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j ♦ ■- RANGIORA. Mr C. S. Ayers presided over a fuJi attendance of members at a meeting of the Rangiora Unemployment Committee ou Thursday evening. Messrs U. it. Gillandcrs and J. Stevens were added to the committee. Twenty-six applications from farmers for men under the No. 4A Scheme were approved. A deputation from the local unemployed was introduced by the DeputyMayor (Mr it. It. Gillanders). Mr C. Hawker, who said that he was one ol the committee appointed by the local relief workers, pointed out that during the past six months the men had not, with the exception of one week, had the full amount of. employment to which they were entitled. This week both B and C class men received a day and a half short, and next week a large number 'will have to Utand down. The winter was approachiug, and at this time more food and clothing were required. Failing an increase in the j amount of work, the men considered that the time was ripe for the establishment of a relief depot in Rangiora. speaker understood that a. fair quantity of goods was sent to Christepurch from time to time, although good vise of them could bo made locally. Unless something was do."® ' ,O was afraid that a number of children would have to go to school without boots and warm clothing during the winter. A small grievance that some of the men had was that the Borough. Council did not pay them until Saiurdpy at mid-day. If payment c ° ll ' be made earlier, the women would be enabled to make their purchases before the shops closed. Other speakers were Messrs «T. i ■ Dawson, who stressed the need ior & relief depot; W. Cain, who pointed out that coal was badly required, and G. F. Walls. The Town Clerk said he would be pleased to arrange for the men to be paid earlier, probably on i'riday nights. „ . With regard to the small bmounts available for wages, the secretary (Mr J. M. Fraser), and others pointed out that telegraphic application had been made to the Unemployment Board ior an increased allocation for this wee' and next week, but no reply had yet been received. Almost invariably, when the allocation was reduced, le P" resent»tions were mado to the Board, the Minister in Charge of Unemployment, and the Prime Minister lor supplementary grants, but not alvvay with success. The committee was entirely sympathetic with the men, an did its best in their interests. The establishment of a relief depot was supported by the comnnttoe, aii u motion was passed recommending the Mayor and the chairman of the County Council to convene a meeting with the object of giving effect to tho proposal. The Deputy-Mayor gave an assurance that the matter would be considered at the next meeting of the Borough Council, and the committee s recommendation would be given enec

to. J • Various minor matters were discussed, and the deputation withdrew after expressing appreciation ot tne hearing " given them, , and/ being thanked for the manner in which tney had stated thoir case.

