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CA-NT6RBURY ASSOCIATION LANCASTER PARK DEFEAT RICCARTON. Tor tbq ..on.-iudins day'* piar in l ' n ® third round, the weather was beautifully fine, and as the wickets were in splendid order tue ■piiv ali round ms of 'an "interesting nature. I.i'two out of the..four the—appar-st-onger sides went down. The two j lord-ng teams in the competition. Lancaster j r;.rl£ and Riccarton. played a thrilling «»»« j I-- a first innings lead. Lancaster Park hai" , their two men in before the required | ,-ns -were hit off. There was another er.- | rcedingly doss finish between . West Christ-, . '•ar.h and Old Boys, and again it was le.t ™ fh. last ticket Stand before V- «t Chn ? t- , rhurch g,,t the necessary runs for a > j T-TEi lead. They improved on tmo, >» r | «">ld Bov=. in the-V3in hope "of- getting =n ou| -.-nt -win declared their se.cnd innings. j r,,fd fffit Ciirist. ; i-.rch- hit -oft tne runs re- | for « thr«c-poui:»r v. -,th a lew ( •ainute? tn spare. East sc<-.r».d the., firs►Vin of the searon at the or S-. ! .i'bans, whilst Sydenham go: a comtor.nn. , ».r!n agair = t Old Collegians, who ore s,.i. j the competition. Cfcimpioaship Points. W. ].. Dr. I'ts. J.aacajt r T-,rk . jj ' «- esl Chrt3ic.ur.-n - O £ , t IS:c«rt«n - J i :! fcyuenham - . 1 £ Ka.n Cnr:stcau:-cn - • 1 - Old Boys ' " i " n 'J Sr. Albans " 1 - 0 0 1 Old Collesians -.0 - o 0 o ; tLauc-aster Park v. Riccarton. ! 1 mcaster Park had an uphill task a Cains; •fhe'strontt Riccarton side, .whom previous i Saturday had made 245. In the early j ■Oomb's dismissal by a fine catcli " " j niiDS sent Lancaster's chances down v. lth a . ™ bat Drvder. was showing excellent form. ■ ar.d he and Kerr carried on to 84 betora tlu fitter bowled by Powe... Whan Smith xrent unthout scoring four were down for bo, ! BT-d Riccarton were in a good position._ In", . however, tho same swung in Lancaster s lav- | *-ur as the result of a merry partnership by j jDrvden and Read. The veteran went for tho fowling in hefty style, and as Drydea was | tutting rolidW tho tens mounted The partnership had added 9o wnen Dryden Kit run oat. Bead was bov.-led r'ter and with six down for 178 J-»ancaster I Park' Btiil had the hardest part to do. Yates ] n»d McLaughlin carried on to 214 befora tin j latter "was run. oat after contributing- an t>svaluab!» 27. Yates vent at 223. but Mil. I I,am*. and Xilpatriek offered a stubborn re- i pittance, and the total was 239 when Wil- , put one into . Evans's hands. ! runs were still wanted when Saunders, tho ; last man, joined H'ilpatrick. .They were j « qual to tho occasion, and amidst great ex• j .-itement the winning hit was made. Dryoen'a "v-*a« the outstanding innings, and Th® j ro't slaved sound and verj* promising j rrieket for his OS. Head's 43 was also an { Retractive performance, and he made his run* !