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| TIMARU. PERSONAL. Professor Y. W. Hilgendorf and Messrs C. and M. Hilgendorf are visiting Timaru. Dr. A. Kidd (Waipiata) 1b a guest at the Grosvenor Hotel. Magistrate's Court. A sitting of the Magistrate's Court was held yesterday, Mr C. R. Orr Walker, S.M., presiding. Judgment was awarded plaintiffs by default in the following undefended cases:—Dunnett and Downey, Ltd., v. E. C. Taylor, £l6 16s 7d; Morley Wallace v. A. Ede, £3l lis 6d; G. B. Lamborn ▼. L. C. Wederell, £4 10s Id; J. Murdoch v. A. Kyle, costs only, 18s; J. Martin and A. J. Gibson, 15s 6d. No orders were made on the following, judgment summons cases:—Lilian Olivia Phillips v. Biohard C. C. Green, olaim £lO Ss Id; G. Cross v. Roger A. Laplanche, claim £ls 7s 9d; Helen Herron. v. L. Brosnanan, claim £6 17s 4d; James Meehan and Sons v. Henry McMillan claim £34 18s 3d. & ' Hospital Building Proposal. In reply to a question by Mr C. Carr, MJP. ( in the House, in regard to the South Canterbury Hospital Board's rebuilding scheme, the Minister for Health (the Hon. Mr Stallworthy) said that the statement that the Government was withdrawing its offer of a subsidy on the scheme was not correct. It was merely intended that the rebuilding scheme should not be proceeded with till next year.

In commenting on the reply, Mr H. G. Naylor, secretary of the South Canterbury Hospital Board, said that the latter portion of the Minister's statement had had a tendency to confuse the position in some quarters. The Board had secured the consent of the Local Bodies' Loans Board to the raising of the full amount of the loan, namely £47,000, which covered the whole of the building programme. The Director-General of Health had consented to the expenditure, and ha° signed the plans of the administrative block, which is to cost £IO,OOO. Further, the Minister for Health had given his written consent to the work being proceeded with. At the last meeting of the Hospital Board a resolution had been passed rescinding a resolution ear ried at a meeting held at Temuka the previous month, postponing the com mencement of building operations for twelve months. Tenders for the administrative block had already been advertised and would close in about two weeks' time. It appeared that the Minister's reply to Mr Carr's question had been based on the resolution passed by the Board at Temuka. The statement made by the Minister would not affect the position, as the written authorities received could not very well be cancelled now. The debentures for the loan of £IO.OOO. for the administrative block, were selling freely. About £SOOO had been received, although the debentures had been placed on the market only on Saturday last. This amount bad come to the .office and not one

penny brokerage had had to be paid on it. Levels County's Support. At the monthly meeting of the Levels County Council yesterday, the chairman (Mr T. B. Garrick) reported that he had been a member of a deputation which had waited on the South Canterbury Hospital Board in connexion with the Timaru Hospital building scheme. He had expressed his personal opinion that the Board should proceed with the erection of the administrative block, as it would be a means of relieving unemployment. He had been over the Timaru. Hospital three times, and from what he had seen he was not enamoured of it. The time had arrived when some -alteration should be made. He had made it plain to the Board that he had no authority to speak on behalf of the Council, and it now remained for the Council to decide whether or not it would vote against the proposal. Mr C. E. Kerr said that he was in agreement with the chairman's views. The matter of hospital improvements was one that should be put in hand. Mr T. W. Brosnahan said he understood that the Government was opposed to the proposal. The chairman: The Director-General of Health (Dr. T. H. A. Valintine) tried to knock it on the head. This hospital scheme, if proceeded with, would do much to relieve unemployment, and it is a projeet which would show some return for the money expended. In reply to the Mr G. D. Selbie. a member of the Hospital Board, said that, the matter was one for the Government. Even if the proposal were proceeded with, there would be a year's delay. The subject was then dropped. lievels County CortnciL

