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- (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11) LEESTON STOCK SALE Tir- .r:u.m touiures oi the fortnightly stock Hale, bcW ;>l tiio Let-stem yards yesterday wor"" -p'ry of sheep und a larger r.uiubt i "i --tore pig.s than for some <;o:i fi i'-r... '<■ values did no . s|lovp.tiv i.j-i i '.".; ciuf n.'f ■. A f.r ;ix.' portion oi ; 1 • "'l-.y tuU-istr'J t;l iryi ewes i>r I 1 it "v :■ 1 ;> oi ihe h' \•.;■ ' -'i'.'- d"':J'no ;di. toiiii';, tuuiwij it uiU'-h luoru markfd m tile 1.1'.v vl . I'll.; riUl-11l oOVt.s, owill'..; t ol tt:tiK ntt'l I'tn"t- i,(i u1 ;■!!:" ■ 1-n-. sold tairly v.-there I" !"l. ii' Oi l I!. 1:1e .r I Yu II!'..:, it:'.; ■-■ li'"' ( r.e<o un hided tiif f'j'ic.wiri','lor \V. >. .M--Ji-.ii'.-tiliti, t.'i It, 111 1,5t at I7s'cj; iiowis'? p-Ui!' . io 'Ji-.- W.;| l.'-r.s at 7a lid; i>l. It. Sh"Wim 1 II'.:. 51 l.ill'l'ill'j tjV.'C- :it 13 ](|, wethers at. 7s, 107 ewes r *' 'I ; ; A. Mi i/iiu-.d'.iiil, t..}-> co'i':, J . i; 7:7 .w,,, 128 Jxl, •> lambs at

35i ® - I ''. eli.-nt, II cwefi at lis i:d, 1 lamb at :Va tlJC ' u 7(l'. Bros., 10!) tnnr HW.I '>vi;-jf,ir at ills , H. M. Ove-.r----.10 IIV,, -t ;i r. 'i c ; ?! p;i (;wua :,t 3I- ■ AII.JI, L1i',;,,,, CW3 ;it. J;!*.; M'-Pn-vjori, wetiif-r.-.' nt Sa Ui,j • Slieiit'H " J B " fcl cwos at 5s SJ; lira E. S. iiomiltou, lit fat em ; s at lis -Id, 83 riiuc. ut ut, 57 one-year ewes at 9s 2d, I. ami i. lialfbred ewes ;it 12s 3<J • rnenH. 5! «-.v, s ~t Oa Ocl, 6 fat wethers at So 3 oii, Du 1. and f. ewes at Bs, 25 twotoot h v.-et/i.-r; ;t(_ ifjs Od to 17s -id; L. Molifi?ty, 41 .-is and eight-tooth ewes at Ss Stf. Ba'/'.-n J,i«s mafic -18s €d 1o 56a Gd; a chopper 2<?s li't, porkers 23a to .io s ' 6cl, woanci's fr-mi !d Gd, lnodiiim sorts from 12s'.

