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■■■:■ The Lady Editor will be pleased to receive for publication g '■!;■ in the "Women's Corner'' items of social or personal news. : : ; : :v Ktirh item! should be fully authenticated, and engagement jx :':'; notices must bear the signatures of both parties. Correspond- £ ■A- ener, ik invited on any matters .-(fleeting, or of interest to, g '■;'■; women, £• ft- &

Mr. \Y. .\luuii' end Miss Myra Mooiv. (T.utnikai. nli" ii;.\ -."- b'-eii staying wiih Mrs If. Connolly. Salisbury stP/.J. returned south yi.-ierdny. Mi-s V Kaiirac I Dunedti:'., v. ho hai 1,..,-.-., L ),,. -u'-i .A .Mrs l-Mvd. Nelson, will fi i-i-i \-f" in (.'liri-Li-lnireli ill's "veivill■_■:, mill uiil si.iv villi Mi'- !'. '■• Cowiishav. , Uos.-ail Mrs 1.1. J:'. Choke, uilu v.Dil I.J I'" vuvaie.lll toi' 1.1 it- ;Mc..\':iuylit')U-LilJl welding, ha, rem rued to Chn.>leiHirch. Mt> .). A. Dneior < Wadesiuu-n, Wellington i is ilti''-i. of Mrs .'. It. Tomplm. lb stmt -Hi" i Mi-- Glad;.- Aet.'ui-Adain,. ( C.larenee Reserve. Mnnhnroiigh;, v.-iitt li:is *'oj'< visiune Chrisi.hureh. will leave to-f.lny to ;isib her sister. Mrs Inn Men/ies. .Menzies JJ;iy. Mrs C Dal lev ietf. en Sauiiciay tor l.uvereargi!l to visit Mrs 1,. 10. .Dai ley. .Miss Mary Weld ' "Llax lion rue." Marlhoruitiih)'. wlio has hen the guest of Clifford at "Avouiiolir,<\' ; Ten--liiltori.' returned homo, on Saturday. Mrs Kemptiiorno Andrews) is visititt" !ier sister. Aliss K. 11■ ii-J-:Vmr.-5t., Cnskel' sire.-., west.. Mrs |-:. <.'. I..'\U'V and -Miss Yvonne l...vvev, vie. has heoii spending some months in Chrisiehnreh, intend leaving towards the end of this month on their return to Invereargill. Mis- Catherine Wcsroma e' ;, t ann.' 1 .." Duiisundol). v. ho has boon f !.e ejiesf oi .Miss I'atrieia L'owrie, Cashmere Hi!'-. >vi timed home yesterday, ee ouipanie i ',v Mr- Diana. Orbeii, South Cnnterieirv, who has also Iv-en vi-ilieg Chri.-trhurcb. Miss Winnie [{aras-tiraiiara 'dsborne'). who lias been (ho eiK'si-, of .Mrs I-I'. S. Lawrence. I'ondaMou, lefi for the .VoM.ii [shiud on Saturday nighf. Miss Klein lleknoiv (Timaruj. who nas been in Clirisfehnreh for the nice,ari. gaieties let', yesterday to '--isit Mrs George' He'd, "GrassiugLmg" Non.h Cani I'i'hury. Dr. and .Airs K. u. .Ma<Cthhon :.iuvereargtll) arrived in Chrisie |inrrh Oil Saturday on tluur way to Welling: on to joiu' the Monowai for a til|) to ,>y<!i!f \. 31iss N;uiav |),::.ik uho h.-'.s b'Olt staviu;.' v.iih L'-l-y Ha>. ltol:<smit iiveiiiio, is-iuriu'd to Kir'\s|ylo y:>iorda>. ;\;; >s ,J,,ai' \li;rei:i.-oii. f (;leh tliorio. J, a |,,. ( idoi ids.-.'i. who ha- "o"eil < h'' ■oie-l, of Miss Lois 4>:ii\'a-r. .Muria.'. Ayu.sley Tfill. durum l.iiee Woek. rer.urii.'d homo le.siurduy. Sheila Aikmsfiii ('-\Voodliaiili,'"' llautiur Siirinvsi. uho iiaF,..,.ii Chnstolitiivh fur HiUaeo AN'eek v. ill rcLtini h.ora-.' (.o-day. At tiie la-L 'a' the .voiii.litaiid [{o.spital Hoard. niuo laoufhs iVave, of ahseuee na- -riiul'vl -M:Ss Ross, matron of tho Smoiiand Hisoitttl. to enalde la r to visii. (Jroat Itrita.iu nest year, jt tvus uieiitioned tJirit Miss TJoss had l.ofti in l.h" (loan. > onioloy for 2- y;ir«.

