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The Lady Editor will be pleased to receive for publication in the "Women's Corner" items of social or personal news. Such items shou.d be fully authenticated, and engagement notices must bear the signatures of both parties. Correspondence is invited on any matters affecting, or of Interest to. women. Dr. and Mrs P. L. Foote (Westport), who have been visiting Christchurch, are returning to the West Coast to-day. Mrs Neil Eattray (Waimate) is visiting her mother, Mrs George Helmore, Fendalton. Mr and Mrs G. H. Gothard (Westport), who have been visiting Mrs G. McElwee, Cashmere Hills, left for Wellington last night. Mr and Mrs H. Nahr (Westport), who are the guests of their daughter, Mrs W. J. Meyer, Cashmere Hills, are leaving to-morrow evening for Wellington. Mr and Mrs Ben Howell (Cave), who have been staying with Mrs George Rhodes, "Beverley," Fondalton, returned homo yesterday. Miss Mary - Richardson and Miss Mary Preedy (Wellington), who liavo been visiting Christchurch, left for the north last night. Miss Jenkins, who has been spending a few days with her brother at Glendore, Hororata, left for the south yesterday. The engagement is announced of Isabel MacNaughton, youngest daughter of Mrs Stewart, Fendalton, and the late Mr Colin Stewart, to Allan Townshend, younger son of Mrs Joseph D'Ath, Palmerston North. The engagement is announced of Clarice Evelyn, -third daughter of Mr and Mrs A. T. Brooks, Keefton, to Cecil Stanley, youngest son of Mr and Mrs S. N. Eobinson, Hereford street, Christ- ' church. The City Council passed a motion last evening expressing its sincere sympathy with Mr C. Hadfield, of the Town Clerk's department, in the death of his mother. Miss Naomi Pratt (Dunedin) is staying at the United Service Hotel. The latest arrivals at the Hotel Federal include Mr E. W. Simpson (Timaru), Mr and Mrs J. G. Scales (Kaikoura), and Miss E. Templeton (Kaikoura).

MOST DANGEROUS MONTHS. It is during the bleak months of July and August that children need the protection of vitamins most of all, the vitamins that are stored by the sun in the golden oat, transferred in its full purit.v to Red Diamond Flakies, the vitamin delicious breakfast food which cieates rich blood, strong bones, and sound teeth. —1 EXIT THE HOT WATER BOTTLE. The old-fashioned Hot Water Bottle loses its heat and its popularity about 2 a.m. Not so with the Milliwatt Electric Heating Cushion. It heats instantly with the touch of a switch—it stays hot as long as you wish. It is also splendid for relieving Rheumatism, ©tc. New stocks have just arrived at E. Cameron Smith's. Chemist, Cathedral sauare. ~-6 First Hoarder: "What! You say that your Unique Hot Water Bottle keeps hot longer than any you have ever hadP Just how long does it keep warmP" Second Boarder: "I couldn't tell yon —you see I get up at 6.30 a.m. and my Unique is still quite warm then." —6 Superfluous hair destroyed by "Rusma" (Regd.). Signed, stampea, guaranteed cure, £5 12s 6d. Florence Hullen, C.M.D., 7 Courtenay place, Wellington. Send stamped addressed envelope for particulars. —6 STEAM WAVING PROVES POPULAR. The New Macdonald Steam process waving apparatus recently installed by Messrs R. and M. Beattie, the wellknown hair specialists, is proving immensely popular. Complete, perfect waves can be had for only three guineas, and with this process no wires or electricity comes within two feet of the head. 'Phone 30-988 for an appointment., R. and M. Beattie, above Chiwiatl and Stewart, 748 Colombo street. —2

FIRST AID IN THE LATTNDRY. S.O.S. WASHING POWDER. S.O.S. enables von to do the washing in half the time, for it does awav with the necessity for scrubbina and rubbing. Clothes need to be only boiled when S.O.S. is used Does not roiifben the bands-—vonr grocer sells S.O.S. Write for free sample to. N.Z. Refrigerating Co., Ltd., 159 Hereford street, Christcburch. —2

NO WINTER ILLS! Decide now that you will not have chapped hands and lips this winter. Keep the skin clean and healthy by rubbing in a little Sydal before going into the cold wind, and again before you retire. A healthy skin will resist the tendency to crack. Remember, Sydal. —3

