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♦ CHAMPIONSHIP MEETING AT "VVAIMATE The Wainiate Miniature Rifle Club's open championship meeting resulted as follows: —■ Teams' Match—Timaru A, D 93 (£5), I: Willowbridge A, i) 92 (£2 10s), 2: .Pleasant Point 391, Glcn-iti, 391 (£1 7s (5d each), (equal), o; Willoivbridge C, 390 (15s), 5. Other team --cores:—Hook A. Morven A, Hunter A, Gleniivy 388, Pareora 357, Timaru B, Willowbridge B Awnmgko, Waimate A 3^5,-Timaru Fire Brigade 383, Morven B 3.51, Makikihi 380. Totara 370, Waimate B, denary B, Oamaru 378, Weston A 376, Hook B 375, Hunter !> 372, Oamaru Railway 308, and Studholmc (unfinished). Individual?—o. Blackwood, D. Brown, VT. Duncan, W. Gorinski, K. Hammond, G. Joyce, J. McFarlnne, G. ilarra, J. Murray, W. Paterson, G. Paine, J. Stevenson, 80 (14s 6(1 each) ; A. Agnew, G. Campbell, 11. Fillingham, A. Ilawlre, It. Hull, R. Holland, A. North, H. Trezise, T. Vincent, Ij. Witletts, C. Faulkner, A. Dunnill, H. Kollinson, 79 .(Is each). Aggregate—G. Marra, C. Paine, 160 (i'l 15s each); W. Gorinski. D, Brown, J. Murray, 159 (1 !>S fid each) ; W. Duncan, A. Agnew, C. Blackwood, li. Hull, B. Richardson, L. Rathgen, L. Vincent, J. Stevenson, G. Joyce,-158 (7s Od each). WAIMATE CLUB Scores at the Waimate Miniature Riflo Club's shoot were:—A. Dunnill 80, S. Dench 80, S. Fleming 79. G. Dench 78, W. Deudy 78, A. Cowles 78, Tj. Merwood 77, H. Cameron 77, E. Wilson 77, W. Paterson 77, K. Warren 77, K. Kernick 70, A. Bishop 7'i, G. Duvid.-o/i 76, A. Dench 70, M. Ward TG, B. Walker 75, A. Kernick 75, A. Averis 75, D. Kilworth 7-'!, G. Jones 7'l. C. Coates 7V, A. Wisnesky 70, J. Phillips 70. WILLOWBY CLUB At tilo' weekly shoot of the Willowby Miniature Rifle Club the fourth round for the Ingram Cup was fired, resulting in a win for A. Maginess. A trophy presented by Mr F. Curtis was won by D. Mackay, E. Wren and. N. Maginess bring second equal. The shoot for the liotty button resulted in a tie between J. Sutherland. J. Bell, and 1). Mackay witli 78 each. In th« shoot-off Bell won with 78. PLEASANT VALLEY CLUB The following were the best scores registered at the weekly shoot of the Pleasant Valley Miniature Rifle Club: —L. Lc Lievre 79. W. 8. Grotty 79, R. Gray 78, G. Burrows 77, K. Bench 77, H. Hill 77. N. John: son 76, W. Gale 76, M. Gale 75, J. Rae 75, I"). Murphy 75, (f. Martin 75, L. H. Hughes, 74, IT. Valentino 7-1. J. Gregan 74, D. Rew 73, M. Champion 72, L. M. Robinson 72, P. Scott 71—avenge 77. HINDS CLUB At (lie weekly shoot of the Hinds Miniatiiro Rifle Club the following were the highest scores:—D. Watson 78, R. McKeage 75, R. Reddecliffe 75, 11. Watson 73, R. Bagric 73, A. Sim 72, R. McElhinney 70, M. Mclnnes 70, F Rickard 71. G. McI'lierson 64, Ij. Watson 67, W. Joiner GB. A trophy given by Mr E. McElhinney was fired for. P. Rickard proved to be the winner, D. Watson being runner-up. D. Watson won the liotty button for the week with 78. SEFTON CLUB The Sefton Miniature Rifle Club fired its annnul match with the local returned soldiers, the returned men gaining the victory by one point. Tho scores were:— Returned Soldiers—D. h. McGowan 68, A. Ash worth 67, C. D. Pctrie 65, T. M. Harrnan 64, A. Pnbell 61, A. McNally 60, J. D. Lang 59—total 444. Sefton Club—A. Forbes 68, S. Topp 66, P. H. Ford 64. L. Mchrtens 63, W. Stringer 1 CI, K. Batcliclor 61, C. Batchelor CO—total 443. In the shoot-off for tho Soldiers' Cup the following were the scores :—A. Forbes (2) fired 1-t rounds, dropping 3: S. Topp (5) 1 fired 3 3 rounds, dropping 6; A. Aishworth (3) fired 8 rounds, dropping 4; I>. Mchrtens (6) fired 7 rounds, dropping 7; W. ' Stringer (6) fired 7 roniuls, dropping 9; 1 TV H. lord (4) fired 6 rounds, dropping 5; K. Batchelor (6) fired 6 rounds, dropping i: P. Topp (scratch) fired 3 rounds, drop- ' ping 1.

