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RACING FIXTURES. ti— pani&fa J,O, f, 10, 12—Wellington K-.0. t7i 19—OisTiorn.e H.O. 19—W«1mite Bant, tn OihiKrtiiry' liußt. im *l—M»n«witu. R.O. ■ t&kii Hsn« Ohti. Mftttt >—W*iiin«r«ttt ft J?. «ratasiffe «t AifdiK «8—?»*"«»/« Hint. pKif 88.—Hi#W« Biy .Rofii 2»i«t B.C. Itff&sf if^-Vem«rfrk« Hunf.taofTING FIXTURKS. tUf 3oi\tj CTu"b. TURF GOSSIP. Nominations for the Manawafti MisCliib's Wintdr Meeting close fo-daj". Next wfeek in Wellington will i»e i hbsy one for those in eo&trol of rdcinjf in New Zealand. On jrfonday, the Date# Committee of the llacirig Con/cr<iil6e will tnecf to eorisidef gcasoa's racifig fixtufei. tins SSiibii Meeting of the New Zealand Hunts' Association will take place on Taesdny evening, and the annual conference of fie Country Racing Cllußs' Assdciafion will be held OK Wednesday tnofning. The most important Meeting, that of the Racing Conference, is timed to open if 9.50 a.m. on Friday. Pr&violis to ffiis, at 9 a.m., a special meeting will be Held for fhe purpose of filling the vacancy in the office tit pfeiiderit, titised by the death of Sir Geovjru Clifford,

Favoural/le conditions prevailed for training operations at Biccarton yesterday, and somfe interesting work by the horses engaged at the Wellingtdn meeting was executed on the inside of tte trial grnsd. Bididtd Orbs allotted a strong fefrdii over & mile, fle has siiolifrii flo sifDs of lameness slnco faeifig if AsiNorton, Jnd promise# td be 8t hi# bc'it fol his Tirentham engagements. Hbfly Burly ran half a mile alorie bteK Ih do. S SaßaiviSioh went f&gt for the £ftt fiilf ai & Sii : £tiri6dg taSfe, tint alowiid Oirftii in the run hoine, the dlitalfiSd t iking 1.2 a 1-5. Painkiller showed Better fetni thitri Wr Tueaday 6y reeling bft hdW a ffilit) I# 49 3-5, aftdr running off the gr&ki ftta 16 the J>ldugh & few itridei from £Be M«t> Sh6 Will cofltSSt the IfdHce HAndieap oil thfe MwoBS d&y jtf frehInam, and it-ill be ridden by H< Yourtg. tSntrick stretle over half k ihil6 eeinin 51 8-5 # aid First Sight eoVmi th* same ground in 53 £-6. aiid Dtt&raven, f*Bn( 4 fiittJfeeted iitart, recorded 1.6 2-8 f6t fiVo the last half tik'Mief Bt Semper ParatfaS did Ban«iig6 Wete Sponsible for a e tForf over it furlddgSi &n!e£ing abirdast ia. 1.18 S-fi. Btoiset > Paratud otii f«irk in an ittirjibtif# mftiiMfj his fniure career is fjfomising;. „ Desett Stltti Bitsliy ade6iuit«<l f«r ftiku over 18 1.18 4-k the former II very well it present, aiid should 4&#ft sdihe at ftenthaih. Tuku/s display was ditoppeinting. AiaoHfct covered t£6 &M Mli of a • mm tkbk ifi 50 §-6( but #&« SteSdidd dbm Vftfen |dinS9 By Si tlio iHHf' thß 1811 dliteacri 66««f*itfd *i#« Jf-5j M&stSr iMftm and EaSeai gillc.fcd 4r* ffirloh|3 !B IM. fhd l6f£tf? &ud ffdlliii Will raee it Wsttiiit&nj and %rll{ be f. P. Clatiage's iole Hfeeßetttat!V6 ft( Okfaaffi, wß6fe fee Vjill Ift ridden bjr A. E. Miisj Wfeo SWo tttfta Mgkgea fa ffimtmrn &&i fair M&ne}-.

Lord UaaaM {W. Scobie) WU allotted a Solid schooling tAsk 6V& *UVeii »f *tiA Qteepfo&hase fence* He i« midmaty sbiiiSy, feieepi f»r MighUy . Arid hitting the add #&1 in both THUjAi*, lord BAnald bdd %4ee en ihrfcdghout thaift in, Bis pi«ivi*slia 4ta&y, An 4 showfed lltle ilgiis lit liUtresi od Ratling tip RfilfAtfgd <l. fils&BJ £t#|fdtisef««l a fmtnd 8f «fc» «6tfHt*y in. a ialiSfadtfifj G*B*9f, jmpiis «s*h iA§t» than ftiffM* t* tb« WN&fhfflftfiA (Si ShaW), ft h&tf-brdtbsr %f %hmh&m te Osy omta &m •trained by W. J. lifcCaualatid, tftifACtdd aSiSfitiofi By hfft ai&plAy ia jiifiipiflg fit?e tmm