>*■ ajsTessire cricket. XMny of his j ttrokes finely executed. Scores: — RICCARTOX. { STirst Ixiaiß*s . . . •• 312 j Second Innings. j f>. V. T>unnett. b Read . . V 1 D. A. Mcßae, b Crorab 7. Fattorsoa, c Kerr, b Srauli -A ;a. Cox, oot oat .. *• *• ? h. H. Stringer, "h "Williams S u. Jacobs, not out • | Extras ». **» »• 1Total for four wickets -• 108 | Rowlinp Anlysis—R. J. Read, 6 overs, 4 maiden*, 6 runs. 1 wicket; 1. B. Cromb, 6 bvers, 24 runa. 1 wicket; F. Smith, 4 over.-, j {lB rans, 1 wicket; F. Kerr, 3 overs, 28 runs; R. Kilpatrick, 2 otot, 0 runs; C. H. WilHams,' 1 over, 4 rasa, 1 wicket. TiANCASTER PARE. Firjit Inninji. F. B. Cromb. c Roberts, b P. R. Powell 2» fe. Hawklngs, lbw t b B-ix . . *3. Dryden. run out . . 68 Kerr, b P. R. PoweU J. .. IS fef* run out Jt» 27 W. A, Smith, b Ttix A-■ * . 0 fe. ,T;-Read, b Roberts * ..48 B. Tate*, c Cox, b P. R. Pow«3f .. 3 4 t. H. Wmiami, e Evans, b Rix .. S K. Kiipatrick, not out - . •». 20 !a. B*unders» b Rir >• 7 Extras •« JL *• 19 Total ... - * - • ; • • 254 Bowling Analysis^—A. "W. Roberta, 24 •vera, 7 maidens. 62 nws. l.jricket; C. T. ix. 35.3 orers. 15 znaidezis, 63 runs, 4 ifickats; P. B. Powell. 24 overs. 5 maidens, "4 rrms. 3 wickets; J. L. Powell. 4 overs, f maiden, 14 rnns; C. Erasa, 4 overs, 22 runs. West Chriateiurch -r. Old Soys. "Weft Christehurch were not in a very pro*niaiag posirion against Old Boys, for vrith lonly three wickets in hand they still reQuired 42 for a flrsf innings' lead. "With fcere «i one of the not outs, however, there pelt still hope, and the West Christehurch crack batsman rose to the occasion magnificently. He early lost Hill and Condhffe, botli'of whom -were lbw to Merritt, but in meantime 22 runß had been added, and nhen Beao, the last man. joined him, 20 wore still required. Kerr manreuvred very Kiflrerly to get the bowling, and the score Kradually mounted. Some sinsrles broupbt fte scores even, and then Bean made the hit that gave hia aide & first innings' lead. fThe partnership was not broken . until it lad added- 63, and then ' Burns etumped Bean. Kerr had played a great knock for iis 130, and bad carried his bat right ■through tho innings. His batting stamped Jhun as being in tho VhTy foreIfrontr ot Canterbury batsmen at the present time. In an effort to tnra defeat into Victory, Old Boyg «et out to force the pace in their second innings. Burns and Mer-t-itt sot np a merry 'first-wicket partnership, (which pot on 73. Harris went cheaply, but Grose played an nggresaive innings for 152, in which were many fine scoring strokes, S>ut the remainder -found the forcing game unprofitable, and went cheaply. With nine ■wickets down for 189, Old Boys doclared, leaving West 145 to get in just OTer a_n fconr and a half. Kerr went cheapl* this time, as did Alexander, but Peake and Hemus added 33 for the third wicket, and a hard hit 53 by Allen brought the totil within striking distance. The runs wore hit off for the loss of six wickets only a few minutes before 6.30. Scores: OLD BOYS. CFirst innings .. -. '*• I '* Second Innings. W. E. Merritt, lbw, b Hill .. •• 65 JR. C. Burns, c Alexander, b Condlitto . . 