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INTER-CLUB SCRATCH MEETING SECONB HALF OP SEASON OPENED BAWKE»S BAY VISITOR PROMINENT Tht absence of many of Canterbury's leading competitors detracted a great deal from the interest and the standard of performances at the inter-club meeting with which the second half cf the amateur athletic season was opened on Saturday afternoon. The Ensor's road ground was used, and condition* there were not helpful to the runners. A steady north-east breeze blew across the ground, and the tracks were not fast

Hie best of the performances was a fine half-mile by the Hawke's Bay visitor, E. Forne; he finished strongly 25 yards ahead of his field, to win in 2min 0 4-sscc, time which, considering the conditions, was excellent. G. P. Irving (Sumner) had led the field most of the way, and with him was H. C. McCaskey (Sumner), until Forne, with an impressive style, went to the front out of the back straight, leaving the rest of the field standing. McCaskey challenged Irving in a close finish for second place. McCaskey getting home inches ahead. The Canterbury three miles champion, G. II Watson, showed unproved form when he won the three miles m 15min 31 l-ssec. the best time he has done In open competition this season. He won as he pleased. F. W. Dukes (Sydenham) again walked the mile within the Canterbury standard time. His figures were 7mm 41 4-ssec. H. W. Wilkins (Technical) beat Mt S. Barraclough (Canterbury) in the hop, step, and Jump, with 42ft Sia, and C. W. Welch (Technical) threw the hammer 110 ft lOin. Barraclough cleared 10ft 6ia in the pole vault. The clubs were divided into sections tor the day as follows: Section I—Technical. Canterbury, Sydenham. Celtic, Sumner, Kaiapoi. and New Zealand Newspapers. Section 2—Presbyterian, Old Boys, University, New Brighton, Rangiora, and Civil Service. The competition among the clubs was particularly interesting. Presbyterian made a stout effort, and amassed a huge total of 98 points in the second ' section. This is the highest yet scored by a B grade club. Technical, in the " tort section, strengthened its lead by scoring 121. Standard Performances Performances better than the Canterbury standards were as follows (standard figures given in parenthesis): " : 860 Yards (2min 2sec)—E. Forne (Hawke's Bay), 2 min 0 4-ssec. Three Miles (lSmin 50sec)—G. H. One Mile Walk (Train SOsec)—F. W. Dukes (Sydenham). 7min 41 4-ssec. Hop, Step, and Jump (42ftj—H. W. .Wilkins (Technical), 42ft 3in. Pde Vault (10ft)—F. S. Barraclough (Canterbury). 10ft Sin; L. E. Smith (Old Boya), 10ft; 11 Blake (University), lm. ,„„ M% „ Throwing the Hammer (110ft)—C. W. Welch (Technical), 110 ft lOin. Total Points SECTION 1 Technical .. ..121 Canterbury .. ..53 Sydenham .. ..31 Celtic .. .. 23 Sumner .. ... 21 Kaiapoi ~ .. 2 N.Z. Newspapers .. 1 SECTION 2 Presbyterian .. ..88 Old Boys .. .. C 9 University .. ..58 New Brighton .. • .. 18 Bangiora .. ... 15 Civu Service ... .. 3 Detailed results:— 6BCTIOK l A Grade 220 YARDS V>, R«dpata (Canterbury) v.- 1 C. S. Barrel! (Sydenham) ~ 2 It. C. McCaskey (Sumner) ~ 3 G. P. Irving (Sumner) .. 4 Ti«», 24s«*. I 880 YARDS fH. C. McCaskey (Sumner) >« 1 a, P. Irvine (Sumner) .. 2 C. W. Bell (Sydenham) >. 3 h. KnlsiH (Canterbury) .. 4, fPiwe, tain 6 1-Siee. Z, ¥«tm (H»wke'« Bay) Jed the field lose*, but could not score points in this •ttßpetition, Bis time was 2mm 0 4-ssec. THREE MIL.ES H. O. H. B»v»se (Technical) .. 1 T. Bwrtlett (Celtic) ..: 2 Vo tine was taken. 440 YASDB HUBDIjKS J. D. XellJcan (Canterbury) ~.; 1 Vim*, 62 2-SHCC MILE WALK , 3P. W. Dukes (Sydenham) „ 1 A, Wickham (Technical) ... 2 Z. Tryon <C*ltie) .. *S Ties*, Tmia 41 4-s«ec. HOP, STEP, AND JUMP i H. W. Wilkin* (Technical) .. 1 i I*. S. Barrftclough (Canterbury) 2 [.. " M. Gordon (Technical) .. 8 £. Tclpctt (Technical) »■.« 4 Distance, 42ft 3in. POLE VAULT' V. S. B*JT*eloogh (Canterbury) 1 Height. 10U 6in. ! THBOWING THE DISCUS ' 3. Thompson (Canterbury) .. 1 ! V. 3. Cotlina (Technical) .. 2 M. E. Collier (Technical) .. 3 i D. Herman (Technical) >.: 4 [ JMitscce, BBit llin. I THBOWING THE HAMMER ; C. W. Welch (Technical) .. X 9. 3. Collins (Technical) -... » »JT. Thoapeon (Canterbury) ... 3 ©iitanee, UOft lOin. B Grade j 220 YABDS ■ G, Ustfield (Sydenham) .. 1 ' H. B. X. Kiddey (Canterbury) 2 lu Walkar (Canterbury) .. 3 E. 3. Williams (Technical) .. 4 Time, 24 4-ssec.

