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—♦ — RANGIORA The annual meeting of the Rangiora Bowling Club was held in the committee room of the pavilion. Mr R. Mcintosh presided and 12 members were' present. The annual report and bal-ance-sheet presented by the committee detailed the season's play and showed that the club had an average amount of success. More interest was shown in the championship games than in the previous two or three years. The following were the winners:—Singles, J. C. Banfield: doubles, J. Lindon and R. H. Bailey; rinks, H. J. Thompson, A. C. Benjes, F. Benjes, and J. C. Banfield. Keen interest was shown in the inter-borough annual competition for the Mcintosh Shield, which ended in a draw. Interest was maintained in the pennant games, and the usual friendly inter-club games. The finances were satisfactory, there being a credit balance of £8 2s. Regret was expressed at the decreased membership but it was stated that,the prospect for new members for the coming season was very encouraging. The report and balance-sheet were adopted. Officers for the year were elected as follows:—Chairman, Mr R. Mcintosh; secretary and treasure!-, Mr A. Hawkins; general committee, Messrs W. E. Barton. T. Cooper, R. R. Gillanders, A. Benjes, J. C. Banfield, and H. Taylor; supervisor of games, Mr A. Hawkins; selector, Mr R. Mcintosh; delegate to centre, Mr J. B. Borthwick; representatives on general committee, Messrs R. Mcintosh and A. Benjes. The total rainfall recorded at the Rangiora High School from Friday morning to Saturday at 12 o'clock was l'l inches. The total fall for the month of August is 3 inches. There was 10 cY>grees of frost yesterday morning. One new member was initiated at the quarterly meeting of the Loyal Rangiora Lodge of Manchester Unity Oddfellows, when Bro. A. H. Miles, N.G., presided over a good attendance. Advice was received that a large party of members from the City of Norwich and Kaia Toa Lodges (Lyttelton) would attend the next meeting, and arrangements were made for their entertainment. A member's claim for payment of the maternity allowance was approved. Among the visitors was a member of the Loyal Eudunda Lodge, Kapunda District. South Australia. KAIAPOI The forty-ninth annual meeting of ', the Kaiapoi Brass Band was held at the band room, Charles street, the j president, Mr J. Hirst, presiding over a good attendance of members. The annual report reviewed the activities of the band for the last year. The membership was well maintained. A number of concerts had been given and the band had assisted at various public functions. The report and bal-ance-sheet, the latter showing a credit balance of £l4, were adopted. The following officers were elected: —President, Mr J. Hirst; vice-presidents, Messrs F. Richards, W. Lintott, sen., and C. Brockelbank; committee, Messrs H. Miles, jun., E. Trustrum, A. Richards, C. Green, E. Forrest, and J, Hall; band sergeant, Mr J. Murray; drum major, Mr J. G. Yellowlees; custodian, Mr .T. Hall; auditor, Mr G. Hirst. It was resolved to recommend to the incoming committee that arrangements should be made for the band to practice marching one night each month and that a band solo contest should be held for members. It was decided that silver stars should be presented to bandsmen for regular attendance and attention to practice. The committee was also asked to consider making suitable arrangements foi celebrating the jubilee of the band next year. HANMER SPRINGS Mr and Mrs 11. McG. Farrow en. tertained a large number of friends ir the Hanmer Hall to celebrate the coming of age of their second daughter Hilda. The evening was spent in com. petitions and dancing. A lucky spo waltz was won by Mrs C Lahmer and Mr C. S. Skinner and a Mont< Carlo waltz by Mrs V. E. Argelin anc Mr G. Gavin. Miss C. Sterritt, of Culverden, danced a Highland reel. Th( music was played by Mr B. Bradshaw and Miss M. Eaton played extras. Mis; H. Farrow was presented with.a golden key by her father. A beautiful two-tier birthday cake, made by Mrs Farrow and decorated by Mrs H. Phillips (Waikari). occupied the centre oi the supper table. WAIAU There was a fair attendance of members at the weekly shoot of the Miniature Rifle Club. The button was won by H. Davies, after shooting-off with C. Read, R. Befin, and J. Duncan. A trophy given by Mr E. Hitchcock was won by C. Finlayson after shooting-on* with J. Duncan. Following were the scores:—H. Davies 70, R. Bean 69, C. Finlayson 68, C. Read 68, J. Duncan 67, A. Smale 67, D. Wall 68. K. Dunbar 66, H. Stove 63, P. Oldman 60, G. Hueston 59, O. Davies 58, T. Millar 56. The scores for the Sherwood Cup are as follows (possible 980): K. Dunbar 968, C. Finlayson 949, H. Davies 941, A. Smale 939, L. Forbes 928, C. Read 926, D. Wall 925, J. Duncan 914, S. Pettigrcw 910. W. Clemens 900. B. Duncan 882. The next shoot will be held to-morrow. The women's scores were as follows:—Mrs C. Read 66, Miss B. Smale 64. Miss E. Moore 64, Mrs D. Wall 61, Miss M. Smale 61, Miss A. Aldridge 59. Miss A. Aldridge won the brooch after shooting-off with Miss B. Smale. A trophy given by Mr E. Hitchcock was won by Mrs D. Wall. The highest aggregate scores are as follows (possible 700):—Miss B. Forbes 667, Miss E. Moore 649, Miss B. Smale 641. CULVERDEN A meeting of the Culverden branch of the New Zealand Farmers' Union was held in the Presbyterian Sunday school room, Culverden, Mr B. Baker being in the chair. The secretary reported that the appeal for goods in aid of the unemployed had been well responded to. The kindness of Messrs Blackwell, who put a motor-lorry at the disposal of the branch, did much to aid the success of the appeal. A railway truck was well filled with all descriptions of produce. Mr M. J. Scott, of Lincoln College, gave a short talk on stock feeding, stressing the value of the lupin. Mr D. Hawke, president of the Sheffield branch, gave a short address on the best means of making branch meetings interesting. CHEVIOT Mr C. England, manager of Messrs Dalgety and Company's Cheviot branch, has left with Mrs England and family for Christchurch on annual leave, part of which will be spent in Akaroa. The postponed monthly meeting of the Cheviot Band of Hope was held in the Presbyterian Hail. Mr G. Teller presided over a fair attendance. The evening was spent with songs, elocutionary items, and a pianoforte duet, followed by an address given by the Rev. G. Widdup, on "The Treasures of the East," dealing with the happenings of many hundred years ago, in Egypt; Mesopotamia, and the Continent. Items were given by Myrtle and Nellie Fitzgerald, Daphne Pool, and Elsie Hill (songs>, Horace Pool, Philip Crampton, and Brian Hill 'recitations), and Mr F. E. Fiute and Miss N. Eraser (pianoforte duet).