.Mr-, Bi-.a.-M D,,u : .la.- i'"Glf..,„..sL. Greta>. \Oio ba.: 'oeen the guest of her mother. Lady Clifford, at ''Avonholme," lor the race.-, will return to North Canterbury bi-tnorrow. Mr E. W. Spenc. r (Reefton) ami his sister. Mrs Mather, who arrived from England hi si, week, are loa\-it)g ior Reefton ibis morning. Mrs Redmond Xeiil .\j ( ;UnL Soinei-). who has been the l£u*• -1 o) Mrs J. Craeroli "Wilson, Cashmere House, retui'ii.-d home «..n Saturday. Mr and Mrs James Lines- (Mackenzie Country,), who have been visiting Ciiristehnrcb, have j'i-i urned lo South ( ar.ferbiiry. Mrs John Barker (Four Peaks. GeraldiiH'), who has been visiting Christciiurcl'. returned .-<nnli on Saturday afteniooii.

Airs David Allan (Wellington;, who uas in Christ church for Race Week, kit for the north on Saturday ui.'iht.

Mrs W. F. Ila'/.lett r-Hiiru.-.d.-' Soiltblaild.!, M'hn lei- he<'ii in Cin-|>t-eluircb for Ibe race-, v/il! leave to-dav to -p. iid a week viith her Miami Mrs F. F. Niwll. at '•Penscrott,'' Ashbiiri-.u.'.

Airs lan Mnrehison (Lake Coleridge) returned home \osterday after paying a short visit to Mrt> Neil Guthrie, Craniucr Mpiare.

Mrs Geo If rev Cray 'Goose Ba\ ). who ha., 1.... ii \ i-iting her parents. Mr and Mrs l-rard; (Vnirage, Amberloy. left yesterday on h-r return lo Marlborough.

Cohmel and Mr.- ft. Turu.ii (Fugland), who have teen spending s.-veral weeks in Cliri.-Lchiirch. will leave on Wednesday for a visit, to the southern lakes. They "ill return to ( hristcbiirch shortl.v I-if ore Christina.-.

and Mrs V. A. (;. ("ruicld-'v, who have been the quests .jl Afi-.s Olive Mcllraith. Mem-ale lane, iefr ve-ierday to visit Mr and Airs'J. II." Grigg, Longbeac-b. Mrs J'crcy Fluortby and Miss Anne hlwortiiy ((ioi-don's X'alley, Timann, v,-bo 1i:mo been visiting Mi-- A. Julius, '•Cl ( >iide--1..v," Casi.mei.. Mill-, returned boine on Saturday.

Pr.Je-sor ft. (.. Pocock i Brow a',)o;\<i) .Hid Ills si-ter. Mis- Pocoek (Suni.b Africa) are amongst South 1.-.-|;,i,.l \ . ilors i.j '-Ti...- (. ha!- an." Tcllg.inro.

Air,. 11. ft. S. .|..hnsioe,c and MiCath. -riip- ( "Spne.gbtnik.' O;aio,l, "• ho 'have been \ isii ing Chri .1 cborcji. r-'lnriied -ouib on S-iiurday.

'|'|i,. .!|..;e:eiii..:.f is annoiuacd of \,.|ci;,. src.a.d daiigin-r of Mrs T. W. Fdmonds and the late Mr T. W. Fdliionds (Chri-icliiircb), lo John, young-e-t son f Air .-H1..1 Mrs W. P. R. id, ..f Oamaru.

The mornin/ servic. at tin- Pan»h Church, liurv.o..d, ye.sicrday v.,.- ot ;i sjiecial nature, a memorial bra-s tabb-f to the memory o, the late Mr- (' A. Tohin being dedieateil by lb" Rev Caii-m J. R. Wilford. an old friend ot Urn Rev. C. A. T"biu and bis family. Can-.n Wilford ee!eb,-ale<l 11-iK Communion, p reaching an elo.on'ut and aj.|<ropriale sr-rmoii teiore •i vorv larg<' eciigregation. Mi-s P'tt-i.i<-k |ir--i<led :.i ihe organ.

Lls|)vth Bin ton . Lvtillierston who has been the of Mrs ttforir, Gould, "Avonb.'uilc." .Knulaltoi,, iias w turned to the North l.darn!.

Mrs Fi-rd Kifehin-flifun ( a .' r.-yni"U ill , is the "iiesf. of Airs T. F, V. Scddon, U'adi>=;tou-u, and v.iU lva\.this tveeJr to vi.sH Mr-' haahd!-. Mas. turton.

(;ardkn PAiri^


Miss Ktit.c tlai'diti-r. "J- Liverpool, (he H-elM;uo\vii ulpine cliniber, '.ff foi Saturday for the Lianz dosef (Jlacier, u-liere she v.-ill s].ernl part of th" flimhiug season.

the beautiful groniaU ■•!' Tl„: Vicarage. St. Mary's, M.-rivale. made ;i ei.dourl'ul .setting for an enjoyahle garden party held I here on Saturday afternoon, t>> mark the ioth festival of the Anglican Sunday School Tea.-liers' Association. The grounds were lent tor the altemoon by the Archdeacon P. B. JI.-K.gitt, and Sunday Scliool Icadicrs tn.H? St. Mary'.-., Aierixale. tu'U-d as hosts to Sundae school teachers as well as manv of the clergy, including Bishop West-Watson, from twenty parishes in the diocese. 'An interesting visitor was .Miss M. Woods, a Chinese J'i-i.mi Jlaukow.

