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News For Women


Mr and Mrs J. G. L. Vernon and Mr Geoffrey Vernon (Webb street) left last night for a visit to Napier. The Hon. J. A. Hanan, M.L.C., and Mrs Hanan, who were the guests of Professor J. Macmillan Brown and Miss Macmillan Brown, Cashmere Hills, during the week-end, left for Dunedin yesterday. Miss M. I. Calder (Halkett) is the guest of Mrs W. E. McMeekin (Methven) for the McKay-Reid wedding. Dr. and Mrs W. Guildford Todd, of Kaikoura, who have been spending Carnival Week in Christchurch, have returned to their home. Mrs W. J. Hunter (Cashmere Hills), who is a patient in Lewisham Private Hospital, is now recovering after a serious operation. Miss Natalie Grey (Dunedin) is staying with her aunt, Mrs F. FitzHenry, Springfield road. Dr. Winsome Young (Wellington) is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs T. S. Young, Rossall street. Miss Mary Dennehy (Timaru) will leave to-dc;- for Greymouth to visit her brother and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs F. M. Dennehy. Mrs O. Howard Goodwin, who with her young son, Brian, has been visiting relations and friends in New Zealand, i", the guest of Mrs T. D. Lennie, Knowles street. She will leave by the steamer express tonight for Napier, where she wiU join the Rangitiki en route to England. Mrs Reginald Paterson (Anderson's Bay, Dunedin) is spending a holiday with Mrs T. D. Lennie, Knowles street. The engagement is announced of Shona, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs James Scott ("Cannington/' South Canterbury), to James Erskine Watson, only son of Mrs J. Erskine Watson, Gore, and the late J. Erskine Watson, Invercargill. EGG-PRESERVING SEaSON. Thousands of housewives are busy preserving eggs with Ovoline. There has never been a failure for over 30 years with Ovoline. A paste, not a messy liquid. You just rub it on and then pack the eggs away for winter use. Be on your guard if offered "something else just as good." There is no other egg preservative as good !as Ovoline. Is 6d jar. M 6911

N.Z. HOTELS AND TOURISTS. ] Varied opinions are offered by tour-j ists regarding New Zealand hotels.! The popularity of Hotel Stonehurst Christchurch, however, indicates that this leading private Hotel is looked en with a kindly eye by the Tourist Agencies, and the tourists themselves. Every possible comfort and convenience is ottered at Stonehurst, Christchurch. 12/ C per day. £3 10d weekly. —3 PERSONALITY Can be expressed in a style of hairwaving distinctive for its individuality and artistry. So, next time, treat yourself to a real Eugene Permanent Wave by The Annette. The work of Miss Eeron .late of Berlin) and Miss Broun will please you. Ring 41-042 for your appointment. The Annette Toilet Salon. 2 doors from Tivoli. —1 OUTSTANDING BRUSH SELECTION TO SOLVE XMAS GIFT PROBLEMS. The attractiveness of this new, complete Brushware selection at Cameron Smith's leads to the natural conclusion that they would make most welcome Xmas gifts. The hair and shaving brushes are in exceptional variety, and are decidedly lower priced than last year. E. Cameron Smith, Ltd., Chemists, Cathedral square. —6