SbM ttbt (L. IfMI) showed Httife X is & retiad 6i the Bdrdiefc "i TM fißtftili WSHidjii foimb.miijw -■ advertiadd ft,,™ .W«b on T. breeding, and U lijiely to 4s«iSt inainiai&iag t&e repttiatidti whi^b Wij{bt iud Sa s built tig f6r.M| A.#y *" kiiofflSrS Saitafia itm Sii ■ fceaides thf iist mi *go£& « ilir aod - iSn, PHl*# wtd lepßd {hi list In #§>i is 19fi8, i IHIM i* im t and aj|aid ih iB« premier ■ in .Last Seftiob Bf n'M •*"• fijtlt 61 tho ind it is Bit 'itadl- Bare #oii i6i *««§.« W% * ¥Mne 6i fflitMi' fed vafi iftiredto tht tit tick f'dliwel's A&m, Aifd V-.-'-ijWt W Sim 6' raied dfiljr dnedy ! • ittA tße KaitUns horae M BW iSifiil Mil; Ai a raeehbrad} Pdkiidi Bad sevdrfil tat' ." 6MVf i 4 ®igi«ted/ itttitg&inji IB« Am«i »■ ikn 1 * Handicap (Barbiiry Glub), 1 .tW tiiitefc* thro« jtfi feuceiiisgioh* MiMaf Jip wdigbtt iii,. ,on i»6 UM -■ oceilsioiif giiortly After which he crtdt with M ftecident# Afid had id he rer iiie&i Mr Soherta Was therfefdrd #df IniHlte in wearing him With hii donstifntion unaffected by over-racingi diid «a " the horse has everything in lookb, coiiSid brdediiig t8 recommend Um, liig ««rvicea aro again likely to bti Availed of by oinigfS. tHNiMibail. a dinner, at WaSpa oh wmgUtrt waa ba# aiid m b* WU.H: GawpbfelJ, M>- idi? H&Wa B*jr, bat Aided by W. Btefid at Tb MM <n Htfintffifla Tdrfredd. Met iif •VMtafttf etttlftwdd #ith eofflci df th* Kffiiiy . md. as .to m credited witfa thfe M6fi«itidH iA Wtt week's race; G« thb with th« Irfch-bred Aston. Hjctdg md At Wdgga Wagga, Atfddfdiiitf to A Sydfiey writer, are mnch concerned with the omisstbii froift t)ie list of fftateab bimes publiahed ih tiia race hooks for the A.J.C. Wintfci 1 Iteeling of that credited to BAvtm-nA-Alilfi in ftinifiiHg tne Gbid Cilp At thb Murmmbidsw Tflrf Cltib's Meeting oft May 7th. Tltped, it is understood, with an minm RaWn-nn-tjlas i r*n the mile ntkl A quarter >n 2.8 1-5. I HA«r %AIAM. Arid U A fr8?t»of» fAfttcjr 1 U* I'LM At"|(S3«l^ ■ w«. Tii* omission of the perfomifykf H »rom the records is regarded As Art 18* ■ tiroation 'that the Australian Jockey HR Onb adeA not intend to recognise it.

Carbifjte M a f6ur-yea#-old was handicapped. at I&*} tor tfio Melbourne UOp'. With # buffet Roaf he carried this big.height into second place behind such a great horse its Bravo. This wsL* the (im that' Caused the ftfte Wak m to 6&jf WfeSffflsi Pft'A* laW can thai. 1. *'iff rtdiftit thai Re' is' as good aS Giarfiiie, and i!6i tiff then. Thp tfainer &f the e&nf.m & mmm #at m-1# re# Phar hip ettmilite the deed 6t fife ftor tfiW the Night Raid geldingy « fi# tf€ fipltti tS &v tUWS# cai£g<rry,. for ffie haedicarper has 1 jfmcw |tim St ia€ head of the list tof tmi at tyb h#>W m ittm,- AfcW #cmm 1&62 10-2, » WW w«ir ios, m mm i# im mite j&o f ferity «#, fm jm Ptiat & .gf&ii 6rte", .Boi hi# #6BOerfn> jftrtudiri f6trrt v»Rsri h# in in tfi£ Kitt&'s Vii£ Hip 9-f. Hii ijrt iirijidSaibW.- W fct of |6w jridges say that He! tiiail (fpfS feyditSv show's thai «Wft£ df fcne Zealand horses hate <;oirimene6d (heir Aristraliari Cfiriip'aigh.|J. Buitjestf started , Atholspear and BfeifSHHs St RosfihifJ oft June 21 St. was riot hacked, btft ihertf WW & littfe frioriey for , SpfcWririsSf. fiti jjfoiflirientlyi although fiddert by R-, .8: . Bagby, dfe'w 86Vpe' fcttefifioii fiig fifiishiriji effort. For (hiiS Canterbury Park Mefettn«» next Saturday Burgess has pratticaUj nil the tcarrt nominated, Ben Hur i,6dy Gen being in the Park a .six ftiridrip! events, Ath'otifp'&nf in the open sprint,, (ri the handicap <6l even furlongs), arid Weratsj ift e( nifte farlotis; welted A 0. Webster has Second Thought in tho Hurdle Race at this fixture, I'm Alone itt iߧ Park Stakes, Afrrfc in thd sitjntbnpi nurserv. and flee o«d rhffiijrht rfid in the riirid furlong wdtef.