880 Yards—E. A. McNaughton (Canterbury) 1, M. B. Jl&ks (Sydenham) 2, M. Busby* (Kaiapoi) 8. Time, Smin 14 4 saec Three M»«»—?. Batclifl ; (Canterbury) 1, 0. A.B. StevoßSoa (Technical) 2. Time, 16min 11 8-sßec. / 220 Yards Hurdles—M. Gordon (Technical) 1, 0. R. Ohlson (Celtic) 2, 0. W. Bell (Sydenham) 3. 0. B. BradwelJ (Technical) 4. Time, SO l-ssec. ' im 440 Yards* Hurdles —M Gordon (Technical) 1, C. B. BradwUl (Technical) 2. Time, 65sec. .., , Hop, Step, and Jump—o, R. .Ohlson (Celtic) 1, 0. B. BradweU (Technical) 2. E. J. 'Williams (Technical 3, 0. A. Rogers (New Zealand Newspapers) 4. Distance, Throwing the Discus—M. H. Mullaney (Celtic) 1. H. A. Kirby.(Technical) 2, 0 W. Welch (Technical) 3. Distanced 8-u 'Throwing the Hammer—D. Herman (Technical) 1, H. A. Kirby (Technical) 2, J. *■• Lawrence (Technical) 3. Distance, 76ft lm. 0 Grade 220 Yards—A, Barker (Sumner) 1, A. Dini (Technical) 2, B. J. W.ckham (Technical) 3, K. Halligaa (Technical) 4. Time, 26 880 Yards—A, T. Green (Canterbury) 1, T. Taylor 2, E, G. Ware Sydenham) 3, F. J. Matthews (Technical) 4. Clothier (Technical) 1, J. Clarke (Sumner) 2, T, Taylor■ (Canterbury) 8. L. J. Sparkes (Canterbury) 4. Time, 16min 34eee. R. Barclay (Litt e BJ?er) won this race in 10mm 32sec but was running unattached. /Toch--220 Yards Hurdles—A. 0. Dim (Tech nical) 1. K. Halligan <T«cbßiMl) «. "; (Johnston (Sydenham) 3, E. Fancy (Tech niral) 4. Time, 30 4-ssec. ~„,.• i\ n1 440 Yards Hurdles-A. Dini ) 1 B. W. Wickham (Technical) 2, D. Joim .ton (Sydenham) 3 Time, 70 2" ss ec Hop, Step, and Jump—A. Dim U ecn =' col) 1 E! G Ware (6yds) 2, J. C. Harbutt (Sumner) 3, M. Bitchie (Canterbury) 4. D % Ce V?nIW&. H. Mullaney (Celtic), 1. A. Dini (Technical) 2, W. Mitchell (Tech"^rowinf''the Bft biscus_C. Sanderson cal) 2 E. G. Ware (Sydenham) 3, E. Fancy '(Technical) 4. Distance, 70ft 4m. Throwing the Hammer—B. E. Bawstron /Technical) 1, M. E. Collier (Technical) 2, (Technical) 3 0 Sanderson (Technical) 4. Distance, 71ft lOin. SECTION 11. , A Grade 220 YARDS J D Oarmichael (University) 1 a. B. Eathorne (Old Boys) .. - G. H. Geddes (University) .. « N. McClelland (Old Boys) »* 4, Time, 2-lscc. 880 YARDS M. R. Robinson (University) .. 1 i G. H. Geddes (University) ....: - I C. S. Ell (Old Boys) -• •> Timo, 2min 7 3-saec. THREE MILES G. H. Watson (Old Boys) .. 1 A. H. Wayman (New Brighton) I Time, 15min 31 l-ssec. 220 YARDS HURDLES' W. J. Maunder (Bangiora) .... 1 Time, 29 4-ssec. 440 YABDS HURDLES W. J. Maunder (Bangiora) i.;« 1 Time, 68sec. MILE WALK L. Brown (Old Boys) •.-- 1 C. C. Gordon (Presbyterian) .. - S. A. Bell (Old Boys) ..■:•> L. C. Richards (Now Brighton) 4 Time, Bmin 15sec. HOP, STEP, AND JUMP L. E. Smith (Old Boys) ~.. 1 F. K. Askin (University) ... I M. Blako (University) • • 3 Distance, 40ft llin. POLE VAULT L. E. Smith (Old Boy© ■ •..• 1 Height, 10ft. THROWING THE DISCUS N. P. McPhail (Old Boys) ... X Distanco, 77ft 3iu. THROWING THE HAMMER N. P. McPhail (Old' Boys) ~- 1 Distance, 84ft 9 Jin. B Grade 320 Yards —D. P. Jackson (Presbyterian) 1, L. A. Poison (Presbyterian) 2, E. G. Young (University) 3, W. S. Brettolt (Presbyterian) 4. Time, 25sec. 880 Yardß—K. W. Robinson (University) 1, E. J. McEachen (Civil Service) 2, D. P. Jackson (Presbyterian) 3, L. C. Richards (Now Brighton) 4. Time, 2min 6 Three' Miles — L. Dickson (Presbyterian) 1 G. Donohue (New Brighton) 2, L. C. Bichards (New Brighton) 3. Time, 16min IX 3-sscc. 220 Yards Hurdles —G. B. Eathorne (Old Boys) 1, W. S Breltell (Presbyterian) 2, E. B. Hounsell (University) 3, L. A. Poison (Presbytorian) 4. Time, 30 2-ssec. 440 Yards Hurdles! —W. S. Brottell (Prosbyterian) 1, E. B. Hounsell (University) 2, L. A. Poison (Presbyterian) 3, G. H. Geddes (University) 4. Time, 63 l : 6sec. Hop, Step, and Jump—E; R, Hounsell (University) 1. B. Butler (Presbyterian) 2. Distance. 