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SIXTH ROUND OF MATCHES EVEN G.AME BETWEEN LEADERS OLIVER'S THIRD CENTI RV The main attraction on Saturday v-as the same ai Lancaster Park beiween Riccarton. the leaders for the ( hampionship. and Lancaster Park, standing even with Sydenham for .-.cond place. On the last two occasions that Cromb has won the toss he has put the opposition in, on both occasions in perfect batting conditions. Jfe likes to know how many runs his ride will have to make. Saturday's experience was disastrous, for after getting the strong Riccarton side out for the very moderate total of 180 his team had to bat in a fading light for the last hour's play, and they lost three of their best wickets in the process. However, Cobden and Yates set up a partnership that evened up the 2ame somewhat, and there i..ay still be a close finish. At Hagley Park West Christchurch ptit up a satisfactory total, but Old Boys have made a start —67 for one wicket. The high light at Sydenham Park in the game between Sydenham and East Christchurch was a fine century byOliver—his third this season. Sydenham's good total of 360 should at: least sifsure them against defeat. At Rugby Park. Old Collegians put up their best score of the season—3 Bo—a line innings by Lester being the main factor. The weather was again beautifully line on Saturday, and a cool southerly made the conditions exceedingly pleasant. A strong Riccarton contingent of onlookers increased the usually sparse attendance at Lancaster Park considerably, whilst the matches on the other grounds were also well attended. RICCARTON v. LANCASTEE PARK Fur tli'- first hour's play Riccarton did r..t l..nk the .-iron- batting side they have r-.-enilv shown themselves to he, the steady ■ov.lini- r.f Read and Yates keeping the bats- >•!• n qui.-t. It took Jacobs 15 minutes to '....■n hi- a.cunt with a single, and then -.:•■ inivs-hit a loose full toss for an easy -:.t.-h to Crumb. Roberts assisted Stringer ... improve the position considerably, but Roberts was very scratchy. With the total .1, Stringer tried to turn a straight bail to leg and paid the penalty. With Powell mi the scoring oui.kened, but at 79 Roberts ornped out to a '.empting ball from Kennedy and wns -tr.-rily stumped by Webb, the i hnst s College 'keeper. Afte» getting i..tir -ingles Hooper stepped across a straight in.- from Read, and was lbw. Four good v i.-kets for oo was not an imposing start. \ndreus :I „,i Powell added 35 before the fnrnv-r hit an easy catch to Kerr at forward cover. Onlv ]0 had been added when T'owel! plaved on*. He had played very re--rrained eriek-l, with an occasional beautiful v-orins shot. Bolton and Bull added 20 '..r the next wi.ket. but. the "tail" was x.i.n disposed of. the innings closing after <hre» hours 10 minutes' play. Lancaster, Park opened disastrously. Kerr. »-lio went in with Cromb, bad only made a »ingle when a miss-hit was tbe easiest of <itchcs to Bull. With Dryden in, Cromb t...j.-hed h high rising ball and fell to a <»trh at the wiekct. Dryden hit two good fours, but was then beaten all the way by a tine ball from Andrews. With three down 'or 10 the aspect of the game bad com-T-Utelv changed. However, with more than '. slf an hour to go Yates joined Cobden in s partnership that added 31. and was still : -i charge when stumps were drawn.