The approach of winter stresses the desirability of seasonable Fur Wear. We invite your inspection of an exclusive selection of coats, necklets, etc., which we have priced at the loweßt possible figure for quick clour ance. We specialise in renovations. The London Fnr Co., 118 Armagh street; 'Phone 87-328. A few doors from Armstrongs. —1 BIRTHDAY PARTY. A pleasant evening was spent at the residence of Mr and Mrs F. W. Chambers, to celebrate the seventeenth birthday of their daughter, tyetta. Dancing and games, were enjoyed, the music being supplied by Mr J. Benard and Mrs S. Bull. Miss Edna Bull danced a step-dance. The Monte Carlo was won by Miss Ella Winter and Mr A. Winter. Those present included Mr and Mrs F. W. Chambers, Mr and Mrs S. E. Bull, Mr and Mrs B. Hulbert, Mr and Mrs A. Winter, Mr W. Plaskett, Mr and Mrs Minchington, Misses Netta Chambers, Lily Chambers, Ella Winter, May Odger'i, Phillis Odgers, Tessie Smith, Winnie Arnold, Lulu Marriott, Doris Luke, Clarice Luke, Flossie Brooks. Edna Bull, Joan Bull, Messrs Arthur Chambers, S. Winter, Alan Wright, Norman Tully, Stan Plaskett, Ernest Newman, C. Crouch, Cyril Sweeney, Jack Savage, Harry Linoise, Jack Schduel, Gerald Benard* and Master Foster Bull.


MRS CATHERINE MARY GUTHRIE. A wide circle of friends learned with deep regret of the death of Mrs Catherine Mary Guthrie, widow of Mr James Steele Guthrie, one time editor of The Pbesj, which occurred on Sunday at 9 Carlton MilJ road, Merivale. Mrs Guthrie had been m delicate health for some time, but the illness that ended fatally had lasted only a fortnight. Mrs Guthrie was the daughter ol Mr J. J. f'itzgibbon, a former Chief Postmaster at Christchurch, and was born in London, but was quite young when she landed with her parents at Auckland. She married Captain William Reynolds, master of the Countess of Kintore, but was left a widow shortly afterwards. Towards, the end of the '7o's she married Mr J. S. Guthrie who, after holding the positions of accountant and business manager of The Press, became editor in 1878, a position ne held till 1894, when he resumed the position of manager, which he held till his death m 1900. Mrs Guthrie was a working member of the Canterbury Society of Arts and exhibited landscapes in water colours. She is survived by three sons and three daughters. The sons are Messrs J. S. Guthrie, the well-known architect, of Christchurch; Mr Nigel Guthrie, one of the engineers at the New Zealand Refrigerating Company's Imlay Works, Wanganui; and Mr Maurice Guthrie, architect, of Brisbane. The daughters are: Mrs Shilton, of Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, and Misses G. K. and Nellie Guthrie, of Merivale, Christchurch. Two sons fell in the Great War—Edmund, who was with the Austra'ian troops at the Gallipoli landing, and George, who was with the New Zealand Howitzer Battery at the first battle of the Somme. Another son, David, saw service with the New Zealand Rifle Brigade and died about three years ago from an illness contracted while at tho front. The interment, which was private, took place yesterday at the Linwood Cemetery, where the service was conducted by the Rev. C. E. Perry, Vicar of St. Michael's. Wreaths were sent by the following: —Mrs A. R. Fleming and Miss Fleming. Mr, Mrs W. T., and Miss Charlewood, Mr and the Misses Way, Mr and Mrs C. Buchanan, Professor A. Wall, tho Christchurch Press Co., patients and staff of Rannerdale Home, Mrs Tredwell, Mr and Mrs D. E. Millar, Mr and Mrs Wyn Irwin, Mrs Lewin, Mr and Miss Salter. Mr and Mrs George Way, Mrs John Duncan and family. Mr J. S. Middleton and familv. Red Cross Depot Workers, M iss Middleton, Miss F. Farrow. Mr and Mrs E. L. Knight. Misses P. and E. Holmes, Miss Tosswill, Mr and Miss ' Ash worth, Mrs C. F. Smith, Mrs McLean. Miss M. L. G. Holmes. Mrs P. I Wynn Williams, and Mrs Sanderson.


The Canterbury Women Teachers' Association entertained the senior women students of the Training College at a very pleasant party held at the Cadena tea-rooms. After Miss M. Harvey, president of the Association, had welcomed the guests, much amusement was caused by various games and competitions. An enjoyable concert programme was given by Miss H. Hutt, Miss Will, and Miss Mcllae, who sang pleasingly, Miss Beck, who played a piano solo, the Misses Pollard, who sang a duet, and Misses A. and G. Morgan, who contributed a short dramatic sketch. Miss A. C. Pinlayson briefly outlined the aims and activities of the Women Teachers' Association, and invited the students, on leaving Training College, to become members.

After supper had been served Miss A. McKenzie, vice-president of the Students' Association, thanked the hostesses on behalf of her fellow studonts.