SEFTON A most successful concert was held in the Rink Hall, Sefton, to raise funds for the forthcoming jubilee. There was a large attendance, and the seating accommodation was fully taxed. The concert was given by the members of the Rangiora Girls' Hockey Club. Mr J. G. S. Wyllie, chairman of the jubilee social committee, thanked the performers, and' also Mr Myers, who prepared the party. Supper was served by the committee after which dancing was held. The proceeds from this effort amounted to £l3 4s 6d. GLENROY At a meeting held in the hall it was decided that the Junior Friends' annual collection of handkerchiefs for their stall at. St. Saviour's market would this year take the form of a social evening to be held in the hall on September 7. A very enjoyable evening was held recently at "Brockley," when Mr and Mrs W. E. Dennis entertained a number of friends at a gift evening in aid of the china stall at the forthcoming church guild fair. The time was spent at games, competitions, and community singing. Musical items were given by Misses Margaret Thornton and Frances Thwaites, while solos were sung by Mrs W. Roseveare, Messrs P. Isherwood, and H. Roseveare. A reading was given by the Rev. A. T. Kent (Greendale). On behalf of those present Mrs A. S. Thwaites and Mr Kent thanked Mr and Mrs Dennis for their hospitality.

CUST There was a large gathering in the Institute Hall, when the boys' of the Presbyterian Boys' Home, Christchurch, in charge of Mr V. French, superintendent, gave a gymnastic display in aid of funds for the home. Two acrobatic clowns caused a lot of fun. Supporting items were given by Mrs J Richardson, Miss P. Smith, and Miss J. Lindsay. Mrs T. B. Lock and Miss A. Wayiand were accompanists. Supper was served to the performers by St. David's Ladies' Guild. There was a good attendance at the fortnightly card social and dance, held in the Oddfellows* Hall. The winners of the cards were Miss M. WTiitham and Mr K. Lindsay.