36ft BJin. _ , Pole Vault—M. Blake (University) 1, L. Wooles (Presbyterian) 2, W. S. Brettell (Presbyterian) 3. Height, 10ft. Throwing the Hammer —P. R. Askm (University) 1, S. G. Henry (Old Boys) 2. Distance, 67ft 2in. C Grade ■ 220 Yards —L. Weatherhead (Presbyterian) 1, C. HoUoway (Presbyterian) 2, M. Stanley (Old Boys) 3, D. Johnstone (Civil Service) 4. Timo, 25sec. 880 Yards — IS.. Barclay (Old Boys) 1, J. J. Gracie (Old Boys) 2, 0. Holloway (Prosbyterian) 3, H. B. Anderson (Presbyterian) 4. Time, 2min 15 3-ssec. Three Miles —J. Labudde (Presbyterian), 1, 0. C. Gordon (Presbyterian) 2, H. Cdokson (Old Boys) 2, H. B. Anderson (Presbyterian) 4. Time, 16min 34sec. 220 Yards Hurdles —H. Weatherhead (Presbyterian) 1, P. B. Askin (University) 2, M. Blako (University) 3, M, Stanley (Old Boys) 4. Time, 31 1-Ssec. 440 Yards Hurdles —H. Weatherhead (Presbyterian) 1, L. 0. Bichards (New Brighton) 2, D. 0. Gordon (Presbyterian) 3, H. B. Anderson (Preßbyterian) 4. Time, 68 4-s&ec. Hop, Step, and Jump—H. Weatherhead (Presbytorian) J, L. A. Poison (Presbyterian) 2, M. Stanley (Old Boys) 3. Distance, 36ft 4in. . Polo Vault —L. Cook (Bangiora) 1. Throwing' the Hammer —W. S. Brettell (Presbyterian) 1, L. A. Poison (Presbyterian) 2, R. Russell (Presbyterian) 8, H. Weatherhead (Presbyterian) 4. Distance, 55ft Sin. D Grade Under 18 Years 100 Yards —R. Clarke (Kaiapoi) 1, J. 0. Davison (Technical) 2. H. Cook (New Brighton) 8, A. Bitchie (Canterbury) 4. Time, 11 4-ssec. 440 Yards —O. Waters (Canterbury) 1, H. Cook (New Brighton) 2, A. .0. Bitchie (Canterbury) 8, D. Dynes (Technical) 4. Time, 68 2-ssec. WOMEN'S EVENTS A Grade 100 YA^IDS K. Callinan (Technical) ~ 1 P. Ayres (Canterbury) ..2 I. Anderson (Technical) .. 3 L. Eitesimmons (Sydenham) ~ 4 Time, l'2sec. B Grade 100 Yards—P. Robinson (Technical) 1, D. Eeed (Technical) 2, P. Jones (Technical) 3, P. Halsey (Sydenham) 4. Time, 12 3-ssec. Long Jump-—D. Beed (Technical) 1, P. Jones (Technical) 2, J. Britt (Technical) 8, P. Bobinson (Technical) 4. Distance, 13ft BJin. 6 '

N.S.W. CHAMPIONSHIPS METCALFE SETS RECORD (UHITED PE«SS ASSOCIA.TIOH—BT ELECTRIC TBLEOBJira-^JOPTOIGHT.) (Received January 20, 7.5 p.m.) SYDNEY, January 20. The state' athletic championships were held yesterday. In the hop, step, and jump, J. P. Metcalfe covered 50ft 3§inches, which is an Australian record. Results;-7-220 Yards—T. Hampson 1. Time, 22 3-10 sec. , Half-mile— C. Hall 1. Time, 2min 2 2-ssec 440 Yards Hurdles—S. Stenner 1. Time, 57 1-lOsec. Pole Vault—W. Cartwright 1. Height 12ft 3Jin. •

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Press, Volume LXXI, Issue 21377, 21 January 1935, Page 8

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ATHLETICS Press, Volume LXXI, Issue 21377, 21 January 1935, Page 8

ATHLETICS Press, Volume LXXI, Issue 21377, 21 January 1935, Page 8