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Kjuffogg .FIXTURES.

Elirjr (concluding County RC. Ml J.C.. laki J.C. din J.C. lanawatu RC. ary l, 2—Auckland —Greymouth J.O. FIXTURES. pa JT.O.

Otmiirtoli Mibh» P .


WMMBwlwillllt e« for the concluding day's IjjMytirffcccarton will be due at nb&h for the Levin and j close on Friday. ! ■B# Siriß. with Laughing Prince, HHk jigli Falutinand Cadlandi |VJ p Dwyer with P»rSt#B will HHp MHh to-night. 66&tiife, C3liift : ■HTntplUvennine will ftlstt be) iHipLaughing Prince evidently during the running of Club Handicap, and one lat6f; fttid he may rO- - td tliaß6 oil a tftce track *JH ia to be left at Kiccarton IMMpMflKth Arrowsmith. BHiiMKia Big deeided to complete bit team, so that. flwd c teen t ' le Cu i > SOrenesd going I HHIiLVf • fflfy tjie aatiUt life at HHE 31!9 WOiminftlTr. showed |Big g <Kl|Mk on retiifHitid t6 ttls veterlfl&fy 6dVl€ii ■HBS,UMt facing pIiWS ttißSf BHOgBSW'*!®? MlHie, biit it woiild KBt .to-day if this theory Mr Louisson stated yesHHHr?* did not think the trouble serious, but at the same <

time ha yweiiia fcot take aiiy mm B mitig BiM &ii utiless HS Wig tiiß#buj|hly fit.

illjjßbft&rs bf Pangjoilh Were ilriloftuftiite In hot gettirig a freaaoitiiiklfl ifßti M their- tadhey IS the iilWfbfifl a&htiitifttJ SH6Ftlj> the ike iktt, dtt§ bf tti© lfeathetfi) brakh w&f. ifm the saddle, ana aithdtiMh he W&U m iaS rdle df pttedtfiaker id* a §6U6id bi fiijfldhjp, his faeiltteftd rider cdati da H&tbihji But aritduitify a&ae him up. Tliig W&S the filebHd bbeaiiioti in the last law *egk§ that. iPahgdlifi hits had to feß fJtiHsd tig bWifig to bfokSn gear.

Promising Juvenile. Cherry Pie, dam of yesterday '& Winning two-year-Old, Chief Cook, was bred, by Mr F. Armstrong, and is by HlySiftfa from Ch&ttf BlbaSom, wliitifer ai the Winter Cub ifi 1910. Mr Afffi--BtF6iig has i>, paflißf fill? by Didcqiiehod from the same mare, who was served last season again by Chief Ruier; .CMoi tor Mb laches.

Ravine cannot boast of much sizS, but he is a game galloper, and has two good rafies to hiS eftidit at the present M&dtiilg; A ißiili ail a a quarter lit tlifi gSinjP&n# He hfeg beeti Sailed tS bieet seems to be beyond him, but properly placed he should be a useful stake earner during the summer. His connexions Svldentljr & big bjjihion bf tiiftk, M his nanie appears in the nomination for one event only on Saturday, the Metropolitan HitMicap. ProgfSSSing WeiL

EibtflPM MS ttfrflga otit & iaafb tMfl payable proposition this season. Costing his present owner 50 guineas as a yeari»S nttt >H6ed ithtil la§t 86&son, when he failed to gain, a place in any of his four races, but this term lid has thfee wifis fcfid three sesafla jpla.^iflgß jii niflß fetartSi It caniibt be Sfeia thikt tie has looks to recomftlend hiixlj but fcis breeding, fey Kilbroney from Lady Halina, denotes class. Lady Halina is by Solferino from Halina, dam of Solferitej Westbroke, and Beßt Friend; Mr Pi i\ dftmpbell has displttjfgd a lot of patiencS With fais gelding, find h 8 Jifeaaid sooii be oiit of hack istitapany; A SudfteH Sfeatlij %

Mention of Best Friend above, brings t6 mind that a few days ago hdtook suddenly »1 (lis fttabl# kt Feildirilii ftfid died. Best Friend did well last season, his three wins including the Whyte Handicap at the Wellington Meeting ih Jul Jr. He was then brought on to the ftrand National Meeting, and was elected second choice for the .Winter Cup, but ran a didajipoliitifig Tace, and wad not agaiii prodttfied at the MSdi l ing;

