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KINCAIDS—THE FRIENDLY STORE. There's a personality about Kincaids. The very atmosphere of the store breathes personal influence. Kincaida if a personally-conducted store, and each assistant helps to preserve the personal side of the business. No mechanical selling methods are adopted by, Kincaids. Each customer receives the same personal attention that has built up a friendliness that has lasted many years and withstood repeated temptations to change. ROBERTSON'S GOLDEN SHREDPer jar la 3d and 2s 4d ■ROCHES VESTAS, per pkt. Sd C.M.C. MEAT EXTRACT, par jar lOd CREAM THICK, per tin .... 8d and Is Sd ST. GEO. MINCE MEAT, per jar .. Is nd LOOSE OATMEAL, per lb 3d OXO CUBES, per tin IJd OXFORD SAUSAGE, par tin Is 6d OLIVE OJL. per hot Is and la 8d OVALTINE. rer tin Is 7d. Os 9d; and 4s lid PAINTERS SUGAR SOAP per pkt. Sd PILCHARDS, per tin 6d and Ski PATNA RICE, per lb 6d RINSO. por j ki Sd SAN BRAN, uer pkt Is 3d G.T.C. BUTTEfc. per ib Is 2d .SUPEH fTtFAMERV'BUrrFR. ner lb la 3d KINCAIDS, LIMITED, THE FAMILY GROCERS, COLOMBO ST. ■ •PHONE: 30-060. , K4159 "THE PRESS." (OWNED AND CONTROLLED IN CHRISTCHUROH IN THE INTERESTS OP CANTERBURY ANI> WESTLAND PEOPLE.) HEAD OFFICE. Cathedral square. CHRISTOHURCH. LONDON OFFICE: New Zealand Associated Press, 85 Fleet street, London. ADVERTISING RATES. FOR CASH ONLY. WANTEDS: When referring to Tenders or Amusements, 6 lines or under, 2s Cld each insertion. 5s per inch. SITUATIONS VACANT OR WANTED: IB word* for Is, 3 insertions 2s 6d, and 6d for each additional rix words or under. LOST and FOUND: Half-inch or under Ss 6d each insertion. BIRTH, MARRIAGE. DEATH, or FUNERAL NOTICES: Half-inch or under 2 B 6d, Death and Funeral Notices combined 6* eaeh. Every additional 8 lines or fraction 2s Cd. DOUBLE BATES will be charged for any of the above when cash is not |o|ii with order. MINIMUM CHARGE OF BOOKING ANY Steele Advertisement 2s 6d. WANTEM, COR SALE, or TO LET J 1.2 words la per ■ insertion; S insertions 2f 6d, and 6d for each additional six words or under. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. 6s per year additional if booked, 9d per Week. Quarterly Half-yearly Yearly 9s 9d. 193 Sd. 395. Paid in Advance. CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH ADVERTISEMENTS ARE ACCEPTED. While every care is exercised in repird to the due insertion of Advertisemeats, the Proprietors do not hold themcelves responsible for non-insertion through accident or from other causes, tnd the Proprietors reserve to themselves the 'right of omitting or amending advertisements that they may deem objectionable, even though such advertisements may have been received and paid for in the usual course of business. Instructions to insert advertisements in "The Press" must bear the signature of the- individual authorising'the insertion. The attention of executive officers of all ornnisations is particularly directed to this. . ■ Advertisements from such bodies wuj not be accepted through the post, at this Office, or at any of our* ajeneies, unless the instruction is signed by a responsible officer of the body on whose behalf the advertisement la to be published. A. M.' BURNS, Manager. DRINK BETTER COFFEE! Drink CRUSADER OOF, FEE for preference, a high quality delightful beverage, with a big reputation. A popular household drink —freshly roasted and ground daily by the latest electrical plant—it keeps its freshness and flavour. X'UBE COFFEE per lb 2s 4d COFFEE WITH CHICORY . . per lb 2s y DISCOUNT COUTONS GWEN ON ALL CASH PURCHASES. jJ^RBELL'S. JR»Wf

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Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 20225, 1 May 1931, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 20225, 1 May 1931, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 20225, 1 May 1931, Page 10