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ASHBURTON. PERSONAL. Archdeacon G. H. York, of Blenheim, conducted the service at St. Stephen's Anglican Church last evening. Infectious Diseases. A case of pneumonic influenza from Hatfield, was the only disease of an infectious nature reported to the County Health Inspector last week. There were no notifications in the borough for the same period. Cricket Club's Dance. St. Stephen's Cricket Club held another of its series of fortnightly daneeß on Saturday night, when thero was a good attendance. The music was supplied by Mrs A. Mitchell's orchestra. Competitions Society. Entries for the Ashburton Competitions Society's annual festival which opens at the end of August, are coming in satisfactorily. Over 100 Vrere received by post on Saturday morning. A pleasing featuro is the number of new competitors. St. Anne's Guild. At the annual meeting of the Ashburton branch of St. Anno's Guild, Mrß A. J. Petrie presided. It was reported that there was a credit balanco of £2. Votes of thanks were passed to Mrß Palmer-Chapman, for a donation of £5, and to Mrs Trevor and Mrs E. A. Donham (secretary and treasurer) for thoir assistance. A letter of appreciation of the work being carried out in Ashburton was received from St. Anne's Guild. Last year's officors were re-elected. Funeral. Tho funeral of the late Mr H. A. Lloyd, which took place yesterday afternoon, was attended by a large and representative gathering of farmers from all parts of the county, representatives of mercantile firms, local bodies, friends and relatives, who assembled to pay a last tributo of respect to one who had bocn a prominent and popular iiguro in Ashburton for about 45 years. A short service was conducted at the house, by the Rov. A. G. Irvine, who also officiated Ht tho graveside. Tho pall-bearers wcro Messrs W. C. Smith, W. A. Fleming, K. B. Garland, J. T. Thomas, 11. G. Fcrrier, and J. Smith. Wreaths were sent by Members of the Presbytorian Women's Missionary Union, manager and staff of the National Mortgage and Agency Co., Ashburton, Committee of tho Ashburton A. and P. Association, Messrs Clouston and Co. (Blenheim), manager and staff of Pyne, Gould, Guinness, Ltd. (Ashburton), directors and staff of Pyne, Gould, Guinnoss, Ltd. (Christchurch), Mayor, Councillors, and Burgesses of Ashburton, directors and staff of the Ashburton Co-operative Dairy Co., Ltd., Mr H. D. Johnston and staff, management and staff of the New Zealand Farmers' Co-op. Association (Ashburton), Presbyterian Junior Sunday School teachers 4 and Girls' Auxiliary, Mr and Mrs W. C. Smith and family, Mr and Mrs J. Bruce Bnd family, Mr and Mrs H. L. Barker, Mr and Mrs A. E. Clarke and family, Mr and Mrs Boy Doig and family, Mr and Mrs T. Mulligan, Mr and Mrs A. P. Bruce, Mr and Mrs Bruce McLnchlan (Ellesmere), Mr and Mrs W. Brueo and family, Mr And Mrs A. C. Shaw, Mr and Mrs James Lamblc, Mr and Mrs Luxton and family, Mr and Mrs G. Brand and family, Mr and Mrs John Doig, Mr and Mrs Skilling and family, M* and Mrs E. C. Meeking and family, Pearson family, Mr and Mrs J. B. Stevenson, Mr ftnd Mrs W. Hedges, Mr W. A. Sheate (Weßterfield), Mrs C. Wit hell and family, Mr and Mrs T. A. Klnm&nt (HaWera), Mr and Mrs M. Bruce and family, Mr and Mrs Richardson, Mr and Mrs John Moore, Mr J. Bell and family, Messrs R. J. S., W. K., and H. J. Wilson, Mr M. Kissane, Miss Doyle, Miss A. C. Lloyd (Willowby), Mr Joseph Lloyd (Hastings), Messrs W. nnd R. D. Cochrane, Mrs C. Page and family, Mr W. L. Morgan, Sister Minifta, Minies Cameron (Tinwald), A, C. and family. Ruguy Football. The most interesting development in the Anhbuftoa Rugby football competitions on Saturday was that Old Boys, who were loading with Methvon for the senior championaliip with tlx point* each at the «nd of the first round, sultored their second defeat of thai season at the hands of Hampstead. The grounds were in good order, and there was a fair attendance at the Show Grounds to witness the match. HAMPSTEAD (14) t. OLD BOYS (8). The defeat of Old Boys, one of the leading teams in tha competition, by Hampstead who, although showing indifferent form In the first round of