A Iraittiiwa MatTott. Bulbil daw t»£ Pttiiae, haS bSefi flf tfaii iji6at Utiedeisljil ttifirea fci the fftflS Ja ililajhe id by mpto Bm kaliblft, Tips ffflffl §«lßtta ( by Oaiopln from Biserta, by Lord Lyon. When she left" England to go to Mr G. M. Currie's stud, she was in foal to Coriander, and the result was Pennon, who, in turn produced such good per-

formers as Motley (dam of A 1 Jolaon), Lysander, and Ceremony. Eulogy's two-year-old is Esteem, by Pombal, purchased as a yearling by Mr W; li. Gaisford for 575 guineas, and as she failed to produce last season, she will not be represented at the next January sales.


John Jinks had none bf the better 6f the nihiiing dn this bpfening of tli© Sletfopcijitaii Meeting, for he got into a bad po&itibn and wits forced to cover a lot bf fextra ground. In the Metropolitan Haiidicap to-day the field vvill be smaller, arid he will he given a better chanetf; Ho is ih good order, and at his bfeit he is a good stayer, and the best Hte hot y&t been seen of him.

Kohara and Jewel Pointer i two that have qualified for the. Nfcfor Zealand Cup final, are engaged in thb day in the Sprinters' Handicap, df one mile. With a small fifelij engaged both will be given a chatty to pay expenses should they fail iri tneir morfe iiiijjrtrtantj lHlssidti. fjhetiaway, & good type of tlirecjPetef Clienault ff-om Iluiiflway, will be.making his public appearance when he contests the Netv Zealand Derby tb-day. At, Wellington hj& Wbjt like ft fcobi racaHorse, and hjS. lis ctjftain to, W'ih good faces evah if H& fails to beat Arfetnusa jh to-day's classic.

There is no more deceptive-looking pacer, in New, Zealand td-aay thati WffltifetSf, Bna the fact that he Wrts hard driven to win the secdhd division of the New Zealand Cup bti Tuesday should not lose him any IrifeHfls for his engagement, to-day. He is a lazy yrbrfterj arid has to be hard driven before he will do his best, Dili under Si hard drive it ,is a qucstißii as k# tt'hether any horse can hold Kis speed lons»h He is one of tjlfe gameSt paebfrj racing at present, ferid he lids esc&ltent breeding as a Bh6king for liis exceptional speed and fctamina.

Pfefldtitatlon of Cup. After the race for the Nfrrtr Zealaiid Trotting Pup at Addingtoii to-day the Hon. P:. A ; fle la Perrelle Wiil preseflt tllS cup to tile winning owndif.

Aiitttfr Billon's Stock. Probably the greatest Ijdrse ever raced in New Zealand, Dillon, died last year, and Mr J, Bj McKenzie suffgffid a Vefj? BfeVtSfg 1o3b; Auth&r Dill6ii did tiot fikvß a inarijr chaiifcef) in fiis fiiifiy Btud carefejr, but lie haS left a niiiftfeer 6f very fine racblißr'fces, and tfag rddftfd of stock kt AdllihgtflH on Tuesday is wtirth recording. Only five of his stcifili in Auth&r Jinks, Terence Dillon, Writer Editor, and Sir Author fafcM tlje barrier. Editor, Sir Author, aiid Writgf each wdh a race, Dilnon fiiii§li6a bGSbfid, and both Terence Dilldfl ftiitl Atitljfir Jinlts qualified ,to start ill the fintii of' the New Zeallhd TfOtting Cub. Mr J. Bi MtiK&iieie used Authdr Dilloii extetlsiySiy. While) he h!id him., aiid at KdjPdbn feßdfß thfefe is a big number BJf ftialS by lllm. Thfese in diid tfburse will ijaMJr .I'lld taligfefihe jacket ftlid royal bltie |ab, a fid Will help tt> keep the liaftie of the old favourite beitjte the public *(? d Bctire. imM tilie class in the fifgfc divi§ißfl ofthe New Zealand Trotting Cup all too good for her, and slie was a well-beaten aiare at the finish. The Nelson Bingen mare is not to be raced much longer, for she is believed safely *5 foal to Jack Potta.

