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SATURDAYS TRANSACTIONS. Firm but dull conditions prevailed on call on Saturday morning and the recorded turnov«r was unusually small. Transactions, exclusive «* vestibuj* business, -were: £3OO New Zealand Government 5$ per cent. Bonds, February, 1937 400 New' Zealand Refrigerating (10s paid). New Zealand Government sfper cent. Bonds, due February, 1937 remained unaltered at £lOl 10s market closing £lOl 5s buyers, no sellers. Sellers or Bank of New South Wales shares came down to £26 12s 6d, buyers at £26 2s 6d. Buyers of New Zealand Insurance shares raised their bids to 40s, sellers at 40s 6d. Canterbury Frozen Meat ordinary shares had improved demand at £4 17s 6d, no sellers, offering. New Zealand Refrigerating, 10s paid, shares realised 4s 3d, market closing 4s 3d buyers, 4s 6d sellers. Mt. Lyells were stronger on buyers' offers 17s lOd, sellers at 18a 3d. Buyers ot New Zealand Farmers' Co-op. 4£ per cent. Stock, due 1940, advanced their offers to £4O without attracting sellers. Buyers of Waihi Gold Mining shares moved up a point to 16s 9d, sellers at 16s 3d.' Quotations for other stocks showed little variation. LATEST QUOTATIONS.

SATURDAY'S SALES. CHRISTCHURCH. Sales Reported—- £ s. d. N.Z. Government 5J per fient. Bonds, February, 1931 : .; -'■ .. l6r 10 0 N.Z. Befrig. (10a paid) ..0 4 3 AUCKLAND. Sales on 'Change—- '

Concerns merchandising products oi good quality can develop th« un« paralleled sales opportunities in Canterbury moat effectively and " most economically through, the advertising columns of Ths Pun. —«

WOOL JN_ HAND. BROKERS* AND FARMERS' LOTS. Details of the quantities of wool held in the Dominion on June 30th, 1932, were published in Saturday's, Peess. The total given by the Government Statistiean, the anthority quoted, was 107,129,3061b. Separating wool held by brokers and - farmers from that in woollen factories, scouring works, and railway, shipping, and similar stores, the following result is obtained:— Description. Brokers. Farmers. lb. lb. Greasy .. 35,616,484 29,725,505 Scoured .. 518,151 403,765 Washed .. 28,908 10,249 Sliped .. 1,086,670 69,082 Crutchinga .. 2,186,056 3,974,995 Wool on skins 792,799 324,865 Total (lb) 40,229,074 34,508,462 The total wool held by brokers and farmers is therefore 74,737,5361b. Crossbred sheep and lambs' wool accounts for 69,215,1841b out of the combined total, 74,737,5361b, of all descriptions so" held. Of the balance of the total woollen mills held 6,189,6161b, freezing works 8,921,1881b, wool scouring works 3,514,7631b, and shipping companies 12,937,3451b. Figures quoted make no allowance for the condition of the -wool—erg., greasy and scoured ate added' in the same class. It is computed that the quantity of wool shown represents approximately 116>000,0001b in the grease, as compared with 95,500,0001b at June 30tli. 1931. The following figures, covering the last six collections, give some idea of the extent to which wool has: been held back in the last three seasons on account of the low prices ruling. Total At Scoured converted June and . to Greasy 80th,. Greaay. Washed . Basis. . lb lb lb. 1927 6,362,022 2,437,471 19,000,000 1»28 5,313,737 1,584,089 18,800,000 1929 8,270,543 2,510,035 27,500,000 1930 .52,396,429 4,278,925 81,500,000 1931 59,811,259 - 6,616,468 95,500,000 1932 74,560,005 6,168,174 116,000,000 Sliped wool accounts for 15.133,8611b, crutchings, etc., for 7,151,6421b, wool on akins for 1,796,3241b, and unspecified wool for 2,319,8001b. PRAIRIE WHEAT. DROUGHT MAY REDUCE YIELD. (rmsr- peess . AsaociAnojr—*r" xusoxaic TELEGRAPH—COFTBHJHT.) (Received August 7th',7 pun.) WINNIPEG, August 6. Dry weather and intense heat are having an adverse effect on the" praino crop and may greatly reduce the yield, says the "Free Press" weekly crop report. • • ' COMPANIES REGISTERED. Tha current issue of the "Mercantile Gasette" notifies the registration •* *• following new companies: : — Buller Syndicate, Ltd. " Registered as a s.J• if eoni P»ny on July 83rd, 1932. Office, 213 Manchester street, ChristchwcJj. Capital: £BO into eight shares of £lO each, of wnieh two shares, numbered "1" end "2" respectively, are issued m> folly paid. Subscribers: G. Petjtigrew 3 f.p., J. IWell, R. Stevenson, O. W. B. Anderson, V. Laurensoa, H- P. C. Adams, all 1 ahare each. Objects: Mining and incidental. North Canterbury Gaiette, Ltd. Registered as a private company Jnly 25th, 1932. Office, corner Ashley and High streets, 'Kanglora. Capital: £I6OO, in 1500 shares of £1 each. Subscribers: O. I>nff 751, E. A. Adams 7*9. Objects: To carry on business of newspaper proprietors, publisheri, and incidental. - New Zealand Powder. Product Co., Ltd. Registered as a private company July 28th, 1833. Office, Tuam street, Christchurch. - Capital: £IOOO into 1000 shares of £1 each. Subscribers: P. B. O'Connor 500, J. J. Korris 500. Objects: Manufacturers and general incidental. Antimony (N.Z.), Ltd. Registered July 18th, 1932. Registered office, Auckland City. Capital: £20,000 in 40,000 shares of 10s each. Subscribers: Auckland—A. S. Henrv 1, N. H. E. Hockln 1, O. T. Manning 1, W. J. Hockin 200, H. E. Fischer 1, H. E. Goodwin 1, A. B. Wyraan 1. Objects: Mining, etc., and incidental. Mining, Trust, and Finance,. Ltd. Registered as a private company July 26th, 1932. Registered office, Auckland. Capital: £IOOO, in 1000 shares of £1 each. Snbscribers: Auckland—P. Adams 999, Dr. JEyncourtPatmer 1. Objects: Gold mining, etc., and incidental. I>eep Lead, Ltd. Registered March 9th, 1932. Capital: £9OOO, in 30 shares of £IOO each. Subscribers: Greymouth—T. Donnellan, J. Guy, A. Grogan, M. Grogan. Christchurch—J. S. Hawkee, 0. 3. Peterson, A. Anderson, one-share each. -'Objects: Goldmining, promoting, and working and incidental. (The above was omitted from a previous issue.) Newman and O'Neill, Ltd. Registered as a private company; Capital: £IOOO, in 1000 shares of £1 each. Subscribers: Newman and O'Neill's Siding—J. O'Neill 500, R. Newman 500. Objects: Sawmilling.and incidental. Increase of capital :—Dunvegan Hou&e, Ltd. Capital increased .to' £3OOO by issue of 2000 shares of £1 each; registered July 27th. , '•■_■-"" ENGLISH MARKETS. COTTON, RUBBER, JUTE, AND COPRA. (Eeoeiv'ed August 7th, 5.5 pj»o LONDON, August 6. Friday's closing price* were as follows: Cotton—Spot, 4.0 M; September, 4.53 d. Rubber—Para, id t plantation smoked, 2Jd. Jute—August-September, £l6 10*. Hemp—Juiy-September. nominal, £ls. X'opra—-August-September, South Bsa> £l3 12s. Sd; plantation Rabaul,- £l3 ISs." Linseed Oil—£ls* Turpentine—€Os W,

