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MINING MATAKI RETURN :1 ' S The M ataki Gold Dredging Company's official return for the week endingFebruary 3, is 28oz gold, for 133 hours. f TALISMAN IHIBBO • The mine manager's report for the fortnight ending February 3, 1934, [• states: —The drive on No. 1 Talisman 1 level has been advanced 10 feet. The hanging wall has come in hard and turned the reef somewhat to the east. The face is showing 18 inches of higni grade quartz. Rise for ventilation: 3 This has .been put up a further 35 feet, total from back of level 64 feet. The l reef has averaged 12 inches, and values have been patchy. Leading stOpe has s been advanced a further 10 feet, and g an end of ground is being formed here, • where the hanging wall is hard; 24 [, inches high-grade quartz showing. 1 Stopes: Two other slopes are being i worked above No. 1 Talisman level in reef of an average width of 18 inches . and of good value. [ DAWN OF HOPE i The mine report states that during ' the last week driving has been con- • linued hillward on the flat leader oft the rise, the face being to date 47 feet 1 from the rise. At present the leader is ; 0 inches in width with a fair amount ■ of pug intermixed with the quartz. ! Some of the quartz shows colours of • gold. i AUSTRALIAN PRODUCE SYDNEY MARKET (Received February 8, 10.1 p.m.) SYDNEY, February 8. Wheat is very dull. Bagged, and ! bulk, on sidings in the country, it is ! quoted at Is Hid, equal to 2s 6.} d, 2s ; 7sd, ex trucks in Sydney. Flour—£ll 10s. ' Bran —£4 ss. Pollard —£4. Potatoes—Tasmanian £7, Victorian £6. Onions—Victorian Globes to £4 10s. : Maize—3s, 3s ffd. i ADELAIDE MARKET i [ (Received February 8, 10.3 p.m.) ; ADELAIDE, February 8. > Wheal —Growers' lots, 2s 4d. i Flour —Bakers' lots, £ll 10s. i Bran—£4 12s 6d. Pollard —£4 15s. ' Barley—2s 4d. [ Oats—2s.

FOREIGN EXCHANGES (KALTISH OmOIAL WIfiBLISS.) ; i Received February 8, 5.5 p.m.) "RUGBY, February 7. j Par. Feb. 6. Fob. 7. ' Pans, fr to i'l 1:54.21 7S 21-3U 78 13-16 New York, dol. to £1 -1.866 4.9(jf 5.00J Montreal, dol. to XI 4.868 5.001 5.054 Brussels, bolgaetoi L 36 22.21 22.261 Geneva, fr. to £1 25.2215 15.0S J5.99J Amsterdam, • 11, to £1 J2.107 7.70 7.71 Milan, lire to £1 92.46 58j( 591 Berlin, 20.43 13.084 33.124 Stockholm, kr. to £L 18.159 39.39J 19.301 Copenhagen. kr. to .41 18.159 £2.40 22.40 Oslo, kr. to £1 15.159 19.90 19.90 Vienna, schgs. to .£1 34.585 08J 281 Prague, kv. to £l. 364.25 J 041 J 04JJ Hetsingfors, marks toil .193.23 2261 2261 Madrid, pesetas to SI 25.22 15 38i .18 7-1# Lisbon, escudos to £l. JlO 10? IO9J Athoui, drach to 11 37» S3S 535 (.official) i, sillers) Bucharest, jAi to £1 816.6 525 525 Belgrade. dinars 25.2215 22.5 23.0 (official,) Rio de Janeiro, pence to milreis .. 1,892 4 J 4J ioflicial) i official) Kueuos Aires, pence to dol. 45.557 371 3t>i (official i Montevideo, pence to dol, 5 1 37£ (-174 (.official) (.olflcial) Bombay, pence to rupee 19 16 3-32 18 3-32 Shanghai, pence to dol. * l»i 15 5-18 Hong Kong, pence to-dol. * 18 18 Yokohama, ponce to yen 2-1.57 1 4 9-32 3 4 5-16 Warsaw, pur zlotys to £1 43.36 Batavin. guilder 12.107 ''Determined by price of silver..' METALS MARKET I Received February 8, 8.40 Jj.m. 1 LONDON. February 7. Quotations - Feb. ii. Feb. 7. • A ton. \ ton, Copper— ,|. £ e d Standard, »poi 34. 0 7i 33 13 ji Forward .. ;;i. 4 41 33 i 6 10 i Electrolytic . . 36 10 0" 35 10 0 to , . 37 10 0 37 0 0 Wire bars . . 87 10 0 37 0 0 American electrolytic: 8 cents per lb Lend "pot II Hi ,'t 11 13 <1 SiluZ'- " 2 (i 11 18 !l W.Pot .. a 14 17 (i , l ,. l " nv '"' ,i '•> 8 9 15 6 0 litl «Pol ... 227 X 9 !!2fl 17 fi Forward .. 22 038 !) L' 26 2 6 Standuvd. per ,iz. J!l0-J6d l<U'|.ied Vine, pnr „ £ . ..2 14 2 ,} (! STUDHOLME SALE lliern ivji n large sitendance of buvers ■■'i 1110 Mmlholmo Junction stock ■>*!* 'and Hncl interest v-as in the store aheap ntction. Ihe ynrrtmjr of store sheep was a fairly larse one, and ivitli keen competition prices improved about n „ head ou the proyio U3 fc.ilc. bivo lambs brought to 19s 6d, and soinul-moulli c«s to 19s JOd. Pat sheep sold an , 11 F00(I J' ur <li"lt was cleaved, he following prices were realised • ' ,11!, iS ii ep 7"?] cwes at IGs l°d. 17 •it 145., 11 ut Jla 'Zd, 9 At 148. 10 f t.»c in' !> n Rt 129 ®' 1 ' 12 at lflR > & at 138. 15 At ! 1 .Is, 9 at 33s 9d, 4 At lUs Od iq ft < "b o V Veth6rß ftt 248 6J: i w,

od S r'f, t " ve lainb3 at o(i, J «C> at 10od, 11 in.s. j*f i Ac #!.i Bfi at 18s 4d, 100 iv ether iambs »t IDs !>d! iT'lOd - , , , J * 10 ". "J wethers ot, i4 t inn six and eight-tooth v,-ethers at 16s (jd fid r I 6 I'ei/rrs a I ,?2 is, „, lf) ~; i' u .< 12(Sd. nWB M 48 a * M - M s » *«. «»<(

