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RANGIORA. The seventy-first annual meeting of parishioners of St. John's Church was held on Wednesday evening, the Rev. J. F. Feron presiding over a fair attendance. In his report tho Vicar stated that there had been 28 bap- ; tisms, 9 marriages, and 17 burials, while 11 candidates had been confirmed. Church life and work in the parish was in good order and satisfactory, although he would prefer to see more people join in public worship. Tho various societies were doing well. The Sunday School was in a sound state. The choir was now the weakest part of the church life, although there were many in the parish who possessed good voices. The report concluded by stating that tho parish was rich in its many workers, with whom tho vicar was pleased to be associated, and fie hoped nothing would happen to disturb tho splendid spirit existing in too parish. The churchwardens' report referred to the satisfactory state of the finances, and stated that the envelope system of giving had proved a success. Thanks wero expressed to tho vicar for his work, and to those who had contributed to the success of the parochial work during the year. The balance-sheet submitted by Mr J. O. Hancox showed receipts amounting to £754 3s in the general account, the chief items of revenue being general collections £455 17s 2d, special collections £75 15s 9d, and subscriptions £92 2s 6d. The expenditure totalled £732 13s Zd, stipend and salaries amounting to £3Bl. and payments to missions, orphanages, etc., to £l7B 16s. There was a credit balance of £2l 9s lOd. The reports and balancesheet were adopted. Officers wore appointed as follows:—Vicar's warden. Mr C. W. Tyler, people's warden, Mr A Cambridge: vestrv. Messrs J. C. Hancox (secretary and treasurer). J. Cooke. J, Inch. 0. Halfacre, T. Leech. G. E March. H. W. Mofhett. G. Ridout, L. A Schl titer, nnd J. Tweedie; auditor. Mr A. Shatikland. A recommendation was passed that the vestry consider the erection of a memorial to the latp Rev. F. P Fendnll in the church. Motions were pasßed conveying sympathv to all parishioners who bad sufrered bereavements during the year.

KAIAPOI. The TCainpoi Working Mten's Bowlintf Club hek] a very enjoyable social, which was Inrgelv attended.- For those who did not take part in dancing n euchre tournament was held. Music for the dance was aupplied by Cook's Orchestra. During the evening opportunity was taken to present the prises won during the past season, as follows: Hickmott Memorial Championship singles, E. Monk 1, J. Brown 2. Championship doubles, J. Taplin and J. C. Simpson; handicap doubles, T. Williams and L. McAllister; handicap singles, S. Robson; Borland trophy (doubles), E. Monk and H. ttinaldi 1, J. Simpson and F. Bennett 2; Shand trophy, F. Shaw; Wylie Memorial badges, G. Hall, R. Lamplugh, W. Karaitiann and E. Monk.

KAIKOURA. The weekly session of the W.E.A. took place at the residence of Mr and Mrs James Murray, on Wednesday night, the subject being play-reading. Ibsen's "tote DoU'a House," was discussed. Mr Murray acted as leader. Tfie next session will he held at ''Langley," the rtsideae* of Mr and Mrs B. T. Pope.

At the weekly euchre tournament held at the Oddfellows' Hall on Wednesday night, under the supervision of the Town School Committee, Mrs B. Morris and Mrs J. Monk were equal for the lady's prize, with 22 points. In the plajoff Mrs Monk proved the winner. Mr Walter Laugescn secured the men's prfce, with 25 points. In the aggregate for the nine nights Mr F. Laugeeen j proved the winner, with 216 points, Mrs A. W. Ball being second with 210, and Mrs H. T. Wilkinson third with 209. Mrs J. Monk was awarded the consolation prize for lowest points scored for the aggregate. The death occurred at Wellington on May 26th, of Mrs Frances Eolfes. widow of the late Mr H. H. Eolfes, at the age of 64 years. Mrs Rolfea was a res.i; dent of Kaikoura for a long period, and was associated with the activities of the district, taking a keen interest in all matters of interest to the community. The funeral took place at Kai-To-morrow the ladies' Golf Club will play a stroke competition for Mr Robinson's trophy, and the men a bogey competition, also for a trophy. The following is the draw:—Miss E. Mackle v. Mrs Robinson; Mrs Warner v. Miss Stubbersfield; Miss Marquet v. Miss A. Boyd; Miss R. Boyd v. Miss Scott; Miss M. Mackle v. Miss McLennan; Morris v Warner: 0. Smith v. Wallace, 5" n M Cholmondeley v. L. Harris; T. Flower v. O'Callaghan, jun.; Withers v. Robinson; Trewio v. Marquet; E. W. Harris v Little; O'Callaghan, sen., v. Mogridge; Wallace, sen. v. E. W. Flower; Alexander v. Lovett; Peter v. scorer. J. Lovett has reduced his handicap to SB. 4 The following team will represent Kaikoura against Amilri. at Waiau, on Sunday—Mrs Robinson, Mrs Flower, Miss McLennan, Miss R. Boyd, Messrs E Flower, Mogridge, Withers, O'Callaehan, Wallace, Robinson. Cholmondeley E. W. Harris, L. Harris, Morns, Trewin. The car will leave at 730 a.m. sharp. The winners of the Eclectic matches held on May 24th were Miss Marquet and G. Peter. The following have been selected to plav Cheviot at Kaikonra t°-™ OT J OW J""" Senlorss Ba<*«-J. Lee, P-, p n« h j:. G ?T don, D. Low, Bnrgosß. Monk, Stubbersfield. Forwards—Wishart, Shannon, Watts, Lindsay, V. Smith,'B. Smith, Stack, Olsen, T. Lawson.

