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O REPRESENTATIVE TRIAL ON MAY G DECISION OF CANTERBURY UNION On the recommendation of the competitions committee the Canterbury Rugby Union decided last evening to play a representative trial match on Jubilee Day (May G). This match, it was stated, would be of assistance to the selectors in choosing a Canterbury team and also in nominating players for the All Black trial match. There were present:—Dr. W. S. Seed (president), Messrs A. E. McPhail. J. K. Moloney, R. R. Masters, J. P. Burrows, V/. Maxwell, W. A. Britten R. W. Britton. A. Duggan. E. M. Todd, H. E. Davis, E. V. Phillips, V. L. Jensen, and D. I. Macdonald. ... , "It is practically impossible to worl: it in," remarked the president, when a letter was received from the Waikato Union asking whether the Canterbury team on its northern tour could 'play Waikato at Hamilton It was mentioned that Waikato would be sending a team south next year. It was decided to reply that such a match could not be arranged this year. The Ashburton Union suggested that, the trial match, Canterbury v. South Canterbury and Ashburton combined, be played at Ashburton on May 18. The letter was received, the competitions committee having no recommendation to make. Mr Phillips reported that the entry for this year's competitions comprised 99 teams, as compared with 106 last year, although nine of the latter witndrew during the season. Four teams from the North Canterbury Club were now playing under the sub-union, and Young Men's Christian Association, Riccarton, Sumner, and Templcton had not entered teams. The third grade B and fifth grade A competitions, which included secondary .school teams, had been arranged with regard to inter-school matches. _ and it was hoped that these competitions would be on a more satisfactory basis than last year. Some of the teams would be reclassified after the nreliminary (non-competition) games. The schools had been allotted to clubs on the same arrangement as last year for the schoolboy;;' competitions. The report was received. Draw for Saturday Tlu' following is till! draw for Saturday's Ku-iiy Iliat.'ili*:, all Kanies to commence at U I.", pin. uii 1 s otherwise stated. Matches in nil cratk-s brlnw eecoml (except the third icrsnln P- action) arc. preliminary rounds only): First (jr-.d!--—University v. Merivale, La:;. rii.-li-r J'arl: Oval Uir S. Hollander; touch jud;;e.-, Jlkum A. Sinalo and A. K. Curn<:); Alliiol! v. Athletic, I,:i 11 !■ as 1 1' r Park Wert (.Mr A. ,Stile.' : touch judges. Miners H. 'J', ('(Milter and 11. Johnson) ; Sydenham v. Ciiri ■ teluirch, Lnncast er Park South (Mr It. W. iilar.ty; (ouch judges, Messrs G. Kelt and 11. T. Lawrence): Sunns-side v. Linwood, Unchy Park (ifr. li. l)ick::oii; touch jiid::e'.,, Messrs I:. .1. Cliff and M. li. Law); 1 [lll School (lid Boy.:, „ by,-.

Second Grade—-llif;h School Old Hoyi: v. West Old Hoys, Sliou- Grounds No. 1 (.Mr S. If. AicGi-oiye) ; K,iia|>oi v. .Merivale, St. Janie,' l'ai-k (Mr K. Newton); University v. Linwood, No. I:i North Park (Mr C. li. McCallnin) ; T-'i hnical Old Hoy*, v. Albion. No. 21. Sou t'n Park (Mr F, O. .Schmidt): Clirist'-liiirch v. Old No. 31 Noith Park (Mr H. Anderson); TrainiiiK College v. Athletic. No. 2<i South Pari: (Mr G. C Salt) : Sydenham a bye.

Third Urnd-f (A Section) —Merivale v, S>di-liha.u, Sydenham Par): (Mr L. W. Clarkton) ; S.i nn\. Ide v. New SunnyHide, p.m. (Mr J,. K. Clemen,;); Kiel.111omd lii:;h Sel11«11 (lid H<>>> A, Ri-limond Pari; (Mr N. G. Winter); K.X.V.H. v. Liuv. ooil, No. 20 Soui ii Park (Mr Jl. 'J'lirnhiilU ; ( - Ii:-isieliureh v. Al'iion. Sinn.- Ground., No 2 I M • ii. A. Prov. a).