BLENHEIM STOCK SALE Tbera v,-r„i good demand tor the -115 fsi, Sheep i at .h-.:', ■ it-;,, .„ (ICK hil!t . vith prices t..i -i p;u v.i'h tWu off.M-iji;; »t ''■ ' ■' ''' ' Jfl p - Scvci'.'li par! irn i:i i-| y fj;j! - eta-ndmL- ''f:- -i ttraotcd keen com pi'lit ion. There ,y i:< aitei-il.aiu'o <.»f buverß, Worn 1»1 (..rubs worn nitvfor toum weeks, ami {'ri'-c-H went up to l'ls M for e solitary liva/vy-wcight. Another prime pair brouylit 1-S.- Id, awl medi uoi bo Hs 17s .Id to 17b (VI. Udd. iiutio of liL'ir, went, at 13s lUu, IDs and 13s Da. To,, price for ewes u *i'- b-s Ofi. itllll oiii'-r attractive lots brought IJ= 1., Vis hi,i. Prime sorts (jtoilqfit !0o -!d ipivi-, niedium-weiyht ewes <Js to ii.-i Hxl J.-ijrlit wethers realised Jfcj.-i 7d win! mediuui-'veights its to 17s sd. Prime*:, rv:is brought Uls lid, and tho remainder vent at 17s 7d for smaller torts to IDj ad and Ilia Gd. Store sheep: f j)S7 wero ottered of verv ■mixed>, ami tbey sold particularly well ill pries on a r with the previous talc. Attractive, lines were sold as follows: E'vcf, Joun'i-nionth erossbrods. 17s 9d ; fourtootli fealfbrods, lon lid; four, six and eight-tooth threc-quarferbrods, 15s; two, four, and six-tooth three-quarterbreds, los , ,d; four arid six-tooth thrce-ouarterbreds 38s Id; and two-tooth orossbreds, 18s Id. Vi ether?; Two, four and six-tooth throe<iuarferbreds went at tils ScJ. and orossbreds at 16s and 17s :',d; four and six-tooth halfbreds, on account. of Avondal" Estate, brousht 16.- Id, 17s, and 17s 4d ; and a line of fhree ; qi!a rterbreds tI;S. .METHVEN STOCK SALE The. luttrfl fortnightly stock sale was held a l Methvon on Thursday. There* V'<is a good yarding of fat sheep, for which there was only a moderate demand. Th:> store sheep pens were well ill lied and the sale, beinji a supplementary ewe fair, the largest proportion of tho entry were ev.-es. hi consequence of further rain and prospects for feed still improving, there was a general all round rise in values over tlie main ewe fair of two weeks ago. Tho Bale was. a buoyant one throughout, and very little oi the carding 1 was turned out unsold, 'lae entry oi about CO pigs brought good prices. Sales recorded were as follows: Six fat lambs at 20s 3d, 9 at 16s 10d. 85 at -Jls, 87 at ISs Id. Fat Ewes—Fourteen at lis Id, 74 at lOS

lid, 30 at. lis 4d, 31 at lis, CG at lis Id, 17 at lis lOd, t) at lis 3d, 0 at 12s Id. 1 m 15s, 7 at 10s Cd, -1 at 10s.

Store .Sheep—One hundred four, six and tight-tooth three-quarterbred ewes at 21a, 137 at 21s, -1-1 raps ewes at 12a, 52 twotooth three-quarterbred owes at 22s Gd, 121 three-quarterbred oive lambs at 19s 3d, f.2 failing-mouth ewes at 93 9d, 58 two-tooth three-quarterbred ewe 3 at 21s, 72 threequarterbred ewe lambs at 17s 3d, 5G threequarterbred wether lambs at 14s 3d, 10G four-year-old three-quarterbred ewes at 17s 9d, 111 four-vear-old three-quarterbred ewes at 18s 3d, 1-21 failing-mouth ewes at 12a 6d, 70 at 12a, 160 four, six, and eicjht-tooth threequarterbred ewes at 17s 9d, 14G two-tooth three-quarterbred ewes at 225, 107 rape lambs at 13s Id, -1G wether lambs at I2s 7d, 91 E.m. three-quarterbred owes at 12s, 100 sound and failing-mouth three-quarterbred owes at 10b, 41 four, six and eis;ht-tooth threequarterbred ewe 3at 15s 3d. 72 threequarterbred ewe lambs at 17s 3d, 56 threequarterbred wether lnmbs at 14s 3d, -103 four and five-year-old three-quarterbred ewes at 17s 9d, 123 three-quarterbred rape lambs at 143 2d, 113 two-tooth three-quarterbred ewea at 22s 9d, 19 cull lambs at 7s 9d, 20 cull ewes at 5s 3d. 32 rape ewes at 8s 3:1, 231 two-tootli halfbred ewes at 2Pb Gd, 119 rape ewes at 73, 135 mixed sex three-quarter-bred lambs at 1-ls 6d, 46 two-tootli threequarterbred ewes at 26s 2d, 40 two-tooth three-quarterbred ewes at 2Ss Gd, 62 threequarterbred ewe lambs at 15s 3d, 50 soundMouth three-quarterbred ewes at 16s, 61 sound-mouth ewes at lGs Gd, 84 wether lambs at 13s, 122 two-tooth three-quarterbred ewes at 2Cs 6d, 58 sound-mouth crossbred

