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i I RANGIORA | Mr Samuel Ayers, ol' King street, j Rangiora, one of the oldest residents jof the borough, celebrated his | eighty-seventh birthday on Wedj ncsday. During the day con- ! gratulatory messages were re- ! ceivcd from friends near and tar. j Members of the family gathered for the occasion, and the table decora- : tions were carried out in pink japonica. j A feature of the celebrations was the lighting of the G7 candles and cutting a beautiful cake made by a i grand-daughter. Miss Tlielma Trebi- | leu, of Te Aroha. The Rev. S. Hender- | son and Mr H. Taylor spoke in eulogisI tic terms of Mr and Mrs Ayers, who j were accorded musical honours. A i very happy evening was spent with | music and games. • At the fortnightly meeting ui: the Druids' Lodge Bro. Lan Tweedie presided. An invitation was received from Trafalgar Lodge to a social evening on October 10. Sick pay amounting to £9 and a funeral claim for £3O were passed for payment. Bro. J. J. Mcßrearty reported having visited the Oroua Druids' Lodge, Palmerston North, where he was cordially welcomed and entertained. The weather cleared for a short time yesterday morning, but before noon a heavy shower fell, and showers continued for the rest of the afternoon. A strong south-west wind was blowing. and Mount Grey was well covered with snow.

At the committee meeting of the North Canterbury Football Club, final preparations for the holding of the seven-a-side Rugby tournament tomorrow were made. This is the iirst time the club has attempted to conduct such a tourney. Excellent entries have been received.

The proceeds of the Plunket street collection and fair, held last Tuesday, amounted to £49.

At the annual meeting of the Rangi- j ora auxiliary of the Methodist. Women's! Missionary Union, the Rev. S. Header- j sou presided. The annual report by the secretary, Mr C. S. Avers, stated that meetings had been well attended, and interest in the work well maintained. Visiting speakers • had' addressed many of the meetings, thereby encouraging members in their endeavours to assist the various branches of. the missionary work, for which the women of the church were responsible. The gatherings had been well supported and thanks were expressed to those who had entertained at the monthly meelings. The balance-sheet presented by the treasurer. Mr Lewis, proved satisfactory, all the funds of the organisation having been assisted loyally. Mr aud Mrs Henderson expressed their thanks to all who had assisted in the work of the society. The election of oflicers resulted in the reelection of last year's oflicers:- President, Mr Henderson; secretary, Mr C. S. Avers: assistant-secretary. Mrs V. Millar; treasurer, Mr Lewis; "scattered members'" secretary. Miss Mathews; vice-presidents. Mesdamcs Robinson, Dennis, Thwaitcs, Thorne. Maddison, Ayers, and Lane; depot manager. Miss Harman; reporter. Mis Lane. Afternoon tea was served. KAIAPOI The twenty-fourth annual meeting of the Kaiapoi Tennis Club was held J in the Cycle Club rooms, Kaiapoi The president, Miss P. I'carce, presided over a large attendance of members. The annual report stated that the club membership now totalled 80. Two teams had been entered in the North Canterbury Sub-Association's competition during the season, the A team winning the competition for the second time. The club competitions had been well contested. L. Morris had been successful in winning first grade handicap singles in the Easter tournament at Wilding Park. The report. and balance-sheet, the latter showing a credit balance of £2O 9s Id, were adopted. The following oflicers were elected: Patron, Mr It. W. Hawke, M.P.; president. Miss P. Pearce; vice-presidents, Mesdamcs A. Pearce, 1.. B. Evans, J. McDougall, J. S. Baker. Messrs A. Hirst, and G. Hirst; secretary and treasurer, Mr J. W. A. McDougall; assistant secretary, Mr F. Hammer; club captain. Mr M- H. Lilley; vice-captain, Mrs J. S. Baker; committee. Miss Macllree, Messrs R. W. Wylie, L. Morris, M. Baker, and H. Green: auditor, Mr H, K. Aspinall; trustees. Miss P. Pearce and i Mr J. McDougall: delegates to subassociation, Messrs M. Lilley and J. McDougall; sole selector, Mr M. H. Lilley. It was decided to enter two teams in the North Canterbury SubAssociation's competitions and to hold the official opening of the season on Saturday, September 30. It was decided to approach the Kaiapoi Borough Council asking that repairs be carried out to the courts. SPOTSWOOD At the annual meeting of the Spotswood Tennis CJub, Mr N. R. Wilkinson presided over a large attendance. The report and balance-sheet, sl owing a credit balance, were adopted. Officers were elected as follows: President, Mr B. Buttle; vice-presidents, Miss D. Wilkinson, and Messrs J. B. Stevenson and F. Upston; honorary secretary, Miss R. Craighead; captain, Mr N. K. Wilkinson; auditor, Mr T. Steveiuon; committee, Mrs Leaman, Misses E. Stevenson, D. Harrison. D. Wilkinson, and M. Harrison, and Messrs F. Upston, J. B. Stevenson, and D. Fraser; delegates,' Messrs N. R. Wilkinson and J. B. Stevenson: handicap committee, Mrs Leaman. Miss E. Stevenson, and Mr N. R. Wilkinson; social committee, Misses M. Wilson and R. Craighead, and Messrs F. Upston, J. Wilson, and B. Buttle.

