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ANNUAL FIXTURE AT hawarden STRONG CORKIEDALE CLASSES The most successful show in the history of the Hawarden Agricultural and Pastoral Association was that held yesterday. The entries were a record, and all the arrangements and planning of the fixture were better than they have ever been before. For some time, Hie association has felt that it must improve the show, and to that end, it has worked very hard for many months The result was a complete success. The entries were 1600, compared with the previous record of 1293, set in 1930. Plawarden is the centre of the Corriedale breeding area of New Zealand and it was onJy to be expected that the showing of this breed would be strong. In almost all the classes there was keefi competition between representatives of the leading flocks. The champion ram was a splendid animal, bred by C. and T. Anderson, Dalmcny, and fit to take his place in a ring' anywhere The ewe was also an excellent example of the breed, and came from the flock of D. Sidey, Glenovis.. There was also a £ood showing in the Southdown classes, where a number of well-known breeders competed. The ram championship went to C. and T. Anderson, and the ewe award to H. E. Fincham. Cattle Awards ; The cattle were a good section for a district that does not specialise in cattle. H. E. Fincham won the Shorthorn bull and cow championships The champion Jersey bull was found in Mrs T. Innocent's Azalea's Masterpiece. and the female champion m Mrs H. Harrison's Canaan's Jewel. The champion Eed Poll bull was C. li. Bethell's Timpendean Flame, the champion cow, Otahuna Marham Joy, beiny shown by Hie same exhibitor. There was a vorv good showing of horses and ponies. The draughts were a very stronu group for a show of the size", and many champions of other shows appeared in the hght horse ring. The champion draught entire was a colt exhibited by W. Anderson. The best gelding was found i in J. W. K. Lawidice's Dash, and the best mare in li. E. Fincham's entry. , The champion hunter was Miss Konn I Little's Rhoboro, and the champion | for hacks was the same owners Trouble Maker. The award tor the best pony on the ground was made to W B.' McMillan's Kitty, the same animal taking the championship for ponies under 14.2 hatids. The chainpion pony under 13.2 was Miss Cecily Wright's Sheik. The following is the prize list:— duakghT ])Oi:si:s (.Jllil.;!.: )>• G. McClinv..l T„„ cull, (11: J. J. I- Veiling ■ W. Anderson 1 :iixl champion. Gi'ldins '(-) : V.. K. Kawreuce 1 W. T. Karl 2. Gelding, three j ears y* ■ K. Kawreuce I, A. JtJ.ik.-ly 2, W. Karl v li c. I'air of gcMingx U): \\ . K. Kawrenco 1. Twenty-live cwt marc or SiddniK (-): H. S. Kinchain 1 and c.iamt.ioti. W. K. J,.iwn-lic« -. Kilteeu ovi mare or (■!) : .1. W. K. Kawreuce 1 ,1. W. Croit Winter Bros. V h c, G. 'r'npji o. Maru "illi foal at foot (li;: H. K Kincham 1. champion, and v li e, \\. Anderson 2, W. 'l'. Karl 1, e. W'. Karl e. Dry mare (o): If. K. Kinr'uam 1 and J. W. I. Karl V li e. Kill'y, three years (L): J. Trounce I. l-'illy, two years (1): 11. K. Kincham 1, Winter Bros. 2, \\ . I . Kali V Ire. Vearlin- Jilly (Hi: llodgen Lros. I. G. Grav 'J, U. K. Fincham v h v. Team „f (wo horses (".) : 11. K. l'meham 1, W k" Lav.renee "J. W. T. Karl v h e. Team „£'three horses (2 ) : W. T. Karl 1. Team ot four lior.-ch (1): 11. K. Kineham 1. One.,;, of four (1): H. K. Kincham 1. 