tha competitions, were recognised as A likely combination) .was rather unexpected, as it was thought that tha fatter Old Boys, although conceding weight, would outplay thoir opponents, and eventually gain the upper hand. This was far from the■ case, however. The Hampstead-forwards dominated play throughout, while their backs was equal to, if not a little better than, those of Old Boys. It must be admitted that Old Boys have played far better games thlß lesson, and did not have tmich combination in their rearguard. Although their forwards worked hard, they could make very little headway with their scoring machine in Ruch Indifferent condition. Time and time again the Old Boys' van would send the ball out to the baoks only to see them break down And the heavy Hampstead forwards Bweep through with the ball. HamitstSad must be given credit for their win, which showed that they are going to be hard to beat for the remainder of the season provided the players retain their present standard of fitness. With a little more penetration in the rearguard they should develop Into quite a dangerous type of combination 88 they have the right forwards to back them up , During the first few minuter of play neither side gained much advantage, though Old Boys' back* soon made several excursions into Hampstead's territory,, but Hampstead wore awarded a free-kick which brought relief. Anderson was prominent in maintaining the advantage thus gained. The ball went out into touch near Old Boys line, and the latter were eventually compelled to force to save their line. Play was taken back to midfleld by the Old Boys' forwards# but Tait, the Hampstead halfback, sent his backs away, but little or no ground was gained, G. Stephen, lecond eighths, sending out a forward pass to Fountain, at centre three-quarter. Hampstead continued to have the better of play, and securing from a set scrum Day sold a pretty dummy and swerved past Heenan (Ola Boys full-back), but Slipped when in the act of scoring. A moment loter from a loose scrum right on Old Boys' line Ramsey picked up and forced his way over. Fountain converted with an easy kick. Hampstead 5, Old Boys 0. Old Boys forced matters and from half«way Field made a good run down the line and centred, Robilliard and Nicoll following up fast. The bounce of the ball, which had rolled over the line, beat Alexander, and both the Old Boys' players mentioned dived for it. Nicoll touched down. Farr put over a good kick. Hampstead 5, Old Boys 5. Hampstead continued to force maners, their backs first working one flank and - then the other. Their efforts were rewarded when a punt was followed smartly by Rowe, who, running at top speed, took the bounce of the leather in his stride and dashed over in the corner just at he was tackled by Field. Fountain did not convert. Hampstead 8, Old Boys 5. Play was again taken to the Old Boya' line, this time by the HampBtead forwards, where ROW« attempted to dive over but" was thrown out by Field. An Infringement in their own twenty-five enabled Fountain to add another three points to Hampstead's score, with a good kick. Hampstead 11, Old Boys 5. The sun was troubling Old Bova and Heenan'a punt was charged down. Things looked anything but bright for Old Boys, but their .van broke away and carried play into Hampsteod's territory, where Robilliard, Nicoll, and Rapley were prominent In • pretty passing mbvemest which nsarly ended in Nicoll scoting. However, the ball bounced out and the spell ended. . Old Boys were not playing their usual open game, probably due to the fact that they had been for tha most part defending. For eaaily three-quarters' of the spell _ Hampstead were attacking and had their backs

