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KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHORCH, corner of Bealey avenue and Victoria street. Minister, REV. T. W. ARMOUR 11 a.m.— "GENUINE BENEVOLENCE." Anthem, "My God, Look Upon Me" (Revnolds). C.30 p.m.—SPECIAL CELEBRATION OF THE LORD'S SUPPER. Anthem, "Beloved, if God bo Loved Us" (Barnsbv). Solo, "The Gift of Life" (Seare), Miss J<orah Cairney. K5699 C<T. PAUL'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, ' t'r. Casliel and Madras streets. MINISTER: REV. ALAN C. WATSON, M.A. 11 a.m.—REV. A. C. WATSON, MA "CHILDREN IN THE IDEAL CITY" Anthem: "The Lord is my Shepherd" (Smart). 6.30 p.m.—REV. W. BOWER BLACK, LL.B. Anthem: "Tlio Lord is My Lizht" (Tate). Hymn-Anthem: "I Am Trusting Thea, Lord Jesus." SDOSI ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (Opposite Public Hospital). Minister, REV. J. LAWSON ROBINSON, B.A. 11 a.m.—"THE LIVING HOPE." Anthem, "Doth Not Wisdom Cry?" (Halting). C.30 p.m.—"THE CHRISTIAN AND SUNDAY." Anthem, "To Thee Great Lord" (Rossini). 58147 ST. ALBANS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (Berwick street) —Minister, Rev. R. arnock. 11 a.m.. Psalm 1., The Song of the Happy Man; C.30, Our Maori Missions. 1630 CJT. GEORGE'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH" » corner of Gloucester street and Linwood avenue—Minister, Rev. Alec McNeur; services, 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. 1672 s HIRLEY-RICHMOND PRESBYTERIAN OHURCH, Randall street—ll a.m. and 6.J0 p.m., commencement of mission. Preacher, Kev. J. Bissett, Presbyterian Assemble Lvangelist, continuing each evening at 7.45 p.m., Saturdays excepted. The week night services will be preceded by 15 minutes' bright song bervice. 1676 T. DAVID'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Colombo street South; Minister, Rev. Lawrence Rogers, M.A. —11 a.m., "The Courage of Jesus"; 6.30 p.m., "In the Depths." 17Q9 ASHMERE HILLS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH—Minister, Rev. James Robertson, 8.A.; 11 a.m., "Curbing Our Unruly Passions"; 6.30 p.m., "The Purpose of God's Mercy." Parade of Cashmere Brownies, Cubs, Guides, and Scouts at morning service. NEW BRIGHTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH—Preacher, Rev. D. B. Ashford. Morning service at 11, subject of sermon, 'The Sweetening of Bitter Waters." Evemng service at 6.30, subject of sermon, «.£ „r mperial Voice.'' Anthem by Choir, He Shall Feed His Flock." 3846 fPHE ASSEMBLIES OF GOD IN N.Z., CoJ- lombo street, Sydenham, near *Post ?™ e .7 Mo , rni ° 5 ' - 11 ' Communion; Afternoon, —JO,•Sunday School; Evening, 6.50, speakers, Mrs Grace and the Misses Jisher and -\ orr ' s -, "There is only one Royal Route to the Golden City, ONE DOOR, Christ. Travel by one way—Christ. All other routes, religious and immoral, lead down to Hell '' Which route are you on! Shelter now under Je?us blood. A 3602 F lß^c m °^P RCH OF CHRIST, SCIEN- -*• TIST, Worcester street West—Sunday services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; subject, "Love " Sunday School 11 a.m., Testimony Meeting Wednesday, 8 p.m., Reading Room, 12-4.30; Wednesday. 