1.K.11T ItOKSI.S i.lmU'e: Mr G. t>. Kutherfoi'd.; Brood mare, with foal at foot (-) : Miss C. Black 1, Miss K. Qoi;:ley '2. Karmers trap horse CD: i'. Mcquillan 1. Mis- * f - KotTlui!;en 2, li. Kvans v h e. horse, i maid.-ii U) : W. 1!. McMillan I, <!. Kvans 2 Miss J. Loft'lumcn v li e. (ii*; horse, 1 5." and under ('Ji : K. McQuillan 1. Ui;? horse, over 15.2 (•->: >'"• McQuillan '• Koli'hafren 2. Tandem (1): K. McQuillan 1. Hack, maiden (T): ■ K. G. Jilal.el.v I, A. Shand 2, W. K. Sprosen v h <•, W. Parsons h c Hack, i']> to T1 stono ('D : Miss IK Litt'lo 1, Miss C. Black 2, Mi-,-. M. Little v h c. I lack, up to 1:1 stone ('!): K. McQuillan 1. Miss (,'. Black 2, A. Shand v h o. Hack. UP to 15 stone (2): Miss i\r Kittle 1. Miss J. Koffhagcn 2 .Womnii .s hack (8): Miss It. Kittle 1, Miss C. lilack 2, Miss M. Litt.lo v h c, K. McQuillan li c. Troop horse (3): d. K. G. lUakely 1, (*. Kvans 2, .Miss 0. Rlark v h c. I'air )iack-= (2): Miss M. Little J, Miss I;. Kittle 2. Best turn-out (-1): Miss G. N\vii;lit 1. Mrs If. T. Littlo 2, Mrs A. G. Black v h e, J*. McQuillan h c. Best paced ami mannered hack (7): W\ T!. Parsons I, Miss 11. Kittle 2.:: -s jr. Little V h e. | i'U.V 1 K.S : ilr Gordon i l'oiiy stallion (1): C. K. Wilum I. i under KK2 hands (8): JV. It. .McMillan I. I C. K. Wilson 2, Mrs 11. T. Little v h * . J l'ony under 13.2 hands (7): IK Llack , IK I'.urroivs 2, Gecily Wright v h e. Tony under Ll.'2 hands in harness (8): Cecily Writrht 1 and 2. Pony, under 12 hands (t): I l '. Burrow a L T. G. Thomson 2, L. Ifultoii v h c. I > ony, under 11 hands ('l): I'K l»urrows and G. v h c. I'ony, under 11.2 hands in hai'nesM (0) : Cecily Wright 1, Mrs 11. T. Kittle 2, W. Kountreo v li e. Polo pony (:i): McMillan 1, T. J. Crear, jun. 2. .School children's pony (7) .* R. Black 1, 10, Burrows 2 and V h c, M. Torric li e, r K. G. Thomson c. C'oh, under 15 hands (2): JV. B. McMillan 1 and chami)ion, ll'.mntTce 2. Goh in i.iirue-s (4): Mrs U. T. Little 1, W. B. McMillan 2, C 0 ALl' K TITIO N (t i rl ritT'-r, 35 (U- Crcily Wright 1. CI ir I riili-r, un.ier 12 (8): lMiilliua ili.-id 1, J, Mflct'arlnne 2 t Dnpliiio Groi-iiwoud v !j lioy ridor, under 11 (0) : A. K. I, A. Black 2, S. Wood v h c. Boy rider, under 11 (2) : I*. Carx 1, R. Blnrk -. Maiden luin-

let- (3): .T. F. G. Blftkely 1, F. McQuillan 2, P. B. Rutherford 3. Hunter, up to 1" stone (5): Miss R. Little 1, Miss M. Little 2 and 3. Hunter up to stone ('3). Miss R. Little 1, Miss J. Loffhagen 2, Miss M. Tattle 3. Women's jumping (4): . MlbS Little 1 and champion. Pony .lumping ' It. Black 1, K. Burrows 2. _ "Walking hoi. 13): Miss M. Littlo 1. Trotting competition, bovs and girls under 14 (8): T. G. on - son 1, S. Wood 2. Trotting! under U lo> ■ Phillipu Roid 3, Shirley Blakely Black 3. Musterer's ouUU (-) • W. 1>- Mc Millan 1, J. McLean 2. CATTLE (Judge: Mr R. Peach.! Shorthorn hull, two years of over (1): 11. K. Kinchara 1 and champion. Bull, 1 tarliu" (1J : IT. E- Kiiichani J. Cow in or°iu calf (2): 11. K. Fincham 1 and Heifer, three years, in milk or m calt n>- H. K. I' 1. llcifer, two years (1): IJ. K. Pineham 3. Heifer, yearling (2): H, !•:. Fincham 1 aud 2. Jersey—Bull, yearling < H : Mrs nocent 1 and champion. Cow (-,) . Harrison 1, 2, and champion, Yearling (3): W. R. K. Booker 1, v h c, and h c, Mrs It. Harrison 2. " Crossbred— Dairy cow tl). ~W l>tr V Red Toll—Bull uflder two years IT Bethell 1, 2, and champion. Cow, under two years (3) : C. 11. Bethell .1, 2, v h e, and champion. Heifer, under two years (-,). 