*wes at lis 3d, 90 at 16s, 64 sound-mouth three-quarterbred ewes at 17s 6d, 77 halfi bred "ewes at 12s 9d, 110 at 17s 3d, 108 'ound-mouth three-quarterbred ewes at 14s ®d, 102 at 17s, 145 s.m. Romney cross ewes 14s, 240 two, four, six and' eitjht-tooth three-quarterbred ewes at 21s Gd, 304 s.m. halfbred ewes at 17s, 100 at 17s, 295 four, •i* and ha!fbre<l ewes at 21a 3d. Cattle—Cow in profit 32s 6d. 1 bull 10s. Earns—Three two-shear Border Leicester 4 Southdown at 10s Gd, 2 two-shear at 2£gns, 2 at 2igns, 3 at 2 three'hcar at l;?ns, 2 two-shear Border kr at lji/ns, 2 at l?n, 4 at Hfrn?, 4 one•hear English Leicester at 2gns, 1 twoshear at lVtns, 3 at ft?n. Horses—Four-year-old mare at -£'lß, 1 at '"3, three-year treldiirr at ,CB, four-year-old Hare at £l3, threc-vrar filly at £S, fouryear gelding at {'B, three-year mare at £2O 1 at r,l 103. Pips—"Weurters £3 Gd to 13s 6d; 1 fat fig at £2 in s M. GERALMNE STOCK SALE The fortnightly stock sale hi tho GeralQitiQ yards v-us rite best experienced during recent Wee];?, ami there was a very Jsrdin;. Prt'-e-s were above those ol' recent tales, ami values were: — Fas at lis lOd, 23 at 10s, 21i 0* 10a, l:j at 12s 7d. 2S at St 10(1, one j at 10s 4,1, ! at 17s 20 at 10s Gd, 13 at J2s 4d, 0 a', lis -1(1, 1 at 26s 7(1, 11 at 32s Jo, 21 at J-j.s Id. 7 atlls lOd, 2 at lis 7d, 7 ft 12s VI, 7 at 1 Is, 33 at lis Id, 15 at Us lOd, i -K, -} ijs lod, 110 at 20s 4d, 12 J* t-s hi. jr. 10s, 23 at 12s 7(1, 2:5 at 10s Kid, L'O at, JJs 10(1, 24 at 14s Id, 17 at J'l. 21 at lis 4d. 77 at 9s 4(1, 12 at * ls ?d, 30 a: 11;. -id. 17 at 7,< 4d, 61 at lis i:: at lis id, 10 at lis 4d. Int. I.njib-. y :it jr,* 10d, 21 at 17s lOd, #t IV'-' 0d 1 at irts Id, 1 at, 10s 7d, 32 at 17s 10,1, . 19, 10d, 3'J at 19s Id, ™ at 10,1, nr, at 18s 4d, 70 at ISs 10d, 2 ? al ir-s Id -t:j , lt 18s Id, 8-1 at 39s Id, 47 81 19 -> 4d. 1' 1 7 17s 7d, 90 at 19s Id; 103 20 S ]Q,| ,, r5 , lt 17g 10(Ii 34 ;U 17s 3Of!, "J « 17? 10,1, '1 at, 18s 7d, 09 at 18s 4d, at Jl's 4d 27at Ms yd,' 30 at 17s lOd, | 'U Ot 17s 7d, 12 at ISs 4(1, 31 at 17s Id, at 10, 7d. fat Wethers—-i 4at 19s lOd, 17 at ISs 4d, l at 2.j s (d Store Ewes- -100 four and fivo-ycar ewes lis lOd, i;:n at 17s 7d, 72 1. and f. cull . 9B "s Od. 114 f.m. three-quarterbred ,w « at 18s 9J.

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Press, Volume LXXI, Issue 21436, 30 March 1935, Page 23

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COMMERCIAL Press, Volume LXXI, Issue 21436, 30 March 1935, Page 23

COMMERCIAL Press, Volume LXXI, Issue 21436, 30 March 1935, Page 23