RICCARTON First Innings • I Jacob.-. .; Crotnb, b Yates . . 1 a. Stringer, b Yates .. 1« \ AV. Roberts, st AVebb. b Kennedy .. -■' .1 E. Powell, li Yates .. ..41 ... A. Hooper, lhw, b Read . . - ■ ' S Andrews, c Kerr, b Read . - 20 i, A. Bull, c Cobd'Mi. 1. Kennedy .. 2 1 1. Bolton, lbw, 1. Yates •• 3 " 1. J Fnirb.iirn. r Cohden, b Kennedy . . " 7> M. DunnM. not out 71 IT. Rlaekwcll. lbw. I. Kennedy .. " F.xtr:.- ' " __ . . 180 Bowline Analysis— R. .V Read. 25 overs. s maidens, r,B runs 2 wi,-kets; S. J. Yates. ''l overF. fl maidens. 68 runs. 4 wickets: T K»mn"iiv. 13.1 overs, 3 maidens, 25 runs, 4 wi-kcf-; A. P Cobden, 1 over, 1 run. LANCASTER PARK First. Innings T F, c.mi. r Dunnct. b Roberts .. '■' T. Kerr, c Bull, b Roberts . . • ' J r, Drvdci. b Andrews .. •• J A. V. Cobd-n. not out .. • • -\ f J. Yates, not out .. • • 1 ° Ex Ira •■ •- *• _ T,,!.,l for three wickets .. 50 WEST CHKISTCHURCH v. OLD BOYS West Christcbiirch had first strike, and f.regorv and Kerr opened with sound batin" that promised a good partnership. With the total at ;JU, however, Kerr was beaten bv a good ball from Graham bmitn food got busv, but Gregory was unusually lestrained. The former monopolised the .coring until, with the total 52, he was .ompletely beaten by another fine ball from Graham. The latter clean bowled Peake after the left-hander h.ul made only five. Three wickets for 62 made West's prospects tar from bright, but then Allen assisted Grego-y with a partnership that restored 'he position. Thev had added 77 when Graham got bis fourth wicket by bowling 'irego'-v Yiiicnil and Allen made a. useful • ontribution of 57 before Allen made Giaham's fifth victim, this time through a citrh bv Colville Vincent saw the second .fiiturv hoisted and was (hen leg before ■"••cket Six for 2") and Graham had cap- • .'red all "six v.ickcl- Ma yes was run out, :.nd "I the lemaining batsmen Patncl:, v.-it.i a wpll-p'.nvrd 28, was the only one to otter much opp.i.-ition. The inr.imrs closed after • htlle more than three hours' play. Jn 'he three-quarters of an hour remainin ■.- Haill-t- and Fisher both shaped nrom-f-mglv in a partnership of 55, when Hadiec was out le_- before -vieket Scores: w::st chiustchfrch Fust Inniii'-'S r; V i; irv. b Graham •• •" .1 E. Kerr, b Gr.iha-n •- 2-» H D. Smith, b Graham •• - l ~' AV. Peake, b Crahain •• /' '• F. Allen, c Colville, b (iailnuo •- ;>•_> ".. A. Vincent, lbw. b Graham •- -' W 1, Haves, run out •• ' -I.' Patrick. <■ Cook, b Graham ■- 2S .1. Biuton. c and b Cook .. * .! L. l-'mdiav. b Oral am A. Brown, not out •• ••■ 4 , V . I ,-. - a ■ ■ ..16 T.,,1,' ■■ Bowluu .\n.i'vis--M. ('.r.ihani, 26 overs. • maiden #1 rn'is, 8 wickets; AV. Leonard, Hi 'overs 3 ma'dens, 31 runs, R F Cook, 15.1 overs, 1 maiden, 71 runs. 1 wicket; : f. R. Fseott 10 overs, 2 maidens, -12 runs; ', .1. \fcH-wen, ! overs. 2 maidens. 7 runs. HIGH SCHOOL OLD BOYS First Innings W. A. Hadiec, lbw, b Vincent .. .. 2'i L. H. Fisher, not out .., -• -3 C. Colville, not out .. •• - JCxtias •• ™ Total for one wicket .. -• 67 SYDENHAM v. EAST CHRISTCHTJRCH A great opening partnership by Oliver and T'.rllamv bad East's bowling in serious trouble before half the afternoon had gone. Marriott and S. Ellis kept the batsmen fairly 'iuiet for a time, but when Allsopp went on Oliver helped himself to two sixes—both mighty hits. Runs came faster now, and the ■ entury was passed in less than an hour and a half. Oliver smacked two mor<* sixes off Mlsi-j.p unit reached his century in an hour :-i'<l 30 miri'iies. It took Bellamy two hours ■I, reach 50, and v. itii the total 186 the lefthander fell to a beautiful one-handed catcli by McPhail. AA'allburton went in and Oliver »»ried the proceedings by lifting Ellis clean into Brougham street. His brilliant innings "™ to an end when he went out to Quaid and *rma stumped. In a thoroughly enterJjratßt'diipliij he had shown the soundest Iwiis ?":, ' whil st his scoring strokes were ■St iKL!? Vi ani th « -wicket. AVallburton •2^«rtnS?* t8 M l without a ™» beinS TO -40. to Bl»y.ont time. Scores:—