.Master Lu recorded his third successive victory when ne accounted for the Te Awamutu Steeplechase at the Waipa Meeting on Saturday. He was •wdfi {« frwifc arid polled very bard over tfiQ first tiSrfc <*f the *nd his rittei ihtffi droppfrj Win in behind Wakd KjU*£ stijQ Voting Tftifrriharh. AHdiifc fit# friftengs frfrni riotnc ho mcrVfid «ind iii front aftef jumping the sewSfid {6 fertce, isoirt£ bn to #jn by a neck. H£ vfM. ndt ridden to tie Wet advantage ami covered a lot (it <**tra croiirtd, but fiis, jfjripirig wAS &oda, ttffa hi is cert&irtty «c----qui&iwWi icT the ritfik's,6f This MfiH? la engaged fit the Wellington Meeting Uria figiirt# ifl thd big st&p]6ttt6i6.dti tft,e ciplSfUlttf oiy (hfet TueMfty) #HB p, arid Willi this iihpoit Hej nitisi W Accounted to feave mdfo niM d pfa&Siftg chancy He is v'gff ,#6ll jilst So# arid shoiild ££e 6ut th« dfeMftc#. , Wf R. &i Wifiniriot?, b©tief krio»tfn ttf FfieinM. ptojlgf ififcew Zemm as Wenifigtdii yfifc. ing Ptttfcj". Hits &&Bn. Appoiflt&l fchief of the rSfiiig SH# 6f tficf U Hydrtey Stift/' ftjla te(i#Bi, te fitkis tip his ttew duties after wi# GriJfid fcatidfiiH Mating at ttirearton next month. Mr Wi>rburfcon .is a native of Christchurch aiid eddcitea it the CnriWchbfeh IJoys' High School. He. coihmericed hid WiiMflS differ fritti tfee old strtfck and Station agency firni of Pyrte afid (la., leaving«.thetr service in 1915 fo (oiii ttiS K&.E.f. Alter the 4rftiiStlcA jig returriffti to his old pbmtitffi with the amalgamated firm 6r Pyne, GSuld, Guinness, Ltd., but after some monthsjoiped, the literary staff of the "New pemnd itmm?' Amf i#« rekfit fi6 if&rimfml fo tHd literary Kt«f Ml ftti H*Mj iiia #KiW ifl tk* prfiti&f) Hi# lippSintmefif, to thfr i{ pvinm V6et t >T H jkbttm tin h&s lirl(t W wm fiiifE yeaS:

T|lOfTm<l KOTKSfc,

of tli§ gfitish footfeallefs m kc^iilj l ifitefeited lit tiid treWlflg f£6ft, aud it tt e*g«6t§d 8 fitffiftef (ft th€fii frill i* pfdSefit ft! AddifigtW tfiiei mdFftiflg M watefe tit# #6#fe; Pwiding tiib ii is efdef Fr#« fisim wifi be om wiib a big mm sad ii; W.> FrafiteJß life# t6 MMti&Jß* etteH ly iftt€rfiii«§d itt tr«ttini Md it ii MfSflpaM thtt? ffe tc«iS Will »€rfe fe *i » 4«®r tilig ft BftW Mlf fi imn hmm m »frt ja & (mi this meming it Will g§fil6ihi«i 6f esi ftfla Sffii«tßiiS|i QHiM anfeffiiii^ ta m- mum, it m ham fvef f .tHfit ifgttidd geflefttlljF will W fiWWiif fe affbfd «lt@ftftiii< m#at;

iotaumwm, warn. ftt JULIUS MACHINE. ' ' •-• (ifidii <m fori cdi&tfoiriiiiitT.) LQNOON, May 30. Major John Seai'vell Capes, presiding at (Md fifSt, dirdin&ry' geflef&f ffigeting df Totalisators, Limited, at Gannon street Umh (>B May istb, sdld thAi tB« direitAM Bfld gon* {BfdtJgH A Wf Aifcriads aid dllfctSalt um, GBidi? oMbfi M IHe afetioii of the Stick EiftßAjSgd Gdfcidiit<e& iii Aagant, i9SiB, involving much d& }Ay Afta ftsgai eipGSSSa hid been BdfiVy'i fc« deAlt it lA»gth With th* BAtfdtiA%loat» fthich had led o|r to thd pdfch&de oi the fcatdnf _ rights df the jalidd add telated tftfc fcteps ifrhich iße SoArd Md take* t6 Sgeurg Afi fifddr ist m 6t ifieif fflAehia&i if6a the i»66edtf?«e tiatteg iuafd* f Bdfe WAi od Ceiibt Whatev&f that the Jttlids machine if its supe*i6r to any otfaeir typ6 in existence, ana the directors WAre 668SSdtMiitty at A 18S& td tidderstjind Why ftp t6 the b*BSfeiit tfid fASiiig pblid Bad beefi defaafrtfdfrdm £artidipAtlng in its hdvtthfftfleSi Majof Cabea Mid that the htige niAghiAe At Ldrijjehabip, iHth A ££11? ttirndvdtf df rriore than & fiiid iaWifig «*gr 600,000 tifekbt* a Wfls in4B«iftd tdr whirifa dmjp&fed with thd eost df «hy ether fii&fehihe. '•wfeiie we #<sgret ««f isiiufe ui jwt ilh ofde# iidiii the 86&t4/' fid fiaflld, "wd ard fiot tfith§tit R6pfe that oiir nisehind Will Sodiie# df Wttif ftppSf bh ffic«!Bofl»sei iS this id&atrjf." M4jo# GAfieß also Spd&S 81 the infl«Hifiei that Bad b666 §d« hp IS Sagland fit vast espefise. "Voii have read of the failurtf 6l! the ftffat nidihiiiij fit NeWift&flcet and fiurSt ParK," hd Gflid. kaow that the iiftf mSßhifle ifistftlled at NeWniarkfet has iidW fefiSh discarded. ¥hi§ iii&cHine Wis 6imiitif to thfit erfedfed aiid later at Vietfafift Park, SydHey, Sftd irspiaeed by thd «fuliii§ ihachine. foil k66W that the fliie at Nfetobiiry Has been operated) aiid the dfid at tliirSt Pafk aiid hag KcM, oiit of order.

"With reg&rd to thd iiew totalisStoir recently installed at NeWmarket, onr information iff dm techfiical apilrees is in dfitgdt tliaf it is A vefy. open ijtieStion h&w the delitate will stand ti{j to its Work, that it will prove satisfactory as a portable installation Is open to grave dout)t, or that it will fnnction satisfactorily when dealing #Ub § great »u*h of i§ highly problematical. T*he inatallatiOfl is. uAddiibtcdljr ¥m, tngbAititts, hilt, beliig df dfelicdtt* eoftiti'Udtioit, U likely td »d----tjhifP Much Skilled attention Aiid fiitililWhani!«. fhe ehAi'pl (tit fiaaiflteMfl«! Alffife ffiflst fed nty I6AVy. ft ii AViim td adv efigifieß? whd hM M ,a«beneaas ef the efsgtidii si t iAdhiike Apparatus that the Julius mAcfcifil #AVt3 cost at least 50 per cent, less few W* Newmarket uaehtafc?