Tho CJijL'iitfeiiiOn:. iai- I'm.-i. aMirunierd of Alargarel Lillian, younjrer i!au;,'Uier of Airs' L. Lane, Ilonier street. WeiJinytoii South, to Traiil.. only son of Mrs and the late Mr .1. Thompson, Wellington ll;it '- "'' u '''* l '-'oti-i.!.

Tho engagement i- a n n-miicd of Joaue Lifa, daughter of Airs \[. late of (,'lirisiei'iureh, t" John ALutlaiid, second sou of Mr and Mrs George Brougli, of Jlawra. AtisH "Iris Arontgomery .'•'•W airevvn." Little River) will leave Wellington by the Alunowai to-morrow for Sydney, where she will connect \rith the Ghungte on Xovemher 2."rd, for Hong Kong. The Misses Mcfntyre, Tlodder, J->ris-coll. and A. and M. Walker, who have been staying tit Timaru for the O'JJon-nell-Grey—Atulc.ahy wedding, h.'ivo returned to Ohristchurch. Air and Airs Maedouald (Lowvy Hills, Cheviot), who have been tho guests of Lady Clifford at "Avonhome, Jfendiilton, arc leaving to-mor-row morning for Cheviot.

Winners of the compel ituuis u ere Miss Dangerticld, Miss lietty Ackroyd, the Piev. K. Scliollar, and Miss B. forks. Afternoon tea H'as provided by Afiss E. Waller and Sunday school teachers from Morixnlc Among present were Bishop and Mrs Wcst-Wat-coii, Ven. Archdeacons P. !'•■ H.aggitt and ¥. N. Taylor, the 'Revs. L". Schollar. ii. W. Dent, E. <'. W. .Powell, ,l. P. Eerou, and W. S. Southward, Sisters Julia and Theodora, Mesdames Powell. Dent, Maclavorty, Andrews. Brown, Blvtbe, Hulston, Pai-lane. 'Bargrove, M. Woodsj Eeroii, and Joughin. Misses E/itcii, Waller. Beiitty. Walker, Park, Hill, Barniltoii, O. Jacobson, Ellers, M. Wood, Hic'kinbottoin, Sini])son, Scoti, Withers. Pae;e, Willberg, a. Jones, fycccc, h\ Williams. Hood, Matlieson, Acltrovd. Black, Diniiiconibe, (I. Wood. Ault, 'McOrae. B. (.'ocks, D. 'Parrow, E. limes, Wheeler. T. Green, (). lu..otc, T. Doflan, H. Head, Sharp, Mci'lcary, rCing, Dangerlield, (iibbs. E. Ki.diards. "0. (treen, D. Tom line, Biirgra\,(-, .N'l'vvtdl, Lilly. L'ecves. Andrews, Carson, Siimpiei-, and JL Cocks, Messrs •Slater. Dav. Iliehardson. .'iekyil. Witlicrs. Sutton. Avers, and Peers.

Air and Airs Norton Traneis and Miss Joeelyn Francis (Rossall street) have returned from a visit to flantner Springs.

Airs Geor-e I Ltd mo re ("Millbrook,"" Keudalton) left lor Timaru on iSai.urday to stay with Mrs William Heluioro. Mr and Mrs W. Deans (-"Sandown"), wiio have he'Mi the «uests oi Mrs Deans at ILieenrton House, returned home on .Saturday evening, acfoiujjuaiod by Commander and Mrs V. E. Komball, "who will spend a lew days at '"Sundown." Mr and Mrs Arthur Grig;: (Surrey Hiiis. J'affelton), wlio have boon the jiuesls of Mrs .). Cracroi'h Wilson. Cashmere House, returned home on Saturday. Mr and Mrs .1. Davis (Wan<iamii), who liave been the guests of Mr and Mrs Kop pel Areber, Kendalton, during Cup W>ek. will leave to-morrow for a vi>it to Dunedin. Mrs It. J. Gilmour (lim-r<"ar<iilU, who i.s the finest of Mrs Laure Porter, Merivale, will leave i'or the south or. Thursday. Mrs Ait',ar "Williams t'lM3.>t.horsfoiO. who lias been in Christebureu for the races, left yesterday for Timaru, where .she will stay with her brother, Commander A. I), Movie. She will return to Cliristclitifch at tlic vud of fins week'. Mrs Denton ('Levin), who Imi [f» ilia ;iue-t of Mrs If. IJ. Baxter .I'endalton, has returned to the North. Island.