CLARKVILLE A dance organised by the Clarkville Basketball Club was held in the hull. Owing to the inclement weather the attendance was not very large. A lucky spot waltz was won by Miss J. Simpson and Mr W. Lynskey, and a Monte Carlo waltz was won by Miss J. Hutson and Mr G. Duff. Euchre prizes were won by Mrs W. Robson and Mr G. Hassall. Messrs W. Holland and R. Giles were masters of ceremonies. Among those . present were Mesdames C. Ashby, L. W. E. Giles, L. Howard, W. Robson, C. Martin, T. Bates, Len Giles, S. Mcllwrick, D. Listen, M. Smith; Misses R. Piper, O. Baynon, R. Burnett, D. Rice, C. Giles, E. Giles, J. Tozer, B. Johnson, | J. Smith. P. Lancaster, G. Storer, L. Thompson, J. Simpson, D. Thompson, J. Livingstone, M. McCormack, D. McDonald, M. Rice. There was a good attendance at the fortnightly social held by the hall committee. Mrs M. Smith played the music for the dancing. The euchre prizes were? won by Mrs 1... W. E. Giles and Mrs E. Wilson, Mr G. Hassall, jun., and Mr G. Johnspn. Miss Mavis Wilson (Clarkville) is spending a week's holiday with Mr and TUrs 11. Neal, Severn street, St. Albans. EAST EYKETON Considering the bad weather there was a good attendance at. the fortnightly social held in the East Eyreton hall in aid of the hall funds. Prizes for the euchre were won by Miss J. Higginson and Mrs W. Martin, Mr G. Hassall, jun., and Mr «X. B. Bigwood. Music for the dancing was played by Mrs G. Saunders.

STYX At the monthly meeting of the Styx Women's Christian Temperance Union, Mrs Marwick presided. Miss Harris and Mrs McJarrow were elected delegates to the convention to be held at New Brighton in September. A conference fact was read by Mrs Marwick. The next band of hope meeting will be held on September 21. The L.T.L. will meet next Saturday. WEST MELTON Because of the bad weather there was only a fair attendance at the fortnightly social, organised by the school committee in aid of school funds. Competitions were won by Miss Jean Mugford and Mr R. Mugford, jun. Dancing was held to music played by Mrs W. Hayes and Miss B. Richards'on (Christchurch). Mr R. Northcott was master of ceremonies. CHORLTON

The annual meeting of the Chorl-ton-Little Akaloa sub-branch of the Farmers' Union was held in the library. Little Akaloa. There were present Messrs V. Craw, R. Herriot, C. J. Marshall, C. E. Kay, W. Cunningham, R. J. Bailey, D. Waghorn, V. Jaggar, and R. E. Waghorn. Mr V. Craw was elected president, Mr C. J. Marshall vice-president, and Mr R. E. Waghorn secretary. Messrs Marshall, S. S. Gilbert, with the president and secretary, were appointed delegates to the Peninsula branch. It was decided to have the annual social gathering in the hall on Friday in conjunction with the monthly meeting of the Peninsula branch. SHEFFIELD The Girls' Club held its annual social in the main hall, which was decorated with gaily coloured steamers and evergreens. The music for the dancing was played by Miss Betty Rennie (piano) and Mr W. E. Hicksusser (violin). Extras were played by Mr C. Voice and Mr W. Fettit. A competition was won by Mr C. D. Sealey and Mr A. McKay. Three miniature Monte Carlo fox trots were held and were won by Mr D. Rennie and Miss McLean, Mr A. Aldcrson and Miss M. Adams, Mr J. Austin and Mrs H. Taylor. A statue dance was won by Miss Violet Voice and Mr Ken Rutledge. Mrs Sealey thanked all who had assisted in the function. Amongst those present were Mesdames L. Melrose, J. Rennie, H. S. Taylor, and C. D. Sealey, Misses F. Wason, S. Cooper, A. Stephens, Margaret Adorns, N. McLean (Kumara), M. B. Hoben (Christchurch). K. McMillan, K. Searle, E. McMillan, M. Band, A. Piner, Thelma Colvin, I. Humm, M. Langford, M. Humm, N. Langford, B. Rennie, D. Smith, M. Payne, Thelma Searle. J. Webb (Christchurch), V. Voice, and P. Maffey (Christchurch). Mrs H. McKay (Spreydon) is the guest of Mrs A. T. Beatty, of "Walla," Hawkins. Miss J. Webb and Miss P. Maffey. of Christchurch, are staying at "Erndale," Waddington. A meeting of the citizens' ball committee was held at the residence of the chairman to arrange the date for the ball which was postponed last week. It was decided to hold the function on Friday. It was also agreed to engage Seymour's orchestra to play the dance music owing to tno Majestic dance band being engaged. Great interest is being taken in the ball, and the committee has done everything possible to make it successful.