12-7.45; Saturday, 11-12.30, in Church edifice. 59761 A RMAGH STREET HALL—7 p.m., "The „ House Eternal"; Preacher, Mr A. Paynter. All Welcome. T>UTLAND HALL, corner Rutland and West-J-D minster streets, St. Albans—Gospel Service, 7 p.m. Sunday; Speaker, Mr James Dunbar. Highsted road, Papanui—7 p.m.. Speaker, Mr J. Booth. 1698 piHORAL HALL—7 p.m., Richmond Mission. City Service. Subject,' "Revelation Continued—Seventh Trumpet and AVar in Heaven." Orchestral Music, 6.45 p.m Morning, 11 a.m., Richmond Mission Hall. ■ 1688 WALTHAM HALL, Shakespeare road—The Gospel of th« Grace of God will (D.V.) be Preached next Lord's Day Evening, at 7 o'clock, by Mr W. J. Burrows. 1604 J ELLIOOE HALL, Gloucester street, opposite Synagogue. SUNDAY, 7 P.M. 'THE ■ HEALING OF THE "DEADLY / WOUND' OR REVEL. 13." Protestants' Learn the significance of this wonderful prophecy. 55244 "TOWARDS THE REAL." PUBLIC LECTURE, SUNDAY, 7 P.M. By MR T. E. BROWN, in the OTHEOSOPHICAL HALL, 267 Cambridge •*. terrace, near Manchester street bridge. The unreal hath no being, • The real never ceaseth to be." T8217 —Edwin Arnold. PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE TO ERECT GATES ON ROAD, PAMURI COUNTY. NOTICE is hereby given under .. . .„ section 143 Public Works Act, 1928, fWntw Is r , OUP I " tention t0 a PPIy to the Amuri „ ° SL un ? at ,ts meetin S to be held a™** t August next, for permission to swing gates across the St. Leon.2;.™pro£."s?S r °" rt •" " P " l * u Culverden, 30/7/3 C. J °™ "INVENTORS DON'T TAKE ANY RISKS." RAVE you a good Invention} Then 1 j" • P you by Preparing specification /nr Ee , cure Talid patents. Send for =°Py of handbook of patents, to ROBERT i McLINTOCK. Patent Atorney, Dunedin. Christchurch Representative, Arthur L. Gray, 134 Oxford terrace. W8146 SENT HOME TO DIE. "11/TR SHURROCK, a Christchurch man of T" well over 60, was, after sis months in hospital (according to himself), sent home to die. After taking R.U.R. he completely recovered in three months with never a recurrence of his Rheumatism, Sciatica, and Lumbago, to which he had been a martyr for 20 years K.U.R., which carries a moneyback guarantee, is obtainable from E. Camoron Smith, Ltd., Chemists. ' M 6671 DECEASED ESTATES. PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. "\TOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the undermentioned estates are required to lodge such claims in duplicate at the Public Trust Office at Christchurch on or before the Ist day of SEPTEMBER, 1932. The claims must show full details and must be certified as due and owing at the date of death of the deceased. Any claim not lodged by the date named is liable to exclusion. ESTATES. ELLEN MARY EVEREST, lato of Christchurch. Married Woman, died 23.7.32. DORA GILL, late of Christchurch, Spinster, died 23.7.32. HANNAH ELIZA MENELAUS, late of Christchurch, Widow, died 24.7.32. ARTHUR CHARLES PALMER, late of Christchurch, Striker, died 26.7.32. SARAII JANE RAWLINGS, late ti Christchurch. Widow, died 15.7.32. KATE ELIZA TURVEY, late of Christchurch, Widow, died 19.7.32. A. R. JORDAN. District Public Trustee. Chrtetcliurch, July 30th, 1932. C 873 O*WO Unequalled Paints. Steelite for Roof, L'USTRUSS for woodwork N.Z. made. SMITH and SMITH, LIMITED, Cr. Tuam and High streets. 89768 SLEEP Soundly at night by eating Lasa for breakfast. Contains Oil of Wheat. 21b carton 2/G. Cook & Ross and other Chemists. . - " 7

