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J here *-as a moderate turnover of. atocks on call yesterday morning. Transactions, exclusive 0 f vestibule business, included:—

200 Commercial Bank of Australia. 10J New Zealand Guarantee Corporation. 1

v UCkI 5 nd . Gi , 3 (lato sa!e = 10th). 300 New Zealand Breweries »»ss® s&Sr- (1 " 500 Mahakipawa Goldfields Commercial Bank of 'Australia. t ;!iarC3 were firm with dealings at 17s, xnarxet closing 17s buyers, 17s Id sellers. Buyers of National Bank of New Zealand shares, cum dividend, appeared at £3 lis Cd, no sellers offering Buyers of Bank of New South Wales shares moved up to £32, sellers at £.32 <s 6d. Miscellaneous. j ?N;itioviit! insurance shares, cum dividend, were firmer, with buyers at Ms 7u, seUera at 14s 9d. Buyera of South .UritiAh insurance thsres raised their bids to sos 3d, but tellers were scarce. There was a closer market for Dalgety and company shares, which were quoted at 7» 6d buj'ers, £8 9s sellers. New Zealand Guarantee Corporation shares were released at 7s 4d, closing quotations Id on either side. United Building Society shares moved up to 15s 3d, sellers at 16s. New land Refrigerating Company fully paid shares were stronger, with buyers at 8a Sd, sellers at os, and the partly paid claimed buyers at 3s 2d, sellers at 3s 4d. A late sale of Auckland Gas shares on Monday was reported at 23s 8d New Zealand Breweries shares had dealings at 4os 9d. 45s lOd, and 43s lid, and more were wanted at 465, sellers at 46a id. Tooths Brewery shares hardened to l 2os 3d buyers, 2Gs sellers. Beath and Company Is paid shares were firm, with dealings at ss, market closing id on either aide. British Tobaccos showed partial recovery with buyers at 33s 4d, sellers at 345. D.I.C. preference shares were released at 20s, buyers staying in at that figure, sellers at 235. Mt. Lyells, cum dividend, showed recovery with buyers at 19s Id", sellers at 19s 4d. Mahakipawa Goldfields xhares were firm at Bjd, sellers staying in at that price, • buyers at Sd. s f i j XjAVEST q stations. j UuyeTß. ScJlerfl. : £ a. d. £' *. d. 1 N.Z. Government Debenture* — 1 j


Sales oit 'Change- - t- d


dunbdin. Sales on 'Change—

SYDNEY EXCHANGE. i'oiloH i:ig i& the official notice oi' yesterday's transactions ou the Sydney Stock Exchange, received in Ghrietchurch by radio

