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WEEKLY REVIEW. PRICE LEVELS MAINTAINED. During the past week there was a general "falling oif in the volume of business recorded on tho affiliated Mock exchanges throughout New Zealand. but there was nevertheless good .iL-maiid for the better class of investment securities, and price le\cls genet ally wero well maintained. Bank shares and Government issues as usual attracted the bulk of the tumovei. There was a decrease in the number ci gold mining shares sold. The following is a comparison of the daily recorded volume of business on the" local market lor the past fortnight. , This week. Last wecii. £ _ Saturday 807 Monday ... 3,271 1,33J Tuesday ... 3,253 0,230 Wednesday • 2,390 6,003 Thursday ... 4,052 7,680 Friduv ... 4,677 3,589 £19,050 £25,773 Vn analysis ot this week's total gives iiio following result—last week's figures a parentheses:—Debentures, £4300 (£4150): banks, £5539 (£4260); brewcries £499 (£3721); insurance, £905 ;£6OCXJ); Gnldsbroughs, £B7B (£2113); refrigerating. £377 (£961) ; Lyells, r "2d-i (£ 137); gold mining, £IOO2 (£1073). Four and a half per cent, tax iree Stock and Bonds, due 1938, remained unaltered at £96. Five and a half per cent. 1936 Stock was firm at £lOl 5s and £lOl 7s 6d—the Bonds realised £lOl 2s 6rl. Five and a half per cent. Stock, duo February. 1937, changed hands at £lOl ss, and that duo September at £lOl 2s 6d and £lOl ss. Five and a half per cent. Bonds, due September, 1937, had dealings at £lOl 10s and £lOl ss, as against £lOl 12s Gd to £lOl 2s 6d last week. Auckland Gas, G} per cent, debentures. due 1935, were placed at £93 10s. Ashburton Electric, 55 per cent., 1933. at £lOl.

Banking Section. New Zealands were most popular and accounted for the bulk of the turnover. Commercial of Australia, cilia dividend, receded from lis to 13s yd. E., e>., and A., which ranged from £4 3s 6d to £4 Is 6d last wee);, have buyers at £4 Is 6d, but sellers want £4 3s. National of Australasia, £lO paid, advanced to £ll, with further buyers at £lO 19s —the £o paid realised £5 ss, compared with £5 7s and £o 4s a week ago. National of Now Zealand, ex dividend, were firmer at £3 9s 6d, and more are on offer at that price, buyers at £3 6s. New South Wales, eased from £26 17s 6d to £2O lis fckl, but recovered to £26 15s at the closo of business. New Zealands had dealings at prices ranging from 46s to 475—955 shares changed hands on the local market—the "D'' Mortgage shares wcro firmer at 26s 6d, and more are wanted at that price. Union Bank, cum dividend, were easier at £6 19s 6d—ex dividend ot 2s per share transactions were recorded at £6 18s, £6 17s, and £6. 17s 6d. Insurances and l<oan and Agency. 12s 5d and 12s 6d. New Zealands. cum dividend, showed a hardening tendency at 40s, 40s 3d and 40s 6d. South British, rose Gd to 54s 6d. Standards, which reached 41s 3d last weeli, now have buyers at that figure, but holders are reticent. Dalgety and Company shares were steady at £7 ss. Golasbrdugh, Morts were placed at 21s lid, 22s Id, and 21s 9d, as against 22s 8d to 21s 9d last week—the, local turnover, was 800 shares. Traders Finance 7s 6d, paid, were fractionally weaker at 3s Id. New Zealand Guarantee Corporation were firm, with buyers at 4s 7d (last week's business figure), -sellers at 4s lid. United Building Society moved up to 14s 7d. ffhtpptng, Frozen Meat,- Coal, and Gas. Huddart, Parkers realised 23s 6d, and late buyers are olfering 23s 6d, sellers at 2os. Union Steam prefs hardened to 20s. New Zealand Refrigerating £1 paid changed hands at lis lid and 12s—the 10s paid ranged from 4s, 2d to 4s 5d —(last week 4s lis to 4s fx]) —on the local market there was a turnover of 1000 shares. Gear Meats hardened to 31s and 31s 6d, and subsequent buyers offered 31s 9d. Stockton Coal preference were placed at 9d, 7d, and Bd. The ordinary were firm at sd. Auckland Gas £1 paid, cum dividend, recovered to 21s, and more are wanted at that price, sellers at 21s Gd —the 15s paid realised 15s. Breweries. Recorded dealings were restricted to New Zealands, which hardened from 24s 4d to 255, and there are further sellers at 24s lid, buyers at 24s Bd—the local turnover was 400 shares. Toobeys claim buyers at 16s, but sellers want 18s. Tooths show little variation, with buvers at 265,- sellers at 265-4 d 4d Miscellaneous Investment Section. Australian Glass weakened to 35s 3d and more are wanted at that figure, sellers a t 365. British Tobaccos fluctuated from 28s to 28s 3d. Colonial Sugars had dealings at prices ranging from £4l 5s to £4l 17s 6d. Crystal Ice were firm at 225. Farmers' Trading remained at 4s. Mount Lyells eased from 17s 2d to 16s lOd—last week's rango was from ISs to 17s 4d —local turnover was 300 shares. New Zealand Farmers' Co-op. 41 per cent. Stock, duo 1940 and 1945, advanced to business at £45. New Zealand Farmers' Fertilisers, cum dividend, were fractionally firmer at 13s. Taranaki Oils had dealings at Is Id and Is. Whiteombe. and Tombs were placed at 50s. : Wilson's Cements at 30s were Is below peak j price last week. Zealandia Soap remained unaltered at 4s. Gold Mining. This week's recorded total of 14,400 shares was made, up as follows (last week's; figures in parentheses): Gblden Dawn. 800 (1800); Golden Point, 12,500 <8400); Golden Sands, 200 ( ); Oknrito, 500 (200); Paddy's Point, 150 ( ). Waihi, 150 (50); Waitahu, 100 Golden Points, on an active market, voro steady at 6jd. Golden Dawns fluctuated from 4s Id to 4s 9}d to 4s ■i'l. Oknritos ranged from 9s to 8s 9d. (!olden Sands were firmer at Is BJd. Piiddv's Point moved up to 5s and 5s I Id. WaihiK advanced to 15s Id. 15s 3d, 15s 4d. ni;d 15s Bd. Grand Junctions relansrd to 2> Del. Waitahu were taken at l|d discount. Alexander 13a Gd Paid realised 17s fid, Kawarans 4d, ' KinsiSolomon Is 10(1 and Is lid, and Gil-' les-pie's Booth l£d. ... YESTERDAY'S TRANSACTIONS. Eecordcd dealiugs on call yesterday were restricted to a few Stocks in which there was an average turnover, and price levels generally were well main-