KAIAPOI. In the Magistrate's Court, before Messrs J. H. Blackwell, J.P., and A. 8. Palmer, J.P., H. E. Taylor, charged with driving a motor-car on the main north road, Kniapoi, at a speed which, having regard to all the circumstances of the case, might have been dangerous to the public, was convicted and fined £1 10s and costs, HANMER SPRINGS. The fifth annual general meeting of the Ladies' Hockey Club was held in the hall on April 11th, Mrs H. Glass presiding over a fair attendance. The annual report and balance-sheet showed that the club was in a good financial condition. The report stated that the club team had come fourth in the MtPalm Shield competition, the same players having played throughout the matches. Miss N. Farrow had played for the club in the Hurunui sub-asso-ciation's match against Christchurch. The sum of £3O had been paid out for the travelling expenses of the team during the season. The plant was reported to be in good condition. The meeting decided that the club should carry on this year. The Domain Board had granted the club permission to play on the football ground, as the top dressing and sowing down [ of the hockey ground had been a fail- [ ure owing to the dry season. The following officers were elected: —Patron, Mrs flanmer Atkinson; I president, Mrs H. Glass; vice-presi-dents, Mesdames G. 0. Rutherford, H. Farrow, J. Peters, R. Whale, T. Maher, T. "Wood, T. C. Bamfield, H. Roche, J. L. Hay, D. A. Manson, Hi. J. Peek, Messrs J. Galilee, H. Farrow, G. Lucas, R. Kennedy, and H. Glass; committee, Mrs G. H. Jardin© and Miss Herron; hon. secretary, Mrs A. Reid; treasurer, Miss M. Dynes; delegates, Mesdames H. Glass and A. Reid; coach, Mr J. Galilee; referee, Mr E. Chappell; ground committee, Messrs (x. Lucas and W. Reid. Messrs T. Maher and H. Glass returned to Hanmer on "Wednesday from their trip to Sydney. The monthly meeting of the lire Board was held in the Brigade station on Thursday last, Mr H. Roche presiding. It was decided to join up with the Canterbury Fife Brigades' Association. The purchase of a ladder and chemical fire was left in the hands of Foreman Nicholls. OXFORD. The tennis season being practically ended, the results of the championships arc as follows: — "Women's singles championship—Miss V. Skurr defeated Miss R. Skurr 9-2. Women's doubles championship — Misses V. and R. Skurr defeated Mrs Norton and Mrs. Minty. Men's doubles championship—C. B. McNatty and W. E. Minty defeated A. Smither and A. Bringans 8-6, 7-6. The final of the men's singles championship is yet to be played, the finalists being A. Smither and A. Bringans. Interest in tenuis during the past season has been high, the standard of play has consequently improved, and the season has been regarded as one of the most successful ou record. _ The club again won the Malvern Association Cup, four of the members were selected to represent Malvern in its annual representative fixtures, and players from the club won the championship doubles at the Malvern Association Easter tournament, as well as being represented in the finals of other events. DARFIELD. A verv successful dance was held in the Da r fie Id Hall on Thursday evening, the proceeds of which are to. go to the St. Saviour's Orphanages. Mrs J. O. Redfern (organiser), Mrs 11. Reed (in charge of refreshments), Mesdames R- Gumi, H. Edbrooke, and H. A. Knight (joint secretaries), and a band of willing workers were responsible for the arrangements. Tne hall was tastefully decorated with hanging baskets of flowers, and coloured paper streamers. Matson s Collegian Band provided the music .tor the community singing and dancing. Extras were played by Mrs G. Cridge and Miss J. Redfern. Mr L. Register made an efficient master of ceremonies.

CHEVIOT. ( Tlj e annual meeting of the Mackenzie lootball Club was held on Wednesday evening. The president, Mr J. Y. Moir, presided over a fair attendance, iiie balance-sheet showed a credit balance of £l4 17s 2d. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year:—Patron, the lit. Hon. G. W. Forbes; president, Mr J. Y. Moir; vicepresidents, Messrs K. P. Honeybone, J. p. E. Winskill, G. Westcnra, D. McLaren, and W. Walls; secretary and treasurer, Mr K. Clarke; referees, Messrs A. Meiklo and A. C. Fuller; selector, Mr W. Walls; committee, Messrs It. Smart, W. Crampton, 11. C. Rentier, W. Petrie, W. AValls, A. B. Cockerel], and N. Crampton; delegates to Management Committee, Messrs It. Smart and .N. Crampton. A challenge received from the iSpotswood Club to plaj' a friendly match at fepotswood on Saturday next was accepted. n , ! J nnua ' meeting of the Cheviot r ootball Club was held on Wednesday iollowing the Mackenzie Club meeting, the president (Mr F. Upston) presided o\er an attendance of about 40 members. The balance-sheet showed a debit balance, and it was agreed that., judgottering for the coming season, this debt would soon be wiped off. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year Patron, the Rt. Hon. G. W. I'orbes; president, Mr J. Y. Moir; secretary, Mr L. Wootton; treasurer, Mr Ji. C. Ronner; auditor, Mr J. N. Cottrell; vice-presidents, Messrs F. H. Upon' Harrison, N. Rutherford, G. Westenra, A. B. Cockerell, N. R. Wilkinson, &. E. Potengill, D. G. McDonald, and the Rev. G. Widdup; senior selector, Mr E. Redmond: junior selector, Mr L. Wootton; referees, L A" Mcikle, N. R. Wilkinson, T. ti juii., S. Denton, aud C. r>" £\ r ? ies • Social Committee, Messrs g. Dobm N. Crampton, R. Smart, G. J. B. Stevenson, W. Costello, W. Crampton, F. Upston, and J. Harrison ; doorkeeper, Mr W. Petrie; delegates to the sub-union, the president and secretary. It was decided to hold the members' church parade as usual. A motion of sympathy was passed with the relatives ol the late Mr F. Scarr. Transport arrangements were left in the hands of the Management Committee. In the draw in the first round of If 6 j™- ur '. inu ' Sub-Union competitions, the Cheviot team plays Waiau at Waiau on May 14th. The annual meeting of the Cheviot Sports Club will be held on April 27th, and all aro invited to attend. ISLINGTON. There was a good attendance of Hornby hockey members and friends in the Islington Hall on Thursday evening, when Messrs H. W. Rogers, J. Almond, and C. Bellamy, from the Canterbury Referees' Association, gave an interesting lecture, dealing with the "Rudiments of Hockey." Mrs P. Thomson, at the conclusion of the meeting, passed a vote of thanks to the speakers. TAI TAPU. The new public library which the Hon. Sir Heaton Rhodes is presenting to the district is now nearing completion. Built of stone, with a tiled roof, it presents a very fine appearance. Workmen aro engaged erecting a stone fence along the road frontage of the Memorial Church. A similar one will bo erected along the library frontago. The attendance at tho Tai Tapu School has improved during the last week. No fresh cases of infantile paralysis are reported and those who suffered from it are making steady progress toward recovery. The members of the Methodist Church are working hard to make final arrangements for tho jubilee celebrations of tho church, which commence on Sunday morning. The Rev. M. A. Rugby Pratt (president of the Conference) will preach. Special solos will be contributed by the Rev. E. Chambers, Mr D. Suckling, Mesdames Dulieu and Foster, and Miss Weir. The celebrations will be continued on Thursday evening. Sister May Barnett. of Tai Tapu, recently returned from the mission fields of the Solomon Islands, where she has spent a number of years doing mission work at the Methodist Church station there.