SISTERS OF THE MISSION FETE CONCERT FOR PINK HOUSE A large audience enjoyed the concert programme, arranged by Mesdames T. Aspell and A. Barrett, and given by the convent pupils in the Assembly Hall of the convent in Ferry road. The proceeds will assist the "pink house" at the forthcoming-fete for the Sisters of the Mission building fund. Many of the items on the well-ar-ranged programme were given by the small Montessori pupils, who charmed the audience with their naivete. A character song, "Piccaninnies," by Judith Young and Paul Gregory, and a recitation, "Pink Bags," by the "pin): house'' babies, were enthusiastically received. The programme was as follows: Welcome. Frances White; sonic. "The Kuilivay Porter,'' boys o£ St.. Joseph's School; dialogue, "The Aili.plcil Child." Kathleen ftilmore and Clare Kortf-snst; drill, "Chan:?ins of tlio Guard," Montussori pupils; sonl'. "Sweet Sunshine." of St. Joseph's School; dance. Sailor's Hornpipe, Joyce Niiwsomo; band, "Have You Heard Our' hand ('' Children h House; character son;, "Four Little, Gipsies." Francos llattc'-Vi. Marie Kiisrukowski, Joyce Xcwsoine, and Jniiu McKay; character recitation. "The -Minuet." elocution pupils; Konjr, "The Mir pherdess " fa) ICnirlisli, fbl French, Jlontcssori pupil's; Hutch dance, iladr. Sieraknwski: character sonfr, "Picaninnies," Judith Yonim and Paul Gregory; song, "(.loach and Four." junior pupils; recitation. "Pink lings," Pink House babies; song, "Mc.Nainara's Hand." llontessovi pupil*; chaructcr duo, "To a Miniature," Cliirn Korlvgnsl and N'orocu Cotter; none, "Christmas Time," infants of St. Joseph's School; character sonir. ".Mien Blue Gown," Joyce Newsoino: recitation, "Hustie Logic," Bernard Keams; character duo and clioru.", "Tin One Goe," children's house; Russian dance. Ntiairo Field; song, ifaori medley. Monfessori pupils: quartet, "I Love to Think of tho Days When I was Vnuii/r." Paul .irdajjh. Norecn Cotter, Jov Mc.Vnbb, ami Fruneos White; recitation, Kut'h Finnerty: song, "Toymaker's Dream," Montessori nupils.


Committee members of the Cash-mere-Sydenham-Spreydon sub-branch of the Plunket Society were hostesses at a morning tea party, held at Ballon lynes, in honour of one of their members, Mrs W. Broadway, who will leave shortly for Sydney. In the absence of Mrs P. G. Greenwood, president of the sub-branch, Mr.« R. W. Anderson (vice-president) expressed regret at Mrs Broadway's departure, and hoped that she would soon return to Christchurch. Mrs Broadway thanked members for their Kind wishes.

.Those present included Mesdames vV. Broadway, R. w. Anderson, J. I. Tnwood. J. K. Archer, J. Poulsen, J. E Blackmore, P. Delargey. A. W. Hale. T. Barnett H. A. Young. C. Ogilvie, H. Wales, Daniel Reese, StanIcy Wilkinson, and M. Gray.

The Lady Editor will be pleased to receive for publication in *' News for Women " items of social or personal news. Such items should be fully authenticated, and engagement notices must bear the signatures of both parties. Correspondence is invited on any matters affecting, or of interest to, women.

MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION WOMEN'S AUXILIARY A meeting of the executive of the Canterbury Manufacturers' Association, women's auxiliary, was held yesterday afternoon, Mrs Machin presiding over a good attendance. Reports were given of the activities of the auxiliary and of the secretary since the last- meeting. Members thought that the afternoon social meeing held recently had been an unqualified success, and it was decided to hold a similar function on Wednesday, November 21. Mrs H. A. Nutt, president of -the Provincial Executive of the Women's Division of the Farmers' Union, will be asked to give a short talk at this meeting. Mrs J. W. Thomas was thanked for her kindness in organising a picture party. It was decided to send a letter of thanks to Mr H. Archbold for his kindness in offering to make a case fOi - the secretary in which she could cirry samples of New Zealand manur factures. The secretary reported that it was hoped to arrange a visit to a local factory during the last week in November.

WOMEN'S TEMPERANCE UNION SUMNER BRANCH The monthly meeting of the Sumner branch of the Women's Christian Temperance Union took the form of a "cradle roll" social. There was a large attendance of children and mothers, who were welcomed by Mrs Carter (cradle roll superintendent). In the absence of Mrs H. Smith, Ensign Ward led the devotional exercises. An interesting address was given by Mrs Hall, president of the Canterbury centre of the union, who was welcomed and presented with a bouquet by two small children. Songs were sung by Mrs Kerr and recitations were given by Mrs Gilbert, Hazel Ford, and Barbara Whittle. Mrs C. Henderson was accompanist. Mrs Carter distributed sweets, fruit, and toys to the children, and afternoon tea_ was served at the conclusion of the meeting.