Tho New Mi-ighion Volunteer l-iro Brigade held a. ■■'.Hack lo C.Jldhood' dance in the M'asonio flail on Saturday. Most of the guests bad entered thoroughly into the spirit- of tho party and were dross-ed in a manner suitable to the occasion, the judges (Mr and Mrs Eru Smith) having considerable difficulty in awarding the prizes for the most appropriate costumes, 'niese were won by Miss Beatrice Cook and Mr 8. Weston Tho arrangements were made by the Social Committee of tho brigade, of which Fireman W. Barclay was secretary, and LVpuly-Siiperiniondent J. F Stokes and Fireman W. Whitely were joint M.C.'s. The old-time dance music was player! by I!. K. Stokes's orchestra. Am on g present won-: .Uos.laiiißS .J. Cusaek, Jf. Power, R. .Sutton, A. Cookie T •S. Turner. A. Adams. \V. Barclay. V. Quai.l' l-l. K. J'.iulcs, S. .Pnllinj;, It. ]■.:. McGratli T Lynn, W. A. Hopkins. A. Ilrundoll, R.' \. Stokes, A. O'Cunnell. G. Palmer JJ JSniith •r. McDougaU, W. 11. Stoko:;, A. C MillIrom, and F. K. Sibley, Misses Tna .Stevens Olive livnn, Alice Brnnie, Winnie Stevens' Adalia Mather, Alma Merrick, June Peter?' tlthcl .Stevens, Alberta Brume, Gladys Hale' Uetty -Malier, M.-trjcn-ie Fraser, .lovee Barclay. Ai.-itiri ISiims. Pe-py WeMon, "j Bierwnrlli, Victoria Prima.., .7. C. .M,:(leo'rt;o' liahv Messorvr-y, Hoeo l'ouler, Noel Ward \" and l\ I'owi-r, E. Unyla-,,1, u ' (i . Goodwin. .1. McCarthy, R. Olrltj, N Turner T. Siilebuttum, Ci. Horwell, f). JlcUouwdl. \. Wil.-on, J'Vedu Srnitli, 'J'. Dawson Bcatrin-) Cook, Edna Davey, (I. Wiikie, Rtmii lloVrow. Olv.en Clark. Olive Wjati, D. aud G. CreagU. and S. lullen.

Whv buy cheap "lilk lor .'.our cmlclvn/ Thev need the best, hateguard thei>- health by drinking Dcvonvale milk. 'Phone office, 32-777. or dairy, 22-9120. All cows less led U'ice yearly b" Government inspectors. —o

The call or Spring, with it.-, mictid--,i\* blossoms, reminds us ol' the nece.ssitv to dress accordingly. A smart tur necklet always adds eiiarm to a v.<Mdiessed woman. Inspect our fine selection of newly-arrived spriti:; models in I'ur necklets and coal-:. MueGIUBON'S, Fur Specialists, JG4 Armagh strcuk. "Phune 3-1-020. —U The progress of medical science m recent years' demands constant study by those" who wish to lead. McArthurs, Ltd., Chemists, are qualified and equipped for skilled service in medicine. You alwavs get the best at McArthurs.

A shilling advertisement j[, the classified section of The Piiei-s will sell your goods. Try it, 12 words Is, three insertions 2s 6d. -6



Far irom being weary after a week of racing, the members of the large crowd that, vero pi'*> sellfc aij Riccartou 011 Saturday were really sorry that the Canterbury Jockey Club's Metropolitan Meeting uas drawing to a close. It had °een :l particularly de~ lio-hti'ul meeting throughout; due largely to the weather, which had been almost perfect each day during the week, and "- vaS - lL i* s uest 01J day.' Many long dainty frocks and wide shady bats made their appearance on the "lawn, but were outnumbered by the trimmer frocks and suits of medium length, and bats with moderate brims.