The monthly meeting of the Levels County Council was hefld yesterday, the chairman (Mr T. B. Garrick) presiding. Also present were: Messrs B. 6. Cleland, D. Grant, T. W. Brosnahan, G. £). Selbie, and C. E. Kerr. In referring to the finances, the chairman said that the debit balance at July 31st was £5661 6s; unpresented cheques on that date totalled £97 18s 6d; the amount drawn since last meeting was £9 13s 9d, making a total debit of £5768 18s 3d. During the month cash amounting to £2144 17s 4d had been received, leaving a debit balance on September 2nd of £3624 Os lid, and with accounts amounting to £2640 17s Id, to be passed for payment, the total debit was £6264 18s. The chairman said that the position was a little better than it was at the corresponding time last year. The Main Highways Board telegraphed as follows: "Board concurs in acceptance of Smart and Son's tender at £4928 for pit shingle, TimaruArowhenun preparation " ,On the motion of Messrs Cleland and Grant it was decided that the Council's resolution of July 30th last, accepting the British Pavement Company's tender for four miles of formation work on the Picton : Bluff highway, be rescinded, and that the tender of Messrs Smart and Sons, Ltd., be accepted at £4928 for the above-mentioned work. Messrs Smart and Sons, Ltd., contractors, wrote In reference to formation work on the Main North road between Timaru and Temuka. They stated that the foundations for the plant were now being put in, hut work had been delayed because paving work had been recommenced in the Waimate County. This, however, should be completed by Reptember 13th, and they expected to be able to make a start with the Levels County contract by September 20th. The chairman of the Town Planning Board wrote asking when the Council would supply a report on the provisional recommendations in connexion with the

determination of regional boundaries. — It was decided to communicate with the Timaru Borough Council. Mr F. Langbein (the Council's representative on the District Highways Council) wrote advising that the formation of a length of road near Burness's bridge, on the South Island Main Highway at Kingsdown, was not provided for in the current year's estimates of the Main Highways Board, and therefore it should not be undertaken before March 31st next.

Mr Kerr said that the Highways Council was quite wrong in its attitude to this matter. The Levels Council had decided on this work a long time ago. The chairman: The Highways Council seems to rule the roost.

The County Council decided to renew its application to the District Highways Council.

The New Zealand Refrigerating Company wrote stating that the Railway Department had instructed the company to re-deck the bridge leading to the Works at Smithfleld. This had now been completed at a cost of £l5B 10s 3d. As the Council used this bridge frequently a request was made that it should bear a proportion of the coat.

The Council decided to contribute £SO towards the cost of the bridge.

A donation of £lO was made to the Timaru Plunket Society. The Timaru Agricultural and Pastoral Association advised that it was agreeable to the transfer to the Council of a small area of land, part of its motor paddock, at Smithfleld, for the purpose of enabling the Council to round off a corner of the Main North road.

The tender of Mr V. Sherratt at £122 18s 4d, for 500 cubic yards of gravel for roads in the Adair Riding, was accepted. The Ranger reported that during August he had impounded 20 cattle, 10 horses, and eight calves. Appeal Against Valuation. Further legal argument was heard before Mr C. R. Orr Walker, S.M., ha the Magistrate's Court yesterday, in the case heard on July 13th £nd August 20th last, in which an appeal was made against the assessment by the Valuation Department, for the purposes of death duties, on a property as "Lisava," owned by the late Mr William Evans, of Timaru, and situated a few miles from Fairlie. The area of the farm, which is freehold, is 1051 acres 2 roods 13 poles. The Government valuation at the time of the death of Mr Evans, on March 3rd last, was:—Unimproved value £13,665, and improvements, £1720, making a capital value Of £15,385. Mr L. E. Finch appeared for the appellant (the District Public Trustee), and Mr W. D. Campbell for the Valuation Department. Mr Campbell raised the point that a Magistrate had no jurisdiction to hear the appeal, because, instead of the Commissioner of Stamp Duties applying for death duty revaluation, it had been applied for directly by the executor. Counsel's line of argument was that the revaluation had to be ordered by the Commissioner of Stamps. Mr Finch contended that when the executor asked for the revaluation himself, and the Valuation Department made it, he believed that it would amount to the same thing whoever applied for the revaluation. This was a mere trivial irregularity. Decision was reserved.

