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TIMAETJ. EASTERN EXTENSION. The Timaru Harbour Board yesterday decided that the building up of the Eastern Extension should not proceed beyond the gap, at which the Mole will be tapered down to the lower level of the stone. The chairman, Mr G. T, Dawson, declared that he was totally opposed to proceeding with the extension of reconstruction beyond mending the gap made by the storm. He claimed that the harbour had been made as secure as the Board reasonably could, and even if the sea did break through, the work was still at the point at which any break could be repaired. Ho contended there was little chance of the sea breaking through where the waves struck tho wall a slanting blow. Eeplying to Mr Orbell, the chairman stated that it was anticipated that the tapering down of the mole over the gap would be completed in a month. Mr Hayman proposed that when the tapering down was finished the work on the extension should be stopped. This was seconded by Mr Campbell, who said that it was not necessary to continue tipping stone there. Members agreed that they, too, would like to see the work proceed to the end of the staging, but pointed out that the money was not available to undertake the worit. The motion was carried. Harbour Board Finance. Eeviewing the financial position, the «hairman, Mr Dawson, stated that at the previous meeting thfc Board had a debit balance of £3009 15s 6d. The receipts during the month amounted to £3926 6s, and the accounts to be paid totalled £6915 2s 6d. After these were liquidated the Board's debit balance would stand at £2988 16s 6d. At the corresponding period last year the Board had a credit balance of £3207 7a 5d and £2OOO op temporary deposit. Thus the Board was £8196 worse off than at this time last year, principally through the work carried out on the extension. Looking ahead, Mr Dawson said that taking the debit balance of £2988, on January Ist, interest charges amounting to £7771 and sinking fund £4557, there was a total of £12,328. By the end of December the Board would have to pay wages amounting to £IOOO in connexion with the'docking of the dredge, and the balance of the repairs to that fessel Would cost about £4OOO. The total which the Board would have to meet on March Ist would, therefore, be £20,317. Against this, the first moiety of the harbour rate amounting to £2637 Was due in December, and in Marc": the seeond half of the rate was payable. In addition the revenue from the hiro of the dredge to December 31st' would be £5250, there was £IOOO worth of debentures in thf> 'Borough Council falling due. This represented free money which had been Invested 10 years ago at 6 per cent. Thus, the total estimated receipts to March Ist were £ 11,254, which would leave a debit balance on that date of

£8793. The timber for renewals of the wharf, estimated at £3OOO, had beeii and to 6as6 the Board's general finances he considered that this sum should be takoil out of the general reserve fund. * , He considered that in view of the

fact that the Board had undertaken so \ much work on the eastern extension ■out of revenue, the Board should lavo no hesitation in taking the £3OOO from the reserve fund, which -could be replaced later if necessary. This would bring the overdraft on March Ist to £5790, so it appeared that the Board '' would have to fall back on the bank. The receipts and expenditure were %otksng out better than anticipated, , and although'the Board would-have a tight pinch, it'would get through all right. Up to the present the Board had spent £34,003 on the extension reconstruction, all out of revenue. -Mr. Platman: That'a What is making . our finance* difficult.

