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POSSIBLE MATCH IN MELBOURNE DAVIS V. LINDRUM LONDON, October 13. Joe Davis hopes to go to Melbourne in 1934 to play Walter Lindrum, world's champion billiards player, if suitable financial arrangements can be made.

SUBURBAN GAMES The Suburban Cricket Association's competitions commenced on Saturday last. Tho weathor "was fine and warm, and tlie wickets were in fair order. Shirley met Mairehau, at Emnvood Park, and batting first ran up 267 before the last wicket fell. L. Kington 5-1 and E. Cummings 66 making good stands. Batting in a bad light, Maire- j hau lost four wickets for nine runs at stumps. | Railwav batted first against Sunnyside, and after commencing badly run up 227, L. Hood 57 and J. Peattio 49 beiug top-scorers. Sunnyside batted weakly, aud at stumps had lost six wickets for 79, E. Barnes 2j and H. Thompson 20 not out being the only doublo figures. , At Linwood Park, Working Men s CIuD mado a poor showing against the bowling of T. Sincock, who secured seven wicket* for 30 runs. At stumps Beckenham had replied with 126 runs for six wickets. EAII.WAT v. SUNNYSIDE. j Railway batted first against Suunyside, and after losing three wickets for 10 runs carried the total to 227. J. Pcattie (49) and P. Bartlett making a good Maud for tho eighth wicket, and then Bartlett and Hood (37) for the ninth. At stumps Sunnyside wore in a bad position and had lost six wickets for 79 runs. Scores: KAIL WAY. First Inning?. M. Lnhrey. e Ellis, b Cocks .. - l H." Mitchell, b Thompson .. .. - W. Owen, b Thompson . . • • 0 P. Bailey, c Gordon, b Oliver . ■ '-'- It. Overcnd, lhw, b Roberts ... I s ' ,T. Hattersley, e Oliver, b Cocks .. H F.. Brooks, b Cocks . . • • 3 3 .1. Peattie, st Cullen, b Oliver .. 4!) V. Bartlett, c Oliver, b Ellis .. 19 L. Hood, c and b Mahoney .. 57 \V. Aitken, not out .. 0 v.-:u\is .. .. ..17 Total . . . . ■ ■ 227 Bowling Analysis—K. Thompson, 11 overs, 49 runs, 2 wicket?; ('.'. Cocks, 10 overs, 37 runs, 3 wickets; G. Roberts, 0 overs, ;:o runs, I wicket; W. Oliver, 9 overs, . r .'> runs, 2 wickets; A. Mahoney, I over, 11 runs, 1 wicket; J.. Gordon. 2 overs. 17 runs'; W. Ellis, 2 overs, 1L runs, 1 wicket. SLWNYMDE. First Innings. R. Chinnery, b Owen .. . . "> L. Cordon, b Owen . . . . ti G. Roberts, st Mitchell, b Owen .. 4 E Barnes, b Peattio .. .. -"> C. Cocks, b Peattie . . . . 8 W Oliver, b Hattersley .. .. >'• H Thompson, not out .. ..20 Extras .. .. ..5 Total for fix wickets .. 79 SHIRLEY v. MATREHAU. After an inauspicious start, L. Kington and L Kirk settled down to play good cricket foi Shirley against Mairohau, at Elfnunod Park, putting nri 10 before. .Kirk was caught off Gordon, who was howling well. Kington played confidently with shots nil round tho wicket He looked well set when be was run out as a result of an unfortunate misunderstanding when his score was 54. His was tho sixth wicket to fall, and tho total runs then 142. )■'.. Cummings went in fifth wicket down aud gave n bright display to top-scoro with 6(1. R. Pitt and R. Dixon were both aggressive, aud compiled 31 and 33 not out respectively. At G p.m. Shirley were all out for the respectable score of 207. J. Gordon was the most successful bowler for Maireliau, taking four for 37. In a bad light, Maireh.m had lost four wickets for nine runs when stumps were pulled. Scores:—