36 C. M. Harris, lbw, b Hill . . ' . . r l <5. B. Grose, run out .. " i's H. B. Escott, lbw, b Hill • * 1 X p. K. Carleton, c Kerr, b Hill .. " B. "D. Innes, b Hill • - - - tf. D. Carl, c Allen, b Hill -• - Ji. H. G. Hobbs, not out . . " " " M. rrraham. c Ward, b Gibbs .- E. T. Mulcock, not out .»■ •- Extras •. -' • • ~ Total for nine wickots fdeclared) 189 Bowling Analysis—R. J. S. Bean, 8 overs, ji runs; C. S. Gibbs, 10 overs, 68 runs, 5 wicket; T. R. Condliffe, 2 overs, 21 runs, 1 wicket; J. E. Hi 1, 31 overs, 1 maiden, 50 runs, 6 wickets, O'D. Alexander, 1 over, 7 runs. WEST CHRISTCHTJECH. First Inhinss. ,T..X|. Kerr, not out -- •• 13^ K. O'D. Alexander, b Mulcock •• " B. Champness, b Merritt . . • • ' P. Allen, b Merritt .. •• Tj; G. Hemus, b Merrntt .. .. 8 ,T. W. Peako, c Harris, b Marrit-t .. •<j c. Ward, c Hobbs, b Graham C * S Gibbs, c Hobbs, b Graham 0 t" B. Condllffa. lbw. b Merritt .. 6 J. Tj. Hiil. lbw, b Merritt . .. . •• J St, j. S. Bean, st Burns, b Momtt . . » Extras • • • * • • • ° Total " • * * * 219 Bowling Analysis—E. T. Mulcock, 19 , rver»; 4 maidens, 67 runs, 1 wicket; W E Merritt. 24.3 ovors. 1 maiden. 94 runs, 7 vtickots; H. B. Escott 8 overs. 28 ™ns; C M. Harris, 4 overs, o3 runs, M. Graham, 3 Second Tunings. fi O'D. Alexander, st Burns, b Merritt 0 X L. Kerr, b Mulcock . . • • s I J. W. Peake, e Innes, b Merri.t ■ • ~1 Ti. G. Hemus. c Carleton, b Mulcock .. p! Allen, st Burns, b Merritt . . B. J. S. Bean,, b Merritt .. .. -0 C. S. Gibbs. not out • • * * ? B. Condliffe, not out) .. •• - Extras •- " Total for six wicketi •• 147 Bowling Analysis-—W.E. Merritt, 30 overs, 7» runs; 4,wickets; E. T Alu cock, 1- overß, I maidens, 42. runs, 2 wickets, 11. B. Lscott, t overs, 4 runs; M. Graham, 7 overs, 17 runs. r ..~\ Svdenlusi. v. Old Colloffifcjis. . Sydenham had occupied the wickets the, whole of the previous Saturday, scOTinff 2 - for'the loss of eight wickets. T'ley carrie.! on to 307 before the last wicket fell. Old Cofor'ans made a poor start, Dunster going i

it is and Jackuian at 35.' Johnston -and Lester batted steadily, the latter starting rith a string of 15 singles. With the total at 74,- Patrick" b(5^ f owed' a fine .partnership, and R. ralbot. Both men showed high-class bat* :in?, and the ten's mounted at » good rate. When Lester was 39 he was' missed at' the ;vicl£9t, but he went on to 56 before Patriek i>owled him. The partnership had added 87, md had been a-'most attractive displays of ?ood scoring shots by both batsmen. Pinaev went cheaply, and when Talbot was '&uffht by Bellamy, six were down for 189, rrith Old' Collegians'- chance almost hopeless, rh* remaining batsm?n were not impressive, and the ianings closed at-U2l. Scores: —■ SYDENHAM. Yirst. Innings. K Wallburton, c .Wynn-Williams, b Lester . •• .' •• f J, Voung, b R. Talbot .... .. K. Gassou, c Pinney, b Heaslcy . . j. V. Hamilton, c Jackman, o Ileasley • • ; ■ " s c J. Oliver, c b G. Lv Talbot • - . •••_-;■ -' 6 5 T. Z. M; liarjrcr," c - Johnston, tr * u. J-. Talbot • • ♦ • ' F. Bellamy, c., Pinney, b Anderson •• y' \ liahn, run-out •• ' ' "j'auick, eG. 1.. Talbot, b I.ester . < ~.i Oawson, st Jackinan, bK. O. Talbot •- W. Spong. no', oat ■ ■ Extras • • • • * • To'a! ■ ■ • • • JO I 3o',viiug Analysis—S. --G. - Lc.ter, J. .J ove-i 5 maidens, 83 runs, 2 wicket. Ino bull-'K. O. Talbot, S2 overs, 34, maidens, 44 runs 2 wickets, 3 no baUs; G. Heasley, 1U overs C maidens, 50 runs, 2 wickets, A. O-anaP.: & overs, 1 maiden, 31 runs; G. L. Taliot. 'li 0v0r5,.3 maideil!, 44 Anderson, 6 overs, 2 maidens.. "I Vuns, 1 wicket. .. OLD COLLEGIANS. First Innings. J. R. Dunster, « and b Oliver « (.■' K lbw, b Bellamy A. - A. y. Johnston, b Patrick rs. G. Lester, lbw, b Patrick ».• }{ O ''"slbot, c Bellamy, b fepocg --- <>■» fi'. Pinney, c Harper, b Patrick -- * K. Graham, b Spong • • • • ' G. L. Talbot, b Oliver • - - i D. V. Ander-jon, lbw, b Patnci .. " V V.'vnn-Williams. not out .. •• " G. Heasley,' b Patrick . . . ••

Total • • - • —I •Bow' : ne Ai-alssis—C. ..J. • Oliver, la overs, .4 maidens, -13 s, 2 wickets; F. Bellamy, 15 overt, 2 maidens, 56 runs, 1 wicket \ . Spong, 10 overs, 2 maidens, 25 runß. « wic-ket-s; M. Patrick, 15.5 overs, 3 maidens, oruns. 5 v.'ick,f»; 'J. Dawson, 3 overs, 16 runs. East Christehurch. v, St. Albans. j In reply to St. Albans's, total of 167, East | had replied with 96 for the loss of three wio | kets. On Saturday they started with a P«'tnership bv Kennedy arid Brosnahan brought the total to v.iiiiin 31 of the required number. Kennedy then miss-h-.t one Page's hands, lie had made .us 66 b thoroughly tound punctuated wiJi« . occasional fine scoring shof. Brosnahan with the total-at 137, and Davis joined ivO.linson. Tho later saw tho total taken to 159 but 1 then tent an easy ono pack to Pa-e. On Upton joining Davis tno St. Albans total was passed. Davis was smartly s.umped when the total was 1«L but the ta.l-cnders Enw the second century hoisted, and a useful contribution of 33 not out by L-pton gave East a first innings lead of '59. St Albans second innings saw a great firit wic»et part . nership by Crawford and Condliffe, who put on 169 before the. latter xvas bowled for an attractively played 73. Crawford went on to pass the century, and was ati 11 unbeaten at the close of play, when the total was 261 for three wickets. In the absence c* Cunningham East's bowling was weak. Scores; — ST. ALBANS. First innings -• •* I 6' Second Innings. C C 5. Crawford, not out -. ~.12, G. M. Condliffe, b Weston . . ■ - 73 C. Valloon, lbw, b Kennedy . . • • 1 P. G. Henry, e Weston, -b /Kennedy .. <• M. 1.." Page, hot out ' . . • ■ 4() Extras .- •• Total for three wickets . • 201 Bowling Analysis—H. Davis, 14 overs, 1 maiden. 91 runs; P. Davis. 8 overs, -4 runs; T. Hobson, 2 overs, 23 runs, 1 wido ball: E. Weston, 8 overs, 52 runs. 1 wicket; D. Upton. 