Mr- George Gould, wife of the president." wore an elegant frock of ivory and black finely patterned elliffoll, made with a, deep cape collar, and her wide Wack straw nav, wa,-; banded With black satin ribbon. Mi.-* Barbara Gould wore a. biskvu crone de chine i'rocK. patterued J" black and green, and u, green straw hat trimmed with vari-coiouie'-' berries. Other ladies present were Mrs 71. A Knight. Lady Clifford, Mrs Deans Mi-s Dennis. Mr.s ,'lohu Grigtc. Mrs, George Macdonald, Mrs Bruce Doug- ).,.. 'Mrs .1. 1'". Buchanan and Miss Helen Buchanan, Mrs T. F. Gibson, Mr« .1 W. Woodhouse, Mrs John \lo,)t""iiierv. Mr.s George Aitlicn, Mr» -lurre'lF-JliUon. Mrs A. Hrustud, *"'* Charles 'l'urrell (Wellington), Mrs Ilaniill'iu Goukl. Mrs Endel) Wanklyn. Mrs Mister Deans, Mrs Marrnaduke Hotbed. Mr.s J''rauk Courage and_ Miss Patricia Courage, Mrs Gilbert Gngg, Mrs William Deans. Mrs A. C. Melviiloo Mf- (i. L. Muir (Gisborne). Mrs W ' K IT Jollv, Mrs J. C. Wcstall (Auckland). Mrs Keith Ollivier. Airs (.'ooifrev Grav (Marlborough), Mrs yJovnl, the Misses Newman, Mrs G. Leslie Rutherford 'Macdonahl Downs.), Mr. (".' M. Ollivier and Mi-,- i."i-s Ollivier. Mr.-; Duncan Rutherford, Mrs II Dampier Crossley, Mrs Gordon I'niton Mrs I r . 0. Gibson. Mrs Hallows Weed Mr« K. M Walter. Mrs .1 • Drvde'n Hall. Mrs Charles Reid, -Viss I)„rofliv Bone, Mrs Godfrey Dab. Mr.s Leslie Ituiherford fllaydon Dowu.-i. Miss Sybil Rutherford, Miss iMhel Gibson. Mrs Walter Fox, Mrs Russell Reals. Mr.s G. S. Roberts (Noiili Canterburvi, Mrs Bruce Stringer. Mr. W. "fl. Cowper, Mrs Lance' and Miss .Mildred Lance. Mrs Hugh Houghton, Miss ft. Pender, Mrs \ "<.'. Cottrell and Miss Joan Cottr'ell. Mrs Geoffrey Giay, Mrs W . i'hnp, Mr.-, Jesse W'organ, Mrs W. B.Stevenson (Mar)borouglil, Miss ftsteDe Davi--. Mrs Herbert Hiil, Mrs F. W • Jolnision, Mrs Harrnan Warren. Mr.s Maurice Johnston, Mrs J. C. ClarK--nn. Mrs ft. J. Cordner and Miss Quita Cordner, Mrs I>. Driiininond .liailey, .Mr. H.' W. Maetariane, .Mrs C. it. River and Miss Betty Kircr, Mrs ftTurtoii (Er.eland). Mrs Donald Dobson, Mr, Ge'>rg,-. Buchanan, Mi> (Jeo'rgi.' Reid, Mr," J. V. Cracroi't Y\ il-.-nii, Mrs Ros-niore Cracroi't Wilson, Mrs Gerald Gerard. Mrs Geoffrey Gerard, .Mrs Janic-, Macfarlane, Mrs Bernard Murrav. Mrs JL L. Bowker, Mrs K. G. Gebbie, Mrs \V. IT. Symcs, Mi-. M. 11. Godbv, Mrs Derrick Gould, Mis., Craeroft Wilson. Mrs Mather (Kre.dand), Mrs John Barber fGeraldine,. Mrs 11. J). Ac-land and M;ss i"'biiippa. Ac-laud. Mrs W. P. iStrange (Asbburton), Mrs Herbert AetonAilnui--, Mrs K. J. Loii.c/hnan and Mis.-es Laura and Dorothy j-oughnan, Mrs R. Stanley Foster. Mrs J. W. K. Lawrence, Mrs Keppel Archer, Mrs .1. Davis (Wanganui), Mrs A. J. Malley. Mrs William Nicholls, Mrs A. JMe.M aster. Mrs George Rutherford il'arimssu.V), Mrs Kri'l- Rutherford i Parnassus'). Mrs M. Hollander, Mrs Fripp (London). Mrs 11. S. Williams, Mr. KcnneCu Ballaiityno, Mrs Rawei Hill, Mrs F. \*. Palmer. Mrs T. V. Wardroj) Mi-.s Naucarrow, Mrs T. I>. Coulishan, Mrs It. M. Morten, Miss Pegiv Norton, Mrs J. P. McQuillan (KiYeHon), Mr* John Connelly, -Miss Kaiideon MoQuilkin. Mrs J. Morri- >,,!,, Mrs P. A. Ardagh. Mrs J. G. Pari>h, Mrs W. Moore and Miss Myra Moore. (Tcinuka), Mrs E. C. Frater, Mr- A. D. Allan (Waikari), Miss ft. Bull, Mrs T. W. Tothill, Mrs Leonard Coop. Miss ft. Cray. Mis Basil W hitcombo. Miss Molly Bean, Miss Maud Coop.' Miss Williams, Mrs Percy Wright. Mrs Mervyn Stevenson and Miss Jean Stevenson, Mrs 'Alister McQueen, Mrs Norma)) lluthert'ord, Mrs C. S. Thomas, Mrs John Murray, Mrs Neil Guthrie. Miss Agnes Hay, Mrs Harold Barker. Mr.s Algar Williams, Mrs A. P. Boyle, Mrs Hugh Reeves, Miss Lilian Gates, Miss Gladys Cotton. Mrs Peter Hall, Mrs FranK Cowlishaw. Mrs F. A. Nixon. Mrs Harold Biggs. Mrs Leslie Moliueanx, Mrs A. S. Gurney and Miss Jean Gurney, Mrs R. 11. J. CiLimii, Mrs ' Shirley Wright, Mrs G. .!>. Greenwood, Mrs Morris, -Mrs V. A. C. Crutchley (Auckland), Miss Olive Mollraith, Mrs 11. S. Lawrence, Mrs '["rover Hawkes. Miss Joan Lee, Mrs J. McL. Reid, Miss Nancy Gibson, Miss Until Macfarlane, Mrs Perry and Miss Joy Perry, Mrs J. 11. Delahuntv, Mrs C. 'F. Salmond, Mrs J. L. Findlny, .Mrs V. J. Somerset-Thomas, Mr.s Reese (Hawarden), Mrs William Anderson, Miss H. Buckharn, Mrs Alan Johnstone, Mrs V. Evans, Mrs James Catherwood, Mrs Russell Cordery, Miss K. Buekburst, Mrs Kcmpthorne (St. Andrews), Mrs Norton Francis and Misses Phvllis and Jocclyn Francis, Mrs E. D. Pullon, Miss G. Denshire, Mrs .P. K. Climie. Mrs Ivan Wood, Mr.s lan Murchison, Mr s W. Eldon Coates, Mrs E. JL Newton, Mrs Charles Bell, Mrs 11. 11. Airev, Mrs Maurice Louisson. Mr.3 Alistair Hilson, Mrs C. L. Hart. Mr.s H. L. Widdowson, Mrs Ed-•r;-,v lteay, Mrs Shayle-George, Mrs F. A. E. ' Godwin, 'Madame Winnie Fraser, Miss Prins. Miss Wilson, Mrs J. S. Kelly, Mrs Reynolds Carey, Mr.s H. J. Beck, Mrs It. H. Livingstone, Mrs J. M"awson Stewart, Mrs J. Sullivan. .Mrs Herbert P. Lawry, Mrs Craighead, Airs Leslie Miller, Mrs Peter Wilson, Mis E. G. MeCullough. ;m d Misses Mona and Nance MeCullough, Mrs Frank Egan, Mrs 0. P> Jiresse and Miss Mildred Kresse, Mrs Harold Beck, the Misses Holmes, Mn M. J. Fogart.y (Groymouth), Miss T. Davis, Mrs Trevor Foster, Mrs L. Hewitt, Mrs H. A. Young, Mrs W. .1° Robinson, Mrs H. A. Uhind and Miss Betty Rhind, Misses Itaine, Miss Maud Cutlibert, Mrs Arthur Nicoll, Mrs Lawrence Gee, Mrs J B. Norris, Mrs A. Gillanders. Mrs Geoffrey Hamilton i\r ns Gordon Rich, Mrs W. G. Brass. Mrs Allan Joyce, Mrs T. W. le Cocq. Misses Betty AVebb, Kathleen White Mary Alexander, ' Joyce Seth-Smith, Greta Wright, Gladys Acton-Adams, Celia Reese. Peggy Pearson, Janice Overton. Merle Miller. Janet Stevensou, Bettv Maling, Pamela Price (Gisborne), Betiv Peach. Rn(b Wynn-Wil-liptiis, Kathleen McQuilkin, ,M. Todlii'intor. Nancy Grigg. Prue Wynn-Wi]-I'-ain«. Elena Helmore, Gendie Malint:, Xor'nli M'cLean (Waimate), Jessie El]i(jll. Margaret Williams. Anno Starkv, Joan M"aling, Hilda Montgom,.ry. Lesley Hay, Given Smvth. Diana \llen, Dorothy Leversedge. Joan Murrliisoii. Cathie Macdonald, Moira W r est, Norah and Nancy Deans, Sallv Newton, Muriel Hartle, Eileen Wilson, Berne Mcßae-Peacoek, Janet Storry, Anno Cooper, Elisabeth Tipping, .Vyvian