TEMUKA. A meeting of the Temuka Technical School Board of Managers was held on Tuesday evening. Present—Messrs G. B. Cartwright (chairman), L. G. Scrimshaw, G. W. Armitage, F. Sanders, and Mr J. T. Smart. The chairman reported that a motor engineering class, under the instructorship of Mr Quartermain, had been commenced at Clandeboye and was proving very popular. There was no immediate prospect of starting any classes at Winchester, but this district should be kept in mind at the commencement of next season. The various classes in Temuka were making satisfactory progress. Th* sheep-shearing class would commence next month. Mt Cartwright was unanimously re-elected chairman for the tenth successive term. The Farmers' Union forwarded their annual donation of one guinea. . It was decided to form a motor engineering class in Temuka. A most enjoyable social waa held in the Parish Hall on Monday, when the Methodist and Presbyterian Young Women's and Young Men's Bible Classes were entertained by the members of St. Peter's Senior Bible Class. There were approximately one hundred present. Community singing, competitions, and games were indulged in, the prize for a guessing competition being won by Winnie Duncan, of the Presbyterian class An Irish reel was danced by Betty Salmon and Joyce Joynt. and music was supplied by Mrs Salmon. The following teams will represent the Temuka Men's Club in the Geraidine hockey tournament to be held at "Geraldine this afternoon: —Senior: E. Martin (captain), S. Preddy, H Pierce, G. Moulton. and D. Reid Junior: W. Mclnnes (captain), T. Shiels. D. Davis, G. Martin, and R Davidson. Emergency: .T. McCone.

FAIRLIE. The weekly shoot of the Fairlie Rifle Club was held on Monday, when R. Fergusson won the silver button for the week. A trophy, presented by Mr A. R. Seymour, which was fired for over three nights, was won by J. A. Fraser. The following were the scores s —W. Whitehead 78, W. Dorman 78 R. Fergusson 78, S. Ryder 78, J. Thomson 77, A. Dale 77, H. Welsh 77, W. H, Cook 76. W. Close 76, S. Loomes 76, J. A. Fraser 74, G. Summerfield 73, D. Gardner 76, S. Southby, jun., 71. J. A. Gray 69. G. Scott 68, t>. Southby, sen., 67, J. Breen 62, Prior 67, JR. Braddick 69, and H. Bateman 61. . ,■ A match was *lso fired against a team from ' che Mackenzie Highland Pipe Band, the result being a win for the Rifie Club. The following were the scores:— _ . Rifle Club—W. Close 75, G. Summertield 73, A. Cone 69, H. Welsh 77 H. Bateman 61, J. Breea 62, B. Southby, sen., 67, G. Scott 68. J. A. Gray <&, J Prior 67, S. Toomes 76; W. &. Cook 76: total 840. Pipe Band—B. Slow 62 JFraser 71, J. Snujshall 51, R. Braddick 76. S. Page 63, F. Dick SB> Cowan 62. A Robertson 69. I). Gardner 71, S. Southby jun., 71, B. W00d.68. «• Cogar 67; total 789. A very successful euchre party antl tlance was held in the Fairlie techooJ in aid of the school funds. The prizes were won by Mrs Elms and Mr J. R YVyber, Miss E. Bray, and Mr J. Wells. After supper dancing was indulged in, music being supplied by gramophone. Miss C. Talbot and Mr R. Braddick also piayed for a number of dances. These socials have been held fortnightly during the winter, and have became very popular. It is proposed to continue them for another month.