EtBS PBBB3 SpecUl flwvle*.} WELLINGTON, jTuly 3. ¥h& weather #a» fine and taih} f>r training work ait Trantham this moTiiefigy iM eOridiition# really exvvpvi*rlliXi tOi if li» ufttiitt- coaiSdr otM jieeoinjj win tajie bitwr tueal couo-iCiVjHa. iue tun uA<j tue triafii vtoi'o Uaet»- lui ios-ii worm, viacMtii lei" luteretiir w>" uutf wiwcif were not very ttvevy. infe omy fixsudoimg oout ever c/>& *eax-eS vina a yOoi ulfaw, itinoaaf it. awl afiunui ra» five o6getaer m uo6» woraing itweiy.- jaunuag caii anti JStirni/ fvGto' were to have gop« togatnefr over t-Bttf turlongb/ but Erie was juuddled ahu Hunturig Uaif ran bOnio weft ih&itt id SSy ihirnc Notft t*krag< Jpitf de Vaf strode oyer hdlf rtiifef in 58. . lirtriidor aid Pa'ntbe'r di<l separate' half mile's on the, brt f th# former's p4 beafen by half k se<y otftj, by Panther. rah 1 sf» furkrtigi irf .lvifrl, the last Kill itf & l-S'. He did it fticefy. Historic arid Saffcpot tan U6intf. ffow* the furlong post m 4sj Hisforio #ay anxftftnr to go much faster. I.imosiri and lloi de' Val rart five This is Limosin's first fast Work since h6\ last faced. He went well. Liiridisf# 9-8. ft an jiciceptor in the' Stewards Handicap ntf Tuesday, his acceptance te\r»g 6fe'rl6oSed ori th«f closirig of the lists.

Hynanna arid Ex Dono ran three iS. 87J. . E? Dono is now' owned by a Sfain Trunk sportsma» arid is in A.- B. stable. Hynanna afterwnrdsr did pace work. C6ri:efi£fat6 did strong work and finished up with a brush down the straight in company with King Musket. Cimabue .ftlso did a good working g«)k>p, wTiile Gesture arid })j<6mite were AtfrrilftYTy Urtfoiift arW lJriellOriii rftri half & triife nifieiy }ft i 9 fchtf fririfhtfift llrtsrrrtfi BaS §&M Sine# M t'aat w(JrK. . f?oiYijnrof If. 'vat tin ,{fie trhek, birt' wds Utit. wofked. His kite# k' mR flfr nrid probably will need a light Wister. Ht fiUS .b# tegardetj as Jin tititiheif starter in High^Weight Haridieajt oii ffl# secorid day, which is thf# 6rily ciygfAg#W€fti fee kejit oft acceptance Mfitti (A, j'enKirifi), §B9 CMlfi (K ©iiietij Set 6& to' itftfiji ti» sfeepWciiaie fences dcrfrfi the b#eir and fflaiid the i&p tor ii oii tM t&iiftii) ffoj»er< M&stei l ttii gaVfe his riiittti a hSad ovW tfid Sod Wail trfit at th'd (jii&'tap .tiH Mttla #ith MirH. Straightened tip th#y totl(>W6<j Master Lu fhe riexty but at' IBS n£xt, tK6 top brnili, Odin reftijiCd arid M6jD>ped Mtifii also.- MiHtSt JM wefif on and 6feaf6d the fifth 6bsta6ie Btiieif itiw k UneM if soiftewtot Aispaft 6diri arid ilatti ifrbiei takeri back and telit hfrist, Odiri ran off irid Mat« Batiifced. .Odifi wfcs not perA6vCr#d ypitby ferrt Main taken back and completed the course alone. It was an inglorious display whidh wis prtibably contributed to by the fences dowa fhe baek having no wings.

Lady Bene and Kilmezzo sprinted five furlongs in 1.5, and Money Mint ran half a mile in 51$. Mountain 6fiide (J< Sharkey) 66ti66ied 6ver thirte fiurdleaf/ Utid aitefirafSi did wdrit. jumped big ftnd. Itifefyi t'otiriirt fan the last tared ftarlongd of a Bptiiit is 46/ likngtai. was . 6tit doing tog, tIW WSffc: Pfißd§ iM idd WftrHed.

Paddoii iM fortir fa?i6rig« iii 61 i-S ill § Atyle ibki mi g» §66& **" m* dd«« duting m mmmgi Maori B6f m& lA&fi HE fail fur/drip iii 14, tfi« last half in 89, Ma«fi s#? WaS mfof I good hdld.Vdiditefte did! p&& mt*, §dm6 Si the fimisg immn vW efitej i64sf ei Ht6 tort tbit ifc# mepltth&M iM€n» ism fs# fcwit ei itUS 6dMm &t feirvS nd wiag m t&d isßef, aiimiag a Urn is m m ¥W§ wiil mi m 86« at iw 166 ditrpi&f Witossed is tifiiy i«iid6iißi BWit otvSi those ing m md mini Me is a piwed giiispst is wiiitefi&i&gy pd fied B«Hff mmi* MB ißa«#y SA W«lliflgtdf» ffi«i6tiii^ Lii j«6&« II tfiitittgb to *|ii A im st W6}Hsgt6& Me in pfmi kmteii & M&atefii, fwt «ifef tft# pk6Htf distilm ty im l&f in# sfeeuW gi¥^ §rne trdttfejej Lucess did not accompany Prince Im to Trent ham. He was sore after racing At fe Atfatjiutti od aiid will he givsii A im. . .. Mangajii his retiehed Trentham looking well, ftnd According to reports he has schooled well on his own home tfach prior to coming dottn. Mangani wad e6iisider*efi Vfeff uniricfey (it Ellerilie, aiid the opposite way of going here is expected to suit him much better. His engagements include the Wellirigtob &hd tU WiStef and he Will probably start in both. 11. Dulleu Mil ride him.



iff Si M: h#i iieiAHA tM hifiAiciM jot Mrt WsiiAitie Httnt Ohib'i Steepl«eh»B« Meetina;:— SLuieMs fiuMfgfe&i gfgmtdSAsi, . *i 6b nm. lioiiinm.


trotting club's grant.