SYDENHAM First Innings C. J. Oliver, st Mortloek, b Quaid .. 147 F. W. Bellamy, c McPhail, b Ellis ; .. 60 R. Wallbnrton, c Mortloek, b Davis .. 10 K A. Gasson, c and b Davis .. 20 L. Butter-field, c and b Ellis .. 25 M. Gray, b Davis .. ... 0 W. Kpong, c Ellis, b Allsopij .. 3 \\~. J. V. Hamilton, not out ... 40 11. Patrick, not out .. .. 13 Extras ~ .... .. 24 Total for seven wickets . . 360 OLD COLLEGIANS v. ST. ALBANS There was another big opening partnership in this game, Dunster and Lester settling down from the start to very sound batting. They were still together when the tea adjournment was taken, and the total was 131. Shortly afterwards Dunster fell to a good catch in the slips by Tucker 1 . Chrystall was shaping confidently when Park got him lbw. Lester saw the second hundred hoisted, and was in the 'nineties when he had a swing at Cummings and was bowled. When Walter was caught by Rankin, four wickets were flown for 222. Alexander set up a good partnership with Jackman, the. Christ's College boy attacking the bowling with clean ;.nd powerful strokes all round the wicket. His partnership with Jackman added 08, and lie then fell to a catch by Burn. The remaining batsmen went fairly cheaply, though Graham, the last batsman, hit up 20 in five strokes, including a couple of sixes. Scores: — 01.1) COLLEGIANS First Innings 1.. I!. Dunster, c Tucker, b Park .. of. s. G. Lester, h Cummings .. •• ' ,:! H. M. Chrystall, lbw, b Park . . 1« c. V. Waller, c Rankin, b Ctiniinings .. 1/ R. K. Alexander, c Burtt, b Tinker , . 04 c. K. Jackman, c and b O'Brien .. I.' G. L. Talbot, c Crawford, b Burtt .. 1 ,T M. Ollivier, c Lindley, b Park .. 14 11. E. Denham, c Dalley, b Burtt .. 7 It. IT. Hamilton, c O'Brien, b Tucker . . « K. Graham, not out . . . . 20 Kxtras .. . . ■■ <"> Tola! . . • • ■ ■ aSO fowling Analysis —T. Tucker, 10.2 overs, 1 maiden, 55 runs, 2 wickets; A. D. Park, 2S overs, G maidens, 100 runs, ;i wickets; M. Cummings, 9 overs, 32 runs, 2 wickets; F. W. Walter, 8 overs, 41 runs; L. C. Lindley, 5 overs. 10 runs; F. P. O'Brien, 7 overs, 1 "maiden, 27 runs. 1 wicket; T. Burtt, 7 overs. 1 maiden. 28 runs, 2 wickets. SECOND GEADE At Ilagley Park, Old Bovs 30!) (Men/.ios Oil, Harris 82, Gill 37, Cobden 37, and liny 21) met East Christchurch, 28 for six wickets. At, Rugby Park, Old Collegians 2-18 (Thompson 67, Graham 43, and Harding ".;■> met Rirearton 08 for three wickets (Kavanagh 45). At, Lancaster Park West Christchurch 223 (Condliffe 56. Colwill 52. Hill 20. Gillaril 25, and llav 22) met Lancaster Park 127 for live wickets (Nolan 56 not out, Westwood 23, and Flcete 21). For Lancaster Park, Evans look seven wickets for 40 runs. At Sydenham Park, St. Albans 107 (hewers 27. Angus 23, and North 23) met Sydenham 251 for six wickets (Walsh 7G, Young 4.1 not out, Doidge 38, and Johnstone 25). For Sydenham, Meßae took five for 30 and Burti four for 35. THIED GEADE (A Section) . Old Bovs 238 (Munt 48, Dickenson 46, Keys 36. Round 35, Eltoft 10, and Bromley 19) met West Christchurch 72 for one wicket (Jones 36 and Parton 19 not out). St. Albans 304 (Roberts 103, Ashliy 66, Smith 4G not out, and Rich 20) met Kiccarton 28 for one wicket. Old Collegians 150 (Bayley 70 and Crowley 55) and 63 for ono wicket met East Christchurch 107. Lancaster Park 193 met Sydenham 32 for one wicket. (B Section) Old Boys 246 (Colville 48, Jefcoale 44, Ward 39, Columbus 32, and Bowes 25) met Sydenham. For Sydenham, Watts took five wickets for 49. West Christchurch 167 (Fox 57) met Lancaster Park 111 (Dixon 39). Boys' High School 347 for seven wickets met St. Albans. Old Boys C beat Christ's College by default. FOUETH GEADE (A Section) West. Christchurch 107 (Hill 23 and Dougall 22) met Technical 108 for four wickets (Gillespie 72 not out, Puddle 34, and Ballinger 21 not out). Suburban team 103 met Boys' High School 52 and 61. West Christchurch District High School 143 met Sydenham 74 (Bain 2S).

Lancaster Park 100 (Lye 4L and Flcete 21) met St. Albans 160 fnr five wickets (Craig 61, Robinson 31, Martin 27, and Muckie 25). (B Section) East Christchurch 2-10 (Davis 4'J and Melville 33) met Riccarton 131 (Ilcgun 53). Old Boys 203 (Mercer 50) met fit. Albans 67 for four wickets. Old Collegians beat St. Andrew's by default. FIFTH GRADE Old Boys 237 (Dyer 63) met Sydenham 73 for two wickets. Technical beat Boys' High .School B by default. St. Albans beat Riccarton by default.