Mr Ijawsoni* Yesj but the Board will ' not- have a struggle to pay interest on sinking' fund Ob ft loan. We will be in. the gesitioft of having paid cash instead tit doing the. work on credit. Tim fapott of the harbourmaster, Captain HeDougally stated that the arrivals i<tt the month Of July were 37 steam arid motor vessels, with an aggregate of $3,738 tone, and the departure of 36 stuuft alif motor-vessels, with an aggregate of (sfi£s3 torn. The weather had been iair dtifing the first part, principally of the westerly typej with light to moderate easterly swell at; times, causing A fait rftiige in the harbour. The usual soundings had been taken and entered in the Soundings book. The engine, Mr #, W. Clarke, reported that the No. 350 worked up to July 09th, and removed 18,000 tons of silt frOffl the exit, south of the centre line of the channel. On July 30 th the dredge finished lifting moorings, and took aboard spare buckets and three ' anchors for use at Oamaru. Oh August 3rd the dredge sailed, and arrived at Oamaru. At the quarry the output of Stone was 3100 tons, making the total quantity of stone delivered to date 75,400 tons. Hire of Dredge. An enquiry from the New Plymouth Harbour Board whether the dredge No. 350 would be available idt hi#o Ofl her return from Oamaru in event 6f hef being required, was considered fcj' the Timaru Harbour Board * yeiterday. Captain McDougall, harbourmaster, strongly advised the Board not to attempt to send the Vessel to the North Island port, on account of the risk of disaster due to the vessel's age and the fact that there was no knowledge that the fastenings of the super-structure would withstand the battering of a storm. It was possible that the vessel would get through nine times out of ten, but there was al* ways the danger that she would not. He pointed to the fact that disaster had overtaken many dredges that made long trips of the nature suggested, and he advised against it not so much frem the point of View of risk Of losing the dredge, but* the danger Of loss of lives. The Board unanimously decided not to entertain the testiest for hire.

Kla ¥oa Bottfhaf Oit»& The Sflfioal report of the £i» Tda x Bowling Club State* that the club entered for the inter-cltfb m f although not successful i« *1 *»? of the honours, fhad maUy pleasant Club competitions resulted as follows. —Obsißpionship singles ( B ® nl<: f)' g, fiering IHrnW «•«•?« •were played with other clubs ; i and the executive looked" forward to * a ™g mo#6 in the coming season. Oil oamafti picnic day, the club ™", vtß^ d Jg meittbors of the.Awamoa Club. AMeim w4# held at Which tie trophies won dorin* the yrtr itiie

This year the club wad successful in balancing its budget. The income was slightly in excess of expenditure. The executive repeated the death of one of the life members, Mr G. J. Sealy, also an Mr C. Porters The sympathy of members was also extended to Mr W. Eawstorn in a fcunily bereavement. On behalf of the club, thanks were extended jto Messrs L. Clough, J. E. Bruce, Ji Gray, J. W. Sealy, G. Hastie, J. Hunt, W. Clark, F. Cullmann, J. K. Smith, C. Davis, W. G.' Hawkey, E. Dflrroch, and G. Hadlee for 1 donations and gifts to the club during the season; the selector, the match committee, auditor, delegate to the Centre, grounds committee, assistant secretary, secretary and treasurer. The executive thanked the greenkeeper (Mr T. Mackie) for work done in connexion with the green and surroundings, the green supervisor (Mr E. Fen wick) and those members who assisted in the preparation of the green for the reason's play. Scottish Society. Speaking at the annual meeting of the Timaru Scottish Society on Thursday evening, Chief A. M. Miller expressed gratification at the sound financial position of the organisation, which, he said, was a credit to the Council members, who had worked so hard in its interests. He extended thanks to all who had contributed to and had assisted in organising the concert programmes, for without this co-operation it would be exceedingly difficult to arrange 12 concerts over the year. Mr Jas. Emslie said the balance-sheet showed the Society was in a very sound financial position. The Society possessed a building that was a credit to the town and on which there was a very small debt, which he considered would soon be liquidated. The Society was to be congratulated on the balance-sheet presented and he hoped that the public would stand to the Society and thus assist it to make the hall an even greater asset than it was at present. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: —Chief, Mr A. M. Miller; senior chieftain, M# D. Bobertson; junior chieftain, Mr G. Campbell; treasurer, Mr W.' S. Young; secretary, Mr J. Somerville; auditor, Mr A. F. Boys: Council, Messrs W. G. Donaldson, J. Emslie, C. A. Guthrie, B. S. Home, J. Kinloch, A. McNeill, J. Eamage, W. D. Hume, and J. M. Thomson. - Twenty new members were elected to the Society. The presentation of a handsome toilet Set was made by Chief Miller to Mrs A. McDonnell, president of the Ladies Committee, in recognition of her valuable services to the Society. Life membership was bestowed on Mr Emslie in recognition of his 15. years continuous service on the Society. After his re-election as Mr V. S. Young stated that he was entering upon his 17th successive year as an official. He pointed out that thero was now only £3OO owing on the hall, and he anticipated that the debt would be liquidated by Christmas. At the conclusion of the business, an enjoyable programme of instrumental, vocal, and dancing numbers was presented as follows:—Banjo and mandolin duet, Eon and Jean Shipley; dtinces, Mr IX Brown, Misses Hawke andCairnS, and a group of 20 girls; pipe selection, Messrs Guthrie, MeKinnon, Miller, and .Maze; piano and (Jlafinet, Misses J* and M. Young; pianoforte duct, Miss D. Pawson; song, Miss Fountaine. s v

