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AUCTIONS. H. MATSON AND CO. HMATSON AND CO. REPORT ON THE •ADDINGTOfr MARKET AS FOLLOWS STORE SHEEP. H. SIATSON and CO. reports— STORE LAMBS—The entry in this aectioi comprised 8150, the greater portion oi •which comprised fine wool consignments ofl native pasture. They lacked the Gappinesf of earlier offerings. Competition was Jceer and the attendance was good. The basis o1 liiiles was as follows: —Best grade 18s tc 19s 4d, medium 16s to 17s, light 14s to 15s, culls 12s to 13s. EWE LAMBS'—Best 19s to 20s 6d, medium 17s to 18s, others 16s to 16s lOd. The following are some of the principal *ales, 100 and over: —160 halfbred lambs, ex. North Canterbury. 17g 6d; 156 second rrosfl lambs. ex Motunau, 16s lOd; 18£ Down cross lambs, 18s 3d; 453 halfbred wether lambs from 15s 9d to 17s lOd; 14C halfbred lambs, small and dry looking, Isfi Sd; 276 halfbred lambs, 14s 3d; 178 halfbred lambs, 14s 4d; 187 halfbred lambs, ex North Canterbury, 16s 9d; 134 halfbred wether lambs, ex Scargill, l>*s 3d; 163 threerjuarterbred lambs, ex Hurunui, 17s; 204 halfbred lambs, ex Hurunui, 15s 8d; 110 Lincoln merino lambs, ox Little River, 17s lOd: 179 halfbred wether lambs, 16s 6d; 486 Lincoln halfbred wether lambs, ex Parnassus', 14s Ud; 316 halfbred wether lambs, tx North Canterbury, 14s 8d; 475 Romney • horn lambs, ex Chatharns, 18s. EWE LAMBS —Some of the principal sales o£ 10'J und over: 270 English Leicester cross ewe lambs, a splendid line, well grown, 13s 3d; 111 halfbred ewe lambs, ex Motunau, 19s; 234 halfbred ewe lambs. 20s Gd; 102 halfbred ewe lambs, ex Scargill, 16s 3d; 658 halfbred ewe lambs, ex Culverden, 16s 3d to 16s 7d; 110 ewe Jambs, 17s 10d. ADULT SIIEEP —Tho entry in this section comprised 6894 ewes and 2539 wethers, making a total of 9433 store sheep. TWO-TOOTH EWES, of which about 1200 wcro penned, sold as follows:—Best l?9a to 33s 9d, medium 26s to 28s, small 20s to 255. POUR-TOOTH EWES sold from 18s 4d to 29s 3d. FOUR, SIX, AND EIGHT-TOOTH EWES •old as follows:—Best 20s to 255, medium 17s to 19s, light 14s to 16s. SOUND AND EAILING-AIOUTII EWES— Best 16s to 18s 3d, medium 13s to 15s, doubtful 10s to 12s, culls 6s 6d to 9s. Some of the bigger consignments were follows:—l 32 Uomncy ewes, soundmouth, ex tho bay*, 22s 9d; 139 Corriednle ewes, sound and failing-mouth, ex Waikari, lis 9d; 160 halfbred ewes, two-tooths, rx Blenheim. 265; 140 halfbred owes, sound and failing-mouths, 15s 9d; 136 halfbred ewes, two-tooths, 335; 127 Corriedale ewes, sound-mouth, ex Waiau, 15s; 117 halfbred ewes, ex Oxford, lis 9d; 104 Corriedale ewes, sound-mouth, ex Medbury, 19s 3d; 286 Koraney four, six, and eight-tooth ewes, exChathams, 21s 9d to 22s 3d; 280 Romney cross ewe;?, four and five-year-old, from Tipapa, 15s; 120 Romney ewes, four and nix tooths, 29s 3d; 194 halfbred ewes, failing mouth, lis 7d; 190 halfbred ewes, sound and failing mouth, 17s 4d; 123 do., 10s 2d; 375 Romney ewes, four, six, and tooth, ex Chathnms, 22s 6d; 379 halfbred «wea, two-tooth, ex Swannanoa, 33s 6d; 249 Corriedale ewes, sound mouth, from 19s 4d to 20s 3d; 118 halfbred ewes, sound and failing mouth, 16s lOd; 209 Corriedale owe ex Motunau, large framed, good bone, and a choice lot, 255. WETHERS—The best made from 18s 39s Od, medium 16s to 17s, light Its -15s. a few lower