of Sunday Services.—Under ... ftmr-f or Saturday, the rates for —Not exceeding 24 words j» cash; for every additional 1 ®Si(i"extra. up to 12 linos; half inch d 2s bd laree-qrarter-mch, 3s yd, JJEfc St eiu.ii. "«aPni« 18 »otires must not contain jiSttßfatß of Annual Meetings, Annirer •JIJJ, Tea Meetings, or t'ntertainments. jaaaffiTHEiJl: 1 loly Colela.m., Choral Eucharist; «»0 Lord" tTa:lis); Service, Smart Readier, the Pietentor. 7 p.m., Evensong; Service, Com in E. AnWaived ior the Lord ' (Mer.Jels*S Preacher, the l!ev. Canoit H. WilfS 1621 |)l inn * K!, S— Trinity.' X. 8, Holy 8 Coauouoion; 9.30, Children's Service; „ finar Bucbartst; t=.3u. Evensong. Mr S. K. Cum:ng. '"The Anglican g£Tfa History." 1627 fff. jitHftyfi—Holv Communion. ? a.m. and Jj 0« m • Sung Eucharist, 9 a.m. and 11 • lUtim, 10.15 a.m.; Evensong, 7 p.m. aZljjagf. 9 a.m. and 11 a.m., Archdeacon y R®"'- • Dent. 1631 St. JOHN'S, Latimer square-—8 a.m., Holy S OomißUnion; U a.m., Morning Prayer. fmolfcax, Rev. J. T. McWilliam, 8.A., Vicar. I jII' 'Evening Pniycr. Preacher, Canon lt W», of Cashmere. 1G42 fIM |I*HY'S. Merivale —8 a.m., Holy ComJj Bunion; 11 a.m., Matir.s and Holy Preacher, Archdeacon Ha-Jgitt. i« »m Evensong; Preacher, Canon ■ ilasnilton. 1626 «jf"ATOUSTIXE 'S, Cashmere Hills—B 5 f m, Holy Communion; 11 a.m., mm, the Vicar; 7 p.m.. Evensong, the 'JJJrJ, T. McWilliam, 8.A., will conduct dt'&tW* Service. 1619 gfe, BTEPHK.VS, Shirley—B a.m., H.C.; 11 0 ft—-. Matins; Special Address to tho (Ufeaß. "The Tortoise and tho Eagle"; 7 .« Babjcet, "The Unseen Hand"; Anthem. " f. Bev. J. R. Hervey, Vicar. 3902 STREET METHODIST CHURCH. B-IBV. L. C. HOKWOOD. "Turn Thy Face from My Sins." JM: Mn Whitlock and iliss Cooke, "gold Thou My Hand." 18-SET. P. X. KNIGHT, B.A. *H» Reality of tho Spiritual." "Though Your Sins Be ss Scarlet." ttf-Sofr Communion. D 2621 »|4IUEi CHURCH, Fitzgerald .1* StA., Eev. S. Bailey; G. 30 p.m., Eev. t. Cub; subject, "The Land of Hope and ftlj n Discussion of Present Conditions flirMn Pwwpects." Solo, "To the Miss Joan Sorrell. Anthem, 1650 CHURCH, Edgeware road—ll Be*. F. T. Read; 6.30 p.m.. Rev. Xt, Cfatßbers; Soloists, Mr Edward Hendy at Xa W. Megson; Anthem, "Gloria" 9mA). 1715 gbAXiBANS METHODIST CHURCH—II 0 fi— J Brv. W. Rowe. Young People's flwW Children specially invited. Anan,*T<Sch Me Thy Way, O Lord" (Crook), ttblff. W. Bowe, "Are we Good Because it jnpff M . Anthem, "O Gladsome Light" K 11 Bryndwr, Rev. E. B. i; <L3O, Rev. F. T. Read. 1652 JIST CH.UKCH—Richmond; Ti ,Mr G. Arm it age; 6.30 p.m.. Rev. Lin wood: 11 a.m., Eev. F. fiatmed; Mr J. H. Pugh. MarshWt Haja-, Mr R. Patchett. 1668 SO. JAMES' "METHODIST CHURCH" " (Umn—Sunday, July 31st. Preachers, n ML, Est. P. Jf. Knight, 8.A.; 6.30 p.m., Ik L G. Horwood. 