SHIRLLV. First Inning.?. K. Archer, b Gordon . . , . o h Kington, run out . . ..61 1,. Kirk, (.• Oekleshaw, b Gordon .. 27 S Kirk, c Brook, b Gordon .. 4 G. Brittemlen, b Lisle .. .. .'•; Iv Taylor, o Lisle, b S. Oakley .. 19 K Cummings, c Brook, b Candlish .. tiC T. Frascr. h Oekleshaw It. Pitt, Ibw. b Gordon . . .. "1 It Pi.xon, not out , . . 3.'i A. Pitt, Ibw, b Sweenev -j Extras . . .. ..23 Total .. .. ..~2G7 Bowling Analysis—J. Cordon, 15 overs, ( maidens, 37 runs, 4 wickets; G. Candlish, Jl overs, 5:5 runs. 1 wicket; K. Oakley, l> overs, ij runs; W. Sweeney, 10 overs, II runs, 1 wicket; K. Lisle, 4 overs, ;!1 runs, I wicket; S. Oakley, :! overs, 1 maiden, II rutin, 1 wicket; 11. Walker, 2 overs, 10 niv.s; 11. Oekleshaw, 2 overs, 10 run.'!, 1 wicket. ! MAIKEHAC. ! First. Innings. J. Gordon, played on, b A. Pitt .. ' o K. Oaklev, b A. Pitt .. .. . 0 ' S. Oaklev, o Tavlor, b Archer .. 2 W. Hampton, Ibw, b Archer .. .. o K. Lisle, not out .. .. .. 0 Extras .. .. .. Total for four wickets .. 'J "W.M.C. v. BECKENHAM. Beckenbam have a lead of 47 with four wickets in band against Working Men's Club. Working Men's Club batted first at Linwoo.l Purl: and Rot 7;), S. Cli-gg IT, top-scoring. T. Sincock, seven for 30, was the best bowler. S ( autberay, CO, helped Beckenbam to reach 12U for six wickets at slumps. Heath made a nico 24. Scores: WOEKIXG MEN'S CLUB. .First Innings. C. Smith, b J. Mills ... .. 11. IT. Warr, b J. Mills .. ..4 A. Shand, b Sincock ... .. 4 S. Clcgg, Ibw, b Sincock .. ..17 P. Manttan, b Sincock .. .. 11 L. McLachlan, b Sincock .. ..0 I'". Harris, b Sincock .. .. I> \V. Curmingham, c StoUefl, b Sincock 7 A. Fvfe, c Skelton, b Wcatherhead .. 2 R. Langford, c Weatherbead, b Sincock I U. Hooper, not out ■■ ■• ..1 Extras -. .. lG Total ™ Bowling Analysis--.!. Mills, 7 overs, 1 maiden, 25 runs, 2 wickets; T. Sincock, 1".." overs, 1 maiden, 30 runs, 7 wickets; S. Cawthoray, -1 overs, 1 maiden, 4 runs: .1. Wcatherhead, 3 overs, 4 runs, 1 wicket. Mills bowled six no balls. BECKENHAM. First Innings. S. Cawtheray, b McLachlan .. .- t!2 B. Cox, b McLachlan .. " „ B. Cunirnings, b McLachlan .. '- N. Stokes, b Cunningham ... ; •• ''• M. Heath, Ibw, b McLachlan .. .. -1 J. Mills, b McLachlan -• « .1. Wcatherhead, not out .. ' 11. Kvans, not out •• -- ;! Extras .. •■ ■■- •• Total for six wickets .. -• l - G SENIOR B. Marist, 18G for eight wickets (T. Coomber 34 not out, G. Blazey 23, C .Kirk 2..) met Templeton. Bowling for Tcmpleton, I. Davison took fivo wickets for 23 runs Clock Tower, 104 (Besley 44, McMilly 28) and 30 for one wicket, met Spreydon, 08 (Kiddey 43, Freeman 19, Holmes lo). bowleg for Sproyd«.B, Fan-ant took throe, for 12 and Holmes two for 11, unci for Clock Tower Besley took four for 2». for 11, and for Beckenbam Evans took foar for 32 and Carlyle two for -3. JUNIOR A. «t Albans 159 <?• I'orteous 83, K. Peg]et i(H w t ? ven w.clets (K Watson 94). Bowling for Hare-wood P Preece took fivo for 39 and D. MerriD p r ovLi.a r , 4 Buildin S s 01. (Uurdlcy 24) met Avon 207 (L. Cado 45, Moran 40, MeEwen 3, Burrow 34). McEw-en five tor U bowled well for Avon, and Baird, . five for 54 took most wickets for Provincial B SL 155 (C. Timms 31. J'lctch" 26 Raxworthy 15, F. Tirnms 17) met Shir ey u . (Aleie I'i). F. Horwell four tor 11 and 0 Timms three for one took moat wickets for Shirley, and J. Green three for 6 and 0. S'tammcrs three for 25 for Eiccarton. JUNIOR B. Urlwins 15 7 (G. Kent 33, Eich 20) met Working Men's Olub 3 45 (Taylor 59. Watson 27, Whitehead 14). Egan five for 42, Peacock two for 11, and Leo two for 37 took the wickets for Working Men's Club, and Kent three for 48 and Wills five for 52 for Urlwins. JUNIOR C. Kia Ora 160 (P. Perry 33, S. French SO not out, M. Maiden IS) met Whitcorabe and Tombs 116 (Breruner 22, Fraser 19, Ferry 12,' Strong 18 not out). Hobsou sis for 27 ' bowled best for Kia Ora, and Bremner four for 42 for Whitcombe and Tombs. Spreydon 63 (Masson 14, E. Masson 15) and 39 for five wickets met Beckenbam 53. Mills throe for 12 and Clarkson three for 13 bowled best for Beckenham, and J. Nolan three for '!) and J. Lee three for 13 for Spreydon. Oddfellows 139 (Adams 43, Lennio 44) met Harmonic Society 05 (Richards IS). Bowling for Oddfellows Lennio took six fori II and for Harmonic Society Sutherwood thr«o for 12 bowled best. ,