PEEL FOREST. The weather is still mild at Pee/1 Forest, with an absence of frost. The country is putting on a green tint, itunholders state that the past winter is the mildest that has been experienced for sixteen years. The following made the best scores oif the rifle at the weekly shoot of the Peel Forest Miniature ltiiie Club:— G. Fifield 79, O. Keen 78, D. Rutherford 72, F. Cain 79, F. Stevenson 72, N. Pithie 70, G. Upritchard 72, A. Gray 73, D. Popplewell 77, F. Heney 70, 6. Stevenson 78, and S. Jenkins 72. G. Edge won Mr F. Cain's trophy. The annual football match between the combined Peel Forest, and Arundel teams against Rangitata resulted in a win for the combined team by 7 points to nil. . Mr and Mrs W. Thomas are spending a fortnight at their cottage at Blandswood. , ... Mrs Hugh Acland and Mrs Elizabeth Acland are at present- at Mt. Peel. Mr and Mm P. Scott are spending the school holidays in their cottage at Peel Forest. n Mrs Mulholland (Christchurch) and her two sons are visiting Peel Forest. WINCHESTER. The opening of the new Victoria Hall, at Winchester, on Tuesday even, ing, was a great success, the large and spacious hall being filled to city. The evening took the form- of a concert, the programme being of a yery high standard. The hall was officially opened by Mr L. H. Orbell (chairman of the Hall Committee), who paid high tribute to the work of Air Gimson and Mfessrs H. and R. Smith, who in the early days ■ of., the settlement did yeoman service in* erecting a hall ana iq giving a site for it. Mr T. H Langford also spoke, putting the financial side of the work l>efore the public, and appealing forI'urther support. Items on the programme were' vocal solos by Miss E. Gimson, Messrs O. Gimson, G. Knibb, and Vernon, and an instrumental trio by Mr and Mrs S. Unwin and Mr C Unwin. The rest of the programme wae filled by the Orari Readers, who staged two excellent pi ay a—Sir J. M. Barrie's "The Old Lady Shows Her Medals," and Bernard Gilbert's humorous "Eldorado." Both were much enjoyed, the parts being taken by Mesdames W. E. Cook, F. Grayhum, S. Unwin. Miss J. de Lautour, and Messrs F. Grayburn and S. Univin, in the former; and by Mrs Cook. Miss K. Muff, and Messrs W.' E. Cook nnd L. Pemberton in the latter. At the conclusion of the concert prosupper was handed round and immediately afterwards the floor was flea red for dancing. Mrs M. de Renzy, Misses E. Towntey. O. Patrick, G. South, and Mrs R. Woodley, members of the Winchester Ladies' Hockey Club, are at present in Tnvercargm, where, as members of the South Canterbury representative team, they are taking part in the ladies' hockey tournament. Messrs J. L. Stone-Wigg and J. E. Ball, members of the Waihi College staff, fire at present visiting Christcliurch..

ORARI. The annual ball of the Waihi Football Club, which was held in the Orari Hall ori Friday evening, was very successful. The hall was - beautifully decorated. An energetic committee bad made all suitable arrangements. Music was supplied bv Sinclair's orchestra. Extras were played by Messrs M. Patrick and Hopkins. The grand march was lead off by the president and his wife (Mr and Mrs J. C. South). \ lucfcv 6pot waltz was won by Miss Betty Brown and Mr W. Seeler, while the Monte Carlo was won by Miss tt. Ford and Mr W. A. Strang. Mr W. Seeler was M.C. In the South Canterbury Miniature Rifle Club Association's competition for the Hayhurst Shield, several of the Orari competitors are iD good positions for the aggregate medals. In the A grade, two competitors have put on two possibles, while three others, including F. Priddle (Orari), are only one point down. The C grade is headed by A. Henderson (Orari). with

four points down, and on# of the next competitor. Misa . *• Mason, of the Orari ladies' team, i§ m third place, with six points dowfa.