'tinned. Transactions, exclusive of vestibule business, were: £3OO N.Z. Govt. 5i p.c. Inscr., 193 G. 60 Bank of New South Wales. 425 Bank of New Zealand. 90 Union Bank of Aust. 100 Goldsbrough, Mort. 300 Union Steam Ship (prof.). 100 N.Z. Kef rig. (10s paid). 300 Westport Stockton Coal (ord.). 300 Westport Stockton, Coal (prof.). £540 N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. 4J p.c. Stock, 1940£IOO N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. 4-J- p.c. Stock, 1945. 100 Taranaki Oil. 200 Golden Dawn. 200 Golden Sands (Is paid). 50 Waihi. Xew Zealand Government 5\ per cent. Stock, due 1930, was firm at £lOl ss, market closing £lOl 5s buyers, £-101 10s sellers. ' Buyers of Bank of Australasia shares raised t-lieir bids to £-9 6s, .sellers at £9 14s. Bank of New South Wales shares changed hands at £26 12s Gd and £26 15s, and there were further buyers at £26 15s, sellers at £26 17s 6d. Bank ol' New Zealand shares advanced to 475, buyers staying in at that figure, sellers at 47s 3d. Union Bank of Australia shares changed hands at £6 17s and £6 17s 6d, closing quotations £6 17s (id buyers, £6 18s 6d sellers. Other Shares. Goldsbrough, Morts remained unaltered with buyers and business at 21s 9d, sollers at 21s.lid. of Hud-dart-Parkcrs moved up to 23s 6d, sellers at 255. Union Steam Ship preference shares realised 20s. sellers staying in at that figure, buyers at 19s 9d. N.Z. Refrigerating 10s paid shares remained unaltered with buyers and business at 4s sd, sellers at 4s 6d. Westport-Stock-ton Coal ordinary shares changed hands at 5d and the preference at Bd. New Zealand Breweries shares appeared weaker with sellers at 24s lid. buyers at 24s Bd. Buyers of Mt. Lyells advanced their offers to 16s lid, sellers at 17s. N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. 4i per cent. Stock, due 1940 and 1945, changed hands at £45. Taranaki Oilfields shares were firm at Is, buyers staying in at that figure, no sellers. Sellers of Wilson's Cements reduced their limits to 29s lid, buyers at 29s 4d.