Dawson. Kathleen Greenslade (Dunedm), Janet Paterson, Ryan, j Kaara Trent, At. Oxley, Sylvia Thorn- j son, Elizabeth Morrifs, Margaret and j Janet Stevenson. Betty Holmes, Doro- j thy Robinson, Bessie Seymour, Joan Drury, M. Barrett, Natalie Hampton, Elisabeth Alpers. Sheila Atkinson, ; Patricia Gring, Catherine Westenra, | Dian.i Orliell, Ethel le Cren, Betty I Uettdd. and Diana Huie.


The New Brighton Territorials joined with the St. Faith's Men's Social Club in giving a danco in tho Parish Hall on Saturday. Tho committee in charge were Sergt. J. Jessett, Pte. Angell, Messrs C. Wroth, If. Ward, and C. Poekson. Mr L. Ward acted as M.C., and tho music was supplied by Reg. Paddy -'s orcsestra. The Monto Carlo daueo was won by Miss Edna Peters and Mr E. Aynsley, and tho lucky spot danco by Miss Evelyn Hamilton and Pte. J. F. R. Saggers. Amoapr those present were- Mesdames W. M. Se::ton, C. K. Evans, C. Pocltson, B. Boyd, C. Cattetmolo, C. Wroth, J. Jessett, and A. ."R. Hurrell, Misseß Ida Crysell, £. Taylor, Dorothy Cooper, Lilian Evans, Kdna Peters, G. Florancc, Dulcio Dixon, Joar. A : ai)per, Evelyn Hamilton, Joyce Fisher, Ruth Stringer, Pat Royland, June East, Gladys Hill, Mary Conyers, Kathleen Anderson, Olive Stewart, G-. Drummond, J. Bull, M. Collins, D. G. Duncan, A. B. Bacon, Owen Collins, C. M-acfarlane, and May Schofield, the Kev. T. M. Curnow, Cap-. tain Owen Baker, Lieutenants D. Boyd and Fi. Cranipton, Drun>-Ma}or Ferryman, Ser-geant-Hajora M. Forbes and M. Rogers, Sergeants R. J. Penned, R. Field, Scott, Seawtud, S. Thompson, and N. Dixon.