WAIMATE. Mr W. F. George presided at the monthly , meeting rf the ; School. Comnutteip, attendance of members; j The Jwajl?, master (Mr D. C. BrowjiT attendance. Permissibn was granted: to the Workers' Education Association to use the school building: for a summer school frtom Boxing Day./to January 3rd, 1931. The. headmaster reported that the quarter had opened with a roll of 666, and had closed with a roll of 674, the average roil *or the period being 572.8, and the ftverage attendance 505.7 A new infant class would be started when the school reopened, and all pupilswhose -fifth birthday -fell October 16th would be admitted. The result of the aehool examinations had been satisfactory. It was decided to ask the Ketailers' Association to close the shops on the day of the school picnic, which, would be held on a Thursday in FebruI *At a meeting of residents of Donglas district, which was addressed by officers of tne South Canterbury Power Board, in connexion with the reticulation of the district for the. of eleotric current, it was agreed that Douglas district .should wait until Waihaorunga district took the matter up. Mr" C. R. Orr 'Walker, S.M., presided at the sitting of the Magistrate's Court in Waimate. For being illegally on a racecourse on the day of the Waimate Hunt Club's races, Charles Hunter, alias Mitchell, was fined £6 and costs. For allowing stock to wander, Michael Kennedy, !was fined LOs and costs 10s. , For,-a similar offence, F. Wallace was fined... 2s 6d. On a charge of cycling without lights, Walter Sparks and . Frank Edward Kelly were each fined ,16s .and costs 10s. On a charge of parking, a car in a non-parking .area, \Charles Henry r Barbour was fined' 6s arid costs 10s. John Alexander Duncan, for failing £o produce a driver's license, was ordered to pav costs 10s. For driving a car at night without a tail lamp;'' John George Ruddenklau was ordered to pay costs. 18s., ; James Breslin pleaded : guilty to three charges: that he affixed to a motor-car a number, not being the appropriate assigned number; that he used an unregistered motor-car ; and that he drove a car without being the holder of a driver's license. A fine of 30s and costs was imposed oil the charge of driving without a license, and £5 and costs on the other two charges. Henrv Norton Medlipott was fined' 10s and costs, on a charge of using a motor-car without having the assigned number affixed, and for having fatted to apply for a new number plate to the Registrar when one was lost. Thomas Rogal, licensee of the Glenroe Hotel, Glenavy, was charged with selling liquor after hours and opening the premises for the sale of liquor onJuly 6th. .Robert Douglas Gt*ay was charged that being other than' the licensee he did supply liquor on jJuly sth. . Mr L. Sumpter, who appeared for both defendants, admitted that-; Gray sold the liquor, but pleaded not guilty to the charges against Rogal. ' Mr Sumpter contended that Rogal could nos be held responsible for the barman acting contrary to his instructions. The Magistrate reserved his. decision in the case of Rogal,;but Graywas'fined £6 and costs £8 9s Bd. On charges of being found on' the licensed premises or „ the ' Glenooe Hotel, Jonn Cursey, Robert Joseph Smart, Ronald Morris,. Robert Turvey, Georee Nnvlor, John James Turtle, Thomas Milne, Philip Flynn, and Alexander Fodie were each , fined £2 and costs I2s. The quarterly meeting of the; Waitaki Licensing Committee was held vesterday Present: The chairman (Mr. C. R. Orr Walker. S.AI.), Messrs A. McPherson C. G. Holmes, G. Murray, W E. Evans, and C. Coventry. The chairman snid the police report showed that the hotels of tho district had been well conducted during the quarter. There were some breaches to be noted, however, and a suspicion of after-hour trading in a certain house in Waimate. He suggested that ; the police should interview the licensee. Routine business was dealt with.

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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 20024, 4 September 1930, Page 7

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TIMARU AND SOUTH CANTERBURY NEWS. Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 20024, 4 September 1930, Page 7

TIMARU AND SOUTH CANTERBURY NEWS. Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 20024, 4 September 1930, Page 7