Tiiird Gr.'i'i" (I; Section) < 'hn'.d' i; Cullcso v. SI. Aii'innv';; (lid liny:-,, ClirM's (Mr A. K. Wnndliam) ; f : t. liedti't. folloiro v. 'lV"lini,:a! Old ISoyr, Si. H.hl"'r Coll.-j,-.. (Mr l:. ■!. i!ron;.ch); !!">•.' J! i h School v. W.L.I Old 1!»>h. Klnivti J oa«l (Mr 1«. K. l»;int"); Trainin;- v. TI i J.TII Srlmoi Old lloyr 11,,I 1 ,, Sn I<> Norlh J'arl: (Mr A. If. I rani") ; Univi rrity a l.yr, Kiinr!!: (tr;i'l'n !ini<'nl Old Tsoy:; v. I I'-r I; rn'] ;i in. I! cI; v n li.ini I'a'k (Mr I-. .Sin',.-'); J.i»u»»il v. High ,Sri,.K.l Olil K«JS No. -I North J'.-.rl; (.Mr A. K. iKiy); M'-rival'-v. Aihlclir, Mrriv..|.' "round, St. Alt."Mr. I 'ail: (Mr J,'. ('. Spoon, i-) ; Old Coll'daii" v. Ii; <tnll.■ y, N.i. Ifi South I'nrk (Mr W. Dou;cl.".r) ; fli,i:;t<-li 11 r.-li v. Sydenham. Christ, church j;it.llll d. Hrrlciihani J'arl; (Mr J.', 'i'. Ilaiby): Albion v. Aranui, Albion ground •St. Album- J'ark (Mr W. J!. Kmitli); Kaiapol v. l'ni\cnjil.v, Kaiapoi No. I (Mr K. K. lioa;;) I I'■ 1 • I.l'■:<• 11 a bye. I' i r (11 I.! rail.- (A Hit ti '• ri) —A thlotic v. Writ Old Tiny:.-, No. ! South Park (Mr K. .SibIcy) ; J'apanui v. iioy.c' IIi j:li .School, No. ',i!i South, J'arl; (Mr o.' W. A'Oourt) ; rhiiM's roll..;;.! St. Amlr.-w's 1 'fjlSt. Andrew'r Collc;;e (Mr A. I'. Knilin: on). Fifl'i Cr.-ulo (IJ Kcclirm)—Mcrivul- v. Tlif.-b School Old I'.ovs, J!if;h School old Ifuya' -round. Harrington strict (Mr K. W. Arnold) ; .Sydenham v. ('lirii-lrliun-li, Opaw.'i l'ark No. 1 (Mr K. I'aM-oi,): I.imvood v. Writ Old Hoys Writ Old Hoys' ground, Uarri n;:t uii :!rcct (Mi- 11. .1. Hailcy): Hrn-k----onh,'.in v. r.i'lf.'i-t, iwlfirl (Mr S. <-'• Murray).

.Sixth (i i'. i (11 1 ( 4 ! jri s I cli n rch v. New Brigb' ! r >n, Kiiulii'i Ooniain, Now Hrigliton (Mr 14,I 4 , Barren.'; Papauni v. Linwood, No. 2:: Souib park (M r 0. W. }>«•;*! ; Old Collegia na v. Sy (11 1 11!i;;i)i Kl.nn «ml Park No. 1 (Mr J. Anii'iti'dii;:,! i Kaiapoi v. Marshland, ton's road. M a rsh fa ml i.Mr A. A. Cooper). I'lnlcj- I ~Ch rii u rrh A tli If lie, No, 27 Smith Park (Mr F. Morgan); Sydenham V. High SehooJ Olfl Hoys, Opjnvii .Park No 'j (Mr \V. Wright); Yw'st Old IIovf; v. Albion, N»>. 'Jf> Smith Park (Mr A. ,7. Mannn) ; Merivalo v. Linwouil, Malvern Park (Mr R. C. Hamilton) ; Brrkenhaiu a bye. Undor I o—-Linwood v. Merivale, No. 12 North I'.'irl: (Mr V. A. lira umont) ; OM Boys v. N.-w Brighton. North Beae.h School (Mr H. Todd) ; Svdenham a bv(. Under .1(i (nnd'.T <h-t) —Player:; in ih\a grade am !•> attend at the dressing pavilion in the pouth-caut cnrji'-r of South I'nrk, at 2..'10 p.m., to be weighed— Richmond v. Liu■wood, No. 31 Son tii Parle (Mr G. S. A. Billcliff); Technical Old Boy*-- v. Marshland, No. 32 Smith Park (Mr M. K. Campbell); Sydenham v. 'JYrh nien] Old Boy;, B, No. 33 South Park (Mr A. J. Falloon).