The W.E.A. Addressing the Timaru Workers' Educational Association psychology class this week, the Bev. P. Gladstone Hughes fook as his subject '' What is Philosophy!" The urgd behind philosophy, said Mr Hughes, was the fundamental demand of our intellect for consistency in thinking and for completeness. This completeness and consistency of thought -was the counterpart of the harmony we Bought in our daily living. It was the objective aspect of the unity implicitly- present in our selfconsciousness. The effect of philosophy would bo to reproduce in the individual soul those features Of law, order, and rational purpose which the philosopher g contemplation has revealed as Oflftni* present in the world of genuine knowledge. . Temperance Union.

The Women's Christian Temperance Union's annual report states: — "During the past year about the usual number Of oversea liners and coastal boats have been in pott, and the seamen who visited the 'Best' took full'advantage q£ all the benefits provided for their comfort. There have been 1378 visitors paying 4836 visits). Nine Sunday teas have been provided in the usual way, at Which the attendance has been,, very good, and the men, from time to time, express, through Mrs Woodward their gratitude to the ladies for this enjoyable meal. After tea a short service is held and a little While spent in Singing hymns. No Street Bay was held this year. The 'Rest' has been painted and with plumbers' repairs, etc., about £25 has been spent on this work. Last Christmas about 70 comfort bags Were distributed among seamen who find the bags and their contents most useful when at sea, and are most grateful to those who provide them. Mrs Tilbrook (Temuka) and a friend sent scarves for the men. '' The thanks of the Union are due to Mr and Mrs Woodward for their continued interest in ail who visit the 'Best.' "Annual doner#—Timaru Harbour Board, Timafu Borough Council, National Mortgage and Agency Co., N.Z. Shipping CO., N.Z. Refrigerating Co, John Jackson and Co., Annand and Co., I>. •C. TumbUll and Co., S.C. Woolbrofeers* Association, C.F.C.A., Westport Coal Co., T -aru Gas Co., W. Evans and Co., J. R. Bruce and Co., E. Wilson and Co,, and N.Z. Express Go' t Messrs M. Little and G. T. Dawson, Sfesdaines BObertson and McCaskill, AshburtOn W.C.T.U., and Tinwald W.O/f.tT. .. "Sunday teas are provided tor tne Seamen Of Overseas lines when in port, and are very much appreciated by them. Sympathetic friends givo meat, bread, flout, etc., and the ladies of the W.C.T.H. (who run the 'Rest') provide cakes, sweets, etc. Besides these teas the caretaker of the ; 'Best 1 gives on a week-night to any of the seamen visiting the 'Best 1 ' a cup iof tea, cocoa, or coffee, with homemade. scones or biscuits."