3 overs, 26 runs; T. Kennedy, J overs, 2 maidens, 25 runs, 2 wickets. EAST CHRISTCHURCH. First Innings. H. Davis, c Crawford, b Pag« .. ** T. Kennedy, c Page, b Eraser . - 6J; F. Woods, lbw, b Page . - • • B. C. Hamilton, lbw, b Page - • u E. Brosnahart, c Crawford, b Sandman . . -I ,T. RoHinson, c and b Pag» - - P. D.avis, st Dorreen, b Eraser - . i - D. Upton, not out " ' \' T. Hobson, c Dorreen, b Sandman - ■ if E. Weston, b Sandman ~ W. H. Cuningham, c Lindley, h Prater - Extras - . - • • - . ; Total. .... •• 22 | Bowling Analysis—J. Erater, 22 overs, 8 maiden*, 45 runs. » wiokeU; A. W. Thomas, 15 overs, 2 maidens, 26 runs, 1 no baM D. McK. Sandman. 15.4 .over.*, -8 "O'- " wickets; Jj. C. Lindley, 13 over*. 1 maiden, 54 runs; 11. L. Page, 16 ovoru, S maidens, 47 runs, 4 wickets. JtrNIOB GRADE. (A Section.) At Haglcy Pari.-, St. Albans A, 318. boat Sydenham A, 208 (S. Shackel 94, S. Champness 36. and M. O'Malley 28) and 134 for five wickets (Jamieson 30, Champnesa not ont. Sturgo 22, and Doidge 21 not out), by 110 runs on the first innings. At Straven ron-d, Old Boys A, 216 (Hall 4,, Harris 41, and Vincent 29),'. heat Boyg High School, 154 and 176 for sevra wickets CCook 54 not out and McClelland 39). b7 63 runs on the first innings. (B Section.) At Hagley Park, Old Boys B. 267 (H. V. Thorne 122 and, J. Morfatt 03), boat. Riccarton B, llO.and 120 (G.-Atklnuon 62. HttTbutt 18. and Tuohy 16), by an innings and 29 runs. For Old Boys, Hollander took three wickets for eight run#. __ _ At Sydenham Park, West Christehurch B, ICS. beat Sydenham B, 63 and 69. by an innings and 30 runs. For West, Luttrell took threo -wickets for 16 rtins and Yates three for *At Eangiora, Eangiora, SB9 ' or _ irickeU /declared), bes*t St. Albans B, 10t> and -18, by an inninga and IS6 runs.

THIBD G2ADB. (A Section.) St Albani A, 102 and 90 for five -wickets, beat Old Bovs A. 69 and 218 for nine wickets (Scott 67 and Campbell 50), by 93 runs on the first innings. ... Christ's College, 870 for eight wickets (Harding 115 not out and Walter 98), beat Sydenham 200, by 170 runs on the first innings. Boys' High School, 297 (Vincent 58 and Hay 57). beat East Chrietchureh, 169 and 114 for five wickets, by 55 runs on the first innings. - . Uancostor, 162 and 156, beat "West Christchurch, 70 and 159, by 89 runs. (B : Section.) Merivalo, 119 and 76 for two -wickots, beat Sydenham, 101 and 83, by eight wickets. St. Albans B 110 and 178 for four wickets (Xenjpthorno 82), beat Old Boys B, 104 and 178 (Duncan 71), by six wickets. Spreydon, 114 and 146, beat St. Beds », 131 and 112, by 17 runs. . Old Collegians, 182, beat New Brighton, 25 and 72, by an innings and 91 runs. TOTJBTH GRADE. (A Section.) Boys' High School, 257, beat Old Boys, 63 and 58, by an innings and 136 runs. Ohrist'a College, 227, beat St. Albans, 1-10 and 110 for three wickets, by 87 runs, on | tho first innings. (B Section.) Merivale, 