ROTHEftHAM. Mr Alloy, of the Rural W.E.A., gave a reading of. "Journey's End" to an appreciative audience at the Rotnerham Hall. Mr Alloy did not hare time to finish the play, and will continue the reading on June 10th. The annual general meeting of the Rotherharo Domain Board was held at the Rothorham Hall. Those present wero Messrs T. C. Robinson (in the chair), H. Dampier-Crossley. Goo. Popplewell. R. L. Jameson, and A. «. Dickie (secretary). The receipts for ttio vear were £l2 6s and the expenditure 'amounted to £lO 7s 6d. As the present holder's lease of the Domain terminates in May, it was decided to call tenders for the lease for twelve months. It was also decided that the trees in tho plantation be topped. There was a good attendance of players at the hockev practice on Wednesday afternoon. The competition pamea start in a fortnight's time, and the team are keenly anticipating their first match Frosts, followed by days of Bunshine, have predominated during the week. The pleasant sunshine has been some 4 what marred by the extremely cold winds blowing off the snowclad hills.

OUST. A team tfill be selected from the following to play in a football match On Saturday:—T. O'Loughlin, L. Cowens, A. Gartery, T. Love, A. Bain, M» Forbes, G. Yucetich, M. Kennedy, G. Davidson, B. Davidson, C. Harris, H. Sail, C. Tomlinson, A. Gartery, C Brooker, E. Catherwood, S. Burrows, G. Young, B. Catherwood. The fortnightly meeting of the Loyal Cust Lodge, 1.0.0. F., M.U., was held, when Bro. Q. Bennett, N.G., presided over an attendance of 24 members. A motion of sympathy was passed to P.D.G.M. Bro. Orysell and family in their recent bereavement One member was declared on the funds of the Lodge. Sister M. Eichardson was nominated as elective secretary. The following were elected to office for the ensuing term:—N.G., Bro. E. Arps; V.G., Sister E. Eichardson; E.S., Bister M. Eichardson. The lecturo master, P.G. Bro. Gibson, installed the officers. It was decided to hold the annual dance, and a committee was appointed to make arrangements. Mrs A. Bain and Miss F. PawSey were joint hostesses at a very pleasant evening held in honour Of Miss E. Fitzsimmons, who is to be married Bhortly. A large number of friends were present to do honour to the guest. The evening was spent in games, competitions, and dancing. Winners of th<» various competitions were:—Miss W. O'Longhlin, Mrs G. Barker, and Mr P. O'Loughlin. The guest of the evening was the recipient of a large number of presents, and on behalf of Miss Fitzsimmons, Mr t>. Earl acknowledged these. Mrs Turner, Miss Pickering, and Mr Whitham sup pliod the music.

LOBURN. A social evening nnd priae-giving in connexion with the Presbyterian Sunday (School was held in the church hall. Prizes were awarded to each child according to merit. Games and competi-. tions wero held and supper was served by the ladies of the congregation. The first of a series of card evenings to augment the school prize fund was held in the Loburn Coronation Hall. Highest points were scored by Miss Una Croft and Mr J. Bennett.

Mr Goodwin, orchard instructor, intends to hold a pruning demonstration at Mr Shields's orchard. Bells rbad, Rangiora, to-morrow. All the orchardworkers who had been to Nel6on picking apples this season have now returned home.