hod mora penetration the icore would have been at least another six points in their favour. Old Boys had been troubled by the •un, which had been In their eyes during the whole of the spell, but good tackling nod lessened tbia advantage. On the resumption of play Old Boys made every effort to obtain Some advantage, Paweoil being conspicuous for eomo good work in the loose. However, Hempstead's heavier forwafds took jploy to within striking distance, and the backs made several attempts to cross, but eaoli time they met With a solid defense. Willing play saw the game again near half-Woy. Rowe, who was playing a inio gamo, And Anderson, being prominent, Hampstead invaded opposition territory, but Huflnan found touch near half-way with 8 good kick. The Hampstead forwards, by loose tactics, had Old Boys again defending, and Mulh.i'n and Cowan dived over together. Fountain missed the kick. Hampstead 14, Old Boys 5. Hampstead now Beemed to have the upper hand, their forwards pushing Old Boys' van almost at will. Old Boys were faring bettor in the line-outs. Play hung in Hampstead'e twenty.flve, where Old Boys Instituted a number of rearguard movements, but the play invariably broke down befor it reached the wingers, either because of faulty handling or determined tackling. However, Old Boys were awarded a penalty, and Farr put over a good kick. Hampstead 14, Old Boyß 8. The Hampstead backs went away in a passing movement, Stephen being noticeable in a good run. Hampstead lost possession and Old Boys were away. Robilliard looked like scoring, but was well marked and play coneluded in Hampstead's .territory. Mr C. S. Chambers was referee. The exhibition of football seen at the match Was anything but spectacular, only occasional glimpses of good open play being exhibited during the whole of the match. The tackling of both sides, gonorally, was fairly good, Old Boys being a little better if anything, and this factor kept the score against them reasonably low. As an attacking side, however, they were far below their usual form. Their best backs in this connexion Wore Nleoll and Ttoblllinrd, with Todd a good second. The latter wa» for the most X'art watching tho opposition ins.uo bauin, Day and Stephen, ond both tasted tho hardness of his Hying tackles. Millichamp, who played second five-eighths for Old Boys, was their weak link, and it was hero that moat of their passing movements broke down. lie retrieved his mistakes a little by his good defensive play, but Old Boys believe that the best defence is attack, and in this department ho was out of hie class. Field, who played on the opposite wing to Robilliard, had few opportunities, but his handling was not too sure. Old Boys' half-back, Hynam, was alwayß in the middle of tho tight work, and in spite of the fact that ho received a severe gruelling from the Hampstead forwards, he camo out with flying colours. M. Heenan, at full-back, made few mistakes, and on the whole put up a creditable performance for a young player. The best forward for Old Boys was the captain of tho team, Farr, who was in tho thick of the fray from whlstlo to whistle. The rest of the pack, inspired by his good example, fought hard to pull the game out of the (Ire, but their offorts wore unavailing against tile heavy Hampstead pack. It would bo unfair to pick and choose among tho othors, an 81 worked untiringly against heavy odds. Hampstead had a rearranged nnd mucn improved rearguard. As usual, Day, «r five-eighths, was the leader of the back " IV •' ion, being always where he was w'lst " , .i." His suro handling in difficult positions B°f Side Out of difficulties on several Howe, on I-lampstead's right wing, w easily tho best >vlng "' r «°;l uttrlcr , „' d Acid. He was at home both on attack defence, and his try in the comer during the first spell was one of the bes ' *° B ? r 011 tho Show Grounds this season. Alo * a "' lor 1 l t0 the other wing, did not have much work t do? but was quite fair. Fountaln at coB re, Was safe, but Stn'hen at fivo-eig 't , was rather patchy. Tait ( hol '; b * c 7 nuE ht in backs well and was very " el<l S m fullpossession behind the enr . u \" - • ™ was back, although a promoted junior payer quite good, and deserved Ins l " Ll,^° n llampteam. Mulhern wa R .o Wof the stead forwards, -Kith Gou« y 13ulprominent in the loose, and Lou an gess in tlio tight. RAKAIA (0) V. HINDS (!»)• The match between Hinds »» d 11 . b: Suited played on the lattor s gro u a keen irt a win for the ««»«*• "Vloth sets of struggle, by 6 P o '"* 3 t <• having r , ioa^ t wr d k n %«?rr>/c|au£n: , c. SKMi. 3^"£up?e"»«i pick of the homo team. Mr Burgess referee.

