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KEEN DEMAND FOR EWES. GOOD BEEF SALE. IBi OUR COMMERCIAL EDITOIt.) The market yesterday at Addington was generally satisfactory to vendors. A good sized entry of fat cattle met with an improved demand and average values were better than the preceding week by 2s to 2s 6d a hundred for class cattle. Quality was better than at any previous sale this season, and butchers, as they usually do at the pre-National market, bidded spiritedly. Fat sheep sold somewhat irregularly, but on an' average the preceding week's prices were fully maintained. The strong feature of the sale was in-lamb ewes. There was an unsatisfied demand for these, indicating that the feed prospects are improving throughout the province. Store wethers and lambs showed little change lon last sale, but they were not an j attractive collection. STOKE .SHEfcr. Jin tries of store shoe]; were on the limited 1 rind very keen interest was agaiu shown in the sale. The lamb yarding was not impressive, much of it consisting of odd small lots, and none of it being outstanding in quality. Tho market v.*as inclined to be a shade easier, but values did not niter much. The best of the offering rnHdu lis, this price being paid for a ! truck of wethers that wcro in forward con--1 dition. For two drafts of' medium ewe lamb 10s was paid. Good adult rwes wore wanted, and the j fnle for thcac was keen. For a draft I of 200 North Canterbury Corriodalos, -with i good mouths and in lamb to English Leicesj tci\s, JTs -Id was paid, and a truck of twoI tootli holfbreds from Hawarden brought the ! good figure of 225. Condition did not : fount very much with most buyers, nnd | there were several Bales of ewes at prices j that wero aubstantially on the vendors' sido. An average Bort of s.m. ewe had no trouble lin making from Ills to lGs. Vulucs wero: I Medium ewe lambs, to 10», I Good wether lambn, 9s to lis. i Others, 08 to 8b 6d. j IMain and email m.s. lambs, Gs 6d to Bs. | Kxtra good two-tooth halfbred ewes, to 225, I Crood fine-M-oolled bix and eight-tooth ewes, ICs 7d to 17s 4d. (rood Cne-woolled s.m. owes, to 14s Cd. Ordinary fine-woolled fc.ra. ewes. 9s to 12s -A^e<l cv.v-js, to sf. Two-tooth hnlfl)red wether*. Fs 4<l tr*

j I 0:s Id. The f■ <-ile-■ included:— —."> l halfbred wether at fi«, SO :it , fs til. 01 m.B. halfbred at CE, 38 nt Cs Td, i/4 I brcp-rjuarterbred wether at J Is, :;0 fit ; 7r 2d, :iJ at 6s 7d, SO at 10s, 72 nt 10s 3d. ■ 2 fct Os 7d, . r )4 thrcc-f|uarterbrcd ewe at ; I'Jj Id. I!u at 10s, 53 m.B. Down cro.ii; at Ss 2d. —IOB six and cigrht-tooth Corriodalo ! nt Ki 4d. "0 biv and eight-tooth Roruney cross at 13s ::d, f»3 f.m. halfbred at ss, 70 s.m. halfbred at 9.5, 72 b.m. Komney cross at lis 10d, 120 two. four, nix, and oighttnoth halfbred at ins inj, :,c B .m. threeI quarterbred nt 12c, Iln( i oight-tootli halfbred at ICs 7d, (i 7 t~wo and four-tooth Komney nt 16, Od, C 3 two-tootli halfbred at 225, 01 four-year halfbred at