At North Loburn a card social was held, under the auspices of the North Loburn School and Hall Committee. Prizes, which were won by Mrs Fite* gibbon and Mr J. Bennett, were presented by Mrß M. Ormandy, Rangiora. A concert is to be given by the Bright Hours' Comedy Company, Rangiora, in aid of the school prize fund.

GREENPARK. All members were present at the monthly meeting of the Memorial Hall Committee: Mesdames Thomas, Clark, and Marks, and Messrs J. B. Fleete (chairman), J. Stalker, A. Shroeder, E. Stalker, H. Thomas, E. Thomas, and H. Marks (secretary). It was reported that the hall was in good order. The weekly socials were proving a success, and the attendances were growing larger. It was decided to hold a long-sight social, on which night special prizes given by Messrs H. Thomas and H. Marks will be presented.

LINCOLN. The weekly social and dance held under the auspices of the Tennis Club took place on Wednesday night, when there was a good attendance. The following were the winners of the various competitions: Mrs H. Thftmas and Mrs Wm. Hopley, Messrs T. Smith and 8. Major. The winners of the luck* spot waltz were Miss Stalker, and Mr Woods, and of the Monte Carlo waltz, Mrs: Hopley and Mr O 'Shaughnessy. The music for the dance was supplied by Mr J. Hutchison.

HORORATA. The ladies' hockey team will meet Darfleld, at Hororata, on Saturday, when the players will be chosen from the following:—Misses A. Wells, E. Thorne, D. Adams, D. Oliver, I. Hore, R. Barrett, L Phillips, M. Fuller, M. McKenzio, J. Wells, E. Gray, and P. Oliver. The local football team have a bye on Saturday. SOUTHBROOK. The anniversary of the Southbroek Methodist Church was continued on Wednesday evening, when the annual social was held. The Rev. S. Henderson presided, and during the evening gave an address. The report and bal-ance-sheet for the year were .presented by the secretary (Mr C. R. Thwaites). Items were given by Miss E. Ayers, Messrs W. Nelson, 11. Thwaites, W. Breach, and the Rev. Henderson. A variety stall presided over by I. Jennings and-Thwaites was well patronised.

BALCAIRN. A meeting of the Balcairo school committee was held, on Wednesday evening. Present: Messrs Hurley (chairman), Frost, Kelcher, Ashworth, and Dermott. Consolidation having taken place with Sefton, it was decided to commemorate the closing of the Balcairn School by holding a sports programme for the children on Saturday afternoon, and to hold an old-time social in the schoolroom in the evening.

Mr Dermott was the successful tenderer for the conveyance of the Balcairn school children to Sefton, and will commence his new duties on Monday morning. Miss Hock, the present schoolmistress, has been transferred to Hakataramea School.

Broken and changeable weather continues. A good coating of snow fell almost to the foothills. Rain and hail fell at intervals throughout Wednesday night, with a decided drop in the temperature.

SOUTH MALVERN. The weekly social evening was held in the South Malvern school, when there was a large attendance. For the ladies' prize, Mrs G. D. Marsh and Miss O. M. Hooker tied for first place, sharing the priae, while for the men's priite Messrs G. Hardaker and T. Bisphan tied, the former winning in the play-. Off. -■■;'■ Ah interesting game of football is anticipated on Saturday, when a natch, Glontunnel v. Sheffield A, will be played on the local ground. The following teasi has been chosen to represent Glentunnel:—J. Mitchell, W. G. Smith, J. Stuart, S. Watson, N. Bates, F. E. Smith, T. Bisphan, J. Benny, K... Blair, F. Teale, C. Trevella, 0. B. Powell, A. Harrison, and P. Boot. Emergencies: G. Hardaker, T. Harrison (forwards), T. Tarling, and J. Bisphan (backs). On the adjoining ground the ladies' hockey match, Glentunnel v. Greendale A, will be played.

Gramophone records of the voices of famous French singers, actors, statesmen, and other public people are 6tored in a museum in Paris. The collection was begun eighteen years ago. Ten of the new Southern Railwayengines in England are to be named after famous public schools, including Eton, Wnicbester, . Charterhouse, St. Paul's, and Wellington.

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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19941, 30 May 1930, Page 5

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NORTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19941, 30 May 1930, Page 5

NORTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19941, 30 May 1930, Page 5