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PERSONAL Information has been received that Captain and Mrs Victor Dick, at present stationed at Gisborne, have been appointed to take charge of the Salvation Army in Timaru. They are expected to arrive on March 1. Captain Cobb and Lieutenant Hawker, of Timaru, have been appointed to New Brighton and Milton respectively. At a meeting of the executive o£ the Timaru High School Old Boys' Association, a presentation was made to Mr A. S. Aitken, in view of his marriage. Central Kclicf Society The Rev. Archdeacon H. W. Monaghan presided over a meeting of the committee of the Timaru Central Relief Society. It was decided to wait on the South Canterbury Hospital Board and the Timaru Borough Council to ask for grants for the coming year.

A report was submitted showing that the number on the roll for January was 628, while 546 had been operating, There had been a gradual decrease in the number of recipients from the end of November, owing to seasonal work, which promised to be good, but

harvesters and freezers had experienced a great deal of broken time. The majority were now only standing by and were not receiving as much as relief workers. In consequence it was anticipated that the figures lor February would show a big increase. The secretary (Mr E. G. Cliffin) reported that 648 Christmas parcels had been distributed, the total value of them being £230 15s 10d. A total of 812 bags of coal and 931 bags of wood had been distributed last month. Six-ty-four joints of meat were issued on part payment and 152 pairs of boots were repaired. The value of the services rendered amounted to £1022 2s 2d. The secretary expressed the opinion that the recipients of relief in Timaru lived on bread and butter.

Mr G. Cray said that it was obvious that the unemployed could not buy meat unless they received more money. A married man and his wife, receiving £1 a week, had about 2s Cd a week each" on which to feed themselves. Mr G. D. Virtue said that with the exception of Christclrurch, the Timaru Relief Society had the best system of relief in the Dominion, according to what he had been told by a doctor. Mr A. R. Thompson said that an authority on relief matters, from Palmerston North, had told him that in the north, a good deal was heard about the work of the Timaru society, the man referred to considering it to be the best in New Zealand. Croquet Satisfactory entries have been received for the South Canterbury Croquet Association's fifth annual tournament, which will begin to-day. All A grade matches will be played on the Aorangi lawns, B grade on the Timaru lawns, and C grade on the Ashbury lawns. Following is the draw for today, players to be at Aorangi at 9.15 a.m.. Timaru 9.45 a.m.. and Ashbury at 10 a.m.:— Handicap Doubles—A grade: Mesdames Hall and Patchett v. ShirtclifT and G. Taylor; Mrs Chapman and Miss McDowell v. Mesdames Gabites and Oxford: Mr and Mrs Kirk v. G. Hart and Miss Green; Mesdames Bird and Calder v. Mesdames Wright and Hunt: Mesdames Austin and Fraser v Me«dames Wilmington and Sampson. Top bye: Mesdames W. Taylor and Revell v. Mesdames Blackham and Beckett. Bottom bye: Miss Hardwick and Mrs Robilliard v. Miss Bremner and Mrs R. H. Taylor: J. Thompson and partner. B grade: Mesdames Saunders and Cooper v. Brickell and Jowsey: Mr Foxon and Mrs Thompson v. Mesdames Tank and Huddelston: Mes- ' dames Tomlinson and Keay v. Mr and I Mrs Lee. Bottom bye: Mesdames Johnston and Foote. C Grade: Mesdames Barr and Chambers v. Mesdames Foxon and McMillan: Mesdames Ball and Holden v. Miss Marshall and Mrs Richards; Mesdames Cameron and Cockroft v. Mesdames Ashton and Cornwall. Bottom bye: Mesdames Darroch and Davey. Old Boys' Association Mr A. J. Allport presided over a meeting of the Timaru High School Old Boys' Association. It was reported that Ihe Old Boys' magazine had been printed and that, about 1000 copies would be distributed this week. The material for the proposed new blazer was approved. It was stated that it was manufactured in Timaru. Mr P. W. Rule's design for a monogram was also approved, it being decided to submit it to the Board of Governors for* adoption. It was further decided to recommend that for the girls' school one quartering of the monogram bu changed and a suitable symbol inserted. Magistrate's Court Before Mr C. R. Orr Walker, S.M., in the Court, Timaru. on Saturday. John Henry Ferguson a young man, was charged with the theft of a pair of men's shoes valued at £1 Is. the property of Herbert William Brownie. The accused was adrn tted to probation for 18 months, IcOTdition being that he did not carry on the business of a hawker or othei - wise from door to door.