Th 6 holding; of a trotting Meeting, the ptoo&idfr tfocH Whioh woukl go towards unetoploymerit relief, WaA hot o&fisidered 4 sound proposition by the Canterbury Park Trottitfg Club' 6 Ooinmittee,- but at the annual meeting of that body yesterday the aanS of £SO wa4 voted to go towards the alleviation of the distress caused by irnetaploymeiit. M# H. J. Otiey reported that the committed ftfid been approached with a request thai the! club run a trotting meeting, the liefc profit from which should go towards the relief of &n-< employment., but it had decided thait the risk was too great at preset, aiid not th ftvow of carrying through such a propyl. He 4tdde<i that the totahsatdr figures had faileii off M far as most rac© Meetings were' concerned, and that tailing off was likely to increase in the months ahead. The country wis passing through hard times, which were brought a!bout By the Great Wtfcr and the general extravagance which had followed it< Th'erS were brighter ddiys ahead, no doubt, but it was felt by the ecrtnmittee that it would be ni mistake to hold tt Meeting, at this juncture. The fact that such a Meeting was for charitable purposes ttotifd ftot be of any gi'eat advantage, as had been borne out by the amount of support given to the Meeing held by the combined clubs to assjst the Earthquake Relief FUiid. Further, to clear, for instance, £2OOO, the Club had to fsiise £4OOO frohS the public, when ex* pensSs. including stakes, taken into' 66nsid«raij6n, artd that was not a titty of raiding funds to be recomriierided. 1/ such" a Meeting were held it would haiftf to' take place after Grand N»ti6nal Wfiek, and thrft Would £>lnc6 it near another trotting ftic&ting. Altogether the risk was tot* gr>at. He moved, however, that the club Vote the Jfiefnplog'ed relief lufid £6O. Mr R. Walme# MSMaila. thf ,ftk»ti6ii. Aii amendment, friored hy Mr R. P. H&riipt,6tL that aiiiouiit pe iiifo £ 10(1, Wad defeated, and Mr motioti then carried iirtahiniciusly. „ ~ . H wild pointed dttt that should the Wtfb .ft further dortatfofi necedetify In the' ftitiire. it Wbuld probably be prepared to mfikfe k further grant.

CANf&fi&tJftf PARK f.C.

ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Canterbury Park Trotting Club Wa« held terdayy Whoii the president, Mr W. T. Franks/ occupied the chair. There WA# a small attendance of members. The chairman, in proposing the adopt!6ri tit the MfitfAl report Mid bfllanceabdet, said that daring the year the oittb had held two fat? eucceaaful meeting®, Wmeh had resulted in a profit of ibotit £B2BO, Considering the period Gf financial stress* thrit was a creditable pe*f(jfttance. Mo added that the club could lifcii &tpeci stieh 4 sa<seessfnl period dtiHrig tße iiext yM*, And a fallihg-oS ia the fdf&iiiittr* figured cotlld be expected; The ?epdri afid balance-sheet were offic6fs Were elected:— Pr&ridenty iff Wi % ftetikiij iice-presi-Mi & g. Qfmj treAsrirtr, Mr R. «6tt«itteey MeWrS Ji Leslie, ft, it Mmtif ifid W, F< Parkin lion; iim&iAi, Uetm & drain, J. A. Holmes, U: i, mmt U, I Ortey,. W.Jf. Parkin-

ANCtENT BOMB RACE. A VBMiUita AK'P'il*. (tfVKrifi imm9i6»-M «tJcraic mrnttW-mMffij HOME, Jfcly 2. A mmge hm Sieiia «tate» that one of the world's oldest horse races and. also one of the most famous sportirig dtehts Which had bgen rah round tfi§ Cefitfal flqtiare 8f the town of Siena yearly since the fourteenth century, was docided to-day in the presence t)f crowds from Rome and Florence. Horses representing different districts were ridden by jttckeys wearing mediaeval costumes, steel helmets, breeches and doublets, ahd efirryiiig heavy riding crops. It is revealed that ancient horse racing was a full-blooded affair, the riders ifidiilging Ifl whip fights among t tlienirieives, infemingfled With cries in the Tuscan vernacular. The start Waft accompanied With a thunderclap of cheering and eries. As the race proceeded taunts afid blows Were freely feichafigM. The filttihg of rtv&i hdfses ott the soie &&d the aiming 6f feioWj at charging, eressIng, tod boring Were all part of the thrilling and pieture6que ev'eAt.


fiAKbIdAPS, (tMit UUovUrtoi fUMjutM-t WEIiLINSI'ON, thff i, fellawina in ihA bandieapi lor ihe 6l«feorn» U.C. t Bieepwcßiee Me'6ilni:— PAtiK titiߣLM M/lndWAp, -it i4O «OT«.