> Th« BXetal Market. 1 | Copper spot £44 9s 4£d, a rise of 20s; I lead £ls 10s. unchanged; spelter £l4 13s 9d, unchanged; tin, £ll2 Is 3d, a fall oi 2s 6d. , i FARMING IN BRITAIN. | DROP IN PRICES OF PRODUCTS, j | (CHITEU PAEod ASSOCIATION —BY ELKCiXIC j TrfLXOAAPH COPTSIGBT.; J (Received November 11th, 0.0 p.m.) ! LONDON, -November 10. | Tho prices of British agricultural I products are now only 29 per cent. ! above those of the base years, 1911-13, compared with 42 per cent, a month ago. Wheat actually was 7 per cent, below the pre-war price, oats and wool were l'J per cent., nnd hay 4 per cent, below the pre-war level. j ! AMERICAN CROPS. | ! . / GREAT DECLINE INDICATED. (c.\; tid pnxa* association"—f-t ELtcnio : ■ ' jTBLiBOBAPB—COPTBIOHT.; ♦' (Received November 11th. >5.5 p.m.) WASHINGTON, November 10 s The crop report indicates that the 1930 maize production will total. bushels, a reduction of 520,000,000 compared with 192 P. The total production of seventeen principal crops, not including wheat, is 6.2 per cent, below that of last: year, and 0.l per cent, below the tenyear average. AUCKLAND MARKET. [THE PRESS Special Serrice.j AUCKLAND, November ' 11. The tardy advent of warm weather, coupled with th» relatively Inch price of wheat, has resulted in it good demand for roaiza lasting longer than usual. However, stocks are heavy, with values fairly steady at 6s per bushel, ex: store. The market for wheat remains unchanged, at Ss per bushel, ex store. Merchants describe the positiou in regard to po'.Jard and bran as "very sick.'* Although, prices ara "usually low, th© demand id oaiy moderate. B Garton oats are still selling a; A.& 7d per bushel, and southern chaff at £lO 5a per ton. with Taswaniaa plentiful at £9 in hesxian bags, and 10s more if packed iu New Zealand sacks. The demand is quiet. . f Old inasonV potatoes are scarce on thj spot. The Xaitoa brought a lew hundred sacks, but not nearly enough lor requirements, and the local price has been raised to £7 per tan. A further shipment is due uv the WingHtui next week, and in the meantime merchants have made a start with, the new season's locals, which they are quoting at 13s per cwt, ©2£ store, or lis ontruek*. { Pukekohe onions are exceedingly scarce at present, and merchauts are at their wits j end to satisfy orders, which are "being . rationed out The price o£ Canadian and Oalifornian has accordingly been raised to ; 22a per bag, immediate delivery. Californians due nest week are being sold arrive at 21s to 22s ptr bag, and Australians due at the end ot the month at lis 6d. The wholesale current .prices are:—Follara £6 10s per tor.; bran. £-7 per ton; oats,,. K Gartons 4s 7d per bushel. A Gartons 4s 9d; clipped Dun? 6s Dd, clipped Algerians 6s 3d, clipped Gartons 5s 6d; fowl wheat 8s; maize, local Gs per bushel, os store; bar* ley, feed 5s per bushel; E «d, f ape barloj; Ss fid per bushel; maiza meal lis 6d per I 1001b: barter meal Us per 1001b; gbos £lO 53 per ton, Blenheim or <- a °" terburv: Tasmania", £9 in hessian bags £9 j 10s in" N'cw Zealand sacks; potatoes, southern j •S7 per ton, local ins per cwt, « store; lis j on tfiicks; onions. C&liforman 19a od, Cana- ; oian ~2s V'-~ bag. ; LORNEVILLE STOCK SALE. | • PileA assoctatiok hlkuk.) j IXVEBCARGILiti, November 11. . There were moderate yardings m all s&c- ( tions at the Lorneville stock Bale to-day. Fat Sheep—The yarding was a small ono and barely up t° '°cal requirements, with a result that, the sale showed, an improvement on last day's prices. Prices were as follows- Prime heavy wethers up to 30s, "led'ium from 24s to 2 6s. lighter sorts down to 21s 6d, extra prime maiden ewes up to 2Ss 6(1 good butchers' ewes from ISs to 235. I'frbte-' sorts down to ISs 6d, best spring lambs to 25a 6d, medium weights from 20s to 22a <3d, lighter sorts down to 16s, Fat Ca'tle —The entry was a little smaller than at the previous sale. Prices r,t times were somewhat irregular*, but for the bull; of the offering last week's values were maintained. Extra prime bullocks realised up to £l3, medium weights from £l3 10s to £ls 10s and lighter sorts dowu to £lO 10s. Prima heavy cows made up to £l4 7s Gd. medium weights feom. £9 to £lO 10s, and lighter sorts down to £6 10s. Prime heifers ran to £l4, medium weights from £9 to £lO, lighter sorts down to £7 10s. Store Cattle —Thero was a good yarding in this section, comprised chiefly of good lines of yearling to three-year-old steers, with the usual number of mixed coloured and poorly bred sorts of every grade. For good lines the demand was quite brisjc, but the poorer lots were difficult to quit. A line of Hereford yearling steers realised £5 7s 6d. good mixed coloured soris £4 10s. with the usual inferior stuff at £2 10s to £3 10s. Good Hereford two-year-old steers made £B. while a line of Shorthorn cross of the same age were disposed of at £7. Three-year-old bullocks showing breeding made from £3 15s to £9 7s. fresh-conditioned empty cows £t to £5 ss, and old and inferior down to £2. In tho dairy section the offering was small and poor in Springing heifers close to calving sold from £6 to £7. but the majority were disposed of from £4 10s to £5 10s. Store Sheep-—There was a small yarding in this section, including throe pens of ew«es and lambs. Prices were about on a par with last week. A pen of culled mixed-sox hoggets mads 7s 3d,'and ewes and lambs S3 to 7e,