0. H. Bethell 1, 2, and v li <:. I'IG S (Judge: Mr SI. J. .Scott. I Jioar (:■.): J. W. Croft 1. R. J • 2. How (3): J. W. Croft 1 mid 'J, *;■ J lirico v h <•. Sow with litter (a): Uric® -1. J. W. Croft, 2 and v h c. Lac»» pi-s (2):< i. K Galletly 1. Porker <-)- li." K. lialletly 1, 3. W. Croft 2. SIIKF.P Me.ii.o (judge, Mr G. O. llulherford) Ram, two-shear and over (2):,"-, u Rao 1 2, and champion. Ram, laml) (-) • "W w'. lileKae 1 and 2. Ewe, two-shear or over (2): W. W. Mcßae 1, 2, and champion. lCwo, one-shear, strong combing (;i.> : \V. \V. MeKae 1. Kwe, fmo combing (-■)■ \\\ \V. ilcKae 1. llaU'bred—Ram, two-shear and over (1) • li. Reid J. Ram, one-shear (<>) : G. I'eid J, J1 Inch 2 and v h e. Ham lamb (3) '■ lioid J, W. W. Mcßae 2. Eire, tivo-shear or over (1): G. Keid I. Ewe lamb (1)(J. Keid 1. . Cotriodalo ( Mr J. Imisod- Kam, two-sli.'jir or over (9): C. and T. Andi-rson 1, and cliajniiion, r>. Mdi*y v U i\ J • 'l*. I.vjiiis h o and i'. H;un, onvslu'.'ii O. T. Kvuih I, 0. and T. A nderson D. Sidoy v h c swul ii c. \\ . c.. Ksiin 1 uTiib (lii): A. J. Blakidy 1, 0. . !•;vans 'J, D. v h c, h v. »nd c. J *'<> nun limibs (4): I>. 1 and v h i', O. I. Kvans Kwc, two-shear or over ( 7 K 'l 1 . Mwt 1 , nne hlu*ar (0) ; % 'l ' ' h c. ami champion, 0. T. hvanN - and r. i:\vc ];inib (1:5): P. Sid<»y I aud L' t ».'• IKvans v h r, A. J. BUk-ly J. r and Thri'i> .".vr i'ZW: O. T. Kvans J, il- - 'J and v li

! Natural ('..imlilion Cl»—o* Unm. "<>•" i | .li(.,ir 11r iivit ('it: 0. T. Kvaim 1 and | 11, Sidey v It c. V.wn (b> : I'. Si'l.y >. < | T. Kviins - anil v )i c. Three owns (•!) ■ ! ].). v 1 and L>. Southdown (judge, Ur • W. 1 1 . '' oll ' ls .' Rain, twO-1.1 n• ar or uvuv (li>: _ C. anil IAnderson I and champion, 11. K. I'lncliam 2. Hunt, one-shear {11) : F. H. IjoffUiigcn M. I'. .Macfarlanr: li. rtnm lamb (I!): G. HI,ol't'hai;en 1 and 2. K*'c, two-shear or over 11. K. Fin,-ham 1. 'J, ami champion, (i. H. I.o(VliflWn v )i *. l!we, "lie shear I It: M. I'. Macfarlane 1, U. I'.. Fiuclumi 11. I.ol'fhaseu v 1' i'- I-'""'' ( 1|: "■ I,iiiriui"i'ii 1, I''. K. flurreU 2. Kant lambs tl): G. 11. hofl'hasen 1. Two owns (1): (I. If. LnlThagon 1. Two rnvc lambs (I): G. 11. KntYhaLien 1. K.yeland —Kani, l»'o >ln-nr (2): Kellock 1, 2, anil champion. Rani, one-shear (•Or M rs Kni'-st Wilko 1, 2, hih) v li c. Hum lain)) ("): R. Kcllo-k I and 12. Mis Krncst Wilke v ti <•■ r.ivi', two-shear or over CJ): 1;. IS. Kollm'k 1, c :> Il<l champion. Ewe lamb C;): It. Kellock I and 'J. Other Breeds —Crossbred ewo lambs ( l ) : J. .lories 1. S.M. Corriedale or balt'bred owes (1)' it. -Michael 1. Blnck-f.'iced lambs over 1001b (2) : 11. Black 1. Black-faced lambs, <lO to 10011. (3): A. ,1. Blakcly 1, ,T. \V. Karl 2. Bl.icl;-f need lambs under 001b (10): L. Smellie 1 nnd 2, A. 'J'. Mm-1 v li c, J. W. Knrl b f. White-faced lambs over 1001b (1): li. li. Kellock 1. While-faced lambs, 00 to I.oolb liKellock 1, J. Jonet 2, J. W. Croft v be. White-fa eed lambs, under SlOlb (J): • Jones 1, li. 11. Kellock 2. R. J. Black v be, ,1. W. Croft, h c.. Halfbred or Corriedale lambs. 90 to 10O]b (1): A. J. Blakely 1. Ifalfbred or Corriedale lambs, under POlb (;:): A. lilack 1, A. Bbikely 2, A. T. Karl v b c. JVt lamb (10): Ivy Arres I, K. I Black 2, I'hillipa Keid v h c, Margery Arres ii c. .J. Smellio c. Fat Wethers —Thrre merino (1): T. Knrland I. Three any breed (1): T. ilarland J. Fat ewes, any breed (1): J. W. WriL'ht 1. Kxport lambs, C.T'.M. Company prize (10): 1.. Suieliip 1 and 2. !)0<; K (Judge: Mr Will. Anderson.! Smitbficld (5): TT. ]M. Carr 1, 2, v be. and chainpiwn. Smooth collie ('!) : J. T. Hall 1, -M. Wilson 2. I-. Ifutton v h c. Rourli collio (!)) : H. Sidey 1, B. Warwick 2, ]). Si fifty v b c. Three working sheepdogs f(): IT. M. Carr 1. F. 10. Burrelt 2, W. li. McMillan v h c. Spaniel (, r >) : A. Quip:lev J, <\ Marnsbati- 2, 1,). Wihlinif v )i c. Hportinjr A. 2. I'et floe (0): Mrs C. Karnshaw 1, ,lo.