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The Lady Editor will be pleasca to receive for publication v.* V: i?i the "Women's Corner" items of social or personal nev,B. ■J: .Such items should be fully authenticated, and engagement ■x notices must bear the signatures of both parlies. CorrespondX; euee is invited on any matters affecting, or of interest to, :> women.

Mrs Hudson (Auckland) is -visiting her sister, Mrs H. 11. Allison, Opawa. Mr and Mrs G. Leslie Rutherford and Miss Betty Rutherford, who have been spending some weeks in Sumner and Christchurch, returned yesterday to Jlaedonald Downs. Miss Mona Willij (Gloucester street) and Miss EfFie Travcrs (Kossall street) left yesterday for a walking tour of the Milford Track. Misses Lily and Ethei Wilson (The Spur, Sumner), who, since their return from a trip to tho South Sea Islands, have spent a few weeks in Auckland, havo returned to Sumner. Mrs Mcßae Peacock and Miss Berrie Peacock TKnowles street), who liavo been spending several months in Sydney, aro returning to Christchurch tomorrow morning. Mrs Donald J. Comer (Lyttelton) left last night for Wellington to attend tho Phinket Conference. Mr and Mrs J. \V. fair (Timaru), who have been visiting Christchurch, are returning south to-day. Mr and Mrs If. Griffiths (Melbourne) are the guests Mrs A. Thomas, llaiton street, Papanui. Miss Josephine Robinson has returned north after visiting her sister, Mrs W. 11. Briee, Gloucester street west. Mr and Mrs H. Speight (Dunedin), and Mr and Mrs J. Murray (London) are jjuests at the United Service Hotel. Mrs R. A. Horn© (Victoria street) i 3 spending a few weeks at Akaroa. Mrs 11. S. Atkinson, who had the misfortune to break a leg last week, is a patient at Lewisham Hospital, and is progressing favourably. The engagement is announced ot Mary, elder daughter ot" Mr and Mrs F. Dixon, Rangiora. to Charles, oldest ton of Mr and Mrs C. Scherger, of Ararat, Victoria, Australia. The latest arrivals at the Hotel Federal include Mr L. Linney (Timaru), Mr and Mrs Freeman (Nelson), Mr Iv, C. Soroerville (Wellington), Mr D. Golightly (Dunedin), Mr B. B. Jones (Nelson), Mr and Mrs Wallis (Gore), and Miss D. Reid (Dunedin). The engagement is announced of Doris 31 ay, younger daughter of Mr and Mrs H. Kaglesome, Beresford street. New Brighton, to Terence Fending, only son of Mr and Mrs George Hight, Huntsbury avenue, St. Martins. Mr and Mrs T. Forrest (Christchurch), Mrs Patterson and child (Dunedin), Mr and Mrs Dalton (Methven), Mr and Mrs Seger (Ashburton), Mr and Mrs Gillanders and child (Cheviot), Mr and Mrs Saville and family (Hanmer Springs), Mr D. Bruce (Ashburton), Mrs .Eraser, Miss Eraser (Rangiora), Mr and Mrs White (Timaru), and Miss Anderson (Ashburton) are among the recent guests at the New Brighton Cafe. The Home Economics Association is marking the close of its 1930 session by the usual "At Home," to be held in the Masonic Hall, Gloucester street west, on Friday evening, November 21st, at 8 p.m. A good programme of music and elocutionary items is being prepared, and supper will be served. Members and their friends may look forward to the usual enjoyable evening. Tickets may be obtained from the honorary secretary, Miss E. E. Bevin, or members of the committee. Recent guests at Godley House, Diamond Harbour, include Mr and Mrs Rankine ( Wellington), Mr and Mrs E. J. Davis (Redclitfs). Mr and Mrs T. A. Fleming (Christchurch), Mrs Guy. M isse.s A. 1.. G. Martin, Barlow, Master Robin Williams, Messrs W. Spence. E. Harding. H. R. Neely (Christchurch), and J. H. Gunthorp (London). Recent arrivals at Hanmer House, Hanmer include Mrs L. L. Jones (Christchurch), Mr S. L. Jones (Christchurch), Mr A. H. Tipping (Christchurch), Mrs G. K. F. Lawrence. Mr H. Melville (St. James), Mrs Weld (Diamond Harbour), Mrs O'Loughlen (Christchurch), Mrs Miller (Tnvercargill). Mr S. Holobon (Christchurch). Mr A. Oldfield (The Poplars), Mr T. Barrett (Tho Poplars), Mr and Mrs Reid Miss Reid (Christchurch), Mr and Mrs R. H. Johnston (Dunsandel), Mrs Ross (Dunedin), Mr G. Wren (Christchurch'), and Mrs Wilson (Timaru). Ladies who appreciate the really artistic in Calendars and Xmas Stationery should not fail to see the wonderful selection on sale at Isitt's, 112 Cashel street. —6 SOMETHING NEW IN TOILETRIES. The art of the perfumer—the glassmaker—the designer and the soap maker have reached their very highest form in the production of exquisite new toiletries just opened at E. Cameron Smith's Pharmacv Cathedral square. Theso toiletries for all their charm and distinctiveness are unbelievably low in price. See these toiletries if you desire the best. —6 WAYS TO A MAN'S HEART. It tnkes more than pepper and salt to g;ive a fish or meat aish just that right flick of flavour men relish so much. It takes the rich, sweet-tasting Military Worcester Sauce to lift plain, everyday meals' out of the commonplace. Ask your grocer for Military Worcester Sauce. Is 3d quart bottle. —1 HAIR WAVING APPOINTMENTS. Patrons of Misses R. and M. Beattie, Hair Waving Specialists, are invited to book early their appointments for before Christmas ana the holidays. Both the Eugene and the Macdonald methods are_ executed under the personal attention of Mr Beattie. 'Phone 30-98 S. 748 Colombo street, alx>ve Chisnall and Stewart. —1