CHEVIOT A welcome rain commenced in Cheviot, in the earJy hours of Wednesday morning, and was practically continuous throughout the day. The mild, light rain will be beneficial to the whole district. Mr R. G. G. Westenra, of "The Gums," Leamington, reports the fall at approximately three-quar-ters of an inch, and Mr T, Stevenson reports the fall at Spotswood as 02 points. Yesterday the conditions were overcast to fine, with occasional showers, and with a cold, light southwest wind. More rain is needed as the season has been a very dry one and the rainfall considerably below the average of recent years. LITTLE RIVER The picture to be screened at the Triangle Theatre to-morrow will be the uproarious Comedy "His Wife's Mother," starring Gus. McNaughton. Also, semi-final of "Battling With Buffalo Bill."

KAIKOURA The annual general meeting of the Kaikoura Athletic and Cycling Club was held in the Drill Hall on Wednesday evening. A motion of sympathy with the relatives of the late Mrs A. Keenan was passed. The balancesheet showed a credit of £lO Is lOd, and assets were set down at £4. A loss had been made on the year's work of approximately £4. On the molion of Mr H. D. Stove, seconded by Mr L. Shannon, it was resolved: "That this annual general meeting of the Kaikoura Athletic and. Cycling Club adjourn until Tuesday. September and should sufficient support be not forthcoming, the club be disbanded." The monthly meeting of the directors of the Kaikoura Dairy Company took place yesterday morning. Present —Messrs P. S. Humm (chairman), J. D. Boyd, H. Ashby, J. J. Harnett, A. Keenan, W. Dalzell, J. A. Mqckle, P. W. Adair, and R. Miles. A welcome was extended to the new directors, Messrs J. J. Harnett and W. Dalzell. It was reported that owing to the hot weather in England and on the Continent the question of a quota for butter would probably be automatically wiped out. If Kaikoura kept up its high grade of butter there was no reason why a premium should not be obtained. It was decided to accept an offer of Hid per lb for 500 boxes of butter of October shipment, A circular was received from the Whangarei Dairy Company regarding the forming of an association to deal with f.o.b. sales, and marketing operations. If was resolved that a protest be sent to the Dairy Board and Mr C. P. Agar against any interference by the board with the free marketing of dairy produce. and it was agreed to join {he association. The pay-out for August was (ixed at lOd for finest, with the usual reduction for first grade. It was decided that on any supplier making application to cease supplying the factory with cream, the directors have power to grant such release. The first annual general meeting of the Kowhai Tennis Club was held in the Suburban Schoolroom. There was a good attendance. Mr V. Chapman presided. The report and balancesheet were submitted, the latter showing a credit of over £5. The following officers were elected:—President, Mr V. Chapman; vice-presidents, Messrs L. Barnes. H. Smith, J. A. Johnston: hon. secretary and treasurer, Mr M. K. Wareham: committee, women. Mi.A. Chapman. E. Wareham. D. Harman. M. Smith: men. Messrs V. Gibson and C. Wareham; captain. Mr W. Gibson: vice-captain, Mr G. Pablechcciiie: women's captain, Miss i\l. Wareham; vice-captain. Miss A. Chapman. The opening day was fixed for Saturday, October 7, and it. was also ai ranged to hold a carnival dance in the Suburban Hall on the opening nigh!. Mr H. P. Lawrv. S.M., presided at a sitting of the Magistrate's Court. (I. Miller was fined £,'j and costs for dangerous driving.