1 ==* HAWARDEN MAKKET R6rt»w«d bupporl foe the local wleydfi l ; by the farmers of the district ivas in « V 1" j deuce at the llawardeu market yesterday I when the entry of sheep was the largest there lias been for u long time. The totsl yordine was 2918, there being 1298 J;*' lambs and 1439 store lambs forward. «#' fat lambs the highest price was 23s 4d f° r a fen of 12 sold on account of Mr *• Lukey, values generally running from 20s to 22b 7d. Store lambs -were in demand, prices ranging from Us lOd to 20s, tho latter figure being secured by Airs .1. .I'. W. Car'' for a line of 92 owe lambs. Fat owes sold from 12s Id to 20s, and fut withers brought 20a and 23s od. Tho principal sales weiv;— Fttt Ijambs—Ten at 22k Id, JO tit 225, 2" at. 20s 7d, 39 at 21s Id, 7<i at 21s 4d, 24 »t 20s, 12 at 2'3s -Id, .17 at 21s Ud, "0 21s lid, 38 at 20s 4(1, s:t at 20s. 20 at 22s 7d, 75 at 22?, 100 at 2.1s 4d, 72 at 21S Id, 81 at 22s 2cl, lL>j at 22s 3d. 14" at 2Js Sd. 130 at 225, 70 at 22s lid. SO Store Lambs— -Throe hundred .<:nl if" j" 17s 3d, 133 at llis 3d, i <iT ;(t I ' l'l. at; ISt. 93 at 13s Id. 150 ai 1 7p Jd. 2-1 at Us Jocl. 50 ar 12? -'in', ;:ij «< i.v. X* *' 20s, 22 at 13s Id, 57' pi -id. Ml al lis Id, and 01 at 19s ;M. A four-year-old mad.- ."J l*'i. an ajed had; 5-. CLEARING SALE Mes&ra 0. Jones, Limited, aiu:i.iuiteei'i>i and estate agents, report having held ® successful sale nf furniture and effects 308 Beftloy nvonue yesterday, on n.count of Mrs B. J. "Wail is. There was ;i larffe at; tendance, and ainonu' the articles following prices were ivaii'id ItciiriHii" suite £l7, carpet .'.'in les. iia.'ii ami chairs £9, eratnoplimie '. S |n-. i-:nyl an l ' rug .ft?, eleetvolux AS .linins taldt'_ £<• .Tfr', G <lintng ohfwi> '-»■ I.'* -ii:]'.'|»t a j lid. Ottoman •••undi 5- 7> <ui. i.i ,, t ,, ' : Celt. 2s Oil. ten '.wit".'.!"! .'I 17- ud. :;fl lied Mend X'i lv i»M« 'f I UK irmsrjf; chairs XI lir, dii.-|i» sv.' »

WOOL PAYMENTS DUE TO-DAY CANTERBURY REALISATION .MOKE THAN £1,000,000 Prompt, date for the second Christchurch wool sale is at 2 p.m. this afternoon, when the farmers of Canterbury will be richer by £629,436. The realisations from the first two sales of the season together total £1,065,368, or more than double the realisation of £483,978 for the first two sales last year, and the £424,330 realised for Ihe first two sales in 1331-32. The extra realisation last year over !h:it of the year before was clue in tcnic measure to the added exchange premium, which came into operation before the second sale. Values on a Merlins basis operated for the first .■;:! c, when values were extremely low. I

Even without the exchange premium, the prices received for line wools this year would have been high enough to allow the grower to recover expenses and something beside, but if the exchange were not kept on, the producer of coarse wools would find it a dinicult proposition to show a profit. Many growers of coarse wool consider that Iho price is not yet high enough to allow them to sell, and at the second sale here nearly all the t passings were among (lie lower crossbirds. Tf.UARI SAKE TO-DAY KKF.N INTEREST SHOW N i ■Tt.iIAJ. I'f TBS PRESS. TIMAKU, February 3. Keen interest is being taken in the second wool sale 1 of the season at Tirnai'ti. which will commence in the Theatre Royal at 8 a.m. to-morrow. The catalogue and order of the sale as follows: - Bales. | Cr.'; ! erbury banners' Co-op., ! Ltd. . . 4,266 .National Mortgage and Agency Co. of N.Z., Ltd. . . 6,154 Pyne. Gould. Guinness. Ltd. 5.057 Ualgety and Co.. Ltd. . . 4,600 KZealand Loan mid Mercantile Agency Co.. Ltd. . 882 Tola! . 20,950 There is an r.-.pccinil.v good ottering •'! merino wools on the catalogue, '..rile halfbreds are also well repre- , ■ itcil. The opinion of those associated th the trade is that the wool genercompares more than favourably . i thr.t sold at the corresponding of lust year. Consequently, a good' '■ i'S'tsci: is expected. with an appre- ; i 1 n'i't. i: ji) value, comparer j •• si'. - lu.'d in December las', j

SYDNEY SALES i \!{KET I'JKM AT LATE ; HATES | j ( <i MHIJACKS AM) CROiSBKEDS , si-:i.l. readily '."-S r.;:< r.! r... I'J. . t. !IS ' r. r.Ai-E - •cnj't.'i.-'iii ■ '-[ . jci February 3. 10.10 p.iu.» SYDNEY. February 8. Ai the wool sales 10.275 bales were r.flVred. 0075 sold, and 471 disposed of privately. The market to-day wa; o:i a par with yesterday, skirtings, comeback:, and cros.sbreds selling icadiJv at linn prices. Competition was confined chiefly to [ the Continental. Japanese, and Yorkshire sections. j Greasy merino sold to 23d for 11 bales from Addons;. Comeback ;o!d to 20d, for 11 bale, firm Coolac. The average price for wool the first |brtc days of the week was £23 10s •'cl a bale, or 10.5 d per lb.