Mr and Mrs G. W. Samms entertained a number of guests at a party at their home in Woolston, to celebrate the coming-of-age of their elder daughter, Lily. Dancing and novel competitions formed tho chief items in an enjoyable programme of entertainment. The large birthday cake on the supper table was surmounted with twenty-one tiny kewpies. The customary toasts were honoured. Those present included Mr and Mrs G. W. Samms. Mr and Mrs F. Robinson, Mr tvnd Mrs F. Sheard. Mr and Mrs F. S. Griffiths, Mr and Mrs Percv Hill, Mr and Mrs Bert Smvthe, and Mrs Calvert: Misses Lily Samms, Edna ICduionds, Kathleen Robertson, Enid English. Alma Robinson. Margery Benge, Kathleen Clarke, Aldridge Carson, Lily Terris. Margaret Samms, Myrtte Harvey. Thelma Harvey, Messrs O. C. Middleton. G. G. Stubley, T. O'Brien, C. Wright. W. Parr, T. Taylor, K. Samms, and P. McCormack.





Siias iSteUa Murray has }Uway s enjoyed great popularity amongst au unusually largo circle of friends in Christchurch; but personal popularity would not account for tbe crowded audience that greeted her with enthusiasm at the Civic Theatre last night. The size of the audience proved that Christchurcb is proud of Miss Murray and of her success abroad, and it was, at the same time, a glowing tribute to her talent and her personality. The Chrisfchurch contralto wag an arresting figure in her draped gown of ivory satin, the neckline, U shaped in front and pointed at the 1 nek, being outlined with a broad band of diamentc, while the long skirt fell in an uneven hemline. Her very large fan of red ostrich feathers was a most effective note. As the curtain was lowered at the conclusion of the programme, the stage was banked with Cowers —about thirty bouquets and posies and numerous boxes of sweets being received by tbt singer. Miss Murray, who leaves this morning for Timaru, was, after the concert, the guest of honour at a supper party given by Mr and Mrs George Weston at their home in Park terrace.

MRS MARGARET ROONEY. Mrs Margaret Rooney. widow ot Mr Thomas Rooney, died at her residence, Milford road, yesterday morninjs. Mrs Rooney, whose malign name was Flynn, arrived at Lytteiton from Ireland, in 1861% by the ship Bombay. After living for a few years with her brother in Christchurcb, she moved to Temuka, where in 1880 she was married to Mr Thomas Rooney in the first Catholic Church, with which she was prominently identified in the early days of the settlement of Temuka. She is survived bv three sons. The funeral will take ulace this morning, and will bo preceded by R«<juiem Mass, celebrated at 9 o'clock.