THIRD GEADE A. I Ouruliia. 179 (S. Watson 82 not out, J. Steere 35) 4e£eated Avon 48 by 131 runs on the first innings. Argyle House 110 and 73 for four wickets defeated Stewart's Gully 41 by G6 runs on the first innings. Fraser four for 26 bowled best for Stewart's Gully, and Bailey, four for six, for Argyle House. Lyttolton 175 defeated Opava 111 by 64 runs on the first innings. Northcote defeated Shirley by seven wickets. Beckenhain 37 and 130 for six wickets (Roach 57 not out) defeated Mnirehau 72 (Wilson 21, Tombs 2C) and 81 for six wickets declared, by four wickets. Smith five for 11 and Russell three for nine bowled best for Beckenhain, and Wilson for Mai relinn, tlio last-named performing tho * "hattrick '' THIED GEADE B. llnrewood 103 and 02 for two wickets declared defeated Ouruliia 35 and 86 by •15 runs. Bowling for Harewood W. Power took five for 17 and eight for 34. Uiecarton 176 (S. Bremi'ord 50, £'. Kerton 23. Malcock 21) defoated Stewart's Gully 91 (Bamford 27) by 85 runs on the first innings, Jlalcock three for one and Kerton three for 24 took most wickets for Biccarton, and 3. Lepper three for 21 bowled best for Stewart's Gully. Corsair 110 (Xee 3;i, Bnrnett 32, Frost 14 not out) defeated J.yttcltrm 47 (Loader 19) and .126 (Cording 22, Futibister 18, Jleßean 15) by O'i runs on the first innings. Baldwin s!\- for 20 howled well for Corsair, and _Mil|.u- for Byttelton. Papanui 148 (J. Cain's 05) 'beat Avon S'i by 05 runs on the first inn in-* Grimwood six for 11 for Papanui, am! Ho lUuld live for ~2 for Avon bowled well. The Noriheota and Heathcoto lnat.-h could not he played as no pitch was available

