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RANGIORA PERSONAL Miss A. McLay, Dominion organiser for the Women's Christian Temperance Union, conducted the evening service at the Methodist Church yesterday. The Rev. A. Carr, of the Cashmere Methodist Church, who has accepted a call to Hokitika, and Mrs Carr, arc at present slaying with friends ;.t Rangiora. Local Preachers' Sunday Local preachers' Sunday was observed at the Rangiora Methodist Church yesterday. One Sunday is set aside during the year for the local preachers in appreciation of their service to tfie church. Special collections were taken up to assist the Local Preachers' Fund. Address to Bible Classes An address on temperance was given by Miss A. McLay, Dominion organiser for the Women's Christian Temperance Union, to the combined Bible classes of the Anglican, Methodist, Salvation Army, and Presbyterian Churches in the John Knox Sunday School yesterday afternoon. The Mayor, Mr W. A. Rowse, presided, and introduced the speaker. The meeting was opened by Mr J. Lewi;: who read a passage oi scripture and offered .: prayer. During the meeting Messrs I:. rnd L. Thwaites gave a steel guitar duet. At the conclusion Mr C. R. Thwaites proposed a vote of thanks to the speaker. The hall was tilled, and there were more than 100 present. Returned .Soldiers' Reunion Altogether aboul KiO returned soldiers were present at the annual reunion smoke concert of the Rangiora Returned Soldiers' Association, held at tne club rooms on Saturday evening. Representatives of the Christchurch, Kaiapoi, Sumner, Amberley, New Brighton, and liawarden branches of the association were included in the number, while there was a large muster of local returned men. The president of the local branch (Mr J. W. McLeod) presided. The loyal toast was followed by that of "Absent Comrades ' when "Last Post" and "Reveille" were sounded by Mr C, Ironside. Proposing the toast ol' "The Visitors," the president extended a welcome to the members of kindred associations. Responses were made by Messrs E. Orchard (Christchurch), G. Hirst (Kaiapoi), E. Potter (New Brighton), J. C. Dickson (Sumner), W. Gray (Amberley), and R. Wright (Hawarden).

"The Rangiora Returned Soldiers' Association" was proposed by TVlr A. L. Emerson, who congratulated the branch on its steady increase in membership. He also expressed pleasure that Mr C. I. Jennings, who recently celebrated his seventy-fifth birthday, and who lie referred to as the best friend of the returned soldiers in the civilian population between the Waimakariri and Waipara rivers, was present. Responding, Mr Macieod said that the progress of the association was largely due to the fact that since its inception it had elected good executors, but much of the success was due to those who had been secretary. Referring to the club room, lie said the venture had proved successful, and the whole of the membership had benefited by its establishment. Mr Jennings thanked the members lor the way in which liiey had honoured the toast, and also thanked Mr Emerson for his tribute to his services. 'llie work he had been able to do had been both a pleasure and a privilege.

The toast of "The Performer.-;" was proposed by Mr C. How, and acknowledged by Mr C. Ironside. During the evening an enjoyable programme of songs and elocutionary numbers were contributed by Messrs D. McKivett iChristchurch), It. Wright arid H. Coey. Six member;-; of tin: Rangiora Brass Band played selections, and Mr .T. W. Cambridge \va:> the accompanist.

Cricket Club's Smoke Concert

Between 40 and 50 members of the Rangiora Cricket Club and nvnnbers of other clubs in the North Canterbury Cricket Sub-Association - ;; coinpetitions attended the annual .smoke concert, and presentation of cups of the Rangiora Club on Saturday evening. The president of the club 'Mr L. Smith) presided, and Ihere were also present:—Messrs H. A. Bennett (president of the North Canterbury Cricket Sub-Association), A. Virtue (Oxford Cricket Club), H. Little (Woodenci Cricket, Club>, D. Innes (Kaiapoi Cricket Club), .1. Tnch (Rangiora Domain Hoard;, and VV. T. N. Keir and C. W. Tyler i Rangiora Borough Council). Among the apologies was one from the Hon. D. Buddo (patron of the club), and one from Mr T. S. Hanria (secretary of Ihe North Canterbury Cricket Sub-Association). The toast of the "North Canterbury Cricket Sub-Association" was proposed by Mr A. L. Woodward, and was responded to by Mr Bennett, who stated that there had been 18 teams in the sub-association's competition this season. lie considered it would be wiser to postpone the competition each season for about a month or five weeks during the harvest period, as country clubs found it hard to field teams.