Kis 9d, G9 R.m. halfbred at 14g 6d, 72 four-year throe-quarterbred at lis lOd, 151 two-tooth halfbred at 15s Id, 43 four and six-tooth three-qnarterbred at 14s sd. Wethers—9o t\ro-tooth halfbred at 10b Id, 90 at 8s 4d. FAT LAMBS. A yarding of about 550 lambs, compared with 470 head last week, (showed no quotable change in price, tho average being about 3jd per lb. Tho general quality was fair, nnd many of the poor forts were drafted to the store pene. The entry included Rome lots of outstanding quality. Two big halfbred lambs in show condition brought 20s lOd (or I*. L. Graham (Leeston), nnd M". 11. Hampton (Rotherham) obtained 24s lOd for two of a pen of seven, which sold at from 17s lOd to tho top price. Values were: Show lambs, to 2Gs lOd. Kxtra prime lambs, 21s to 2; -■. Prime lambs, 17a 6d to 20s Cd, Medium lambs, 14s to 17s. Light lamb*, 10s to 13s 6d. Tho following were the principal sales:— On account of F L. Graham (Leeston), 2 nt 26s md. 38 at 10s lOd to 13s Id; IV. IT. Hamoton (Rotherham), 7 at 14g lOd to 24s lOd; Kingsbury Bros. (Rakain), 9 at 22s 7(1 to 24s 4d; T, B. Garrick (Pleasant Point). 24 at 19s lOd to 22s lOd; J). Todd (Irwell), 14 at 16s Id to 21s Id; client, 4 at 13s 4d to 20s 10d; Curd Bros. CWineli. more), 5G at I6s 4d to 19s lOd; R. Allen (Sunny Downs), 39 at 32s lOd to 19s 7d; J. D. Penny (Courtenay), 4 nt 14s 4d to ICs 10d; It. O'Connell (Bankside), 18 at 14s 4d to 15s 7d; 11. Croft (Amberlev), 17 nt lis lOd to 14s lOd; Ashburton client, 75 at 12s fid; client, 21 at lis 4d to 12s 4d; it. McClure (Killinchy), 22 at lis 4d to 12s 4d; W. M. \V"addel (Tokarahi), 71 nt lis 7d to 12s Id; JI. C. Amyej (Annat), 8 at lis 7d to 12s Id: Cf. Nairn (Lakeside), 0 at 11 s -7d: W. W. JlcKao (Glens of Tekoa), 24 nt lis 7d; E. Duncan (Rakaia), 30 nt 9s Id to lis 4d; J. G. Abbott (Coutts Island), 12 at 9s lOd to 10s 7d; V. Craw (Chorlton), 7 at 10s 4d.

FAT SHEEP. The entry of fat sheep totalled 4100 head, compared -with 4000 last week. For thn market immediately prior to the National this yarding van a small one. Had it not been for the late arrival of a train from the south, it "would have been a very short one. There were some drafts of prime sheep from this quarter. The average quality, in fact, v.-as much improved. The murket opened nt the previous week's rates, but about halfway through it cased a little, particularly for heavy ewes. Later, however, it picked "P, and ovor the whole sale there was no quolablo change in values. Top wether prieo was 30s, which was paid for seven out of a line of 23 sold on account of T. D. Garrick (Pleasant Point). J. Gordon (Heriot) topped the ewe market, Belling: seven of a line of 48 at 2os 4d. Values were:— Extra prime heavy wethers, to "os. Prime heavy wethers, 21s 6d to 245. Medium-weight prime- wethers, 18s 6d to 21s Cd. Ordinary wethers, 15s 6d to 18s. Light wethers, to 15b. Extra prime heavy «wes, to 25s 4d. Prime heavy ewes, 17s 6d to 21s. Medium-weight prime ewes, 14s 6d to 