GREENPARK ! At the weekly social and dance there was a fair attendance, the prizewinners being Mrs L. Eden, Miss C. Thompson, Mr Les. Brown, and Mr .Hugh Carr. A Monte Carlo waltz was won by Mrs L. Eden and Mr W. Matthews. Dance music was played by Mrs A H. Clark, with extras by Miss Elsie Clark and Mr Allan O'Neill (St. Andrews). Messrs W. B. Matthews and Laurie Eden were masters of ceremonies. * Miss M. Neill is spending a few days in Rangiora. SPRINGSTON SOUTH The spinsters and bachelors of Springston South entertained about 300 guests at their ball. The hall was decorated with vari-coloured streamers and greenery. Gopperth's band played the music, and extras were played by Mrs A. H. Clark and Miss Elsie Clark. Monte Carlo prizes were won by Miss Mona Carter and Mr A. Musson and Miss Emily Hines and Mr C. Heid. A competition was won by Marcia Carpenter. The joint secretaries, Miss E. Bailey and Mr B. Pitcairn, together with an energetic committee, were responsible for the success of the evening. Messrs M. Ryan, G. Pitcairn, and C Harris were masters of ceremonies. Among those present were Mesdames J. Simpson, P. V. Bailey, N. Powell, L Collins, G. Mcßean, J. Moore, C. Suckling, A. Hughes, A. Mcßean, E. H Rowell, T. Hamilton, E. Bearman, M. Fletcher. W. D. Templeton, A. H. Clark, G. E. Baker, F. Reid, R. W. Wray R. Dixon. H. Hoskin, Woods, J. Benny, H. A. Fletcher, S. Bray, A. i Fincham, J. Chappell, S. C. Birch I (Lincoln), F. G. Roberts, A. L. Kimber, ! R Manson, C. Kimber, T. J. Kimber, E Hoskin, P. Riordan. Misses Dorothy Cook, Gwen Rowley (Irwell), Dorothy Mansfield (Hanmer), M. Benny, Ola Ramsbottom, Agnes Scott, Marian Stevens, E. M. Smith, Gwen Roberts, Nancy Heinisch. Jean Marshall, Molly Fergusson (Christchurch), Stella Birch. Jeanne Collier (Christchurch), Isabel Davison (Rolleston), Adelaide Bissett. Muriel Boyd (Christchurch), Molly Riordan, Muriel Mounce, Millie Guthrie (Christchurch). Eileen Collie (Christchurch), Grade McMillan (Darfield). Phyllis Parrett, Kathleen Murphy, Patricia Murphy, Monica Ryan, Kathleen Higgins (Greymouth), Gwendoline Scanden, Queen Hewten, Anna Truscott, Una Parrett, Jean Jones Mary Wilson (Halkett), Lynda Lemon. Lizzie Boal, Maisie Brooks ! Orwell), Veda Scotl. Mona Chapman, : M West, Patricia Parrett. Daphne I,ill, i (Sandy Knolls). Pearl Kimber, Elaine Bailey, Sylvia Kimber, Freda Williams. Mvrtle Williams, Margaret Kimber, Kathleen Kimber, Mona Carter, Freda Mcßean, Grace Rowell, Olive Douglas, Margaret Marks, Phyllis Brooks. Rubv Withell, Templeton. The hall committee's socials continue to be well attended and the prize winners at the last one were Mrs R. Tvson and Mrs G. Tyson. Messrs P. Riordan and E. H. Rowell. The aggrccatp winners were Mrs Moor and Mr J. Malouk. The previous night's winners were Mrs C. Sface and Mrs H. Hoskin and Mr W. Hewitt and Mr J Malouk. Dance music was nlayed by Mrs Riordan and Miss M. Riordan. A Montf Carlo waltz was won by Mr and Mrs R. Tyson. SOUTHBRWGE There was a very good, attendance at a dance held by the District High School Old Pupils' Association. Dance music was supplied by Messrs Eden Bros, and Misses J. Beamsley and D. Jnwood assisted with extras, while Messrs F. Parkin and K. Beamsley were the masters of ceremonies. Members of the association provided supper, and the evening passed very pleasantly. The rainfall at Southbridgc last week-end was 1.44 inches, making the total recorded for this year 23.83 inches, compared with 10.01 inches foi the corresponding period of last year. A frost of 11 degrees was recorded on Monday, and yesterday's frost was of 7 degrees. There was a fair attendance at a social held in aid of the Little Rakaia school funds. At cards the most successful players were Mesdames M. Home and A. Carroll and Messrs C. McJarrow and J. Young.