CANCER CAMPAIGN FUND. The members of the Cancer Campaign Committee, at their meeting to be held to-day, expect to receive substantial returns from the canvassers who have been working, during (.the past few weeks, on the thirty-four City and suburban blocks. ... On Friday, a street collection, in aid of the fund, will be held, and a gratifying number of volunteers have undertaken to collect in the City t< The •Mothers' Union will be responsible for providing collectors at Ballantynes cor- , ner, and the Y.W.C.A. at Stewart Dawson's corner In Victoria square the wives of the local doctors are holding a sale of cakes, fruit, and produce, including many cases of Nelson apples. The stall will be in charge of Mesdames H. Wales, E. C. Hayes, J. W. Orawshaw, and P. Stanley Foster. Mrs ~rnest Cooke, of Lincoln, will _ collect produce from the country districts for the sale.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ASSISTANCE. Mr E. H. Wyles, secretary of the British Empire Cancer Fund, has received from Mrs W. J. Hunter a cheque for £66 7s Bd, being the proceeds of the children's fancy dress dance organised by her and held in the Winter Garden on Saturday, June 28th. The total expenses were £9. lis. The grateful thanks of the Committee of the Cancer Fund are due to Mrs W. J. Hunter for organising this successful fancy dress dance, and also to the following:— Ernest Adams. Ltd., cakes; Josephine's, cakes; Ballantyne:), cakes and prizes; Para Rubber Co., balloons; Mr E. J. Johnson, balloons; Mason, Struthers, novelties; Aulsebrook's, prizes; A. J. White's, loan of brantub and prizes; D.1.0., gifts of bran-tub and fishing pond; Christchurch Press Co., Ltd., printing tickets; Weeks, Ltd., printing handbills; Hunter Sign Co., posters; Mrs Saxby, sandwiches and milk; Perfection Ice Cream, ice-cream and cones; Ballin Bros., Bert Lamport's Band, Mr Coates, Mr Barnard, Mr Scarf; Miss Iris Edmonds, ballets; Miss B. Macdonald, ballets; Bradburys (florists), bouquets; Bristol, fre* booking; Buchanan (Sumner), buns; all ladies who so kindly gave cakes and sold tickets; Stacey and Hawker, bread; Rattray and Co., jelly crystals; Central Dairy, butter; Bishop Brodie, contribution, £5; Mr H. 0. East, contribution, £1; Miss Bowkor. contribution, £1; Lady Clifford, contribution, £l.' m:r r. l. ronaldson, —S Treasurer.

national council op WOMEN.

The monthly meeting of the Christchurch branch of the National Council of Women was held in the Chamber of Commerce, the following societies being represented: —W.C.T.U., Women Teachers, Social Hygiene, Mothers' Union, Protection of Women and Children Women Citizens, Tree Kindergarten G.F.S., Federation of University Women, Eugby street Women's Guild, Canterbury Women's Club, Humanitarian Society, Open-Air Schools' League, and a number of associate members. Apologios were received from several members. Correspondence was read from the Women Citizens' Association, Girl Guides, Homo Science Association, and the Cancer Campaign Committee. In connexion with tho last-named, members willing to help with the street collection were asked to hand in their names to Mrs Spence Clark. The president congratulated Mrs T. E. Taylor and Mrs Green on their appointment as Magistrate's Associates on the Children's Courts. Miss Hull and Miss Sim, delegates to the coming PanPacific Women's Conference, were also congratulated. Tho members wished them a pleasant journey and a profitable time at Honolulu. Mr and Mrs Keys were then introduced. Mr Keys spoke on vocational guidance, explaining how he began the work five years ago in connexion with the Y.M.C.A. and tracing the development of the wgrk since then. Mr Keys stressed the need of parents and children for reliable information regarding kinds of employment, training required, payment, and opportunities later. Some discussion followed. Mr Keys was warmly thanked for his interesting and helpful address. It was decided to continue the discussion on this subject at the next meeting.


The kindly thought and the generous hospitality of Mr M. H. Godby, captain of the Christchurch Golf Club, and Mrs Godby, were responsible for a number of the members of the British football team spending a very happy day at the Shir.ey links yesterday. Mr Godby arranged a four-ball match between a team of eight visitors and eight members of his own club, Mrs Godby invitwl a number of young lady golfers to act as caddies, and a very pleasant afternoon was spent by all. The first foui to drive off were Messrs G R. Beamish and J. L. Farrcll (British) and Messrs R. A. Wilson and L. Dougall (Christchurch). These were followed, at short intervals, by Messrs C. D. Aarvold and B. H. Black (British) and Messrs T. W. Woodroffe and W. Harnian (Christchurch), Messrs T E. Joncs-Davies and H. C. S.Jones (British) and Messrs M. H. Godby and M. O'Rorke (Christchurch), and Messrs J. Baxter and H. M. Bowcott (British) and Messrs I). Wood and J. Donald (Christchurch). After the match, which was won by the local team, all the players and the caddies were entertained at tea by Mr and Mrs Godby, the tables being gay with yellow narcissi. Those present besides the players and other members of the British football team were Miss J. Wilkin (captain of the Christchurch Ladies' Golf Club), Miss Maberley Beadcl (honorary secretary), Mrs J. E. Donald, Misses Halmai Loughnan, Betty Rutherford, Botty Kiver, M. Stevens, Olive Stevens, Betty Webb, Edna White-Parsons, and Dulcie Fleetwood.