PERMANENT INVESTMENT I ASSOCIATION ; j FINAI. JMViDENL) OF •'! j PER CENT. | The ;ix!y-third annual report o£ the j i Permanent Investment and Loan As- j 1: •wiation of Canterbury, which will be j Z presented to thr: .shareholders at the j meeting to be held on Friday, Febru- ; fry 23, records that the result of the J ear's trading is nut considered by the directors a;; unsatisfactory. A final dividend ot 3 per cent, will be paid. The report states that the profit for 'he year, after taking into account all inkre:.t due and accrued as at DeCHibcr 31. amounted to £5400 2s 4d. From this sum they have deducted J: 1 .">75 Os Td for interest outstanding in ic.-pect ol' the last and previous years which they consider may not bo received. The available profit is therefore i;:::; 23 Is .9d, which, together with 'he balance brought forward from last ;•«. >• amounting to £1146 19s, leaves Is 7d in the profit and loss

i;i wen'.* of the restrictions and disa■Tt'Aiv: imposed by the Mortgagors Reliti' Ac! and of the compulsory reduc!io». <:f under the National Expenditure ;\dju.stment Act which has >o .-.unoa-Iy affected our earning power, tin- result "if. not regarded by the director., unsatisfactory. The directors, after due consideratioi) f.f the position decided to pay a «nal dividend al the rate of 3 per wiit. fur the year, absorbing £3OOO. to ! ''a11sfc r 1 ]11„■ sum of J- 1000 to reserve for c'jntinL'cncies. and to carry'tl Is 7d in the profit and loss account. , . 'l'he directors wish to record the" f tee)j regret al the death of Mr J. J. Thomson, whose valuable services as a director had continued for over 40 year:.. Tlic directors also record tlieir great vtgi-ct that Mr George Jameson tor ioine months has been prevented by •eriou.- illness lroni attending meetings ot the board, and for that reason he will not be able to seek re-election •«lr Jameson lias been a member tu 'he board for the past 21 years. Mr A. H. Glasgow was appointed by the directors to the board in place of the Jste Mr Thomson. The directors re:'"'.ng ijy rotation are Messrs George ■'ameson and Godfrey Hall. Mr Hall 's eliyilj,'and has given notice of his 'ntentioii to seek re-election. The uci proiii. of the association iii '932 s: o."00 A dividend of 5 per l :wt. iinif I. ~n(l i'. 50!) transferred 1o reserve*.

| | high prices are j EXPECTED I A WELLINGTON OPINION A bright outlook for the potato mars ket is seen by Messrs F. N. R. Meadows and Son, of Wellington, who write as i. follows, under date February s: 3 *p ur opinions in the matters mentioned 1 below have been formed as a result 2 of our experience with the consumers t of potatoes in and round Wellington I city and also our contact with eoml mercial and private growers to whom we supply seed potatoes. We antici- ■ the nr«l t PriCCS %£ P otatoe S during the present year. The factors leading i to thi S opinion are as follows: • son 6 "r P" ticuL "ly that this sea--1 fess fhL it%°L Seed P° tat °es were vpart mi ■ those of the previous S; ar ,(f in co , nvers ation with other thattfw e V r ? 1 the "formation drSn a L f l g " re ®, showed a similar . , °P-,^ to this the fact that inresulted gather destroyed many crops! lu °4 r having incessant calls ' twLk quarters for seed potatoes in th-,t Cr 3! i January. So much so tJ? 1 t ende avoured, unsuccessfully o purchasCr seed potatoes from Canmand m January to su PPly the deA smaller crop at Pukekohe was lapidly cleaned up and whereas last ye o r P\ lke kohes were selling at as low .as 2s 6d a sugar bag in Wellington, this year they were unprocurable at times, northern merchants taking orders onlv lor open price and delivery. We have seen Pukekohes bring 10s a bag this season. The higher prices ruling during January in Wellington have tempted ocal growers to dig before the potatoes were ready, causing the vield to reduce considerably. We had a letter from one of our large buyers of seeci advising that the average yield for his district was only from one ton to 25cwt an acre, due to the lone spell of dry weather. Rata Suttons opened two weeks ago at £7 10s a ton on trucks, Rata, but were so rapidly snapped up that the price is now £9 10s on trucks Rata, or equal to £lO 5s a ton Wellington cost We were advised that seven trucks of potatoes left Rangitikei last -week | for Auckland at these prices, so that! Aucklanders are suffering an acute' shortage also. Hnwke's Bav have a' limited quantity available at prices equivalent to Rangitikei and in con-1 I versation with a Hastings merchant wc drew the information that their crops ' wi y -r. be ex hausted soon. Both Nelson and Blenheim are short ol' supplies and are buying from Wellington. j

WHEAT, OATS, AND BARLEY ESTIMATED VIELI>S I Ol{ SEASON ■ rrr.-i iVCu'ro) i m.r.-j PAU U'ELI JiW'TO.V, i''cbluarv o. According lo the estimates furni.-hed by the .stock in.-'pcctor?: of the Department of Agriculture, the toTc;I yield of v.-heat in (he Dominion for the <eafoji i.O-.'it .-holilfl be approximately 1.500.00fl bushels, compared v.'ith an actual yield of 11.034,972 bushels for 'he previous season. The total yield of oats should bripproximatcly 3,200,009 bushels, igainst an actual yield of 5.142,1£3 jushels in 1932-33. The total yield of barley should be ipproxiniately GSO.OOO bushels, against in actual vicld of i3C1.017 bu;hel-; in 1U32-3S. WHEAT TRADING CHICAGO ELTLKES NEW YORK. February 7. | Chicago wheat futures are quoted:—! Cents a bushel., Feb. 6. Feb. 7. i May . • • 02,j HOi; { July 91 £ 894 ! September - 925 90i | Kcv.- York (cash* CANADIAN BUTTER j SUPPLIES j NO N-Z, IMPORTS FOR SOME TIME OTTAWA, February 7. The Department of Agriculture ;ates that the Canadian supply of utter is sufficient to prevent -\ r ew ealand imports for some time.

AUSTRALIAN WHEAT CROP | OFFICIAL ESTIMATE j kxi'ok'l' kestkictions not ; I IJKELV 1 ! (VN'HKD I'P.F.S* BT f'.LE'-l .R L(> ; j rKr«p:oa> pu—coi'Viuoicr.) ' (Received February 8. 9-59 p.m.) ' SYDNEY, February 8. | ' The Commonwealth Statistician's es-1 timate of the Australian wheat yield j for 1933-1934 is 161,000,000 bushels, j Trade experts, however, are of the j opinion that it will not exceed j 155,000,000. : It is anticipated that Australia wnl be well able to keep within the limit of 105.000,000 bushels allotted for ex-, port, and that no restrictions will be j necessary, j RUBBER RESTRICTION NEGOTIATIONS STILL IN PROGRESS SAiinß orririAi mitl.tss. ■ Recc.ved February S, 7.5 p.m.; RUGBY, February 7. The Under-Secretary for the Colonies CMr Malcolm Mac Donald), in the Hou<e of Commons, said he understood that negotiations between .various interests about rubber "section schemes were still proceeding, but had not yet reached a stage when the - Sheme could be submitted to tlGovernments concerned.