statements denied. The stfiteißciitd inad* by Dr. 11. 0. Louisaon at the New Zealand Metropolitan Trotting drib's itteeiing ott Tuesday are generally didecttliited amongst trotting trainers, wild are ifr> dignant that anything of the Mtufg Suggested in Dr. Louisson's remarks should be levelled agfliridt them. One well-KhoWn dwner, With a better knowledge than the majority, said iMt if Dr. Louisson was so dure of Kid grounds regarding doping, Was it riot hid duty 1 to report to the authoritiesT "It is easy enough t<J mike allegations, and if one Were to listen td (ill the cackle concerning doping ond might make many such charges," he said. "D#. Louisaon 'a remarks aid datfiaging tfif the sport and if challenged, 1 doa't think he eould produce a dingle iil--stance from hid 6Wn knowledge i 4 id when a hordo had been doped:" "Such loose statements as those made by Dr. liouiddon tan be ftiade by ifiy 1 - one," said a Weil-iaoWfl trainer, "bit surely he Should hatfe dofoethifig tbote to go oil than the ffiiry tales that lire* told a hundred tifnea a day to anybody and everybody." . "Who doeS thief dopingf" was & tjuftdtion put to n Phbss reporter yesterday mornuig by an oWndr Of some 6f the best horsed that have raced in NW Zealand. "1 often wish that 1 «Mniid find a man who could make my horses go faster, but I know that it is an expert's job, and not One for every Tom, Dick, and Harry. Dr. Louisson's allege tions can be taken for what thoy are worth, but i am mightily pleased that they were published. It may influence people in the future to be more careful in the statements they make. 'Doping' is criminal, and Dr. Louisson has branded trainees ad Criminals. Let hiilf 6ptfit of cased he itriOWd, not What he thiAid he kn6Wd." "I do resent the imputation tSftt trev ting trainers are in the habit Of doping their houses," Mid another trftine#; "What earthly use id it? Does anyone think that a horse with a load of dojse aboard will go fadter than another horsef It is just ad likely to beeorte & lot slower and soine fnighty funny tales Can be told of horsed that have been d<rped.'' Probably the femarkS 61 Dr< L6HWson Will be considered by tiii ownefri' arid Breeders' AssodidtiOn At its ne*6 meeting.

AUCKLAND OPINIONS. AUCKLAND, JM 8.. The allegation of Dr. M. 0. Lotti*-' son at the meeting. of the New Zealand Metropolitan Trotting Club it* Christchnrcn that doping of h&tites ■was a practice adopted By f*Oth tfitting and galloping trainer# ie defiiera in Auckland. Mr W. 8. Bpence, secretary of the Auckland Racing Citiby said doping was ahrtost Unknown in New Zealand. Mr A Gt. Mabee, secretary of the Auekliind Trotting Clttb find a foffliW stipendiary steward, said Dr. Louisson did not know what ho was talking About.

SENSATION AT Nl*WMAfckfeT, (iiott ovi ofMf <jdiftSA>(hffiliry.) LONDONj Hi*? Sfl, A sensational tieW of the recent lit the Erpfeis" b* tit, feiehirf WiiliSM StarKie, that f&cehdtfteft are bdlng doped With ti new drog similftr id Was made by" the stewards of tha Jockey Club at NeWmarket ftotimp The following notice Was potlted before ih6 Chesterford i&66 wii funi ."The Stewards give iltttide thafc iiSh mediately 1 after the Winner 6t th« ra<ie has beetf dismounted (Bey Will order an examination of tbd horsd bf thel# veterinary surgeon, Mr Mi StAfiif fetiynolds, in &eeordan.c6 With th§ profition 6f Sule JUV." The Winning hortid Was I'ttfiafii, Which is owned bf Mr Anthony d* Rothschild, himielf & ime? (Shb •teWard. P6ri"iant Wag ridden bj* Ptf> rymah. It is fanderstood that a ttx the horse'« saliva was takfefl AM iba sealed bottle removed for expert analysis. Sfcewafdfl' Stateteeht. The stewards ig&tiej following statement:— "The stewards of the Jockey Club Wish it to be Kiiowh that fid reflection of any sort is passed on tho owner or trainer of the Winner of the Chesterford Maiden Plate by rdisoh of the examination of the horse witidh they ordered to be tifi&jrtaken< "They gate notice of their ifiteation to have the wifener of the rJio# (ned before the rice had beea Wri« »tid it is obvious, therefore, that ifiey 4h«nSselves did liot know Who the owner and trainer concerned Would be. " The. exataift&tlofl Wai because they are of Opinion that it is in the interests of racing that the power conferred on the stewards of fill #ac§ fiiefitifigi field ufidfif Club Rules by Bale Fourteen should! from time to time be exercised/' Rule fdhrteen reads! stewards have powe? St any time la erde# *n ejefttfiteatiflfl, fey g««h pmw *? f>»rfeons as they thiilk At, M any hOrsO entered for ft #S«e» or Which ha# rtifc ifl a raeei"

"W&t&ihg <W'' Penalty.

This Witt psMeA alt a aeainst the poSflibilily of fiftrsgS being rtfveri tin artifidi&l Stirntilftht. The penalty fof i6 the irfiing off'' of the of pefsoni ffiSpdflBible. .. It became evident many years fig 6 that the reiaarkabie sncdess of ceftiib trainers nlodefate aiiini&ls Was a tie to th 6 administration of droga, (ilka thb fule MS then passed. Ddping Was dot aH offence against th# Btilefe Starkie, fdrfiteHf a MetrOrjolitan police jsttfgeon, stated tt the "Dailj' Egress'' last Monday tMt & new drug, hot classed as & dftfi|6?eiift drug, but allied to cocaiiie, Mir being used extensively because It Was touch niore difficult to traftS tnfti cocaine; and much Easier to adriiihistef without detectioiii Tests had pfoved, he declared, that the dope added tseiveral lengths ib the speed of ft hofSe ovef a triile<