A JProgreßßive club. Fot Wellington Trotting Club's Meeting, to be held on January 17th, a very attractive! programme has been issued, and a total of £2550 will be offered in stakes. The principal event on the card is the New Zealand Gold Cup. elf ioOO sovs, including a cup valued' ul 100 sovs. The class of this race is 4hiin 27seC, and there, should be any number of horses available for a race of this description. Other stakes have been increased in proportion," aiid the. progressive policy adopted by the Wellington Club should coftimand the wholehearted support tit owhef's and testifiers throughout New Zealand. While iriany clubs are cdflsideHrtg the question of rediibliig stakes it is pleasing to see a ydUiig club like Welliiigtbi) assisting owners | by increasing the stakes. At last night's meeting of the Boilrd df the New Zealand Trotting Association the Wellington Club wds warmly congratulated oh the excellent ptogriitfchle put forward; Tlie Mr J; H. WilH&tfts, hoped that Mr Armstrong wduld corivey the Board's congratulations to the Wellington ClUb; At last night's meeting of the Board of the New Zealand Trotting Association the deaths of the following horses were reported:—Loganwobd, Irish EyeS, Bill Hoult, Solon Dillon, and Vimalia. Sales Of Horses.

paftifeuldrs of the trotting StOck to bis offered at ii. Matson and t)o;'s fcidfi&ival \veek fi-ottirig Stock salej in Tattersdil's bn Monday next, are given felseW'herfl iii this Is&he.

Disqualified for life.

At last night's meeting of the Board of the Now Zealand Trotting Association; J: Nohra ( of was disqualified for life for corrupt practices;





The New Zealand Metropolitan Trotting Cltib'S Spring Meeting toill 8$ continued at Addingtofi td-day, When the principal attractions will be prdviiled in the final for the Cup< in which eigHt of the best horses in New Zealand afo engaged, afad the Zealand DBfby, wliibh will be contested by teii high grade three-year-oldsi TJie divisions! of the Cup provided sensational racing, and the spott in the final shduld be all the more interesting as at result; Afl to whether Logan Park and Wfaeklfer can beat Kohara aha Terence Dillon has beeh the general topic of conversation, and there is not a hdrse in the race that can be written out. Whit will be favoiiHto is a question, aridthe betting should be the most even registered since the Cup Trial at Wellington twelve months ago, When only £BO was tiie cliifefcsiic# xii tHS support accorded the first iitid favourites. Arethusa inay staild 6ilt aS dri exceptional three-yfear-dldj biit there are nihe owners willing td test the abilities of theit Otfil horSes againfct Mr M. £. Nieoil 'i crack flliys

The Christchurcii TraiflW&ys S6&M K&b ag&iii arranged tin ekceileiit S6rvi6e £6r the cdlivfenienee 6f fiairoiiSj aid trams will riifi to and frotii the (ibilrSe at tegular intervals; "The day's programme is aa follows:

12.20 p.m.— ■tfSiSSiii&M HANdicap, In harness. .Of 350 feo.vs. TJnhoppled trot' tersj 3.82 class. One mile ahd * half.

Eileen itfotid Scr Aiabition • • GfeiWlight .; Bci? Midlttnfl • • . Olive Nelfeoii S6r NelSoa AIS ■ • St. Petfroi .. scr Nfelson Boy • - belittle . scr YriuSg Cariiirifc 24 Wliltte Satin .. Bdr iiSdy »M 86 . Audo Bell .. 12 ffourniaiial - • Bonetn .. 12 Suf jfriise Flfa .. 12 Journey SP

iramporisp ; . 12 Cannibal! . • 84 All Peterg . ; Duke feingjsfi White Satin's on the lay need nbt be takori as 'tt true iiidi-" Sation of hefr forfflj and she is bound 10 race BettW in the Wliiteleigh Haiidiidp. Stifpflse Journijr 80. well 011 the first d&j' tliat he mUst fegftih be gitfen a gfeat Chahce; Yottiig O&rbtne; too, is right at thfe top of liisS. form, and AIJ Meters may improve on to previous performance. The result should rest between White Satin, Surprise Journey, and Ali Petersi