Express Delayed Owing to a defect in an offside rear wheel of the postal van, the Invwrar-eill-Christchurch express was delayed ItTimaruon Saturday afternoon for more than half an hour. A heavy bumping was observed as the tram was leaving the station and the tram was stopped near the signal-box and backed to the station, where it was found that one of the wheels us badly damaged. The mails transferred into the guards von. and after the postal van had been detached the train left shortly after 5 p.m. in continual ion of i!s journey. Swimming The Speeehlv Memorial mile J ace was held in the harbour on Saturday. The winner was Miss A. Keen, who also secured the fastest time. The race has never before been won by a woman and it is understood that in recognition of her performance the South Canterbury Swimming Centre Will send her to the New Zealand championships at Christchurch as an additional rcDresentative from boutn Canterbury in the Annette Kellerman Cup race. , Miss Keen was to the leaders when the first half-mile had been covered and in the last lap she wore down the field, finishing strongly and winning bv about 25 yard.;. She covered the first half-mile in i:>mm „_f>??<' ;mrl the second half in 15min i..vee. The course wn? a ciiarVr oT a mile in li:n?,th. At '.he oi (-\ci.t, the president of the ce.iuic. i\n H. H. Fra-cr. presented Mi:.s Keen With the trophy. He ?aid that the race would go down m history as having been won by a woman swimmer, who had also registered the fastest time. He congratulated Miss Keen and added that she had entered the race purely for the love of the spo.i. There were 23 starters in the which resulted as follows:—Miss A. Keen (smin), 30min sosec, 1; J. Brjce f4mi*i 30sec), Slmin 17sec 2; Miss M. Akins (7min 30sec). 34min 27sec. 3; W Lawson (4min 15sec), 32min 28see, 4- T. Shivas (6min 15sec), 35mm Soscy. V: L. McGregor ttmm 30se.-i. 34mm 15sec, (i. Cricket I'eifei.i. .-.'.iiniiious prevailed ! " r < h * '''' l ' ,i Lll »ikm of ii lA South « 3 »«'V. b "'7 ll , r '''.rhi Associiiioir« .:omi)Ptmon« on Sslurrior. ini Mitttilft ** follows;- -

inula by 105 runs. The town team stored 177 runs, Morrison making 23, Davies 37, and Lawson 54 not out. The top scorer for Ternuka. was Diion, who made 15. The scores were:— OLD BO*S First Tunings .Morrison, b Dixon . . . . .. -j;* Lcc, b McDougall . . . . ..2 Kvaus, b McDougall . . « Marriott, b McDougall .. 0 Unwin, c HigSinbottoiu, b Tullv .. G Davies, b Tully .. .. .. 17 Smiley, b Hertuon .. .. u Lawson, not out .. .. 54. Thompson, run out. „ ~8 Cftrr, 1> Dixon .. .... LI T. Thomson, l> Tully . . . . .S Uxtras . . .. .. '2i Total . . . . .177 Bowling—McDougall. three for .!«; Tully, three for 49; Hortnou, one for .17; Divon, !«o for 'J'.'. TKML'KA hirst Inning* Tully. h Thomson . . . . I:; Cuttcridgc, b Oarr . . . . 10 Salmon, b Davies . . . . 1 McDougall. c and b Tnomson .. .11 Hertnoti. c. Marriott, b Thomson . . 1-1 HigginboUom, h Thonisou . . 0 Dixon, h Marriott . . . . .. . .15 Pellctt, b Marriott . . . . . . 0 Freddy. o and b Marriott o King, not out . . 0 Mohvtens. run out . . 0 Kxtros .. .. ..8