•44 v-er cant. Inscribed, .1933 .. .. 83 0 u 99 2 « ij, per cent. Inscnbwi, 1030 08 5 0 5 0 Other D«b«atnrM — K.Z. Breweriefi, Bondj I 1 u - Gla.20, 6A por cent., 1SK3 30 0 0 93 0 0 >»'.55. Refrig., 6j par <> cent., IO00 $2 0 u S6 0 Booth, Macdnnald, f- 5 per cent., 1CC2 fco 0 0 ~~ Banks — AuEt. ol-Coraaoc.'Ci U 13 iu 0 •1 Comm. of Anet. •J J7 0 0 17 1 Comm. of Atst. (prcf.) 6 is 0 6 15 0' K., S., and A. (cum <2iv.) 5 9 0 5 36 0 K ational of A uatralasiu. (£.'10 paid, cum div.) 12 0 0 13 0 0 i.'alional of Australasia (£5 paid, cura dhO 6 2 0 6 5 0 Xa.hona.1 ot 2':Z. (cum div.) 0 :i 6 — Is'ew South Wales S3 0 0 30 6 Kew gealand (cam Six.) 2 lft 0 2 17 S Union of Aust. 0 12 6 0 16 6 Inscranc® — A.P.A. " . u 5 8 ' National (cur; <uv.) K) 14 7 0 14 0 Kev Zealand 2 1 6 — Sooth British 2 13 3 Standard - » 0 c 12 0 Imu1 n&d Agaacy— Dalgety and Co. (cum div.) 7 #; ft 0 Gold«brough, Mort A 2 0 'i 2 8 Mercantile Finar-io Corporation (pre?.) -• 35 {> 15 3 K.Z. Gt:r-rit Corp::. 0 7 (J 5 TTr.itcd Buildinj So.'ielv Q' 13 S 0 16 0 Frossn Moat — Canterbury (0 rd.) A IS 0 i Creur 16 0 1 K.Z. (all paifl) 0 S 6 9 ? ! K.S. XJofrig. (Iff paid) 0 3 c 0 S 4 ; North Ct*r. it. K-rccsirs 0 € ; Woollen*— Kaiipoi (17s pali (> u " i Kaiapoi (7a paid, 0 u 1/ 4 s ' i Coal— V' 03* .'t 't u 01 i\ 1 0 1 K' *j ] Oas— 1 AacUland 3 i 3 » i Christchuvch J. 0 U 5 « i Chrislebureli paid) 0 12 - 0 : - & j Bre-creries— i -Carlton i t , J 5 0 j K»w Zealand 2 6 0 2 0 i 1 Staples i IS 6 __ 1 U'loiaru (Ss paid, cum div.) 0 c (j 1 Tooths 5 3 0 s Whit® Star 6 u 0 U 0 1 Mlsoellaneaus — ; i Allied Motors 0 0 & 0 5 Amalgamated Y\" irslesi j (contr.) L J. 6 1 Australian Distiller — ' 1 1 6 j Australian Glass (cum ] div.) c y x 7 0 J Beath and Co. G 0 Boath and Co. (la paid) £ 4 li 1 Australian Iron and I Steel (prei.) __ <J 13 0 1 British 'Xobiboeo 1 V* < I 2 4 0 i Colonial Sugar G4 0 0 c.6 0 •0 ] D.I.C. (prei.) 1 0 0 4; 0 ! Duulop-Perdriau JJuoi W -~ 0 il 0 Electio. Zinc (ord.) 0 i-2 0 0 12 3 Electro. Zinc (pref.) .. 0 17 0 0 18 0 Henry Jonoa Co-op. ► (cum div.) 1 2 0 — j Mi. Lyell (cuin div.) .. 0 19 0 19 4 ! K.Z. Drug Co. 0 6 —. .N.Z. Farmers' Co-oi>. (6J per cent. Stock. 1945) 73 0 0 30 0 0 | X.Z. Farmers' Fertiliser 0 16 c — Xorth Canty. Co-op. \ Flour 0 10 0 — Oaill, Morris .. 0 7 9 0 J 1 6; "United Pictures 0 12 i) 1 2 0 ; Whitcombo and Tomiss S 7 G _... Wilson's Cement (cat.-; i div.) 15 n » W und»r!ich 0 ft r, 0 ?4 0 i Bvans Atlas T''iou:1 ft « _. Associated X»irsp»^eis 0 <£ 5 0 6 1 i Molnroa Oi! .. 0 I to - j Mining— 1 i Mahalcipawa (J 0 S u 0 Si ' Ofearito 0 5 0 0 5 91 Woihi Grand Junction 0 2 6 Winding Creek (Is pa.) 0 0 2 0 0 Q Winding Creek '3d pd.) 0 0 1 0 0 *2 Cornish Point (la p*i<3) 0 0 PA Kins Solomon 0 0 9" 0 0 11 ■ K0rfh Broken Hit] .0 0 19 2 YESTERDAY'S SALES. i CHRISTCHURCH. ! Sales on 'Chaage— £ • 5, d