\co Webb 'J, Mrs Dninpicr-Cross-ley v h c. sni:Fi' doc; timals Mr Wm. Mather.; Open event: K. Wilson's I'ly ('■>', points) 1. K. B. Tulloeb's Kellock M 9 points) 2, fi. Simpson's Jean (An poinlsl I). J*. Wilson's Mack (H 7 points) t. T)i.-trict ovem : ; (!. Simpson's Jean ( poin'-) 1, H. B. i Tutlocli's Kelloclv N'l points) 2. D. (ienij mell's Bill (08 jioinrs) (>. Ulakely's Joclc ■ (:\o points) -I, N- Turner's Toli> (;1 1 points) I Bori/rnv ; i 4,1,1 a.-: Mr ti. 11. I."ll'iia-"ii. . . Leghorn pullet, white (2): I'. '.I lirelkcld 1 ami 2. Cockerel, brown M): T. J. Crean, jnn. 7 . Pull-'t, bi-own 4) : T. .1. Crcan, jnn. 1 nnd Orpington, cockerel (5): C. Karnxhaw 1 and v h ili-s K. QuiijlPV Bu 1 let Hi): <. I'arnsbaw 1, Mrs l'\ CJuU'ley I'. Mrs K. I'ilclier v b t. Goose U) ; f*- A. (iriniwooil 1. Turkey (1 J.Mrs C. Karnsliaw !. (, K AI ( Jiidpu : Mr J. Anderson. , Wheat —Tuscan (J): A. Ueeso 1, li. W. Shields 2. J. i>ron v n c. Bearl (I): T. llall 1. Hunters (:i): A. 11. Dulzell 1, D. Karl 1, T. Hall \ ii c. Jnmbuck (3): J. Dron I, Mrs J. Unban 2, -1. W. Croft V li c. Any oilier variety CI) : ,1. W. Croft. I, Hodfscii Bros. 2, R. 7. Black v li c. Barley (1): A. 11. 1 hilzell 1. 'bits, Algerian (15): G. N. Wardnei- 1, -V. H. Dalzell 2. (!ras.s seedsItalian ryo (1): J. \V. Croft 1. Cocksfoot (1): !■!. A. Grimvood I. White clover (1): It. Michael J. Perennial ryegrass (8>: P.

>T. Gardner 1, It. T. Black 2, A. H. Dalzell h c. Oatsheaf chaff (1): A. Reese 1. ROOTS TiimiiK —Swed.sH (2): A. IJ. D.'il/.ell 1, T. Hall 2. White-fleshed (2): D. Anderson |l, .f. ,T. Gallagher 2. Mangolds—Yellow j (ilobo (5): JI. M. Carr J, J. J. Ciallagher 2, jD. Anderson v h c. Any other variety (1): j ,T. Jones 1. Rod carots (1): J. Jones 1. ElEI.n COMPETITIONS (.Judges: Messrs Or. Gardiner and 11. IT. Holland.) drain stack (5): J. W. Earl 1, A. T. Earl 2, J. Wright v h c. Plot of lucerne (3): D. Sidey 1, C. Philpott 2, W. .T. J, Knrl v h c. Turnips svith manuro (1): T, (r. Thomson 3, D. Sides- 2, C. Philpott v h c. Turnips without manure (!!): D. Anderson 1, A. T. Ear! 2, W. ,T. J. Earl v h c. Swedes, halfacre (2): A. Cosvie 1, D. Sidey 2. Mangolds, half-acre D. Anderson .1, A. Cosvie 2, Mrs F. E. Masen v h o. Green feed ('!) : A. Cosvie 1, D. Sidey 2. Permanent pasture (0) : A. Cosvie 1, J. T. Black 2, C. Philpolt- v h c. HOUSE AND DAIRY PRODC'I-; (.Tndgo: Mrs J. Fleming.) While bread (2): Miss E Inch 1. Mrs P. Draper 2. Nut loaf (9): Mrs P. Draper 1, Miss K. Miller 2, Mrs J. W. Wright v h c. Miss M. Wright h c, Mrs F. Bnsrh c. Scones (12): Mrs P. Draper 1, Miss E. Inch 2, Mrs F. Busch v h <■, Mrs T. Anderson li c, Miss P. Harrison c. Brosvn scones (10): Miss P. Harrison t, Miss E. Inch 2, Mrs P. Draper li c, Mrs H. Carr v h c and c. Currant, scones (9): Mrs P. Draper 1, Miss E. Inch 2, Miss P. Harrison v h c, Mrs I. Wilding h c, Miss M. Doyle c. Girdle scones (12): Mrs If. Carr 1 and 2, Miss P. Harrison s- h c, -Mrs T. M. Patchetl h c, Mrs P. Draper e. Shortbread (14): Mrs P. Draper 3, Mrs F. Busch 2. Miss V. Mason v h c, Mrs C. TTall h c, Mrs A. Stone e. Sponge cake (!)) : Miss P. Harrison 1, Miss M. Doylo 2. Mrs P. Draper v h e, Mrs J. W.