TIMARU ASSOCIATION The following teams have been selected to represent Xiroaru in the forthcoming triangular matches against Oamaru and Waitnafo Associations:— A team —AV. l>uncun (Timaru, captain), W. T. Taylor (Pleasant, Point), W. Bradnhaw (Timnru), C. Blackwood (Timaru), I'. I.'oden (Timaru), G. Marra (Timaru), A. A snow (Timaru), G. Henderson (Pleasant Point) J. Hull (Glen-iti), end 0. Thoreau (Pleasant Point). B team—W. Faitoon (Timaru), W. Malcolm (Timaru), J. Moore (Fire Brigade, captain), J. Murrny (Fire Brigade), M. Patrick (Pleasant Point), K. Hammond (Pleasant Point), H. D. Roberts (Pleasant Point), J. llealy (St. Patrick's), and F. Black (Claremont). Emergencies—B. Jefferson (St. Patrick's), R. Armstrong (Claremont), E. Chapman (Pleasant Point), and R. Tate (Glen-iti). Ofiirial checker, Mr W. AW Best (Fire Brigade); teams' manager, Mr M. Healoy (St Patrick's). Tho shoot will take place in Waimate, tho A team competing for the Lewis Shield and tho B team for the Faulkner Shield, both of which are held by Timaru. TIMARU CLUB The twentieth weekly shoot of the Timaru Club was for a trophy presented by Mr •I. F. Lewis. The ties for tho eighteenth and nineteenth matches were shot off and won by AY. H. Heads and AW Thomas respectively. Tho tie for the silver riflo trophy between C'. Blackwood and AV, Bradshaw was won by Blackwood, who will hold the trophy till next eenson. Tho silver rifle for this week's shoot was won by W. Thomas with the only possible of the evening. The Burns Cup competition was completed, AV. Brsidshaw being the winner after a shoot-oil with M, R. Taylor. Ten members tied for this week's trophy and will fire off next week, which will bo the last of the current series. Highest gcores (handicaps included) were as follows:—AV. Thomas 80 (9), 80: I Blackwood 79 (1), 80; .T. Murphy 79 (5) 52' P.\ Bonnnwon 77 (3), 80; H. Barbour 77 (4>, 80; AV. Dawson 77 (7), 80; M O'Connor 77 (5), 80; L. Loader 7G (7), 80* 74 <y >- 80: A - Worthington 74 (6), 80: C. Blackwood 79 (0), 79; A. McBcnth 72 (7), 79; A. Agnew 78 (0), 78N. Fallooti 78 (0), 7S; T. Green 77 (1) 7G ; 78 arra 77 0) ' 78: € ' - 1 " Johnson ' The highest scores for tho Burns Cup are as follows:-—W. Bradshaw 400, M. R Taylor 400, G. Duncan R99, T. Green 399," R. Holland 399. AA T . 11. Heads 398, AV MnV colm S9B. AV. Falloon 397, AA\ Thomas 390 A. Agnew 390. CLUB DISQUALIFIED -As a result of a visit to the Timaru Miniature Rifle Club on Monday evening, an official of the South Canterbury Miniaturo Rifle Association found members shootintf off the second round of the Hayhurst blneld match without two scrutineers of another club being present. ThiH constituting a distinct breach of the rules, the official had no option liut to disqualify the club concerned. At a special meeting of the association executive the matter was considered, and it was decided . to cancel the targets used and to allow the reshooting of the round under close supervision. On the club learning of the decision it docided to accept disqualification for the shoot. In a circular letter to all clubs the ex'ecutive of association states that if it can be proved that any target is shot in future without the presence of two scrutineers there will be disqualification without consideration. ORARI CLUB The following were the best scores registered at the weekly shoot oi the Orari Miniature Rifle Club:— Women—Mrs AV. AVatson 77. Miss D Snnfh ( i, Mra M. Mason 76, Mis? K. Gould 'f>. Mrs A. A\ right 7:., Mrs A. Rvsdale 72, Miss M. btevens 71. Mrs F. Freddie 70 Men—O. \\. Smith 78, L. AVood 77, F. ' '• J - A - Henderson 77, A. England <j. Carter 70. A. Quirku 75, K. R. O'Xeill .5, ,\. Larl_74 A. Rysdale 73, P. Quirke C 9, . hari bi, I>. Ilewson 65. WINCHESTER CLUB At the AVinchester Men's Miniature Rifle (>lub s weekly shoot the following were tho scores:—AV. AVaple 79, A. 11. Cripps 78, AV. R. Pearce 78, N. I'riddle 78, AV ?7 aW Tr° tI B ', W ;, Pr ' dd ' e 77 > C - Higginbottom tl' Hides 77, I). Scammell 76, 0. Louden 76, AW Jackson 76, O. S. Priest 75, Jas. Smith 75, John Crippu 74, James Cripps / 4, D. Louden 74, J. Stevenson 74, W. L Gudsell 73, P.

