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I VISIT 01-' ENGLISH AMATEURS KO2JDAV IN SOl If) C ANTERm ii v . - ,«• '■•>.- Lf.. received from Mr * n s..Hc: >••'- ;<-'"ry to the New f C " >„d (■><■■' V M...-:.::tiuii, that the I ,'V--iieiv- !; '■■>: '■■ ■'■''•' morning. The 1 "•"„,.i ■• >-*: •' i lowed for their I* , eU .- ::. ;;-• L ..rittmas tuurna--1 '. ,i t;.,- I;:- in.-tcad of this §L.v U:'i ■- ■■■'■:''■' ihrough to TiI"'l, ,-i-i - ■.:'.■ '■■■■! lisve unofficial f!v' i:u: : ••■:•- " :! 2G. '/""•■-ev "' '• ''-'•• l! ' ' :1:0! i for Dtmedin | wrc'l;'-'" ■ -■'■ ■ '■ : ''i'i:ged for the 1' ,";6''i*"il v -' ". 1 >v. t •..: .'■•'' !;11 -' new year 3,-*;-, I'.-.. "■•■ '■'■'■''■ Cook, and I *' '" t l:..-.- '.'...•..■''•iii.;rcli to play ~,'.;*,,,;;•..; •'.'.!-.'crijury on Jan-r-W'l. ".■■-■:■ ' Ji-'urn to Welling- ::'..".'■• ' ; - -". playing a match l, :■:■■:.■ 7- .-iai.d team at Here- , .Ssa '•'• --••"">' ■' «»d 7. That IvatVfc i';'-■." •>•■•'• on the folThe C;.:. " <jv\i Club will «,-,VtiK- '■•-'-:■■■ : -' : ' !l - tne clubhouse J: Shu-■•'.'■' •j-' : -" "''"-• match against ckfiterb-ry, --■- '•'■'-11 i;ike tlie players istlie f.a'.;'-.:) cittrwards. 1 MATCH AT F'ALMEHSTON I NORTM I ~" | i. i ■•- ■ ..-::> !KLE'.,».\a.i I I 7:il- ii:.t:::i -o.lcij played at the ifiutx-A :■■■'■-' 1 ■■':■- •'•'■■ Saturday, when |p leaX'..:'- v.:..- "'. H. Horton's round kf t)7, \-:h.::-. .. <■.::■ better than A. J. ,|f;iiiiclu-- "'-■--'- I :-■;-'t-fi. Hie British |tt"3i:i w.'.:...':■: '■ "ih the morning 4tjiir.;-i. -::t! !i • >.];■.' lit Will II team the ffj'f-nioo'i j;ai!:-.. llrsnlts:— I .J. McL'-Jn ••:.:; Michael Scolt beat i|i'.r'jn :■■'! L- :> and 4. I L. G. Garncit ;mti T. A. Bourn beat » A. £. Guy B'.d K. S. Glendinning, 3 !f. H. li-.-i-.'.i: anu B. M. Silk beat Jucbtzii fer.d Si vt!, and 1. Guy r-.:.(i .S-iftrt beat Garnett and j ! CHRISTCHURCH CLUB CHHIi'T.M.'.S TOL'KNA.MENT I "'.-.<■ i r J.'.'i\\ .- .1 i:- the draw for the \ ti:ey iii::d:c::;ii to be played on | Wtd:.t:day ir.or;::-!-: - £SO a.:i;. —W 3.. La wry and E. P. 3 IJ-iier. J. L liia.r and G. P. Anderi: vjl. J. H'. Jacki'i.n and B. F. Keene, ! Y. ?zn.< ;■:.':'. H. V.'. Petrie, J. Carter 1 r.:t T. Knight, 11. L. Blamires and H. . L; £ r.!bai:d. S a rr. —II. K. T. Spanjer and H. J. : j\. Bariov.-, V.'. P. .Anderson and G. ;. C;:li>i' r.i'j::. S. C. Cuthbertson and ' L A. Ccti:.-of!. M. H. Godby and C. B V.';ght. £. J. Pumphr-;y, and J. E. r ;!a:hts'.jj Ci. W. Haverfield and A. I .•'■- Dot.-., C. A. Seymour and E. W.