The of Mrs W. Efford, sen., who died in Christchurch on Saturday.* took place yesterday afternoon. The funeral rites were conducted by the Rev. V. R. Hutchison and the burial took place in the Presbyterian Cemetery at There was a la rye gathering of local friends and visitors from Christchurch, including member's 01 the Christchurch Bowling Centre r.nd Edgc;ware Bowling Club. The Rangiora Bowling, Tennis, and Croquet Club was also represented. Although it was intimated that there should be 110 ilowers, a beautiful floral wreath was sent by the Christchurch Bowling Centre. Mrs Efl'ord was born in Kingstuton, near Toruuiiv, in Devonshire, and nrrived in New Zealand fifty-six years ago, and on her arrival she was marlied to Mr W Efford. After a short period §pent in Christchurch. Mr and Mrs W. Efford removed to Oxford, where they lived for seTon years, and then removed to Ilaniriora, where she Fuent the remainder of her life. Mr Efford died on August Sth, 1917. During her long residence in Rangiora, Mrs Efl'ord, who was of a very bright and cheerful disposition, made many friends and almost up to the time of hnr death she was an active member of the Ilangiorn Croquet Cub. She leavcs two sons, Air \\ illiam Efford, of Christchurch, and Mr Robert Efford, of Mnnganni, North fsland.

Tllr and Mrs Geo. Barrell, of Jacob street, St. Albans, gave an evening party at the Winton street Hall, to eolobrate the coming-of-ago of their daughter, Elsie. Games, competitions, and dancing Were enjoyed. Those present v,ere Mr and Mrs C. Barrell, Mr and Mrs W. Barrell, Mr and Mrs R. I'olkinghorne, Mr and Mrs P. Kiddoy, Mr and Mrs E. Barrell, Mr and Mrs \V. Habgood, Mr and Mrs 11. Barr, Mr and Mrs P. Itiehep, Mr and Mrs F. Ilobbs, Mrs Hegarty, Mrs Polkingborne, Ben., Mr «nd Mi'sGosnev. Mrs Whittington, Mrs Dunne, Mr and Mrs Waller, Misses E. Barrell, K. Barrell, Ruby Barrell, Gertie Ludbrool:, Flo Smith, Vrona Dalley, Brenda Edwards. Mavis Hughes, Ttae Barrell, Joan Gosney, Minnie Dunne, Myra Dunne, Mona Dunne, Jessie Butler, Poppy Hight, Phyllis Aldersley, Maud Chandler, Peggy Chandler, Pat Habgood, Ida Gott. Rita Polkinghorne, Gwen Whittington, Noeline Whittington, Mavia Hobbs, Merle Moss, Ngaire Moss, Edna Barrell, "Vera Barrell, Eileen Riches, Owen Riches, Ivy Lawrence, Pearl Hegarty, and Joan Hegarty, Messrs R. Polkinghorne, R. Habgood, N. Gillespie, J. Roach, J. Dunne, E. Boland, M. Bald-c-ck, D. Nelson, A. Siret, G. Lawrence, M. Ward, B. Hoy, H. Parsons, C.. Barrell, K. Barr, C. Barrell, Clifford Barrell, L. Barrell, A. Barrell, F. Aldersley, W. Riches, T. Waller, and C. Cummings.


At the usual monthly meeting of the Lyttelton branch of the Plunket Society, Mrs B. H. Gilmour presided over the following members: Mesdames Foster, Comer, Mahar, Stephens, and Buchanan. The secretary reported that a very successful meeting 1 with members of tho Akaroa Committee had been held in Christchurch. During the month Misf Pattrick had paid a visit of inspection to the rooms, and had complimented Nurse Twentyman on her work. Remits in connexion with the forthComing conference wero discu3sed, and the delegates—Mesdames Gilmour, Comer, and Chrisp—were informed of the committee's opinion in each case. The following is Nurse Twentyman'" report for work done in Lyttelton and Akaroa districts, for the month of October: —Lyttelton: Visits to rooms, adults 115, babies 104, pre-school children 18, new cases 5; visit 3 to homes, new cases 15, old cases 47. Akaroa and Duvauchelle Bay: Visits to , rooms dren visits to homes 1, new case 1 letters of advice 4, telephone calls 14. '