up to 13s. iIATSONS FOR PERSONAL ATTENTION. FAT SHEEP. H. MATSON and CO. report that there was a in this section of 3650 head. Sheep were drawn from the West Coast, Kaikoura, the Chatham Islands, South Canterbury, together with the local consignments. Tho quality was only fair, good prime sheep of both sexes being rather short in supply. The majority of the entry comprised medium to plain and light sorts. The market opened out well up to last week's.rates, and as the sale advanced prices *eemed to show a firming tendencj', competition being good, and for the best prime sheep bidding was very spirited. Freezing buyers again found it difficult to secure any quantities as most sales wero well above their limits. The following is the range of values: Extra prime heavy wethers to 29s 7d, prime heavy wethers 26s to 28s 6d, medium 23s tid to 25s 6d, ordinary wethers 21s to 235, liirht wethers 17s to ill 0s 6d, extra prime heavy ewes to 32s lOd, prime heavy 2'3s 6d to 265, medium ewes J.9s 6d to 235. ordinary fwes 16s to 19s, light ewos 12s 6d 15s Gd. Sumo of IT. Watson and Co.'s principal •ales wore a» follows:—On account of Mr G. F. McPrury (Halswell), wethers to 27s lOd; Mr H. J. Macartney (Tai Tapu), ewes to 17s 7d; Mr C. Morgan Williams (Kaiapoi), ewes to ISs 7d; Mr S. Harris (Styx), ewes to 28s 7d;. wethers to 27s 10d; Mr J. T. Hay (Church Bay), wethers to JBs 4d, ewes to 16s 7d; Mr G. F. Wright (West Melton), ewes to 17s 4d, wethers to l!0s lOd; Mr J. Moyer (Inehbonnie), wethers to 21s 7d; Mr R. StudhoJme (Tai Tapu), *wes to JBs 4d, wethers to 23s Id; Miss I. M. Shand (Chatham Islands), wethers to 25s 7d, ewes to 16s Id; Mr J. Wesley (Waikuku), ewes to 16s 3d; Mr 11. Marshall (Weedons), ewes to 16s 4d; Mr 11. Hall <Governor's Bay), ewes to 13s lOd; Mr I<\ Meyer (Marshland), ewes to 25s 4d; Mr Jl. A. Bennett (Rangiora), ewos to 17a Id. wethers to 2Us -Id; Mr G. Seaton (Courtfjnav), ewes to 19s 4d ; Mr E. Storer (Bennottsj. cues to 16s 7d; Mr 11. C. Candv (Hornby), ewes to L'ss 4d ; Mr Jl. Bennett (Kast Eyroton), ewes to 14s lOd; Messrs Cherry Bros. (Kaiapoi), ewes to 21s lOd. MATSONS FOR PERSONAL ATTENTION. FAT LAMBS. JT. MATSON and CO. report:—ln this faction there was a total entry of 2700 head, of which IJ. MATSON and CO. handled 789. The entry included a fair proportion of good pr»niu quality lambs, while many others, as usual, dwindled down to the light, plain, and unlinished sorts. West Coast vendors were well represented in this section, some very good consignments being forwarded. The market opened out well, being up to last week's rates, and competition wi. ker-n throughout, h from butchers and export buyers, especially for good prinit sorts, and jn our opinion prices were bette? in many instances than the previous week's rates. Tho following is the range of values:— Extra prime heavy lambs to 26s 4d, prime heavy lambs *J2s (id to 24s 6d, prime medium lambs 19s 6d to 225, light and plain 16s to I9s. f-ome of Jt. .MATSON and CO.'s principal •ales were as follows: —On account of Mr <i. Kluri'r, Bennetts, lambs to 20s 4d; Mr J;. Studholnie, Tai Tapu, to 18s 4d; Mr Adam Chalmers, Lyttelton, to 22s 4d; Mr H. Byrch, Motunau, lambs to 19s 4d; Mr «T. Wheatley, Christchurch, to 21s lOd; Mr <r. Coleman, Weedons, to 23s 7d; Papartta Prison Farm, Templeton, to 22s lOd; Mr G. l\ Wright. West Melton, to 23s lOd; 'Mr A. Jackson, Jacksons, to 19s 7d; Mr Ji. Wall is. Port Leavy, to 22s Id; Mr H. Jackson, .laclcsons. to 2 ts 4d; Mr P. Buttola, Pocrua, to 19s; Mr If. Bennett, Rangiora, 1o 2'Js Id; Richmond Hill Estate, Sumner, ?o 22s Jf>d; Mr Jl. Jones, Poranui, to 21.s Id; Mr <r. F. I)urev, Jlarewood, to 22s lOd; Mr J. Barnard, Kaiapoi, fo 21.s Id- Mr J. Meyer, J nrhbonnie, to 25s JOd; Mr F. Mcquillan, Woodend, to 22s -Id: Miss M. Lvnksey, Kaiapoi, to 26s 4d; Messrs Me. 