17b. Ordinary ewes. Us to 14s. Light ewes, 7s Od to 10s 6d. The sales included: — Wethers —On account of T. B. Garrick (Pleasant Point), 23 Rt 25s lOd to 30s; J. j. Earl (Orari), 29 at 28s lOd to 27s Id; W. J. Skurr (Oxford), 2G at 24s lOd to 26s lOd; south client, 63 at 21s lOd to 26s 7d; Jas. Campbell (Mcthven), 07 at 21s Id to 26s 6d; F. Mehrtens (Oxford), 1 at 26b 4d; J. Gordon (Heriot), 2 at 26s 4d; J. J. Earl (Orari), 29 nt 22s lOd to 26s Id, south clients, 5 at 18s 4d to 25s 4d, 10 at 24s sd. 90 at 17s 7d to 24s lOd; Mrs A. L. Wells (Oxford), 2 at 24s 7d; J. T. Denton (Southbridge), 2 at 24s Id; Miss I. and A. M. Rutherford (Montrose). 64 «it 21s 7d to 24s Id: south client, 300 at 16s lOd to 23a 4d; estate G. A. McLean (Amberley), 58 at 17s lOd to 22s 4d; O. Stace (Springston), 15 at 17s lOd to 20s lOd: W. Hampton (Rotherham), 12 nt 19s 4d; L. G. Wright (Annat), 14 at 17s lOd to 19s Id; A. Blnckler (Pleasant Point), 32 at 35s lOd to 18s lOd; G. R. Ferguson (Loburn), 41 at 16s Id to 18s 4d; It. G. McClure (Killinchy), 11 at IBs 7d; A. E. Amyes (Annat), 31 at 16s lOd to 17s 4d; E. C. JlcDermott (HnlswelJ), 73 at ICs 7d to 37s Id; A. J. Radford (Motukarara), 12 at 13s 4d to 16s 7d; client, 3 8 at 16b Id. Ewes —On account of J. Gordon (Heriot), 48 at 21a lOd to 2os 4d; 11. M. Anderson (Waikari), 8 at 25s 3d; Southland client, 51 at 17« 7d to 25s Id; south client, 106 at 14s 4d to 24s lOd; It. F. Sim (Heriot), 50 at 19s 30d to 24s 4d; R. .T. Raid (Waikouaiti), 51 at 20s 7d to 23s Ifid; J. T. Denton (Southbridge), 35 at 28s Id; Otago client, 89 at 18s 4d to 23s Id: Miss A. Harris (Teddington), 1 at 22s lOd; W. J. Skurr (Oxford), 1 at 22s 7d; Jas. Camphell (Methven), 101 at 15s Id to 22s 4d; T. B. Garrick (Pleasant Point), lfi at 21s 7d to 22s 4d; Southland client, 57 at 14s 7d to 22s Id, 56 at ISs 4d to 22s Id; 11. Blackler (Pleasant Point), SO at 16s lOd to 21s lOd; south clients, 744 at 12s 7d to 23 s 4d: Curd Bros. (Winchmore), 4 at 21s 3d; Ivingsbury Bros. (Rakaia), 50 nt I4s 7 d fo -JOs I0d; Southland client, 56 nt 17s 3d to 20s 7d; F. Mehrtens (Oxford), 9 at 20s 3d: Southland clients, 58 at 36s 7d t-o 20s 3d; Donald Grant (Timaru), 70 at 16s lOd to 19s 7d; K. F. Pannett (Clydevcle), 116 at 16s 30d to 39s 4d; south clients, 56 at 16s 10d to 39s Id, 65 at 35s 4d to 39s 3d; South Canterbury clients, 322 at 9s 4d to 19s Id: G. S. Ferguson (Loburn), 11 at 18s 7d; Talbot Bros. (Tomuka), 60 at 33s 30d to 18s Id: Stirling client, 58 at 35s lOd to 17s lOd; R. H Marshall (Stirling), 58 at 36s 4d to 17s 7d; 11. Miller (Oaroaru), 68 at 12s 7d to 17s 4d; St. Andrews client, 58 at 16s 7d to 17s 4d; Mrs A. L. Wells (Oxford). 12 at 16s 7d; South Canterbury client. 128 at lis id to 36s 4d; G. Galway (Kaikoura), 22 at 10s 6d to 14s lOd; J. D. Penny (Courtenay), 56 at lis Id to 12s 7d: Temuka client, 65 at 10s 7d to 12s 4d; client, 20 at 8s Id to 12s Id; J. McLachlan (Leeston), 15 at 7s 7d to lis 4d; A. E. Denton I (Domett), 43 at 8s 10d to lis Id.