SUBURBAN GAMES GROSE SCORES A CENTURY A good knock by G. Grose gave Sunuyside the advantage in their first innings against Working Men's Club. After two chances curly in his innings Grose settled down and gave a delightful display of forceful driving, and his total of 110 included one six and thirteen fours. Suiinyside's in. nings closed for 279 and at stumps Working Men's Club had lost three wickets for 14 runs. Beckenham gained an advantage of 88 runs over Railway. Scoring was very even no fewer than six batsmen reaching the twenties in a total of 205. At Woolstou Park Shirley were dismissed for 120, Henwood til not out contributing half the total. Marist replied with 189, C. Kirk 57 and T. Coomber 36 having the best scores. At stumps Shirley had lost one wicket for 15 in their second innings. STJNNYSIDE v. WORKING MEN'S CLUE On a wicket that was tricky at one end Suuuyside put up the fair total of 27!). E. Barnes and L. Gordon opened quietly and the first two wickets produced 23 in half an hour. W. Oliver went soon after to a •mod catch by Clegg behind the stumps. A. Cullen batted well for 27 and L. Watson was restrained for 25. After two unaccepted chances G. Grose, who came in with the score at 38, gave a brilliant display, liis cover and straight drives being the main feature of his innings, which realised lib' before be was dismissed when the score was 26'8 for eight wickets. Working Men's Club made a poor start, losing three wickets for 14 in a quarter of an hour. Scores: SUNNYSIDE | First Innings !■:. Ilium-:, b McLachlan . . . . <> L. Gordon, lbw, b Davis .. .. 13 A. Cullen, lbw, b Davis . . .. -7 W. Oliver, c Clegg. b Davis .. 7 ; (J. Grose, run out .. •• Uti L. Watson, b Davis . . .. 25 D. Cocks, run on I . . ..16 11. Thompson, c AVarr. b Harris .. 1 .1. Hartley, c Harris, b Davis .. 7 AV. Ellis, not out . . . . 32 G. Bisphan b Davis . . . . 4 Kxtras .. •• ..25 Total 279 Howling Analysis—F. Harris. 8 overs, 32 runs 1 wicket; L. McLachlan, 12 overs, 32 runs, 1 wicket; A. Davis, 20.3 overs, 90 runs, 6 wickets; C. Smith, 8 overs, 26 runs; AV. Cunningham. 4 overs, 25 runs; IE Mills, i 5 overs. 48 runs. , WORKING MEN'S CECB First Innings W. Cunningham, b Oliver .. .. 8 F. Kiddey, c Ellis, b Gordon . . 1 S. Clegg, c Grose, b Gordon . . 2 J. Mills, not out . - ..3 Total for three wickets .. 14 SHIRLEY V. MARIST Shirley opened the batting at AVoolston Park, but with the exception of Henwood 61 not out and A. Pitt 25 the side gave a very poor display to compile 120. The first eight wickets fell for 49, of which Henwood. who went in first wicket down, had made 30. A sound partnership between A. Pitt and Henwood carried the total to 114 for the ninth wicket, and the innings closed for 120. T. AA'aine bowled well for Marist and at one stage had taken six for 18 runs. G. Blazey and C. Kirk gave Marist a good start by compiling 26 for the first wick,et, and later T. Coomber and A. Murray got together to add 67 for the sixth. C. Kirk's innings realised 57, including three sixes and five fours. S. AA'entworth had a good average for Shirley taking three wickets for 17 runs, while Henwood took two wickets for 2 runs, both of men low down in the batting order. Scores:— SHIRLEY First Innings N. Archer, c Coomber, b AVaine .. 0 S. Rich, st Coomber, b AA'aine .. 7 C. Henwood, not out . . 61 F. Pitt, c Noonan, h AA'aine .. .. 0 E. Kirk, b AVaine . . .. 2 H. Elvy, b McDonnell .. ..4 E. Taylor, b Waino .. ~ 1

Howling Analysis —A. Pitt, 10 overs, 53 runs, 2 nickels; S. Wentworth, 6 overs, 17 runs, 3 wickets: 11. Flvy, 2 overs, 19 runs; L. Kirk, 4 overs, 11 runs, 1 wicket; S. Rich. 2 overs, 34 runs, 2 wickets; N. Archer, 4 overs, 27 runs; C. Ilenwood, 1.2 overs, 2 runs, 2 wickels. BECKENHAM V. RAILWAY Railwav made a poor start against Beckenham, the first four wickets falling for only 34 runs. Hood and (irenfell had a bright, partnership for the fifth wicket, however, bringing the score to 107 before Grenfell was caught by Lilburne off French. Grenfell scored all round the wicket. His total of 53 included six fours and a six. After Grenfell went a rot set in, the last five wickets realising only 10 runs, the side being all out for 117 at 4.30 p.m. French was in good form with the ball. His live wickets were taken at a cost of only 20 runs. Bateman took two for 3. Lilburne and Cawtheray gavo Beckenham a good start, putting on 44 beforo they were separated. lulburne made 34 and Cawtheray 24. The next three batsmen, Weatherliead, Cox, and Stokes, all made over 20 runs each and helped tho score along considerably. The next four batsmen (lid not do so well, contributing but 22 runs to the total. Columbus made a bright, stand for the ninth wicket and brought the score to within four of the 200 mark. He had top score with 30, including two good sixes. The innings closed just on time for -JOS. Scores:—