Wright h c, Mi's It. V!. Foster c. Spongo sandsvich (8) : Mrs P. Draper 1, Mrs E. Burrows 2, Mrs 11. Carr v Ii c, Miss J[. Doylo h c, Mrs T. Anderson e. .Tain roll (li): Mrs P. Draper* J, Mies M. Wright 2, Mrs J. Wilding v h c, Miss E. Croft li c, Mrs E. Burrows c. Kisses (7) : Mrs E. R. Burt 1, Mrs L. Smellio 2, Mrs E. Burrows v h c, Mrs P. Drapoi" li e, Mrs E. A. Grimwood c. Madeira cake (30): Mrs R. Lesviß 1, Mrs Ij. Kmellle 2, Mrs J. W. Wright v h c, Mrß K. Burrows h c, Miss V. Mason c. Sultana cake (9): Mrs E. Burrows 1, Mrs E. A. Orimsvood 2. Mrs L. Smellie v h c, Mrs J. W. Foster h <•. Mrs P. Draper c. Seed cake (0): Mrs T. Anderson 1, Miss Iv. Miller 2. Miss J Croft v h c. Mrs E. Burrows h c, Miss V. Mason c. Fruit cnko (15) : Mrs P. Draper 1. Mrs .T. W. Foster 2, Mrs E. .f. I l 'l em in u: V h e, Mr-' E. McQuillan h c, Mrs E. Burrows c. Pound caVe (18): Mrs 11. Carr 3. Miss K. Stiller 2. Mrs I'. Butch v h c, Mrs P. Draper li c, Mrs .T. Wilding c. Marhlo cake (3): Mrs E. Borrows 1. Mrs P. Draper 2, Mrs J. W. Wright v h c. Plum pudding (5) : Mrs I'. Drnpor 1 and 2. Mrs It. Lewis v h c, Mrs J. W. Wright h c, Miss jr. Doyle e. Gingerbread (11): Mrs E. Burrows 1, Mrs A. Orimwood 2. Mrs E. J. I'leming v hc, Mrs J. Wilding h c. Miss M. Doyle c. Biscuits, plain (7): Mrs P. Draper 1, Miss V. Mason 2, Mrs J. T. J. Earl v h c. Mrs J. W. Wright h c, Miss M. Doylo o. Biscuits, fancy (5): Mrs .T. W. Wright 1 and 2, Mrs P. Draper v h c, Miss M. Dovle h c, Miss V. Mason c. Pikele(s (C): Airs J. W. Wright 1, Mrs P. Draper 2, Miss V. Mason v h c and c, Mi's T. M. Patehett li e. Gems <:t): Miss V. Mason 3. Mrs P. Draper 2, Mrs E. Burrows 3, Seed cake (2): Miss M. Doylo 1, Mrs E. Burrows 2. Apple jelly (5): Mrs 11. Carr 1, Mrs E. Burrows 2, Miss J. Croft v li e, Miss V. Mason h e, Mrs P. Draper e. Jams and jellies (:i) : Mrs P. Draper 1, Miss V. Mason 2, Mrs J. W. Wright v h c. Tomato saute, (7) : Mrs P. Draper 1, Mrs J. W. Eraser 2, Miss C. Harrison v h c, Miss J. Croft li c, Miss V. Mason e. Soap (4) : Mrs J. W. Wright 1. Miss V. Mason 2, Mrs T. Shields v li c. Uuttcr (9) : Mrs E. J. Fleming 1, Mrs A. 11. Dalzell 2, Miss C. Hall v h e, Mrs O. E. Galletly h c, Mrs 0. Earnshaw c. Hen eggs, white (G) : Miss V. Mason 1, Mrs A. H. Dalzell 2, Mrs J. W. Wright v h c, Mrs T. Innocent li c, Mrs J, W. Oroft c. Ilen eggs, brown (4): Mrs 0. Earnshaw 1, Mrs «T. W. Wright 2, Mrs A. 11. Dalzell v h c. FANCY WORK (Judge: Mrs D. McDonald.)