1 p.m.— - NEW zi; AlAnd illotTitoo dbSby, In harness. <3f. 1656 bids. OiUi fniie fcnd A MM*. Plrle aßd Kelly's tie ChaflaiVay, Pete* Chenault—RunawAy t-- -ij J. O'Connell's ch g BingCJ) Junior, Nelsoß _ Bingen—Brent Locanda mare T. 0. Butcher's br g Royal Chenault, Peter Chenault—Princess Asa

J. Westerman's b t Location, Hey de Oro—»Locality G. McMillan/s b t Checkers, Worthy Bond — Faricy Pointer ... D. R. Revell's ch c Colorado, Wrack—Osiar Beauty ■■ D. Spenco's ch f Gold Chips, Roy do Oro —Prospect . _ H. V. NicoU's ch f Flying Clbiid, Wrafck— Pearl Child . , • iJ , , ■ H. F. Nlcoll'S b 1 Arethusa, Wr&ck—Trlx Poihier « R. it. Morten's be Rawhitiroa, Rey de Oro—Bright AHcO Teil #ell-bred three-year-olds trill tike llieir places In the New Zealand DerbJ>, iind on public form Arethusa stsittdij in a class by herfeelf. Foiir wiits out di five stdrts suggests her as something above the average, and she will go oUt a very wjtrjn favburite; She will .be bracketed with Flying Clotid. Rawliiti* W&, ftext to Arethusa, lias shown the best pliblie forrilj fiild he t*as responsible Id* ah especially sniart effort & triilo ahd st half kt Addington last tteSk; is ahothef gobd febrt, afid Chfenaway's< »iii at Wellington showed him as a Stfiart pacer. Neither '(Jdid dhips fldf Colorado appeals, add the final result should be between Arfethusaj dhenfcway, and Checkers.

1.45 p.mi— COURTBNAY ttANDICJAP, In harness; Of 1008 sWS; 4.30 class. TWo miles. ""

Erin's Fortlliio Scr Fref) AdvitQ .; 12 Great hbgan . scr Bonny Logan 24 Harvest efeiid scr CaimSl .. 24 Lindbergh .. scr Daphne de Oro 24 Muriel da ' Oro 86f .Tom Thumb .. 24 Neeoro .. scr Jean McElwyn 24 CjffiatiS .. Stir 'HSrciid Logali 3d V'enddnit! .. scr Imprint .. 00 Grand Light .. scr

ilarold Logan's brilliant performance Iti tfiS Oaitiafni Handicap last month draws attention to his prospects in the Gourtenay Handicap, and it is haid to select ojie to beat him. A fine pacer, he Hitist take a power of beating; Efik's Fortune idoks a and her performances wafrkiit fetrdiig support for her. Neeoro, too, is useful) and Graiid Light may. improve on his first day s showing. ilarold, Logan should ledd the tifcld fioffle, Whilst his most forfinflable opiidneiits may Be Grand. Light ftiid Erin's Fortune.

2.25 p.Z&.— NEW ZEALAiID CUP, In harness. Of 2000 Sovs; second horSe 500 govs, thlfd librae 350 sovg, and foilrih , fiittse ISO ioU from stake; ClasS 4fann 1 2686 c: Tttb tUtles. W. McSoiiaia's bik g iting Pointer tiy Youijr Star. Pointer— May Stanley aged scr (O; & Hotter); 3. F; Alcfefiaryia b g Logan Chief by Logan Bell aged 6« (F. Holmes). J. L. Webb's blk h Kohara by Cathedral t&iffceg—--Br i glit Alice aged 12 (o. Bryte); D. Dilloii—l/ady Jinks aged IS (J. Young, jtiii:). H; S\ Klctfll's 6 J Wifacfcler b# VfMtik— Trist Pointer Syrs 12 (M. HolmeS). D. br h Jewel Pointer By iiogin Pointer—Laiv Ghimes aged . 12 (S. M. August). P. McCarthy's b g Terence Dillon by Author Dilloii — aged 24 (D. 0. watts), li. A. Arihsirong. and A. ti. -Tohiison' 8 b g Logilfl Park by Logan Burlington aged 24 (W. J. Tatakihsob); The Cup fliiai will be the big event of the -day, and there is the greatest interest in the race. the , divisions ruri OH Tuesday gave a good line as to the fotm, "btit too much notice shoiikl not be taken of the times registered. WrlcKlef fthd foihttra both won like feallV gilofl stayefSj tthile Logan Park's ktfe rtfii In tlie second divisiOfl Wits sbffletlilfi# vtroJth rcitieiribering. The race should improve him a good, deal, and it would not be surprising to find him favourite on the day. Wackier