ST. PATRICK'S CLUB The following is tho result of an automatic handicap aggregate (lour shoots plus handicap), fired by the St. Patrick's Club:— J. Heal}' 318 (13). 320; IX. Purcell 309 (14), 320; T. Ilcaly 300 (19), 320; D. Cosgrove 305 (18), 320; C. Giuiderson 305 (23), 320; J. O'Connor 305 (23). 320; J. Gresham 299 (33) 320; R. Jefferson "96 (28), 320; S. Stapleton 296 (30), 320; K. Jefferson 282 (38), 320. Tlio best scores off the rifle last week were:—J. Ilealy 7!), J. Gresham 77, C. GuriderPon 70, T. Healy 76, B. Jefferson 76, J. O'Connor 7(5, D. Cosgrovo 75, J. Power 75, H. Purcell 75, 8. Stapleton 75, J. Bowles 72, K. Jefferbon 71. Tho No. 11 trophy was won by J. Grcsham and the No. 12 by J. O'Connor. J. Power and C. Gunderson will shoot off for No. 13 trophy, and J. Hcaly J. Grcsham, C. Gunderson, J Power and H. Crowe will shoot off for tho No. 14 trophy. TEMUKA CLUB Scores off the rifle at the weekly phoot of the Temuka Miniature liifle Club were as follows:- —It. iSuranierlield 7'J, S. Kimber 78, T Greelish 78, V. Nicholas 78, G. Sumraerfield 77, S. Webb 77, U. Boyle 77, K. Gcddes 77, G. llobbs 76, .T. Jones 76, B. Edwards 75, J. Bennett 75. W. McGillen 75, G. Sherborne 75, S. Nicholas 75, \V. W'estoby 73, H. Sherborne 72, E. B. Cooper 72, M. Levens 72, E. Cartwright 70, K. Higginbottom 69, A. McFarlane 60, G. Moulton 63. Tho following will shoot off for Mr Quested's trophy:—R. Summerileld, It. Geddes, J. llobbs, J. Jones, S. Nicholas, M. Levens, and E. Cartwright. Mr A. Buzan's trophy was won by M. Levens. Scores off the rifle at this week's shoot of the Temuka Ladies' Miniature Riite Club were as follows:-—Mrs Donnithorne 79, Mrs Tcmpleton 68, Miss L. McCliutock Oti, Miss H. Cain 67, Mrs Taylor 67, Bliss M. McFarlane 6G, Mra Scanneil 65, Miss Ward 48. Tho following will shoot off for the trophy next week: Mrs H. Cain, Mrs A. Taylor, and Mrs S'cannell. The winner of last week's trophy was Miss 11. Cain. METHVEN CLUB ] There wbb a large attendance st the weekly shoot of the Methven Miniature Rifle Club. The shooting was not of the usual high standard, and for the first time the club trophy was won without « bhoot-off. Tho winner was A. Middleton, who registered his second win, thus winning the trophy outright. Tho best scores in this match were: A. Middleton 6S (3), 70; H. Noble 69 (scr), 69; M. Holland 63 (1), 69; J. Anderson 67 (3), 69; W. 11. Law 65 (3), OS; E. Ferguson 61 (4), CB. Tho hotty button resulted: 11. Noble 68, J. Anderson 67, M. Holland 67, G. Waddington 66, \V. It. Law 6C, A. Middleton C 4.

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Press, Volume LXIX, Issue 20961, 15 September 1933, Page 13

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MINIATURE RIFLES Press, Volume LXIX, Issue 20961, 15 September 1933, Page 13

MINIATURE RIFLES Press, Volume LXIX, Issue 20961, 15 September 1933, Page 13