1569 f mSIOS CIRCUIT-Woolston: U «ajua, Rev. John Harris. Sumner: 11.1k. Seat; 7, Mr Jackson. Opawa: 11, ML &i;' 6J50, Mr Armitage. Heathcote: XL Xr lobusrc; 6.30, Kev. Kent. l!edU, Mr Silcock; 6.30, Mr W. R. 16§5 METHODIST CHURCH— SerJfijH a.m., Mr H. Chapman; 6.30 »».*4ajtarp- Efficient Choir. A WeiMessages. Shirley and Bur- ~ ially Itfvlted." 3897 IT-.ajrT^.T^ sl METHODIST CHURCH 11 a.m.. Rev. E. Drake; S. Bailey. Favourite Hymn, .yf* l * Hill Far Away"; Soloist, Mrs ***. ABlbenai, Duets, Choruses by Choi*. ipin SETHODIST CHURCH, Addinc- *' "J; Minister. Rev. E. W. Hames, M.A. .Jwnilni; 'Worship pnd Communion: Service, followed by a Recital 6piritaals by Mr W. H. Dixon TERRACE BAPTIST CHURCH. B£V. LAWRENCE A. NORTH. l: Morning Worship. Speaker: Hon. M. ISITT, REV. L. A. NORTH. Subject: "A ISONER IN CHAINS." Hymn Study; as I Am." Anthem: "The Strife fflj O'er" (Ley). Solo by Mr North: -Morning, Noonday, and Evening." fceial Hour at conclusion of Service. ti 08151 , ALBANS BAPTIST CHURCH, Thames „street —Rev. B. H. Williams. 11 a.m., "a Out." 6.30 p.m., "Missionary." i fceated and a warm welcome. 1690 Sma CHURCH SPIRITUALISTS' 2®®®BCH (Inc.)— Sunday, 7 p.m.: Dr. V Moorey will Lecture at the Ridgely iJaaugb street; Subject, "Hov.- to be (T»" The Only Salvation. Messages at Boles by Mrs Commons. 1607 &XCE HALL, 108 Gloucester street —iday. 7 p.m.: Subject, "The PurGod in Restoring the Jews to " 1693 PUBLIC NOTICES. v irr- • ||WBI!CBURCH TECHNICAL COLLEGE. SOXION OP REPRESENTATIVE OF if r , SCHOOL COMMITTEES. , Vl NATIONS are invited and will be rebjr the undersigned until Mon- " 12 noon, for the elec\ri Board of Governors of the Christ- ' Teeknical College, of one representative FiMrTT* Committees of Schools situ-L-j . * radius of 5 miles from the College. kifou may be made by any member i * Committee, and nomination papers on them in writing the consent '.gw nominated. if any, will close on August trv** •* 5 p.m. Nomination forms can If desired at the Technical ColP fc-s . D - E - HANSEN, L,and Returning OiKcer. • College. ehweh, 80/7/32. 3855 GOULD, GUINNESS, LIMITED. acta as Trustee, Executor, or Attorney. "Person should provide by Will for > WliS* o'®' 0 '®' < " s ' r 'hution of his or her •wwi ° or ' onft experience of over , *? a can rest assured that if %L ! *PP°' nte 4 your Trustee your « faithfully administered. oar Trust Department for full M our scheme for grituitous P6646 CITY COUNCIL. ART GALLERY. > njL®*" c ry will be closed on JION|J I**, 1 **, the Ist August, and TUESDAY, to enable structural alteraj™-" carried out. 28th, 193 m# Tttvn J. 6. NEVILLE, Town Clerk. JEXniBITION. OF ANTIQUES. *«ASItV, DURHAM STREET, ,Wi aid of Y.W.C.A, THURSDAY, AUGUST -Ith, at 6 p.m. . AofUf.t stli, to Saturday, _¥*• Exhibition will be open £* to 5 p.m., and 7.30 p.m. to niog night 2s, following " tea 6d. 3856 S©ofa use Maataci. NEVER site tine sold everySMITH, LIMITED, "" as 4 High attests.

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Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20612, 30 July 1932, Page 21

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Page 21 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20612, 30 July 1932, Page 21