MAYFIEIiD (8) v. METHVEN (5). There was ft large ottendanCo ot Mriyficltt to witness the match between Mayfleld and Methven, which wi a very »t«nuouß game, and full of casualties. At tho outset Methven faced tho sun. and a strong nor west wind, which marred the match throughout. The Mayfield forwards carried the play into the Methven twenty-flvo, and from ft loose scrum G. Murdoch Bcored within « few minutes of tho opening. Play Centred round «i<l field tor a time, until Blue (-.layfield) took tho ball to the territory of the opposition, but Watson saved. Whiting was prominent in ensuing play and crossed the line, but • scrum at five yards was ordered. Only good defensive tactics on tho part of Methven kept their opponents from scoring on several orobslons. Burgess (Mayfield) was utißUQCGßfiful at goaling frbtti a mflfK. A knock-on by Talnui spoilt a good P»*sing rush, which was Instituted by Mavflcld. The Methvon forwards took control of the match and compelled their opponents to retire into their own twenty-five, but Pagan saved with • line kick From a free kick Mothven gained ground, but Burgess (Mayfield) saved splendidly. At this stage D. McDonald (Methven) retired owing to an injured collarbono, and was replaced by A. McDonald. Mo* Lauchlan (Mayfleld's full-back) "tired shortly after with injuries to his head,' Edmonds t?oing on in his place. From play near tho Methven goal Tainui was unsuccessful with a shot for a field goal. W. Cain (Methven), who also Injured a collarbone, was replaced by McKendry. Mayfield continued to press and Methven sought relief in a force. Burgess (Mayfleld) failed with • field kick at goal. White came away from a good passing rush and a splendid opportunity was lost by Marsh when his pass went astray while Methven wan in a rooo ecorine position. Methven was awarded a freo klclc In a handy position, but the strength of the wind prevented the ball from going over. Within art ade of scoring Marsh was tackled fiva yards from the line, and the relief kl"k went the full length of tho field. From a looso rash In Methven's territory O. Whiting came through with the ball at toe and scored a try, which was not converted. On resuming after half-time Mayfleld applied tho pressure, but wero held in check by good tackling. The Methven forwards broke through, resulting in Dnlton almost crossing. Guthrie broke away and was well supported by Whiting. Methvon camO again, however, and a passing rush resulted in Lllley scoring a try. which was converted by Marsh. McCormlck (Methven) was conspicuous in taking play to the Mayfleld line, where a certain try was provented by Tainui, who kicked into the dead area. Mayfleld returned to the attack and a-combined effort by Tainui, White, and 0. Whiting terminated In Fagan crossing, but a scrum at five yards was awarded. Tims sounded with no alteration In the score. Mr 0. wellman was referee. Whiting and Murdoch in the forwards, and Tainui and White in the backs were conspicuous In the Mayfleld team, while Lsmb, McCormlck, Ijllley, and Marsh were tho best of the Methven team. OTHER GAMES. Junior Grade—Playing at Lowcliffe, Allenton defeated the homo team by 12 points to 3 - Mr B. Brown was referee. Hampsteod defaulted to Kakala. The match between Old Boys and SpringAiS 2 e °1 " 1B 'otter's ground, was won wL ? l oys t ,L y 5 P° !nt s to 3. For tho winners Cornish scored a try, which Bradford convorted. fJi 0 "?' Some " dr ,™ with Methven on the ° r r V r r^ th <> eoore bcil) g 8 points e J- MoMillan was referee. Bov« ft. ST a u e Tu lle , nton 0 - Technical Old ?i. Wd 15 ' **'""* " Basketball. Rf^lv,l n if 8 ? ma " ; w . e . r « 80BD In the Ashburton B ?° oiatl °n s competitions on w*« ® gr ° asy Btat e 02 the ground was not conducive to accurate play. The !