Golden Dawn Gold Mining shares were fractionally weaker with dealings at 4s od and 4s 4d and further sellers at 4s 4d, buyers at 4s 3d. Golden Sands Is paid were slightly firmer with buyers and business at Is 84d. sellers at Is 9sd. Waihis hardened to 15s 8d and more were offered at that figure, buyers at 15s sd. Blackwaters were stronger on buyers' offers 12s 3d, sellers at 12s 9d. DIVIDENDS PAYABLE. Per cent. Auckland Gas ... 3 Aug. 1 British Tobacco (pref.) ljj* July 30 Christcliureh Gas ... 3 Aug. 4 Commercial Bank (ord.) 5 Aug. 11 Commercial Bank (pref.) 2 Aug. 11 Elder Smith, Ltd. , ... 2 Sept. 1 Mercantile Mutual Ins. 3 Aug. 11 N.Z. Farmers' Fertiliser 5 Aug. 15 New Zealand Insurance Is Aug. 2 Permanent Investment 2k July 30 Queensland National Bank ... ... 2 Aug. Wellington Gas (ord.) 4 Aug. 1 * Less deduction at rate of 10 per cent, for Commonwealth Property Tax. AUCKLAND. [THE PRESS Special Service.] AUCKLAND, July 29. The investment market on the Auckland, Stock Exchange was again fairly active throughout the major portion of this week. Strong levels were maintained in all sections, and although a quieter tone developed toward the close, buying support remained firmSupplies of Government loans were <urficult to obtain at buyers' ideas, and dealing in this class of investment was extremely light in. comparison with tlio activity recently displayed. Only two stock transactions, were recorded during the period, February, 1937, 5i per cent. Bonds and September Stock changing hands at £lOl ss. On the other hand investors gave jnpre attention to .general investments, while banks..and insurance, particularly the latter, retained the strong interest which has been a notable feature of the last few weeks.' Although there were no spectacular rises trading was usually marked by a steady appreciation in values. Bank of New Zealands moved up from 46s 3d to 47s and New South Wales were done a shade firmer at £26 lis 6d. Commercials of Australia, on the other hand, gave way .after touching 14s early in the week to close on a sale at 13s lOd. New Zealands were again an active issue in the insurance group and levels advanced to 40s 6d, a rise of 6d South British were done at 54s 6d, a similar appreciation, but available supplies were restricted. Auckland Gas and New Zealand Breweries also registered firmer levels. A rise of 2s 6d took place in Colonial Sugars to a final level of £4l 17s 6d. Farmers' Fertilisers hardened to 13s, but for Wilson's Cements the market was easier, a sale Is lower at 30s being followed by further weakness at the close. A firmer trend developed in mining toward tlio end of the week. DUNEDIN. [THE PEESS Special Service.] DUNEDIN, July 29. Though the improvement which was a feature of last week's activities on the Stock Exchange has not «been continued to the same extent during the past few - days the market generally , is fairly steady, and a normal amount of business has been recorded. i The only sale in the, banking section concerned a parcel of Union Banks, which was turned over at £6 18s ex dividend. They have since been on offer at £6 19s, but buyers are not now offering more than £6 15s. There has been a. good demand for insurance shares, and Nationals have been dealt in at 12s 6d. There ws an unsupplied buyer at the close of the market at 12s sd, A parcel of New Zealands was turned ovel* at £2. Os 3d, further offers, of the same price finding sellers firm at £2 Is. Up to 2s 6d discount has been offered for Kaitangatas, but sellers failed to come forward. There was a sale of Dalgetys at £7 ss. Buyers have since offered £7 without finding a seller. There was a buyer of ordinary. Loan and Mercantiles at the close of the market, £36 10s being offered. Sellers, however, were unwilling to do business at less tlian £43. Offers of up to £4 for ordinary Canterbury 'Meats-lia ve hot met with any response from sellers. Paid tip New Zealand- Refrigeratings were dealt iri at 126,-" irid the demand continued .at that figure^.sellers demanding 4d more. A parcel of Crystal Ices realised £1 2s, but there has. been nd further demand.; A sale of Colonial Sugars was reported at £41155. The-market for New Zealand Drugs, continued to improve, and these shares are now being

Aug. 1

asked for at £2 14s, sellers demanding £2 18s. . The brewery section was quiet. jnow Zealands were in demand at 245," with a seller forward at 25s 3d. Up to 15s 6d is being offered for Wailiis, th© best selling quotation being 9d in advance of that iigure. Okaritos were dealt in at 9s, 8s Bd, and 8s lOd, closing quotations being 8s 8d (buyers) and 8s lOd (sellers). Offers of Is 3d for Kildares found sellers firm at Is Bd. There was a sale of Paddy's Points at 5s Id, but they have since been on offer at ss, buyers offering 4s 9d. A sale of Solomons was reported at Is lid, further offers of the same figure finding sellers linn at Is Hid. „ , A parcel of 4i per cent. Honds (1938) and another of stock of the same issue each realised £96. Stock five arid a half per cent. (193G) was dealt in at £lOl 7s 6d, and 51 per cent. Bonds (February, 1937) at £lOl 10s.

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Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20612, 30 July 1932, Page 12

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SHARE MARKET. Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20612, 30 July 1932, Page 12

SHARE MARKET. Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20612, 30 July 1932, Page 12