The "Rangiora Cricket Club" was proposed by Mr L. E. Wilson, who stated that it was the most important toast of the evening. The club was to be congratulated on winning both the senior and junior B grade competitions. Mr H. K. Kippenbcrger, vice-captain of the senior grade team, in response to the toast, said that during the time he bad been a member of the club he had made many friends. Messrs A. G. Hunnibell, Smith, and A. P. Strang hud been the strongest supporters at the back of the club in recent years, and the club appreciated what they had done for it.

Other toasts honoured were: —"The King"; "The Rangiora Domain Board," proposed by Mr G. Morgan, and responded to by Mr Inch; "Other Cricket Clubs," proposed by Mr A. L. Lockhart, and responded to by Messrs Virtue, Little, and Innes. "The Senior Team," proposed by Mr R. Sinclair and responded to by Mr A. L. Lockhart (captain of the team*; "The Junior Team," proposed by Mr W. Steele, and responded to by Mr G. Raincy (captain of Iho team); "Umpires," proposed by Mr C. Bourne and responded to by the chairman; "Supporters," proposed by Mr F. Mehrtens and responded to by Mr Sinclair; "The Performers" and the "Press." The cups were presented by the chairman as follows:—Thos. H. Blain Cup, for best batting average, F. Devlin; F. H. Cleavland Cup, for best all-round senior player, P. G. Roberts.

A number of musical items were contributed during the evening by Messrs R. S. McCleary, H. Russell Sumner, W. Cooke, H. Gill, A. Ward, and A. J. Woodward. Mr A. G. Hunnibell was the accompanist. Tennis Club Closes The Rangiora Tennis Club officially closed its .season for play on Saturday. There was a good attendance at the courts, and friendly games were played. The Northern Agricultural and Pastoral Association's Hall was tastefully decorated with streamers in the club's

colours, blue and gold, in the evening, when a closing dance at which the championship and other trophies won during the season were presented by Mrs E. S. McPhail, wife of the president of the club. There was a good attendance of couples, and several novelty dances were introduced during the evening. Dr, E. S. McPhail thanked the social committee of the club for organising the several dances which had been held during the season. The music was supplied by Miss A. McGrath's dance band. The result of a competition, conducted by the club, was announced, Miss V. Ellis being the winner.. Croquet All but one of the championships of the Rangiora Croquet Club have been decided. The women's senior singles was won by Mrs L. Harper with Mrs J. \V. Stanton runner-up, the junior singles by Mrs C. S. Ayers with Mrs L. Dench runner-up, and the junior doubles by Mesdames R. R. Gillanders and L. Dench, with Mesdames, M. Goldmg and A. Benjes runner-up. The senior doubles have yet to be decided. On Saturday afternoon a 20-minute progressive tournament was played among the members, the contestants being divided into teams, the younger members being the mothers' team, and the older members the grandmothers team. Mrs L. Harper won the mothers' section, and Mrs G. Gibbs Jordan was the winner of the grandmothers' section. Consolation prizes were won by Mesdames L. Dench and H. K. Forward. Bowls A pairs match between teams of the Kangiora Bowling Club, chosen from the east and west side of King street was plaved on Saturday. Twenty-six players took part. The west side won by 140 points to 304. HAWARDEN The April meeting of the Hawarden Women's Institute was held in the Memorial Hail, Miss M. Wright presiding over a good attendance. During the afternoon a presentation was made to Mrs J. Doak, the retiring president, alter three years o£ successful work. The prizes for the previous vear were presented by Mis J. Doak as follows: Cooking, Miss M. Wright 1. Mrs J. W. Wright 2, Mrs Dixon and Mrs Inch, equal, handicraft, Mrs H. D. Burt 1, Mrs J. W. Wright 2, Mrs R. E. Foster Competitions resulted as follows: Nut toffee, Mrs H. Inch 1, Miss J. Croft 2, Mrs Foster 3; best ironed table cloth. Mrs 11. Inch and Miss J. Croft, equal, 1, Miss M.Wright 3. A very interesting demonstration on tinfoil" work was given by Mrs W, Pierr. who was accorded a vote of (banks. The hostesses were Mesdames O. Miles, D. Scott, and Miss Eva Miles.