death op star eagle. (i-itoJt otiß 6tf* tofefcksfttitiMnfti) LONDON, ilaf 80. While exercising at Ffant, the home of Mr Boyd I>avis (late of Auckland), the rafcohorse, Star Eagle, collapsed and died. This f#flt=jr6&M9ia IliSh Wl« bf White .Efcgle—fierfcd'd «Joy, Won the fi&iddyle Derby. 6fid f&a Second to Kopi in the Irish Derby a yea? agd. Bi&t Eagle was the first horse owned by Count John. McCoraaek, the 4mm>«s

tenon B« was sold to Mr Myerseoughj and, after he had proved hi# Vftme< tRe Count wanted to buy hiffl back, Wt w&d Hot successful. He was bought only this year by Mr David* . The Dublin earrespondeiittif the "Sporting Ufa'" weekly edition some inte/ddtlsg IsferittfctitWk He *CMg&donr it in tfi« "J«hilee'' tjtb 7dt Ifot to MM* words,, U wad liot ft good horse itt last deadoti, a&d I# Wduld t« im pftrve da great deal to podsesa 6 eh we® rSde« wby he Ootint McOdftriaeK furfiidhed tof 6* initmtiag Jtdty. in the Oouni owned Star" EaglMhen two yeard Old. The opliilon Wa# fritted that he maid not stand training. He Was -put lute the »l« w, Fred Myerdcdtigh bought feud f6t eithe* 6i £6OO, A ftoiK&fcle fnmg. Star Eagle had eest the getiat M guineas when a y6a«ing. H 0 «tood training early itf hie three-year-old dtyjf Winning the Madrid Handicap at fhe (beating Sfrlldbtiry) find the Bftlaoyle D Bef6ro the l&tter face mtk asked Mf Mye#s«ougi\k ma« dell Stdr EAglef Mr ifyerßcou£ «»d he Wits not fcdiieud to do do beeause he JSSB trusts st* Itad «*« Heath Mouse stabk With f the W* tatien of Being tinbeatftDWi "I do not think Soldanel W!ll beat •Hiv fellow,' birt if you triust \«a iftgle, Count, the price Is £3500 net, Mr Myersc6ligh told the CWnt There was rW buswess at thwe Star Eagle won the "Derby^= in a eanter by 4ix lengths from SoldaneL Por the Irish Derby. Gomt MCOormaek did not disclose WMt Valiiaiion fc« W Btar Lagj^ but he maud ene te hiiu m the iftth Derby (werth fi4S3S net), he bought Cfagadotit. Star Eagle had dllgfttly Interrupted preparation tm the Derby, but, eves do, he heat /priced in the poftilai' ttlnd at frofa £10,0(»0 t6 BiSfidO), in tbeir P lac^ 8 by four lengths, Kopl being the winner by Ufeltefigthd, StW Eagle being ieeond, and Orfigadofli' third.

GIVING W RACING. Lotto mAvmmmm horses. am* «** on* ) WfrDOtf) May 30. tM& MtHLVtotefok that 6* *£6chiat 6i hi* duti*# i* Connexion with tfc« tSmpire (kviMfo fc« ia« decided to glfr# 8p ridings All Mfr horstea training are for saie, afid Lord Adare will be glad to give prices to intending pur6haaer4. Any horses ttnsold, and also the ye&rlings from Studj Will b® entered in the autumn sales. Lord Beaverbrook registered his colours iil 1926, and has raced extensively ttadW CM* ««a National Hun* Sale* fid Bii fcorW* w training with & Leader And i. W*it# At NeWmarfcet, mu t. wddttofi, 6i itiW jtmpifto Lofd B#aV6rb#o6k also flUrfoM, Whei* trained && Um Sttf& 4 Abent the fefirt imm Ui&. %>*?«- brook KM owned if Ai*erltj>,whidh m* assamwA* tteeb, Another Whjeh Wdfihitn rdeee Was finished thiM 111 the iAmtibgiii** Mbteqnenty Won W dtHer Mee*. 6th« tfiefal anitoali Whieh Lord Sea*efb¥66fc <rtWs are N«gdie< ¥dbi3«e, Mira«nette ( «ftlAfottftt*** TW» t6tt« A®6 ffr P*J4 mot) tftiiiiefte fd* Alfeliidnin, afcd 6000 gained i6t AiKgiMk H«J alsoi WMI U mo iMjiM* id boy Mi«fll4«, wikh rat ifi theOfio Thdtifcmd odinea* this jreaf.