'JVatfiie Bros.. Halswell, to 2'2s 1 Od; Mr S. Ford, Templeton, to 21s Id; Mr H. 1.1. Harris, Oeenpark, lo 21s 4d. MATSON S FOR PERSONAL ATTENTION. FAT CATTLE. IT. MATSON and CO. report:—The total entry in the fat cattle section to-day came to 290 head. The quality was very mixed, practically no straight lines being on offer, the majority of the pens being filled by MM-ond-grade beef. Keen competition was forlhiomim; from the outset for all prime heavy-weights, and a rise or' anything from 25s to 3os a head was noticeable for the best cattle. Prime raffle and unfinished cattle uKo appreciated in valu f \ H. MATSON and CO. quote the following npnvnxiina.l e prices per lOOlb: Prime hatidy■vveigltls 23s to 2i>-<, heavy-weights 2 /is to 28s, medium 2Us 6d to 225, plain down u, 17s- heifers 22s in 245, medium heifers ■JOs lo 225, unattractive to 19s; prime heavy cows to 20s, prime cows His to 18s, medium rows 12s to 14s, unattractive down to 12s Cd. H. MATSON and CO. quote tho following approximate prices per head: —Extra heavy steers lo .£ll 7s 6(1, prime steers £9 7s Od to £lO 7s 6d, medium steers £4 10s to 10s, light and unfinished to £4 ss; extia heavy heifers to £8 2s od, prime heifers 1-j 35s to I' 6 15s, medium heifers £4 5s to iy ss, others to £3 15s; extra heavy cows to .V 7 17s 6d, prime heavy cows £o os to 1 us, medium cows £4 to £4 15s, light and MATSONS Voß° PJ-TIISONAL ATTENTION. FAT PIGS. 11. MATSON and CO. report:—Thero was n medium enlrv in t his section to-day. "he j,. (i1 ,,.|,ii1 0:1 a pur with late rales and nKiinlaitii'il ill values t hrougtiou t. It was I.oii.'.nlile ihirins tho sale lliat porkor3 v. 7ii jimiTuls lo 9i) liounds were more keenly *oii:rM after than heavier sorts. P.aroners wei-e \erv linn at late rateFi, there lining some nieo i-unsignnients forward. H. MATSON arid c:0. r|iinte the followincr r.iiiKe of values:- Porkers 2(is 0d to 32s (3d, heavy porkers i'.iis lid to iJRs 6d, average lirico per ])ouinl 5d to sid; cliopiiers 30s to .11 8s (id, liaeoners 47s lid to 54s 6d, heavy liaconeis ill to i'ii 12s. extra heavy up to A'il His Od, average price per pound 4:Jd to s\d. MATSOXS FOR. PERSONAL ATTENTION. STORE PIGS. 11. MATSON unci CO. report:—To-day this department was of medium size. "Wenner.s and small stores showed a slight decline on late rates owing to the larger entry. Large stores are still in good demand. The attendance of buyers was fair, lull the bidding was inclined to bo erratic. H. MATSON and CO. quote, the. following Tan;;e of values:—Weuners l'is 6d to 15e- t

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Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21084, 8 February 1934, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21084, 8 February 1934, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21084, 8 February 1934, Page 16