| -I'i'i a.:.-. -J. S. Cornell and R. W. J Kcrga.-;. L A. Duugall, and O. A. Y. I I Johsistc: . F. D. Jones and L. Harris, I J A. OiivcT and W. Harman. P. H. % 1 :,' Frr-..:.-. and A. R. Blank. R. G. I Arnold -.: A .1. Mcintosh, C. HoldsI I'i'-'A '_. r- ,r''\V:ivri and P. R. Godby, * j S. H. £■•;-•■:■■:■ ;.i.d U. .1. Hobbs, F. P. |!^rrV : . :: >• V.\ G. Morrison. C. L. i Ocv;]t ■.■ :-:.(! A. M. SaUer'hwaite, S. I G«L'.-- . ■ ■ d F. S. Taylor. M. J. Rus--1 f!I .-:-.ri D. Rer-se. J. M. Epps and W. ' T. R->.'rt:'n. J. McDermott and W. | % P::rr:■•:.-. 1 I :&30 :. ;:=. ■-L. K. Robinson and A. E. I JV,r>-. /-. L. Moore and N. H. Skin- | re.- r'. f-; and M. B. Cook. 1 3 J- F. 7:p;;:;:2 nnd E. Rudkin. L. Russell g | i.:.i G. R. Stevenson. Major Hunter | Ei'T :=:d Mr= Kingscnte. *'<• !! ft *'n ■--Mis*- - n. F'eetwood and t ' W:?s S'.-.-f nf- ir . Mrs MeKillop and :'!; 3.1155 F>.r.::nr. M : -; Rr-'dJe and Miss ; j< Vhite-P.-ir/f<-•■. Miss Sevmour and I Si ; « b Reid'n. I The era-..- for the Christchurch amaI f?ur th;in:r>ionship and concurrent Srftroke ha: -dicaps. to be plaved on im-irrd-jv D'-'-embrr 27. is as follows: S 8.20 & ir..—E. P. Miller and J. Carter, tftjt T) GUirkin mrl S. G. H. Rich, H. I f. B'arr.:.--'-.' "-d H. R. T. Snanjer, F. t J*£rr; s ;-!:d W. G. Morrison. C. L. ■:■ Crr-.-.-lev ;,-:d F. V. r Deighton. F. Vinnii,\ c»-.'w> ;.-rl A L. Moore. 19 st-T Knight and M. B. CooV. fi Lipr/hnnd .-ipd J A. Oliver F. Rle B. /.fh'A-or'H --': d T,. P.jccell. J. Millard ■fid D r Rc.-inie. R. G. Arnould and / F n. n r . p. Anderson and C v. S.'i-ani-k. C. A. Seymour and a 1 * C'vkroff f ;,,,._ s;- r V r ; i Ward and G. :! C ,, f j -<v arrt nnf i c B. !■ "*'•">.':!. L A Dr>u?all and S. C. Cufh- • I Ur"-.-. J nnd P R. Godbv. i £ r H'.'-S-v-n-t;, nnd ,T. T. Smith. -T. S »| j I c-'-ibv :•:;'( F J. Piimqhrev. . S •■''-■■- r: M r nnd J. M. [I T-:.-- /. n !;t ; , n ir : ,.-,d R. W. Morgan. 'i T>. H E'l'-fr;- ; (n r? O Andersen. A. E. - ip <">"bb ;...--' p H N F-rpeth. M. ,T. Rusi | jriT rr .i ..• - d. Harman H. R. Asif riral! ;., f i V I T nwv. N. H. Skin- ■ ;:; T.c- v-,' a -j SpUe'-'-hwaite. 'I n <'i<) ■■■■: \ A Tspo n and F. S. 'I *V-V;.. p p,. f .<,. r>,id S Ci. ' ! T 3 .S<f-',-f>» ■:, ■ .-..(i -p r?,,riv; n o. A. v . ! s ;r.hrri„ t . ~„,i D f Christi". H. -T. A. , i r>. ,? it -.,- r>p(.-;r>. F. D Jon^s '"t iT' ! T - '?::-:■- R J Hobbs and A. C. 1 | " ■■ :.. -i • p and ''i ,!'*"' r ' r ' : :•' " "•''" ; A. C. McK'llod and J .'^ F S' f .-.,..-..,,n Ts.Ti-v A. A. Boon and | T ?:- ■--:-' '>'iM for I *f<f.. r; .,,.,, rr ,, n ,j Pt)f 5 i j n .- V r)diti'--n Mrs I r'- r:l ~'.. vt White-Pqr«OPfi. I --♦»-- "-! :.- ,-:, ,:;,,. riavs Pethell, r; it Pr.-.i ni.iv: Mis'; Norton. Pr,.. ~<r : ,,. ~.,-]i ho accepted. I . cr.rn I ii ■ | " ; : -.-.<-re held at Russley ,| ft'.-f-r t; - •.-.-.•r.-k-end in beautiful i| v -'W!i.«-r .- '! tbry proved most inter- '| Cl '-'" i :.<■■:! cards were:—• ■:.>:-(.'LUB MATCH