Streee Appeal. | Tie Timaru Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. r street Appeal Cdtrimittee were adI dre««#d 64 fßtt«day evening by Mr A. 3. McEMotfney, general secretary of the Christchurch Y.M.C.A., on essential factors in the organisation of successful street appeals. Mr itcEid6Wfley Stated that, inspito flf difficult times, the Chrlatchareh It itit&iAi ifl June last failed £6OO by fljfiaatf <Jf a 6tt6bt collection, this being £l5O more, than the previous record. H* Itatea thfit Success was due first of ail to a splettdid organisation committee. The biggest factor was the publicity given fey 1 the newspapers, which was unprecedented in the history of the AflSoCiation. Oa the t day

itself, an army of nearly 400 collectors made success assured. A feature was the splendid co-operation of other organisations, especially tho churches, the Eotary Club, and the Commercial Travellers' Association. On the motion of Mr L. R. Eames, chairman of the Appeal Commitfee, Mr McEldowney was accorded a cordial vote of thanks for his address. I Hockey. Forty-seven teams, representing clubs in all parts of South Canterbury. Canterbury, arid the West Const, participated in the Geraldine Hockey SubAssociation's annual five and six-a-sido tournament* at the Geraldine Domain on Thursday. The number of entrants established "a new record. The men's senior and junior contests weru won by Lyttelton, Tinwald won the senior women's, and Methven the junior competition, while Hovers won tho third grade contest. Eifle Shooting. In tho Hayhurst Shield rifle shooting competition there are A, B, and C grade aggregates over the three shoots. The winner of each grade will receive a cup. There is also a cup for the competitor (in any grade) over' 50 years of age, and vL cup for the youth under 18 with the highest aggregate. Eifieman J. Stevenson, of Timaru, is ! leading in the over 50, and A. Coote, "of Pareora, is second. There aro nine I possibles in the lead in the A grade, and five in tho B grade, while five with 69 lead in the C grade. C. Thoreau-, Pleasant Point, is leading Jh the under 18 with 79, with J. Soott (Pareora) and B. Manson (Winohestsr) eaeh 78. s Fanner. 1 A meeting of creditors in the banki rupt estate of Andrew Esler, farmer, of I Claremoiit,' summoned for yesterday, J lapsed for want of a quorum. ' The financial statement showed that £675 14s 7d was owing to unsecured creditors, and £591 5s Sd represented debts to secured creditors, making the total liabilities £1267 0s 3d. There were no assets, the deficiency being £1267 0s 3d. unsecured creditors were: Commissioner of Crown ' Lands, deficiency oh stock mortgage, £359 16s; A. Johnson (Fairview), £2l; N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Co., Ltd., £33; National Mortgage and Agency Co., Ltd., £7 16s; Thomas Greig (Claremont), £7 Is 4d; Timaru Herald Co.,*' Ltd., £4 17s 4d; "Vulcan Foundry, 17s 6d; Albert Vincent, £3 7s 6d, and Sim and Sliced £lO 12s 10d. Secured creditors were Bank of New (South Wales £591 5s Bd. W AIM ATE. At the monthly meeting of the AVaimate High School Board of Governors, Mr W. E. Evans presided in the absence of the chairman, Mr S. 1Fitch. The chairman wrote drawing attention to hsa inability tq attend tho Board's meetings regularly, as they clashed so frequently with the meetings of the Borough Council, of whicii h© was a member. . After some discussion, it was decided to hold tho tofcxt meeting at 8 p.m. on the first Wednesday in October, when the question of a regular meeting night would be determined. The opinion was expressed that tho Board was anxious to retain Mr lutcii as permanent chairman, and the secretary was instructed 1 to inform Mr J itch that every effort would be made to meet the present situation. The rector reported that there naa been no alteration in the roll numbers since the last report, the total number standing at 153. Of these, 50 junior girls, and 15 senior, a total of 65; while the boys included W juniors and 27 seniors, a " The corresponding totals for 1929 ana 1930 had been 117 and 150 respectivelv * TT i A letter was read from the Hutt Valley .High S-hool in regard to the price of secondary school books, ine Board decided to support the movement set out by the writers wrth the obiect of bavin rr the price of secondary school books substantially reduced.