BOYS' ASSOCIATION COMPETITION REOPENED Although the majority of the wicked were in quite fair condition, there Mere ;io outslaiidiij.; balling performances when the. Canterbury Boys' Cricket Association rr - opened its competition on Saturday with the filth round of the. 1933 series. -Keaull.i:FIKST GRADE. iL'nclcr 1(1 ic:irn.; West Chrtstctiurch District High School, 7!) (Weatheruead jy ont i Ourtis l!ij defeated ot. Bedcs Co..ege, u by ,0 runs oo the nrst irimugs. ,1. O'etdlivan, s.x wicker i„>2:1 runs, bowled beft lor St. Bcdo'a College, while Amioncl, lour lor 3, nnd Wilcox four lor 5, toon the wickets fur We:;t Christchurch District High School. Tho game between Boys' High School and Christ s College was postponed. Technical College had the bje. SF.CO.\"D GRADE. (Under 10 years.) Cathedral Grammar School, i\ (Marshall 10 and Jensen 10) anil S'.l (Jensen 31 retired, Kuper 31 retired, for four wickets, defeated Hoys' High School, US (Douglas 18) and 03 (Douglas 1G; by six wickets and 39 runs. IX. T. Pither, lour wickets for 17 runs and four tor IS, bowled well for Cathedral Gr 'lunar School New Brighton District High School )CS Cook 03, May z7, ~,Uiewood '23. and Mackrell IS) defeated Technical College, 129 (Sherwood 53 Sutherland '2H, and Chapman l'J) by 41 runs on the first innings V*'. [!. Mackrell (New Brighton) four wickets for 23 runs, was the most successful bowler. The match between St. Andrew's College and Christ'fl College was postponed.

THIRD GRADE. (Under 15 ccars.) St. Bedo's Codege, 13!) (Henzel Ci not out, Walkhu 31, uormnn 17, and :\ce 12) for tjve wickets, defeated Boys' High School A, lit) (Garrett 20; by live wickets and 79 rami on the first innings. West Chnsteluireh District High School, 119 (Thorne 61, lloldsworth 25, and Euston 12) for three wickets declared, defeated Bo'.V High School B, 10 and Go (Radley 25 ami Marks 10) by an innings and 13 runs. J. Thome, three wickets for t runs and four for 11, bowled well for West Christchurch District High School. The game, Technical College v. ChijM's College was postponed. FOURTH. GRADE. (Under 15 vravs.) Technical College B, 39 vHorvcy H and Muvrav 12) and :!S (Murrav 13 and Ilarland 12) for ci'/ht wickets defeated St. Brio's College, 33 (Orev 13; and 11 (Grey U) by two wickets and three runs. Brunei], three wicketa for G runs and three for 10, bowiod well for St. Bede's College.