FAT CATTLE. The entry of fat cnltlo comprised 4-S lituii. compared with 41"- last week and 415 a fortnight ago. Oil recent averagosized markets these entries constitute oversupplies, but apparently the increasing cost of mutton is diverting more attention to beef. .Several heavy lines of advertised north cattle failed to arrive in time for the sale, in one case the vessel having to Fheleir up the coast. But for this tlinre wuulil have been an over-supply, probably villi a reMiltnnt depression in prices. fine lines of cattle were forward, notably from West Otago, South Canterbury, and local fattening districts, in addition to tho usual consignments of handyweight West Coast cattle. The market for good cattle was distinctly better from thfi outset with medium and inferior sorts showing a slight change. On an average prices for good steers and heifers showed an improvement of from 15s to 20s a head, and medium sorts 10s to 15s. It was one of the steadiest sales of the season, and the drop of tho preceding market was more than recovered. It concluded very firmly. The best average for some months was secured by Ucßride Uros. (Winchester), a triii-lc lot of steers making from £ll 2s 6d to £l2 17» f>d, an overage of £l2 Is 10d. A serond truck lot of seven from C. Sraaill (.Moa Flat) averaged £ll 7s Cd, the top beast also making 112 17s Gd. Top price for cows was £8 7s fid for a prime one sold by I\ Crump (Springston). Good prime beef made from 21s to 25s per 1001b, a few pens of extra prime young cattle to 275, heavy-weight from 18s Cd to 20s, medium from 13s Gd to ISs, and rough down to 12s Gd. Values were:— Extra prime steers, to £l2 17s fid. Prime heavy steers. i'J 5s to £lO 15s. Medium-weight prime steers, £7 15s to £9 15s.

Ordinary steers, £5 5s to £7 10s. steers, to £4 3 os. Kxtra ]irimo heifers, to £9 2s Od. Primo heifers, £5 15s to £7 3 ss. Ordinary heifers. £3 35s to £5 10s. Light heifers, to £3 10s. Kxtra prime cows, to £8 7s Gd. Prime cona, £5 to £7. Ordinary cows, £3 7s Gd to £4 15s. Light eows, to £3 ss. Tho principal sales wero:— C. Bmaill (Moa Flat, steers nt £lO 3 2s 6d to £l2 17s 6d; Mcßrido Bros. (Winchester), 7 steers at £ll 2s 6d to £l2 17s 6d; south client, 16 steers at £7 2s 6d to £8 37s Gil; client, 7 heifers nt £4 7s 6d to £7 12s Gd, 10 cows at £4 12s 6d to £5 2s Gd, 5 steers at £G 17s Cd to £3 7s Gd; Miss McCracken (Rangiora), 1 cow at £5 2s Gd; H. S. Miller (Oainaru), 0 heifers at £5 17s 6d to £7 7s 6d; client, 7 cows at £2 7s 6d to £3 2s 6d; W. F. Diedricli (Lower Kokatahi), 14 steers at £0 12b 6d to £ll, 3 cows at £6 12s 6d; J. 0. Coop (Little River), 3 steers at £6 17s 6d to £ll 7s 6d, heifer nt £4 17s 6d, 3 cowe at £3 2s Gd to £5 17s 6d; client, 6 steers at £5 32s (id to £7 7s 6d, 3 heifers nt £3 2s Gd to £8 7s Gd, 7 cows at £3 2s 6d to £5 7s Gd; 11. Fitzßiminons (Greta Vale), 3 steers at £l2 32s Gd, cow at £5 17s 6d. 3 lioifers at £6 7s 6d to £9 2s 6d; P. \V. Williams (Robinson's Hay), 8 steers at £6 7s Gd to £lO 2s Gil, heifer at £6 7s 6d, 8 cows at £(> 2s 6d to £7 17s 6d; C. U. Thaeker (Okain's Bay), 2 steers at £9 12s Gd to £lO 7s Gd, 3 heifers nt £5 2s Gd to £6 17s Gd, cow at £7 12s 6d; F. Crump (i>prin;rston), cow at £>i 7s Cd; Jno. FiUsimmons (Domett), 7 steers at £9 7s 6d to £lO 17s Gd; 0. J. Richfield (Port Levy), 2 steers at £3 17s 6d to £4 7s Gd; Geo. Richfield 'Port Levy), C heifers nt £4 7s 6d to £4 17s Gd; W. Payne (Ladbrookß), 1 cow at £6 2s 6d; client, G cows at £5 2s Gd to £6 7s 6d; D. Fox (Coutts Island), 1 lieifer at £5 2s 6d; J. G, Miller (Waimate), 6 steers at £5 7s Gd to £7 17s Gd, 1 cow at £4 12s 6d; G-eo. Hight (Hororata), 1 cow at £4 17s 6d; Smith Bros. (Clarkville), 6 steers at £9 7s Gd to £ll 2s Cd, 3 cows at £5 7s 6d to £6 2s Gd; A. W. Hurford (Rolleston), 8 steers at £6 12s 6d to £8 17s Cd; I. and A. M. Rutherford (Montrose), 8 steers at £lO 7s Gd to £3 2 7s 6d, 1 heifer at £8 2s Cd; Kinloch Estate, 7 steers at £8 17s Gd to £ll 7s Gd; A. McLaughlin (Taumutu), 7 steers at £7 17s Gd to £lO 2s 6d; L. G. Skurr (Oxford), 6 steers at £G 2s 6d to £8 12a 6d, 2 heifers at £8 7s Gd: Plaskett Bros. (Fernside), 8 steers at £6 12s Gd to £9 12s 6d; J. R. Thaeker (Okain's Bay), 3 cows at £6 7s 6d to £8 2s 6d, 1 heifer at £6 17s Gd, 15 steers at £7 7s 6d to £lO 17s 6d; E. W. Coop (Port Levy), 8 steers at £5 12s Cd to £8 7s Cd; A. Murray (Mosgiel), 8 cows at £5 17s 6d to £7 12s 6d, 8 heifers at £(i 7s Gd to £8 2s 6d; A. J. Birdling (ITalswell), 5 cows at £5 2s 6d to £7 12s Gd, 3 heifers at £5 12b 6d to £G 12g Cd; Ilayward's Estate (Robinson's Bay), 2 cows at £0 17s 6d to £7 2s 6d, 7 heifers at £5 2s 6d to £7 12s I 6d; \V. 11. Gillospio (Oxford). 7 6teers at! £7 32s Gd to £lO. VEALERS. There was a small entry o£ vealers, and quality penerally was again poor. The market was keen, nnd Rood sorts were 10s a head dearer. Top j.rico was £5 Is. STORE CATTLE. The entry was of indifferent, class, there being no attractive lines. Old cows predominated. Fresh cows sold better, probably owing to the smaller representation of this class in the fat cattle pens. Inferior sorts were unaltered in price. Values were:— Two-year-old steers, to £3 ss. Eighteen-inonths heifers, to -10s. Mixed sex calves, to 13s. Fresh cows, to £2 Gs. Old cows, to IJSs. Bulls, to £2 10s. DAIRY CATTLE. The dairy cattle entry comprised a poor selection, and the sale was dull throughout. Top figure w;is £7 10s for a second calver, and the better sorts of cows sold nt £4 15s to £5 ss, with medium 50s to £3 ">s. A few heifers brought keener competition, late r.alvers relatively hotter than cows and heifers near the drop. FAT PIGS. There was a small entry, porkers comprising a mixed lot, with a preponderance of small sorts, and butchers again had difficulty in filling their requirements. There was a better all-round demand, with a slight advance in prices for porkers. Values were:— Choppers, 30s to £4 16s. Baconers, 40s to 46s Gd. Heavy baconers. 50s Gd to 59s 6d. Average price per lb, 33d to 4d. Porkers, 18s 6d to 28s 6d. Heavy porkers, 30s .6d to 85s 6d.