GIFT PARTIES Before her marriage last week Miss Rheady Austin was entertained by her junior pupils at the home of Mrs Brake 'the Esplanade. Sumner). On arrival Miss Austin received a bouquet of roses from June* Beadel, and when afternoon tea had been served Yatala Brake, on.,behalf of the puoils, presented Miss Austin with a tea set. The children present were Yatala Brake, June Beadel, Hazel Ford, Norma Fee, Daphne Cook, Jessie Beadel, Hope Greenwood, Jean Duff, Peggy Getson, Margaret Hollobon, Betty Barlow, Betty Beadel. and Molly Beadel. At her home at Methvon. Mrs Me-1 Meekin, assisted by Miss Calder (Halkett), held a "bathroom" gift party in honour of Miss Sybil Reid, whose marriage will take place this week. The drawing-room was decorated with bowls of bright flowers, and the guests spent a pleasant time in games and competitions, the prize-winners being Mc-sdames Anderson, Watson, Kennedy, Misses Sybil Reid, and Mary Robinson. Those present were Mesdames I. Watson, J. Anderson, A. Adams, A. Kennedy, C. May, Misses S. Reid. Ailsa Anderson. Mary Robinson. Daphne Adam?'. Beryl Reid. and Isobol Caldev. DIVINE SCIENCE SOCIAL CUB j Members of the Divine Science I Social Club and their friends attended | the fortnightly social and dance arranged by the club and held in the Builders' Chambers, Gloucester street. Len Blogg's orchestra supplied music for dancing, and exhibition dances were given by Douglas Sheppard and partner, and songs by Mrs Boag and Mr Rounthwaite were also enjoyed. I The president thanked the artists who had kindly assisted. VEGETABLE TART Until this recipe has been tried few will realise what an enjoyable meatless dish can be made Line a plate with Fether-Flake pastry. Fill in with the following vegetables, add seasoning, cover with another layer of Fether-Flake and bake half hour in hot oven. Young carrots, peas, turnips, 1 onion Ccooked), 2 or 3 sliced raw tomatoes. Any favourite vegetables can be used. Fether-Flake is perfect puff pastry ready to bake. Useful recipes on wrapper. 8d per lb at all Ernest Adams, Ltd., Cake Shops. —1