Boys' High School, So (Stribhng 39 and Inkster 15) defeated West Christchurch District High School 77 (Horning 21, Brunt 11, and Bndgor 11) by eight runs on tho first innings. Stribling, five wickets for 27 runs, bowled well for Bovs' High School. The mnWics, St. Andrew'o College- v. Christ'?! College B ami Christ's Col lego A v. Technical College, were postponed. FIFTH OKADI-;. i Under 11 years.) St. UowVe Colle 3 e. 340 (Lawlor 17 retired, Tavlur 29 not out, Heivleieon 21, ami Jenkins 17) for nine wickets declared, defeated St. Andrew's College, -12 (Kumoold U, by 03 runs on the first, innings. Lawlor. five wickets for 0 runs, bowled well tor St. Boue s Weft' Christchurcb District High School 09 (Hobbs 24 and McKenzie 22) defeated Technical College, 20 (Bradshaw 10 not out), by 43 runa on tho first innings. The game between Bovs' High School and Christ's College was postponed. SIXTH GRADE. (Under U years.) Hoys' High School, SO (Aitkrn 20 and Britteriden 22) defeated TecLmcal College 28 and 28, l.y an inmngs and M runi West Christehurel, District High School, 51 (Muirson 15 and Bridget 1-..-and V* /Barton 31 W'vse 23, and Bigga 12) for ' ivf ' wickets declared, defealed Cathedral Grammar School, 02 (Borthwiek 20, J one; ~», aid Bailey 12, and 15, by CO runs- W y«c, fn« wickets for 30 runs and four [,i - an Burton, three, for 10 and six for 13 benle well for West Cb.rietcbun.-h District High S Medbury Preparatory School bad the bye. SEVENTH GRADE. (Under I! years.) "1 runs on the Hist innings. Pullan (I'ocbnici CoUe-cO, five w.ckets for 9 runs, and Lain (St! -Bcde's College) five for 10. I b District High Sohool ISO (Perry 71 and Riseley 22) defeated fech- , ca Co lege A, CG (Cowan 30) and 28 Cowan 9 for live wickcl*. by C-l rune on the firs ■innings. Clarke, seven wickets for 33 runa, bowled well for Technical Colege A. The match between Christ B College and Boys' High School was postponed.

NORTH CANTERBURY ASSOCIATION The Norlh Canterbury Cricket Association competitions were continued on Saturday with the following results: — SENIORS. At Woodend Uansiora. '-M0 (1\ Roberts 01 H A Bennett DO, Laing "». ?• L,ov,,n -','• "'itinW, A. Lockhart 17) met Wood„„d 75 for three wicket? (D. Nixon --. A. Smith 10, 11. Little 3'J not out, H. LotUeU H> not out). Cowlin;; for Woodend, A. V. oodward took three wickets for 22 rums .14. Hallinger three for 51. D. Nixon two fur 47, and T. liibson one for :•■->. At Oxford. Oxford 107 (\\. Sail ~1, <• Brown' 31. S. Wilder 20, S. Clew- 21, h. SoutliKato 21, D. Grant 14, B. Pebenham 15 not out) met Amberley 15-f tor two wickets (O. Adams 45, 0. May 00 not out, H Sail 2-1 not out). Bowling for Amberley o.' Dudley took two for 30, W. lioyec two for 37, Hadler two for 48, and H. Sail one for 24. Playing at Kaiapoi, Loburn m the first innings scored 98 (G. Mcßeath 25, C. Croft 21, J Neilson 10). Bowling for Kaiapoi, 11. 11. Biaekwell took six wickets for 33 runs and I>. Beer three for 43. Kaiapoi scored 121 for eight wickets (R. Taplin 53, 11. 11. Biaekwell 30 not out, 11. liopkius 35). JUNIOR A. \t Rangiura Woodend 23 3 (C. F,dnr -U'. IT Robson 40, It. Ballin;or 33, T. Tiiinui 23, G. Appleton 16, 11. Harris 14, It. Sheppard 23 not out) met Rangiora 19 for three wickets. For Rangiora W. Cunningham took five -wickets for 55 runs, J. I'elhig two for 55, F. O'Dea two for 45, and It. Scott ono for 8. At Sefton, Seftoa 174 met Fernsido 01 for eight wickets. JUNIOR B. At Horrelville Oxford 72 (K. Bowman 12, P. O'Loughlin 15, S. Pickering 11) au<l 86 for two wickets (P. O'Lotighlin 30 not out, L. Gibson 20 not out) met Horrelville 36 (L. Patterson 15). For Oxford Gibson took five wickets for 17 runs, T. O'Loughlin four for 8, and Pickering one for 3. For Horrelville Boer took two for 20, G. Cosser five for 20, and T. Eder two for 12. At Fornslde Woodend 73 (L. Southern 17 not out, C. Smith 16, F. Huria 16) met Feraside 114 for eight wicketa (J. Sinclair