LINCOLN. Winter sports have commenced in earnest. Last Saturday the basketball club played a visiting team from PrebbJeton. The opening was celebrated by the annual ball, held in the Lincoln Hall on Thursday, visitors being present from all the surrounding districts.. The football club's first match was played against Prebbleton last Saturday, resulting in a win for Lincoln by 17 to 3. 'io-day the seniors will play Woodend at Lincoln, tho team being as follows:—B. Hubbard, C. Watkins, Watkins, J. Greaves, L. Cunneen, C. Mehlhopt, S. Birch, H, Knight M Cunneen, W. Jordan, A. Watkins, G*. Watkins, W. Jackman, 11. Ashby, Iv. Roberts. The juniors will plav Waifcora at Tai Tapu. LEESTON. A monthly meeting of the Leeston lown Board, held on Thursday even--I'lS, was attended by Commissioners J. C. l<ree (chairman), F. Rowell, A. b. Lyons, L. C. Vicary, W. A. Johnston, R. J. McConnell, and W. Johnston. After some discussion the matter of recovering outstanding rates was left in the hands of the chairman of the Finance Committtee and the clerk. The Board gave its support to a proposal outlined in a circular letter from the New Zealand Institute of Surveyors, suggesting economies in conducting surveys. The balance-sheet showed that the Board had a debit balance of £l4l 2s 2d on March 31st. In an endeavour to effect economies, the Board conferred with the superintendent of the Fire Brigade regarding the expenses of the Brigade, and cost of maintaining the plant. The superintendent undertook to scrutinise all items of expenditure, but held out little hope of a reduction. It was essential that the efficiency of the Brigade should not be impaired. A reply was received from the Spi'ings-Eilesmere Power Board to a request that street lighting charges should l>e reduced The Board stated that it could not grant the request, and enclosed a list of charges made by other supply authorities throughout the Dominion. A motion that the number of street lights should be reduced by half was defeated. It was decided to reduce the salaries of the Board's staff by ten per cent., and to strike a rate of IJd, as against a general rate of 2id last year. Mr R. Grant presided over tlic monthly meeting of the Leeston School . Committee, at which the headmaster reported that the attendance had been affected by sickness. Tho roll number was 13", and the average attendance 126 Improvements had been made t {he school ground by uMW'oye'l labour. Kurse Larsen v ' ci ' , |loo i "'"'Zifmi' tn M of ea£ provision would have to be made for the better heating; ot the technioal school building. T V"_ decided to apply to the Board to have the temporary class-room lined provided with a heater. The resignation of Miss Parkin, a member of tpaching staff, was accepted with regret, and it was decided to send her a letter expressing appreciation of her long and faithful service. Arrangements are to be made for a suitable farewell function.

