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AUCTIOHS. H. MATSON AND CO. ttt ANO CO. REPORT o.* H. ADDINGTON MARKET AS FOLLOWS:— fat cattle. ir MATSON and CO. stato that the touu sr.try in tlio beef section to-uay was "SO head, compared with r.SO head Wednesday last. Tlio quality throughout was better than the previous week. mnny extra handjvcMit consignments being on offer. ~ , were rot very many extra heavy forward. The market certainly seemed brighter for the primer sorts, and )n many lli»ro *&s a distinct me on prices quoted Wednesday last. However, this vas, only on selected consignments, while the majority of tl«o cattle were selling on a par with last Wednesday's basis. H. MATSON and 00. quote tha following prices per JOOlb;—Extra Primo Handy-weight Heifers and Steers "Is to 22s Cd, with occitsionul odd lots to 23s 6d; Prim® Heavyweights Its to 19s Gd: Best Cows lGs to las; Primo 14s 10 13s, Unfinished and Plain down to Ss. , , ~ H MATSON and CO. quote the following i>ricD3 per headE*tra Prime Steers to ±lO 12s 6d; Primo £7 15s to £8 15s, Medium Jo 7s lid to £0 15s, Light £3 7s Gd to £4 -s ITeifers, one especial to £8 17s Gd, Pi'tnio las to £0 12s 6d, Medium £4 2s 6d to 15j, Others down to £3 2s Gd; Extra Iriuie <"'ows to £3 7a I'd, Prime £1 to id, luedium £2 10s to £3 7s GJ, Light and Unfinished I °POft°PERSOXAL ATTENTION CONSIGN TO MATSON'S, ADDINGTON. STORE SUEEL'. 11. MATSON and CO. report thorc was again a small yarding, there being only 15 pens entered, which comprised:— 119 ewes with 140 lambs at foot 139 two-tootli ewes, shorn 60S wethers 1136 total Ewes nnd lambs si-ld at lute fiest civcs and lambs made 7s 2d to Ss Hd, others os to C«; two-tooth ewes, dry, mado 10s to lis Gu. Wethers were hard to gel, us yours wctliers were not offering, nnd aged vet hers were the only class entered, which sold at Ss Gd. 9s Id, On 3d, and 9s -Id. Somo of the principal sales were as follows:- —■ Ewes and Lamb? —3 ewes, shorn, in lamb, .«■£; 20 eweE, shorn, four-tooths, halfbred, 18 lambs at foot, dry and cheeked, 6s; 52 halfbred ewes, shorn, good condition, s. and f., with 43 lambs, good and sappy, ss; 30 halfbred ewes, shorn, s. and f.-mouth, 37 lambs, looking well, tis 10d; 5G Komney halfbred owes, two-tooths, dry, lis Gd; 38 halfbred six-tootli ewes, shorn, s. and f., with -12 lambs, looking well, 7s 2d; 39 crossbred ewes, shorn, 44 Down lambs, very nico lot, x» fcd; 57 halfbred ewes, shorn, dry, eighttooth, 8s; 1"0 halfbred owes, shorn, twotooths, nice condition, but on small side, ex Blenheim. Wethers —270 Komney wethers, shorn, four, six. and eight-tooth, big-framed Chathams sheep, in forward condition, Ds 4d; G7 Komney wethers, four, six, and eight-tooth, ex Cliatliams, representing the light one-; out of thu previous line, Ss Gd; 29 Eurnney wethers, four, six, and oight-tootli. ex Chathams, brj heavy frames, 9s 3d; 00 halfbred woUicrs, "shorn, eight-tooths, ex Ferniehurst. Paruastus, big strong sheep, 8s 7d; 1515 halfbred wethers, shorn, four, six, and eightlooth. ex Gooso Bay, 8s Id; 70 halfbred wethers, shorn, eight-tooth, ex Ferniehurst, 93 f 1 (>8 PERSONAL ATTENTION CONSIGN • iIATSONS,'' ALDINGTON. I'AT SHEEP. 11. MATSON and CO. report there was a total entry of 5300 in this section. Ihe yarding comprised far more wethers than the previous "week's entry. Reviewing ilio market as a whole the quality could be considered only fair, with odd consignments ot -pod primo quality sheep of both sexes. In -ha wether section it was very noticeable the quantity of aged sheep, and whenever any lots of younger sorts were offered competition was much keener. The market opened out rather easier than the previous week s rates, and showed a further decli-ie as the sale advanced; more especially in the case- of wethers, and in our opinion wethers were hack Is per head, with the ewe market irregular, bidding being very restricted in the closing stages. Schedule of values were as follows:—Shorn Wethers: Heavy prime wethers to 35s 7tl. prime wethers 12b 64 to 13* Cd, medium 10s Cd to 12s, light from 9s 6d. Shorn Ewes: Heavy prime owes to 12s Id. prime 9s 6d to lis 6d. medium 63 to 9s. light and plain from 4s 6d. _ Some of 11. MATSON and CO.'S principal sales are as follows: —On account of Mr H. Jones, Poriumi. ewes to 8s lOd: Mr J. K. Belcher. Kirwec, wethers to 13s lOd; Mr C. J. Hastings. Brookside, ewes to £>s Id; Mr Owen Blackler, Pleasant Point, wethers 10 15s 7d; Mr H. C. Waslibourne, Selwyn, to 7s 4d; Mr A. Manson, Kirwee. ewes to 7s 7d; Messrs J. and F. Cogan, Darfield, fwes to lis Id; Messrs Brown and Son, Waiau, wether* to 12s 4d: Mr A. Cowie. Hawarden, wethers tc 13s Id; Messrs Winter Bros., Swannanoa, ewes to 9s Id; Mr G. F. Durev, Harewood. wethers ts 12s f)d. ro'll PERSONAL ATTENTION CONSIGN TO MATSON'S, ADDINGTON. FAT LAMBS. H. MATSON and CO. report:—There was .1 total entry in this section of 2500 head. In spite of the large