*l4 Dot out, L. Ford 20, P. Tjill 10). For Fernside Sinclair took live wiekctes for 20 runs and D. Milne two for 29. Playing at Loburn, Loburn in the first innings scored 3 6'.' (12. Bailey 32. D. Hills 32, L. O'Doughlin 30, F. Hills 2ii, Greenwood 3o). Bowling for Kaiapoi, A. Gray, eon. took two wickets for 11 runs. Kaiapoi scored 172 for three wrikefs (11. J, Templeton 101 not oat, 31. Oram 4G not out). 3IAL VISKN ASSOCIATION SENIOR GRADK. Darfield defeated Sheffield on the Durfteld Domain by -l'.} runs. Sheffield, hatting first, made 04 (C. C. Inno IS, M. I'avelka l'i t Q. A. Wright. 12, R. Gunn 11 not out). Bowling for Darfield, J. Gunn took six for 27, IT. 12. Wt_'stv.ood two for 18, and F. A. Wostwood two for live. ParlieM replied with 107 (J. Gunn 11, AV. Sunnuervillo 31, iI. F. \V»'?twood 22, J. Millard 12 not out). Bowling for Sheffield, R. Gunn took two for 2<>, L. T. Wright ono for 16. Q. A. Wright tw«> for 12, O. Innis one for 19, and IX Toombs three for 20. Greendalo nut Kororata on the Greeiulalo Domain and vas defeated by 53 runs. Hororata, batting lirst, made 176 for nine wickotb declared (A. Slonc 32, C. Thome 35, J. MeKenzi© 17, J. Glen 11, A. Jones 50 not out). Howling for Grcendale, E. Frew took one for 16, L. Early five for 57, C. Adams two for 20, and B. Shipley one for 36. Greendale replied with 120 (E. Frew 2f/, M. Brown 33, F. Johnson 14, J. Frew 16). Bowling for Hororata, A. Stone took six for 30, J. Glen ono for 21, K. Oombv one for 29, A. Jones ono for eight, arid 0. Thome one for 20. Playing on the Kirwee Domain, the home tnant defeated C'oaigat© by 60 runs. Kirwe© made 11 (W. Fidler 50 not out, G. Reveley 15, A. Roper 15). Bowling for Coalgate, F. "NVesta 11 took threo for 31 and Torling two for F). toalgate replied with 42 (\\\ Donnnn 11 not out; G. Reveley six for 23, \Y. Fidler threo for 10). SiXOXD GRADE. Flaying at Springfield, tho hotne team defeated Greendale by ItfS runs. Springfield made 2 8:; (A. Dickio 41, W. Donovan '56, R. Hardie 45, r»nd J. Frazr>r l'»). Bowling for Greendnle, S. Kay took two for 26, T. Ilealy two for 06, K. Adams one for 43, snd F. Cullen four for 34). Greendale made 45 (T. Healey 15, S. Kay 14, F. Adams 31 not out). Bowling for Springfield, A. Dickio took threo for nine, R. Hardie threo for 11, D. Nimmo ono for 21, and W. Donovan two for one. Playing on the Sheffield Domain, Sheffield defeated Kirweo by 32 runs. Sheffield made 112 (Jj. Ilawk 26, 11. Judd 23, D. Humm 35). Bowling for Kirwee, A. Anderson took threo for 41, A. Stewart two for 31. A. McCauley ono for 17, and M. Andersen two for 21. Kirwee replied with 80 (D. Finlay 22, A. Andersen IS, M. Andersen IF). Bowling for Sheffield, 11. Towusend took four for 28, A- Greydon ono for eight, G. Inuis ono for ©no, D. Humm one for five, W. Judd ono for threo, and. i\ Jones two for 19.

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Press, Volume LXIX, Issue 20987, 16 October 1933, Page 14

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BILLIARDS Press, Volume LXIX, Issue 20987, 16 October 1933, Page 14

BILLIARDS Press, Volume LXIX, Issue 20987, 16 October 1933, Page 14