WAIIWRA After (he Cameron Shield football match the Glenmark Club entertainer) the Waikari C'lub at a dinner, and later at a dance held in the Waipara Mall. Music for the dance was supplied b.v Mesdames MaeLaehlan. Trail. Alices M. Whvte. M. Palmer, J. Ferguson. E. Hall, J. Kilty. Messrs R. Brydon and J. Croft were masters of ceremonies. During the evening, Mr •I. Sloss, on behalf of the Omihi residents, made a presentation of a ease of pipes to Mr 1.,. Turner, who is leaving tlie district. The annual meeting of the Glenniark Tennis Club was held in the local hall. Mr M. Hare presided over a fair attendance. If was decided to call tenders for the laying down of another court. The election of officers resulted as follows: —President, the Rev, H. Hawkins; vice-presidents, Mrs Conway, .Messrs W. MeGuckin, B. Wynn-Williams, W. Fotton, and F. Quigley; secretary, Mr E. Whyte; treasurer. Miss M. Whyte; club captain, Mr M. Hare; vice-captain, Mr H. Foster; women's captain, Miss J. Ferguson: selection committee, captain, vicecaptain, and secretary; general committee, Messrs W. Taylor, M. Watkins, B. Symonds, L. Cooper, and C. Laredo, Mrs MaeLaehlan. Misses R. Symonds, M. Laredo, P. MeGuckin. GLENHOY The following is the meteorological report for the month of August: Rain fell on eight days, the maximum fall being 36 points on August 2. The total fall for the month was 1.83 inches, as compared with 2.88 inches for August, 1932, and 2.38 inches lor the same month in 1931. The rainfall to the end of August, 1933, was 18.97 inches, compared with 20.20 inches for the same period in 1932 and 20.70 inches in 1931. At a meeting of the Glenroy Tennis Club, Mr W. Ryde presided over a fair attendance of members. It was decided to enter a B team in the Malvern competitions this season, and to open the courts on Saturday, September 23. SPRINGFIELD The warm, sunny days of the last month have been of great benefit for the commencement of the lambing season. The lambing season does not commence on the back-country stations until the end of the month. Very heavy rain set in on Tuesday and continued without a break until nearly midnight on Wednesday, with snow down to the foothills. The fortnightly cuchre and dance in aid of the school funds was held in the hall recently. The prize-winners were Mrs Taylor and Mr D. Doody. Mr C. Smith supplied the music for the dance. Mrs H. Shadrach (North Canterbury) and her daughter, Pamela, are on a holiday visit to Springfield. Mrs Dorward has left on a visit to Mr and Mrs L. Dorv/ard (Wellington).

WEEDONS The Weedons Wesley Guild held a very successful arts and crafts effort recently. There was a large attendance. The meeting was opened by the Rev. F. B. Lawrence, of Leeston. The daintily decorated tables displayed a variety of sewing, knitting, woodwork, hardware, cooking fruit, and vegetables. Prizes were awarded for the best-made articles. The judges were Mr and Mrs H. Souden and Miss Auldridge, Cashmere Hills. Prizes were awarded as follows: —Girls, 12 to 16 years, Ngaire Lowe 1. Jean Schaffer 2; boys, 12 to 16 years, Gordon Chambers 1; 10 and 11 years, Albert Lowe 1; nine years and under. Trevor Chambers 1; special prize, Gordon Allison; variety, Mrs T. Pearce 1: woodwork, Mr A. J. Chambers I; bust-m'ade article costing less than Is, fancy, Mrs Wilson plain, Mr L. J. Chambers. Competitions: Nail-driving (women*, Mrs E. Lowe: men, Mr H. Marshall: weight of beef, Mrs H. Curragh and Miss Gilmore (equal>. Supper was provided, and the amount realised was £l6. Mis Bell ißiccarton), who has been the guest of Mr and Mrs Scott, has returned home. Mr V. Rule has left on a holiday to Nelson. Miss A. Thompson (Wellington* is staying with her sister, Mrs H. Marshall. Miss A. Curragh has returned home after a short holiday with friends at VVaddington.