170 and 89 for no wickets, beat East Christchurch, 45 and 166, by ten ivickets. Papanui, 74 and 103, beat Lancaster, 42 and 74, -by 61 runs. FIFTH GBADE. Boys' Higrh School, 160; beat Y.M.0.A., 63 and 10, by an innings &<nd 88 run*.' SIXTH GRADE. Christ's College, .229 for six wickets (declared) (Joseph 101)., beat Boys' High School, 106, by 133 runs on the first innings.Lancaster, 120, beat St. Albans, 28 and by an innings and.s3 runs. ; Sydenham, 163, bea>t Boys' High School B, 79, by 84 runs qn the first. innings. Sumner, 44. and S4 for five wickets, beat Y.M.C.A., 99 and 45, by five wickets. DRAW FOR NEXT ROUND. The following is the draw for,' the next round of matches. All teams playing on Hospital corner must supply three stamps and bails. First Grade—Riccarton v. "West, Hagley Park No. 2; East v. Old Collegians, .fcUmwood Park; St. Albans v. Old Boys, Hagley Park No. 1; Sydenham y. Lancaster, Lancaster Park No. 1. Second Grade—Section A: Riccarton A v. Boys' High School, Straven road ' No. 1; Christ's College v. Lancaster A, College No. 3; West A v. St. Albans A, Hagley Park No. &;*Bt. Andrew's v. Old Boys A, St. Andrew's No. 1; Sydenham A & bye. , Second Grade—-Section B, East v. Old Collegians, Lancaster £ark No. 2; Sydenham B , Rangiora, Sydenham No. 1; "West By. ; Riccarton B, Hagley Park No. 4; St. Albans By. Lancaster Park' B," Lancaster Park No. 3; Old Boys B v. St. Albans C, Hagley Park No. 5. . * Third Grade—Section A: Lancaster A v. Ea^t,.Lancaster Park No,*4; Riccarton A v« Christ's College, College No. 2r New Brighton v. St. Andrew's, Brighton No, 1; Sydenham v.,St. Albans A; Sydenham No. 2; St. Bede- s-. a by e Old Boys A ,v. Boys* High School, &'tTav.Qtv road No. 2; Spreydon A t.. West' A,."Spr'eydoxu.. *. . ; "."-Third. Grader—-Section.* jS : ;§t." Albans B t, Riccarton B, Hagley Park. N f o. 6i Syden,* ham v, Spreydon B, Sydenham No.-3;'Meri-vale v. Old Collegians, Elmwood No. 2;.We/*fc Papanui,. Papanui; Brighton B ▼. Ls*-

caster B, Brighton Ko. 3; Sumner r.' Old | c °x C °pourtl^ Grade Section B: v Riocarton Hospital corner No. West, Lancaster I arki , ( Ea i%.k in rr»ri v. Christ's Col- \ riul No 5 -Christ's College A | ,e6^?; /-• a T?osV,ital Ko. 4 i Riccarton v. I V. Y.M.C.. it r j No" 5; Boys* High School I La °^ St l r i ;d«?« St Andrew's No. 2. j T " School Av. Lanc«er, c A Hospital No. ( B o r Ts e ' n High School' B V. St. Albans, Hospi'taf No. 7; lumner v. Christ's College, Sumner' Sgfiirdav:" —Boys' Si^«ofS e V: road Ko. 3BOYS' ASSOCIATION. | NINTH ~ KOCND. | Oil Sa'.urdar games were continued in lh<Canterbury Boys' Cricket) Association s competition. whon the ninth round of matches was played. The wickets were. in. good condition, and in consequence the general Stan • aa-rd -of the batting v. as decidedly high. Several larce scores, including a couple-of centuries, were recorded, G. C. Roberts (Technical College) scoring 10-% not out■ in ui» Second Grade, whilst