AKAROA. Tie tenth annual meeting of tho Akaroa Golf Club was held on Thursday, Mr W. E. M. Jacobson presiding over a good attendance of members. The report showed that the membership had been fully maintained, and stood at 47. Matches had been played against four outside clubs, who had also played return matches. A team liad competed in the Norton Francis Cup competition. The winners of the various trophies were as follows: —Men's championship, J. McKay; women's championship, .Miss M. Jacobson; men's junior championship, S. G. Nakmith; Armstrong Cup, Miss M. Jacobson; men's Challenge Cup, W. M. McClure; women's Challenge Cup, Miss B. Jacobson; Waddell Cup, Airs H. W. Oliver and S. G. Naismith; men's medal, J. McKay; women's medal. Miss M. Jacobin ; junior medal, W. Ibboteon. The links had been well looked after during the season and a number of the greens hod been altered, making the course easier. Permanent alterations Itad cost a considerable sum, including a new bridge, and the total drop in income had been about £45. The bal-ance-sheet showed a credit of £ls 2s lOd, and the balance of assets over liabilities was £l2O 5s lOd. The election of officers resulted as Follows:—Patron, the Hon. Sir Heaton Rhodes; president, Mr G. Armstrong; vice-presidents, Messrs E. X. Lelievre, J. McKay, J. R. Newton, A. Rhodes, and W. H. Priest.; club captain, Mr W. E. M. Jacobson; vice-club captain, Mr W. M. McClure; treasurer, Mr F. R. Davis; auditor, Mr C. W. Leete • committee, Mrs H. W. Oliver, Miss B. Jacobson, Messrs R, Bruce and G. Lelievre, and Dr. J. W. WaddelJ. The appointment of a secretary was held over until the first committee meeting. Opening day was fixed for April 23rd. BURWOOD. A meeting of the Burwood Progressive Association in conjunction with the Local Pound Scheme Committee was held in the Burwood Hall on Thursday evening, the following being present:—Messrs F. Reaby (chairman), J. Liggins, W. J. Walter, William Robinson, G. F. Robinson, F. Cusack, J. Byres, P. Fleete, J. Weatherall, T. Turner, A. C. Rowland, J. Peters, and R. J. Ecroyd (.secretary). Mr Cusack, who is in charge of the Pound Scheme, reported a cash balance of 255. He gave a resume of good§ given to needy applicants, and expressed a doubt of his ability to meet all demands during the coming week. Mr G. F. Robinson moved that the Association should abandon the Pound .Scheme, and arrange to call a public meeting for Thursday next, at the Bui-wood Hal), to form a public committee, Messrs Walter Liggins and G. F. Robiuso'i to be conveners. A cricket match is to be held with Maireliau friends on April 30th. Messrs Liggins and F. R.eaby were appointed to make all necessary arrangements. A remit from the council of the United Burgesses' Association, that a strong protest be lodged with the Tramways Board legarding the curtailment of concession cards to be used by one person only, was supported, and the delegates to the council'were instructed to give it their fullest support. A cordial invitation to members was given by Mr Liggins, on behalf of the Local War Memorial Committee, to attend divine service at the Burwood Church, and also to place wreaths at tho foot of the monument at the Anaac commemoration. The following are additional names of persons who are chosen as oandi">

dates for the local school committee's householders' meeting on Monday— Messrs F. W. Cullimore. K. E. Currie, C. F. Freeman, R. McPherson* and & H. Rows*.

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Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20523, 16 April 1932, Page 5

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NORTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20523, 16 April 1932, Page 5

NORTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXVIII, Issue 20523, 16 April 1932, Page 5