yarding of last week, vendors sent their consignments forward freely again, which indicates that although lambs sold at a lower basis than the present market, vendors have recognised it a wise policy to market their lots in the metropolitan market, where they have the competition of butchers, freezing buyers, and speculators. thereby maintaining an equitable basis of prices in their own home oysTket. The quality again was good, many choice and prime consignments being penned, and practically all classes' met with good competition In our npiniop the market was quito a good <me at prices showing an advance of 1s to Is Cd per head nn last week's rates. Freezing buyers towards tho npenin? stages found prices were out of their reach, apparently their limits being too restricted. As tho sale was well advanced competition was in evidence from tlio Itbove buyers, which kept prices we't >:n and ahove schedule rates. JT. MATSON and CO. report the schedule a* follows:—Extra prime heavy lambs 15s t<» 17* Id, prime 12s 6d to 14s Cd, light 9s fl t0 Sotbo of H. MATSON and CO.'S principal pal*« are as follows: —On account of Mr C. .T. Hastings, Brookside, to 13s 7d: Mr IT. . "Wnshbourne. 'Selwyn. to 33s lOd: "Mr ■ fj. r.. Wall!?. Governor's Cry, to 14« 3d: Mr XT. Mcllruitk Lakeside. t« 33s Id; Mr O. Humnhreys, Richmond Hill, to 35s 4d: Messrs Rhet&erd Bros.. SoutlihronV, to Ins id; Mr T>. vr. rinlay, Courteray. to 33s 4d; Mr A. Manson, Kinvcr, to 13"! lid: A. •'owie. Hawarden, to 14= 4d ; Mr .T. Woeatlv, Uedeliffs. to 14s 4d: Mr C. P"s:an. Pnnthliridee, to 12s md: Mr G. T. Durey. Harewood, to 32s 10d. ■FAT pigs. TT. MATSON an-1 CO. report there was 0 large entry forward in this department, and tlio prices were a.?ain easier. Itans® values:—Porkers 19a to 325, best 24s to Q7s, eliooper# 2T» Gd to Sos 6rl. Ijaconers 28s Gd to Sit.64. best 3"s 6d to 41s '!d. It would not be advisable to forward bacon pigs to tba Yards next Wednesday, as there will be no baron-br«yot*s operating. STORE PIGS. H. MATSON and CO. report in this section to-day tUero was a medium entry, comprising 210 head, of which H. Matson and Co.'s quota was 80. Weaners sold on a par with late rates, bill large stores were down considerably in value. Prices wcra as follows:—Wearers up to lis, stores 8s to IC=", small stores 10s to 12s, medium 12s to 11=., good 15s to ICS, extra up to 17s Gd. CALVES. 11. "MATSON and CO. report there was an abundant supply of vealers offered tjc.ay, tho total yarding briug 216. This . .ia iiiore thin tho trade could absorb, especially a3 many Lutchers were not in the market for thi9 commodity at all. The sale vaa round abaut the average of last week's rates, and it was scon apparent that a lower basis was to be the order of the day. At the closing stages sales were difficult, 10 make. Values were as follows:—Small calves Us to ilii, medium Us to Itis, good I7s to 255, best heavy calves -IBs to 32a, medium runners ."Kis to 40s, good 42s GU to 00s, best to £ J iSs Cd. IUIKY CATTLE. 11. JIATSQN and CO. report there was » very small entry of M head yarded to-day. Tha bulk of thu entry was made up of cows of nondescript torts, with very lew uulistandin; lots. Thorn was a good demand for uny Berviceable-loaking dairy cattle and heit- «>!■&, -while the inferior uirl medium lots ranged übout the same valuo us last week. Other lots could be considered 10a per head Usarer. Values ranged as follows:—Good second and third calvers £3 to £7, medium £3 10s to i' 4 IDs, aged cows in profit £1 to Jt'-i 15s, good heifers to £7, juedium £i to £5 ss, others 30s to £2 10s. STOBE CATTLE. H. MATSON and CO. report that apart fiaui one or two pens of oddments the main entry in tho store cattlo section to-day comprised a consignment of Hereford and black Polled Angus ateers eent forward from St. Jatuea Station. The principal tales of these ware as follows Eighteen three to three and a. half-year-old Hereford*, i'l fee; 12 three-year-old Herefords, a, yuod pen, it lis; 10 three-year-olds, elightly Entailer, £i i2a fid; 11 two-year-olds, titce cattle, £1 2s; 11 block Polled Angus, twu and a half to three years ojd, £5 2?. Other cuttle offered coinprifed one or two pena of 13 to 18-njonths-o!d etacrs and two nico peris of Milking Shorthorn iieifers. The reserves on these lonsigmaenU seemed ta be higher than purchasers were prepared to 90 and co sales wera recorded. Potting cattle sold on an easier basis than Wednesday fast, while two or threa young serviceable bulls met with fair competition. There was no rile in tho price of heavy' bulls. FOR PERSONA ATTENTION CONSIGN TO MATSOKS, ADDINGTOK. UGtas

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Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20730, 15 December 1932, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20730, 15 December 1932, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20730, 15 December 1932, Page 16