver cup has been given to the Rangiora Brass Band for a solo competition among bandsmen. The band has previously conducted competitions for soloists and great interest has been taken in them. Territorial Camp More than 12 members of C Company, First Battalion. Canterbury Regiment, from Rangiora will attend the annual camp of the battalion which will be held at Mount Somers from next Wednesday until February 26. Rangiora officers who will attend are Major H. K. Eippenberger, who is second-in-command of the battalion, Major W. Smith, who will be quartermaster, and Captain L, M. King, New Zealand Medical Corps, who will be medical officer. Personal Adjutant E. Thorne, recently appointed from Invercargill to the position of assistant manager of the Salvation Army Home at Addington, will pay his first visit to Rangiora on Sunday and will conduct special meetings, Mrs Major Suter (Divisional Home League secretary), of Christchurch, will attend the meeting of the Rangiora Salvation Army Home League next Thursday, Mr ahd Mrs H. A. Bennett returned to Rangiora yesterday after spending a holiday at Akaroa. Mr C. Rands, of Springbank, who underwent an operation in Lewisham Hospital, returned to his home yesterday. Mr E. D. Rowe left last evening for Sydney. The Girl in Red In the course of a bicycle tour round the world. Miss Nita Rosslyn spent several days in the Rangiora district. She was informally welcomed to the town by the Mayor (Mr C. W. Tyler) and appeared at the Regent Theatre last evening. New Gas Retorts Work on the installation of new retorts at the Rangiora gas works will begin at the end of the month and they will be ready for use by the end of March. The retort-setter will return from the North Island in about a fortnight. Amateur Cycling The Rangiora Amateur Cycling Club in conjunction with the Regent Theatre, Rangiora, conducted a cycle race over a 10-mile courses Results were as follows;-—W. Orme (3min), 24min 15sec, 1; Ted Mason (3min), 24min 20sec, 2; C. Shiltori (Hmin), 23min 20sec, 3 . Fastest time, V. Blakeway (scr), 22min 18sec. A boys’ race was held over two and a half miles. Results were:—D. Rouse fimin), 7min 20sec, 1; W. Heir (Jmin), 7rhin 32sec, 2; J. Ferguson (Imin), Vmin 18sec, 3; fastest time, A. Ferguson (scr), drain 31sec. Regent Theatre To-morrow afternoon and evening, the popular comedian, Joe E. Brown, will be seen in his latest comedy, “Six Day Bike Rider," at the Regent Theatre (Town. Hall), Rangiora. The picture is not only funny, but presents some of the biggest thrills ever shown on the screen. The situations are most unusual. “Our Little Girl,” starring the everpopular Shirley Temple, will be presented on Tuesday. There will be a special after-school matinee, the programme beginning at 3 o’clock. This will enable the school children to see "Our Little Girl” in the afternoon. Delightful Shirley Temple excels herself in this, her latest picture. She plunges into an emotional adventure as she bravely meets a bewildering crisis while those who are nearest and dearest to her grope in the shadows of misunderstanding, Shirley’s, brave smile revives a waning love, when she pleads for her mother to return. Seats may be reserved at Watson’s, telephone 202,

WAIKUKU Church anniversary services of the Waikuku Methodist Church were well attended, despite bad weather. The Revs. H. Ford and T. Coatsworth gave appropriate addresses. Special music was rendered, and Mr D, Robinson played the organ. The collections were for the local trust funds. The celebrations concluded with a social in the church, conducted by the Rev. Mr Ford. The attendance was good. Songs were given by Mrs D. Robinson, Mrs A. Petrie, Miss Myrle Little, Mr H. Robertshaw, and Geoff and Ken. Smith, Mrs B. J. Archer gave several recitations, and Miss Sloane, who was also an accompanist, played an organ solo. An address was given by Mr J. Tull. Mothers’’ Union The Woodend-Waikuku branch of the Mothers’ Union, at its meeting, appointed a new enrolling member. Mrs A. Edwards, who has held that position for the last three years, is leaving the district. Archdeacon A. C. Purchas, of Rangiora, conducted a short devotional service, and addressed the large number of members present on the subject of pressing forward to a definite goal. Mrs Edwards afterwards took charge of the meeting. A motion of sympathy was passed with the relatives of Mrs A. Judson. Mrs Edwards read the annual report. •., ' Mrs R. Macdonald, vice-president, conducted the election of officers, "which resulted as follows:—Enrolling member, Mrs H. King; vice-presidents, Mesdames R. Macdonald and J. Scott; secretary. Miss Liggett; assistant-sec-retary, Mrs J. Jelfs; cradle-roll superintendent, Mrs C. Payne; .committee, Mesdames J. Forbes, N. King, and H. Vaughan (new members), Mesdames T. Cutler, J. Durie, C. Payne, J. Southed, J. Ballinger, R. Smith, , M. Stokes, P. Morris (re-elected), Mrs Macdonald expressed the branch’s re 7 gret at the departure of Mrs Edwards, and proposed that she be made a life member of the branch Mrs Edwards was given a beautiful, large crystal vase froln. the branch. Mesdames Edwards, * King, and Ballinger were hostesses. -