RAILWAY First Innings W. L.-iwson, b Sincock . , ..17 W. Ailken, <; Cox, b Sincock .... 2 V.. Brook, b French . . ~ 0 L. Hood, c and h Bateman .. 10 'l'. l.'ilrov, b Sincock . . ... 8 !•:. (irenfell, e Lilburne, h French .. 53 • L Kerr, c Sincock, b Bateman .. I I). Mitchell, c Lilburne, 1> French .. 2 J. I'eallie, not, out . . . . 1 (I. Bradford, b French . . 0 A. Hill, 1. French .. .. 1 Kxtrus .. .. ..13 Tolal .. r ... .. 117 Bowling Analysis—F. French, S overs, 2 maidens, 20 runs, 5 wickets; T, Sincock, 5 overs, 33 runs, 3 wickets; N. Stokes, 4 overs, I maiden, 9 runs A. McMillan, 5 overs, 24 runs; M. Heath, 2 overs, 15 runs; D. Bateman, 3 overs, 1 maiden, 3 runs, 2 wickets. RICCKKNHA.U First Innings 11. Lilburne. b Hood .. .. 3-1 S. Cawtheray, c Hood, b Brook .. 24 J. Weatherliead, c and 1> Hood .. 32 I-:. Cox, c Mitchell, b Peattie . . 24 N. Stokes, b Peattie . . . . 24 M. Heath, st Mitchell, b Hood .. 1 F. French, c (irenfell, b Peattie .. -1 A. McMillan, lbw, b Hood . . . . il D. Bateman, lbw, h Kerr . . . . 0 .!. Colombus, c Hill, b I'eallie .. 30 T. Sincock, not out .. .. 2 Extras . . . . (i Total . . .. .. 205 SENIOR B Tenipleton 100 (Drayton 2.1) met Shirley 00 (Agassis 32). Mortliind, six for 23. and Keinpthorne. three for 28, bowled well for Tenipleton, and F. Pitt three for 17, for Shirley. Mairehan 177 (O. Gordon 30, Brook 27, Batnpton -J7, J. Gordon 20) met Avon 113 for eight wickets (Stringer 51, Barnard 31). Bowling for Avon, .1. Mch'win tool; eight wickets lor 30 runs.