GERALDINE. Tho adjourned nnnual meetine of the Geraldlne Horticultural Society was held in the parish hall on Wednesday evening, when Mr G. H. Patrick presided. There were also present Misses Howell and Hawke, Alesdaraes H. Mitchelmore, J. P. Cliff» and W eb! r '> and Messrs J. Slattery, A. M. I<ylo, } ■ feiinmons, W. T. 'burner, and G. Coombes. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year :~-Patroii, Mr T. D. Burnett, M-P-; president, Mi* W T. Turner; vice-presidents, Mrs J M. Hi Tripp, Mrs J. Sinclair Thompson, Mrs G. A. M. Macdonald, Mrs F. H. Fish, Mrs G. Stewart, Messrs G. I. Hamilton, R. A.Dixou, U. J. McKeown, and T. B. McKinloy; committee, Misses Howell, Hawke,Williams, and Vincent, and MesdamesJ. 1» Cliff, H. Mitchelmore, and Webb, and Messrs G. H. Patrick, A. M. Fyfe, A. V. Simmojis, and A. Sutherland; hon. eecretary and treasurer, Mr G-. Coombes; auditor, Mr T. H. Bannehr. On the motion of Messrs Coombes and Simmons it was decided to hold tho spring show on September 30th. The er.d-of-term break-up of the "Wliare Kia Ora" School, Geraldino, H-as held at "Atherstone," where a very enjoyable afternoon was spent in games, competitions, and folk-dancing. Winners of torn petitions Were:—"Peanuts," Mrs Barker and. Miss Logan; "lucky seatji' Mrs Davison and Mary Ragg; "driving," Marjory Willis and Phoebo Askin; ''photos," Mrs Curtis; "lucky box, ' Shirley Budd and Miss Morrison. After afternoon tea had been served by the pupils, the following programme was given:—Recitations, Marjory Willis, Phoebe Askin, Jean Davison, Jean McClure, Mary Ragg, Desmond Budd, Prudence Davi<</m, Colleeri McKettzie, John Thatcher, Molly Barker, Philip R»gg, and George Llacg; songs, Marjory Willis and Jean McCilire; pianoforte ■ solo, Marjory Willis. The host and hostess for the afternoon were Desmond Budd and Mafjory Willis. ORARI. As a result of the term examinations held at the Orari School last week, the following qualified for the school honours list:--Form 11., Charles Bennett 1, Kathleen Trumper 2, William Dwyer 3, Trevor Henderson, Spencer Fiildseth. Form 1., Phyllis Brown 1, Norah Rbtaioy 2, Doreefi Maxwell 8. Standard 4, Ross Smith 1, Orma Ford 2, Albert Bray 3. Standard 3, Lindsay Cook 1, Eileen Hawkins 2, Teresa Maxwall 3, Margaret McAteer 4. Standard 2, Avis Austin 1, Montague Vernall 2, Hector Henderson 3, John Burke, Othle Brent on. Standard 1, Eric Worner 1, May Hawkins 2, Douglas Watson 3, Josephine McAteer, Edward Leary. At a special meeting of the committee of the Orari Women's Institute, it was decided to hold a bring and buy afternoon at the next general meeting iu September, the proceeds to go towards the cup and Saucer fund. Al?Cac(y a fair amount had been Collected, and arrangements were made for the j purchase of six dozen cups and saucers, ! the matter being loft ih the hands of the president. The'secretary reported ! having obtained permission to place a cupboard ill the hall to hold Institute material. The Orari cribbage team in the Geraldine Crihbage Association's competition was again successful on Tuesday evening, v?lien they defeated Manchester Unity by 7 points to 6 points in

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Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 20328, 29 August 1931, Page 4

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TIMARU AND SOUTH CANTERBURY NEWS. Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 20328, 29 August 1931, Page 4

TIMARU AND SOUTH CANTERBURY NEWS. Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 20328, 29 August 1931, Page 4