ELLESMERE SUB-UNION is the draw for the iirst round of in the T'llesmere Sub-Union'.s first and M.'cond grade cotnpetit tons, tho match in eaeh case to he played on tho ground of the. first-mentioned ciuh: April 27 First (irade—Jiineoln v. I>unsandel (Mr r J\ Wheeler), Lincoln College v, (Mr F. .J. Miller), Waiiiora v. United (Mr K. fl. Perrin), Lee:-ton a bye. Sec<uid (trade—Dunsande! v. l.itieolu (Mr J. Swanson), Southbridfjo A v. College (Mr L. Lhert), United v. Waihora (Mr 11. Mills), Loeaton v. Irwell (Mr H. Taiaroa), Southbridge fi p. bye. May 4 Fir-.! (Jr.nlc Leeslon v. College (Mr L. Khert). United v, ijineoln (Mr W. Calder), v. Waihora (Mr W. T. McLaughlin), Omipandol a bye. Second (irnde—College v. Sonthbridge B (Mr C. Harri?;), Lincoln v. United (Mr (i. Macartney), Trwell v. Southbridge A (Mr V/. V. Ohatterton). Waiiiora v. Leeston, at Tni Tapu (Mr W. O. Miller), UunS'llidel' R bye. May 11 First Tirade—Dunsandel v. United (Mr W. V. Chatterton), Waihora v. Leeston (Mr H. Mills), Lincoln v. Southbridge (Mr K. U. Perrin), College a bye. Second Grade—United v. Dunsnndel (Mr JI, IL Tleslop). Southbridge B v. Irwell, I.1)0 p.m. (Mr R. Shave), Leer-'ton v. Lincoln (Mr ,T. )lutchiron), Soutlibridgo A v. Waihnia May 18

First ' j i'A(i c—College v. Waihora, Southbridfo v. JJunsandel, Lecfcton v. Lincoln, United ft byo. Second Grade —Invell v. College, Dunsandel v. Leeston, Waihora v. Southbridgo B. at Tai Tapu; Lincoln v. Southbrldpo A, United a bye. May 25 First Grade—United v. Southbridgc, Lincoln v. College, Dunsandel v. Leeston, Waihora (v bye. Second Grade—Leeston v. United, Collego v. Wuihora, Southbridge A v.!, at 1.30 p.m.; Southbridgc B v. Lincoln, Irwell a byo. June 1 First Grade—Waihora v. Lincoln, Loe3ton v. United, Collogo v, Dunsandel. Southbridpo s byo. Secml Grade—Waihora v. Inrrll, at Tai Tap 11; United v. Southbridgo A, Liu-

coin v. College, Dunsandel r. Southbridge B. Leeston a bye. Time 8 First Grado —Southbridge v. Leaaton, Dunsandel v. Wailiora, United v. College, Liacoin a byo. , Second Grade —Loeston v. Southbridge Aj Irwcll v. Lincoln, Southbridge B v. United at 1.30 p.m.; College v. Dunsanael, vVaiborn a bye. Juna 15 Second Grade —Lincoln r. Walhora, Leeston v. Southbridge. B, Dunsandel v. Irwell, United v. College, Southbridso a bye, June 22 Socond Grade —Southbridge B v. Southbridgo A, Wailiora v. Dunsandel, at lni Tapu; College v. Leeston, Irwell v. United, Lincoln a b>'e. ASSOCIATION MATCHES ARRANGED