An enjoyable variety, gilt evening was h»M in the West Melton School in honour of Mrs H. Feast (nee Muriel Donaldson), who was recently married. The time passed" pleasantly with competitions and dancing," the music being played by Mrs W. Hayes, Miss L. L. Thompson, and Mr C. W. Walker. Miss Betty Archie presented the guest of honour with a bouquet of roses.* Mr R. Mugford, for those present, asked Mrs Feast to accept the many useful gifts. Mr T. Summer-field referred to the assistance Mrs Feast had always given in organising the social functions in the district. Mrs Hayes gave the guest a cheque from the hall committee in appreciation of the ready help she had always given. The winners of .the competitions were Miss Thompson, Miss Mary Archie, and Messrs L. Mclllwraith and M. Watson. Consolation prizes were handed to Miss Thompson and Mr G. Fowler. During the evening a lucky spot waltz was won by Mr and Mrs H. Feast Mr R. Mugford and Mr C. Dawson were masters of ceremonies. • Personal Mrs A. Duff ell, who has been the gqest of Mrs ,R. Dawson, has returned to Rangiora. Miss Alice Dawson, who is a patient in St George’s Hospital, is progressing satisfactorily. Mr J. King (Wellington) is the guest of Mr and Mrs J. H. Harvey. Mr and Mrs J. McCarthy (Avonside, Christchurch) are spending a holiday with Mr and Mrs W. Hayes, “Melton Grange,” West Melton. Mr i^ongworth, physical drill instructor, paid a visit to the West Melton School last week. The school was ala> visited by Mr J. Brown, chief agricultural instructor for the Canterbury Education Board.

LADBEOOKS Mrs E. Prescott King (Walpara), with her children, is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs C. Sparks, Drain road. Mrs Blyth (Oamaru) is the guest of her sister, Mrs A. J. McLaughlin. Miss Fiona Mehrtens has returned from Waipara, where she was visiting Mrs E. P. King. Miss I. McKenzie (Schoolhouse) and Miss M. Cullen have returned from holiday visits to Otago, Kaikoura, and Akaroa. Women’s Institute There was a good attendance of mem. bets at "the first meeting lor 1936 ol the Women’s Institute. Mrs R. J, Ware (president) welcomed visitors and one new member. Before commencing the ordinary business of the afternoon, the president referred to the death of King George V. AU stood in silence as a mark of respect. j A letter was received from the Prebbleton Institute inviting members to a group meeting at Prebbleton on February 28 to meet Miss Agnes Stops, of England. Miss I. McKenzie gave a most interesting travel talk on a motor tour of the Southern Lakes. . Competitions for six hen eggs, six duck eggs and the best bloom were keenly contested. The judges, Miss I. McKenzie and Miss M. Cullen, awarded the prizes as follows:—Hen eggs. Miss Lorna Pickering 1, Mrs M. Gallagher 2; duck eggs, Mrs Ware 1, Mrs Milne 2; best bloom, Mrs Ware 1, Mrs H. Meyer 2. The election of officers for the ensuing year will be held next month and a bring-and-buy will be held for the general funds. The hostesses for the afternoon were Mesdames R. A. Brown, E. Stone, and Miss Margaret Brown.


Interest in swimming at Southbrook has been greatly increased ,since the club offered challenge trophies. At the last carnival, the children’s buttons were won by Alma McPherson and Chatham McKay, the Mclntosh Cup by Miss J. O’Neill, and the Jordan Medal by C. Tulley. Arrangements for the visit of members of the Phillipstown Club, Christchurch, to-morrow, were made at a meeting of the committee this week, when it was stated that the Southbrook swimmers appreciated the offer of the visitors to give exhibition swims at the carnival, ‘ „


The president, Mrs G. Askin, ,pre- ; aided ;at a meeting of the Prebbleton Womenls Institute < * committee. The ‘ secretary reported having arranged with Miss Agnes Stops for her visit on February 28, when it was hoped members of all the institutes in the group will be present. Mrs L, B. Coe wrote consenting to act as judge at the baby show to be held at the group picnic at Coe’s ford. The secretary was instructed to enquire into the cost ol a motor-bus to convey »members to the picnic. It was decided to ask Mr G. Hancox to audit the institute accounts, in readiness for the annual meeting in March. The coming birthday was also discussed. Personal Miss Carmel Smith has returrted from Kaikoura, where she spent several weeks’holiday. Mrs J. Easterbrook left on Wednesday to spend a holiday in Dunedin.