High .School able to make only 59 against Celtic, the best score beins made by iiitcliio, who knocked up J6. Celtic made 91 for nine wickets, Ktina scoring 21 ami Sullivan lb. Celtic wen on the first inuiiiKS. The sco'es were:--SCIIOUI. First Inniiij:SoutC! c Mason, b Sullivan . . . . I Ritchio. c I.ning. b I'urcrll . . 10 lilue. c Kane, 1, I'urcrll . . .. 1^ Wilson, e CiifTord. h Kane . . . . n Kavuaker. h Pim-cll Sara, b Knr.n . . .'• ■■'earn. .• Airland. 1. Flood - . . . >•' Mcl.auchlan, b Floo.l . . n McDonald, c Diirton. h Floo.l . . i llroad, not out Courtis. Ii Flood . . ft Extras ... Total ■"•'•-' Howling— Kane, mo for "Jl; Millivan, <>nc tor !); Purcoll. three for S: S. Mason, none for .', : Flood, four for .V i KI.'J'H hirst Innings inn "ui . Fiood, 1. Kit.lnc • ■ . . » I'ureell. b l'.ltie • ■ '!' Tt. Mason, Ibw. b Hit. hie . Clifford, st -Sara, b llluo . . • ■ 'j Kane, e Hiflito. b r.arwakcr . . Sullivan, c Foam, h Blue .. • • I'. Uiii.i. b . . • • • ■ 1,. Harding, not out .. .. -1 Burton, 1) lilue " I 1 Total for nine wk ke;s • • ■'' j Biiwlins—Courtis, none for -■» . Ki'dne, j two for l(J; I'luo, four lor -'i: !>-ak»r, two for 10; Wilson, nouo for :!. S. Mason did not bat. Vainst Star. Goraldine. on the home Kiouod. was able to make only in runs, ihiß beins the smallest score of tn« s-atoti. top "core was made by Callanan, who _ lost his wicket, when ho reached seven, 'there were five "ducks" in the Geraldnm score. Star in tho first innings made 80 for six wickets, declared. Geraldlno in the se. olid tno:u2S made •47. Callanan being mp scorer with 1 . ->tat won on the first innings. The scores were: t,F,I;AU.ti.MFirst Inningcallanan. '■ heaton, I) Williams . .. / Fllis. c 'Williams, b Seaion . . . • •'■ D. Callanan. b Williams . . - Wood, b Williams • - l > Sharpe. run out - ■ '* ) Scott c and b Williams . . • ■ " Stone-Wis?. c and b William- • • " Williams, r.nt, out - • • ' ,Hnves, e Hahn, 1. Ha. low . . . •■ ' I Davies. lb"-. I. Haln. .. •• " Utile. 1) Hahn • ■ ' Kxtra< • - ■ ■ _ 4 Total •• -'" Howling Analysis- William., live for * ; Hahn. three for 1 ; Ser.ton, o„e for 2: Smith, none for 6. STAII. First Jiiiiiuji'. Smiih. o S. Callanan ■ • •' ■' Seaion, «: S. Callanan. 1> Scot: I»< Powell] ob. Callanan, b llayr« ■ • (> Fde, bS. Callanan • • " Wood, not out ■ • • ■ • ■ ! Taylor, b Scott • ■ • ■ ' Batton, not out •• •• William*, h Scott . • '■',., Kxtros • - ■ - • ___ Total for »i.v wickcis i dec. i 80 Lawu Tennu. Tr.e So.i'h Canterbury Tenn.. Association's Ii grade competitions, pl-.ts-d on Satunlay, resulted as follows: AOKANOI v. W.U-ril. (Wai-ili na es lirsi. > Men s oinglea—-I'. Tuck lost i, t. O., -3-9; A. Low lost to V. \\. i, 8-9; F. Low lost to ■'. Milhkcn, 39; I-. MeAteer lost to J. Turkmgton. 7-9. Men's Doubles— ri. and A. Low lost to Young and .1. MiUiken, 0 9; t'. T'oek and I'. MeAteer lost to ¥. Lewis and J. Jurking"womo'n'R Singles—Miss V. Wright lout to Miss M Huston, 4-7: Mis. S. Brace-field heat Miss F. Koberlßon, 7-4; Miss G. Mai,an lost to Mist ftl. Clarke. 6-7; Miss R. lloidgnte losi to Miss 6. Neil!, 2-7. Women'* Doubles—Missea >. \\ nghi and 0 Alahan beat Misses Huston and Clark, 7-4; Missed S. r.raceficld and R. Holdgate lost, to Mies G. Xeill and P. liobertnon. 8-7. Mixed Doubles—Tuck and Miss Y. Wright lost to r.ewls and Miss M. Huston. 'J-7; A. Low and Miss G. Mnhun lost to Yo-mg and Mm E. Clark, fi-7; El. Low and Miss I!, i Holdgnto lout to Turkington aud Mil* F. ! Robertson, 6-7; Mi;Aie<-r and lli»« S'. Brace field beat. MiUiken and 11ns G. Ncill, 7-6. Aorangi won by 13 sets to thret. Bowls. The .South Canterbury Bowling Centre s annual champion of champions rink coinpetition was played on Saturday. The twolife principle was followed by the 10 clubs which entered. At the end of the second . round Waimate and Ashbury, having both boen defeated twice, were eliminateM, and at i the end of tho third round Highfield, r-ark. 1 and Temuka had been eliminated, while : Timaru was still undefeated. In the fourth ' round Timaru had a bye, and West Knd and I Geraldine beat Fairlie and Kia Toa reI apectively, leaving West Knd, Geraldine, and • Timaru in the final.