Messrs Pyne, Gould, Guinness, Ltd report that the following prices wer realised at their weekly sale held yes terday:— Sound. Faulty. I d. d. d. d. Halfbred— I Three-quarter to f u 1 1I wooled .. 12 lo 14 10 to 13 ; Half woolled to 9 —to 7 ! Short .. to 6 to 4 i Three-quarterbred— Threequarter to full woolled .. 9 : i to 104 to 8 Half-woolled 7 to S to 6 Short .. to 5 1 . to 4 Crossbred— Three-quarter to full s woolled .. 8 to 8i to 6 s Half-woolled to 64 to 4 Short to 5" to 3 , Hoggets— J Halfbred to 12J to 11 t Three-quarter - 3 bred .. to 9i to 9 ! Crossbred .. to 8 to 6 Pelts .. 2 to 4i Jto 1 " Green skins—Halfbred 2s 6d to 4s each, three-quarterbred 2s to 3s 9d ; crossbred Is Gd to 3s 6d. lamb skins 3s to 5s 6d. ; The National Mortgage and Agency | Company, of New Zealand, Ltd., report ■ having held their weekly skin sale • yesterday. Four medium-sized catalogues were offered before the usuai | attendance of buyers, values for dry ] I skins easing to the extent of about id 1 per lb. d. 1 Dry skins— Halfbred: Three-quarter to full wool, Sound .. to 13'Faulty .. to 125 Quarter to half wcu!. Sound ti; Faulty .. to 5 V Ilos'get. Sound .. to 12 Three-quarterbred: Threequarter to full wool. Sound .. to 9-i, Faulty .. io "J Crossbred: Thrce-quaru.-r io full wool. Sound Io 7 . Faulty ..lo 6-.i Quarter to half wool. Sound .. io 6, Faulty . . .. i o 4 Halfbred Lamb< Sound .. io 9, Faulty (o 6 Three-quarterbred • lambs: Sound . . . . to 8 Faulty . . .. to 5.v Crossbred lamb? I Sound .. .. to 8 Pelts: i Sound to 4 ; Butchers abattoir skuii —Is Sd to 4:: Gd; lambs to 4s 7d. 1 11. Matron and Company report having held their weekly skin and ba:; ; wool sale yesterday, when the usuaJ 1 bench of buyers was prerent. Owing to j the slightly weaker tone in the world's ' wool market, price? were a little easier j Pells ft Faulty . . I Si;unci . ■ •>i

i>os«brecl quai :er- v» uolJcci Faulty Sound .. 6 I.I:\!f-woolled Faulty . .. ■« j Sound . . . b.i r ulMvoolled faulty I Sound T- l ! Thi'ee-quarterbirci cjuai'iei'-v.-00/led J Faulty 3' Sound . C.' : ' [li'il'-woaJlcti Faulty .. 4. Sound . .. G:i Full-woollec; Faulty . . •• T l Sound . . 9.' : ilallbred quartcr-v.-oollcii-Faulty .4 Sound G; Half to three-quarter v.oollcd - I Faulty . . !)'■ Sound . . 9{ Full-woolled Faulty .. .. !_! Sound .• .. i;;.; Lambs — Fault.'- ■ ■ .. • < Sound .. .. 10 j Hogget— | | Faulty .. 8 Three-quarlerbreci Hoggc-i- | Sound 9 I 1-lulfbred Hogget—i Sound , 12'j j Abattoir Butchers' Sk:n':—Cro.-rfbred j :!s 6d to 3s 4d, Tliree-quarterbred 3s to 3s sd; Halfbred 2s 7d to 4s 6d; lambs. 2s 6d to ss. I |

The New Zealand Farmers' Co-opera-tive Association reports:—At the weekly sale of sheepskins, held yesterday, dry skins showed a further easing' of |d to Jd per lb on last week's prices. Pelts, however, showed a sharp rise on recent rates, owing lo a new buyer j being in attendance at the sale and ' competing keenly for all lots of good j pelts. ! Following are the prices:— j DRY SKINS j Halfbred—- !} to full wool: j Sound _ • to 13A ]

j Dead and damaged .. to 124 I I to i-wool: | Sound .. .. to JOA Dead and damaged . . to &i Hoggets: | Sound .. to 12 ! Dead and damaged .. to 105 Three-quarterbred— I Jto full wool: i Sound •. to 94 j Dead and damaged .. to 81 ' 4 to 4-wool: Sound . .. to 7 Dead and damaged ~ to 53 Hogg&s: Sound .. to 9 Dead and damaged .. to 7J Crossbred — : i to lull wool: Sound .. to 7i Dead and damaged .. to 6j> .J to A-wool: Sound -. to 5 Dead and damaged .. to 4 Halfbred — Lambs: Sound . . to 10 Dead and damaged .. to 85 Three-quarterbred— Sound .. to 9 Dead and damaged .. to 7i ' Crossbred — Lamb?: Sound .. to f) Dead and damaged . to 7 Seedy skins proportionately lower; . inferior skins proportionately lower, j Sound pelts, to 6Jd. Damaged pelts, to 4d. Butchers' abattoir skins. 2s to 4s 9d; butchers' abattoir lambs, 3s 6d to 5s 6d.