Knitted cushion (4): Mrs A. Cowie J, Miss P. Busch 2. Embroidered apron (13): Miss M. G. Busch 1, Miss P. Chapman 2, Miss O. Hall v li c, Mrs M. Wright h c, Miss O. Clark c. Throw-over (4) : Mrs A. Cowie 1, Mrs C. W. McKeegnn 2, Miss D. Chapman v h c. Crochet (7) : Mrs C. Earnshtiw 1, Miss O. Earl 2, Mrs G. Plaisted v h c. Coloured embroidery (211): Mrs A. Cowie 1 and c, Miss C. Hafl 2, Mrs M. Lahmert- v h c, Miss M. G. Busch h c. Child's dress (5) : Miss A. McAdam 1, Mrs C. Mason 2, Mrs B. L. Bhuulen v U c. Richelieu work (.5) : Miss C. Jlall 1 mid h c, Mrs C. W. lie. Keegan 2, Miss K, Miller v h c. Tapestry (5): V. Gainsford 1, Miss O. M. Hewctt 2, Miss 0. Ilall v li c. Fine wool article (10) : Mrs A. Hall 1. Miss C. Hall 2, Miss A. Mason v h c, Mrs ,1. Campbell h c. Knitted jumper (7): Mrs IT. Inch 1, Mrs 0. M. MrKi'i'sran 2, Miss A. Z. Sheridan v h c. Knitted cardigan (5): Mrs A. Cowie 1, Mrs 32. R. Hurt 2, Mrs 0. W. Mclveegan v h o. Men's sock* (7): Mrs J. Campbell I. Mrs W. L. Wright 2, Miss A. Mason v h e. SCHOOL WORK (Judge: Mr J. 13. Straeluui.) Suwing—Standard I. (5): Lola Lukey 1, Joan Doak 2, Peggy Reese v h c, Diana Power h c, Helen Karl c. Standard 11. (8) : Melva Brooker 1, Betty Forrester 2, Claire Lewis v h e, Betty Webh h c, Pat-rieia Philpott c. Standard 111. (5): Ruth Gray 1, Jessie Pickering 2, Winnie Stewart v li c, Thelma Foster h c, Joan Brooker c. Standard IV. (1): Heather Burt 1. Form I. (3); .Toad Brlce 1, C'elia Elliott 2, Betty Baker v h c. Form 11. (!}): Belle Gray 1, Nellio Burt 2, Lilian Kennedy c. Pencil drawing, Standard 111. (0) : Edith Guthrie 1, I>. McClelland 2, Eileen Trumper v li c. Colleen Quinlivan h e Standard IV. (o): Jean Stratton 1, Joan

ton 1, Joan Brooker 2. Jessie Pickering v li c. Form I. (2) : G. Tilcher 1, N. Hewitt 2. Form 11. (7): Ella Weir 1, M. Burt 2. Belle Gray v h c, Violet Scott he, B. Iloban e. Colour drawing—Standard 111. (6): Eileen Trumpor 1, Betty Forrester 2, I). McClelland v h c, Rosemary Faliey h o. Seaseapo (7) : Jean Stratton 1, Jessie Pickering 2, Joan Brooke): v li c, ltuth Gray h c. Form I. (3): Heather Burt 1, N. Hewitt 2. Form 11. (7): R. Ecroyd 1, Celia Elliott 2, Joan Brice v h c, M. Burt li c, Belle Gray c. Writing—Standard I. (9): Nola Hendren 1, Joyce Hewitt 2, Teresa Bamford v h c, Betty Laidlaw h c. Standard 11. (10): Helen

Standard IV. (9): Esther Forrester I, Jessie Pickering 2, Winnie Stewart v li c, Jean Strnlton hc, Ruth Gray c. Form I. (7): Sadie Iloban 1, Mario Costello 2, Gwynyth Forsey v h c, Patricia Grimwood li e, H. Wnterlnnd c. Form 11. (14) : Mary Allen 1, Botty Croft 2, Lilian Kennedy v li e, Shona Itossiter li e. Handwork —Infants (8) : Francis Crean 1, Linda Inch 2, Joan Brooker v h c, P. Kelph li c, B. Dwyer c. Infants' model (14): J. Fahey 1, Doris Grimwood 2, Teresa Guthrie v li c, Nellie Doak h c, Shirloy White c. Standard I. (8) : Joyce Hewitt 1, Betty Laidlaw 2, June Mnekie v h c, Nola Heudren h c, A. Inch c. Standard 11. (7) : A. 'Eliott 1, D. Dwyer 2, A. McClellnnd v h c, G. Mason h o, J. O'Carroll c. Standard 111. (6): A. Stowart 1. L. Quinlivan 2. Standard IV. (5); 11. Wright 1, li. Eliott 2. Form I. (2): I'. Karl 1, H. Ginders 2. Form 11. (8) : T. Ginders 1, li. Kcroyd 2, W. Wright v h c, E. O'Connor h c, E. Mason c.