A pleasant card evening arranged bv the committee of tho Heathcote subbranch of the Plunket Society was held at the residence of Mrs C. J. Ashley, Lee street. 'J.'he prizes were won bv Mrs Watt and Mr \Vatkins. Among those )-rcßent were "Mr and H>-G b. Salt, Mr and Mrs D. Dickey, Mr and Mrs K. Dickey, Mr and Mrs Stowe, Mi and Mrs Wood. Mr and Mrs C. Kadcliffe, Mr and Mrs Ilerdman. Mr and l\h-s C. Toy, Mr and Mrs Watkins, Mr and .to Pengelly, and Mr and Mrs Scott Mos--aunes Ashley, Bloom, Hopkinson, Watt W ■T" ?,;-,^* ale 3' W. Deavoll, Nixon! «..:tl Williams, Misses A. Scott, I. Henn>stalk, D. Hodgson, and A. and MesEi-- A. Bloom and W. .Kadcliffo.


"Mo mi tain View." Annai. wai the meeting place for about 40 country friends of Miss Ruby Wright, whose marrJago will take place shortly. Many presents in the form of useful novelties ■vere S l ™' x \° tho bride-elect, to whom Mrs L. 1. Wright presented a bouquet made of kitchen articles. Tho joint hostesses, Mesdames Tj. T. and Q. A. Wright, entertained the guests with tennis and aim using competitions. Prize-; were won by Mrs Jack Gunn and Mrs Frank Jenkins. Afternoon tea was served in the large drawing-room, which was decorated with pink rhododendrons, Iceland poppies, and may.


At a meeting of the Tai Tayu Hall Committee it was decided to accept tho ' offer of tho Christchurch Returned Soldiers' Association Orchestra to give a concert on Tuesday, November "15th. to assist tho Tai Tapu Hall funds. Mr Glaysher (harpist) will conduct, and the programme will also include items by some talented Christchurch artists. The Hon. Sir Heaton Rhodes will preside.



The Sacred Heart Church, Tiiuaru, was decorated with arum lilies and banksia roses for the marriage of Eileen Mary, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs P. Mulcahy, Glen-iti, to John Alexander, only son of the late Mr and Mrs O'Donnell, Dunedin. Nuptial Mass was celebrated by tho Kev. Father Peoples, and Mrs N. D. Mangos was the organist. Tho bride, who was escorted by her father, wore an ankle-length frock of ivory_ embossed satin, and a tulle veil held in place with a small lace cap and a wreath of orange blossom. She earned a sheaf of arum lilies and lily-of-the-valley. The bridesmaid, Miss Maude Uriseoll, wore a frock of apple-green French crepe de chine, relieved with primrose, and a hat to tone. She carried a bouquet of ranunculi and maidenhair fern. Tho best man was Mr Jack Mulcahy, cousin of tho bride. At the reception which 'followed the ceremony the guests were received bv the bride's mother, who wore a frock or navy floral celaneso and a hat to tone. Her bouquet was composed of scarlet sweet peaa aud maidenhair fern. lor travelling tho bride wore a maroon ensemble and a hat of maroon chip straw to match.


Iho "race night" ball held at tho Winter Garden in Carnival Week each year is always well patronised, but ou Saturday there wag an unusually large attendance, almost 400 dancers taking part. The decorations were specially arranged, and the dancers, wearing carnival hats, added to the colourful


Members of St. Mark's Boye' «j Girls' Club held their final-dance « the season id St. Mark's HaU,Opa*i Music was supplied 'by Walla«» dance band. The danco commits comprised Misses J. Evan, D. BeatW V. Clapshaw, E. Davey, and C. B*«" drell, Messrs J. Small (seoretary)i [• Lightfoot, T. Bere, and L. Wilson, au J. Small acted as M.C. ■■«••■■» The luelcv spot was won by Mia £ Garland and Mr H. Monte Carlo by Miss V, George at partner, and the lucky couple *»•- Miss S. Skinner and Mr B. May- - Amongst thoso present were W dames Kissmau, liamford, Cox, «• *■ ler, P. Fuller, E. Rodgers, nnd " brose, Misses J. Rawliugs, J. »"? o n'J Davev. C. Hnddrell, J. Cade, N. «» P. Bull, E. Wheeler, E. fira*' Cade, 1). Ceorge, C. Bull, B. J*J V. Goorcje, A. George, V. B B "%i Bovd, G. Moses, R. Henskiy. L. »| pers, B. W'akeham, E. Wngl"t, J Overend, N. J. ix™* y. Cossar. .1. Boyce, V Clapshf-. Reed, I>. Clapshaw, hind, C. Armstrong, J. Bradie). Harris. D. Beattie, J. Cooper, >. " son, and N. Smith.