DARFIELD The fortnightly cards and dance evening held in the Memorial Hall was well attended. The prize-win-ners were Mr and Mrs R. W. McMeekan and Mr W. Stott. Music for the dancing was supplied by Mr A. Hart. "Mother's Millions," the picture screening at the Malvern Talkies on Saturday, is an excellent comedy. The entertainment value lies in the novelty of its plot, the riot of laughs, its succession of surprises, and the remarkable characterisation of May Robson, the star.

ASHLEY BANK There was a fair attendance at the school committee's fortnightly card evening held in the school. The prizes were won by Miss Wallis and Mr R. Stewart. . Heavy and beneficial rain fell throughout Wednesday, while yesterday proved showery. , Recently the Balcairn and Ashley librarians came to an arrangement whereby aO books were exchanged for a period, of two years. HORNBY-ISLINGTON The fortnightly meeting of the Olive Branch Lodge of Druids was held in the Parish Hall. P.A. Bro. W. Bannerman, in the absence of the A.D., presided over a large attendance of members. A motion of sympathy was passed with the relatives of the late Bro. F. Wilson, who was one of the oldest members of the lodge. One new member was initiated into tlie order. The sum of £l2 3s 4d was passed for sick members, and other accounts amounting to £ls were passed for payment. The visitors present were P.D.P. Bros. Bratman and Beckett, Royal Arch Secretary Bro. Goode and Bro. Fletcher, from the Ethelbert Lodge, Springston. Arrangements have been completed for the annual debate of the local branch of the Workers' Educational Association with the Christchureh public speaking class on the question "that the democratic form of government is best for New Zealand." The Islington class will be represented by Mr F. A. McTeigue f leader i, Mr 11. R. Parker, and Mr J. Bashford, who will, take the negative. A meeting of the Old Timers' Sports Club was held last evening, Mr J. Stuart presiding over a large attendance. The secretary • submitted a bal-ance-sheet of the dance held last week, disclosing a profit of £ls. It was decided to open an account with one of the commercial banks, Mr A. E. Grubb being appointed treasurer. Arrangements were completed for a football match against the Hornby third grade Rugby League team for the shieid presented by Mr C. Whitelaw.

MA I,SWELL .The weekly social under the supervision of St. Mary's vestry committee was well attended. Competitions were won by Mrs McConnel and Miss Lorna Pickering, Mr 11. Kolkman, and Mr E. Limt. A Monte Carlo competition was won by Miss O'Neill and Mr Broadbent. The winners ol' the luckyspot wait;: were Miss M. Noble and Mr C. Brooks. Music for the dance was supplied by Mr F. Smith's orchestra, Mr W. Rose lor playing extras. Mr N. Gardiner was master of ceremonies. 'Die monthly meeting of the Red Cross Society was held in the hall. Mrs F. Kolkman presided over a moderate attendance of members. Fifteen ;:armenfs had been made by the members d-iring the last month and packed ready | 0 be forwarded to headquarters in the eitv. Mrs W. Wilson iHalswell) is spending a holiday with friends at Oxford. Miss M. Sloan (Lakeside) is the guest of Mrs J. Moloney IHalswell). GREENf'AKK At the Memorial Mali social and dance there was a fair altendanee. The prize-winners were Mrs H. Carr 'Greenpark) Mrs Dick Chapman (Springston South). Mr Reg. Tobeck and Mr Len Everest. During the evening a Monte Carlo waltz was held the winners being Mrs August Schr'oeder and Mr \\. n. Matthews. The dance music was .supplied by Mrs A. H Clark and Mr A, H. Clark was the master oi ceremonies. ladbrooks The September meeting of the Ladbrooks Women's Institute was held in the hall. Mrs F. Meyer presided. Several visitors were present, among whom were Mrs SI. John, Mrs Millard, Mrs Stringleman. and Mr A. R. Allaidyce tChristchureh). A very interesting and instructive address on 'he Douglas credit, .system was given by Mr A. R. Allardyce, who was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. An invitation to attend the Lincoln birthday party wa.s received. It was decided to send delegates to the North Canter bury-West Coast Federation's half-yearly meeting at Greymouth in October. The competition for a cotton frock, not to cost mora than ss, was won by Miss Daphne Partridge, Miss Betty McLaughlin securing second place. Mrs St. John, Mrs Millard, and Mrs Stringleman were the judges of the competition. The hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs W. Tucker Ml '; s ,'/• Taylor, and Mrs E. Stone. ' .following a period of line weather, with very strong north-east winds, heu\y lain set in early on Wednesday morning and continued all day. Yesterday was showery with a cold south-west wind. Owing to the velocity of the wind during the week-end, there were several breaks in the electric-power supply. On Sunday a serious break resulted in a shortage power for several hours. The monthly meeting of the school committee was attended by Messrs R. J. Ware (chairman), E. Stone, R. A. Blown, P. Pickering, and H. Mehrtens (secretary). It was reported that the school had been closed for three and a u- i wce^s owing to an outbreak of chicken-pox, but reopened on August JO with a good attendance.