A meeting of the management com- j mittee of the Canterbury' Football Association was held at the Pioneer Sports Club's rooms last evening. Mr H. Weatherhead presided. A quorum , was not obtained, and the business was formally dealt with, the corres-1 pondence being referred to the committees concerned. Confirmation will, be sought later. I The following games have been arranged:— HURLEY SHIELD Starting time, 1.30 p.m. Nomads v. Rangers. English Park (J. Cawtheray). Starting time 3 p.m. Western v. Thistle. English Park (I. Stout). . Linwood v. Western B, Linwood Park (J. Jennings). St. Albans v. Technical Old Boys, Malvern Park (S. Doree). SECOND GRADE Starting time 3 p.m. Lyttelton v. Technical Old Boys, HagJey No. 1 (T. Hastings). Linwood v. Marist, Hagley No. 2 (H. Weatherhead). Nomads v. Thistle, Richmond Park (T. ChalkliD'. THIRD GRADE Starting time 3 p.m. Nomads A v. Linwood, Hagley No. 3 (L. Dohcrty). St. Albans v. Nomads B, Spreydon No. 1 (C. T. Ringdahl). Western v. Technical Old Boys, Elisor's road No. I (H. T. Anderson). Marist v. Northcote, Hagley No. 4 (C. Sweeney). Celtic v. Young Men's Christian Association, Spreydon No. 2 (W. Hallams). BRITISH FOOTBALL INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE MATCH ENGLAND BEATS FRANCE PARIS, April 22. In a Rugby League international match, England 23. beat France 9. ARSENAL WINS FIRST DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP LONDON, April 22. Arsenal's victory secured for it the First Division championship for the third season in succession, equalling Huddersfield's record. Brentford gained promotion to the First Division, and Charlton and Doncaster Rovers promotion to the Second Division. ]•; ASTER .MONDAY RESULTS j (cmico rnßFfi assocutjor-bt electric TKr.MßArti—corTT.ianx.) LONDON,. April 22. Laster Monday football remits were:— ASSOCIATION First Division JiirininKham li, Leeds United 1. !>"rliv County -1, Kverton 1. Leicester City 2, Grimsby Town 2. M iddlesboroiiKb U, Arsenal 1. Portsmouth Manchester City 2. Preston North Knd 1, Sunderland 1. Stoke Oily 1, Liverpool 1. Went Hromwich Albion J, Shefliclf*. Wedjii'wlny 1. Wolverhampton Wanderers 6, Chelsea 1.

Second Division Banifdoy 2, Bradford Oily 0. Bradford 2, Brentford 3. JI ii II City j, Norwich City 0. Notts County 3, Tort Valo 2. Oldham Athletic 1, Burnley 2. Plymouth Argylo 5. Nottingham Forest 2. Hhefiield United 1, Fnlhan) 2. Southampton J, Manchester United 0. SwniibHi Town 2, Bolton Wanderers 1. West llam United 2, Blackpool 1. Third Division .Southern Section Bournemouth 1, Bristol City 1. Brintol Rovers 3, Cardiff City 2. Charlton Athletic 4, Alderahot 0. Fxeter City X, Watford 1. Gillingham 1, Clapton Orient 0. Luton Town 4, Newport County 1. Northampton 1, Milhvall 0. Southend United 3, Brighton and Hove Albion 2. Swindon Town l t Crystal Palace 1. Torquay United 7, Queen'B Pork Hangers 0. Northern Section Aecrington Stanley 2, Darlington 1. Harrow J, Lincoln City 1. Crewo Alexandra 1, Chester 1. Jfnrtlepools United 4, Southport 3. Rotherham United 3, Doncaster Rovers S. j-Rochdalo 3, Carlisle United 1. Stoek|\ort County 3, New Brighton. 1. Tranmero Rovers l>, Mnsefield Town 0. Walsall -1, Halifax 1. Wrexham 2. Chesterfield 1. York City 3, Gate.shcad 0.

SCOTTISH LEAGUE First Division Queen's Park ?>, Partiek 1. Second Division No piny. NORTHERN UNION Bailey 12, Bradford Northern 3. Bramley 17 r Barrow 35. ('astleford 7, York 10. Halifax 30, Leigh 2. lludderslield 31, St. Helena Rece 2. Hull 15, Widnes 2. Jfunnlet 2'J, 1 full Kingston Roverg 13. Keighlev 7, Leeds 20, Inverpool Stnnlpy 45, Featherston 2. Rochdale Hornets 15, Broughton 12. Salford 8, Wig«n 8. St. Helens 15, Oldham 5. Wakefield Trinity 38, Dewsbury 0. "\v'arrington 7, Swinton 5. RUGBY liath 32, Old Merchant Taylors S. Bridgend 12, Coventry 0. Bristol 18, Blaekheath 3. Cardiff 3, Harlequins 13. vloucester 17, Sale 6. Llunelly 21, Dovonport Servirep 8. Manchester 9, North of Ireland 2G. Newport 8, London Welsh 10. Pennrth 17, Blaekheath 7. Plymouth Albion 3, Leicester 8. Pontypool 0, Northampton 9. Swansea 3, Barbarians 16. Waterloo 32, Birkenhead Park 20. Aberavon 11, Maestng 0. Abertillery 0, Crosskeys 0. Neatli 10, Middlesex Hospital 10

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Press, Volume LXXI, Issue 21456, 24 April 1935, Page 17

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RUGBY FOOTBALL Press, Volume LXXI, Issue 21456, 24 April 1935, Page 17

RUGBY FOOTBALL Press, Volume LXXI, Issue 21456, 24 April 1935, Page 17