is such a good honest pacer that ti& must again run a great race, anfl Sahara's 4.21 for two miles speaks for itself; Author Jihks lost ft lot of ground at the Stiirtf and then ran a great f£6e, ifid defence Dilldrij if he improves, Will dttttse trouble. Kihg Poihtef is l&fided by his cohneiions, and ifit Whalt ioofcfe iikfe the iriost open racd dfl ili§ the! pl&fcea iriay be ilied fcf WFad|t«f, Logdh Park, KoMfS; aiitt Kitig pointer. S.S pißi; HANDICAP, In haftttCfia. Of 40tj sovs. 4.35 elSis; - fniles. Aleron •• *or Steel All .. 24 Suncliiid i. i»cf Wrackeen .. 86 Sunn# Bob •" •' Avenger w. 3| Nelsoii de Ofd IS Arikitoa i. 4| Wakaiiud ii IS Pageant ,• • «» John Vehie i. ii Torpedo Hubn 48 Huon Dialer i, Si Nelson d£ o#6's running on the tng day will not be lost sight of by •ihose on the look-out for a wihner in the Noveniber Handicap, and ofE 12yds he will be afroirded a rare oppoTtuhlty. Aleron maV be benefited by his race on the first daft and Wrackeen, Arikitoa, Steel All, aiid Avenger may be trtnibleoome. Nelson de Oro, Wrackeeft, and Alerori sholild fill the places. 3.46 HANDTOAP, In hariifeSS. Of 466 Eovi. 4.40 class. Two miles. Our<ew Boy .. ecr John Jinkd ..' 24 Our George .. scr Mac Dillon .. 24 Ngiflgßtfglfcgo 13 Ape* ■• - 3-6 Proud Dillon 12 Editor •. 36 Sir Buy ;i 13 Fair Wave . 36 Bit? Niii -- 24 Sonoma .. 36 Erin's Lynn s. £4 Tarn Sale .. 88 fitiitisiii ii 84 The Seottish-bred horse, Our George, will make his first appearance at an AdSington race Meeting in the Metropolitan Handicap. He is a fine pager; and has done good work in his thinning. Apex and Tarndale are other useful pacers engaged. 4.25 p.m.— SOCKBTTBN HANDIOAPj

In harness. Of 450 sovs. TJnhoppled irdSters. 4.39 class. Two, miles. Dipnoi • ■ scr highborn .. 12 Great Change scr Ukelele Lady 24 Jock Bingen scr Tonic 36 New Metford scr Cannonball .. 48 Fet<Sf iiia- a Scr Engagement .. 48 Quiekfire .. scr Writer ..72 SoSS Atidb •*; Sti %«t«B Surprise Voyage 96 Journey scr If feSßrVed fbr the S6eitbufn Hafaclicap, Surprise Jeiiirne* Will cprtraanfl strong support, and the class does not look beyond him. New Metford and Write# should pfore ilie best 6f the remaiflder. 5,6 p.m.— • .j, - SfßlStfiAs' HANDICAP. In ftarnttt. 61 466 IM; 2.15* class.- On* mile. Avonwood .. Her Midb Tsfeiiir 12 Final McKinney scr Epigram .. 12 M6fflifjg Surt acf SSnnjr, l>o*«n M Pageant .. scr (Tom Thumb «. 24 tfalgnt .i Mdkafi •: 'B6. Great Logan .. 86# Natitfl Priilde 86 Carmel . . 12 Jewel Pointer 48 Linkmnn t. 13 Numerous WithdMWaiS &6m th§i Sprinters' Handicap have left only a small field to cdntfigt tiiis facfe, fiiia Carmel raced bo well on the opening d&y that liid dfaitMS SittSlag&ifi be cam Biaefofl< fil# isstiei IcnMfctf 4 tnajr be fought between Sreat Logan, Jewel Pointer, and Carmel.

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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 20084, 13 November 1930, Page 15

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RACING AND TROTTING Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 20084, 13 November 1930, Page 15

RACING AND TROTTING Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 20084, 13 November 1930, Page 15