JUNIOR A Wurkill- Men's ('lull 1.".:: (Hooper -!>, Tavlor 28) met Shirley 67. Bowling for Working Men's Club, fharp look five for 36. and Egan four for 25. liicrarton 46 am! six for 60 met Midland 157 (Kilpatrick r,!), Beslry 35). Howling for Midland, Beslcy look six for 11. JUNIOR B Kia Ora 167 (Hughes 30. S. Marks 24) defeated Provincial Buildings 58 and 20 for six wickets declared by an innings and 80 runs. Bowling for Kia Ora, 11. Stribling took eight for 24 and four for 20. JUNIOE C Stewart's Gully 230 for eight wickets (Jeffreys 4!), Hodgson 45, Poulton 40) met Oddfellows. Railway 07 (Mcl.cnrian 31, Mitchell 26) met St. Albans 140 (Bestman 45, I'arnell 27). Bowling for St. Albans, Parnell, three for''27, howled best, and for Railway, "Manning took six for 36. JUNIOE D Harmonic Society 191 (G. .souihcrii 56, J. Tennant 32) met Sprcycloo 52 for eight, wickets. . ~ ~ Whitcombe and Tombs 210 (S. Baylis 62) met Beckenham 50 for five wickets. THIED GRADE A Oddfellows .9 beat Opawa 67 by 12 runs 011 the first innings. Bowling for Opawa, Newton took five wickets for 3 runs. Wilmer 146 (Pettit 57) and 94 for five wickets declared beat Riccarton 78 and 135 for two wickets (Giles 62, Kirton 40) by 08 runs on the first innings. Lvttelton 162 for seven wickets declared (Wilson 39, Ward 34) heat Argyle House 81 (Jones 25, Marshall 22) and 64 (Westgarth 22) by an inning* and 17 runs. Bowling for Lyttelton, Gosney took five for 6. Arneson five for 10. and Whitford three for 2, and for Argyle House, Duncan took three for 21. THIED GEADE E Woolston Tanneries 82 - and 78 for five wickets beat Mairehau 70 and 80 for seven wickets declared by five wickets. Bowling for Woolston, Hay took eight wickets for 36 runs, and for Mairehau, Matbieson took six for 29. Waltham 104 beat Ouruhia 73 by 31 runs on the first innings. Bowling for Waltham. Dacombe took five wickets for 28 runs. THIED GEADE C Northeoie A 148 beat Shirley 124 and 119 for iino wicket by 24 runs on the first 111Wa'ltham 127 beat Barrington 94 and 80 by 33 runs oh the first innings. Heatbeotfi 64 and four fof 63 declared defeated Beckenham 59 and five for 10 by five runs on the first innings. Turner, six for 18, bowled well for Beckenham, and Bates, three for 5, for Heathcotc. Matches Next Saturday Xo competition matches will be played on Saturday next, but three matches against the Sydenham Club have been arranged at Sydenham Park. The following teams have been selected for the mat (lies, play commencing at 1 p.m.: — First Team--1.. Cordon, K. Barnes, G. Grose, L. Mahoney (Sunnyside), T. Waine, •i Murray (Marist), J. Columbus (Beckenham), G. Ciill.-ii (Shirley), E. Grenfell (Railway), A. Davis. P. Harris, captain (Workin"-' Men's Club). Emergencies: J. Weatherhead, F. French, A. McMillan (Beckenham). Second Team —R. Kilpatrick (Midland), C. Haase, G. Suckling (captain), T. Davies (Arerivale). F. Porteous (St. Albans), RPhillips, C. Henwood (Shirley), C. Adams (Oddfellows), C. Smith (Templeton), R. Davies (Mairehau), R. Dempsey (Avon). H. Poulton (Stewart's Gully). Emergencies: M. Marshall (Avon), S. Timing (Riccarton). W. Bampton (Mairehau). Third Team —C. Symes (Corsair), C. Holland, captain (Stewart's Gully), 3. Stanley (Argvle House), R. Moir (Opawa), N. Pettitt (Wilmer), R. Dineeen, E. Thorne (Avon), \ Davis R. Moynihan (Shirley), Abbett (Wesfport Coal), J- Lee (Oddfellows), H. Wilson, Ward (Lyttelton), R. Barrhill (Opawa). . Clubs are expected to provide material for club members, and any player unable to play must notify H. Rogers, 32-728, as early as possible. Umpires The following umpires liavo been appointed for the above matches:—First match, Messrs H. Gillard and H. Yeatman second match, Messrs W. Fowell and C. J. Winter; third match: Messrs C. Cooke and H. Nevin. CHANGES IN REPRESENTATIVE TEAMS As H. D, Smith has injured an arm, he will be replaced by M. C. Graham in the Canterbury team to play Auckland. R. E. Alexander -replaces Cook in the side to play South Canterbury.


WELLINGTON. PLAYS AUCKLAND BLUNDELL BOWLS WELL (PRBSS ASSOCIATIO* TELEGBAM.) WELLINGTON, December 23. As was inevitable, the special two days' cricket match between Auckland and Wellington concluded at the Basin Reserve yesterday in a draw. "An extraordinary feature of the play was the weakness of the batting, though the wicket was firm and the outfield exceptionally fast. Credit for keeping the batsmen so restrained must be given to the fast-medium bowlers, who kept a good length throughout, and never allowed the batsmen to open out. Blundell bowled brilliantly, capturing four wickets for 28 runs, and one for 23, and was well supported by Tricklebank and Symes, while Cowie, the Auckland right-hander, did exceptionally well with fast deliveries, which accounted for three wickets tor 63. and two for 21. Townsend also bowled well, his tally being four for 88 and two for 16. The best batting of the match wa= shown by Vivian and Weir, who made an heroic effort to save the day when things were going very badly » Auckland. They carried the total from 59 to 167. putting on 108 lor the fifth wicket. The Auckland captain failed by five runs to reach his century. An Amazing Catch The weather was perfect when Whitelaw and Townsend set out with two wickets down for five to endeavour to overhaul Wellingtons 28.,. After scoring three singles. Townsend straight-drove a ball from Blunded, who took an amazing catch high above his head. , , Vivian quite unaffected by the early disasters, then stopped the rot. He and Whitelaw ran the total to oJ. when the latter was well taken by Tindill at short stop on the legside off Tricklebank. Weir joined Vivian and the pan made a fighting stand. Mainly by Vivian's enterprise, they put on 101) m 85 minutes. The score at. luncheon was 162 for four. On resuming, Weir was out. lbw to Symes, after an invaluable innings for 44. Vivian's Innings Just as the spectators were ready to greet Vivian's century, he attempted to swing one from Tricklebank to leg. He just touch the ball, and Tindill took a smart catch at short stop. Vivian gave a polished display, hitting two sixes and seven fours. Wallace and Sale failed to get going, but Cowie hit lustily till taken at long off. Sharp, assisted by Edmonds, put on 26 for the last wicket. Both were shaping confidently. With the total at 228, a faster one from Symes beat Sharp. Auckland was 55 behind on the first innings. A feature of Wellington's second knock was Tindill's bright display of 42 not out. Ward was shaping well when he played on one from Cowie. Ell was trapped lbw by Townsend, who dismissed Riley in precisely the same manner with the next ball. When the score was 91 for four, Blundell declared. Better Batting After scoring 11 in Auckland's second innings, Mills was smartly taken by Riley in the slips off Blundell. Sale and Wallace then provided the brightest batting of the match. The former was particularly enterprising. With the total at 107 for one wicket, Wallace was well taken at long-off by Wilson off Riley. Sale was left unbeaten with 56. Stumps were drawn at 5.45 p.m. to enable the Auckland team to catch the south boat. Scores —