Average price per lb, 4d to 44d. STORE PIGS. Therr v.:.- a fair xardir.:; r-f Here and the smaller ports w* x rv ti'jbtlj fiOHi than was the case last Vvc*,U. Values \vpru:— "Winers, to 10s. Sucking pis.*, to lis. Slip*. 0s to 13 c. Small store?. 11* to 1UMedium (iood stores, up to IS*. Sows in pi£, ooi to X 4. BURNSIDE SALE. IFBEiS ASSOCIATION Ttt.TCTiv) DO'EDIX. July S», A short supply of cattle and a matmiH yarding of sheep formed the entry to 4H beef and mutton sections at Biiroaite .it day. Enhanced prices requited. Fat Cattle —IGO head were offered, medium quality, but including aoaw signments of extra prime well-bred baßMjj from Ida Valley. The market bullocks showing an appreciation et head, but after the first few peas n| firmed to an average increase cin WH of £2 and on cows and lieifers of Mk|| 30s on last week's rate;. With, IMn gress of the tale prices hardeaei additional 10s a bead, and the wppßjl closed firm. Best bnlloelcs made fljMl 7s fid, prime &eavy bullocks £li' to medium-weights £6 to £0 10*. lijrJtt *MKlj| finished £G to £7 10s; be*t he-tferi to £S, light and medium £5 10* to best cows to £7, light and medium JMNj to £4 10s. Ox beef averaged 28*. Mil beef 235, and cow beef 19s vvr I'at Sheep—22oo fat sbecp were panM with plain ewes predominating. quality of the few wethers forward IWH disappointing, but the activities «C a*M butchers and buyers ffir the kct brought about a keen sale at prices for all classes. best ewes 2s, medium ewes Is to light-weight cups to Is a head deartrjjKi last week, the full effect of tbe AeMßgj being felt after the first two race* 4Mj| sold. Prices eased Is a head torawW conclusion of the sale. Best wethewJJßi to 283 3d, medium-weight 19s t® 2®*i weight from 17:, extra good }<»»£ <W| 235, prime heavy 16s 6<l to 20s, sbmlmH ! lis 6d to 15s Cd, light 7s to 11«. w About 250 lambs were sold at Ta&MI fi better than last week, the top gr»»;ljig 19s 6d for a pen of extra ait* -|IH Southdown cross. I There was an unusually ineac>* )MjM of all classes in the store cattle Matjj and from the few offered very little iNM tion of values could be obtained. AjM of bullocks made ap to £3 10*. vealers. ivhich were wanted, slight increase in price. - : m A heavy yarding of fat pigs ixelvAcAASB trucks of extra choice porker* asd "Ifltiß ors from North Otagn. la a these were easier by 7s a head, bwt • '••I yarding of stores sold at raises last week'a rates. ' 1 Young dairy cows close to proSt mH#| higher prices. There was a medtvM*«RpS mostly of late calvcrs. which keenly sought after. Esrty ralrers tpMH to £B, and others from £2 10s t» St 3Wj A full yardins of calves realised MM values than last week, top price STORTFORD LODGE SAS§ (TRESS ABSOC3ATIOX TELXGSA*-! . HASTINGS, J*t» * A short yarding of fat cattle aid ® exceptionally good demand at StwHl* Lodge to-day, cows and heifers nsTiaf f£l ward by approximately 10s » bullocks advanced in a les&er degree. Wt quality of the entry was average, few belter finished lines o£ cattle •jjjj Whether these rates will be ■wliiMJlj with a larger yarding is probleinaticjEigj entry of 160 head was one of the MMM! yardings of fats for some mouths. MiCM was tljp main reason for price* 191 wards. Butchers and export bT**»jiff peted well for the majority of tha «B|gip( A rise in values had been anticip«ft*i lEj number of vendors and to-day M 9 W0 hopes fulfilled. Values were: —Medfaßi lj prime bullocks £6 12s 6d to £S 18*, from £4 18s, medium to prime ceww-JSI » 6d to £5, others from £2 ss, HBgdlWy * prime heifers £4 Ss to ij 2s. ot!io«*## £2 12s. Ewe and wether values wer* ® riso when a yarding of 19?? fat a bright market. Ewes advaaeti 4s and wethers 2s to a head. yjP; competition, particularly from and Wellington buyers, vas kw-iu to vrime ewes mada 17s fid to -1$ from lis 6d» medium to prime tento Ij to 21s, others from lis fkl. • * prime wethers ISi Cd to Co>, «tfcer» Breeding ewoa uere ileaatitaAjW forward hotels sold well in tte section, 2100 head being: yardtfdL mand for breeding eves ita? eased off, and the quslitj of tiie inferior to that of previous s^!es. Bold at 12s, ewes made Ss 64 to 14# • and Umbs 7s Cd to 15s lOd.

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Press, Volume LXIX, Issue 20918, 27 July 1933, Page 14

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ADDINGTON MARKET. Press, Volume LXIX, Issue 20918, 27 July 1933, Page 14

ADDINGTON MARKET. Press, Volume LXIX, Issue 20918, 27 July 1933, Page 14