-"•'» <■■■■■ \:>.:',\i< j.■-■ v.-ii] br> held next rt*fc-<-.-.-' On .lituuiii-v 5 there will F« i'..'.;.r..:i!i l'niiiw.jiiie Stableford 2>£fy iii.n i,i; January (i a bogey han-


The third round of the knock-out competition being played by the Hanmer Springs Golf Club for the Watson trophy resulted as follows: Miss C. Burns beat Mrs A. H. Tovey (rec. 1), 1 up. E. W. Carter beat L. J. Anderson (rec. 6), at nineteenth hole. Miss T. W. Penney beat N. Egan (rec. 5), at nineteenth hole. R. Kennedy beat Miss D. L. James (rec 5), 2 and 1. D. Stack beat Miss M. Eaton (rec. 14), 4 and 3. A. J. Lahmert (rec. 6) beat E. Norman Smith, 3 and 2. Miss M. Stewart beat K. C. Ensor, by default. . B. Bradshaw beat A. Reid, by dedFurther play is postponed until January 12, 1935. ASHBUKTON MEDAL MATCH A medal match was played by members of the Ashburton Golf Club during the week-end. The fairways were hard and fast, while the greens which had been kept well watered during the dry period, were in excellent order. The winner was a N. Lewis with a net score of 6j. lhe

Gross Hep. Net. 1 t ■ -■ ''■'" :x: .. 8<j 12 74 J \ T. .;-.• ■■ - .. o<i 12 74 I S' ** r ' ' 92 17 75 ■ *" # B:r. '■ ■; '.'. 87 10 77 M '■ '1'- -'-.' • .. 3:"> 7 78 I * f A. J • ■ .. 92 14 78 3 J j . J-. ii '..•) .. SB 7 79 1 c '' '.*■ -'"•■• "no .. 90 11 79 ' .. .03 13 80 1 t> lfc ' ' ; ' ! * ...'i .. Ofi 16 80 if % '''■ ''■ : * j.-"<!'. .. <.n 16 81 it w'-'n':' '■■■l .. 9'J 14 82 • :■ ..98 1G 82 ■.■.-.■ Hi KFORD BOGEY H. A. VVH,, Pts. Hep. Ttl. -■--<" .. 34 5 39 :'0!ie .. 29 8 37 'o'i; .. 24 12 36 A. *,; j-v .,. *■ I.' ]■■.'■-'■' <•; .. 29 6 35 -■U(!" .. 27 8 35 A. o v.v- ■>■■',. •'( .. 25 8 33 0. J. ■/, ,-; ' .. 27 5 32 "■ V ''' j: ., .. 18 7 13 10 32 31 28

best cards we ire as follows:— Gross. Hep. Net. H. N. Lewis C. A. Cuff L. E. Carter ... 75 .. 79 .. "75 10 65 10 69 6 69 H. A. Vezey .. 89 .. 75 .. 92 20 6£ 5 70 22 70 11 71 22 71 W. Hedges A. Lane T. Forrest N. Pattle .. 82 .. 93

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Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21355, 24 December 1934, Page 17

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GOLF Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21355, 24 December 1934, Page 17

GOLF Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21355, 24 December 1934, Page 17