Buyers. Sellers. £ ».d. £ s.d. H.Z. Govenunriot Debentnws — 4| per cent. Inscribed, 1938 95 0 0 96 0 0 41 per cent. Inscribed, 1939 • ■ - •• - ••' 93 10 6 95 15 0 4£ per cent. Bonds, 1941 •• 95 0 0 —- 3i per cent. Inscribed, . 1351 . ... •■'■■ •• 98 0 0 -— 5, per cent. Inscribed, 1937 .. . •• 91! S 0 — 6J per'cent. Inscribed and Bond3, 1933 .. 99 0 0 — 5£ per cent. Inscribed, 1936 98 10 0 — 5 J per cent. Bond*, 1936 98 13 6 — 5J per cent. Bond?, Feb., 1937, and Inscribed, Sept., 1937 101 5 0 — 5J per cent. Bonds, Sept., 1S37 101 5 0 101 IS 0 Other Debentures— Piako County,. 62 per cent., 1941 — 98 0 0 Eastbourne Borough, 5J per cent., 1932 — 99 0 0 Pleasant Point Eorougb, 5i per cent., 1848 .. —- 98 0 0 Malvern Electric, . 51 per cent., 3965 — 99 0 0 Auckland City, 55 per cent., 1944 &B 0 0 — Iv.Z. Breweries, Bonds 10 0 — Banks— Adelaide _ 5 15 0 Comm. of Arst. (cum dir.) 0 13.11 0 14 1 Comm. of Auet. (pref., cum div.) .. 7 0 0 7 10 0 E., S., and A. 4 10 4 2 6 National of Australasia (£10 paid) 10 15 0 — National of N.Z. ;. 3 6 0 3 10 9 New South Wales (cuta div.) 26 2 6 26 12 6 New Zealand .: 2- 8. 0 2 8 6 New Zealand (D Mort- , gage shares) • 16 6 — Union of Aust. 6 18 6 7 16 Insurance— New Zealand .. .. 2 0 0 2 0 8 South British 2 18 0 2 17 0 Standard ' :. ■ r .. 2 16 ' — I»oaa and Agency— Balgwty end Co. ■ ■ :.. 7 4 0 7 10 6 Goldeferougli, Mort .. 12 3 1 2 9 N.Z. Guarantee Corpn. 0 4 8 0 6 8 I T nited Building Society 0 14 6 —. : Shipping-— Huddart-Perker \ 13 6 . —.' Union (pref.) .. ,. 0 ID" 6 : — 7rojsoii Me*t— - Canterbury (c*d.) 4 17" 6 / — .' Canterbury (pref.) 4 0 0 • — Gear .. .. 1 12 4 — N.Z. Refris. (£1 paid) 0 It 1 0 11 9 N.Z. Refrig. (lCs paid) North Canty., Freeidng 0 4 3 0 4-6 0 3 6 . — -. Woollens— Kaiapoi (17s paid) ' .. 0 5 0 ' ■—' Ooal— Stockton ford;) .. 0 0 6 0 0 9 Stookton (pref.) .0 0 7 — GasAuckland 10 6 1 0 11 Gh.ristcb.uruh 14 3 15 0 Christehurch (10s paid} - 1 .— 0 12 0 Bremriee— * Carlton . ., .". 1 9 6 1 12 0 Staples ... .... 1 -«' 9 16 1 Qaeonslani ... • .. — ISO Staples . .." ..' 1 -. 4vG — Timaru ., ... ' — 0 13 6 Timaru (7s 6d paid;■'... ,95 ,0 Tooths .. ... 16 4 I ft U Miscellaneous-— Allied Motor*... ., 0 0 9 0 16 Australian Glass 1 16 0 1 17 0 : Beath and Co. ., 1 I/O Britiah Tdbaeco. .. 18 0 1 9 0 Broken Hill Propty. .. ft IS 6 0 17 9 Bums, Philp. ■ ... ' — 2 0 0 Colonial Sugar 41 IB 0 49 10 0 Dunlop Rubber .. 0 11 6 0 11 11 F.lectro. Zinc (ord.) .. Oil 9 0 13 10 F.lectro. Zinc (pref.) "., 1 J 6, 1 2 0 Gordon and Gotch.•'-'.,., 12 6 1 5 6 Henry Jones Co-op. .. 1 V 9 19 8 Mt. Lyoll ... 0 17 10 0 18 3 • N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. (4§ per cent. Stock, 1940) .. .. •40 0 0 — . N.Z. Farmers' , Co-op. • (4j per cent. Stock, \ ,. W*5) •• 89 10 0 — N.Z. Paper Mills .. 0 19 8 10 6 North Canty. Co-op. Flour .. 0 10 6 —' . Taranaki Oil .. 0 0 9 Whitcombe and Tombs 2 10 0 "Wilson's Cement '.. 19 1 1 10 0 Woolworthe (N.Z.), pref. , 1 C 6 Woolworths (ntyr; fully paid) . ..; — 1 6 8 MiningAlexander- (contrj ' .. 6 15 8 0 18 0 Cornish Point , .. 0 0 1J 0 0 3 Golden Dawn .. 0 4 8 0 5 0 Golden Point .. 0 0 6 0 0 61 Golden Sands (Is paid) 0 18 0 2 0 . King Solomon .. 0 14 0 17 Mahabipawa 0 0 8§ 0 0 4 Mahakipawa (pref.) 0 0 4% — Okarito 0 8 11J 0 9 04 Waihi. 0 IS 9 0 16 3 Waihi Grand Junction 0 2 7i 0 8 1 Blaokwater .. , .. 0 12 6 0 18 8 Consolidated 0 4 6 0 8 4