™ ?,' Wt>tion is now In an interesting position, Technical Old Girls and Convent Old , with Bix points, High School and Kiwi being nest with five and a half points. The junior competition was won by Hinds, Who secured 10J points without being beaten. Kiwi A have 9, and Technical A 8. Results:— Seniors—High School 10, Technical 14; St. Stephen's 8, Kiwi 6; Convent Old Girls 8, Technical Old Girls 6. St. Stephen's, in a postponed match, beat Convent Old Girls by 6 to 3. Juniors: Kiwi A 16, High School A 6; Technical C 8, Convent 7; Technical B 10, High School B 7; Hinds 9, Convent Old Girls 3; Technical A 17, St. Stephen's 4; Methven 9, Kiwi B 2. Golf. Over 40 members of the Ashburton Golf Club took part in the match, president v. captain, on Saturday afternoon. Tho course was in good order. The match was won by the president's team by la points to 6. Men's Hockey. Two matches were played in the men's hockey competitions on Saturday, when the grounds were in good order. The game between Ashburton A and B teams, piayed at the Ashburton Domain, resulted In a draw, the score being 3 all. Play was fairly even, and at the end of the first spell the A's held the advantage, scoring 3 goals to B's 2. Daring the second spell the B's evened the score. For the A's, 'goals were obtained by Butterick (2) and Taylor (!)■

trliile HObbn (3) and Coker (1) Bcorcd for B »• There was a tendenoy on the part of the players to give sticks, and obstruction by turning on the ball. The forwards, particularly the A's, fulled to keep in positions, thereby losing many oppor tuflitlet. The halve* on both sides did not know their respective positions, and fulled to bask up the forwards. The full-backs on both sides kept to their positions fairly Mil. particularly Pearce, who played an outstanding gome for the A's. The goalkeeper for the B's should learn to keep his position. Of the forwards, Gower and Hobbs for the B's, and Butterlck for the A s, played well. Mr 111. M. Gabltes was referee. Playing at Rakaia, Methven beat Rakaia by 4 goals to 1, in a same that was more even than tho scores indicate. The referee was Mr H P. Cooke. ladies' Hockey. _ Light rain made the grounds heavy, particularly at Hinds, for hockey matches <>n Saturday. Senior grades—The match between Rakaia and Tinwald, played at Tinwald, resulted in a draw, each side scoring 3 goals. Considering tho State of the ground tho game was fast and open. Sfidrers for Tinwald were Misses M. Henderson (2) and I. Hocking. Miss 0. Shannon shot two goals for Rakaia, and Miss J. Brown one. Mr M. Baker was referee. Hinds met Methven, at Hinds, nnd won by 4 goals to 2. The heavy nature of the ground was not conducive to fast play. For Hinds, Mlstsee A, Donaldson and J. Watson, one each, and Mrs Hanna, two, scored, while for Methven, goals were shot by Misses J. Burrows aud i. Dalton. Mr E. Davidson tvas referee. Playing at Mt. Homers, the home team defeated High School by 7 goals to 1. The ground was rough, nscessitoting hard hitting, subsequently combination waa lacking. Mr G._ L, Buftbh was referee. Junior Grade—LauristOD played May field, at LaurUton, and after a good game the home team won by 8 goals to 1. Misses S. Law (2) and E. Lemon shot goals for Lauriston, while Misg B. Richardson scored for Mayfleld. Mr J. Cook wob referee. Baring square defeated Old Girls by 7 goals to 1 at Ashburton. The scorers were Misses M. 'Money (3), D. Fowke (2). V. Woodyatt, and M. Wilson (1 6aoh). Miss I. Watson scored for Old Girls. Mr 0. Bishop was referee. Playing at Ashburton, High School defeated Hinds by '1 goal, shot by Miss W. Pilbrow, to nil. Mr 0. Bishop was refsree. The game between Wakanul and Lowcllire, played at Wakanui, was willing throughout. Misses B. Brown (2) and M. Protheroa (1) scored for Wakanul. Mr Moor was referee. MT. SOMERS. To celebrate their anniversary, the Mount Somers Girl Guides held • birthday party. Miss Bramley Cocks and Mrs J. H. Grigg attended and enrolled five new Guides and Beven Brownies. Miss Cocks also gave a talk on "Guide Work" and congratulated the local members upon their successful achievement. Afternoon tea, at which mothers of the Guides and Brownies were present, was provided by the Guides, »t which a birthday cake, given bv Mrs F. Gifkins, was cut. Sweets were provided by