KILLINCHY Bad weather affected the attendance at the last of a series of socials held in aid of the Killinchy hall and library funds, but a very pleasant evening was spent. At cards Mrs R. Bruce and Master H. Thompson were the most successful players, while the aggregate winners were Miss M. Lemon and Mr R. Bruce. Monte Carlo prizes went to Miss Jean Watson and Mr O. Grant. Mr W. J. Ormandy handed the prizes to the winners. LAKESIDE At the annual meeting of residents of Lakeside for the election of a hall committee for the ensuing year Mr W. Mcllraith presided. The report and balance-sheet were both very satisfactory, the credit on the year's working being £23, which is being applied to the reduction of a debt incurred in the previous year, when substantial improvements were made to the hall. Those elected to the committee were Messrs W. Mcllraith (chairman), J. Anderson (secretary), S. J. Graham, W. H. Winchester, W. G. Patterson, A. Lochhead, and P. Barnctt. The last of a series of socials arranged by the Lakeside Hall Committee in aid of the school funds was very enjoyable. The most successful card players were Mrs F. McCormick and Miss D. Sloan and Messrs AV. Winchester and A. Thian. The best aggregates were secured by Miss D. Sloan and Mr A. Amyes. LEESTON At a combined meeting of members of the Methven and Ellesmere Gun Clubs, presided over by Mr F. L. Graham, a statement of accounts for the recent New Zealand championship trap shooting meeting was presented by the secretary, Mr R. A. Burgess. It showed a satisfactory credit balance, which is being shared in equal proportions by the two clubs. The total receipts amounted to £1452 17s lOd. Several members of both clubs spoke appreciatively of the efficient work done by the secretary, who was voted a sum of £2O. The two presidents, Messrs F. L. Graham and T. S. Harrison, were also warmly thanked for their, services, and it. was decided to recognise in tangible form the work of the referees, Messrs L. A. Shand and A. Prestney, and the official scorers, Messrs E. Burgess and Green. In a 10-bird pigeon match held on the Ellesmere Gun Club's ground there were 19 competitors. The best scores were:—E. A. Washbourne 10, W. J. Doyle 10. T. Gordon 9, G. A. Franks 9, F. Rowell 9, T. S. Harrison 8, F. L. Graham 8. A shoot-off between the two competitors with possibles resulted in Washbourne winning on the first round and taking first prize. valued at £2, while Doyle took second prize of £l. There were 16 in a first-miss-out, and at the end of the third round T. S. Harrison, E. A. Washbourne, A. McLeod, and A. McGregor divided the stake. The following have been chosen to represent the Ellesmere Gun Club in gun and rifle shooting matches with a team chosen by the Ellesmere Miniature Rifle Association for the McConaghey Shield:-—T. Gordon, W. J. Patterson. J. T. Parkin. G. M. Doyle, R. A. Burgess, E. A. Washbourne, J. Winchester, L. C. Lemon, L. W. Prosser, W. L. Donald, R. Donald, D. L. McGregor. L. Chambers, W. Winchester, H. T. Stephens, C. G. Chamberlain, T. A. Kimber, J. Bryce, T. W. Vince, L. Washbourne, J. Washbourne, J. McVinnic, W. G. Cooper, F. L. Graham, and R. Lochhead. Reserves: W. Ting- I ley, E. S. McGiU, and F. Rowell.

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Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21255, 29 August 1934, Page 4

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NORTH CANTERBURY Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21255, 29 August 1934, Page 4

NORTH CANTERBURY Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21255, 29 August 1934, Page 4