REPLY TO MINISTER. I-RirtS i-SSOMAUuX IILKGRf,!! WELLINGTON-, November 17. implying to statements made by the Minister for}) in respect to Bt. Helens Homes, Mrs W. g. Bean, of Christchurcb, a daughter of the Rt Hon. It. J. Seddon, founder of the homes contended that the Minister v.-as seeking to throw on the Hospital Uoards more than their share of the responsibility for maternal welfare. She declared that the statement attributed to the Minister, that he hoped that, in the future, the homes be recognised- more as model training schools, was an indication of furthe" diversion from the original policv laid down by the founder, ami was small excuse for the neglect of these institutions at the hands of successive Governments. She quoted a speech by Mr Seddoii at the opening of the bunedin St. Helens Home, in which he said: "Mv desire is that these homes wi l ! i.< ; available to all whose means will not, permit of private comfort raid skilled attendance."'


A TKINSOX--E AST WOOD. At St. Mary's Church, Addington, Canon W. S. Bean celebrated the wedding of Mabel, youngest, daughter of Mr and Mrs E. Eastwood, Addington, and Kendall Vernon, third son of Mr and Mrs St. George Atkinson, also of Addington. The church was decorated with pink blossom and arum lilies, and as the bridal party left the church a peal of bells was rung. Mr Eastwood gave his daughter away, and Mr Victor Mahn acted as best man. The bride wore a long-sleeved frock of white crepe satin, with long bodice, scalloped at the waist, and a flared skirt falling longer at the back. Her tulle veil, embroidered in silk and silver thread, was held with a half-circlet of orange blossom buds in front, finished with a cluster at each side, and she carried a bouquet of white and pink flowers. Miss Bessie Walker, the attendant bridesmaid, wore a green floral taffeta frock patterned in pink roses to match her wide felt hat, her shoes, and her bouquet of pink flowers. Marie Eastwood, the bride'ii niece, was a dainty little flower-girl, wearing a pale pink georgette frock, blue shoes, and bandeau of rosebuds and silver ribbon. She carried a basket made of blue tulle filled with pink rosebuds. The reception was held in the C'aJenn. Mrs Eastwood wore a black crepe de chine frock with touches of apple green and a black hat trimmed with pink and green. She carried a bouquet of pink and red flowers. Mrs Atkinson, the bridegroom's mother, wore a navy georgette frock brightened with Oriental trimming and a fawn felt hat with crown embroidered in gaily coloured raffia flowers. She carried a bouquet of autumn tinted flowers. The bride travelled later in a black tailored suit with apricot felt hat to tone with her blouse, and a fitch fur stole. She carried a navy face-cloth coat with sable collar and oufT*.


SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Mr and Mrs Coles (Christchurch) are fhe guests of Mrs J. Moody (Te Web a street). Miss O. Zieslor ( Wanganui). who is staying with. Miss Zeislcr (Elizabeth street,), is expected to return Dortli today. Mr and Mrs M. Jameson, who have returned from Christchurch, are the guests of Mrs Elworthy (Pareora, Cottage, le Cren 'n terrace). Mr and Mra Mowbray Tripp ("Silvcrton,"' Woodbury), have returned from a visit to Christchurch. Mrs A. Grant (Aigantiglic, Wai-iti road), who has been on a visit to Christchurch, has returned homo. Mr and Mrs J. Grant (Grey's Hills), ■.vho were in Christchurch for the Carnival Week, have returned home. Miss H. Wigley (Ilighfield) is the guest of Mrs Ronaldson (Christchurch). Miss M. Bond (Dunrobin, Southland; is the guest of Mrs Elworthy (Pareora Cottage, le C'ren's terrace). The following have been recent guests at the Dominion Hotel:—Mr and Mrs J. Fawcett (Blenheim), Miss M. Fawcett (Blenheim), Messrs B. It. Macdonald (Geraldine), W. Rankin (Greymouth), F. J. McCabe, ami Tj. F. Coxon (Christchurch).

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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 20088, 18 November 1930, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 20088, 18 November 1930, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 20088, 18 November 1930, Page 2