Tli(j president. Mrs R. E. Foster, presided over a good attendance at the annual meeting of the Hawarden SubBranch of the Plunket Society. A motion of sympathy with the relatives of Mrs J. Spence was passed. Mrs Spenee had been a very loyal supporter of the branch. The nurses' report showed that a very satisfactory number of babies and mothers had visited the nurse. The secretary's report showed that several efforts had been made during the year to assist the fund::. The opportunity was taken of thanking all the willing' workers who had assisted at the flower show produce stalls and dances, also Mr lUenere, who had run the opening 1 right of the Hawarden pictures in conjunction witli the society. The bal-ance-sheet showed a very satisfactory credit balance Of .!MG. The election of otiicers resulted as follows: —President, Mrs F. M. Wright.; vice-presi-dents, Mesdames J. A. Forrester, E. C. White, J. K. Forrester; secretary, Mrs A. Dal/til; committee, Dr. Wood, Mesdanies R. E. Foster, R. Gallctly, W. D. Daly.ell, J. Doak, G. Ecroyd, ,T. W. Fraser, A. Gason, T. J. Crean, J. Gemmoll, D. Dixon, W. KelJock, D. Siciey, F. Craig, J. Bent ley, G. E. Galletly, and 11. J. Mackie. At the monthly meeting of the 11awarden School Committee. Mr W. E. Wright presided. The Education Board had notified the committee that schools would close on April 18 and reopen on April 29, There would not be an election of a school committee this year, but a meeting of householders would be called for April lift, at 7.30 p.m., to place before them tlie annual report, and balance-sheet and other matters upon which residents may wisli to be enlightened. It was reported that the work of sinking Ihe well for the swimming bath was proceeding.

OMIIII A! most enjoyable surprise party was given recently to Mr and Mrs h. Doak, of Ornihi, by the members of the Omihi Presbyterian Church. The Rev. J. A. E. Preston presented Mrs Doak with a crystal salad bowl and servers, in recognition of her faithful services as organist. The time was spent, in games and competitions, which were won by Mrs Preston, Misses Preston, Sloss, and Baxter. Amongst lliosc present were Mr and Mrs ],. Doak, Ihe Rev. and Mrs Preston, Mr and Mrs Love, Mr and Mrs Baxter, and Mr and Mrs IJardie, Mesdames Wyllie, Little, and Timms, Misses Isobel Preston, J. Sloss, M. Baxter, M. Love, and N. Quinnev, Messrs A. Wyllie, J. Love, and L. Baxter. OXFORD A public meeting was field on Friday night to make arrangements for a fitting celebration of the silver jubilee of the coronation of the King. Mr P. Fisher, chairman of the County Council, presided over a fair attendance. If: was decided that the public celebration be held on May o, and that it take the form of a procession and sports, and a dance. A committee was appointed to deal with the procession and sports, and another to deal with the dance. After the public meeting the two committees met. It was suggested that the procession consist of old identities, friendly societies, local organisations, the schools, and decorated vehicles. If. was also decided f hat a commemoration service be field in the Town Hall on Sunday, May 12. EAST EYRETON Mrs Hall and Miss Caroline Hall, Bright.water, Nelson, who have been staying with Mrs D. M. Martin, have left on return home. Mr and Mrs A. Proudlock are spending a fortnight's holiday at Hari Hari, West Coast. KOWAI BUSH The Kowai Bush Social Committee met: on Thursday evening. It was decided that two of the committee would be in charge of each social. It was resolved to hold the usual card tournament next week, and a dance on Easter Monday evening. BELFAST ! The Presbyterian Ladies' Sewing Guild held the annual sale of work in the Belfast Town Hall on Thursday afternoon and evening. The sale was opened by the Rev. J. Farrar. Bad weather affected the attendance during the evening, but in spite of this the sales showed an improvement on last year. The following were the stallholders:—Plain sewing: Mesdames Ross and E. T. Wilson; fancy work: Mesdames W. T. Rogers and J. Murfitt; sweets: Mrs Farrar and Misses R. Holt and J. Wilson; produce, Mr E. T. Wilson and Misses A. Murfitt and L. Cassidy; sugar-bag stall, Miss Rogers; toys. Mrs Sewell; drinks and ices, Mrs Cutting; jumble stall, Mrs S. Farquhar and girl helpers: competitions: i Messrs S. Farcjuhar and W. T. Rogers; I tea-room: Mesdames King, F. Weeber, H. Kennett, Drummond, C. Clarke, S. McFadden, and Miss L. Cleland,