M. . Soraerv iHe (Medburv Preparatory bchool) - notched 101 ru in the Fifth Grade. The following- were tnc results;— rIEST GBADE. j fUnder sixteen years.l Flavins at- the Christ's College ground, Christ's .College A 146 (R. 91. H^h'school for nine wickets, defeated Boys High Schoo , 1-13 (J. F-. Wislang 36). by tlireo runs and one wicket on tho first innings. R. b Hex - ley, five wickets for 73 runs, bowled well foi Bovs' High School A. Bovs' High School B had the bje. . 5- 7 the St. Andrew's ground. I • Strowan St. Bede's College. 103 (P. K. Gilbert 50), defeated St. Andrew s College, !>'J (J. W. B. Stevenson 55), by lour runs on t . i first innings. R. H. Ensor. ™' e ' C o'' - 29 runs, bowled well for St. Andrev. s Co. i Tolleee B won by default from Tecwfal 8 C^!e e /. e B. who Have withdrawn ! %Vy h in S Sr a? C -th, Technical College ground, ! Ensor's road, Technical College A, (>• • Hav 93. J. H. Fullwood 72) for nine mckeU declared, drew with West- Christehurch District High School, 120 (T. B. Burtt 40, C. K. Toombs 33) for four wickets.This round completes the first series o matches in this grade, and at the end of the ninth round the points scored by the te-nis nre as follows: —West Christehurch l)\ttrict High School, 333 points; Christ s Collece B 28-j points; St. Bede's College, points;' Boys' High School A 2«1. points. Christ's College A, 20 points; Technical CMlege A. 19i points; St. Andrew s College. 1. points; Boys' High School 15, 7 i points; rech* fiical College li (withdrawn from competition), ° ?t'"as originally intended to play one more round ir. this competition, but as three pre 'evM for second place it may prove necessary' to modify this decision. An nnnounceraeni regarding s,ame wii. nio:t ue mau? next Wednesday. SECOND GEADE. (Under fifteen year.-*. ; Piaying ct the St. Andrew's College ground. Si rowan.* Christ's College -A, 177 (*J- *• I rver 50 not out) for nine wicket* declared, drew with St. Andrew's College, 63 for four wickets. A. S. Williamson, four wickets lor 40 runs, bowled'well for St. Andrew's CollC£ At the Christ'# College ground, Ctrist'a CoV lese B,s 115 (F. "W. vßra-ndt 31) for - eight' wicket*' declared,' defeated' Riccarton, 38 nnd 87 (A. C. Cade S5 not out) for four wickets, by 77 **uns on the first innings. At the Technical College ground, Ensor's road. Technical College, 201 (C. G. Roberts 101 not out), defeated St. Bede's College, '.a and 60, bv an innings and 123 runs. E. H. Johnston, five wickets for seven runs, bowled very' well for Technical College. With only one mora round to be decided. Technical College, who have a lead of 8i points, are assured of winning the competition. The present position, s-s far as points are concerned, ia as follows;-»— J Technical College, 42 points; Boys' nigh School. 3oi points; St. Bede's College, 22 points; Christ s College B. 20 points; Christ's College A, 12j paints; Riccarton, 10 points; St. Andrew s College 3 0 joints.