New Zealand Government *• ' s. a. Stock, 1938, 55 per cent.. 99 15 Q Auckland Harbour Board, •1941.-6jper'cent.':' ... Auckland Harbour Board, 102 0 •p 1948, &h per cent. ... Commercial Bank 97 10 0 . 0 14 1 National Insurance .. . 0 12 8 Northern Steam ... . 0 7 0 Waihi ... ... . 0 15 9 Mount Lyell .... ... . 0 17 10

WELLINGTON. & s. d. Sales Beported— Bank of New Zealand ... 2 8 2 3 8 3 2 8 4 Union Bank of Australia (late Friday) 7 0 0 Okarito Gold .... — 0 9 0 SYDNEY STOCK EXCHANGE. The following sales were reported on Saturday on the Sydney Stock Exchange : —» £ s. d Commonwealth Bonds--4 per cent., 1938 • ■• 96 8 9 4 per cent., 1941 4 per cent., 1944 ...., 98 10 3 98 17 t> 4 per cent., 1947 ' 99 0 0 4 per cent., 1950 4 per cent., 1953 99 11 3 97 17 6 4 per cent., 1957 97 17 6 4 per cent,, 1959 98 7 6 4 per cent., £10 Bonds, 1938 9 17 0 4 per cent., £10 Bonds, 1953 9 15 6 Australian Gas, A 6 10 0 Australian Glass 2 10 Toohey's Brewery 0 19 9 Tooth's Brewery 1 10 3 British Tobacco 1 12 4J Colonial Sugar 47 10 0 Goldsbrough, Mort 1 5 101 Winchcombe. Carson 1 1 G Dunlop Perdriau 0 13 4 Henry Jones 1 13 0

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Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20619, 8 August 1932, Page 12

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CHRISTCHURCH STOCK EXCHANGE. Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20619, 8 August 1932, Page 12

CHRISTCHURCH STOCK EXCHANGE. Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20619, 8 August 1932, Page 12