! Dalgety and Co.. Ltd.. report holding i a sale"of sheepskins at their wool store yesterday. There v/as the usual attendance of buyers and competition was fairly keen. Prices were easier by '.d to 3d per lb for woolly skins, but pelts and short wools were firmer. The following was the range of prices:— Ha If bred—- % to full wool. Sound .. -- 'f 4 1° Faulty .. ..11 to 111 -i-wool: Sound -- -• i't Faulty -• '-1Short to j-wool: Sound . • - Faulty »» :i Tliree-quarterbred—--3 to full wool: Sound " H Faulty .. «• 6 i A-wool: Sound .. - • ®4 Faulty -- 3-1 Short to i-wool: Sound Faulty -- Crossbred — to full wool: Sound .. •« '*


! PRODUCERS' BOARD REPORT The New Zealand Meat Producers' Board has been advised by its London manager that the following retail prices were being quoted for Now Zealand lamb and mutton retailed in London during' January. 1934. These prices represent a fair average of the prices quoted by the better class shops in London for the best quality of New Zealand lamb and mutton: — Per lb. New Zealand Lamb- cl. Legs . . ~12 Shoulders . ■ .. 10 Loins •. .. 10 ' Necks ■ ■ • ■ f j Breasts •. Forequarters .. 3 Hindquarters' H New Zealand Mutton fWetherui--Legs .. !'i Shoulders .. 3 Loins • • ■ ■ 8 Mecks .. • ■ •'

ureases .. ■> Supplies in 1-niuloii Tiift New Zealand Meat Producers Board has received the London C'ca tral Markets official figures of sup' plies of meat for the 12 months endec December, 1933, with comparisons foi the same period of 1932 as follows: Description and < 112 months endec countrv oi.' origin. December. i 193:;. 13312. Tc.r.;a;,c Ccc; and v eai England and Wale* 1J.9.W :v,OG'J Scotland 14.521 13,9 n Ireland . V»57 2.31(> Australia 11.60 V '.484 New Zealand Canada 1.299 Union of S. A trica and ?<. Rhode.- ia U.S. tr Air.cncu I.MI !.!»•>- Argentina !.'vi,.'.T7 ic>;-t.«i*-£ Uruguay f >.:> or, .i.7 C.> Brazil. o.U. 7.5i>:: 7.4C3 Other countries :: t Totals —Beef a.;d veal . 21!9.058 227.403 Mutton and l.ainu England and "Wales 13.147 1:1,703 Scotland lu.33ti l! 1.4n i l Ireland 2,331 939 Australia . 19,281 17,5:21 New Zealand 72,234 73.113 Canada 1" 6 Union ui S. Africa :-.nd S. lihode?.:a U 2 U.S. of America 3'! 14 Argentina 19.3 J7 21).9-I'i Uruguay 672 COl Brazil, etc. 369 3!)' O!her couuU-io; 320 217 Totals -• Mutton and lamb 140/133 I",):!. 313 Puil: and BiiCo'.; England and Vv'a'os 24,370 23,155 Scotland 40 39 Ireland 6,471 Australia 2.390 2,009 New Zealand 4.200 2.000 Canada 233 31 U.S. of 53G 347 Argentina 732 07!) Brazil, etc. 90 30 j Netherlands C44v ODD:-: Denmark 372:-; 1.200:-: Other cuunlrtc- 3,059:. 3.701 i:< Totals —Pork and bacon 'H.I2:; 47.373 1 i Bacon. DAIRY PKODL'CK j MARKET The New Zealand Loan ana Mercan- j ! tile Agency Company. Ltd.. repor's; 'having l-eceived a cablegram from its) London oflice under dale February 7, | giving the market quotations as below: I New Zealand Dairy Produce—Butter, j 68s to 09s; market is (inn. Cher;:-; —; White 435, coloured 45s to 45s Gd. Market is steady. I The South Island Dairy Association, j Ltd.. has received tiie following mar-; ket report from the New Zealand Produce Association, Ltd., London:- - Butter —Steady, O'Os to G3s. Danish G6s to 87s. Cheese: Steady; white 435, • coloured 455. Messrs A. H. Turnbull and Co. re- ! port that they have received a cable message from their principals, Messrs j W. Weddel and Co., Ltd., dated Lon- i don. February 7, reading:— . Danish butter, 86s to 87s; New Zea- ; land finest, 67s to 695; Kangaroos, 62s ■ to 655. Butter market steady. ; New Zealand cheese, white 43s to j 445: New Zealand cheese, coloured 45s j to 465. Cheese market steady. i

DISPLACEMENT OF MARGARINE Mr F. Warren, managing director o£ J. and J. Lonsdale and Company (London), Ltd., who is visiting Australia in the course of an Empire tour, informed an interviewer that, if present low prices continued for Australian and New Zealand butter, distributors in Great Britain would be able to maintain the increased consumption of butter by the poorer classes. A few years ago 5000 tons of butter and 5000 tons of margarine were consumed in Great Britain each week. At present the weekly consumption was 9000 tons of butter and 3000 tons of margarine. Mr Warren said that his firm, which was one of the largest dairy produce distributors in Great Britain, was encouraging the use of Empire products. Present low prices on the London market had been caused chiefly by the increase of supplier, and the narrowing of European markets by quotas and other restrictions. The only means of meeting the change was the maintenance of prices low enough to stimulate sales to the poorer classes. Regularity of supply '.'.'as essential. SALE OF RICHMOND PROPERTY Messrs Ford and Hudiield, Ltd., Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, report having sold on account of the trustees in the estate of the late 11. Collins, t.he bungalow property, comprising 5 rooms, situated Avalon street, Richmond, to Mr J. Stubberfield. —5

- ■ I d. d. j Faulty .. ~ j A-wool: i Sound . '■ Faulty . .. 3A Short to I-wool: Sound .. .. H Faulty ■> Hoggets— j Halfbred: j Sound I2i. I Faulty 9:y j Three-quarterbred: i Sound .. .9; I Faulty „ „„ 7'. Crossbred— Sound .. 7 A Faulty .. 6i PeltsSound . . ... Faullv ~ nj to 2