WOMEN'S DIVISION OF FARMERS' UNION RIAPUNA BRANCH There was a large attendance at the November meeting of the Ruapuna branch of the Women's Division of the New Zealand Farmers' Union, held in the hall. The secretary, Miss L. Boyd, reported on the recent conceit, which had proved very successful. Mr J. Oliver, of Temuka, wrote offering to give an arts and crafts exhibition and a demonstration of barbola work and tollee-making. The offer was accepted with thanks, the date being flxed for November 22. The secretary of the gardening circle, Mrs Sewell, distributed seeds to members. A vote of Thanks was passed to Mesdames F. Tasker and G. Ross, who judged the competitions. Community singing was held, Miss L. Boyd presiding at the piano, assisted by Miss Mary McLay (violin). Competitions resulted as follows:—Bowl of mixed violas: Mrs A. Glassey 1, Mrs J. D. King 2, Miss D. McLay 3; posy. Miss M. Boyd 1, Mrs T. Sewell 2, Mrs M. Jackson 3; best bloom, Mrs T. Sewell 1, Mrs J. D. King 2, Miss Margaret McLay 3; brown blow-away sponge, Mrs T. Sewell 1, Mrs W. Holland 2, Mrs M. Jackson 3; worked handkerchief, Miss Mary McLay 1, Miss Margaret McLay 2, Mrs R. Gallagher 3. An invitation to members to attend a garden party at the residence of Mr and Mrs J. D. King next Thursday, when members of the Women's Christian Temperance Union will hold their annual meeting, was accepted with thanks. DANCE AT PREBBLETON Many visitors enjoyed a dance held under the auspices of the Prebbleton Amateur Sports Club in the Prebbleton Hall on Saturday. Music was supplied by Les Kinsman's Band, and extras were played by Mrs K. Hammond. Mr C. Hands was master of ceremonies. In the card room, first prizes were won by Mrs C. Hands and Mr G. Thompson, and second prizes by Mrs K. Hammond and Mr J. Earnshaw. Those present included Mr and Mrs G. Hancox, Mr and Mrs W. Kolkman, Mr and Mrs C. Hands. Mr and Mrs G. Rutherford, Mr and Mrs H. Goodwin, Mr and Mrs K. Hammond, Mr and Mrs J. Easterbrook. Mr and Mrs L. Gallagher, Mr and Mrs A R. Smith, Mesdames W. Downey, W. Hands, G. Tod, Inwood, J. L. Giles Misses Margaret Hampton, Ringdale, Irene McGarry, Doreen O'Malley, Elsie Gallagher, Jean Warren Margaret Barr, Violet Kolkman, Rhona lod Kathleen Tod, Joyce Kolkman, Lily Ford, Amy Clifford, Mavis Smith Maida Cain. Carmel Smith, Elsie Smalloy, Mary McKenzie. Rita Kenworthy, Drake. Barbara Jones Shirley Hancox, Gladys Baker, Messrs C. Ward, J. Cuneen, G. Ryan, Warren, L„ G h alla £ hc '-. J- T. Gallagher, R. Smith. Kinsman. A. Johnson, J. Stuart. J. Hartuell. D Barr, M GilvZ U I H V W ? ,ker . J. Barr, 6. Ke?teU hd' I >. est % vc "' R - R °S ers - L - Gallagher, G. Gallagher, A. Wood, G Thompson, P. Dobby. D. Warren H rif, bble ; £., Fuller ' L. Thomas H. Giles, A dies, H. James. J. Earn- &„ C - P'^ a]ley - W - Banks E. Walker, and E. Palmer.

FANCY DRESS PARTY MshS i r ? S , party was held in the jboy Souls 6 UndS ° f thC Addi »Ston The scouts' committee was in charge Int n ngem , mls ' and the entertainment proved very successful. The ■ scouts presented a humorous sketch, and games for the tiny tots, and for r,L„H Idor c Chjldren had bee » arranged. Supper was served to the parents, and the children received ice creams, sweets, and biscuits j Amongst those present were Cyril Bishop (Indian), AveriJl Musson Queen of Hearts), Nellie Watson (backed). Lucy Wakelin (Buv British Goods), Joy Henderson (Guy Fawkes) iNoeline Bruce (Russian), Dawn Bruce I 'Butterfly). Lydia Genet (Cheapest lUrosS). Thelma Munsey (Maypole j Dancer). Joyce Vaughan (Maori Girl) Maud Bryce (Pierrot). Fay Cartev (The House that Jack Built). Shirley Rudd (Harlequin), Audrey Rudd (Japanese). Monica Lunt (Community Singer), Lesley Lunt and Thelma Lunt (Lady Gardeners), Mavis Halsey (Japanese), Hilary Thomas (Fortune Teller), Gwitha Thomas (Dutch Girl), John Henderson (Spaniard), Ray Henderson fSolider), Malcolm Lunt (Flour Bag), Vernon Munsey (Ballin's Cordials), Colin Rudd (Swagger), Jackie Mackay (After the Match), Lawrence Hogg (Guy Fawkes), Ray Drummond (Newspapers), Owen Thomas (Cowjboy), Ray Kissell ( Bedtime), Gilbert Kissell (King), Ken Pitman (Sailor Boy). Clarrle Gorrie (Cowboy). John Campbell (Dutchman), and Claude Bishop (Traffic Signals). VISITORS TO CHRISTCHURCH Cnited Service Hotel: Mrs !{. 11. Xeill (Mount Soiners). Clarendon Hotel: Mrs Crossvell ( Lismore). Hotel Federal: 31b and Miss Phllpotts (Blenheim), Mr and Mrs Ti. Dixon (Greymouth), Mr and Mrs A. Y. Brown (Christchurch), und -Mr and Mrs Edwards (Dunedin ').