TIMAEU NEWS, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Miss C. Kain (Orari) is spending a few days in Christchurch. Mrs A. P, Greenfield (Trafalgar street) has returned from ChristI church. Miss Ransome (Hampton ' HouseFlats) has taken Mrs F. F. Neale's. house in Wai-iti v road. Miss Joyce Edgar Jones (Otiritiri), who was the guest of Mrs F. Brittan,, Christchurch, returned home, on .Saturday. Mis C. L. Oibell and Miss. Sylvia Orbell (L'entloxv) retur.ju.9d from a visit to Christchurch yes'terday. Miss M. Burnett <Ha£atararnca), who has been, in Christchuijch for the races, returned south on Saturday. Mrs Litligow and Miss Gleniti Litligow, Trafalgar street, Tirnaru, were visitors ' to Christchurch for ishow Mrs A. €. Nottingham, who was the guest of Mrs F. ' A." Raymond, Beverley road, returned lo Christchurch yesterday. Mr W. H. Melmore, "Koroiniko/ Wai-iti road, who spent a few days in,-Christchurch, returned home on Saturday. Kecent visitors ,at the. Balmoral Hotel included: Mrs Ernest Drake, Mrs A. Macdonald. Miss Ethel Wallace. Mr Manuel Drake, Master Lex Macdonald (Dunedin). Mr J. P. Wilson (Christchurch), Mr Hodge (Auckland), Mr W. J. Benny (Nelson), Mr A. IT. Veitch (Wellington), Mr Leo Rowden (Christchurch), Mr J), G. Drewitt (Christchurch), Mr and Mrs J. Bieraian (Christchurch). Recent arrivals at the Dominion Hotel include: Mr and Mrs J. Foster j (Duncdin), Mr H. H. Brown (Wellington*, Mr J. A. Gallaghan, Miss A. Judge, Mr and Mrs J. B. Norns (Christchurch), Mr E. Batchelor (Dunedin), Mr Alan Joyce, Mr C. E. Tripner, Mr 8. T. Newton (Christchurch), Mr K. J.. Fulton (Dunedin), Mr Lewis Millar, Mr and Mrs A. Turner. Mr G. L. Osborne (Wellington), Mr and Mrs-A. Free (Outram), Mrs L. Barclay, Master Barclay (Invcrcardll), Mr mid Mrs F. G. Tidswell, Mr J. Geddes. Mr J. A. O'Donndl, Mr A. G. Cannons. Mr Geo. Millar (Christchurch). Mr T. T. Cuddle, Mr M. W. Marriage (Dunedin). Mr A. S. Philpntt (Christchurch), Mr M. James (Wellington). Mr A. L. Zezett, Miss V. Smith (Dunedin), Mr and Mrs E, M. McDonald (Christchurch), Mr

,T. 11. McMurray (Gore), Mr A. Ijfo* Lcod (Miltou), Mr H. fChristchureli), Mr EL. WataStt Ma*. .' well (Wellington), Mr S. Mclmrvv (In* vcrcargill). St. John's Church. Wai-iti road, *a» beautifully decorated with arum iilia» and clematis, when Vida Isabel, daughter of Mr and Mr<a J, "Harcmai," Morgan's Toad„ Timor*, was married by the li«v/T. Williams, to William John, only sou of Mr. aa 4 Mrs J. Beattie, Blueclige. . Mim May* a friend of the bride,,played theorg*»Tho bride, who was escorted by her father, wore an ankle-length frock <* parchment georgette over, satin mad* on diagonal lines, of flared folds of georgette, the boaico heme pouched, double puff sleeves, and long tightfitting cuffs, The waist was line finished w itli a belt of plaited satin,. ' HTcr veil of Brussels net fell to form a train from a coronet of orange bles» som. A sheaf of arum lilies completed an attractive toilette. The bride was attended,., by her sister, Mins Agnes Hampton, .who wore an ankle-length frock ■" of ■ primroes angel bliin lace over satin in" decor-, alive lines with insets -of lace K ehortpuif sieevofs, edged with three narrow frills," and a belt; of pleated primrose satin, gho voro'a pietuMfhftfc Of prinv rns'e TicwUa straw, lifted at the- side, and trimmed with silk velvet. A sheaf of ranunculi and J'enj tas carried. Mr Hurry Wilson. Rangiora-, a cousin of the bridegroom, was best man. Alter Mifi Forvite a reception wa* lieitl at the residence ut tno bride'* parents. The guests wore received by the bride'.s mother, who wore a frock of black marocain satin trimmed witft lace, and a hat of black straw, with touches of blue. She carried a posy of red anemones. The bridegroom'* mother wore a frock of nary crepe de chine, Mid hat to tone, and carried a posy of scarlet ranunculi. Mrs Beattie. the bridegroom's grandmother, wore blacl; satin and lace, relieved with white, and carried a posy ol violets Later in the dav the bride and bridegroom left on their honeymoon, tlio bride wearing a costume of wine ■ coloured nlk marocain. with hat and shoes to match. Her wine coloured coat was i rimmed in grey broadtail. In the cning the guests were enteriaincd at a dance.

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Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20703, 14 November 1932, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20703, 14 November 1932, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20703, 14 November 1932, Page 2