; YESTERDAY'S TRANSACTIONS j There was a good volume of bus: | ness on call yesterday, prices of sev | eral slocks showing an easing. Brew j cries and gold mining shares wer j most active. j Transactions, exclusive of vestibui , business, were:— I Sales on 'Change : £ s. d I £2OO Dunedin City. 5 V p.c. i 1/7/34 .. .. 101 15 0 I 100 Com. Bank of Aust. 017 G 5 Bank of N.S.W. . . 33 5 0 100 Bank of N.Z. '2> 2 10 4 200 A.P.A., 0 11 2 0 11 1 50 Standard Insurance 3 2 0 200 N.Z. Refrig. (£1 pd.) (2> 0 13 3 100 N.Z. Refrig. ClO/-pd.) 0 ii 1 COO N.Z. Breweries '6"t 2 0 9 100 Staples Brewery tcx div.'i ! !t 100 Timaru Brewery <7 (i pd.i 0 (i 0 200 Mt. Lvel! I 5 0 1 f> 3 50 Alexander Mines > If> pd. > i) ]5 0 400 Gillespie's Beach 0 2 3i f) 2 3 i 500 Gienroy <od pcl.o 0 Gi j 1000 Golden Point O 0 0 o\ . | 300 Golden Sands i2> 0 211 '■ i 3000 Maerewhenua (3) 0 0 11 300 Mahakipawa 0 0 2 >- 1000 Nevis Diesel Ele.r. i'2i 0 1 0 700 New Cornish I J oint r pd.) (2) 0 0 7 500 AVaihi Grand June. 0 5 0 ;i Sales Reported 50 E.. S.. and A. Ban!: j IT 6 .">3 Dalgety and Co U) fi 0 lO'.i N.Z. Breweries 2 1!) U JKKI TuotliV Brewery 'late sales FY 1 > 7' 2 -1 :> 2 4 3 2 4 !) 200 Wilsons. Cement 1 S 0 150 Bank of N.Z. >2. 2 10 3 200 Goldsbrough. Mini 1 13 10 200 Ml. I.veli 1 :> I ; i :> o j A parcel i> f liuiicaui I'ltv 5.'. per ("in. debenture.-. due .Uil> 1. 100-1. i changed hands at £lOl 15s. Commercial Bank of Australia were fractionally "weaker, with sellers and tnsiness at 17s 6d. F,.. S.. and A. Bank were firm, with business at £5 17s Od and further buyers at £5 17s. Bank! of New South Wales, cum dividend. I wore steady at £33 ss, and more were cfl'orod at £33 7s 6d. Bank of New Zealand relapsed lo 50s 4d and 50s 3d, I Mid closed easier, with sellers at 50s Australian Provincial Assurance vere firm, with dealings at lis 2d and lis Id. Buyer;: or New Zealand Insurance, cum dividend, movt'd up to 59s 3d without attracting sellers. Stancard Insurance changed hands at G2s. l ayers staying i:i at that: price, sellers at (!2s Od. Dalgety's were easier, with buyers . i rid business at £lO 6s, sellers at £lO <kl. Goldsbrougb, Morts were fract!omtHy weaker at33slod. New Zealand l.oan and .Mercantile ordinary stock was tinner on buyers' offers £64 New Zealand llcfniccraimg shares were /inn, with business in the fully paid at 13s 3d and in the parflv-naid i.i 3s Id. j Miscellaneous I Ne.v Zealand Breweries receded to 40s lOd and 40s Od, the market closing M 40s 7d buyer--:. 40s lOd sellers'. Staples Breweiy shares, ex dividend, had business at 25,'s 3d. and late unsupported sellers wanted 2!Js Gd. Timaru Bivwer.v r.s lid paid shares i.inved up a point to (is, market closing' Id on either ( .ic!e. Late sale? of Tooth'., Brewery shares on February ' we're reported at 44s 3d and *-Is M. and Jju vers to-day offered 44---!'d. sellers al 45s 3d. Mount. Lyclls were: weaker, with dealings al prices ranging' from 25j 5d ■ '' r,s ' closing 25k Id buyers, • .Id .sellers. Wilson's Cements moved - up to 28s, .sellers .staying in at that i price, buyers at 27s od. ' Alexander Mines 13s fid paid were 1 j easier, with sellers and business at 'ss ■ | Gillespie s Beach relapsed to 2s S.'.d ; : and 2.s ._>d. Glenroy Od paid remained i unaltered at Old. Golden Point were I :it ' Gulden Sands were firm, ; ) with sellers and dealing's at 2> lid I " l ~ s , 9d :. Macrewhenua were . bttad.\ at 2d Nevis Diesel Electric Jemamed unaltered at Is, market closi lr h n- ir? Nc ' w Co ™>*h Point ideaC Mar 'TcSSF&P c ' o£ ' n ® Quotations Id Unlisted Stocks ! * h-indwt'-ir| Umi, . C£ l , i Sd paid cha "««l 1 Uiinds at < Id, and there were furfhor buyers at that price, sc]lers at fld l-ATKST QUOTATIONS N.Z. Government Debentures Buyers Sellers. ?4 o d i) £ * d ' 4 p.e. Ins., 1040 .. 301 JO 0 102 0 0 4 p.e. Ins., 1040 .. i O2 15 0 - 4 p.c. Ins.. 104g 0 0 102 10 0 \ ond ; s . 1940 101 10 0

4 p.c. Bonds, 194G 102 15 0 ; p.c. Bonds, 1955 101 5 0 Other Debentures Eastbourne Boro 4| p.c., 15/12/51' mi n n Eastbourne Boro 41 P.c., 1/12/42 (or f, n Wesfport - Harbour 0 0 •>.' p.c., 1/4/53 ... 102 0 0 Glaxo, f»A p.c„ 1945 90 0 0 - - N.Z. Refrig. 6\ p.c., 1 <135 cjc) 0 0 Westport-Stockton Coal, Gi p.c., 193S . .)« ~ „ Booth, Macdonald, f i.!' p.c.. 1937 . 45 U 0 t>o 0 0 Banks Adelaide 0 2 0 610 0 Austi alawn ];j 5 y jo 15 0 Comm. ot Aust. . . 017 4 017 (i Comm. of Aust. <pref.) ..9 2 0 9 3 0 Comm. of Sydney 17 10 0 13 5 0 LS„ and A .. 517 0 518 C Natf. of A/asia. (ClO paid* i 3 j, f; Natl, of A/asia. (£5 paid) .. cll 0 612 0 Natl, of N.Z. 4 2 0 4 G 0 New South Wales fcum div.) .. 33 0 0 33 7 0 New Zealand 210 0 210 2 Union of Aust. 9 15 0 10 1 6 Insurance A P.A. 0 111 0 11. 2 National 0 115 8 018 10 New Zealand (cum div.) 2 19 3 South British 3n; 0 3u; a Standard 3 2 0 3 2 ii Loan and Agency Dal get.v and Co. .. ,10 G 0 10 6 ti Goldsbrough, Mort 1 13 4 1 14 (I Natl. Mori. "A" 'cum div.) ;{ .) (i New Zealand and River Plate 1 1 0 N.Z. Guar. Corp. 0 8 2 0 3'' N.Z. Loan & Merc. 'ord. stk.) , 64 5 0 67 10 0 N.Z. Loan & Merc. ipref. stock) .>• 95 0 0 Permanent Invest. 8 1.0 0 10 0 0 United Building 019 7 1 0 ti Wright. Stephenson and Co. ipi'.i OIT 0 1 0 i) Shipping Huddart Parker .. 113 0 1 14 3 P. and O. Deferred Stock .. 110 Union (pref.) .. - 16 0 Frozen Meat Canterbury , 9 15 0 N.Z. Refrig. (£1 Paid) . 018 3 018 4 N.Z. Refrig. (10s paid) .. 0 710 0 8 1. North Cant. Freez. 0 7 6 Southland 'cum div.) ..,.3 0 0