yew Zealand Guarantee Corporation 0 7 4 ?Ce\v Zealand Breweries (2) 1? 5 0 •J o 10 li 5 11 Beatii arid Co. (is paid) (3) 0 5 0 D.I.C. (pre#.) ... I 0 0 MahaJ^ij-awa 0 0 8^ Sales Boported— Commercial Bank of Australia o 17 o Auckland Gas (iate sale, 10th) i. 3 8 jKeiy Z«sJacd Brewarias (•%)_ 3 5 9

Auckland Harbour 1941, 6 P er 1^Board, 102 10 0 ,Auckland Gas, 1skw, 64 p® r 102 0 0 cent. •••. Bank oi: Australasia 10 0 19 17 0 1 10$ 3 Comm. of Australia QoldsbroUfeJi, Mori 1 J. 2 M.Z. Insurance 0 Q Taupiri Ccnl • ■ 1 1 0 •> 3 U Auckland Gas y 0 0 0 Northern Steam Farmers' Trading 0 7 0 Vvilson's Cement -

Sales Reported — Goldsbrouglj, Mort 1 ] 3 N.Z. Guarantee Corp. (ord.; 1) 7 4 Ghristchurch Gas Co. I 5 .0 South British Insurance Co. 2 15 0

Commercial Bank u ] r o Milburn Lime and Cement 1 10 0

last evening:— F. d. A.B.C. Bank I O 6 National Bank of A us l. <.±Z> 6 0 paid) 8 Toobey's ; • 0 17 6 Tooth' a • • ■ ' Associated Newspapers ford.) . . u 5 0 Australian iron and Stee* \,pref.) 0 13 JJ Australian Glaaa - - • • 1 7 3 Broken ITiM Proprietary 0 15 0 Burns*, Philp 1 1 13 ia 0 British Tobacco 1 14 •> Dunlop Rubber 0 0 11 11 10 r2) 0 It 11 Henry Jonea ♦ » 1 3 H Goldsbrough, ilort 1 1 ;s <J 10i Kortb Broken IIill 19 o 9 0 I 19 a 1 1 0 b mix '.reeks; 1 19 r» C -; t 1 9 7j i 19 0 1 3 9 :* {one "month) 1 13 6 youth Broken. Hill . . 1 8 o I 8 4| Placer DeTelopmer.t 2 12 0 li 13 u (aix weeks) - 13 0

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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 20083, 12 November 1930, Page 12

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CHRISTCHURCH STOCK EXCHANGE. Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 20083, 12 November 1930, Page 12

CHRISTCHURCH STOCK EXCHANGE. Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 20083, 12 November 1930, Page 12