High School Section—Map of New Zealand (fi): Monica McKay and W. McKeegan (equal) 1, F. Lukey v li e. Drawing (12): W. MoKecgan 1, F. Lukey 2, W. Warwick v h c, Ilellau Kennedy h c, Gertrude Hobau and L. Shelley (equal) c. Steucil design, girls (9): Agatha Leary 1, Nettie Burt 2, Patricia Dwyer v li c, Ruth Ileasley h c and c. Picture from silver paper (11): Joyce Webb 1. Peggy Foster 2, Agatha Leary v li t, Noeline Hay ward h c, Olga Fnianuyl c. Wood model, boys (5) : P. Shelley 1, F. Lukey 2, W. R. McKeegan 3. Household article (6): L. llutton 1, G. Dalzi>ll 2. Grass display (G) : K. Burrows 1, Jessie Pickering 2, M. Burt v h c, IJ. Dwyer li r. Department of Agriculture— Calves: Shorthorn (2): 11. Ginderg 1. Jersey (1): Betty Harrison 1. Cooking sponge (10) : Patricia Dwyer 3, Betty Baker 2. Vera Quinlivan vli c, Hellan Kennedy h o. Boys' and girls' clubs—Cooking (12): Ilellau Kennedy 1, Patricia Dwyer 2, Patricia Grimwood v h c, Mary Hoban li c. Betty Inch c. Ginger biscuits (8) : Noeline Haywnrd 1, Patricia Grimwood 2, Mary Hoban v h c, Patricia Dwyer hc, Uuth Heasley e. Bottled fruit (5): Ituth Heasley 1, Patricia Dwyer 2, Hellan Kennedy v H e, Patricia Grimwood h c. Poultry (3) : F. Mason 1, T. Ginders 2, C. Wright v li c. Roots —White potatoes (2): Bella Gray 1, Ruth Heasley 2. Coloured potatoes (1) : Belle Gray 1. Mangolds (1): Belle Gray l. CUT FLOWERS .Rose (D) : Mrs G. O. Rutherford 1, Mrs H. Acton-Adams 2, Mrs F. Quigley 3. Three roses (5) : Mrs G. O. Rutherford 1, Mrs F. Quigley 2, Mrs 11. Acton-Adams 3. Collection of roses (2): Mrs I. Quigley 1. Mrs F. Quigley 2. Dahlia (7): Mrs 11. ActonAdams 1 and 2. Mrs K. P. Baker v h c. Three dahlias (G) : Mrs E. P. Baker 1, the Rov. J. A. E. Proston 2 and 3. Collection of dahlias (4) : The Rev. J. A. E. Preston 1, j Mrs 12. P. Baker 2, Mrs 11. Acton-Ad&ms 3. Three sweet yeas (2) : Misses Jl. and E. Lukey 3, Mrs R. Lewis 2. Collection of sweet peas (3): Miss K. Mason 1, Miss Fitzgibbon 2. Geranium, one head (o) : Mrs T. N. Gardner 1, Mrs F. Quisloy 2, Mrs 11. Lewis 3. Three heads (4): Mrs F. Quigley 3, Mrs R. Lewis 2, Mrs T. N. Gardner 3, Nasturtiums (7): Mrs F. Quigley 1, Mrs J. W. Fraser 2, Misses 11. and E. Lukey 3. Three varieties nasturtiums (7) : Missesi R. and E. Lukey 1, Mrs li. Lewis 2, Mrs F Quigley a. Three single petunias (ti) : Mrs P. Quigley 1 and 3, Mrs J. W. Fraser 2. Three double petunias (3): Mrs J. W. Eraser and Mrs 11. Lewis (equal) 3. Mrs 31. ActonAdams 2. Collection of petunias (4): Mrs 3' 1 . Quigley 3 and 2, Mrs R. Lewis 8. One phlox (0): Mrs 0. 0. Rutherford 1, Mrs J. Quigley 2, Mrs R. Lewis 3. Three phlox (4) : Mrs R. Lewis I and 2, Mrs J. Quigley 3. Zinnias (10): Mrs G. O. Rutherford 1, Mrs M. J- Pawsey 2, Mrs 11. Aelon-Adams 3. Collection of zinnias (8) : Mrs J. Pawsey 3. Mrs H. Acton-Adams 2, Mrs G. O. Rutherford 3. Verbena (7) : Mrs R. Lewis 1 and 2, Mrs F. Quigley 3. Collection of verbenas (4) : Mrs F. Quigley 1, Mrs R. Lewis 2 and 3. Single asters (2) : Mrs J. Quigley 2 Double asters (5) : Miss J. Anderson 1, Mrs R. Lewis 2, Mrs J. W. Fraser 3. Collection of asters (3): Mrs R. Lewis 1. .Collection of African marigolds (4) : Mrs J. W. Fraser 3, Mrs H. Acton-Adams 2, Misses Ti. and E. Lukey 3. Cosmeas (4): Misses R. and 3C. Lukey 3, Miss Fitzgihbon 2. Mrs V l . Quigley 3. Gaillardias (n): Mrs C. E. Mason 3, Misses R. and K. Lukey 2, Mrs R. Lewis