| £ s. d. £ s. c j Buyers. Sellers i Woollens i Kaiapoi (17s paid) 010 6 011 j Kaiapoi (7s paid) 0 2 3 0 4 j Kaiapoi (pref.) .. 015 9 017 | Mosgiel .. 9 12 6 _ Wellington 5 10 0 j Coal Grey Valley 0 12 I Westport 015 0 015 ! Stockton (ord. t 0 0 9 0 0 Stockton (pref. i 0 2 4 0 4 ( i Gas j Christchurch icx 1 div.) 1 9 3 : Chrisfchurch <10:; \ Paid, ex div.» .. 014 o 014 ( j Breweries New Zealand . . 2 0 7 201 C Staples 'ex div.> 1 9 (■ Timaru (7s 6d pd.) 0 51] 0 « 1 Tooths .. 2 4 9 2 5 3 Miscellaneous. Auvst. Paper and aiv Ul J\, . 114 (j 1 16 0 Alhed Motors . . 0 2 9 0 4 0 Amalg. Wireless . .1 13 0 116 0 Anthony Hordern 015 5 015 11 : Beath and Co. 19 0 110 0 Bcarh and Co. lls 0 7 1; 0 S 0 British Tobacco 1 ]li ii) 117 Burns, Philp . . .... 214 0 Dominion Fertilisel' 017 0 017 5 Dunlop Rubber I. 0 1 0 4 Electro. Zinc (ord.) 1 7 3 17 4 Klectro. Zinc (pi'.. cum div.) 115 2 I 15 C Henry Jones Co-op. 112 9 113 6 Hume Pipe (Ausi.) 013 6 015 0 Kauri Timber 016 0 017 9 Milburn Lime 110 3 112 0 Mount Lyell 15 1 15 3 N.Z. Drug Co. 314 0 317 C N.Z. Farmers' Coop. (first pref.) 19 0 N.Z. Farmers' Coop. ("A" pref.) 0 0 N.Z. Farmers' Coup. p.e. Stock. „ ' WO 1 72 0 u (J) 0 0 K./.. l'V.iDiei';.' Coop. <4i p.e. Stock 1945) 7! 0 0 S3 (l () N.Z. Paper Mills I « 6 1 10 (> Victoria Nyan;:;i Sugar) . . 10 0 Vvhitcombe anil Tombs) , . 39 0 Wilson's Cernenl 1 7 9 18 0 Woohvorths <N.Z.' pref. 1 17 0 :? 0 0 woolworths 'N.Z.i ord. . . 5 2 6 wunderlich 12 0

I Mining j I Addison s Flat .. 0 19 o •.> 9 Alexander 016 0 1 0 0 Alexander <l3s (id . Paid) 014 11 015 0 Aotearoa 0 0 7 0 10 Bell Hooper Ms Paid) U 0 9 0 J 0 Bell Kilgour 0 0 9J 0 0 104 Big River 0 OllS 0 1 1 31ack water , 1 1(; 4 117 0 Brian Born 14 0 1 511 Central Shotovcr <9d paid 1 0 010 0 I 0 Charleston <cum rights) 0 1 4 0 I 7 Consolidated ola 6 0 1.0 0 Freshford 0 0 2 0 0 2} Gillespie's Beach 0 :i 2 0 2 3 Glenroy <6d paid) 0 0 tJ 0 0 7 Golden Dawn 0 1 5 0 18 Golden Point 0 0 :i 0 0 31 Golden Sands 0 2 9 0 211 " King Solomon 0 4 0 0 4 2 Lawson's Flat 0 0 2-.V 0 0 51 Maerewhenua 0 0 10' i 0 0 llj Alahakipawa . 0 0 0 0 2i Mahakipawa (.pi'. > 0 0 2J 0 0 4?. Alining House Concessions . 0 0 :? 0 0 3-', Mount Morgan 3 13 <)" ) Nevis Diesel < Electric 0 I UA 0 1 2 ' New Cornish Point 1 lid paid 1 0 0 7 0 0 9 1 'Okarito 0 !J 2 (J 9 (i ! Oxenbriduc Shotover <9d paid' 0 0 !)', I Rawang Tin 0 7 1 0 7 6~ ! Waihi !10 10 111 3 j Waihi Grand ,1. 0 A 1.1 0 f> 1 j Waitahu 0 r> 9 0 510 J Upper .Shotovcr j 'ls paid 1 0 j. jo ) Upnei- Shotovcr i i.'ld paid) 0 1 3 0 1 7 I I N LISTED STOCKS | AH transactions in stocks quoted in j this section are subject to a different j rate of brokerage from listed stocks, j Hid ;:re not quoted 011 the official list: | iZ s. d. iZ s. d. i Andersons, l.'d. i 'prefj - 0 19 0 Andrews, Baly j • prof.) - 0 15 0 Jlaude i\Vun I Lights: 2 6 S 2 110! Deep Lead, LU!. j (2s paid.) . . 0 ."5 0 joldfieldy Dredging Us paid) . . 0 0 Gi 0 0 0 Hatter';; Flat (Is

'inxnsa omcuL wirm-zss.,. RUGBY, February 7. British 3 A per cent. War Loan stock id quoted as follows: £ s. d. February 7 ... 1.01 17 6 February 6 . . ioi 15 0 , February 5 .. .101 13 9 January 3 J .. 101 10 0 January 29 .. :tOl 6 ;{ January 26 301 5 0 January 24 .. 101 6 3 PRICE OF GOLD LONDON, February 7. America was the chief buyer of the ■ii 1,240,000 Avorth of gold sold to-day at £6 16s 9d a fine ounce. Quotations:— £ s. d. February 7.. .. 616 9 February u. . .. 619 :1 February !> .. .. 7 0 U February 3.. .. 618 :j February 2.. .. 619 6 February I. .. .. (> 35 (> January 31 . .. <>' 13 l AUSTRALIAN PRICE OF GOLD The price fixed by the Commonwealth Bank Jot - gold, including jewellery, lodged at the Melbourne Mint, for the week ended January 26, is at the rate of approximately £7, 9s 8d a standard ounce (22 carats), equal Lo a premium of 92.15 per cent. Payment is made according to the assay value of the gold. The price is 3d lower on the week. The price an junce fine is £8 3s 3d, a fall of 4d on the week. PRICE OP SILVER i.iiivicß o-tioui, yrir;E!.£Ss.) RUGBY, February 7. Silver (pence an ounce) is quoted: Feb. 6. Feb. 7. ! Forward .. 39 9-16 19 11-16! Spot . . .. 19j 192 j i