THIBD GRADE. (Under J 5 y^ars.) Playing at tfie Technical "College ground, Ensor's road, Christ's College 86 defeated Technical College B 23 and 82 (C. E. Batterfield 47) bv 53 runs on the first innings. C. E. Butter field, five wicket* for 10 runs, bowled well for Technical College A, whilst. O. C. Ensor, four wickets for 9 runs and one for 7. wag tho most successful bowler for Christ's College. At tho Technical. .College ground, Ensor s road, Technical College A 59 end 116 >'. T. Hamilton 56) defeated West Christchurch District Hi ph. School 53 by 6 runs on the first innings. O. A. Helson. eight wickets for -21 runs and four for 24. bowled very well for West Christchurch District High School. At the Technical College ground, Ensor s road, Boys* High School 160 (E. K. Christmas 41 not out. J. R. Fail 31) for nine wickets (declared) defeated Cathedral Grammar School 117 (A. E. Boulton 51> by 43 runs on tho first innings. H. T. Francis, four wickets for 27 runs, bowled best lor Boya' High School. - There is one more round to bo played in this grade, and the present positions in tho competition are as follows: —Boys' High School 34£ points, . Technical College A 32 points. West Christchurch District High School 28i points. Cathedral Grammar School 28 points, Christ's Coliege 16 points. Technical College B 11 points. In the only remaining round, the leading: team, Boys* High School, have to meet Christ's College. FOURTH GRADE. (Under 14 Years.) Playing at the St. Andrew's Collect ground, Strowan, St. Andrew's College 82 defeated St. Bedo's College 56 and 66 for four wickets by 26 runs on the first innings. P. B. Price, seven wickets for 16 runs, bowled well for St. Andrew's College, whilst G. P. R. Giftord. four for 26. was the most successful bowler for St. Bedo's College Boys* High School' won by default from Technical College, who haro withdrawn from the grade. . , At the Christ's College ground, Christ s College 156 (J. C. Rolleston 54) for nine wickets defeated West Christchurch District High School 75 by 81 runs end one wicket on the first innings. B. Tj. Tapley, fiv© wickets for 2 runs, bowled best for Christ's College. After Saturday's matches, the positions in this competition were as follows:—Boys' High School 42 points, St. College 395 points. Christ's-College 20 points. West Christchurch District High School 16 points, Technical College (withdrawn from corapetii tion) 12i points, St. Andrew's College 11 : points. Only one round remains to be decided in the fourth grade, and, as in this, the two leading teams. Boys* High School and St. Bede's College, are to play their return match, the competition is in a most interesting position. TIPTH GHADE. (Under 14 Years.) Playing at the Medbury School ground, Fendalton, Medbury Preparatory School 107 (M. G. Somerville 101, D. M. Deans 34) defeated Technical College 43 and 34 by an innings and 120 runs. A. S. Buchanan, eight wickets for 27 runs, bowled very well for Medbury Preparatory School. At the Christ's College ground, Boys' High School A 117 (R. J. Newton 58, M. C. Smith 36, J. J. E. Osborne 35) defeated Christ's College 53 by 124 run 6 on the first innings. At the Boys' High School ground, Straven road, Riccarton 125 defeated Boys' High School B 90 (J. R. Blackett 31) by 35 runs on the first innings. R. Scott, eight wickets for 14 runs, bowled very well for Riccarton. After the ninth round of matches, the..following vere* the positions in the first grade: —-Boys' High School A 42 points, Medbury Preparatory School competition late) 27 points, Riccarton 26 points, Technical College 24 points. Christ's College 11 points, St. Andrew's College (withdrawn from competition) 10 points. Boys' High School B (entered competition late) 5 points. .• With only one round still to be played and a clear lead of J5 .'points,. Boys* IJigh School A are assured of winning this competition.

IN OTHER CENTRES. IiAIN INTERRUPTS PLAY. ,rM3!) ASSOCIATION TELEGRAMS.I AUCKLAND, November 16. The Auckland Cricket Association's eeconcl round of matches yesterday was interrupted by rain after {wo hours' play. The wickets were, soft and greatly favoured tlie bowleiß. North Shoic made 91 (D. Webb 42) against Ponsonbv,. for i-liom Smith tooJc si-: wickets for 42. Eden scored 105 for four wickets (Postles 64. not out) against Ur.ited Suburbs. Parr.ell lost seven wickets for 65 (Vivian 41 not out) against Grafton, for whom Allcolt took four wickets for 34 Y.M.C.A. made 123 for seven wickets (Itiddolls 4J r.ot out) against University. DTJNEDIN, Novembei 15. Owing to rain only one eenior match could be-played yeatcrday. ; Albion, playing Oarisbrook, made 99 (Shepherd 40). Dunning took seven wickets for 40, and Blunt two {■H 23. Carisbrook have lost one -wicket for 30 (Dunning -not out 80).

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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 20087, 17 November 1930, Page 8

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CRICKET. Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 20087, 17 November 1930, Page 8

CRICKET. Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 20087, 17 November 1930, Page 8