Mrs G. L. Button. During the afternoon Miss T. Gifkins, on behalf of the Guides, made a presentation to Miss A. Webster (captain of the company), who is leaving the district, in recognition of her untiring services on benalt of the movement. Miss M. Bland has been appointed captain of the company, and Miss K. Bland is in charge of the Brownies. At the weekly Bhoot of the Mount Somers Miniature Rifle Club, the third of a four nights' trophy shoot was fired in conjunction with shoots for the Woolmers and W. N. Hood Memorial Cups. Best scores were: Seniors: W. Smith 69. J. Gorrie 68, C. Gluyas 67. B. Hood 66, C. Gluyas 65, H. Hood 64, W. Morgan, W McClimont, L. Hood, and W. Smith 63, O. Robinson 62. Juniors: G. Marsh and T. Morgan 37, G. Green 86. The first meeting of the Mount Somers Women's Institute was held in the library. Mrs W. T. Goodrich presided. Three new members— Mesdames J. Mears, A. B. Lockhead. and H. Alexander—were elected. A competition, "Something New from 6ome>-

thing Old," was won by Mra G. L. Nell. The hostesiea were MoadanloS Goodrich and H. M. Cocks, At the weekly social of the Mount Somers Ladies' Hookey Club, prises for competitions were won by Mra H. Hepburn and Mr T. Kerr, consolation prizes Deing awarded to Miss M. McFarlane and Mr S. Hood. The annual ball of the Mount Somers Ladies* Hockey Club waa largely attended. Danoe music was supplied by Mrs Mitchell'a Orchestra (Ashburton). Mr N. Beckley was M.O. CHERTSEY. There was a large attendance at the euchre and dance evening at Ghertaey. Messrs Holland, Cain, and Wilkinson controlled the euchre games, the winners of which were: Ladies, MUs Eva lJoig (Pendarves) 1, Mrs S. HurSt (Pendarves) 2. Men: L. Gould LA. l>oig 2. After supper, JMr H. R. Wilkinson, on behalf of the committee, thanked everyone for attending in such large numbers to support the library. He also thanked the following for donations: Messrs Robinson, Mason. Lynch, H. M. Jones (Ashburton), Whitcombe and Tombs, Ltd., (Christchurch), and Miss V. Cain. An enjoyable dance followed, Mr Cain being M.C. Mr .Rankin supplied the music. The lucky spot waltß WHS WOn by Miss V. Cain and Mr A. RobinEOh. DORIE. A penguin was found by Mr F. Alex* nnder on the property of Mr C. Woods. The bird was full grown and in good condition, the plumage being quite free from oil. The bird, on being taken to tho beach, made straight out to sea. LAURISTON. The bachelors' ball was held on Thursday evening, and all present, including visitors from Christchurch, Methven, Ashburton, and surrounding districts, appeared to have a jolly evening. , Messrs Forrest, Latham, and L. Wilkes were M.C.'s, the music be» ing supplied by Mrs Mitchell's Band. The Monte Carlo waltz was Won by Miss S. Law and Mr R. McPhail. The lucky spot waltz was won by Miss Middleton and Mr McCrae. Mr Forrest Let ham, on behalf of the bachelors, welcomed all present. Later, Mr H. Crothers, jun., on behalf of the guests, thanked the bachelors for the most enjoyable dance, and expressed the Jhope that a return dance would follow. RAKAIA. A football match between the Rokeby and Rakaia Schools was played on the Domain at Rakaia on Saturday morning, and resulted in A win for the.Rokeby boys by 17 pointa to three. The Rokeby team were faster than Rakaia, and played a better combined game. Tries were scored for Rokeby by A. Alexander (2), \V. Honeywell, J Magson, and L Burrowes. One try was converted by L. Burrowes. Mr M. P. Cooke was referee. A men's hockey match was played on the Domain on Saturday afternoon betwen the Methven and Rakaia teams. The gamp resulted in a win for Meth. ven by 4 goals to one. Mr. M. P. Cooke waa referee.

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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19985, 21 July 1930, Page 5

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MID-CANTERBURY Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19985, 21 July 1930, Page 5

MID-CANTERBURY Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19985, 21 July 1930, Page 5