fcight.Raid 10 11 Time ..... .. 3 , 9 Bed .Heather 1Q 1 .Will T«H $ itdrik<? i; io o Ac# Pat 9 9 BohatW .. 9 18 «. Hcioii ;; 0 11 Tim Bftlbfl* a 9 ♦ 9 BirtlflgioiSI 9 11 F*iry Raifc 9 Gpld T6wi $ 10 _ , geldl&g 9 Mired #©18' .. p 10 f&iodM . ; 9 7 mm J. 5 » „ 9 1 Th# OlM .1 9 9 Ddpgftmirit .i Ttattaifan ,.-0 9 Te Hauriui | I West Bom# > 9 F6tereli6 ;. 1 t 8TODHOL&E .HtJRtfiiS fiANfilOAf, ifto stiT«; im 61; bi fi6im .1 10 Id MiftiS • i. 9 0 Orlflatnfc it 10 0 QuinopSl .. 9 0 Camisnder .. 10 i Exlde .. 9 0 Membo .. 9 5 Ga? Fisnloii 9 a WAIHAO &A0£ tiAfibiOAf, of 75 both. 6f, Fair Money 10 11 Pry Area, .. Quinorpal' .i 10 i WeStKerRaid 9 9 0 0 Kentish Lady 10 A Philanderer .. 9 0 Solmuri •. 9 12 Sonid .Gift 9 0 Valuator . »» 8 6 Spldierja Pal 9 0 im »*ttt ..9 8 Horafc Gohilnj 9 0 Night Effort 9 5 Rosewood 9 9 0 Miss Marco ., 9 2 Gold Knight 6 Royal Limorid 9 1 Little Duchess Crossbow ... 9 0 M isAiorier .. 0 0 9 0 WiNfER flOT HANDICAP (in Saddle), Of 7.5. sov£. 3.45 class, ljm. Stifle iifiriMa? Scr Briotif Hfi6n .■ ¥ 0rfl8t Scott .. scr Mary Locanda is Lady Emmelt .. scr Tiny Bingfin . 48 Way Ailed . < sg? Jfdr'-**<sater i iz Master MeGrath scr Wild Spiit . 144 Estermoa .. scr SKifife flood . . ltfa MtfilT olCB dvp Ste^PlechaSe i of 86 sdtS. About 2|ra. ftatiSatahl. i.- 10 9 Nplute n 9 2 Night Raid 10 5 Tractariaii .. Wairto !. l6 1 Atfi Pot • • Red HoSthef 9 6 ArifrSur t < 9 9 9 2 2 2 Monbo si 9 7 Poterlthe i < s d Scion .. 9 4 Pep6rfmen£- .. Barririgtori j. 9 4 Paiortse 9 0 | 0 MarcO Polo 9 8 Td Haunili .; 9 6 MdRVHN fiANtfiOAP, of 85 sfiri. Hi. tt&rKiMdfer .; io 6 Membo i. 9 & ArrowWir s; It) 2 Pair Money 9 4 Topers .. 9 11 Royal Tractor 9 1 First .Raid . 9 9 MartiS . i 9 0 OUrdi&Wtt .. 8 8 hdnters* handicap, of 65 sovs. ilia. BdBMi« i: 11 5 Barrintftfifi 10 11 Ooldtown i i 11 a Time _ . W&irlo li 1 will Tel! 10 11 West Dome 10 13 ti&iighiel .. 10 11 The Clan .. 10 13 C6fflril«$nt3r ,. if) 11 Luelcy Mild 10 11 Toss Up 10 tl All Comment 10 11 Blue Ray 10 7 WAlHAfE HACK gAfcDtdAP, 6! 60 sovS. tiuindjial u 6 if kljjht Etfort f 9 Htgti, Serf .. f 12 Miss Mired .. Kefltilh&Sdy 9 1§ CrosiiioW 9 0 0 6 Solmuri . < # Iv- OilandefH 9 6 Town Major 9 6 Oxide 9 0 Last Hark w 9 3 Littla Duchess Val«Ma< A • S Mksioiw M 9 0 • - •

Ron go Ablaogiie Tall flmJJM Stipero King! Manlier ;. Ijm. & 12 Kilskatia .. 9 lfl Parietal a 9 7 Heather Blend 0 7 St. Amis 9 5 Kiwihiii a 9 9 9 9 5 8 0 0 0 FLYING HANDICAPj Oi i50 »ovs t Lee *. il 0 Tall Timber Slfi&fdita ;. 10 10 The AiithW :. Bold ijfdnt j 10 ~9 Snperh Kin# King Wangs 9 ll Good Sport .. Rory MGr >: 9 10 Otihi a PaikS .i 9 9 Golden fcloantairi Bniaotf H«<8th 8 9 Royal . KInS«rf <> 9 6 66ng#ter T« AwtiS 1; 9 8 , 6f. 5 S 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 GIStiORNE STEEPLECHASE, of 300 BOV*. About 3m. Charlatan ..10 7 KalaKaUi .. 9 6 10 2 Master ArcS 9 8 JfornO ;. 9 9 Tlmi P6uri it 9 8 Gariott ., 9 7 Tamworth .. 9 0 SACK HANDICAP, of 180 »0TS. High Society 10 i Rptyft Moor Antamins .. 9 13 Weddihg Bells Nahi 9 11 Bold Archer Iadro > 9 9 Cloyne Otini . - 9 7 Golden. Outfit .. 4 i ' . PeSfiant Little 9 7 M<*r*f Lu 1 s Arr(tw Hesi 9 6 Little Gift 1. Coonardoo .. 9 6 Kathdlma i • Suhglftri .. §4 TnfttS ;. 'R&yil Waiata . ; Songster 9 4 Barraew?atfi6r Sicfc Crop .. 9 8 Winter Boy Clargmord ;, 9 8 Ssliiifiaji Dar Fall of tlie KlWlfimi Yea*, 9 § AUtumtt Soft 6fi 9 9 9 9 § § 1 9 9 9 a § 9 9 8 % ? 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 b ft 0 tRAtiWAY HACK STEHPLECfiASB, of 140 80VB. 2m. Highwayman 10 .5 Kalaksua .. 9 8 Abisogne ■ • 9 13 Tiinl Pouri .. 0 6 Kovno .. 9 12 Master Arch 9 4 Gnrzon .. 9 10 Bon Aryan .. 9 0 tall TixHtjer 9 8 TaiflttdrtB it 9 0 WiJfTER tJAtfSl HANDICAP, Bf led $ 0 Va. - ma. Bold Iftpiit . « 10 11 ISiijsel n 9 8 Nancy, Lee .. 10 S The Ahthe* 9 . 0 Queeh'l Gdol Card .. I 0 16 i ■ good Sport ..95 Mountain - > < 9 0 HeatH 9 13 Primax .. 9 0 Valsier .. 9 9 Antumlna . 90 Rory Her 9 7 Nahi .. 9 0 £»ika Sal

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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19971, 4 July 1930, Page 16

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SPORTING. Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19971, 4 July 1930, Page 16

SPORTING. Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19971, 4 July 1930, Page 16