AUCKLAND First Innings. P. E. Whitelaw, c Tinclill. b Tricklebank .. 22 J. E. Mills, b Bluudcll .. 3 A. M. Mathesoa, b BlundeU .. 0 S. Townsend, c and b Blundell .. 3 H. G. Vivian, c Tindill, b Tricklebank . 95 G. L. Weir, lbw, b Symes .. 44 M. Wallace, b Tricklebank ... 4 W. S. Sale, c Hepburn, b Blundell 3 J. Cowie, c Wilson, b Riley . . Hi D. B. Edmonds, not out. .. .. 20 M. Sharp, b Symes .. 12 Extras (byes 3, leg byes 3) .. 6 Total . . 228

GRAHAM CUP MATCH (rttiss associatiok telegram.) NETW PLYMOUTH, December ■ 23. North Taranaki drew with South Taranaki in a Graham Cup one-day cricket match. North Taranaki made 304 for nine, declared (N. Giddy 87), and South 204 for seven (S. Betts 102). NORTH CANTERBURY SUBASSOCIATION Another set of matches in lln scrnnd round of the North Canterbury Cncket SubAssociation's competition whs begun on Saturday. SENIOK GRADE KAIAPOI v. RANGIORA flaying at Kaiapoi on Saturday afternoon, Kaiapoi in the first innings scored 201 runs (H. Stoddart 12-1, L. Stead 39, 11. Pearce 20 not out, R. Taplin 20, A. Hopkins 20). Bowling for Rangiora, P. Roberts took four wickets for 41 and P. Devlin four for 5-1. JUNIOR A GRADE Playing at Loburn against Rangiora High School Lobum made 87 <R. Keinpthornc 25,' F. Hill, sen., 20. E. Bailey 12, H. Metherell 12). When stumps were drawn High School had lost seven wickets for 79 runs. Bowling for High School R. Ballingor took six wickets for 43 runs and G. Appleton two for 8.


(press association telegrams.) AUCKLAND, December 23. Cricket matches yesterday were interfered uitli by rain. A feature was the splendid tipeninji partnership between Eersuson and Walters fur North Shore against Eden. The pair added 1 SI. Ferguson was unbeaten at stumps with 132. Walters made 104. Results: Grafton (three short) met Youncr .Mens Christian Association one for S. University 247 for eight (Jcssup 84 not out, Worihorspoon S5 not out; Andrewes. four for 07) met King's Old Hoys. Ponsonby 208 for tive wiel«'ls (Snedden 85, Scholium 44, Stullworthy HO) nn-t Parnell. North Shoro 250 for two met Eden.

LADIES' ASSOCIATION MANY TEAMS DEFAULT The absence of several players who were away on holidays caused many of the teams in the women's cricket competitions to default when the competitions were continued on Saturday. Only one senior game was ~|.,V 1, ( ] High School Old Girls v. Beckenham. 'There will be no play now for the next two Haturdavs, and soon after the resumption the Alarv Machin Shield match against Otn.-o and the provincial and test games ■Gainst the Knglish team will bo played. Th" weather was beautifully tine last Saturday and at Malvern l'ark the games were interesting. SENIOR GRADE 11 Mi School Old C.irls heat Beckenham liv Senilis. Beckenham made 57 (I'. Campbell 32 1! Cursons 10). For High School, .1 Gray tool; three for 1, M. Phillips three for 7 I Tnllett two for 0. High School made (i.-, ('.I. Webster 18, XI. Sisson 10). For Beckcnhani, A. Sibley took six for 8 and T. Kerr three for 20. Sprovdon beat Harewocd by default. Technical beat Argyle House by default. JUNIOR GRADE T'olie \ beat Technical by 25 runs. Tohe \ made '.I" (1!. Smith 28, 1,. Harvey 17, R. Prel.blo 12 nol out). For f Technical ti. Kioicv took three for 17 and I. Annan two for ill. Technical made 05 <(.'. Tallon 111, G Kinley 18). For Tohe A, )!. Smith took two for 20 arid !;. Prebbb; two for 30. Stunner bruit Herkenham B by 82 runs. Sumner made 1 'll (P. Farquhar 20, K. Miles 21 -M. Creagh 28 not out). Bowling for neck'enham B, 10. Jewell took four for II and M .lames throe for 13. Beckenham H marie ,10 (!■',. Jewell 27 not nut, B. Bean It). For Sumner, .1. Creagh took three lor i::. . .FRIENDLY GAME Mil, \i,.a l.ciit I'ukaki liv 33 runs .\]i a \|oa made lori (V. (Jelworllrr ;;(i. I'. Hl.-x-l, ■ ler 21 S darner IK. M". .Marks 15). I'ukaki mad" 7:s id. I'tnlvin It. S. Ki nc- Mm 'on J2. 10. King-Mas,,u 24).