AKAROA Mrs F. Brocherie and Miss Patricia Brocherie, “Elm Grove,” Kaik road, Akaroa, accompanied by Miss V. Brocherie. Christchurch, have returned from a motor tour of Blenheim and Nelson, Miss Ethel Walker, Christchurch, has been visiting friends at Akaroa. Mrs J, McGuire, Christchurch, has been visiting her sister-in-law. Miss McGuire, Benoit House, Akaroa. Mothers’ Union Mrs H. Nelson Wright presided at a committee meeting of the St. Peter’s branch of the Mothers’ Union, A letter was received about the Mothers’ Union festival, which will be held at Christchurch on Wednesday. Later the Rev. H. Nelson Wright and Mrs Wright entertained the members of the Mothers’ Union and vestry to supper. St. Peter’s Vestry A, vestry'meeting of St. Peter's Anglican Church was held with the vicar, the Rev. H. Nelson Wright, presiding. A vote of sympathy was passed to Mrs West-Watson in her severe illness. The obtaining of an electric organ blower was considered, and the vicar and Mr T. E. Taylor were authorised to make enquiries at other churches where they were in use, and to report on it. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the vicar for kindly presenting new college caps to the women’s choir. It was decided that the autumn show should be left this year to the Horticultural Society to manage. A memorial to the Rev, A. H. Julius, who was vicar of the parish for more than 20 years, was discussed, a lych-gate being considered the most suitable. It was decided to leave the matter over until the next meeting.

HORORATA At a. -meeting os the Horoxata Horticultural Society, which was held in the hall, Mr T E. Pearson presided. It was decided- that the summer show should be held on February 29. It was reported that the schedule had been, revised, arid was now in circulation. The following are the" judges for the different sections:—Flowers and vegetables, Mr Bayliss (Christchurch); cookery, Mr Batstone (Kirwee); fancy work, Mrs Ross McDonald (Sheffield). The following marshals were appointed:—Cookery. Misses Ella Chapman and Elma Felton; fancy work, Mrs R.. Murray; fruit and vegetables. Miss H.- Banks and Mr E. Adams; flowers, Mrs ‘ Gibson and Miss P. Oliver; children’s' section, Mr G. B. 'Cartwright; secretary and treasurer. Miss M. D, Hall. 1 Personal Mrs H. A. Oliver and Master Maurice Oliver have returned from Heathcote Valley. • Miss Gwen . Sommerville, Wellington. is a gues! of the Rev. L. N. Watkins and Mrs Watkins, the vicarage, Hororata. .

SHEFFIELD A meeting of the officers and committee of the Malvern Agricultural and Pastoral Association was held in the association’s rooms. Sheffield, The president, Mr J. S. Tolerton, of sympathy was passed with the relatives of Mr W. Letham, of Lauriston. ' • , ■ It was decided to close the entries for the coming show on April 1. The marshal, gatekeepers, and motor-car stewards for the next show were nominated. Kitchen Afternoon At Kcr Home (Sheffield) recently, Mrs A, Knowles entertained many friends from Sheffield, Darfleld, and surrounding districts, at a very Enjoyable kitchen gift afternoon, given in honour of Miss Sadie Thompson (Darfleld), whose marriage will take place, next week. A vocal solo was given by Mrs A. Knowles and competitions were won by Mrs JV D. Clark, : Mrs H. V. Sykes, and Miss G. Spriggs (Darfleld). Mrs A. Knowles, for the' guests, asked Miss' Thompson to ! accept the gifts for her new home. The guest of honour responded. Mrs W. B. Austin, for those present, expressed their appreciation and thanked Mrs Knowles for her hospitality. Personal Mrs S. R. Hayward and her son, Charles Hayward (Hokitika), have been visiting Mr and Mrs JV D. Clark, Hartley Downs. The Rev. W. L. Long and Mrs Long, the ‘parsonage (Waddington), are spending their annual holiday with Mr and Mrs Byers. Otomita (Gore). The Rev. L. Rotbwell and Mrs Rothwell, the-manse; haye left on a camp-

ing holiday tour of the West and East Coasts.

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Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21707, 14 February 1936, Page 4

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NORTH CANTERBURY Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21707, 14 February 1936, Page 4

NORTH CANTERBURY Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21707, 14 February 1936, Page 4