!•. Lilium (2): Mrs .T. Qtiigle.v 1, Mrs B. Lewis 2. Carnation (7) : Mrs .T. Quiglev 1, Mrs T. Anderson 3 and 3. Snlpiglossis (5): Miss E. Mason 1, Mrs R. Lewis ;ind S. Any other flower (8): Mrs F. Quigloy 1 and 2, Mr 3 H. Acton-Adams 3. Michaelmas daisies (4): Mrs R. Lewis 1, Miss Fitzgibbon 2, Mrs H. Acton-Adums 3. Oollection "michaelmas daisies (4): Mrs T. Foster 1, Mrs R. Lewis 2, Mrs F. Quigley 8. Collection flowers (5): \Miases R. and E. Lukey 1, Mrs R. Lewis "... Mrs E. Harrison 3. Decorative Work—decorated table (3): Mrs G. O. Rutherford I,' Mrs C. E. Mason '2,

E. Harrison 1, Mrs C. E. Mason "2, MrJ B. L. Blunden 3. Lady's spray (3>: Mrs G. O. KutherfcrJ 1, Mrs C. E. Mason 2 and 8. Men's buttonhole (4>: Mrs G. O. Rutherford 1, Mrs J. "\V. Fraser 2, Mrs C. E. Mason 3. Children under 14—Basket of flowers <2:: T. Foster 1, K. Gray 2. Vaso of flower* j (3): P. Foster 1, T. Foster 2, E. Gray 3. Spray (2): T. Foster 1, E. Gray 2. Buttonhole (41: T. Foster and R. Gray (equal) 1, P. Foster and J. Stratton (equal) 3. FHUIT Cooking apples (8): D. Sidey, jun. I, ii. P. Baker 2 and 3. Dessert apples (5): O. Sidey, jun. 1 and 3, Mrs A. Stona 2. Cooking pears (3): Mrs J. Jones 1, Mrs 11. Acton-Adama 2. Dessert peara (1): Mrs J. Jones 1. Apples (1): E. P. Baker I. Quinces (6): Mrs D. Sidev 1. Miss R. Mason 2, Mrs J. Jones 3. VEGETABLES Robin Adair potatoes vi.i: Mrs G. J. Iloban I, Mrs H. Actou-Adams 2. Auckianuer potatoes (3): Mrs H. Acton-Adams I, X. J. O'Carroll 2, 1). Sidey, jun. 3. Any other variety (1): L). Sidey, jun. 1, T. J. O'Carroll 2, Mis H. Acton-Adams 3. Artichokes (1): Mrs Fred Pilcher 1. Turnips ijli: M:s3 .K. Mason 1 aud 2, Mrs O. T. Evans 3. Carrots (ti); Mrs J. Foster 1, Mrs H. A. Acton Adams 2, D. Sidey, jun. 3. Parsnips U): 1L Sidey, jun. 1, Mrs 0. T. Evans 2 Mrs 11. Acton-Adams 3. Onions, brown Spanish (0): Mrs H. Acton-Adams 1, E. A. Grimwood 2, F. Trounce 3. Onions, any other variety (I'D: Mrs IL. Acton-Adam3 1, !>. Sidey, jun. 2, F. Trounce 3. (5, : Mrs J. Foster 1, D. Sidey, jun. 2, F. Trourca 3. Cubbage (3): Mrs O. T. Evans 1, Mr» H. Acton-Adams 2, Mrs F. Pilcher 3. Rod cabbage (I): Mrs F. Pilcher I. Silver beet (5): Miss K. Quigley 1, Mrs F. Pilcher Miss li. Mason 3. Lettuce (4): Mrs O. T. Evans 1, Miss K. Quigley 2, D. Sidey, jun. 3 Beans, butter (3): Mi's F. Pilcher 1, it. Mason 2. French beans (.5): Mrs O. 1. Evans 1, Miss R. Mason 2, Mrs J. V. Fraser 3. Scarlet beans {5): Mrs J. U\ Fraser 1, i). Sidey, jun. 2, Mrs H. ActonAdaxns 3. Marrow, yellow (6.1: Mrs U. Acton-Adams I, Mrs J. Jones 2, Miss K. Quigley 3. Heaviest yellow marrow tii: Mrs F. Pilcher 1, P. Baker 2. Green m.-.r-row (12): Mrs J. W. Fr.isc-r 1, Mrs L. Johns 2, E A. Grimwood •>. Heaviest jre-n marrow \7): Mrs J. W. Frasrr I, Dnuumond 2, I'. B;iker 3. Pumpltin •- : Mrs O. Evans 1, Mrs F. Pilcher 2, Misa R. Mason 3. Heaviest pumpkh- if.: Mrs ■ Fraser 1, Mrs H. Acton-Au.-. s Mrs F. Pilcher 3. Cucumber r- ; : M = s I! Uj- n I. Miss K. Quigiev 2. Ii 1 :■ 31>ai i i-1 : V.ri 0. T. Evans 1, K. Pohl 2, M:« U. Mis«n S. Tomatoes (5): Mrs J. W. Fr.isc: 3. M:s» R. Mason 2, 1). Sidov, jun. :}. Leeks t'. : Mrs O. T. Evan - . 1. ('olloetioty of tables (2>: Mrs H. Acton-Adams 1. M « E. Mason 2. lIA BY SHOW Jud.-e: Dr. Fijc. Under 12 months: Mr- K iM-".-bury) 1, Mrs A. Topp -,M .*•;!> i«- » 2. Untie* nine months - Mrs W. lieu in Cl:>- Peak-* 1, Mrs F. Crai? 2. .«•* months: Mrs Morrison Pyranr.-: Va"!#y* 1 Under three months: Mrs T> Cv.!verden).

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Press, Volume LXXI, Issue 21436, 30 March 1935, Page 9

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MOST SUCCESSFUL SHOW Press, Volume LXXI, Issue 21436, 30 March 1935, Page 9

MOST SUCCESSFUL SHOW Press, Volume LXXI, Issue 21436, 30 March 1935, Page 9