ANNUAL BALL. First-class arrangements by a very capable committee, spirited >music by the Bnilev-Marston orchestra, and a general air of friendliness and festivity made the annual ball of the New Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Association of Canterbury. Ltd.. an outstanding success. The pleasant gathering was held at the Winter Garden, wnere an original not® was struck in the appropriate decorations which consisted of golden sheuves of wheat, tied with ribbons of salmon and black, the Association's colours, while overhead swayed bunches of opalescent balloons, in the supper-room the vases, decorated with mauve and white daisies, were, banded with salmon and black.

The members of the dance committee were Mr J. H. Cunningham (chairman), Mrs E. Petersen, Misses M. Thomas, L Heath, L. Vidulicb, E. Pawley, Messrs J. Broome, _J. A. Jamieson, S. Hancock, A. Dixon, A. Stokes, with Mr A. Cooper Is secretary, and Mr B. H. Clark as treasurer. Amongst the dancers were many visitors from the country. Amongst those nresent were Mr and Mrs J H Cunningham, Mr and Mrs H. J. Butler, Mr and Mrs G. H. Watts, of the Christchurch branch, Mr and Mrs A. Shaw (Leeston), Mr 6. Woodham (Leeston), and Mr W. A. McKinney (Rangiora). The ladies present included Mesdames J. A. Jamieson. S. A. Hancock, R. W. Smith lAshburton), F. 8. Griffiths, H. Woodard. H. Stevens. J. E. Queree, E. Petersen, Carl Jerman, C. H. Roberts, Alan Hutchins, H. F. Browne Misses Peggy Chandler, Mary Murchie. Sally Doyle, Eve Philpott, D. Carter, E. Eksterbrook, Lila Eldridge, Lily Kinsella. Una Duggan, Daphne Labv, Eileen Coffey. E. Stevenson, G. Nankivell, Ella Winter. Meg Grigor, lluth Main, M Watkins (llangiora), Marget McGrath (Rangiora), F. Beaton, Dorothy Swarbrick, Frances Davies, Elsie Keen, Mae Heath, Joan Malcolmson, Katherine Hardie, Mona Blair, Mary Wall. M. Steer, Hilda Archer (Rangiora), Aileen Archer (Rangiora), Vonnie Coard, Jean Young (Rangiora), Doreen Glubb, Marjorie Thomas, Myra Macneill. Theresa Mullins, Helen Flint, Freda Halford, Irene Tilleyshort, Enid McNish, Vera Phelps, Olive King, Dorothy Seymour, Ethel Moreland, Eileen Ives, Vera and Hazel Smith (Ashburton). Myrtle Powley, Winifred Hignett, Jean Jardine, Nancy Poynton, Agnes Vidulieh, Avril Nunes, Nancy Thomas, Elsie Scott, Amy Prestney (Rangiora), Dorothy Rowe, Jean Rutherford, Alice Gofton, Madge Mailinson, Ethel Shearsby, Beatrice Shearsby, Ruth Berryman, Irene Morris. Poppie McNish. Valerie Columbus, I. Berryman, Elfreda Morland, Olive Highsted. A. Parkin, Pleades Hancock, Thelma Woodham, Doris Stewart, Mildred Flindle. Jean Hansen, Myrtle Cameron, K. Thornton, Marjorie Wood. Enn Shave. Ida Bradford Bessie Mncfarlane. Doris Wansbrough, Joan Daly, Maude Aurisch, Gracie Moulin. R. Enelish, N. English, Wynne Heaphy, Pearl Black, W. MfNish. Lilian Mcßean (Leeston), Eileen Curran (Leeston), Monica McUroy, and Alma Stewart.

A BRIDGE PARTY. Mrs Percy Baines, Christ's College, was hostess last night at an enjoyable bridge party. The guests included Mrs Peter Hall, Mrs Guy Cotterill, Mrs John Moore, Mrs Leo Cooke, Miss Olive Mcllraith, Miss Betty Butherford Miss Margaret Anderson, Messrs Heathcote Helmore, Peter Hall, Wyn Cowlishaw, Guy Cotterill, John Moore, Bernard Savill, and Leo Cooke.

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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19974, 8 July 1930, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19974, 8 July 1930, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19974, 8 July 1930, Page 2