! paid) 0 0 7 0 I 0 I IMoonlisht Nelson Creole Us pnidi - 0 1 0 National Tobacco 3 5 0 311 0 N.Z. Mining Invest. 0 0 (Ji 0 0 10A N.Z. Perp. Forests 2 7 8" - Para Rubber < 15s paid) (i 16 0 E. Recce, Ltd. (prof.) 0 2 G. Recent. Pictures (Ch.Ch.) 0 11. (i 015 0 Skippers, Ltd (Od paid) .. 0 0 71 0 0 8 Smith, Wyllie .. 011 0" 012 3 Snowy River .. 0 0 U 0 0 2J Sua Newspapers 0 4 0 0 "> 0 Warners, Ltd. .. Were's Investment Trust . . 0 4 6 0 5 0 Wool worths (Vict.) (pf.) - 17 0 Wool worths (Sydney), ord. . . ■ r> 12 0 Waitaki Freezing 4 0 0 "~ Worksop Extended ~ <9d paid) .. 0 0 81 0 0 9i Sulcs i'l s. d. 1500 Skippers, Ltd. (9d pd.) 0 0 71 " AUCKLAND i Sales on 'Change j £ s. d. ! N.Z. Govt. Bonds, 15/1/40, i 4 p.c. . . 101 10 0 j N.Z. Govt. Stock, 14/3/38-43, 3\ p.c. . . 102 0 0 i N.Z. Govt. Stock", 1/3/39-43, I 31 p.c. .. 101 17 6 J Napier Borough, 1/2/45, s;] g p.c. ' . . 95 11 0 ™ Amalgamated Brick, A\ick- ! land, 1/3/44, 71 p.c. . . 93 0 0 ! Com. Bank of Aus. • . . 017 G j Bank of New Zealand ~ 210 3 Dalgety .. . 10 7 0 Northern Steam . 0 7 0 Robinson's Ice .. .. 0 17 (i Wilson's Cement . . .. ! 8 0 Bell Kilt;our .. .. 0 0 10J Gillespie's Beach .. 0 2 3J King Solomon .. 0 4 2 0 4 1 Waihi . 1 11 0 Waihi Junction .. <2l 0 5 0 0 4 11 Mount Lyell . 1 5 3 i Unofficial List j Auckland Farmers' Freezing 0 17 0 I Tru-Color Film (12s paid) 018 6 ] Invest, and Exec. Trust B. 112 0 0 j WELLINGTON Sales on 'Change C s. d. Rural Advance llonds 99 0 0 I N.Z. Govt. Ins. Stock. 4 p.c., ' 194G . 103 7 G ; Bank of A/asia. <2> K! 10 0 i National Bank of N.Z. '2) 4 5 0!" Bank of N.S.W. dale. Wed.) . 33 3 0 Bank of N.Z. Hong term) .1 12 4 _ N.Z. Guar. Corpn. .. 0 8 3 ( N.Z. Loan and Merc. .. 65 0 0 |__ Leyland O'Brien . 1 1. 0 | N.Z. Breweries (late Wed.) 2 12: 20 9 ! Tooth's Brewery .. 2 4 7 2 4 8 King Solomon . 0 4 li Mount Lyell < both late Wed) .. 1 5 7 _ 1 5 5" I'noflkial List | nvest. Exec. Trust (Ist B I debcnU 102 0 0 *

SYDNEY On the Sydney Stock Exchange yesterday the industrial section continued active, but buying strength was concentrated mainly on high-class securities. Prices generallv were j steady. Government loans were linn. 1 Morning Sales ' Commonwealth Bonds—- ! ? P er cent., 1950 1 03 10 I) • 4 per cent., 1900 108 7 : 4 per cent., 19G1 103 in o i .National Bank i-> 1() n j Tooth> Brewery . . ; 250 Associated Newspapers 111' Associated Newspapers ipf. i 1 1 ip; Dunlop Perdriau . . j 0 •}>■ David Jones ~ 1 19 Howard Smith 0 15 <1 Lustre 1 2 10" Afternoon Sales ~ ~ Bank of New South Wales 33 0 0 i Com. Bank of Sydney .. 17 13 0 E., S„ and A. Bank 5 15 0 National Bank (£5 paid) 6 7 (i National Bank (£lO paid) 13 10 it Queensland National Bank 313 0 Mercantile Mutual Ins. . . 1. :• Associated Newspapers 1 1 1' t Howard Smith .. 0 if, I;'' ' Burns, Philp. South Sea . 1 flu I Australian General Ins. 0 13 ;; ' Australian Provincial As- ! surance . . . 0 J1 :> j British Tobacco .. .. 117;;! j Tooth's Brewery .. ~ :> 5 0 j j Toohey's Brewery , 18 0 i Carlton Brewery . . ~ 2 5 0 1 Australian Glass .. ~ 3 ,10 U j Dunlop Perdriau . ~ 10 4'! Goldsbrough, Mori ~ 114 0" : P'airymead Sugar ~ 1 14 0 | David Jones .. .. 1 19 3 , Standard Cement .. 0 18 C General Industries .. 0 11 9 Commonwealth Wool .. 119 Mount Morgan .. 3 12 6' j Broken Hill Proprietary . 4 7! | South Broken Hil. ' . 3 14 (>~ 1 Bulolo Gold (i 13 0 Kuala Kampar 1. 4 1(1 MELBOURNE £ s. d. Goldsbrough. MOll .. 1 14 ?, Australian Glass .. 2 10 0" Com. Bank of Australia 037 6 Com. Bank of AUbt. (prefj 9 7 0 Herald and Weekly Times 21! 0 Taranaki Oil .. 0 18 war loan stock

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Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21085, 9 February 1934, Page 11

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FINANCE AND COMMERCE Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21085, 9 February 1934, Page 11

FINANCE AND COMMERCE Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21085, 9 February 1934, Page 11