SOUTHBRIDGE Mrs C. J- Wilson presided over a good attendance at the. annual meeting of the Southbridge branch of St. Saviour's Guild. Those elected to office wore: President, Mrs A O. Thompson; vice-president M -s U. secretary, Miss M. Patterson trustees, Mesdames C. 1.. Wilson and R, F. Pilkington. Last. year's President and secretary were thanked tor their services. It, was decided to pay a visit to the orphanage in connexion with the adoption by the branch of another orphan. r i. At u social held, in tiicl of the funds of the Southbridge branch of the Returned Soldiers' Association, there was a good attendance. The most successful euchre players were Mrs A. Hannah and Miss E. Maw and Messrs R. C. Mejarrow and D. Montgomery. The committec provided supper. The Rev. f. M. Curnov;, of Lincoln, conducted the service at the monthly meeting of the Mothers Union, and afterwards gave an address, for which he was thanked. The hostesses v l , eru Mesdames A. C. Greenwood, E. A. luwood, and D. Montgomery. Mrs R. R. Adair presided over the monthly meeting of Piesbyteiian Women's Missionary "Union, and gave j an interesting address on the life of Kagawa, a famous Japanese Christian, who is to arrive in Christchurcn in June. Good business was done at a '■• ales table conducted in aid of mission funds. Matters in connexion with a conference to be held tit Dunsaiiucl on Good Friday were discussed. A I duet was sung by Misses E. Gabbie and O. Howatson, and the hostesses were Mesdames J. Adams and H H. Heslop. SHEFFIELD The following are the judges appointed fo act in the remaining sections of the Malvern Agricultural and Pastoral. Association Show, to be hold oil Thursday:—Grain and seeds, Mr MePhail (Christchurch); potatoes, Mr Banks ißangiora;; house and dairy, Miss Burns (Horrellville); preserves, Mrs Colin Mcintosh (West Eyreton); fruit. Mr C. H. Adams (Greendale); photographic and school work, Mr Lancelot Watson (Oxford); fancy work, Mrs M. E. Lyons (Christchurch). Mrs B. S. Morrison and children have left on a holiday visit to relatives in Hataitai, Wellington. Mr and Mrs F. Hart, of Dunedin, have returned home after a short holiday visit to Mr and Mrs A. Hart, ol Wuddington. Mrs L. H. Scoon, of Mcthven, is paying a visit to her sister, Mrs J. T. Johnstone. Mr Sidney Jones, of Styx, is the geust of Mr and Mrs C. D. Sealey, Waddington.

RUSSELL'S FLAT A very enjoyable afternoon war. spent in the Russell's Flat School grounds, when the parents and friends gathered to watch the final tennis tournament of the year. During the day the garden plots were also judged by Mr A. Bloor, and MrsH. .Tudd and Mrs J. Pritchett judged the decorated vases and garden bowls. These were a credit to the children and the 3udgcs found it difficult to decide the prizes. Afternoon tea was provided by the parents. The wife of the chairman. Mrs J. Brown, in presenting the prizes, congratulated the teacher, Miss H, Wilson, and pupils on their splendid display of flowers and artistic garden bowls. Miss "Wilson suitably responded and thanked the parents lor making the afternoon a success. Prizes wer« won as follows:—Tennis, Marjorj Miles, senior; Lorna Wason, junior Garden plots, Harold Miller and Johr Olorenshaw: Decorated vases, Std. . : and C, Lorna Wason; Std. 3 and 4, Wil liam Erown. Garden bowls, Std. 1 Neil Mercy; primers, Morris Oloren shaw. On April 29 a householders' meet ing will be held in the schoolroom i< discuss the annual report and balance sheet, and to elect a social club com mittec Xor the ensuing year. Miss King is the guest of Mrs A Duncan, "Springvale."' ; DARFIELD The monthly meeting of the Darfield Greendale branch of the Women ! Christian Temperance Union was hel at Darfield. Mrs F. Cullen was i (he chair. Votes of sympathy wer passed to members who were indi: [ posed. It was decided to place o . record the work of the late Mrs Rud 1 (of Greendalei for the temperanc r cause in the district. The secretar f. was instructed to forward letters < thanks to Mr and Mrs W. J. Glanvili ' for their help to the branch while the ; lived in Dariield. A paper written b • Mrs Field, of Nelson, was read by Mi : A. Russell, and was very much enjoye l " It was decided to hold the May mee f ing at Greendale. Afternoon tea w; - provided. • KILLINCHY l At the third of a series of socia held in aid of the Killinchy Seho t funds, there was a fairly good a tendance. At cai'ds the most succes ' ful players were Mrs A. E. Rathgi • and Mr A. Allen. Prizes for a lucl spot one-step went to Miss E. Steve: e and Mr K. Lemon, and for a Mon r. Carlo to Miss P. Bray and Mr Arr strong.