BROWN—DELANY Many friends showed a kindly interest in the wedding celebrated yesterday morning at St. Mary's Church, Manchester street, of Doreen Frances, second daughter of Mr and Mrs F. C. Delany, Packe street, St. Albans, to Alfred Vernon, eldest son of Mr and Mrs A. Brown, Tai Tapu, The bride's uncle, the Rev. Monsignor Delany (Dunedin), who performed the ceremony and celebrated Nuptial Mass, was assisted by the Rev. Father S. O'Connor, S-M. Miss Dorothy Blake was the organist, and during the celebration of Mass, solos were sung by Miss Nita .Baird (InvercargilD- j , A large wedding bell, composed of roses, had been suspended in the church porch, and lilies and roses had been arranged throughout the church by girl friends of the bride. A frock of white crepe pompadour, flared from the knees and forming a slight train at the back, was worn by the bride, who was given away by her father. The bodice of the frock had an inset yoke of Chantilly lace finished with a tiny jabot and small buttons at the high neckline, and the 1 long sleeves, also inset with lace, were tapered to form points over the hands. One corner of her long, embroidered tulle veil was arranged to form a lace cap, worn slightly to one side, and held in place with orange blossom at the sides and back, the tulle falling in folds over the train of her frock. She carried a shower bouquet of white roses, begonias and carnations. Miss Vera Quelch (Mosgiel), a cousin of the bride, Miss Kathleen i Brown (Tai Tapu), the bridegroom's sister, and Miss Genevieve Woods (Invercargill), the bride's cousin, were the attendants. They wore frocks of floral georgette in shades of lemon, pink, and green, respectively, the close-fitting bodices having high cowled necklines and double epaulet sleeves. Frills in vandyked effect gave a finishing touch at the kneeline of the skirts, and velvet sashes defined the waists. Velvet bows trimmed the fronts of their large picture hats to tone, and they carried shower bouquets of flowers in pastel shades. Mr Louis Brown (Tai Tapu), the bridegroom's brother, was best man, and the groomsmen were Messrs Alan Baird (Invercargill), and Martin Leonard (Waimate), the bridegroom's cousin. At the Winter Garden, where the reception was held, flowers in pink shadings were arranged in an effective decorative scheme. The bride's mother, who received the guests, wore a navy and white ensemble, and a Baku straw hat to match. She carried a bouquet of spring flowers. The bridegroom's mother wore a wine matalasse frock with beige trimmings, and a taigel straw hat to tone. English roses composed her bouquet. For travelling, the bride wore an ensemble of Lido blue pin spotmarocain relieved with a blue and white yoke in floral design, and a widebrimmed taigel straw hat. i


The monthly meeting of the Wainui Women's Institute was held in the hall, when Mrs Hooker presided over a good attendance of members. An interesting and useful demonstration was given by Mrs Dick on mats made from old rags on canvas, and also mats crocheted from binder twine and wool. A competition on "Wainui celebrities" caused much merriment and was won by Mrs Hooker. The hostesses were Mesdames Humm and Hooker. VISITORS TO HOLIDAY RESORTS

Hftnnier House, Jlanmer Springs: Mr nnd Mrs K. Kndltin (Cashmere), .Miss Kona Rudlnn (C'BEluuarc), Miss Janet Kowc (Cashmere), tho Kev. A. W. and Mrs Stuart (Christchurch). Mrs Juelico Adams (Christchurch), Mr H. Pnrton (Christchurch). Mr C. l'nrton (Christchurch), Mr A. C. Harris (Clirißtchurch), Mr John Simes (Christ-' church), Mr D. Grant (Ohristchiirch)j Mrs Grave Morgan (Christchurch), Mr A. D. McLauchlan (Christchurch), Miss Ailecn McLauchlan (Christchurch), Miss Betty McLauchlan (Christchurch;, Mr B. Hamilton (I'alinerston North), Mr A. Oldfield (The Poplars), Mr and Mrs Richard Wilson (Timaru), Mr and Mrs S. N. B. Wynne (Christchurch), Mrs J. Veitch (Christchurch), nnd Mr Norman Veitch (Christchurch).