PREJBBLETON A public meeting convened by the school committee to arrange a reunion of old scholars of the Pvebbleton school was held in the Public Library, when Mr J. Smith presided. The chairman ?aid that from information available it appeared that the first school in the district had been established as early as 1864, and it was the general feeling that as the fiftieth and sixtieth anniversaries had been allowed to pass without any appropriate observance no further time should be lost in organising a reunion of former pupils. It was also hoped to mark the occasion by the opening of a school swimming bath, for which a campaign for necessary funds was now in progress. Those present consented to act in conjunction with the school committee as an executive to undertake the arrangements for the reunion, which will cover a period of two clays. December 14 and 15. Mr J. Hartnell, sen., was appointed treasurer of the committee and Mrs H. G. Prebble, Miss Doreen Smith, and Messrs James LongstafT and Halsev Gallagher joint secretaries. It was resolved that in order to create a small fund for initial expenses a supply of badges be procured and sold to former pupils for the sum of one sliillineach. Others interested will be afforded an opportunity of assisting in this matter by purchasing a distinctive ribbon favour at a similar price. The secretaries were asked to obtain from the school admission registers the names of early pupils and to insert in the daily newspapers an advertisement requesting them to communicate with Ihc committee.

SHEFFIELD A committee meeting of the Sheffield Public Library was held at the home of Mr J. H. Jebson. who presided. The chairman reported that the sum of £4O. which had been held in trust by Ihe Malvern County Council, had been paid into the Post Office Savings Bank. The purchase of the books had been left in the hands of Mr E. J. Bell, of the Christ church Public Library, and the committee would be pleased to receive donations of suitable books. It was decided to open the library early in October, when the annual meeting would take place, followed by a social evening. The annual general meeting of the Malvern Agricultural and Pastoral Association was held in the Agricultural and Pastoral room, Sheffield. The president. Mr L. T. Wrighl, occupied the chair. Motions of sympathy were passed with the relatives of the late Mrs A. T. Wilson and the late Mr R. W. Wilson, members standing. The president submitted a brief report dealing with the year's work, after

which the which showed a substantial credit balance, was read and adopted. Donations to the show by the Milking Shorthorn Association and the New Zealand Southdwn Breeders' Association were accepted with thanks. The election of officers resulted as follows: Patron, Mr G. F. Wright; president, Mr L. T. Wright (re-elected); vice-presidents, Messrs J. J. Cogan and J. S. Tollerton; treasurer, Mr F. J. Jenkips; secretary, Mr F. A. Bull; committee, Messrs O. Watson, 11. F. Taege, G. Butler, T. S, and C. C. Innes, L. T. Jenkins, F. Cogan, J. E. Skurr, H. C. Townshend, R. S. Gunn, W. Gamble, W. Watson, L. D. Adams, L. P. Morrison, J. H. Jebson, Q. A. Wright, C. Saundercock, and D. Bulmer. The Malvern Combined Choir, conducted by Mr H. Spjtrk, is now being trained in preparation for the singing of Handel's "Messiah" at a later date. The choir has been augmented by a number of new singers, bringing the total to approximately 40. The cantata "Olivet to Calvary" will be given by the choir in the Glentunnel Presbyterian Church on Sunday.

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Press, Volume LXIX, Issue 20961, 15 September 1933, Page 4

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NORTH CANTERBURY Press, Volume LXIX, Issue 20961, 15 September 1933, Page 4

NORTH CANTERBURY Press, Volume LXIX, Issue 20961, 15 September 1933, Page 4