The scores -were:— First Itoimd —Hlghfield ; S. RrooUs. K. 1». Hart .1. B. .Robinson, M. Yucetich (s) li; Temiika: T. Harvey, J. Davis, G. Collins, 'l' Edwards (») 13- K'* Toa: c - n » vls ' s' .7 Tavlor. J. Gray, .1. Latimer (*) 'JO: Fairlie' C. .Stamp, J. Caskey, P. Carlton, H Carlton (») 10. Wnst End: T. l-airhall. W Walker. G. Blaekhani. .'. Gibson <s7 '.!2; Ashbury: .7. Ellis. V. Farro.v H Kohby, X llamlvn (s) lti. 'limaru: A. Knott, I-. Kdyvean.' C. H. Mannin;, J. A'tdfrson <*> 17- Oeraldine: C. Btirmcslcr. J. .<• Paterson, C. Stock. 11. Turner (si Si. Park: A. Fu-1 .1 Gilmore, C. Devar, C. Howe <«) 10; Walmate- C. W. Enalefield, G. 11. Collett, T F Parry, \V. F. Nieholl Is) T-.'. 'Second Round—Kia Toa 22. Highileld V-': Timani 1J West End 9; Tenmlta 18. I'ark 14; Fairlio li, Asiibury 11; Oeraldine Hi. Wnimate- 5. Third Round-- Timnru 10, Ivia Jo* 1". West End 19. I'ark 18; Fairlie 17, Tomuku IV Goruldine 28, ITiirhfield 5. 'Fourth Round—West End iy, Fanho II; Gew,ldine 16. Kia Toa 1.1: Timaru a bye Fifth Round—Timaru 1/. Geraldnie Si; West End, a bye. Timaru. with Iwo I'"*. n».. .1.11 to play WeM End. «-i(b one life. TKMUKA In the South Canterbury Cioquci Tournament, which will commence at Timaru to-day, the Temuka Club will be represented by Miss Bremner and Mrs R H. Tavlor in the A grade, Mr and Mrs Lee and Mr J. V. Foxor.i in the B grade, and Mrs Foxon and Mis. McMillan in the C grade. M'-s F. Dav and family, South Dunedin who have been staying m Temuka, have returned home, accompanied by Mrs G. A. Radburne, of TeThe extensive lawns in the domain, owing to the excessive rainfall this vear, are keeping their springlike appearance, and it is many years since the flower beds looked so well at this time of the year. Along the main drive the beds planted with geraniums, verbenas, phlox, petunias, and antirrhinums are looking parjAcuJarJy attractive Nmic the wm-

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Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21087, 12 February 1934, Page 7

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TIMARU AND SOUTH CANTERBURY NEWS Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21087, 12 February 1934, Page 7

TIMARU AND SOUTH CANTERBURY NEWS Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21087, 12 February 1934, Page 7