The Lodfro, Hanmer Springs: Mr F. W. Freeman (Christchurch). Mr and Mrs J. W. Adams (Timaru), Miss 15. Adams (Timanil, Mr M. Foley (Christchurch), Mrs W. ,T. Scott (Christchurch), Miss A. Scott l('liriMchurch). Mr and Mrs L. Ci. Lilly (Dunedin), Dr. and Mrs Barron (Havelock North), Mrs I. N. Quartermaiu (Chriatehurch), Mr nnd Mrs Keppel Archer (Christchurch). Dr. C. Mnlthue (Christchurch), Mr it. J. Harnett (Chuistehurch), Mrs L. Whitcombe (Wellington), Mrs 11. A. lh'wn (Wellington). Mr 11. A. Homi (Wellington). Mrs 11. Grace (Christchurchl, Mr Sydney Keith (Christchurch). Mrs M. Wi));s (■Christchurch), Mr and Mrs A. J. Collins (Christchurch), Mrs A. Kogers (Pelfast). Miss L. Kojrora (Belfast), Mrs I. Miles (Dunedin). Mr and Mrs It. J. Lvou (Christclmrch), Mies Talbot (Christchurch), Si,- William Hunt (Wellington). Miss M. 'ifrancis (Cashmere Hills), Mr and Mrs Hoadley (Hastings), Miss Iloadley (Hastings), Mrs Horace Smith (Wellington), Mrs S. V. Glasgow (Christchurch), Miss C. Williams (Lyttelton). Miss M. Williams (Lyttelton), Miss R. Sutcliffe (Christchurch), Mr D. Wallace (Lyttelton), Mr 11. C. Stephens (Nelson), Mr and Mrs V. E. Hamilton (Christclmrch), Miss M. P. Hamilton (Christchurch), Mr and Mrs J. Clepc (Stoke), Mr and Mrs A. V. S'hortcr (Wellington), Mr and Mrs 11. Whitemnn (Christchurch), Miss Slocombe (Christchurch), Mr and Mrs George Francis (Chrislehureh). Dr. P. W. Pearcy (Christchurch), Dr. ('.. ,T. Britton (Clirißtchurch), Miss B. Lawrane* (Jnvercargill), Mrs K. G. MclCenzie (Invercareill). Miss M. J. Denniston (Christchurch). Miss I. Wilberg (■Christchurch), Mr N. ,T. Wilks (Christchurch). Mrs B. C. Rutherford (Hororatal. Mr M. B. Edwards (Christchurch). Mr ft. G. Malcolmson (Christchurch). Mr J. A. Morris (Melbourne), and Miss Sharpa (Wuikari). A shilling advertisement in the classified section of "The Press" will sell your goods. Try it. 12 words Is, three insertions 2s 6d.—6

FAREWELL PARTY A farewell party was held at the home of Mr and Mrs J. G. Poison (Barrington street), in honour of Mr K. Brown, who left for England on Saturday. Games and competitions were enjoyed and songs were sung by Miss Grace Moulin and Mr L. Turley. The Rev. E. N. Goring, on behalf of the guests, wished Mr Brown every success. Those present were Mr and Mrs Poison, the Rev. E. N. Goring and Mrs Goring, Mr and Mrs McLeman, Mr and Mrs R. H. Aston, Mrs D. Petrie, Mr and Mrs Gilby, Misses L. Brown, Lillian Andrew, Dorothy Young, Mavis Smith, Dorothy Thomas, Grace Moulin, Nancy Poison, and Roberta Polson, Messrs K. Brown. L. Turley, S. Durose, J. Kotoull, R. Rawstron. A. Thomas, E. McKessar, R. C. Poison, J. H. Poison, and L. W. Poison.

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Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21320, 13 November 1934, Page 2

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News For Women Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21320, 13 November 1934, Page 2

News For Women Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21320, 13 November 1934, Page 2