AKAROA e Mies Brocherie gave a novelty gilt 1 evening in honour of Miss Kathleen s Curry, on Wednesday evening. Many s beautiful gifts were received. Mrs G. E N. Henning and Miss Iris Kearney , were winners of competitions. The 1 guests included Misses K. Curry, A. i Brocherie, Mesdames F. Brocherio, G. 1 N. Henning, and G. M. Kearney, Misses R J., W., and P. Brocherie, E. Lelievre, L. _ and I. Kearney, D. Leete, E. Keegan, P. Narbey (Christcliurch), L. Narbey, s. S. Brown, and H. McKendry, and c Master R. Powell. L On Thursday afternoon, Mrs C. W. Leete, and Miss D. Leete gave a handkerchief afternoon for Miss Kathleen t- Curry. Misses K. Curry and Ursula d Brocherie were the winners of a comn petition—"Book Titles." Misses Elsie j Lang and Shirley Oliver played a rJ pianoforte solo. The guests included g Mrs S. D. Curry, Misses Kathleen, v Gwen, and Norah Curry, Mesdames r D. H. W. Curry, A. Hewitt (Robinson's Bay), W. D. Kingston (Robinr son's Bay), C. W. Leete, R. Anderson, j. F. Brocherie, T. Masefield, E. May, 2 F. R. E. Davis and I. Pilkington, Misses " G. Hewitt, A. Brocherie, J. Masefield V. Bell, D. Leete, E. Keegan, A. Cort_ bett, B. Whelch, L. Narbey,' W. Brocherie, S. Oliver, and M. Fyfe. a-

1LEESTON Poppy Day was observed in Leeston on Friday, the Ellesmere Plunket Society and the women's institutes at Leeston, Brookside, and Southbridge d- co-operating to make the effort suei's cessful. In addition to the sale of Id poppies a stall for the sale of home in produce and cakes was conducted. , re Bro. W. G. Mcllraith, acting Noble . Grand, presided over the fortnightly meeting of the HO on Oddfellows' Lodge, at which an invitation was read ceived to the installation of the New ce Zealand Grand Master, to take place r .v in Christchurch on April 22. A proY posal to hold a lodge ball was held over for discussion at next meeting. by [rs It SOUTHBROOK 'as A well patronised social was again held in the Coronation Hall on Saturday night, it being the final night of a series of eight run under the auspices of the combined sports commitals tee. Holland's orchestra played the 30 1 music for the dance. Members of the a t_ fire brigade and itheir wives were present and attended to all arrangements. Mr F. Mcintosh Was master Sen of ceremonies. The Monte Carlo waltz ky was won by Miss McQuillan and Mr 2ns White. The euchre tournament reite suited:—Mrs Alford 1, Mesdames Tuim- ley and Marden and Miss N. Moran equal, 2. The men's first prize was

won by Mr Cam after a play-off v/itt» Mr Young, who received the secona prize. Early on Saturday evening a meeting of the Combined Social Committee was held to discuss the next scries of social evenings, which will fees' ll on Saturday next. To encourage the young people to come early to tac dance it was decided to put on ttii? Monte Carlo waltz early in the evening. SEDGEMERE There was a good attendance at tne first of a series cf socials held b\ Sedgemere Hall Committee. The ners of most games at caras Misses H. Stent and J. McLau&hun. and Messrs T. Gordon and A. H. !*>«• Dance music was played by Lambie and Mr C. Marsh was master of ceremonies. RGLLESTON The fortnightly social and dance held in the Rolleston Memorial Hw was well attended. The card tourna* ment resulted: Women. Mrs Brosna* han 1, Mrs Wittee 2; men. Mr Mugtora 1. Mr Watson 2. The dance music \va. played by Mrs W. Hayes (West Mc ■ ton) and'Mr Fitzgibbon. Mr Campbell was the master of ceremonies Arrangements are well in hand * or dance in the hall on Easter Moraa*

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Press, Volume LXXI, Issue 21449, 15 April 1935, Page 4

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NORTH CANTERBURY Press, Volume LXXI, Issue 21449, 15 April 1935, Page 4

NORTH CANTERBURY Press, Volume LXXI, Issue 21449, 15 April 1935, Page 4