Victoria's m<; score i Received December 23, 8.20 p.m.') MELBOURNE, December 21. lit Sheffield Shield cricket Victoria, first innings, scored 558 (Darling 106, Bromley 102; Chilvers three for 144, Chipperlield two for (18). New South Wales, first innings., scored 121 for no wickets (Brown 66 not out. Fingleton 53 not out). QUEENSLAND V. SOUTH AUSTRALIA t Received December 23, 8.50 p.m.) ADELAIDE. December 23. In a Sheffield Shield match against South Australia, Queensland in Ihe first innings lost seven wickets for 397 iCht'isly 80, Levy 90, Tallon 58, Oxenham not out 03).

CAPTAINCY OF NOTTS A. CARH REPLACED i Received December 23, 7.20 p.m.) LONDON, December 22. if. is officially announced that S. D. Rhodes and G. F. Hcane will jointly captain Nottinghamshire in 1935 in successsion to A. W. Cnrr. Carr says the news will not spoil his Christmas. The "Daily Mail" says that Carr's cricket, future has been uncertain since the leg-theory controversy. ENGLISH IN BRISBANE '.Received December 23. 9.20 p.m.) BRISBANE, December 23. The English women cricketers began a match against Queensland on a rainsodden wicket. England, lirst, innings, has lost seven wickets for 165 runs i Miss Snowball 40, Miss Partridge not out 59).

G. Cnllen, st. Coomber, b Waine 1 L. Kington , run out •. «« 1 A. Pitt, b Murray • • ,.. 25 S. Wentwoi Extras Tc •th, b Murray >tal Second Innings .. 6 .. 120 S. Kicli. c Waine, b Kirk . . .. 2 H. Klvy, not out . . .. 8 N. Archer. not out i.. 4 Extra To ita! for one wicket MARIST First Innings .. 15 (i. Blii /..•>'. o Kington, b Kirk .. JO 0. Kirk, c A. Pitt, b Kich . . 57 11. Todd, c Klvy, b Rich 0 M. McKendi rv, b A. I'itt 6 T. AVaine, b A. Pitt . . 20 T. Coombor, , c Rich, b Henwood . . OB A. Murray, b Wentworth 25 W. MeDomi lell, b Wentwortli I G. Waine, t i Wontworth 0 ,T. Leach, 1 tot out . '. 0 J. Noonan, Extras To b Henwood lal 0 .. 189

BOWLING ANALYSIS. i O. M. It. W. Blundel! .. M 1 28 ■1 Symes .. 15 4 41 2 Tricklcbank .. 14 1 (id '.'• O'Neill .. fi 1 24 0 Riley .. 7 n 42 1 Hepburn .. 2 0 7 0 Lamason .. 4 n 20 0 Second Inni] i«s. Mills, c Riley, b Blundel] .. 11 Wallace, c Wilson, b Riley .. 38 Sale, not out .. 50 Extras .. 2 Total for three wickets ,. 107 BOWLING O. M. K. W. Trickle'bank .. 6 1 22 0 Blundell .. '•'■ 0 2M 1 O'Neill .. 3 .1 ?3 0 Symes .. 6 2 in n Riley .. 6 0 28 i WELLINGTON. First Innings , , 2i« Second Innings. W. Hepburn, c Cowie 8 E. W. Tindill, not out ,. -12 S. Ward, c Cowie .. 1!) J. Ell, lbw, b Townsenc 1 " .. 15 L. Riley, lbw, b Townsend .. 0 S. Wilson, not out 7 Total for four wickets .. 91 BOWLING O. M. R. W. Cowie .. 7 2 21 2 Matheson .. 5 0 27 0 Townsend .. 8 3 16 2 Sharp .. 6 1 27 0

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Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21355, 24 December 1934, Page 18

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CRICKET Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21355, 24 December 1934, Page 18

CRICKET Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21355, 24 December 1934, Page 18